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"""Some simple tests for the plugin while running scripts.
# Module imports
# Std lib
import inspect
# Our own
# Testing functions
def test_trivial():
"""A trivial passing test."""
def doctest_run():
"""Test running a trivial script.
In [13]: run
x is: 1
def doctest_runvars():
"""Test that variables defined in scripts get loaded correctly via %run.
In [13]: run
x is: 1
In [14]: x
Out[14]: 1
def doctest_ivars():
"""Test that variables defined interactively are picked up.
In [5]: zz=1
In [6]: zz
Out[6]: 1
def doctest_refs():
"""DocTest reference holding issues when running scripts.
In [32]: run
c referrers: [<... 'dict'>]