You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

367 lines
11 KiB

6 years ago
from abc import abstractmethod, abstractproperty
from parso._compatibility import utf8_repr, encoding, py_version
from parso.utils import split_lines
def search_ancestor(node, *node_types):
Recursively looks at the parents of a node and returns the first found node
that matches node_types. Returns ``None`` if no matching node is found.
:param node: The ancestors of this node will be checked.
:param node_types: type names that are searched for.
:type node_types: tuple of str
while True:
node = node.parent
if node is None or node.type in node_types:
return node
class NodeOrLeaf(object):
The base class for nodes and leaves.
__slots__ = ()
type = None
The type is a string that typically matches the types of the grammar file.
def get_root_node(self):
Returns the root node of a parser tree. The returned node doesn't have
a parent node like all the other nodes/leaves.
scope = self
while scope.parent is not None:
scope = scope.parent
return scope
def get_next_sibling(self):
Returns the node immediately following this node in this parent's
children list. If this node does not have a next sibling, it is None
# Can't use index(); we need to test by identity
for i, child in enumerate(self.parent.children):
if child is self:
return self.parent.children[i + 1]
except IndexError:
return None
def get_previous_sibling(self):
Returns the node immediately preceding this node in this parent's
children list. If this node does not have a previous sibling, it is
# Can't use index(); we need to test by identity
for i, child in enumerate(self.parent.children):
if child is self:
if i == 0:
return None
return self.parent.children[i - 1]
def get_previous_leaf(self):
Returns the previous leaf in the parser tree.
Returns `None` if this is the first element in the parser tree.
node = self
while True:
c = node.parent.children
i = c.index(node)
if i == 0:
node = node.parent
if node.parent is None:
return None
node = c[i - 1]
while True:
node = node.children[-1]
except AttributeError: # A Leaf doesn't have children.
return node
def get_next_leaf(self):
Returns the next leaf in the parser tree.
Returns None if this is the last element in the parser tree.
node = self
while True:
c = node.parent.children
i = c.index(node)
if i == len(c) - 1:
node = node.parent
if node.parent is None:
return None
node = c[i + 1]
while True:
node = node.children[0]
except AttributeError: # A Leaf doesn't have children.
return node
def start_pos(self):
Returns the starting position of the prefix as a tuple, e.g. `(3, 4)`.
:return tuple of int: (line, column)
def end_pos(self):
Returns the end position of the prefix as a tuple, e.g. `(3, 4)`.
:return tuple of int: (line, column)
def get_start_pos_of_prefix(self):
Returns the start_pos of the prefix. This means basically it returns
the end_pos of the last prefix. The `get_start_pos_of_prefix()` of the
prefix `+` in `2 + 1` would be `(1, 1)`, while the start_pos is
`(1, 2)`.
:return tuple of int: (line, column)
def get_first_leaf(self):
Returns the first leaf of a node or itself if this is a leaf.
def get_last_leaf(self):
Returns the last leaf of a node or itself if this is a leaf.
def get_code(self, include_prefix=True):
Returns the code that was input the input for the parser for this node.
:param include_prefix: Removes the prefix (whitespace and comments) of
e.g. a statement.
class Leaf(NodeOrLeaf):
Leafs are basically tokens with a better API. Leafs exactly know where they
were defined and what text preceeds them.
__slots__ = ('value', 'parent', 'line', 'column', 'prefix')
def __init__(self, value, start_pos, prefix=''):
self.value = value
:py:func:`str` The value of the current token.
self.start_pos = start_pos
self.prefix = prefix
:py:func:`str` Typically a mixture of whitespace and comments. Stuff
that is syntactically irrelevant for the syntax tree.
self.parent = None
The parent :class:`BaseNode` of this leaf.
def start_pos(self):
return self.line, self.column
def start_pos(self, value):
self.line = value[0]
self.column = value[1]
def get_start_pos_of_prefix(self):
previous_leaf = self.get_previous_leaf()
if previous_leaf is None:
lines = split_lines(self.prefix)
# + 1 is needed because split_lines always returns at least [''].
return self.line - len(lines) + 1, 0 # It's the first leaf.
return previous_leaf.end_pos
def get_first_leaf(self):
return self
def get_last_leaf(self):
return self
def get_code(self, include_prefix=True):
if include_prefix:
return self.prefix + self.value
return self.value
def end_pos(self):
lines = split_lines(self.value)
end_pos_line = self.line + len(lines) - 1
# Check for multiline token
if self.line == end_pos_line:
end_pos_column = self.column + len(lines[-1])
end_pos_column = len(lines[-1])
return end_pos_line, end_pos_column
def __repr__(self):
value = self.value
if not value:
value = self.type
return "<%s: %s>" % (type(self).__name__, value)
class TypedLeaf(Leaf):
__slots__ = ('type',)
def __init__(self, type, value, start_pos, prefix=''):
super(TypedLeaf, self).__init__(value, start_pos, prefix)
self.type = type
class BaseNode(NodeOrLeaf):
The super class for all nodes.
A node has children, a type and possibly a parent node.
__slots__ = ('children', 'parent')
type = None
def __init__(self, children):
self.children = children
A list of :class:`NodeOrLeaf` child nodes.
self.parent = None
The parent :class:`BaseNode` of this leaf.
None if this is the root node.
def start_pos(self):
return self.children[0].start_pos
def get_start_pos_of_prefix(self):
return self.children[0].get_start_pos_of_prefix()
def end_pos(self):
return self.children[-1].end_pos
def _get_code_for_children(self, children, include_prefix):
if include_prefix:
return "".join(c.get_code() for c in children)
first = children[0].get_code(include_prefix=False)
return first + "".join(c.get_code() for c in children[1:])
def get_code(self, include_prefix=True):
return self._get_code_for_children(self.children, include_prefix)
def get_leaf_for_position(self, position, include_prefixes=False):
Get the :py:class:`parso.tree.Leaf` at ``position``
:param tuple position: A position tuple, row, column. Rows start from 1
:param bool include_prefixes: If ``False``, ``None`` will be returned if ``position`` falls
on whitespace or comments before a leaf
:return: :py:class:`parso.tree.Leaf` at ``position``, or ``None``
def binary_search(lower, upper):
if lower == upper:
element = self.children[lower]
if not include_prefixes and position < element.start_pos:
# We're on a prefix.
return None
# In case we have prefixes, a leaf always matches
return element.get_leaf_for_position(position, include_prefixes)
except AttributeError:
return element
index = int((lower + upper) / 2)
element = self.children[index]
if position <= element.end_pos:
return binary_search(lower, index)
return binary_search(index + 1, upper)
if not ((1, 0) <= position <= self.children[-1].end_pos):
raise ValueError('Please provide a position that exists within this node.')
return binary_search(0, len(self.children) - 1)
def get_first_leaf(self):
return self.children[0].get_first_leaf()
def get_last_leaf(self):
return self.children[-1].get_last_leaf()
def __repr__(self):
code = self.get_code().replace('\n', ' ').replace('\r', ' ').strip()
if not py_version >= 30:
code = code.encode(encoding, 'replace')
return "<%s: %s@%s,%s>" % \
(type(self).__name__, code, self.start_pos[0], self.start_pos[1])
class Node(BaseNode):
"""Concrete implementation for interior nodes."""
__slots__ = ('type',)
def __init__(self, type, children):
super(Node, self).__init__(children)
self.type = type
def __repr__(self):
return "%s(%s, %r)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.type, self.children)
class ErrorNode(BaseNode):
A node that contains valid nodes/leaves that we're follow by a token that
was invalid. This basically means that the leaf after this node is where
Python would mark a syntax error.
__slots__ = ()
type = 'error_node'
class ErrorLeaf(Leaf):
A leaf that is either completely invalid in a language (like `$` in Python)
or is invalid at that position. Like the star in `1 +* 1`.
__slots__ = ('token_type',)
type = 'error_leaf'
def __init__(self, token_type, value, start_pos, prefix=''):
super(ErrorLeaf, self).__init__(value, start_pos, prefix)
self.token_type = token_type
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s: %s:%s, %s>" % \
(type(self).__name__, self.token_type, repr(self.value), self.start_pos)