You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1337 lines
40 KiB

6 years ago
# coding=utf-8
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from itertools import repeat
import math
import os
import random
import partd
import pytest
from toolz import merge, join, filter, identity, valmap, groupby, pluck
import dask
import dask.bag as db
from dask.bag.core import (Bag, lazify, lazify_task, map, collect,
reduceby, reify, partition, inline_singleton_lists,
optimize, from_delayed)
from dask.bag.utils import assert_eq
from dask.compatibility import BZ2File, GzipFile, PY2, Iterator
from dask.delayed import Delayed
from dask.utils import filetexts, tmpfile, tmpdir
from dask.utils_test import inc, add
dsk = {('x', 0): (range, 5),
('x', 1): (range, 5),
('x', 2): (range, 5)}
L = list(range(5)) * 3
b = Bag(dsk, 'x', 3)
def iseven(x):
return x % 2 == 0
def isodd(x):
return x % 2 == 1
def test_Bag():
assert == 'x'
assert b.npartitions == 3
def test_keys():
assert b.__dask_keys__() == sorted(dsk.keys())
def test_bag_map():
b = db.from_sequence(range(100), npartitions=10)
b2 = db.from_sequence(range(100, 200), npartitions=10)
x = b.compute()
x2 = b2.compute()
def myadd(a=1, b=2, c=3):
return a + b + c
assert_eq(, b), list(map(myadd, x)))
assert_eq(, a=b), list(map(myadd, x)))
assert_eq(, b, b2), list(map(myadd, x, x2)))
assert_eq(, b, 10), [myadd(i, 10) for i in x])
assert_eq(, 10, b=b), [myadd(10, b=i) for i in x])
sol = [myadd(i, b=j, c=100) for (i, j) in zip(x, x2)]
assert_eq(, b, b=b2, c=100), sol)
sol = [myadd(i, c=100) for (i, j) in zip(x, x2)]
assert_eq(, b, c=100), sol)
x_sum = sum(x)
sol = [myadd(x_sum, b=i, c=100) for i in x2]
assert_eq(, b.sum(), b=b2, c=100), sol)
sol = [myadd(i, b=x_sum, c=100) for i in x2]
assert_eq(, b2, b.sum(), c=100), sol)
sol = [myadd(a=100, b=x_sum, c=i) for i in x2]
assert_eq(, a=100, b=b.sum(), c=b2), sol)
a = dask.delayed(10)
assert_eq(, b, a), [myadd(i, 10) for i in x])
assert_eq(, b, b=a), [myadd(i, b=10) for i in x])
# Mispatched npartitions
fewer_parts = db.from_sequence(range(100), npartitions=5)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):, b, fewer_parts)
# No bags
with pytest.raises(ValueError):, b.sum(), 1, 2)
# Unequal partitioning
unequal = db.from_sequence(range(110), npartitions=10)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):, b, unequal, c=b2).compute()
with pytest.raises(ValueError):, b, b=unequal, c=b2).compute()
def test_map_method():
b = db.from_sequence(range(100), npartitions=10)
b2 = db.from_sequence(range(100, 200), npartitions=10)
x = b.compute()
x2 = b2.compute()
def myadd(a, b=2, c=3):
return a + b + c
assert == list(map(myadd, x))
assert, b2).compute() == list(map(myadd, x, x2))
assert, 10).compute() == [myadd(i, 10) for i in x]
assert, b=10).compute() == [myadd(i, b=10) for i in x]
assert (, b2, c=10).compute() ==
[myadd(i, j, 10) for (i, j) in zip(x, x2)])
x_sum = sum(x)
assert (, b.sum(), c=10).compute() ==
[myadd(i, x_sum, 10) for i in x])
def test_starmap():
data = [(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6), (7, 8), (9, 10)]
b = db.from_sequence(data, npartitions=2)
def myadd(a, b, c=0):
return a + b + c
assert b.starmap(myadd).compute() == [myadd(*a) for a in data]
assert b.starmap(myadd, c=10).compute() == [myadd(*a, c=10) for a in data]
max_second = b.pluck(1).max()
assert (b.starmap(myadd, c=max_second).compute() ==
[myadd(*a, c=max_second.compute()) for a in data])
c = dask.delayed(10)
assert b.starmap(myadd, c=c).compute() == [myadd(*a, c=10) for a in data]
def test_filter():
c = b.filter(iseven)
expected = merge(dsk, dict(((, i),
(reify, (filter, iseven, (, i))))
for i in range(b.npartitions)))
assert c.dask == expected
assert == b.filter(iseven).name
def test_remove():
f = lambda x: x % 2 == 0
c = b.remove(f)
assert list(c) == [1, 3] * 3
assert == b.remove(f).name
def test_iter():
assert sorted(list(b)) == sorted(L)
assert sorted(list( == sorted(list(range(1, 6)) * 3)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('func', [str, repr])
def test_repr(func):
assert str(b.npartitions) in func(b)
assert[:5] in func(b)
def test_pluck():
d = {('x', 0): [(1, 10), (2, 20)],
('x', 1): [(3, 30), (4, 40)]}
b = Bag(d, 'x', 2)
assert set(b.pluck(0)) == set([1, 2, 3, 4])
assert set(b.pluck(1)) == set([10, 20, 30, 40])
assert set(b.pluck([1, 0])) == set([(10, 1), (20, 2), (30, 3), (40, 4)])
assert b.pluck([1, 0]).name == b.pluck([1, 0]).name
def test_pluck_with_default():
b = db.from_sequence(['Hello', '', 'World'])
pytest.raises(IndexError, lambda: list(b.pluck(0)))
assert list(b.pluck(0, None)) == ['H', None, 'W']
assert b.pluck(0, None).name == b.pluck(0, None).name
assert b.pluck(0).name != b.pluck(0, None).name
def test_unzip():
b = db.from_sequence(range(100)).map(lambda x: (x, x + 1, x + 2))
one, two, three = b.unzip(3)
assert list(one) == list(range(100))
assert list(three) == [i + 2 for i in range(100)]
assert == b.unzip(3)[0].name
assert !=
def test_fold():
c = b.fold(add)
assert c.compute() == sum(L)
assert c.key == b.fold(add).key
c2 = b.fold(add, initial=10)
assert c2.key != c.key
assert c2.compute() == sum(L) + 10 * b.npartitions
assert c2.key == b.fold(add, initial=10).key
c = db.from_sequence(range(5), npartitions=3)
def binop(acc, x):
acc = acc.copy()
return acc
d = c.fold(binop, set.union, initial=set())
assert d.compute() == set(c)
assert d.key == c.fold(binop, set.union, initial=set()).key
d = db.from_sequence('hello')
assert set(d.fold(lambda a, b: ''.join([a, b]), initial='').compute()) == set('hello')
e = db.from_sequence([[1], [2], [3]], npartitions=2)
assert set(e.fold(add, initial=[]).compute(scheduler='sync')) == set([1, 2, 3])
def test_fold_bag():
def binop(tot, x):
return tot
c = b.fold(binop, combine=set.union, initial=set(), out_type=Bag)
assert isinstance(c, Bag)
assert_eq(c, list(set(range(5))))
def test_distinct():
assert sorted(b.distinct()) == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
assert b.distinct().name == b.distinct().name
assert 'distinct' in b.distinct().name
assert b.distinct().count().compute() == 5
bag = db.from_sequence([0] * 50, npartitions=50)
assert bag.filter(None).distinct().compute() == []
def test_frequencies():
c = b.frequencies()
assert dict(c) == {0: 3, 1: 3, 2: 3, 3: 3, 4: 3}
c2 = b.frequencies(split_every=2)
assert dict(c2) == {0: 3, 1: 3, 2: 3, 3: 3, 4: 3}
assert == b.frequencies().name
assert !=
assert == b.frequencies(split_every=2).name
# test bag with empty partitions
b2 = db.from_sequence(range(20), partition_size=2)
b2 = b2.filter(lambda x: x < 10)
d = b2.frequencies()
assert dict(d) == dict(zip(range(10), [1] * 10))
bag = db.from_sequence([0, 0, 0, 0], npartitions=4)
bag2 = bag.filter(None).frequencies(split_every=2)
assert_eq(bag2, [])
def test_frequencies_sorted():
b = db.from_sequence(['a', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'c', 'c'])
assert list(b.frequencies(sort=True).compute()) == [('b', 3), ('c', 2), ('a', 1)]
def test_topk():
assert list(b.topk(4)) == [4, 4, 4, 3]
c = b.topk(4, key=lambda x: -x)
assert list(c) == [0, 0, 0, 1]
c2 = b.topk(4, key=lambda x: -x, split_every=2)
assert list(c2) == [0, 0, 0, 1]
assert !=
assert b.topk(4).name == b.topk(4).name
@pytest.mark.parametrize('npartitions', [1, 2])
def test_topk_with_non_callable_key(npartitions):
b = db.from_sequence([(1, 10), (2, 9), (3, 8)], npartitions=npartitions)
assert list(b.topk(2, key=1)) == [(1, 10), (2, 9)]
assert list(b.topk(2, key=0)) == [(3, 8), (2, 9)]
assert b.topk(2, key=1).name == b.topk(2, key=1).name
def test_topk_with_multiarg_lambda():
b = db.from_sequence([(1, 10), (2, 9), (3, 8)], npartitions=2)
assert list(b.topk(2, key=lambda a, b: b)) == [(1, 10), (2, 9)]
def test_lambdas():
assert list( x: x + 1)) == list(
def test_reductions():
assert int(b.count()) == 15
assert int(b.sum()) == 30
assert int(b.max()) == 4
assert int(b.min()) == 0
assert b.any().compute() is True
assert b.all().compute() is False
assert b.all().key == b.all().key
assert b.all().key != b.any().key
def test_reduction_names():
assert b.sum().name.startswith('sum')
assert b.reduction(sum, sum).name.startswith('sum')
assert any(isinstance(k, str) and k.startswith('max')
for k in b.reduction(sum, max).dask)
assert b.reduction(sum, sum, name='foo').name.startswith('foo')
def test_tree_reductions():
b = db.from_sequence(range(12))
c = b.reduction(sum, sum, split_every=2)
d = b.reduction(sum, sum, split_every=6)
e = b.reduction(sum, sum, split_every=5)
assert c.compute() == d.compute() == e.compute()
assert len(c.dask) > len(d.dask)
c = b.sum(split_every=2)
d = b.sum(split_every=5)
assert c.compute() == d.compute()
assert len(c.dask) > len(d.dask)
assert c.key != d.key
assert c.key == b.sum(split_every=2).key
assert c.key != b.sum().key
@pytest.mark.parametrize('npartitions', [1, 3, 4])
def test_aggregation(npartitions):
L = list(range(15))
b = db.range(15, npartitions=npartitions)
assert_eq(b.mean(), sum(L) / len(L))
assert_eq(b.sum(), sum(L))
assert_eq(b.count(), len(L))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('npartitions', [1, 10])
def test_non_splittable_reductions(npartitions):
np = pytest.importorskip('numpy')
data = list(range(100))
c = db.from_sequence(data, npartitions=npartitions)
assert_eq(c.mean(), np.mean(data))
assert_eq(c.std(), np.std(data))
def test_std():
assert_eq(b.std(), math.sqrt(2.0))
assert float(b.std()) == math.sqrt(2.0)
def test_var():
assert_eq(b.var(), 2.0)
assert float(b.var()) == 2.0
@pytest.mark.parametrize('transform', [
lambda x: db.from_sequence(x, npartitions=1)
def test_join(transform):
other = transform([1, 2, 3])
c = b.join(other, on_self=isodd, on_other=iseven)
assert_eq(c, list(join(iseven, [1, 2, 3], isodd, list(b))))
assert_eq(b.join(other, isodd),
list(join(isodd, [1, 2, 3], isodd, list(b))))
assert == b.join(other, on_self=isodd, on_other=iseven).name
def test_foldby():
c = b.foldby(iseven, add, 0, add, 0)
assert (reduceby, iseven, add, (, 0), 0) in list(c.dask.values())
assert set(c) == set(reduceby(iseven, lambda acc, x: acc + x, L, 0).items())
assert == b.foldby(iseven, add, 0, add, 0).name
c = b.foldby(iseven, lambda acc, x: acc + x)
assert set(c) == set(reduceby(iseven, lambda acc, x: acc + x, L, 0).items())
def test_foldby_tree_reduction():
dsk = list()
for n in [1, 7, 32]:
b = db.from_sequence(range(100), npartitions=n)
c = b.foldby(iseven, add)
dsk += [c]
for m in [False, None, 2, 3]:
d = b.foldby(iseven, add, split_every=m)
e = b.foldby(iseven, add, 0, split_every=m)
f = b.foldby(iseven, add, 0, add, split_every=m)
g = b.foldby(iseven, add, 0, add, 0, split_every=m)
dsk += [d,e,f,g]
results = dask.compute(dsk)
first = results[0]
assert all([r == first for r in results])
def test_map_partitions():
assert list(b.map_partitions(len)) == [5, 5, 5]
assert b.map_partitions(len).name == b.map_partitions(len).name
assert b.map_partitions(lambda a: len(a) + 1).name != b.map_partitions(len).name
def test_map_partitions_args_kwargs():
x = [random.randint(-100, 100) for i in range(100)]
y = [random.randint(-100, 100) for i in range(100)]
dx = db.from_sequence(x, npartitions=10)
dy = db.from_sequence(y, npartitions=10)
def maximum(x, y=0):
y = repeat(y) if isinstance(y, int) else y
return [max(a, b) for (a, b) in zip(x, y)]
sol = maximum(x, y=10)
assert_eq(db.map_partitions(maximum, dx, y=10), sol)
assert_eq(dx.map_partitions(maximum, y=10), sol)
assert_eq(dx.map_partitions(maximum, 10), sol)
sol = maximum(x, y)
assert_eq(db.map_partitions(maximum, dx, dy), sol)
assert_eq(dx.map_partitions(maximum, y=dy), sol)
assert_eq(dx.map_partitions(maximum, dy), sol)
dy_mean = dy.mean().apply(int)
sol = maximum(x, int(sum(y) / len(y)))
assert_eq(dx.map_partitions(maximum, y=dy_mean), sol)
assert_eq(dx.map_partitions(maximum, dy_mean), sol)
dy_mean = dask.delayed(dy_mean)
assert_eq(dx.map_partitions(maximum, y=dy_mean), sol)
assert_eq(dx.map_partitions(maximum, dy_mean), sol)
def test_random_sample_size():
Number of randomly sampled elements are in the expected range.
a = db.from_sequence(range(1000), npartitions=5)
# we expect a size of approx. 100, but leave large margins to avoid
# random failures
assert 10 < len(list(a.random_sample(0.1, 42))) < 300
def test_random_sample_prob_range():
Specifying probabilities outside the range [0, 1] raises ValueError.
a = db.from_sequence(range(50), npartitions=5)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_random_sample_repeated_computation():
Repeated computation of a defined random sampling operation
generates identical results.
a = db.from_sequence(range(50), npartitions=5)
b = a.random_sample(0.2)
assert list(b) == list(b) # computation happens here
def test_random_sample_different_definitions():
Repeatedly defining a random sampling operation yields different results
upon computation if no random seed is specified.
a = db.from_sequence(range(50), npartitions=5)
assert list(a.random_sample(0.5)) != list(a.random_sample(0.5))
assert a.random_sample(0.5).name != a.random_sample(0.5).name
def test_random_sample_random_state():
Sampling with fixed random seed generates identical results.
a = db.from_sequence(range(50), npartitions=5)
b = a.random_sample(0.5, 1234)
c = a.random_sample(0.5, 1234)
assert list(b) == list(c)
def test_lazify_task():
task = (sum, (reify, (map, inc, [1, 2, 3])))
assert lazify_task(task) == (sum, (map, inc, [1, 2, 3]))
task = (reify, (map, inc, [1, 2, 3]))
assert lazify_task(task) == task
a = (reify, (map, inc, (reify, (filter, iseven, 'y'))))
b = (reify, (map, inc, (filter, iseven, 'y')))
assert lazify_task(a) == b
f = lambda x: x
def test_lazify():
a = {'x': (reify, (map, inc, (reify, (filter, iseven, 'y')))),
'a': (f, 'x'), 'b': (f, 'x')}
b = {'x': (reify, (map, inc, (filter, iseven, 'y'))),
'a': (f, 'x'), 'b': (f, 'x')}
assert lazify(a) == b
def test_inline_singleton_lists():
inp = {'b': (list, 'a'),
'c': (f, 'b', 1)}
out = {'c': (f, (list, 'a'), 1)}
assert inline_singleton_lists(inp, ['c']) == out
out = {'c': (f, 'a', 1)}
assert optimize(inp, ['c'], rename_fused_keys=False) == out
# If list is an output key, don't fuse it
assert inline_singleton_lists(inp, ['b', 'c']) == inp
assert optimize(inp, ['b', 'c'], rename_fused_keys=False) == inp
inp = {'b': (list, 'a'),
'c': (f, 'b', 1),
'd': (f, 'b', 2)}
assert inline_singleton_lists(inp, ['c', 'd']) == inp
# Doesn't inline constants
inp = {'b': (4, 5),
'c': (f, 'b')}
assert inline_singleton_lists(inp, ['c']) == inp
def test_take():
assert list(b.take(2)) == [0, 1]
assert b.take(2) == (0, 1)
assert isinstance(b.take(2, compute=False), Bag)
def test_take_npartitions():
assert list(b.take(6, npartitions=2)) == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0]
assert b.take(6, npartitions=-1) == (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0)
assert b.take(3, npartitions=-1) == (0, 1, 2)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
b.take(1, npartitions=5)
def test_take_npartitions_warn():
# Use single-threaded scheduler so warnings are properly captured in the
# same process
with dask.config.set(scheduler='sync'):
with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
with pytest.warns(None) as rec:
b.take(7, npartitions=2)
assert len(rec) == 0
with pytest.warns(None) as rec:
b.take(7, warn=False)
assert len(rec) == 0
def test_map_is_lazy():
from dask.bag.core import map
assert isinstance(map(lambda x: x, [1, 2, 3]), Iterator)
def test_can_use_dict_to_make_concrete():
assert isinstance(dict(b.frequencies()), dict)
def test_from_url():
a = db.from_url(['', ''])
assert a.npartitions == 2
b = db.from_url('')
assert b.npartitions == 1
assert b'Dask\n' in b.take(10)
def test_read_text():
with filetexts({'a1.log': 'A\nB', 'a2.log': 'C\nD'}) as fns:
assert (set(line.strip() for line in db.read_text(fns)) ==
assert (set(line.strip() for line in db.read_text('a*.log')) ==
pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: db.read_text('non-existent-*-path'))
def test_read_text_large():
with tmpfile() as fn:
with open(fn, 'wb') as f:
f.write(('Hello, world!' + os.linesep).encode() * 100)
b = db.read_text(fn, blocksize=100)
c = db.read_text(fn)
assert len(b.dask) > 5
assert list(map(str, b.str.strip())) == list(map(str, c.str.strip()))
d = db.read_text([fn], blocksize=100)
assert list(b) == list(d)
def test_read_text_encoding():
with tmpfile() as fn:
with open(fn, 'wb') as f:
f.write((u'你好!' + os.linesep).encode('gb18030') * 100)
b = db.read_text(fn, blocksize=100, encoding='gb18030')
c = db.read_text(fn, encoding='gb18030')
assert len(b.dask) > 5
assert (list(b.str.strip().map(lambda x: x.encode('utf-8'))) ==
list(c.str.strip().map(lambda x: x.encode('utf-8'))))
d = db.read_text([fn], blocksize=100, encoding='gb18030')
assert list(b) == list(d)
def test_read_text_large_gzip():
with tmpfile('gz') as fn:
f = GzipFile(fn, 'wb')
f.write(b'Hello, world!\n' * 100)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
db.read_text(fn, blocksize=50, linedelimiter='\n')
c = db.read_text(fn)
assert c.npartitions == 1
def test_from_s3():
# note we don't test connection modes with aws_access_key and
# aws_secret_key because these are not on travis-ci
five_tips = (u'total_bill,tip,sex,smoker,day,time,size\n',
# test compressed data
e = db.read_text('s3://tip-data/t*.gz', storage_options=dict(anon=True))
assert e.take(5) == five_tips
# test multiple keys in bucket
c = db.read_text(['s3://tip-data/tips.gz', 's3://tip-data/tips.json',
assert c.npartitions == 3
def test_from_sequence():
b = db.from_sequence([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], npartitions=3)
assert len(b.dask) == 3
assert set(b) == set([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
def test_from_long_sequence():
L = list(range(1001))
b = db.from_sequence(L)
assert set(b) == set(L)
def test_from_empty_sequence():
b = db.from_sequence([])
assert b.npartitions == 1
df = b.to_dataframe(meta={'a': 'int'}).compute()
assert df.empty, 'DataFrame is not empty'
def test_product():
b2 = b.product(b)
assert b2.npartitions == b.npartitions**2
assert set(b2) == set([(i, j) for i in L for j in L])
x = db.from_sequence([1, 2, 3, 4])
y = db.from_sequence([10, 20, 30])
z = x.product(y)
assert set(z) == set([(i, j) for i in [1, 2, 3, 4] for j in [10, 20, 30]])
assert !=
assert == x.product(y).name
def test_partition_collect():
with partd.Pickle() as p:
partition(identity, range(6), 3, p)
assert set(p.get(0)) == set([0, 3])
assert set(p.get(1)) == set([1, 4])
assert set(p.get(2)) == set([2, 5])
assert sorted(collect(identity, 0, p, '')) == [(0, [0]), (3, [3])]
def test_groupby():
c = b.groupby(identity)
result = dict(c)
assert result == {0: [0, 0 ,0],
1: [1, 1, 1],
2: [2, 2, 2],
3: [3, 3, 3],
4: [4, 4, 4]}
assert c.npartitions == b.npartitions
assert == b.groupby(identity).name
assert != b.groupby(lambda x: x + 1).name
def test_groupby_with_indexer():
b = db.from_sequence([[1, 2, 3], [1, 4, 9], [2, 3, 4]])
result = dict(b.groupby(0))
assert valmap(sorted, result) == {1: [[1, 2, 3], [1, 4, 9]],
2: [[2, 3, 4]]}
def test_groupby_with_npartitions_changed():
result = b.groupby(lambda x: x, npartitions=1)
result2 = dict(result)
assert result2 == {0: [0, 0 ,0],
1: [1, 1, 1],
2: [2, 2, 2],
3: [3, 3, 3],
4: [4, 4, 4]}
assert result.npartitions == 1
def test_concat():
a = db.from_sequence([1, 2, 3])
b = db.from_sequence([4, 5, 6])
c = db.concat([a, b])
assert list(c) == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
assert == db.concat([a, b]).name
def test_flatten():
b = db.from_sequence([[1], [2, 3]])
assert list(b.flatten()) == [1, 2, 3]
assert b.flatten().name == b.flatten().name
def test_concat_after_map():
a = db.from_sequence([1, 2])
b = db.from_sequence([4, 5])
result = db.concat([, b])
assert list(result) == [2, 3, 4, 5]
def test_args():
c = x: x + 1)
d = Bag(*c._args)
assert list(c) == list(d)
assert c.npartitions == d.npartitions
def test_to_dataframe():
dd = pytest.importorskip('dask.dataframe')
pd = pytest.importorskip('pandas')
def check_parts(df, sol):
assert all((p.dtypes == sol.dtypes).all() for p in
dsk = {('test', 0): [(1, 2)],
('test', 1): [],
('test', 2): [(10, 20), (100, 200)]}
b = Bag(dsk, 'test', 3)
sol = pd.DataFrame(b.compute(), columns=['a', 'b'])
# Elements are tuples
df = b.to_dataframe()
dd.utils.assert_eq(df, sol.rename(columns={'a': 0, 'b': 1}),
df = b.to_dataframe(columns=['a', 'b'])
dd.utils.assert_eq(df, sol, check_index=False)
check_parts(df, sol)
df = b.to_dataframe(meta=[('a', 'i8'), ('b', 'i8')])
dd.utils.assert_eq(df, sol, check_index=False)
check_parts(df, sol)
# Elements are dictionaries
b = x: dict(zip(['a', 'b'], x)))
df = b.to_dataframe()
dd.utils.assert_eq(df, sol, check_index=False)
check_parts(df, sol)
assert df._name == b.to_dataframe()._name
# With metadata specified
for meta in [sol, [('a', 'i8'), ('b', 'i8')]]:
df = b.to_dataframe(meta=meta)
dd.utils.assert_eq(df, sol, check_index=False)
check_parts(df, sol)
# Error to specify both columns and meta
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
b.to_dataframe(columns=['a', 'b'], meta=sol)
# Inference fails if empty first partition
b2 = b.filter(lambda x: x['a'] > 200)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
# Single column
b = b.pluck('a')
sol = sol[['a']]
df = b.to_dataframe(meta=sol)
dd.utils.assert_eq(df, sol, check_index=False)
check_parts(df, sol)
# Works with iterators and tuples
sol = pd.DataFrame({'a': range(100)})
b = db.from_sequence(range(100), npartitions=5)
for f in [iter, tuple]:
df = b.map_partitions(f).to_dataframe(meta=sol)
dd.utils.assert_eq(df, sol, check_index=False)
check_parts(df, sol)
ext_open = [('gz', GzipFile), ('', open)]
if not PY2:
ext_open.append(('bz2', BZ2File))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('ext,myopen', ext_open)
def test_to_textfiles(ext, myopen):
b = db.from_sequence(['abc', '123', 'xyz'], npartitions=2)
with tmpdir() as dir:
c = b.to_textfiles(os.path.join(dir, '*.' + ext), compute=False)
dask.compute(*c, scheduler='sync')
assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir, '1.' + ext))
f = myopen(os.path.join(dir, '1.' + ext), 'rb')
text =
if hasattr(text, 'decode'):
text = text.decode()
assert 'xyz' in text
def test_to_textfiles_name_function_preserves_order():
seq = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p']
b = db.from_sequence(seq, npartitions=16)
with tmpdir() as dn:
out = db.read_text(os.path.join(dn, "*"), encoding='ascii').map(str).map(str.strip).compute()
assert seq == out
def test_to_textfiles_name_function_warn():
seq = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p']
a = db.from_sequence(seq, npartitions=16)
with tmpdir() as dn:
with pytest.warns(None):
a.to_textfiles(dn, name_function=str)
def test_to_textfiles_encoding():
b = db.from_sequence([u'汽车', u'苹果', u'天气'], npartitions=2)
for ext, myopen in [('gz', GzipFile), ('bz2', BZ2File), ('', open)]:
if ext == 'bz2' and PY2:
with tmpdir() as dir:
c = b.to_textfiles(os.path.join(dir, '*.' + ext), encoding='gb18030', compute=False)
assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir, '1.' + ext))
f = myopen(os.path.join(dir, '1.' + ext), 'rb')
text =
if hasattr(text, 'decode'):
text = text.decode('gb18030')
assert u'天气' in text
def test_to_textfiles_inputs():
B = db.from_sequence(['abc', '123', 'xyz'], npartitions=2)
with tmpfile() as a:
with tmpfile() as b:
B.to_textfiles([a, b])
assert os.path.exists(a)
assert os.path.exists(b)
with tmpdir() as dirname:
assert os.path.exists(dirname)
assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(dirname, '0.part'))
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
def test_to_textfiles_endlines():
b = db.from_sequence(['a', 'b', 'c'], npartitions=1)
with tmpfile() as fn:
for last_endline in False, True:
b.to_textfiles([fn], last_endline=last_endline)
with open(fn, 'r') as f:
result = f.readlines()
assert result == ['a\n', 'b\n', 'c\n' if last_endline else 'c']
def test_string_namespace():
b = db.from_sequence(['Alice Smith', 'Bob Jones', 'Charlie Smith'],
assert 'split' in dir(b.str)
assert 'match' in dir(b.str)
assert list(b.str.lower()) == ['alice smith', 'bob jones', 'charlie smith']
assert list(b.str.split(' ')) == [['Alice', 'Smith'],
['Bob', 'Jones'],
['Charlie', 'Smith']]
assert list(b.str.match('*Smith')) == ['Alice Smith', 'Charlie Smith']
pytest.raises(AttributeError, lambda: b.str.sfohsofhf)
assert b.str.match('*Smith').name == b.str.match('*Smith').name
assert b.str.match('*Smith').name != b.str.match('*John').name
def test_string_namespace_with_unicode():
b = db.from_sequence([u'Alice Smith', u'Bob Jones', 'Charlie Smith'],
assert list(b.str.lower()) == ['alice smith', 'bob jones', 'charlie smith']
def test_str_empty_split():
b = db.from_sequence([u'Alice Smith', u'Bob Jones', 'Charlie Smith'],
assert list(b.str.split()) == [['Alice', 'Smith'],
['Bob', 'Jones'],
['Charlie', 'Smith']]
def test_map_with_iterator_function():
b = db.from_sequence([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], npartitions=2)
def f(L):
for x in L:
yield x + 1
c =
assert list(c) == [[2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7]]
def test_ensure_compute_output_is_concrete():
b = db.from_sequence([1, 2, 3])
result = x: x + 1).compute()
assert not isinstance(result, Iterator)
class BagOfDicts(db.Bag):
def get(self, key, default=None):
return d: d.get(key, default))
def set(self, key, value):
def setter(d):
d[key] = value
return d
def test_bag_class_extend():
dictbag = BagOfDicts(*db.from_sequence([{'a': {'b': 'c'}}])._args)
assert dictbag.get('a').get('b').compute()[0] == 'c'
assert dictbag.get('a').set('d', 'EXTENSIBILITY!!!').compute()[0] == \
{'b': 'c', 'd': 'EXTENSIBILITY!!!'}
assert isinstance(dictbag.get('a').get('b'), BagOfDicts)
def test_gh715():
bin_data = u'\u20ac'.encode('utf-8')
with tmpfile() as fn:
with open(fn, 'wb') as f:
a = db.read_text(fn)
assert a.compute()[0] == bin_data.decode('utf-8')
def test_bag_compute_forward_kwargs():
x = db.from_sequence([1, 2, 3]).map(lambda a: a + 1)
def test_to_delayed():
b = db.from_sequence([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], npartitions=3)
a, b, c =
assert all(isinstance(x, Delayed) for x in [a, b, c])
assert b.compute() == [4, 5]
b = db.from_sequence([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], npartitions=3)
t = b.sum().to_delayed()
assert isinstance(t, Delayed)
assert t.compute() == 21
def test_to_delayed_optimize_graph():
b = db.from_sequence([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], npartitions=1)
b2 =
[d] = b2.to_delayed()
text = str(dict(d.dask))
assert text.count('reify') == 1
[d2] = b2.to_delayed(optimize_graph=False)
assert dict(d2.dask) == dict(b2.dask)
assert d.compute() == d2.compute()
x = b2.sum()
d = x.to_delayed()
text = str(dict(d.dask))
assert text.count('reify') == 0
d2 = x.to_delayed(optimize_graph=False)
assert dict(d2.dask) == dict(x.dask)
assert d.compute() == d2.compute()
[d] = b2.to_textfiles('foo.txt', compute=False)
text = str(dict(d.dask))
assert text.count('reify') <= 0
def test_from_delayed():
from dask.delayed import delayed
a, b, c = delayed([1, 2, 3]), delayed([4, 5, 6]), delayed([7, 8, 9])
bb = from_delayed([a, b, c])
assert == from_delayed([a, b, c]).name
assert isinstance(bb, Bag)
assert list(bb) == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
asum_value = delayed(lambda X: sum(X))(a)
asum_item = db.Item.from_delayed(asum_value)
assert asum_value.compute() == asum_item.compute() == 6
def test_from_delayed_iterator():
from dask.delayed import delayed
def lazy_records(n):
return ({'operations': [1, 2]} for _ in range(n))
delayed_records = delayed(lazy_records, pure=False)
bag = db.from_delayed([delayed_records(5) for _ in range(5)])
assert db.compute(
) == (25, 25, 50)
def test_range():
for npartitions in [1, 7, 10, 28]:
b = db.range(100, npartitions=npartitions)
assert len(b.dask) == npartitions
assert b.npartitions == npartitions
assert list(b) == list(range(100))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("npartitions", [1, 7, 10, 28])
def test_zip(npartitions, hi=1000):
evens = db.from_sequence(range(0, hi, 2), npartitions=npartitions)
odds = db.from_sequence(range(1, hi, 2), npartitions=npartitions)
pairs =, odds)
assert pairs.npartitions == npartitions
assert list(pairs) == list(zip(range(0, hi, 2), range(1, hi, 2)))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('nin', [1, 2, 7, 11, 23])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('nout', [1, 2, 5, 12, 23])
def test_repartition(nin, nout):
b = db.from_sequence(range(100), npartitions=nin)
c = b.repartition(npartitions=nout)
assert c.npartitions == nout
assert_eq(b, c)
results = dask.get(c.dask, c.__dask_keys__())
assert all(results)
def test_repartition_names():
b = db.from_sequence(range(100), npartitions=5)
c = b.repartition(2)
assert !=
d = b.repartition(20)
assert !=
assert !=
c = b.repartition(5)
assert b is c
@pytest.mark.skipif('not db.core._implement_accumulate')
def test_accumulate():
parts = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [], [6, 7]]
dsk = dict((('test', i), p) for (i, p) in enumerate(parts))
b = db.Bag(dsk, 'test', len(parts))
r = b.accumulate(add)
assert == b.accumulate(add).name
assert != b.accumulate(add, -1).name
assert r.compute() == [1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28]
assert b.accumulate(add, -1).compute() == [-1, 0, 2, 5, 9, 14, 20, 27]
assert b.accumulate(add).map(inc).compute() == [2, 4, 7, 11, 16, 22, 29]
b = db.from_sequence([1, 2, 3], npartitions=1)
assert b.accumulate(add).compute() == [1, 3, 6]
def test_groupby_tasks():
b = db.from_sequence(range(160), npartitions=4)
out = b.groupby(lambda x: x % 10, max_branch=4, shuffle='tasks')
partitions = dask.get(out.dask, out.__dask_keys__())
for a in partitions:
for b in partitions:
if a is not b:
assert not set(pluck(0, a)) & set(pluck(0, b))
b = db.from_sequence(range(1000), npartitions=100)
out = b.groupby(lambda x: x % 123, shuffle='tasks')
assert len(out.dask) < 100**2
partitions = dask.get(out.dask, out.__dask_keys__())
for a in partitions:
for b in partitions:
if a is not b:
assert not set(pluck(0, a)) & set(pluck(0, b))
b = db.from_sequence(range(10000), npartitions=345)
out = b.groupby(lambda x: x % 2834, max_branch=24, shuffle='tasks')
partitions = dask.get(out.dask, out.__dask_keys__())
for a in partitions:
for b in partitions:
if a is not b:
assert not set(pluck(0, a)) & set(pluck(0, b))
def test_groupby_tasks_names():
b = db.from_sequence(range(160), npartitions=4)
func = lambda x: x % 10
func2 = lambda x: x % 20
assert (set(b.groupby(func, max_branch=4, shuffle='tasks').dask) ==
set(b.groupby(func, max_branch=4, shuffle='tasks').dask))
assert (set(b.groupby(func, max_branch=4, shuffle='tasks').dask) !=
set(b.groupby(func, max_branch=2, shuffle='tasks').dask))
assert (set(b.groupby(func, max_branch=4, shuffle='tasks').dask) !=
set(b.groupby(func2, max_branch=4, shuffle='tasks').dask))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('size,npartitions,groups', [(1000, 20, 100),
(12345, 234, 1042),
(100, 1, 50)])
def test_groupby_tasks_2(size, npartitions, groups):
func = lambda x: x % groups
b = db.range(size, npartitions=npartitions).groupby(func, shuffle='tasks')
result = b.compute(scheduler='sync')
assert dict(result) == groupby(func, range(size))
def test_groupby_tasks_3():
func = lambda x: x % 10
b = db.range(20, npartitions=5).groupby(func, shuffle='tasks', max_branch=2)
result = b.compute(scheduler='sync')
assert dict(result) == groupby(func, range(20))
# assert b.npartitions == 5
def test_to_textfiles_empty_partitions():
with tmpdir() as d:
b = db.range(5, npartitions=5).filter(lambda x: x == 1).map(str)
b.to_textfiles(os.path.join(d, '*.txt'))
assert len(os.listdir(d)) == 5
def test_reduction_empty():
b = db.from_sequence(range(10), npartitions=100)
assert_eq(b.filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 0).max(), 8)
assert_eq(b.filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 0).min(), 0)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('npartitions', [1, 2, 4])
def test_reduction_empty_aggregate(npartitions):
b = db.from_sequence([0, 0, 0, 1], npartitions=npartitions).filter(None)
assert_eq(b.min(split_every=2), 1)
vals = db.compute(b.min(split_every=2), b.max(split_every=2), scheduler='sync')
assert vals == (1, 1)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
b = db.from_sequence([0, 0, 0, 0], npartitions=npartitions)
class StrictReal(int):
def __eq__(self, other):
assert isinstance(other, StrictReal)
return self.real == other.real
def __ne__(self, other):
assert isinstance(other, StrictReal)
return self.real != other.real
def test_reduction_with_non_comparable_objects():
b = db.from_sequence([StrictReal(x) for x in range(10)], partition_size=2)
assert_eq(b.fold(max, max), StrictReal(9))
def test_reduction_with_sparse_matrices():
sp = pytest.importorskip('scipy.sparse')
b = db.from_sequence([sp.csr_matrix([0]) for x in range(4)], partition_size=2)
def sp_reduce(a, b):
return sp.vstack([a, b])
assert b.fold(sp_reduce, sp_reduce).compute(scheduler='sync').shape == (4, 1)
def test_empty():
list(db.from_sequence([])) == []
def test_bag_picklable():
from pickle import loads, dumps
b = db.from_sequence(range(100))
b2 = loads(dumps(b))
assert b.compute() == b2.compute()
s = b.sum()
s2 = loads(dumps(s))
assert s.compute() == s2.compute()
def test_msgpack_unicode():
b = db.from_sequence([{"a": 1}]).groupby("a")
result = b.compute(scheduler='sync')
assert dict(result) == {1: [{'a': 1}]}
def test_bag_with_single_callable():
f = lambda: None
b = db.from_sequence([f])
assert_eq(b, [f])
def test_optimize_fuse_keys():
x = db.range(10, npartitions=2)
y =
z =
dsk = z.__dask_optimize__(z.dask, z.__dask_keys__())
assert not set(y.dask) & set(dsk)
dsk = z.__dask_optimize__(z.dask, z.__dask_keys__(),
assert all(k in dsk for k in y.__dask_keys__())
def test_reductions_are_lazy():
current = [None]
def part():
for i in range(10):
current[0] = i
yield i
def func(part):
assert current[0] == 0
return sum(part)
b = Bag({('foo', 0): part()}, 'foo', 1)
res = b.reduction(func, sum)
assert_eq(res, sum(range(10)))
def test_repeated_groupby():
b = db.range(10, npartitions=4)
c = b.groupby(lambda x: x % 3)
assert valmap(len, dict(c)) == valmap(len, dict(c))
def test_temporary_directory(tmpdir):
b = db.range(10, npartitions=4)
with dask.config.set(temporary_directory=str(tmpdir)):
b2 = b.groupby(lambda x: x % 2)
assert any(fn.endswith('.partd') for fn in os.listdir(str(tmpdir)))
def test_empty_bag():
b = db.from_sequence([])
assert_eq(, True)
assert_eq(, False)
assert_eq(, False)
assert_eq(, False)
def test_bag_paths():
b = db.from_sequence(['abc', '123', 'xyz'], npartitions=2)
assert b.to_textfiles('foo*') == ['foo0', 'foo1']
def test_map_partitions_arg():
def append_str(partition, s):
return [x + s for x in partition]
mybag = db.from_sequence(["a", "b", "c"])
assert_eq(mybag.map_partitions(append_str, "foo"),
['afoo', 'bfoo', 'cfoo'])
assert_eq(mybag.map_partitions(append_str, dask.delayed("foo")),
['afoo', 'bfoo', 'cfoo'])
def test_map_keynames():
b = db.from_sequence([1, 2, 3])
d = dict(
assert 'inc' in map(dask.utils.key_split, d)
assert set( != set(b.map_partitions(inc).__dask_graph__())