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import psutil
import datetime
import logging
import os
lProcessName = "OpenRPA_RobotScreenActive.exe"
lStartFilePath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "..\\Utils\\RobotScreenActive\\pyOpenRPA.Tools.RobotScreenActive_x64.cmd")
def RenderRobotScreenActive(inGlobalConfiguration):
#Subheader Variants
lSubheaderRunTrueText="State: <span style=\"color:green\">Turned on</span>"
lSubheaderRunFalseText="State: <span style=\"color:red\">Turned off</span>"
#Run button
#Такое большое количество слэшей связано с тем, что этот текст отправляется сначала в браузер, рендерится там, а потом отправляется на процессор оркестратора
import os
lRobotScreenActivePath = lStartFilePath
lOnClickRunButton=f"mGlobal.Controller.CMDRunText('start cmd /K {lRobotScreenActivePath}');"
#Force close button
lOnClickForceCloseButton=f"mGlobal.Controller.CMDRunText('taskkill /F /im {lProcessName}');"
#Result template
"HeaderLeftText":"Keep active screen session",
"DataStorageKey":"RobotScreenActive", #Use key for set current dict in mGlobal.DataStorage["DtaaStorageKey"] on client side
"FooterText":"Last update: 9:38:00 09.10.2019",
{"Text":"Turn on", "Color":"green", "Link":"", "OnClick": lOnClickRunButton.replace("\\","\\\\")}
{"Text":"Kill", "Color":"red", "Link":"", "OnClick": lOnClickForceCloseButton.replace("\\","\\\\")}
#Check if process running
if CheckIfProcessRunning("OpenRPA_RobotScreenActive"):
#Process not running
lResultDict["FooterText"]=f'Last update: {"%H:%M:%S %d.%m.%Y")}'
return lResultDict
def CheckIfProcessRunning(processName):
Check if there is any running process that contains the given name processName.
#Iterate over the all the running process
for proc in psutil.process_iter():
# Check if process name contains the given name string.
if processName.lower() in
return True
except (psutil.NoSuchProcess, psutil.AccessDenied, psutil.ZombieProcess):
return False;
#Orchestrator settings
def SettingsUpdate(inDict):
#Add RobotRDPActive in control panel
inDict["ControlPanelDict"]["RobotList"].append({"RenderFunction": RenderRobotScreenActive , "KeyStr": "RobotScreenActive"})
return inDict