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LangString welcome ${LANG_ALBANIAN} "Ky udh<00>tim magjik do t<00> ju d<00>rgoj tek installimi i ${PORTABLEAPPNAME}.\r\n\r\nN<00> qoft<00> se b<00>ni nj<00> ngjitje n<00> ndonj<00> installim egzistues te ${PORTABLEAPPNAME}, ju lutem mbylleni p<00>r t<00> vazhduar.\r\n\r\nShtyp next p<00>r t<00> vazhduar."
LangString finish ${LANG_ALBANIAN} "${PORTABLEAPPNAME} <00>sht<00> installuar n<00> paisjen tuaj.\r\n\r\nShtyp Finish p<00>r t<00> mbyllur udh<00>timin magjik."
LangString runwarning ${LANG_ALBANIAN} "Ju lutem mbyllni t<00> gjitha k<00>rkesat prej ${CLOSENAME} dhe pastaj kliko OK. Aplikacioni bart<00>s nuk mund t<00> ngjitet duke punuar nderkoh<00>."
LangString invaliddirectory ${LANG_ALBANIAN} "Destinacionin t<00> cilin ju keni zgjedhur nuk <00>sht<00> valid. Ju lutem zgjidhni nj<00> destinacion valid."
LangString notenoughspace ${LANG_ALBANIAN} "Paisja t<00> cilen keni selektuar p<00>r t'u installuar nuk ka vend te zbr<00>zet p<00>r k<00>t<00> aplikacion."
LangString checkforplatform ${LANG_ALBANIAN} "Shikim t<00> platform<00>s egzistuese"
LangString refreshmenu ${LANG_ALBANIAN} "Rifresko Menun e"