You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1353 lines
51 KiB

"domain": "nbjs",
"locale_data": {
"nbjs": {
"": {
"domain": "nbjs"
"Manually edit the JSON below to manipulate the metadata for this cell.": [
"Manually edit the JSON below to manipulate the metadata for this notebook.": [
" We recommend putting custom metadata attributes in an appropriately named substructure, so they don't conflict with those of others.": [
" カスタムメタデータ属性は適切な名前のサブ構造に含め他の属性と競合しないようにすることをお勧めします。"
"Edit the metadata": [
"Edit Notebook Metadata": [
"Edit Cell Metadata": [
"Cancel": [
"Edit": [
"OK": [
"Apply": [
"WARNING: Could not save invalid JSON.": [
"警告: 不正な JSON のため保存できませんでした。"
"There are no attachments for this cell.": [
"Current cell attachments": [
"Attachments": [
"Restore": [
"Delete": [
"Edit attachments": [
"Edit Notebook Attachments": [
"Edit Cell Attachments": [
"Select a file to insert.": [
"Select a file": [
"You are using Jupyter notebook.": [
"Jupyter notebook を使用しています。"
"The version of the notebook server is: ": [
"The server is running on this version of Python:": [
"サーバはこのバージョンの Python で稼働しています:"
"Waiting for kernel to be available...": [
"Server Information:": [
"Current Kernel Information:": [
"Could not access sys_info variable for version information.": [
"バージョン情報のための sys_info 変数にアクセスできませんでした。"
"Cannot find sys_info!": [
"sys_info が見つかりません!"
"About Jupyter Notebook": [
"Jupyter Notebook について"
"unable to contact kernel": [
"kernel と通信できません"
"toggle rtl layout": [
"rtl レイアウトをトグル"
"Toggle the screen directionality between left-to-right and right-to-left": [
"edit command mode keyboard shortcuts": [
"Open a dialog to edit the command mode keyboard shortcuts": [
"restart kernel": [
"restart the kernel (no confirmation dialog)": [
"カーネルを再起動 (確認ダイアログ無し)"
"confirm restart kernel": [
"restart the kernel (with dialog)": [
"カーネルを再起動 (確認ダイアログあり)"
"restart kernel and run all cells": [
"restart the kernel, then re-run the whole notebook (no confirmation dialog)": [
"カーネルを再起動しノートブック全体を再実行 (確認ダイアログ無し)"
"confirm restart kernel and run all cells": [
"restart the kernel, then re-run the whole notebook (with dialog)": [
"カーネルを再起動しノートブック全体を再実行 (確認ダイアログあり)"
"restart kernel and clear output": [
"restart the kernel and clear all output (no confirmation dialog)": [
"カーネルを再起動し全ての出力をクリア (確認ダイアログ無し)"
"confirm restart kernel and clear output": [
"restart the kernel and clear all output (with dialog)": [
"カーネルを再起動し出力をクリア (確認ダイアログあり)"
"interrupt the kernel": [
"run cell and select next": [
"run cell, select below": [
"run selected cells": [
"run cell and insert below": [
"run all cells": [
"run all cells above": [
"run all cells below": [
"enter command mode": [
"insert image": [
"cut cell attachments": [
"copy cell attachments": [
"paste cell attachments": [
"split cell at cursor": [
"enter edit mode": [
"select previous cell": [
"select cell above": [
"select next cell": [
"select cell below": [
"extend selection above": [
"extend selected cells above": [
"extend selection below": [
"extend selected cells below": [
"cut selected cells": [
"copy selected cells": [
"paste cells above": [
"paste cells below": [
"insert cell above": [
"insert cell below": [
"change cell to code": [
"change cell to markdown": [
"セルを markdown に変更"
"change cell to raw": [
"セルを raw に変更"
"change cell to heading 1": [
"change cell to heading 2": [
"change cell to heading 3": [
"change cell to heading 4": [
"change cell to heading 5": [
"change cell to heading 6": [
"toggle cell output": [
"toggle output of selected cells": [
"toggle cell scrolling": [
"toggle output scrolling of selected cells": [
"clear cell output": [
"clear output of selected cells": [
"move cells down": [
"move selected cells down": [
"move cells up": [
"move selected cells up": [
"toggle line numbers": [
"show keyboard shortcuts": [
"delete cells": [
"delete selected cells": [
"undo cell deletion": [
"merge cell with previous cell": [
"merge cell above": [
"merge cell with next cell": [
"merge cell below": [
"merge selected cells": [
"merge cells": [
"merge selected cells, or current cell with cell below if only one cell is selected": [
"show command pallette": [
"open the command palette": [
"toggle all line numbers": [
"toggles line numbers in all cells, and persist the setting": [
"show all line numbers": [
"show line numbers in all cells, and persist the setting": [
"hide all line numbers": [
"hide line numbers in all cells, and persist the setting": [
"toggle header": [
"switch between showing and hiding the header": [
"show the header": [
"hide the header": [
"toggle toolbar": [
"switch between showing and hiding the toolbar": [
"show the toolbar": [
"hide the toolbar": [
"close the pager": [
"ignore": [
"move cursor up": [
"move cursor down": [
"scroll notebook down": [
"scroll notebook up": [
"scroll cell center": [
"Scroll the current cell to the center": [
"scroll cell top": [
"Scroll the current cell to the top": [
"duplicate notebook": [
"Create and open a copy of the current notebook": [
"trust notebook": [
"Trust the current notebook": [
"rename notebook": [
"Rename the current notebook": [
"toggle all cells output collapsed": [
"Toggle the hidden state of all output areas": [
"toggle all cells output scrolled": [
"Toggle the scrolling state of all output areas": [
"clear all cells output": [
"Clear the content of all the outputs": [
"save notebook": [
"Save and Checkpoint": [
"Warning: accessing Cell.cm_config directly is deprecated.": [
"警告: Cell.cm_config に直接アクセスすることは非推奨です。"
"Unrecognized cell type: %s": [
"認識できないセル種別: %s"
"Unrecognized cell type": [
"Error in cell toolbar callback %s": [
"セルツールバーのコールバック %s でエラー"
"Clipboard types: %s": [
"クリップボードの種別: %s"
"Dialog for paste from system clipboard": [
"Ctrl-V": [
"Cmd-V": [
"Press %s again to paste": [
"ペーストするには %s をもう一度押します"
"Why is this needed? ": [
"We can't get paste events in this browser without a text box. ": [
"There's an invisible text box focused in this dialog.": [
"%s to paste": [
"ペーストするには %s"
"Can't execute cell since kernel is not set.": [
"In": [
"Could not find a kernel matching %s. Please select a kernel:": [
"%s にマッチするカーネルが見つかりませんでした。カーネルを選択して下さい:"
"Continue Without Kernel": [
"Set Kernel": [
"Kernel not found": [
"Creating Notebook Failed": [
"The error was: %s": [
"エラー: %s"
"Run": [
"Code": [
"Markdown": [
"Raw NBConvert": [
"Heading": [
"unrecognized cell type:": [
"Failed to retrieve MathJax from '%s'": [
"%s から MathJax を取得できませんでした"
"Math/LaTeX rendering will be disabled.": [
"Math/LaTeX レンダリングは無効になります。"
"Trusted Notebook": [
"Trust Notebook": [
"None": [
"No checkpoints": [
"Opens in a new window": [
"Autosave in progress, latest changes may be lost.": [
"Unsaved changes will be lost.": [
"The Kernel is busy, outputs may be lost.": [
"This notebook is version %1$s, but we only fully support up to %2$s.": [
"このノートブックのバージョンは %1$s です。しかし完全なサポートは %2$s だけになります。"
"You can still work with this notebook, but cell and output types introduced in later notebook versions will not be available.": [
"Restart and Run All Cells": [
"Restart and Clear All Outputs": [
"Restart": [
"Continue Running": [
"Reload": [
"Overwrite": [
"Trust": [
"Revert": [
"Newer Notebook": [
"Use markdown headings": [
"Markdown のヘッダを使用"
"Jupyter no longer uses special heading cells. Instead, write your headings in Markdown cells using # characters:": [
"Jupyter は特別な見出しセルを使用しなくなりました。代わりに # 文字を使用して Markdown セルに見出しを書きいて下さい:"
"## This is a level 2 heading": [
"## これはレベル2のヘッダです"
"Restart kernel and re-run the whole notebook?": [
"Are you sure you want to restart the current kernel and re-execute the whole notebook? All variables and outputs will be lost.": [
"Restart kernel and clear all output?": [
"Do you want to restart the current kernel and clear all output? All variables and outputs will be lost.": [
"Restart kernel?": [
"Do you want to restart the current kernel? All variables will be lost.": [
"Shutdown kernel?": [
"Do you want to shutdown the current kernel? All variables will be lost.": [
"Notebook changed": [
"The notebook file has changed on disk since the last time we opened or saved it. Do you want to overwrite the file on disk with the version open here, or load the version on disk (reload the page) ?": [
"Notebook validation failed": [
"The save operation succeeded, but the notebook does not appear to be valid. The validation error was:": [
"A trusted Jupyter notebook may execute hidden malicious code when you open it. Selecting trust will immediately reload this notebook in a trusted state. For more information, see the Jupyter security documentation: ": [
"信頼された Jupyter ートブックは開いた際に隠された悪意のあるコードが実行される可能性があります。信頼を選択すると直ちにリロードされこのートブックは信頼できる状態になりします。詳細については、Jupyter のセキュリティドキュメントを参照してください。"
"here": [
"Trust this notebook?": [
"Notebook failed to load": [
"The error was: ": [
"エラー: "
"See the error console for details.": [
"The notebook also failed validation:": [
"An invalid notebook may not function properly. The validation error was:": [
"This notebook has been converted from an older notebook format to the current notebook format v(%s).": [
"このノートブックは古いノートブックの形式から現在の形式 v(%s) に変換されました。"
"This notebook has been converted from a newer notebook format to the current notebook format v(%s).": [
"このノートブックは新しいノートブックの形式から現在の形式 v(%s) に変換されました。"
"The next time you save this notebook, the current notebook format will be used.": [
"Older versions of Jupyter may not be able to read the new format.": [
"古いバージョンの Jupyter は新しい形式を読むことができない場合があります。"
"Some features of the original notebook may not be available.": [
"To preserve the original version, close the notebook without saving it.": [
"Notebook converted": [
"(No name)": [
"An unknown error occurred while loading this notebook. This version can load notebook formats %s or earlier. See the server log for details.": [
"このノートブックの読み込み中に不明なエラーが発生しました。このバージョンはノートブックの形式 %s とそれ以前のバージョンをロードできます。 詳細についてはサーバのログを参照して下さい。"
"Error loading notebook": [
"Are you sure you want to revert the notebook to the latest checkpoint?": [
"This cannot be undone.": [
"The checkpoint was last updated at:": [
"Revert notebook to checkpoint": [
"Edit Mode": [
"Command Mode": [
"Kernel Created": [
"Connecting to kernel": [
"Not Connected": [
"click to reconnect": [
"Restarting kernel": [
"Kernel Restarting": [
"The kernel appears to have died. It will restart automatically.": [
"Dead kernel": [
"Kernel Dead": [
"Interrupting kernel": [
"No Connection to Kernel": [
"A connection to the notebook server could not be established. The notebook will continue trying to reconnect. Check your network connection or notebook server configuration.": [
"Connection failed": [
"No kernel": [
"Kernel is not running": [
"Don't Restart": [
"Try Restarting Now": [
"The kernel has died, and the automatic restart has failed. It is possible the kernel cannot be restarted. If you are not able to restart the kernel, you will still be able to save the notebook, but running code will no longer work until the notebook is reopened.": [
"No Kernel": [
"Failed to start the kernel": [
"Kernel Busy": [
"Kernel starting, please wait...": [
"Kernel Idle": [
"Kernel ready": [
"Using kernel: ": [
"カーネルを使用しています: "
"Only candidate for language: %1$s was %2$s.": [
"唯一の言語の候補: %1$s は %2$s."
"Loading notebook": [
"Notebook loaded": [
"Saving notebook": [
"Notebook saved": [
"Notebook save failed": [
"Notebook copy failed": [
"Checkpoint created": [
"Checkpoint failed": [
"Checkpoint deleted": [
"Checkpoint delete failed": [
"Restoring to checkpoint...": [
"Checkpoint restore failed": [
"Autosave disabled": [
"Saving every %d sec.": [
"%d 秒で保存"
"Trusted": [
"Not Trusted": [
"click to expand output": [
"click to expand output; double click to hide output": [
"出力を広げるにはクリックします; ダブルクリックで非表示"
"click to unscroll output; double click to hide": [
"出力のスクロールを止めるためにクリック; ダブルクリックで非表示"
"click to scroll output; double click to hide": [
"出力をスクロールするためにクリック; ダブルクリックで非表示"
"Javascript error adding output!": [
"Javascript エラーが出力に追加されました!"
"See your browser Javascript console for more details.": [
"より詳細を知るにはブラウザの Javascript コンソールを確認して下さい。"
"Out[%s]:": [
"Unrecognized output: %s": [
"認識できない出力: %s"
"Open the pager in an external window": [
"Close the pager": [
"Jupyter Pager": [
"Jupyter ページャ"
"go to cell start": [
"go to cell end": [
"go one word left": [
"go one word right": [
"delete word before": [
"delete word after": [
"code completion or indent": [
"tooltip": [
"indent": [
"dedent": [
"select all": [
"undo": [
"redo": [
"Shift": [
"Alt": [
"Up": [
"Down": [
"Left": [
"Right": [
"Tab": [
"Caps Lock": [
"Esc": [
"Ctrl": [
"Enter": [
"Page Up": [
"Page Down": [
"Home": [
"End": [
"Space": [
"Backspace": [
"Minus": [
"PageUp": [
"The Jupyter Notebook has two different keyboard input modes.": [
"Jupyter Notebook は異なる2つのキーボード入力モードを持っています。"
"<b>Edit mode</b> allows you to type code or text into a cell and is indicated by a green cell border.": [
"<b>編集モード</b> は緑色のセル枠で表示され、セルにコードまたはテキストを入力できます。"
"<b>Command mode</b> binds the keyboard to notebook level commands and is indicated by a grey cell border with a blue left margin.": [
"<b>コマンドモード</b> は青い左マージンを持つ灰色のセル枠で表示され、ノートブックレベルのコマンドにキーボードをバインドします。"
"Close": [
"Keyboard shortcuts": [
"Command": [
"Control": [
"Option": [
"Return": [
"Command Mode (press %s to enable)": [
"コマンドモード (有効にするには %s を押下)"
"Edit Shortcuts": [
"edit command-mode keyboard shortcuts": [
"Edit Mode (press %s to enable)": [
"編集モード (有効にするには %s を押下)"
"Autosave Failed!": [
"Rename": [
"Enter a new notebook name:": [
"Rename Notebook": [
"Invalid notebook name. Notebook names must have 1 or more characters and can contain any characters except :/\\. Please enter a new notebook name:": [
"不正なノートブックの名前です。ノートブックの名前は :/\\ を除く1文字以上でなければなりません。新しいートブックの名前を入力して下さい:"
"Renaming...": [
"Unknown error": [
"no checkpoint": [
"Last Checkpoint: %s": [
"最終チェックポイント: %s"
"(unsaved changes)": [
"(autosaved)": [
"Warning: too many matches (%d). Some changes might not be shown or applied.": [
"警告: マッチが多すぎます (%d 個)。幾らかの変更は表示または適用されません。"
"%d match": [
"%d 個にマッチ",
"%d 個にマッチ"
"More than 100 matches, aborting": [
"100 個以上にマッチしたため中断します"
"Use regex (JavaScript regex syntax)": [
"正規表現の使用 (JavaScript 正規表現)"
"Replace in selected cells": [
"Match case": [
"Find": [
"Replace": [
"No matches, invalid or empty regular expression": [
"Replace All": [
"Find and Replace": [
"find and replace": [
"Write raw LaTeX or other formats here, for use with nbconvert. It will not be rendered in the notebook. When passing through nbconvert, a Raw Cell's content is added to the output unmodified.": [
"nbconvert で使うために生の LaTeX や他の形式をここに書いてください。これらはートブックには表示されません。nbconvert に渡されると Raw Cell の内容が変更されずに出力に追加されます。"
"Grow the tooltip vertically (press shift-tab twice)": [
"show the current docstring in pager (press shift-tab 4 times)": [
"現在の docstring をページャで表示しますshift-tabを4回押します"
"Open in Pager": [
"Tooltip will linger for 10 seconds while you type": [
"ツールチップは入力中の 10 秒間表示されます"
"Welcome to the Notebook Tour": [
"You can use the left and right arrow keys to go backwards and forwards.": [
"Filename": [
"Click here to change the filename for this notebook.": [
"Notebook Menubar": [
"The menubar has menus for actions on the notebook, its cells, and the kernel it communicates with.": [
"Notebook Toolbar": [
"The toolbar has buttons for the most common actions. Hover your mouse over each button for more information.": [
"ツールバーには最も一般的な操作のボタンが置かれます。 詳細については各ボタンの上にマウスを移動してください。"
"Mode Indicator": [
"The Notebook has two modes: Edit Mode and Command Mode. In this area, an indicator can appear to tell you which mode you are in.": [
"Right now you are in Command Mode, and many keyboard shortcuts are available. In this mode, no icon is displayed in the indicator area.": [
"現在あなたはコマンドモードにいるので多くのキーボードショートカットが利用可能です。 このモードではインジケータ領域にアイコンは表示されません。"
"Pressing <code>Enter</code> or clicking in the input text area of the cell switches to Edit Mode.": [
"Notice that the border around the currently active cell changed color. Typing will insert text into the currently active cell.": [
"Back to Command Mode": [
"Pressing <code>Esc</code> or clicking outside of the input text area takes you back to Command Mode.": [
"Keyboard Shortcuts": [
"You can click here to get a list of all of the keyboard shortcuts.": [
"Kernel Indicator": [
"This is the Kernel indicator. It looks like this when the Kernel is idle.": [
"The Kernel indicator looks like this when the Kernel is busy.": [
"Interrupting the Kernel": [
"To cancel a computation in progress, you can click here.": [
"Notification Area": [
"Messages in response to user actions (Save, Interrupt, etc.) appear here.": [
"ユーザーアクション (保存、割り込みなど) に応じたメッセージがここに表示されます。"
"End of Tour": [
"This concludes the Jupyter Notebook User Interface Tour.": [
"これで Jupyter Notebook のユーザーインタフェースのツアーは終了です。"
"Edit Attachments": [
"Cell": [
"Edit Metadata": [
"Custom": [
"Set the MIME type of the raw cell:": [
"Raw セルの MIME タイプを設定:"
"Raw Cell MIME Type": [
"Raw セル MIME タイプ"
"Raw NBConvert Format": [
"Raw NBConvert 書式"
"Raw Cell Format": [
"Raw セル書式"
"Slide": [
"Sub-Slide": [
"Fragment": [
"Skip": [
"Notes": [
"Slide Type": [
"Slideshow": [
"Add tag": [
"Edit the list of tags below. All whitespace is treated as tag separators.": [
"Edit the tags": [
"Edit Tags": [
"Shutdown": [
"Create a new notebook with %s": [
"新しいノートブック %s を作成"
"An error occurred while creating a new notebook.": [
"Creating File Failed": [
"An error occurred while creating a new file.": [
"Creating Folder Failed": [
"An error occurred while creating a new folder.": [
"Failed to read file": [
"Failed to read file %s": [
"%s の読み込みに失敗しました"
"The file size is %d MB. Do you still want to upload it?": [
"ファイルサイズは %d MB です。本当にアップロードしますか?"
"Large file size warning": [
"Server error: ": [
"The notebook list is empty.": [
"Click here to rename, delete, etc.": [
"Running": [
"Enter a new file name:": [
"Enter a new directory name:": [
"Enter a new name:": [
"Rename file": [
"Rename directory": [
"Rename notebook": [
"Move": [
"An error occurred while renaming \"%1$s\" to \"%2$s\".": [
"\"%1$s\" を \"%2$s\" にリネーム中にエラーが発生しました。"
"Rename Failed": [
"Enter a new destination directory path for this item:": [
"%d 個のアイテムの移動先を入力して下さい:"
"Move an Item": [
"%d 個のアイテムの移動"
"An error occurred while moving \"%1$s\" from \"%2$s\" to \"%3$s\".": [
"\"%1$s\" を \"%2$s\" から \"%3$s\" に移動する際に失敗しました。"
"Move Failed": [
"Are you sure you want to permanently delete: \"%s\"?": [
"本当に \"%s\" を完全に削除しますか?",
"本当に %d 個のファイルまたはディレクトリを完全に削除しますか?"
"An error occurred while deleting \"%s\".": [
"\"%s\" を削除中にエラーが発生しました。"
"Delete Failed": [
"Are you sure you want to duplicate: \"%s\"?": [
"本当に \"%s\" を複製しますか?",
"本当に %d 個のファイルを複製しますか?"
"Duplicate": [
"An error occurred while duplicating \"%s\".": [
"\"%s\" の複製中に失敗"
"Duplicate Failed": [
"Upload": [
"Invalid file name": [
"File names must be at least one character and not start with a period": [
"Cannot upload invalid Notebook": [
"There is already a file named \"%s\". Do you want to replace it?": [
"既に \"%s\" という名前のファイルが存在します。入れ替えますか?"
"Replace file": [