372 lines
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372 lines
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3 years ago
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
import sys
from Naked.settings import debug as DEBUG_FLAG
# [ Command class ]
# Command line command string object
# argv = list of command line arguments and options
# argc = count of command line arguments and options
# arg0 = first positional argument to command
# arg1 = second positional argument to command
# arglp = last positional argument to command
# cmd = primary command for command suite application (=arg0)
# cmd2 = secondary command for command suite application (=arg1)
# snippet for py block comment = #py + TAB
class Command:
def __init__(self, app_path, argv):
self.argobj = Argument(argv) # create an Argument obj
self.optobj = Option(argv) # create an Option obj
self.app = app_path # path to application executable file
self.argv = argv # list of the command arguments argv[0] is first argument
self.argc = len(argv) # length of the argument list
self.arg0 = self.argobj._getArg(0) # define the first positional argument
self.arg1 = self.argobj._getArg(1) # define the second positional argument
self.arg2 = self.argobj._getArg(2) # define the third postitional argument
self.arg3 = self.argobj._getArg(3) # define the fourth positional argument
self.arg4 = self.argobj._getArg(4) # define the fifth positional argument
self.arglp = self.argobj._getArg(len(argv) - 1) # define the last positional argument
self.first = self.arg0
self.second = self.arg1
self.third = self.arg2
self.fourth = self.arg3
self.fifth = self.arg4
self.last = self.arglp
self.arg_to_exec = self.arg0 # argument to the executable
self.arg_to_cmd = self.arg1 # argument to the primary command
self.cmd = self.arg0 # define the primary command variable as the first positional argument (user dependent & optional, may be something else)
self.cmd2 = self.arg1 # define the secondary command variable as the second positional argument (user dependent & optional, may be something else)
self.options = self.option_exists() # test for presence of at least one option (boolean)
self.flags = self.flag_exists() # test for presence of at least one flag (boolean)
# [ app_validates_args method ] (boolean)
# Test whether app validates on the criterion arguments (argc) > 0, i.e. there is at least one argument to the executable
def app_validates_args(self):
if self.argc > 0:
return True
return False
except Exception as e:
sys.stderr.write("Naked Framework Error: Validation of application error in the app_validates() method (Naked.commandline.py).")
raise e
# [ arg method ] (string)
# Return the NEXT positional argument to a command line object (e.g. an option that requires an argument)
# arg_recipient = the positional argument (at position n) to test for next positional argument
# returns next positional argument string at position n + 1
def arg(self, arg_recipient):
recipient_position = self.argobj._getArgPosition(arg_recipient)
return self.argobj._getArgNext(recipient_position)
except Exception as e:
sys.stderr.write("Naked Framework Error: Error parsing argument with arg() method (Naked.commandline.py).")
raise e
# [ command method ] (boolean)
# Test that the command includes requested primary command suite command (cmd_str parameter)
# cmd_str = the command string to test for in command
# arugment_required = boolean - is an argument to this command required (default = no)?
# returns boolean for presence of the cmd_str
def command(self, cmd_str):
if (cmd_str == self.cmd):
return True
return False # if command is missing, return false
except Exception as e:
sys.stderr.write("Naked Framework Error: Error parsing command with command() method (Naked.commandline.py).")
raise e
# [ command_arg method ] (string)
# Return the argument to the primary command as a string
def command_arg(self):
return self.arg1
except Exception as e:
sys.stderr.write("Naked Framework Error: Error parsing command argument with command_arg() method (Naked.commandline.py).")
raise e
# [ command2_arg method ] (string)
# Return the argument to the secondary command as a string
def command2_arg(self):
return self.arg2
except Exception as e:
sys.stderr.write("Naked Framework Error: Error parsing command argument with command_arg() method (Naked.commandline.py).")
raise e
# [ command_with_argument method ] (boolean)
# Test that the command includes requested primary command suite command (cmd_str parameter) and argument to it
# cmd_str = the command string to test for in command
# returns boolean for presence of the cmd_str AND presence of argument to the command
def command_with_argument(self, cmd_str):
if (cmd_str == self.cmd):
argument_to_cmd = self.argobj._getArgNext(0)
if argument_to_cmd == "": # if the argument is missing, then return false
return False
return True
return False # if command is missing return false
except Exception as e:
sys.stderr.write("Naked Framework Error: Error parsing command and argument with command_with_argument() method (Naked.commandline.py).")
raise e
# [ command_suite_validates method ] (boolean)
# Test that there is a primary command in a command suite application (to be used at the top level of logic for command line application)
# returns boolean for presence of the primary command
def command_suite_validates(self, accept_options_as_argument = True):
if self.argc > 0:
if self.arg0.startswith("-") and accept_options_as_argument == False:
return False # if no command and option present, return False
return True # if a primary command present, return True
return False # if user only entered the application name, return False
except Exception as e:
sys.stderr.write("Naked Framework Error: Command suite validation error with the command_suite_validation() method (Naked.commandline.py).")
raise e
# [ flag method ] (boolean)
# Test for presence of flag in the command
def flag(self, flag_string):
for match_string in self.optobj: #iterate through the options and attempt to match beginning of option to the requested flag
if match_string.startswith(flag_string):
return True
return False
except Exception as e:
sys.stderr.write("Naked Framework Error: Error parsing flags with the flag() method (Naked.commandline.py).")
raise e
# [flag_arg method] (string)
# Return the argument string assigned to a flag
def flag_arg(self, flag_string):
for match_string in self.optobj:
if match_string.startswith(flag_string) and '=' in match_string:
flag_list = match_string.split("=") #split the flag on the equal symbol = list with [option, argument]
return flag_list[1] #return the argument to the flag option
return "" # return an empty string if unable to parse the argument
except Exception as e:
sys.stderr.write("Naked Framework Error: Error parsing flags with the flag_arg() method (Naked.commandline.py).")
raise e
# [ flag_exists method ] (boolean)
# Test for the presence of a flag style option (--flag=argument) in the command
def flag_exists(self):
for item in self.optobj:
if '=' in item: #test for presence of an = symbol in the option
return True # if present return True
return False # if didn't match across all options, return False
except Exception as e:
sys.stderr.write("Naked Framework Error: Error parsing flags with the flag_arg() method (Naked.commandline.py).")
raise e
# [ option method ] (boolean)
# Test that the command includes an option (option_string parameter)
# option_string = the option string to test for in the command
# arugment_required = boolean - is an argument to this option required (default = no)?
# returns boolean for presence of the cmd_str
def option(self, option_string, argument_required = False):
if (option_string in self.optobj):
argument_to_option = self.argobj._getArgNext(self.argobj._getArgPosition(option_string))
if argument_required and ( argument_to_option == "" or argument_to_option.startswith("-") ):
return False
return True
return False
except Exception as e:
sys.stderr.write("Naked Framework Error: Error parsing option with option() method (Naked.commandline.py).")
raise e
# [ option_arg method ] (string)
# Return the argument string to an option
def option_arg(self, option_string):
return self.argobj._getArgNext(self.argobj._getArgPosition(option_string))
except Exception as e:
sys.stderr.write("Naked Framework Error: Error returning argument to option with option_arg() method (Naked.commandline.py).")
raise e
# [ option_with_arg method ] (boolean)
# Test that the command includes an option (option_string parameter) and argument to that option
# option_string = the option string to test for in the command
# arugment_required = boolean - is an argument to this option required (default = yes)?
# returns boolean for presence of the option_string AND the argument
# test that command includes an option (option_string parameter) that includes an argument (=option(option_string, True))
def option_with_arg(self, option_string, argument_required = True):
if (option_string in self.optobj):
argument_to_option = self.argobj._getArgNext(self.argobj._getArgPosition(option_string))
if argument_required and ( argument_to_option == "" or argument_to_option.startswith("-") ):
return False # argument is either missing or is another option, return false
return True
return False # option is not present
except Exception as e:
sys.stderr.write("Naked Framework Error: Error parsing option and argument with option_with_arg() method (Naked.commandline.py).")
raise e
# [ option_exists method ] (boolean)
# Test whether there are any options in the command string
# returns boolean value for test "Is there at least one option?"
def option_exists(self):
if len(self.optobj) > 0:
return True
return False
except Exception as e:
sys.stderr.write("Naked Framework Error: Error testing for the presence of at least one option with option_exists() method (Naked.commandline.py).")
raise e
# Naked provides the following commands for all applications that use the framework:
# -- help
# -- usage
# -- version
# These methods are accessed from the app.py module, main() as method calls on the command line object
# Parsing logic is coded below
# Help Command/Option Handler
def help(self):
if ( (self.option("--help")) or (self.cmd == "help") or (self.option("-h")) ):
return True
return False
# Usage Command/Option Handler
def usage(self):
if ( (self.option("--usage")) or (self.cmd == "usage") ):
return True
return False
# Version Command/Option Handler
def version(self):
if ( (self.option("--version")) or (self.cmd == "version") or (self.option("-v"))):
return True
return False
# print the arguments with their corresponding argv list position to std out
def show_args(self):
x = 0
for arg in self.argv:
print("argv[" + str(x) + "] = " + arg)
x = x + 1
# [ Argument Class ]
# all command line arguments (object inherited from Python list)
class Argument(list):
def __init__(self, argv):
self.argv = argv
list.__init__(self, self.argv)
# return argument at position specified by the 'position' parameter
def _getArg(self, position):
if ( self.argv ) and ( len(self.argv) > position ):
return self.argv[position]
return ""
# return position of user specified argument in the argument list
def _getArgPosition(self, test_arg):
if ( self.argv ):
if test_arg in self.argv:
return self.argv.index(test_arg)
return -1
# return the argument at the next position following a user specified positional argument (e.g. for argument to an option in cmd)
def _getArgNext(self, position):
if len(self.argv) > (position + 1):
return self.argv[position + 1]
return ""
# [ Option Class ]
# Command line options (object inherited from Python list)
# Definition: string that begins with "-" (i.e. can be -h or --long)
class Option(list):
def __init__(self, argv):
self.argv = argv
list.__init__(self, self._make_option_list())
# make a list of the options in the command (defined as anything that starts with "-" character)
def _make_option_list(self):
optargv = []
for x in self.argv:
if x.startswith("-"):
return optargv