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74 lines
2.8 KiB

6 years ago
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
import pytest
from toolz import partial
from dask import compute
from dask.utils import filetexts
from dask.bytes import compression
from dask.bag.text import read_text
compute = partial(compute, scheduler='sync')
files = {'.test.accounts.1.json': ('{"amount": 100, "name": "Alice"}\n'
'{"amount": 200, "name": "Bob"}\n'
'{"amount": 300, "name": "Charlie"}\n'
'{"amount": 400, "name": "Dennis"}\n'),
'.test.accounts.2.json': ('{"amount": 500, "name": "Alice"}\n'
'{"amount": 600, "name": "Bob"}\n'
'{"amount": 700, "name": "Charlie"}\n'
'{"amount": 800, "name": "Dennis"}\n')}
expected = ''.join([files[v] for v in sorted(files)])
fmt_bs = ([(fmt, None) for fmt in compression.files] +
[(fmt, "10 B") for fmt in compression.seekable_files] +
[(fmt, None) for fmt in compression.seekable_files])
encodings = ['ascii', 'utf-8'] # + ['utf-16', 'utf-16-le', 'utf-16-be']
fmt_bs_enc = [(fmt, bs, encoding) for fmt, bs in fmt_bs
for encoding in encodings]
@pytest.mark.parametrize('fmt,bs,encoding', fmt_bs_enc)
def test_read_text(fmt, bs, encoding):
compress = compression.compress[fmt]
files2 = dict((k, compress(v.encode(encoding))) for k, v in files.items())
with filetexts(files2, mode='b'):
b = read_text('.test.accounts.*.json', compression=fmt, blocksize=bs,
L, = compute(b)
assert ''.join(L) == expected
b = read_text(sorted(files), compression=fmt, blocksize=bs,
L, = compute(b)
assert ''.join(L) == expected
blocks = read_text('.test.accounts.*.json', compression=fmt, blocksize=bs,
encoding=encoding, collection=False)
L = compute(*blocks)
assert ''.join(line for block in L for line in block) == expected
def test_files_per_partition():
files3 = {'{:02}.txt'.format(n): 'line from {:02}' for n in range(20)}
with filetexts(files3):
b = read_text('*.txt', files_per_partition=10)
l = len(b.take(100, npartitions=1))
assert l == 10, "10 files should be grouped into one partition"
assert b.count().compute() == 20, "All 20 lines should be read"
def test_errors():
with filetexts({'': b'Jos\xe9\nAlice'}, mode='b'):
with pytest.raises(UnicodeDecodeError):
read_text('', encoding='ascii').compute()
result = read_text('', encoding='ascii', errors='ignore')
result = result.compute(scheduler='sync')
assert result == ['Jos\n', 'Alice']