
56 lines
3.1 KiB

import pyautogui # Enter password window
import hashlib # Create hash of the key
import tkinter #tkinter
from tkinter import filedialog
from . import Crypter
import shutil # Copy folder
import os # rm dir, listdir
import glob # list files
import datetime #Get current datetime
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
# Settings
gInUncryptedExtension = "py" # cry for filename.cry
gOutCryptedExtension = "cry" # cry for filename.cry
gFileMaskToDelete = "pyc" #Remove all .pyc files
# Create process run
def Run():
print(f"{str(datetime.datetime.now())}: Start to create crypted distr")
############# Step 1 - select folder to copy
lStep_1_TkinterRoot = tkinter.Tk()
lStep_1_FolderPath = filedialog.askdirectory(parent=lStep_1_TkinterRoot,title='Please select a source code directory to crypt')
############# Step 2 - Select folder to save
lStep_2_FolderPath = filedialog.askdirectory(parent=lStep_1_TkinterRoot,title='Please select a folder to save the crypted result')
# Before delete the folder check if directory is empty - else ask user to confirm the deletion
if len(os.listdir(lStep_2_FolderPath)) != 0:
lStep_2_ConfirmDelete = pyautogui.confirm('The destination folder contains some files/folders. The are will be removed. Continue?', buttons=['Yes', 'No'])
if lStep_2_ConfirmDelete=="No":
raise Exception("Stop program - user suggestion. Don't want to clear destination folder")
shutil.rmtree(lStep_2_FolderPath, ignore_errors=False, onerror=None)
############# Step 3 - Copy folder
shutil.copytree(lStep_1_FolderPath, lStep_2_FolderPath)
############# Step 3.1 - Remove files to delete
lPyFilesToDeleteList = [f for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(lStep_2_FolderPath,f"**/*.{gFileMaskToDelete}"), recursive=True)]
for lFileItem in lPyFilesToDeleteList:
#Create right \\ splashes
lFileItem = os.path.abspath(lFileItem)
#Remove old file
############# Step 4 - Get file list with extension .py
lPyFileList = [f for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(lStep_2_FolderPath,f"**/*.{gInUncryptedExtension}"), recursive=True)]
############# Step 5 - Ask and confirm the secret word
lKeyHashStr_1 = hashlib.sha256(pyautogui.password('Please enter the key to protect source code').encode("utf-8")).digest()
lKeyHashStr_2 = hashlib.sha256(pyautogui.password('Please repeat the key to protect source code').encode("utf-8")).digest()
if lKeyHashStr_1 == lKeyHashStr_2:
for lFileItem in lPyFileList:
#Hotfix - dont encrypt __main__.py to __main__.cry - python dont see it
if True:#"__main__.py" not in lFileItem:
#Create right \\ splashes
lFileItem = os.path.abspath(lFileItem)
Crypter.encrypt_file(lKeyHashStr_1, lFileItem, f"{lFileItem[0:-2]}{gOutCryptedExtension}")
#Remove old file
raise Exception("User set different secret key 1 and key 2")
############ Step 6 - Final stage
print(f"{str(datetime.datetime.now())}: Crypted distr is created!")