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6 years ago
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from operator import getitem
from functools import partial, wraps
import numpy as np
from toolz import curry
from .core import Array, elemwise, blockwise, apply_infer_dtype, asarray
from ..base import is_dask_collection, normalize_function
from .. import core
from ..highlevelgraph import HighLevelGraph
from ..utils import skip_doctest, funcname
def __array_wrap__(numpy_ufunc, x, *args, **kwargs):
return x.__array_wrap__(numpy_ufunc(x, *args, **kwargs))
def copy_docstring(target, source=None):
target.__doc__ = skip_doctest(source.__doc__)
return target
def wrap_elemwise(numpy_ufunc, array_wrap=False):
""" Wrap up numpy function into dask.array """
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
dsk = [arg for arg in args if hasattr(arg, '_elemwise')]
if len(dsk) > 0:
if array_wrap:
return dsk[0]._elemwise(__array_wrap__, numpy_ufunc,
*args, **kwargs)
return dsk[0]._elemwise(numpy_ufunc, *args, **kwargs)
return numpy_ufunc(*args, **kwargs)
# functools.wraps cannot wrap ufunc in Python 2.x
wrapped.__name__ = numpy_ufunc.__name__
wrapped.__doc__ = skip_doctest(numpy_ufunc.__doc__)
return wrapped
class da_frompyfunc(object):
"""A serializable `frompyfunc` object"""
def __init__(self, func, nin, nout):
self._ufunc = np.frompyfunc(func, nin, nout)
self._func = func
self.nin = nin
self.nout = nout
self._name = funcname(func)
self.__name__ = 'frompyfunc-%s' % self._name
def __repr__(self):
return 'da.frompyfunc<%s, %d, %d>' % (self._name, self.nin, self.nout)
def __dask_tokenize__(self):
return (normalize_function(self._func), self.nin, self.nout)
def __reduce__(self):
return (da_frompyfunc, (self._func, self.nin, self.nout))
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self._ufunc(*args, **kwargs)
def __getattr__(self, a):
if not a.startswith('_'):
return getattr(self._ufunc, a)
raise AttributeError("%r object has no attribute "
"%r" % (type(self).__name__, a))
def __dir__(self):
o = set(dir(type(self)))
return list(o)
def frompyfunc(func, nin, nout):
if nout > 1:
raise NotImplementedError("frompyfunc with more than one output")
return ufunc(da_frompyfunc(func, nin, nout))
class ufunc(object):
_forward_attrs = {'nin', 'nargs', 'nout', 'ntypes', 'identity',
'signature', 'types'}
def __init__(self, ufunc):
if not isinstance(ufunc, (np.ufunc, da_frompyfunc)):
raise TypeError("must be an instance of `ufunc` or "
"`da_frompyfunc`, got `%s" % type(ufunc).__name__)
self._ufunc = ufunc
self.__name__ = ufunc.__name__
copy_docstring(self, ufunc)
def __getattr__(self, key):
if key in self._forward_attrs:
return getattr(self._ufunc, key)
raise AttributeError("%r object has no attribute "
"%r" % (type(self).__name__, key))
def __dir__(self):
return list(self._forward_attrs.union(dir(type(self)), self.__dict__))
def __repr__(self):
return repr(self._ufunc)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
dsks = [arg for arg in args if hasattr(arg, '_elemwise')]
if len(dsks) > 0:
for dsk in dsks:
result = dsk._elemwise(self._ufunc, *args, **kwargs)
if type(result) != type(NotImplemented):
return result
raise TypeError("Parameters of such types "
"are not supported by " + self.__name__)
return self._ufunc(*args, **kwargs)
def outer(self, A, B, **kwargs):
if self.nin != 2:
raise ValueError("outer product only supported for binary functions")
if 'out' in kwargs:
raise ValueError("`out` kwarg not supported")
A_is_dask = is_dask_collection(A)
B_is_dask = is_dask_collection(B)
if not A_is_dask and not B_is_dask:
return self._ufunc.outer(A, B, **kwargs)
elif (A_is_dask and not isinstance(A, Array) or
B_is_dask and not isinstance(B, Array)):
raise NotImplementedError("Dask objects besides `dask.array.Array` "
"are not supported at this time.")
A = asarray(A)
B = asarray(B)
ndim = A.ndim + B.ndim
out_inds = tuple(range(ndim))
A_inds = out_inds[:A.ndim]
B_inds = out_inds[A.ndim:]
dtype = apply_infer_dtype(self._ufunc.outer, [A, B], kwargs,
'ufunc.outer', suggest_dtype=False)
if 'dtype' in kwargs:
func = partial(self._ufunc.outer, dtype=kwargs.pop('dtype'))
func = self._ufunc.outer
return blockwise(
A, A_inds,
B, B_inds,
token=self.__name__ + '.outer',
# ufuncs, copied from this page:
# math operations
add = ufunc(np.add)
subtract = ufunc(np.subtract)
multiply = ufunc(np.multiply)
divide = ufunc(np.divide)
logaddexp = ufunc(np.logaddexp)
logaddexp2 = ufunc(np.logaddexp2)
true_divide = ufunc(np.true_divide)
floor_divide = ufunc(np.floor_divide)
negative = ufunc(np.negative)
power = ufunc(np.power)
float_power = ufunc(np.float_power)
except AttributeError:
# Absent for NumPy versions prior to 1.12.
remainder = ufunc(np.remainder)
mod = ufunc(np.mod)
# fmod: see below
conj = conjugate = ufunc(np.conjugate)
exp = ufunc(np.exp)
exp2 = ufunc(np.exp2)
log = ufunc(np.log)
log2 = ufunc(np.log2)
log10 = ufunc(np.log10)
log1p = ufunc(np.log1p)
expm1 = ufunc(np.expm1)
sqrt = ufunc(np.sqrt)
square = ufunc(np.square)
cbrt = ufunc(np.cbrt)
reciprocal = ufunc(np.reciprocal)
# trigonometric functions
sin = ufunc(np.sin)
cos = ufunc(np.cos)
tan = ufunc(np.tan)
arcsin = ufunc(np.arcsin)
arccos = ufunc(np.arccos)
arctan = ufunc(np.arctan)
arctan2 = ufunc(np.arctan2)
hypot = ufunc(np.hypot)
sinh = ufunc(np.sinh)
cosh = ufunc(np.cosh)
tanh = ufunc(np.tanh)
arcsinh = ufunc(np.arcsinh)
arccosh = ufunc(np.arccosh)
arctanh = ufunc(np.arctanh)
deg2rad = ufunc(np.deg2rad)
rad2deg = ufunc(np.rad2deg)
# comparison functions
greater = ufunc(np.greater)
greater_equal = ufunc(np.greater_equal)
less = ufunc(np.less)
less_equal = ufunc(np.less_equal)
not_equal = ufunc(np.not_equal)
equal = ufunc(np.equal)
logical_and = ufunc(np.logical_and)
logical_or = ufunc(np.logical_or)
logical_xor = ufunc(np.logical_xor)
logical_not = ufunc(np.logical_not)
maximum = ufunc(np.maximum)
minimum = ufunc(np.minimum)
fmax = ufunc(np.fmax)
fmin = ufunc(np.fmin)
# bitwise functions
bitwise_and = ufunc(np.bitwise_and)
bitwise_or = ufunc(np.bitwise_or)
bitwise_xor = ufunc(np.bitwise_xor)
bitwise_not = ufunc(np.bitwise_not)
invert = bitwise_not
# floating functions
isfinite = ufunc(np.isfinite)
isinf = ufunc(np.isinf)
isnan = ufunc(np.isnan)
signbit = ufunc(np.signbit)
copysign = ufunc(np.copysign)
nextafter = ufunc(np.nextafter)
spacing = ufunc(np.spacing)
# modf: see below
ldexp = ufunc(np.ldexp)
# frexp: see below
fmod = ufunc(np.fmod)
floor = ufunc(np.floor)
ceil = ufunc(np.ceil)
trunc = ufunc(np.trunc)
# more math routines, from this page:
degrees = ufunc(np.degrees)
radians = ufunc(np.radians)
rint = ufunc(np.rint)
fabs = ufunc(np.fabs)
sign = ufunc(np.sign)
absolute = ufunc(np.absolute)
# non-ufunc elementwise functions
clip = wrap_elemwise(np.clip)
isreal = wrap_elemwise(np.isreal, array_wrap=True)
iscomplex = wrap_elemwise(np.iscomplex, array_wrap=True)
isneginf = wrap_elemwise(np.isneginf, array_wrap=True)
isposinf = wrap_elemwise(np.isposinf, array_wrap=True)
real = wrap_elemwise(np.real, array_wrap=True)
imag = wrap_elemwise(np.imag, array_wrap=True)
fix = wrap_elemwise(np.fix, array_wrap=True)
i0 = wrap_elemwise(np.i0, array_wrap=True)
sinc = wrap_elemwise(np.sinc, array_wrap=True)
nan_to_num = wrap_elemwise(np.nan_to_num, array_wrap=True)
def angle(x, deg=0):
deg = bool(deg)
if hasattr(x, '_elemwise'):
return x._elemwise(__array_wrap__, np.angle, x, deg)
return np.angle(x, deg=deg)
def frexp(x):
# Not actually object dtype, just need to specify something
tmp = elemwise(np.frexp, x, dtype=object)
left = 'mantissa-' +
right = 'exponent-' +
ldsk = {(left,) + key[1:]: (getitem, key, 0)
for key in core.flatten(tmp.__dask_keys__())}
rdsk = {(right,) + key[1:]: (getitem, key, 1)
for key in core.flatten(tmp.__dask_keys__())}
a = np.empty((1, ), dtype=x.dtype)
l, r = np.frexp(a)
ldt = l.dtype
rdt = r.dtype
graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(left, ldsk, dependencies=[tmp])
L = Array(graph, left, chunks=tmp.chunks, dtype=ldt)
graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(right, rdsk, dependencies=[tmp])
R = Array(graph, right, chunks=tmp.chunks, dtype=rdt)
return L, R
def modf(x):
# Not actually object dtype, just need to specify something
tmp = elemwise(np.modf, x, dtype=object)
left = 'modf1-' +
right = 'modf2-' +
ldsk = {(left,) + key[1:]: (getitem, key, 0)
for key in core.flatten(tmp.__dask_keys__())}
rdsk = {(right,) + key[1:]: (getitem, key, 1)
for key in core.flatten(tmp.__dask_keys__())}
a = np.empty((1,), dtype=x.dtype)
l, r = np.modf(a)
ldt = l.dtype
rdt = r.dtype
graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(left, ldsk, dependencies=[tmp])
L = Array(graph, left, chunks=tmp.chunks, dtype=ldt)
graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(right, rdsk, dependencies=[tmp])
R = Array(graph, right, chunks=tmp.chunks, dtype=rdt)
return L, R