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6 years ago
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from math import ceil
from operator import getitem
import os
from threading import Lock
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from toolz import merge
from ...base import tokenize
from ...compatibility import unicode, PY3
from ... import array as da
from ...delayed import delayed
from ..core import DataFrame, Series, Index, new_dd_object, has_parallel_type
from ..shuffle import set_partition
from ..utils import insert_meta_param_description, check_meta, make_meta
from ...utils import M, ensure_dict
lock = Lock()
def _meta_from_array(x, columns=None):
""" Create empty pd.DataFrame or pd.Series which has correct dtype """
if x.ndim > 2:
raise ValueError('from_array does not input more than 2D array, got'
' array with shape %r' % (x.shape,))
if getattr(x.dtype, 'names', None) is not None:
# record array has named columns
if columns is None:
columns = list(x.dtype.names)
elif np.isscalar(columns):
raise ValueError("For a struct dtype, columns must be a list.")
elif not all(i in x.dtype.names for i in columns):
extra = sorted(set(columns).difference(x.dtype.names))
raise ValueError("dtype {0} doesn't have fields "
"{1}".format(x.dtype, extra))
fields = x.dtype.fields
dtypes = [fields[n][0] if n in fields else 'f8' for n in columns]
elif x.ndim == 1:
if np.isscalar(columns) or columns is None:
return pd.Series([], name=columns, dtype=x.dtype)
elif len(columns) == 1:
return pd.DataFrame(np.array([], dtype=x.dtype), columns=columns)
raise ValueError("For a 1d array, columns must be a scalar or single "
"element list")
if np.isnan(x.shape[1]):
raise ValueError("Shape along axis 1 must be known")
if columns is None:
columns = list(range(x.shape[1])) if x.ndim == 2 else [0]
elif len(columns) != x.shape[1]:
raise ValueError("Number of column names must match width of the "
"array. Got {0} names for {1} "
"columns".format(len(columns), x.shape[1]))
dtypes = [x.dtype] * len(columns)
data = {c: np.array([], dtype=dt) for (c, dt) in zip(columns, dtypes)}
return pd.DataFrame(data, columns=columns)
def from_array(x, chunksize=50000, columns=None):
""" Read any slicable array into a Dask Dataframe
Uses getitem syntax to pull slices out of the array. The array need not be
a NumPy array but must support slicing syntax
and have 2 dimensions:
x.ndim == 2
or have a record dtype:
x.dtype == [('name', 'O'), ('balance', 'i8')]
if isinstance(x, da.Array):
return from_dask_array(x, columns=columns)
meta = _meta_from_array(x, columns)
divisions = tuple(range(0, len(x), chunksize))
divisions = divisions + (len(x) - 1,)
token = tokenize(x, chunksize, columns)
name = 'from_array-' + token
dsk = {}
for i in range(0, int(ceil(len(x) / chunksize))):
data = (getitem, x, slice(i * chunksize, (i + 1) * chunksize))
if isinstance(meta, pd.Series):
dsk[name, i] = (pd.Series, data, None, meta.dtype,
dsk[name, i] = (pd.DataFrame, data, None, meta.columns)
return new_dd_object(dsk, name, meta, divisions)
def from_pandas(data, npartitions=None, chunksize=None, sort=True, name=None):
Construct a Dask DataFrame from a Pandas DataFrame
This splits an in-memory Pandas dataframe into several parts and constructs
a dask.dataframe from those parts on which Dask.dataframe can operate in
Note that, despite parallelism, Dask.dataframe may not always be faster
than Pandas. We recommend that you stay with Pandas for as long as
possible before switching to Dask.dataframe.
df : pandas.DataFrame or pandas.Series
The DataFrame/Series with which to construct a Dask DataFrame/Series
npartitions : int, optional
The number of partitions of the index to create. Note that depending on
the size and index of the dataframe, the output may have fewer
partitions than requested.
chunksize : int, optional
The number of rows per index partition to use.
sort: bool
Sort input first to obtain cleanly divided partitions or don't sort and
don't get cleanly divided partitions
name: string, optional
An optional keyname for the dataframe. Defaults to hashing the input
dask.DataFrame or dask.Series
A dask DataFrame/Series partitioned along the index
>>> df = pd.DataFrame(dict(a=list('aabbcc'), b=list(range(6))),
... index=pd.date_range(start='20100101', periods=6))
>>> ddf = from_pandas(df, npartitions=3)
>>> ddf.divisions # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
(Timestamp('2010-01-01 00:00:00', freq='D'),
Timestamp('2010-01-03 00:00:00', freq='D'),
Timestamp('2010-01-05 00:00:00', freq='D'),
Timestamp('2010-01-06 00:00:00', freq='D'))
>>> ddf = from_pandas(df.a, npartitions=3) # Works with Series too!
>>> ddf.divisions # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
(Timestamp('2010-01-01 00:00:00', freq='D'),
Timestamp('2010-01-03 00:00:00', freq='D'),
Timestamp('2010-01-05 00:00:00', freq='D'),
Timestamp('2010-01-06 00:00:00', freq='D'))
If something other than a ``pandas.DataFrame`` or ``pandas.Series`` is
passed in.
See Also
from_array : Construct a dask.DataFrame from an array that has record dtype
read_csv : Construct a dask.DataFrame from a CSV file
if isinstance(getattr(data, 'index', None), pd.MultiIndex):
raise NotImplementedError("Dask does not support MultiIndex Dataframes.")
if not has_parallel_type(data):
raise TypeError("Input must be a pandas DataFrame or Series")
if ((npartitions is None) == (chunksize is None)):
raise ValueError('Exactly one of npartitions and chunksize must be specified.')
nrows = len(data)
if chunksize is None:
chunksize = int(ceil(nrows / npartitions))
npartitions = int(ceil(nrows / chunksize))
name = name or ('from_pandas-' + tokenize(data, chunksize))
if not nrows:
return new_dd_object({(name, 0): data}, name, data, [None, None])
if sort and not data.index.is_monotonic_increasing:
data = data.sort_index(ascending=True)
if sort:
divisions, locations = sorted_division_locations(data.index,
locations = list(range(0, nrows, chunksize)) + [len(data)]
divisions = [None] * len(locations)
dsk = {(name, i): data.iloc[start: stop]
for i, (start, stop) in enumerate(zip(locations[:-1], locations[1:]))}
return new_dd_object(dsk, name, data, divisions)
def from_bcolz(x, chunksize=None, categorize=True, index=None, lock=lock,
""" Read BColz CTable into a Dask Dataframe
BColz is a fast on-disk compressed column store with careful attention
given to compression.
x : bcolz.ctable
chunksize : int, optional
The size(rows) of blocks to pull out from ctable.
categorize : bool, defaults to True
Automatically categorize all string dtypes
index : string, optional
Column to make the index
lock: bool or Lock
Lock to use when reading or False for no lock (not-thread-safe)
See Also
from_array: more generic function not optimized for bcolz
if lock is True:
lock = Lock()
import dask.array as da
import bcolz
if isinstance(x, (str, unicode)):
x = bcolz.ctable(rootdir=x)
bc_chunklen = max(x[name].chunklen for name in x.names)
if chunksize is None and bc_chunklen > 10000:
chunksize = bc_chunklen
categories = dict()
if categorize:
for name in x.names:
if (np.issubdtype(x.dtype[name], np.string_) or
np.issubdtype(x.dtype[name], np.unicode_) or
np.issubdtype(x.dtype[name], np.object_)):
a = da.from_array(x[name], chunks=(chunksize * len(x.names),))
categories[name] = da.unique(a).compute()
columns = tuple(x.dtype.names)
divisions = tuple(range(0, len(x), chunksize))
divisions = divisions + (len(x) - 1,)
if x.rootdir:
token = tokenize((x.rootdir, os.path.getmtime(x.rootdir)), chunksize,
categorize, index, kwargs)
token = tokenize((id(x), x.shape, x.dtype), chunksize, categorize,
index, kwargs)
new_name = 'from_bcolz-' + token
dsk = dict(((new_name, i),
(slice(i * chunksize, (i + 1) * chunksize),),
columns, categories, lock))
for i in range(0, int(ceil(len(x) / chunksize))))
meta = dataframe_from_ctable(x, slice(0, 0), columns, categories, lock)
result = DataFrame(dsk, new_name, meta, divisions)
if index:
assert index in x.names
a = da.from_array(x[index], chunks=(chunksize * len(x.names),))
q = np.linspace(0, 100, len(x) // chunksize + 2)
divisions = tuple(da.percentile(a, q).compute())
return set_partition(result, index, divisions, **kwargs)
return result
def dataframe_from_ctable(x, slc, columns=None, categories=None, lock=lock):
""" Get DataFrame from bcolz.ctable
x: bcolz.ctable
slc: slice
columns: list of column names or None
>>> import bcolz
>>> x = bcolz.ctable([[1, 2, 3, 4], [10, 20, 30, 40]], names=['a', 'b'])
>>> dataframe_from_ctable(x, slice(1, 3))
a b
1 2 20
2 3 30
>>> dataframe_from_ctable(x, slice(1, 3), columns=['b'])
1 20
2 30
>>> dataframe_from_ctable(x, slice(1, 3), columns='b')
1 20
2 30
Name: b, dtype: int...
import bcolz
if columns is None:
columns = x.dtype.names
if isinstance(columns, tuple):
columns = list(columns)
x = x[columns]
if type(slc) is slice:
start = slc.start
stop = slc.stop if slc.stop < len(x) else len(x)
start = slc[0].start
stop = slc[0].stop if slc[0].stop < len(x) else len(x)
idx = pd.Index(range(start, stop))
if lock:
if isinstance(x, bcolz.ctable):
chunks = [x[name][slc] for name in columns]
if categories is not None:
chunks = [pd.Categorical.from_codes(
np.searchsorted(categories[name], chunk),
categories[name], True)
if name in categories else chunk
for name, chunk in zip(columns, chunks)]
result = pd.DataFrame(dict(zip(columns, chunks)), columns=columns,
elif isinstance(x, bcolz.carray):
chunk = x[slc]
if categories is not None and columns and columns in categories:
chunk = pd.Categorical.from_codes(
np.searchsorted(categories[columns], chunk),
categories[columns], True)
result = pd.Series(chunk, name=columns, index=idx)
if lock:
return result
def from_dask_array(x, columns=None, index=None):
""" Create a Dask DataFrame from a Dask Array.
Converts a 2d array into a DataFrame and a 1d array into a Series.
x : da.Array
columns : list or string
list of column names if DataFrame, single string if Series
index : dask.dataframe.Index, optional
An optional *dask* Index to use for the output Series or DataFrame.
The default output index depends on whether `x` has any unknown
chunks. If there are any unknown chunks, the output has ``None``
for all the divisions (one per chunk). If all the chunks are known,
a default index with known divsions is created.
Specifying `index` can be useful if you're conforming a Dask Array
to an existing dask Series or DataFrame, and you would like the
indices to match.
>>> import dask.array as da
>>> import dask.dataframe as dd
>>> x = da.ones((4, 2), chunks=(2, 2))
>>> df =, columns=['a', 'b'])
>>> df.compute()
a b
0 1.0 1.0
1 1.0 1.0
2 1.0 1.0
3 1.0 1.0
See Also
dask.bag.to_dataframe: from dask.bag
dask.dataframe._Frame.values: Reverse conversion
dask.dataframe._Frame.to_records: Reverse conversion
meta = _meta_from_array(x, columns)
if x.ndim == 2 and len(x.chunks[1]) > 1:
x = x.rechunk({1: x.shape[1]})
name = 'from-dask-array' + tokenize(x, columns)
to_merge = []
if index is not None:
if not isinstance(index, Index):
raise ValueError("'index' must be an instance of dask.dataframe.Index")
if index.npartitions != x.numblocks[0]:
msg = (
"'index' must have the same number of blocks as 'x'. "
"({} != {})".format(index.npartitions, x.numblocks[0])
raise ValueError(msg)
divisions = index.divisions
index = index.__dask_keys__()
elif np.isnan(sum(x.shape)):
divisions = [None] * (len(x.chunks[0]) + 1)
index = [None] * len(x.chunks[0])
divisions = [0]
for c in x.chunks[0]:
divisions.append(divisions[-1] + c)
index = [(np.arange, a, b, 1, 'i8') for a, b in
zip(divisions[:-1], divisions[1:])]
divisions[-1] -= 1
dsk = {}
for i, (chunk, ind) in enumerate(zip(x.__dask_keys__(), index)):
if x.ndim == 2:
chunk = chunk[0]
if isinstance(meta, pd.Series):
dsk[name, i] = (pd.Series, chunk, ind, x.dtype,
dsk[name, i] = (pd.DataFrame, chunk, ind, meta.columns)
to_merge.extend([ensure_dict(x.dask), dsk])
return new_dd_object(merge(*to_merge), name, meta, divisions)
def _link(token, result):
""" A dummy function to link results together in a graph
We use this to enforce an artificial sequential ordering on tasks that
don't explicitly pass around a shared resource
return None
def _df_to_bag(df, index=False):
if isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame):
return list(map(tuple, df.itertuples(index)))
elif isinstance(df, pd.Series):
return list(df.iteritems()) if index else list(df)
def to_bag(df, index=False):
"""Create Dask Bag from a Dask DataFrame
index : bool, optional
If True, the elements are tuples of ``(index, value)``, otherwise
they're just the ``value``. Default is False.
>>> bag = df.to_bag() # doctest: +SKIP
from ...bag.core import Bag
if not isinstance(df, (DataFrame, Series)):
raise TypeError("df must be either DataFrame or Series")
name = 'to_bag-' + tokenize(df, index)
dsk = dict(((name, i), (_df_to_bag, block, index))
for (i, block) in enumerate(df.__dask_keys__()))
dsk.update(df.__dask_optimize__(df.__dask_graph__(), df.__dask_keys__()))
return Bag(dsk, name, df.npartitions)
def to_records(df):
""" Create Dask Array from a Dask Dataframe
Warning: This creates a dask.array without precise shape information.
Operations that depend on shape information, like slicing or reshaping,
will not work.
>>> df.to_records() # doctest: +SKIP
dask.array<shape=(nan,), dtype=(numpy.record, [('ind', '<f8'), ('x', 'O'), ('y', '<i8')]), chunksize=(nan,)>
See Also
return df.map_partitions(M.to_records)
def from_delayed(dfs, meta=None, divisions=None, prefix='from-delayed'):
""" Create Dask DataFrame from many Dask Delayed objects
dfs : list of Delayed
An iterable of ``dask.delayed.Delayed`` objects, such as come from
``dask.delayed`` These comprise the individual partitions of the
resulting dataframe.
divisions : tuple, str, optional
Partition boundaries along the index.
For tuple, see
For string 'sorted' will compute the delayed values to find index
values. Assumes that the indexes are mutually sorted.
If None, then won't use index information
prefix : str, optional
Prefix to prepend to the keys.
from dask.delayed import Delayed
if isinstance(dfs, Delayed):
dfs = [dfs]
dfs = [delayed(df)
if not isinstance(df, Delayed) and hasattr(df, 'key')
else df
for df in dfs]
for df in dfs:
if not isinstance(df, Delayed):
raise TypeError("Expected Delayed object, got %s" %
if meta is None:
meta = dfs[0].compute()
meta = make_meta(meta)
name = prefix + '-' + tokenize(*dfs)
dsk = merge(df.dask for df in dfs)
dsk.update({(name, i): (check_meta, df.key, meta, 'from_delayed')
for (i, df) in enumerate(dfs)})
if divisions is None or divisions == 'sorted':
divs = [None] * (len(dfs) + 1)
divs = tuple(divisions)
if len(divs) != len(dfs) + 1:
raise ValueError("divisions should be a tuple of len(dfs) + 1")
df = new_dd_object(dsk, name, meta, divs)
if divisions == 'sorted':
from ..shuffle import compute_divisions
divisions = compute_divisions(df)
df.divisions = divisions
return df
def sorted_division_locations(seq, npartitions=None, chunksize=None):
""" Find division locations and values in sorted list
>>> L = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F']
>>> sorted_division_locations(L, chunksize=2)
(['A', 'C', 'E', 'F'], [0, 2, 4, 6])
>>> sorted_division_locations(L, chunksize=3)
(['A', 'D', 'F'], [0, 3, 6])
>>> L = ['A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'C']
>>> sorted_division_locations(L, chunksize=3)
(['A', 'B', 'C'], [0, 4, 8])
>>> sorted_division_locations(L, chunksize=2)
(['A', 'B', 'C'], [0, 4, 8])
>>> sorted_division_locations(['A'], chunksize=2)
(['A', 'A'], [0, 1])
if ((npartitions is None) == (chunksize is None)):
raise ValueError('Exactly one of npartitions and chunksize must be specified.')
if npartitions:
chunksize = ceil(len(seq) / npartitions)
positions = [0]
values = [seq[0]]
for pos in list(range(0, len(seq), chunksize)):
if pos <= positions[-1]:
while pos + 1 < len(seq) and seq[pos - 1] == seq[pos]:
pos += 1
if pos == len(seq) - 1:
pos += 1
if positions[-1] != len(seq):
return values, positions
if PY3:
DataFrame.to_records.__doc__ = to_records.__doc__
DataFrame.to_bag.__doc__ = to_bag.__doc__