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6 years ago
# comtypes._meta helper module
from ctypes import POINTER, c_void_p, cast
import comtypes
# metaclass for CoClass (in comtypes/
def _wrap_coclass(self):
# We are an IUnknown pointer, represented as a c_void_p instance,
# but we really want this interface:
itf = self._com_interfaces_[0]
punk = cast(self, POINTER(itf))
result = punk.QueryInterface(itf)
result.__dict__["__clsid"] = str(self._reg_clsid_)
return result
def _coclass_from_param(cls, obj):
if isinstance(obj, (cls._com_interfaces_[0], cls)):
return obj
raise TypeError(obj)
# The mro() of a POINTER(App) type, where class App is a subclass of CoClass:
# App
# CoClass
# c_void_p
# _SimpleCData
# _CData
# object
class _coclass_meta(type):
# metaclass for CoClass
# When a CoClass subclass is created, create a POINTER(...) type
# for that class, with bases <coclass> and c_void_p. Also, the
# POINTER(...) type gets a __ctypes_from_outparam__ method which
# will QueryInterface for the default interface: the first one on
# the coclass' _com_interfaces_ list.
def __new__(cls, name, bases, namespace):
klass = type.__new__(cls, name, bases, namespace)
if bases == (object,):
return klass
# XXX We should insist that a _reg_clsid_ is present.
if "_reg_clsid_" in namespace:
clsid = namespace["_reg_clsid_"]
comtypes.com_coclass_registry[str(clsid)] = klass
PTR = _coclass_pointer_meta("POINTER(%s)" % klass.__name__,
(klass, c_void_p),
{"__ctypes_from_outparam__": _wrap_coclass,
"from_param": classmethod(_coclass_from_param),
from ctypes import _pointer_type_cache
_pointer_type_cache[klass] = PTR
return klass
# will not work if we change the order of the two base classes!
class _coclass_pointer_meta(type(c_void_p), _coclass_meta):