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6 years ago
# -*- mode: TCL; fill-column: 75; tab-width: 8; coding: iso-latin-1-unix -*-
# $Id: Console.tcl,v 1.5 2008/02/27 22:17:28 hobbs Exp $
# Console.tcl --
# This code constructs the console window for an application.
# It can be used by non-unix systems that do not have built-in
# support for shells.
# This file was distributed as a part of Tk 4.1 by Sun
# Microsystems, Inc. and subsequently modified by Expert
# Interface Techonoligies and included as a part of Tix.
# Some of the functions in this file have been renamed from
# using a "tk" prefix to a "tix" prefix to avoid namespace
# conflict with the original file.
# Copyright (c) 1995-1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Ioi Kim Lam.
# Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Tix Project Group.
# See the file "docs/license.tcltk" for information on usage and
# redistribution of the original file "console.tcl". These license
# terms do NOT apply to other files in the Tix distribution.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and
# redistribution * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
# tixConsoleInit --
# This procedure constructs and configures the console windows.
# Arguments:
# None.
foreach fun {tkTextSetCursor} {
if {![llength [info commands $fun]]} {
tk::unsupported::ExposePrivateCommand $fun
unset fun
proc tixConsoleInit {} {
global tcl_platform
uplevel #0 set tixConsoleTextFont Courier
uplevel #0 set tixConsoleTextSize 14
set f [frame .f]
set fontcb [tixComboBox $f.size -label "" -command "tixConsoleSetFont" \
-variable tixConsoleTextFont \
-options {
entry.width 15
listbox.height 5
set sizecb [tixComboBox $f.font -label "" -command "tixConsoleSetFont" \
-variable tixConsoleTextSize \
-options {
entry.width 4
listbox.width 6
listbox.height 5
pack $fontcb $sizecb -side left
pack $f -side top -fill x -padx 2 -pady 2
foreach font {
"Courier New"
"Lucida Typewriter"
"MS LineDraw"
"Times Roman"
} {
$fontcb subwidget listbox insert end $font
for {set s 6} {$s < 25} {incr s} {
$sizecb subwidget listbox insert end $s
bind [$fontcb subwidget entry] <Escape> "focus .console"
bind [$sizecb subwidget entry] <Escape> "focus .console"
text .console -yscrollcommand ".sb set" -setgrid true \
-highlightcolor [. cget -bg] -highlightbackground [. cget -bg]
scrollbar .sb -command ".console yview" -highlightcolor [. cget -bg] \
-highlightbackground [. cget -bg]
pack .sb -side right -fill both
pack .console -fill both -expand 1 -side left
tixConsoleBind .console
.console tag configure stderr -foreground red
.console tag configure stdin -foreground blue
focus .console
wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW { wm withdraw . }
wm title . "Console"
flush stdout
.console mark set output [.console index "end - 1 char"]
tkTextSetCursor .console end
.console mark set promptEnd insert
.console mark gravity promptEnd left
proc tixConsoleSetFont {args} {
if ![winfo exists .console] tixConsoleInit
global tixConsoleTextFont tixConsoleTextSize
set font -*-$tixConsoleTextFont-medium-r-normal-*-$tixConsoleTextSize-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
.console config -font $font
# tixConsoleInvoke --
# Processes the command line input. If the command is complete it
# is evaled in the main interpreter. Otherwise, the continuation
# prompt is added and more input may be added.
# Arguments:
# None.
proc tixConsoleInvoke {args} {
if ![winfo exists .console] tixConsoleInit
if {[.console dlineinfo insert] != {}} {
set setend 1
} else {
set setend 0
set ranges [.console tag ranges input]
set cmd ""
if {$ranges != ""} {
set pos 0
while {[lindex $ranges $pos] != ""} {
set start [lindex $ranges $pos]
set end [lindex $ranges [incr pos]]
append cmd [.console get $start $end]
incr pos
if {$cmd == ""} {
} elseif {[info complete $cmd]} {
.console mark set output end
.console tag delete input
set err [catch {
set result [interp record $cmd]
} result]
if {$result != ""} {
if {$err} {
.console insert insert "$result\n" stderr
} else {
.console insert insert "$result\n"
tixConsoleHistory reset
} else {
tixConsolePrompt partial
if {$setend} {
.console yview -pickplace insert
# tixConsoleHistory --
# This procedure implements command line history for the
# console. In general is evals the history command in the
# main interpreter to obtain the history. The global variable
# histNum is used to store the current location in the history.
# Arguments:
# cmd - Which action to take: prev, next, reset.
set histNum 1
proc tixConsoleHistory {cmd} {
if ![winfo exists .console] tixConsoleInit
global histNum
switch $cmd {
prev {
incr histNum -1
if {$histNum == 0} {
set cmd {history event [expr [history nextid] -1]}
} else {
set cmd "history event $histNum"
if {[catch {interp eval $cmd} cmd]} {
incr histNum
.console delete promptEnd end
.console insert promptEnd $cmd {input stdin}
next {
incr histNum
if {$histNum == 0} {
set cmd {history event [expr [history nextid] -1]}
} elseif {$histNum > 0} {
set cmd ""
set histNum 1
} else {
set cmd "history event $histNum"
if {$cmd != ""} {
catch {interp eval $cmd} cmd
.console delete promptEnd end
.console insert promptEnd $cmd {input stdin}
reset {
set histNum 1
# tixConsolePrompt --
# This procedure draws the prompt. If tcl_prompt1 or tcl_prompt2
# exists in the main interpreter it will be called to generate the
# prompt. Otherwise, a hard coded default prompt is printed.
# Arguments:
# partial - Flag to specify which prompt to print.
proc tixConsolePrompt {{partial normal}} {
if ![winfo exists .console] tixConsoleInit
if {$partial == "normal"} {
set temp [.console index "end - 1 char"]
.console mark set output end
if {[interp eval "info exists tcl_prompt1"]} {
interp eval "eval \[set tcl_prompt1\]"
} else {
puts -nonewline "% "
} else {
set temp [.console index output]
.console mark set output end
if {[interp eval "info exists tcl_prompt2"]} {
interp eval "eval \[set tcl_prompt2\]"
} else {
puts -nonewline "> "
flush stdout
.console mark set output $temp
tkTextSetCursor .console end
.console mark set promptEnd insert
.console mark gravity promptEnd left
# tixConsoleBind --
# This procedure first ensures that the default bindings for the Text
# class have been defined. Then certain bindings are overridden for
# the class.
# Arguments:
# None.
proc tixConsoleBind {win} {
if ![winfo exists .console] tixConsoleInit
bindtags $win "$win Text . all"
# Ignore all Alt, Meta, and Control keypresses unless explicitly bound.
# Otherwise, if a widget binding for one of these is defined, the
# <KeyPress> class binding will also fire and insert the character,
# which is wrong. Ditto for <Escape>.
bind $win <Alt-KeyPress> {# nothing }
bind $win <Meta-KeyPress> {# nothing}
bind $win <Control-KeyPress> {# nothing}
bind $win <Escape> {# nothing}
bind $win <KP_Enter> {# nothing}
bind $win <Tab> {
tixConsoleInsert %W \t
focus %W
bind $win <Return> {
%W mark set insert {end - 1c}
tixConsoleInsert %W "\n"
bind $win <Delete> {
if {[%W tag nextrange sel 1.0 end] != ""} {
%W tag remove sel sel.first promptEnd
} else {
if {[%W compare insert < promptEnd]} {
bind $win <BackSpace> {
if {[%W tag nextrange sel 1.0 end] != ""} {
%W tag remove sel sel.first promptEnd
} else {
if {[%W compare insert <= promptEnd]} {
foreach left {Control-a Home} {
bind $win <$left> {
if {[%W compare insert < promptEnd]} {
tkTextSetCursor %W {insert linestart}
} else {
tkTextSetCursor %W promptEnd
foreach right {Control-e End} {
bind $win <$right> {
tkTextSetCursor %W {insert lineend}
bind $win <Control-d> {
if {[%W compare insert < promptEnd]} {
bind $win <Control-k> {
if {[%W compare insert < promptEnd]} {
%W mark set insert promptEnd
bind $win <Control-t> {
if {[%W compare insert < promptEnd]} {
bind $win <Meta-d> {
if {[%W compare insert < promptEnd]} {
bind $win <Meta-BackSpace> {
if {[%W compare insert <= promptEnd]} {
bind $win <Control-h> {
if {[%W compare insert <= promptEnd]} {
foreach prev {Control-p Up} {
bind $win <$prev> {
tixConsoleHistory prev
foreach prev {Control-n Down} {
bind $win <$prev> {
tixConsoleHistory next
bind $win <Control-v> {
if {[%W compare insert > promptEnd]} {
catch {
%W insert insert [selection get -displayof %W] {input stdin}
%W see insert
bind $win <Insert> {
catch {tixConsoleInsert %W [selection get -displayof %W]}
bind $win <KeyPress> {
tixConsoleInsert %W %A
foreach left {Control-b Left} {
bind $win <$left> {
if {[%W compare insert == promptEnd]} {
tkTextSetCursor %W insert-1c
foreach right {Control-f Right} {
bind $win <$right> {
tkTextSetCursor %W insert+1c
bind $win <Control-Up> {
%W yview scroll -1 unit
bind $win <Control-Down> {
%W yview scroll 1 unit
bind $win <Prior> {
%W yview scroll -1 pages
bind $win <Next> {
%W yview scroll 1 pages
bind $win <F9> {
eval destroy [winfo child .]
source $tix_library/Console.tcl
foreach copy {F16 Meta-w Control-i} {
bind $win <$copy> {
if {[selection own -displayof %W] == "%W"} {
clipboard clear -displayof %W
catch {
clipboard append -displayof %W [selection get -displayof %W]
foreach paste {F18 Control-y} {
bind $win <$paste> {
catch {
set clip [selection get -displayof %W -selection CLIPBOARD]
set list [split $clip \n\r]
tixConsoleInsert %W [lindex $list 0]
foreach x [lrange $list 1 end] {
%W mark set insert {end - 1c}
tixConsoleInsert %W "\n"
tixConsoleInsert %W $x
# tixConsoleInsert --
# Insert a string into a text at the point of the insertion cursor.
# If there is a selection in the text, and it covers the point of the
# insertion cursor, then delete the selection before inserting. Insertion
# is restricted to the prompt area.
# Arguments:
# w - The text window in which to insert the string
# s - The string to insert (usually just a single character)
proc tixConsoleInsert {w s} {
if ![winfo exists .console] tixConsoleInit
if {[.console dlineinfo insert] != {}} {
set setend 1
} else {
set setend 0
if {$s == ""} {
catch {
if {[$w compare sel.first <= insert]
&& [$w compare sel.last >= insert]} {
$w tag remove sel sel.first promptEnd
$w delete sel.first sel.last
if {[$w compare insert < promptEnd]} {
$w mark set insert end
$w insert insert $s {input stdin}
if $setend {
.console see insert
# tixConsoleOutput --
# This routine is called directly by ConsolePutsCmd to cause a string
# to be displayed in the console.
# Arguments:
# dest - The output tag to be used: either "stderr" or "stdout".
# string - The string to be displayed.
proc tixConsoleOutput {dest string} {
if ![winfo exists .console] tixConsoleInit
if {[.console dlineinfo insert] != {}} {
set setend 1
} else {
set setend 0
.console insert output $string $dest
if $setend {
.console see insert
# tixConsoleExit --
# This routine is called by ConsoleEventProc when the main window of
# the application is destroyed.
# Arguments:
# None.
proc tixConsoleExit {} {
if ![winfo exists .console] tixConsoleInit
# Configure the default Tk console
proc tixConsoleEvalAppend {inter} {
global tixOption
# A slave like the console interp has no global variables set!
if {!$inter} {
console hide
# Change the menubar to Close the console instead of exiting
# Your code must provide a way for the user to do a "console show"
console eval {
if {[winfo exists .menubar.file]} {
.menubar.file entryconfigure "Hide Console" \
-underline 0 \
-label Close \
-command [list wm withdraw .]
.menubar.file entryconfigure Exit -state disabled
console eval ".option configure -font \{$tixOption(fixed_font)\}"
console eval {
if {[winfo exists .menubar.edit]} {
.menubar.edit add sep
.menubar.edit add command \
-accelerator 'Ctrl+l' \
-underline 0 \
-label Clear \
-command [list .console delete 1.0 end]
bind .console <Control-Key-l> [list .console delete 1.0 end]
if {![winfo exists .menubar.font]} {
set m .menubar.font
menu $m -tearoff 0
.menubar add cascade -menu .menubar.font \
-underline 0 -label Options
global _TixConsole
set font [font actual [.console cget -font]]
set pos [lsearch $font -family]
set _TixConsole(font) [lindex $font [incr pos]]
set pos [lsearch $font -size]
set _TixConsole(size) [lindex $font [incr pos]]
set pos [lsearch $font -weight]
set _TixConsole(weight) [lindex $font [incr pos]]
set allowed {System Fixedsys Terminal {MS Serif}
{MS Sans Serif} Courier {Lucida Console} Tahoma
Arial {Courier New} {Times New Roman}
{Arial Black} Verdana Garamond {Arial Narrow}}
.menubar.font add cascade -label Font -menu $m.font
menu $m.font -tearoff 0
foreach font [lsort [font families]] {
if {[lsearch $allowed $font] < 0} {continue}
$m.font add radiobutton -label $font \
-variable _TixConsole(font) \
-value $font \
-command \
".console configure -font \"\{$font\} \$_TixConsole(size) \$_TixConsole(weight)\""
.menubar.font add cascade -label Size -menu $m.size
menu $m.size -tearoff 0
foreach size {8 9 10 12 14 16 18} {
$m.size add radiobutton -label $size \
-variable _TixConsole(size) \
-value $size \
-command \
".console configure -font \"\{\$_TixConsole(font)\} $size \$_TixConsole(weight)\""
.menubar.font add cascade -label Weight -menu $m.weight
menu $m.weight -tearoff 0
foreach weight {normal bold} {
$m.weight add radiobutton -label [string totit $weight] \
-variable _TixConsole(weight) \
-value $weight \
-command \
".console configure -font \"\{\$_TixConsole(font)\} \$_TixConsole(size) $weight\""