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import threading, socket, getpass
from . import O2A, A2O # Data flow Orchestrator To Agent
# Main def
def Agent(inGSettings):
# Detect Machine host name and username
inGSettings["AgentDict"]["HostNameUpperStr"] = socket.gethostname().upper()
inGSettings["AgentDict"]["UserUpperStr"] = getpass.getuser().upper()
# Start thread to wait data from Orchestrator (O2A)
lO2AThread = threading.Thread(target=O2A.O2A_Loop, kwargs={"inGSettings":inGSettings})
# Send log that Agent has been started
A2O.LogListSend(inGSettings=inGSettings, inLogList=[f'Host: {inGSettings["AgentDict"]["HostNameUpperStr"]}, User: {inGSettings["AgentDict"]["UserUpperStr"]}, Agent has been started.'])