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180 lines
5.1 KiB

6 years ago
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import dask
from dask.local import start_state_from_dask, get_sync, finish_task, sortkey
from dask.order import order
from dask.utils_test import GetFunctionTestMixin, inc, add
fib_dask = {'f0': 0, 'f1': 1, 'f2': 1, 'f3': 2, 'f4': 3, 'f5': 5, 'f6': 8}
def test_start_state():
dsk = {'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'z': (inc, 'x'), 'w': (add, 'z', 'y')}
result = start_state_from_dask(dsk)
expected = {'cache': {'x': 1, 'y': 2},
'dependencies': {'w': set(['y', 'z']),
'x': set([]),
'y': set([]),
'z': set(['x'])},
'dependents': {'w': set([]),
'x': set(['z']),
'y': set(['w']),
'z': set(['w'])},
'finished': set([]),
'released': set([]),
'running': set([]),
'ready': ['z'],
'waiting': {'w': set(['z'])},
'waiting_data': {'x': set(['z']),
'y': set(['w']),
'z': set(['w'])}}
assert result == expected
def test_start_state_looks_at_cache():
dsk = {'b': (inc, 'a')}
cache = {'a': 1}
result = start_state_from_dask(dsk, cache)
assert result['dependencies']['b'] == set(['a'])
assert result['ready'] == ['b']
def test_start_state_with_redirects():
dsk = {'x': 1, 'y': 'x', 'z': (inc, 'y')}
result = start_state_from_dask(dsk)
assert result['cache'] == {'x': 1}
def test_start_state_with_independent_but_runnable_tasks():
assert start_state_from_dask({'x': (inc, 1)})['ready'] == ['x']
def test_start_state_with_tasks_no_deps():
dsk = {'a': [1, (inc, 2)],
'b': [1, 2, 3, 4],
'c': (inc, 3)}
state = start_state_from_dask(dsk)
assert list(state['cache'].keys()) == ['b']
assert 'a' in state['ready'] and 'c' in state['ready']
deps = dict((k, set()) for k in 'abc')
assert state['dependencies'] == deps
assert state['dependents'] == deps
def test_finish_task():
dsk = {'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'z': (inc, 'x'), 'w': (add, 'z', 'y')}
sortkey = order(dsk).get
state = start_state_from_dask(dsk)
state['running'] = set(['z', 'other-task'])
task = 'z'
result = 2
state['cache']['z'] = result
finish_task(dsk, task, state, set(), sortkey)
assert state == {'cache': {'y': 2, 'z': 2},
'dependencies': {'w': set(['y', 'z']),
'x': set([]),
'y': set([]),
'z': set(['x'])},
'finished': set(['z']),
'released': set(['x']),
'running': set(['other-task']),
'dependents': {'w': set([]),
'x': set(['z']),
'y': set(['w']),
'z': set(['w'])},
'ready': ['w'],
'waiting': {},
'waiting_data': {'y': set(['w']),
'z': set(['w'])}}
class TestGetAsync(GetFunctionTestMixin):
get = staticmethod(get_sync)
def test_get_sync_num_workers(self):
self.get({'x': (inc, 'y'), 'y': 1}, 'x', num_workers=2)
def test_cache_options():
from chest import Chest
except ImportError:
cache = Chest()
def inc2(x):
assert 'y' in cache
return x + 1
with dask.config.set(cache=cache):
get_sync({'x': (inc2, 'y'), 'y': 1}, 'x')
def test_sort_key():
L = ['x', ('x', 1), ('z', 0), ('x', 0)]
assert sorted(L, key=sortkey) == ['x', ('x', 0), ('x', 1), ('z', 0)]
def test_callback():
f = lambda x: x + 1
dsk = {'a': (f, 1)}
from dask.threaded import get
def start_callback(key, d, state):
assert key == 'a' or key is None
assert d == dsk
assert isinstance(state, dict)
def end_callback(key, value, d, state, worker_id):
assert key == 'a' or key is None
assert value == 2 or value is None
assert d == dsk
assert isinstance(state, dict)
get(dsk, 'a', start_callback=start_callback, end_callback=end_callback)
def test_exceptions_propagate():
class MyException(Exception):
def __init__(self, a, b):
self.a = a
self.b = b
def __str__(self):
return "My Exception!"
def f():
raise MyException(1, 2)
from dask.threaded import get
get({'x': (f,)}, 'x')
assert False
except MyException as e:
assert "My Exception!" in str(e)
assert 'a' in dir(e)
assert e.a == 1
assert e.b == 2
def test_ordering():
L = []
def append(i):
dsk = {('x', i): (append, i) for i in range(10)}
x_keys = sorted(dsk)
dsk['y'] = (lambda *args: None, list(x_keys))
get_sync(dsk, 'y')
assert L == sorted(L)