You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

972 lines
38 KiB

6 years ago
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from prompt_toolkit.buffer import Buffer
from prompt_toolkit.cache import SimpleCache
from prompt_toolkit.clipboard import Clipboard, InMemoryClipboard
from prompt_toolkit.enums import EditingMode
from prompt_toolkit.eventloop import get_event_loop, ensure_future, Return, run_in_executor, run_until_complete, call_from_executor, From
from prompt_toolkit.eventloop.base import get_traceback_from_context
from prompt_toolkit.filters import to_filter, Condition
from prompt_toolkit.input.base import Input
from prompt_toolkit.input.defaults import get_default_input
from prompt_toolkit.input.typeahead import store_typeahead, get_typeahead
from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.bindings.page_navigation import load_page_navigation_bindings
from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.defaults import load_key_bindings
from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.key_bindings import KeyBindings, ConditionalKeyBindings, KeyBindingsBase, merge_key_bindings, GlobalOnlyKeyBindings
from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.key_processor import KeyProcessor
from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.emacs_state import EmacsState
from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.vi_state import ViState
from prompt_toolkit.keys import Keys
from prompt_toolkit.layout.controls import BufferControl
from prompt_toolkit.layout.dummy import create_dummy_layout
from prompt_toolkit.layout.layout import Layout, walk
from prompt_toolkit.output import Output, ColorDepth
from prompt_toolkit.output.defaults import get_default_output
from prompt_toolkit.renderer import Renderer, print_formatted_text
from import SearchState
from prompt_toolkit.styles import BaseStyle, default_ui_style, default_pygments_style, merge_styles, DynamicStyle, DummyStyle, StyleTransformation, DummyStyleTransformation
from prompt_toolkit.utils import Event, in_main_thread
from .current import set_app
from .run_in_terminal import run_in_terminal, run_coroutine_in_terminal
from subprocess import Popen
from traceback import format_tb
import os
import re
import signal
import six
import sys
import time
__all__ = [
class Application(object):
The main Application class!
This glues everything together.
:param layout: A :class:`~prompt_toolkit.layout.Layout` instance.
:param key_bindings:
:class:`~prompt_toolkit.key_binding.KeyBindingsBase` instance for
the key bindings.
:param clipboard: :class:`~prompt_toolkit.clipboard.Clipboard` to use.
:param on_abort: What to do when Control-C is pressed.
:param on_exit: What to do when Control-D is pressed.
:param full_screen: When True, run the application on the alternate screen buffer.
:param color_depth: Any :class:`~.ColorDepth` value, a callable that
returns a :class:`~.ColorDepth` or `None` for default.
:param erase_when_done: (bool) Clear the application output when it finishes.
:param reverse_vi_search_direction: Normally, in Vi mode, a '/' searches
forward and a '?' searches backward. In Readline mode, this is usually
:param min_redraw_interval: Number of seconds to wait between redraws. Use
this for applications where `invalidate` is called a lot. This could cause
a lot of terminal output, which some terminals are not able to process.
`None` means that every `invalidate` will be scheduled right away
(which is usually fine).
When one `invalidate` is called, but a scheduled redraw of a previous
`invalidate` call has not been executed yet, nothing will happen in any
:param max_render_postpone_time: When there is high CPU (a lot of other
scheduled calls), postpone the rendering max x seconds. '0' means:
don't postpone. '.5' means: try to draw at least twice a second.
:param mouse_support: (:class:`~prompt_toolkit.filters.Filter` or
boolean). When True, enable mouse support.
:param paste_mode: :class:`~prompt_toolkit.filters.Filter` or boolean.
:param editing_mode: :class:`~prompt_toolkit.enums.EditingMode`.
:param enable_page_navigation_bindings: When `True`, enable the page
navigation key bindings. These include both Emacs and Vi bindings like
page-up, page-down and so on to scroll through pages. Mostly useful for
creating an editor or other full screen applications. Probably, you
don't want this for the implementation of a REPL. By default, this is
enabled if `full_screen` is set.
Callbacks (all of these should accept a
:class:`~prompt_toolkit.application.Application` object as input.)
:param on_reset: Called during reset.
:param on_invalidate: Called when the UI has been invalidated.
:param before_render: Called right before rendering.
:param after_render: Called right after rendering.
:param input: :class:`~prompt_toolkit.input.Input` instance.
:param output: :class:`~prompt_toolkit.output.Output` instance. (Probably
Vt100_Output or Win32Output.)
app = Application(...)
def __init__(self, layout=None,
key_bindings=None, clipboard=None,
full_screen=False, color_depth=None,
enable_page_navigation_bindings=None, # Can be None, True or False.
on_reset=None, on_invalidate=None,
before_render=None, after_render=None,
# I/O.
input=None, output=None):
# If `enable_page_navigation_bindings` is not specified, enable it in
# case of full screen applications only. This can be overridden by the user.
if enable_page_navigation_bindings is None:
enable_page_navigation_bindings = Condition(lambda: self.full_screen)
paste_mode = to_filter(paste_mode)
mouse_support = to_filter(mouse_support)
reverse_vi_search_direction = to_filter(reverse_vi_search_direction)
enable_page_navigation_bindings = to_filter(enable_page_navigation_bindings)
include_default_pygments_style = to_filter(include_default_pygments_style)
assert layout is None or isinstance(layout, Layout), 'Got layout: %r' % (layout, )
assert key_bindings is None or isinstance(key_bindings, KeyBindingsBase)
assert clipboard is None or isinstance(clipboard, Clipboard)
assert isinstance(full_screen, bool)
assert (color_depth is None or callable(color_depth) or
color_depth in ColorDepth._ALL), 'Got color_depth: %r' % (color_depth, )
assert isinstance(editing_mode, six.string_types)
assert style is None or isinstance(style, BaseStyle)
assert style_transformation is None or isinstance(style_transformation, StyleTransformation)
assert isinstance(erase_when_done, bool)
assert min_redraw_interval is None or isinstance(min_redraw_interval, (float, int))
assert max_render_postpone_time is None or isinstance(max_render_postpone_time, (float, int))
assert on_reset is None or callable(on_reset)
assert on_invalidate is None or callable(on_invalidate)
assert before_render is None or callable(before_render)
assert after_render is None or callable(after_render)
assert output is None or isinstance(output, Output)
assert input is None or isinstance(input, Input)
if layout is None:
layout = create_dummy_layout()
if style_transformation is None:
style_transformation = DummyStyleTransformation() = style
self.style_transformation = style_transformation
# Key bindings.
self.key_bindings = key_bindings
self._default_bindings = load_key_bindings()
self._page_navigation_bindings = load_page_navigation_bindings()
self.layout = layout
self.clipboard = clipboard or InMemoryClipboard()
self.full_screen = full_screen
self._color_depth = color_depth
self.mouse_support = mouse_support
self.paste_mode = paste_mode
self.editing_mode = editing_mode
self.erase_when_done = erase_when_done
self.reverse_vi_search_direction = reverse_vi_search_direction
self.enable_page_navigation_bindings = enable_page_navigation_bindings
self.min_redraw_interval = min_redraw_interval
self.max_render_postpone_time = max_render_postpone_time
# Events.
self.on_invalidate = Event(self, on_invalidate)
self.on_reset = Event(self, on_reset)
self.before_render = Event(self, before_render)
self.after_render = Event(self, after_render)
# I/O.
self.output = output or get_default_output()
self.input = input or get_default_input()
# List of 'extra' functions to execute before a
self.pre_run_callables = []
self._is_running = False
self.future = None
#: Quoted insert. This flag is set if we go into quoted insert mode.
self.quoted_insert = False
#: Vi state. (For Vi key bindings.)
self.vi_state = ViState()
self.emacs_state = EmacsState()
#: When to flush the input (For flushing escape keys.) This is important
#: on terminals that use vt100 input. We can't distinguish the escape
#: key from for instance the left-arrow key, if we don't know what follows
#: after "\x1b". This little timer will consider "\x1b" to be escape if
#: nothing did follow in this time span.
#: This seems to work like the `ttimeoutlen` option in Vim.
self.ttimeoutlen = .5 # Seconds.
#: Like Vim's `timeoutlen` option. This can be `None` or a float. For
#: instance, suppose that we have a key binding AB and a second key
#: binding A. If the uses presses A and then waits, we don't handle
#: this binding yet (unless it was marked 'eager'), because we don't
#: know what will follow. This timeout is the maximum amount of time
#: that we wait until we call the handlers anyway. Pass `None` to
#: disable this timeout.
self.timeoutlen = 1.0
#: The `Renderer` instance.
# Make sure that the same stdout is used, when a custom renderer has been passed.
self._merged_style = self._create_merged_style(include_default_pygments_style)
self.renderer = Renderer(
#: Render counter. This one is increased every time the UI is rendered.
#: It can be used as a key for caching certain information during one
#: rendering.
self.render_counter = 0
# Invalidate flag. When 'True', a repaint has been scheduled.
self._invalidated = False
self._invalidate_events = [] # Collection of 'invalidate' Event objects.
self._last_redraw_time = 0 # Unix timestamp of last redraw. Used when
# `min_redraw_interval` is given.
#: The `InputProcessor` instance.
self.key_processor = KeyProcessor(_CombinedRegistry(self))
# If `run_in_terminal` was called. This will point to a `Future` what will be
# set at the point when the previous run finishes.
self._running_in_terminal = False
self._running_in_terminal_f = None
# Trigger initialize callback.
def _create_merged_style(self, include_default_pygments_style):
Create a `Style` object that merges the default UI style, the default
pygments style, and the custom user style.
dummy_style = DummyStyle()
pygments_style = default_pygments_style()
def conditional_pygments_style():
if include_default_pygments_style():
return pygments_style
return dummy_style
return merge_styles([
def color_depth(self):
Active :class:`.ColorDepth`.
depth = self._color_depth
if callable(depth):
depth = depth()
if depth is None:
depth = ColorDepth.default()
return depth
def current_buffer(self):
The currently focused :class:`~.Buffer`.
(This returns a dummy :class:`.Buffer` when none of the actual buffers
has the focus. In this case, it's really not practical to check for
`None` values or catch exceptions every time.)
return self.layout.current_buffer or Buffer(name='dummy-buffer') # Dummy buffer.
def current_search_state(self):
Return the current :class:`.SearchState`. (The one for the focused
ui_control = self.layout.current_control
if isinstance(ui_control, BufferControl):
return ui_control.search_state
return SearchState() # Dummy search state. (Don't return None!)
def reset(self):
Reset everything, for reading the next input.
# Notice that we don't reset the buffers. (This happens just before
# returning, and when we have multiple buffers, we clearly want the
# content in the other buffers to remain unchanged between several
# calls of `run`. (And the same is true for the focus stack.)
self.exit_style = ''
# Trigger reset event.
# Make sure that we have a 'focusable' widget focused.
# (The `Layout` class can't determine this.)
layout = self.layout
if not layout.current_control.is_focusable():
for w in layout.find_all_windows():
if w.content.is_focusable():
layout.current_window = w
def invalidate(self):
Thread safe way of sending a repaint trigger to the input event loop.
# Never schedule a second redraw, when a previous one has not yet been
# executed. (This should protect against other threads calling
# 'invalidate' many times, resulting in 100% CPU.)
if self._invalidated:
self._invalidated = True
# Trigger event.
def redraw():
self._invalidated = False
def schedule_redraw():
# Call redraw in the eventloop (thread safe).
# Usually with the high priority, in order to make the application
# feel responsive, but this can be tuned by changing the value of
# `max_render_postpone_time`.
if self.max_render_postpone_time:
_max_postpone_until = time.time() + self.max_render_postpone_time
_max_postpone_until = None
redraw, _max_postpone_until=_max_postpone_until)
if self.min_redraw_interval:
# When a minimum redraw interval is set, wait minimum this amount
# of time between redraws.
diff = time.time() - self._last_redraw_time
if diff < self.min_redraw_interval:
def redraw_in_future():
time.sleep(self.min_redraw_interval - diff)
def invalidated(self):
" True when a redraw operation has been scheduled. "
return self._invalidated
def _redraw(self, render_as_done=False):
Render the command line again. (Not thread safe!) (From other threads,
or if unsure, use :meth:`.Application.invalidate`.)
:param render_as_done: make sure to put the cursor after the UI.
# Only draw when no sub application was started.
if self._is_running and not self._running_in_terminal:
if self.min_redraw_interval:
self._last_redraw_time = time.time()
# Clear the 'rendered_ui_controls' list. (The `Window` class will
# populate this during the next rendering.)
self.rendered_user_controls = []
# Render
self.render_counter += 1
# NOTE: We want to make sure this Application is the active one, if
# we have a situation with multiple concurrent running apps.
# We had the case with pymux where `invalidate()` was called
# at the point where another Application was active. This
# would cause prompt_toolkit to render the wrong application
# to this output device.
with set_app(self):
if render_as_done:
if self.erase_when_done:
# Draw in 'done' state and reset renderer.
self.renderer.render(self, self.layout, is_done=render_as_done)
self.renderer.render(self, self.layout)
# Fire render event.
def _update_invalidate_events(self):
Make sure to attach 'invalidate' handlers to all invalidate events in
the UI.
# Remove all the original event handlers. (Components can be removed
# from the UI.)
for ev in self._invalidate_events:
ev -= self._invalidate_handler
# Gather all new events.
# (All controls are able to invalidate themselves.)
def gather_events():
for c in self.layout.find_all_controls():
for ev in c.get_invalidate_events():
yield ev
self._invalidate_events = list(gather_events())
for ev in self._invalidate_events:
ev += self._invalidate_handler
def _invalidate_handler(self, sender):
Handler for invalidate events coming from UIControls.
(This handles the difference in signature between event handler and
`self.invalidate`. It also needs to be a method -not a nested
function-, so that we can remove it again .)
def _on_resize(self):
When the window size changes, we erase the current output and request
again the cursor position. When the CPR answer arrives, the output is
drawn again.
# Erase, request position (when cursor is at the start position)
# and redraw again. -- The order is important.
def _pre_run(self, pre_run=None):
" Called during `run`. "
if pre_run:
# Process registered "pre_run_callables" and clear list.
for c in self.pre_run_callables:
del self.pre_run_callables[:]
def run_async(self, pre_run=None):
Run asynchronous. Return a prompt_toolkit
:class:`~prompt_toolkit.eventloop.Future` object.
If you wish to run on top of asyncio, remember that a prompt_toolkit
`Future` needs to be converted to an asyncio `Future`. The cleanest way
is to call :meth:`~prompt_toolkit.eventloop.Future.to_asyncio_future`.
Also make sure to tell prompt_toolkit to use the asyncio event loop.
.. code:: python
from prompt_toolkit.eventloop import use_asyncio_event_loop
from asyncio import get_event_loop
assert not self._is_running, 'Application is already running.'
def _run_async():
" Coroutine. "
loop = get_event_loop()
f = loop.create_future()
self.future = f # XXX: make sure to set this before calling '_redraw'.
# Counter for cancelling 'flush' timeouts. Every time when a key is
# pressed, we start a 'flush' timer for flushing our escape key. But
# when any subsequent input is received, a new timer is started and
# the current timer will be ignored.
flush_counter = [0] # Non local.
# Reset.
# Feed type ahead input first.
def read_from_input():
# Ignore when we aren't running anymore. This callback will
# removed from the loop next time. (It could be that it was
# still in the 'tasks' list of the loop.)
# Except: if we need to process incoming CPRs.
if not self._is_running and not self.renderer.waiting_for_cpr:
# Get keys from the input object.
keys = self.input.read_keys()
# Feed to key processor.
# Quit when the input stream was closed.
if self.input.closed:
# Increase this flush counter.
flush_counter[0] += 1
counter = flush_counter[0]
# Automatically flush keys.
# (_daemon needs to be set, otherwise, this will hang the
# application for .5 seconds before exiting.)
lambda: auto_flush_input(counter), _daemon=True)
def auto_flush_input(counter):
# Flush input after timeout.
# (Used for flushing the enter key.)
if flush_counter[0] == counter:
def flush_input():
if not self.is_done:
# Get keys, and feed to key processor.
keys = self.input.flush_keys()
if self.input.closed:
# Enter raw mode.
with self.input.raw_mode():
with self.input.attach(read_from_input):
# Draw UI.
has_sigwinch = hasattr(signal, 'SIGWINCH') and in_main_thread()
if has_sigwinch:
previous_winch_handler = loop.add_signal_handler(
signal.SIGWINCH, self._on_resize)
# Wait for UI to finish.
result = yield From(f)
# In any case, when the application finishes. (Successful,
# or because of an error.)
# _redraw has a good chance to fail if it calls widgets
# with bad code. Make sure to reset the renderer anyway.
# Unset `is_running`, this ensures that possibly
# scheduled draws won't paint during the following
# yield.
self._is_running = False
# Detach event handlers for invalidate events.
# (Important when a UIControl is embedded in
# multiple applications, like ptterm in pymux. An
# invalidate should not trigger a repaint in
# terminated applications.)
for ev in self._invalidate_events:
ev -= self._invalidate_handler
self._invalidate_events = []
# Wait for CPR responses.
if self.input.responds_to_cpr:
yield From(self.renderer.wait_for_cpr_responses())
if has_sigwinch:
loop.add_signal_handler(signal.SIGWINCH, previous_winch_handler)
# Wait for the run-in-terminals to terminate.
previous_run_in_terminal_f = self._running_in_terminal_f
if previous_run_in_terminal_f:
yield From(previous_run_in_terminal_f)
# Store unprocessed input as typeahead for next time.
store_typeahead(self.input, self.key_processor.empty_queue())
raise Return(result)
def _run_async2():
self._is_running = True
with set_app(self):
f = From(_run_async())
result = yield f
# Set the `_is_running` flag to `False`. Normally this
# happened already in the finally block in `run_async`
# above, but in case of exceptions, that's not always the
# case.
self._is_running = False
raise Return(result)
return ensure_future(_run_async2())
def run(self, pre_run=None, set_exception_handler=True, inputhook=None):
A blocking 'run' call that waits until the UI is finished.
:param set_exception_handler: When set, in case of an exception, go out
of the alternate screen and hide the application, display the
exception, and wait for the user to press ENTER.
:param inputhook: None or a callable that takes an `InputHookContext`.
loop = get_event_loop()
def run():
f = self.run_async(pre_run=pre_run)
run_until_complete(f, inputhook=inputhook)
return f.result()
def handle_exception(context):
" Print the exception, using run_in_terminal. "
# For Python 2: we have to get traceback at this point, because
# we're still in the 'except:' block of the event loop where the
# traceback is still available. Moving this code in the
# 'print_exception' coroutine will loose the exception.
tb = get_traceback_from_context(context)
formatted_tb = ''.join(format_tb(tb))
def print_exception():
# Print output. Similar to 'loop.default_exception_handler',
# but don't use logger. (This works better on Python 2.)
print('\nUnhandled exception in event loop:')
print('Exception %s' % (context.get('exception'), ))
yield From(_do_wait_for_enter('Press ENTER to continue...'))
if set_exception_handler:
# Run with patched exception handler.
previous_exc_handler = loop.get_exception_handler()
return run()
def cpr_not_supported_callback(self):
Called when we don't receive the cursor position response in time.
if not self.input.responds_to_cpr:
return # We know about this already.
def in_terminal():
"WARNING: your terminal doesn't support cursor position requests (CPR).\r\n")
def exit(self, result=None, exception=None, style=''):
Exit application.
:param result: Set this result for the application.
:param exception: Set this exception as the result for an application. For
a prompt, this is often `EOFError` or `KeyboardInterrupt`.
:param style: Apply this style on the whole content when quitting,
often this is 'class:exiting' for a prompt. (Used when
`erase_when_done` is not set.)
assert result is None or exception is None
if self.future is None:
raise Exception(
'Application is not running. Application.exit() failed.')
if self.future.done():
raise Exception(
'Return value already set. Application.exit() failed.')
self.exit_style = style
if exception is not None:
def _request_absolute_cursor_position(self):
Send CPR request.
# Note: only do this if the input queue is not empty, and a return
# value has not been set. Otherwise, we won't be able to read the
# response anyway.
if not self.key_processor.input_queue and not self.is_done:
def run_system_command(self, command, wait_for_enter=True,
wait_text='Press ENTER to continue...'):
Run system command (While hiding the prompt. When finished, all the
output will scroll above the prompt.)
:param command: Shell command to be executed.
:param wait_for_enter: FWait for the user to press enter, when the
command is finished.
:param display_before_text: If given, text to be displayed before the
command executes.
:return: A `Future` object.
assert isinstance(wait_for_enter, bool)
def run():
# Try to use the same input/output file descriptors as the one,
# used to run this application.
input_fd = self.input.fileno()
except AttributeError:
input_fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
output_fd = self.output.fileno()
except AttributeError:
output_fd = sys.stdout.fileno()
# Run sub process.
def run_command():
p = Popen(command, shell=True,
stdin=input_fd, stdout=output_fd)
yield run_in_executor(run_command)
# Wait for the user to press enter.
if wait_for_enter:
yield From(_do_wait_for_enter(wait_text))
return run_coroutine_in_terminal(run)
def suspend_to_background(self, suspend_group=True):
(Not thread safe -- to be called from inside the key bindings.)
Suspend process.
:param suspend_group: When true, suspend the whole process group.
(This is the default, and probably what you want.)
# Only suspend when the operating system supports it.
# (Not on Windows.)
if hasattr(signal, 'SIGTSTP'):
def run():
# Send `SIGSTP` to own process.
# This will cause it to suspend.
# Usually we want the whole process group to be suspended. This
# handles the case when input is piped from another process.
if suspend_group:
os.kill(0, signal.SIGTSTP)
os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGTSTP)
def print_text(self, text, style=None):
Print a list of (style_str, text) tuples to the output.
(When the UI is running, this method has to be called through
`run_in_terminal`, otherwise it will destroy the UI.)
:param text: List of ``(style_str, text)`` tuples.
:param style: Style class to use. Defaults to the active style in the CLI.
style=style or self._merged_style,
def is_running(self):
" `True` when the application is currently active/running. "
return self._is_running
def is_done(self):
return self.future and self.future.done()
def get_used_style_strings(self):
Return a list of used style strings. This is helpful for debugging, and
for writing a new `Style`.
return sorted([
re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', style_str).strip()
for style_str in self.renderer._attrs_for_style.keys()])
class _CombinedRegistry(KeyBindingsBase):
The `KeyBindings` of key bindings for a `Application`.
This merges the global key bindings with the one of the current user
def __init__(self, app): = app
self._cache = SimpleCache()
def _version(self):
""" Not needed - this object is not going to be wrapped in another
KeyBindings object. """
raise NotImplementedError
def _create_key_bindings(self, current_window, other_controls):
Create a `KeyBindings` object that merges the `KeyBindings` from the
`UIControl` with all the parent controls and the global key bindings.
key_bindings = []
collected_containers = set()
# Collect key bindings from currently focused control and all parent
# controls. Don't include key bindings of container parent controls.
container = current_window
while True:
kb = container.get_key_bindings()
if kb is not None:
if container.is_modal():
parent =
if parent is None:
container = parent
# Include global bindings (starting at the top-model container).
for c in walk(container):
if c not in collected_containers:
kb = c.get_key_bindings()
if kb is not None:
# Add App key bindings
# Add mouse bindings.
# Reverse this list. The current control's key bindings should come
# last. They need priority.
key_bindings = key_bindings[::-1]
return merge_key_bindings(key_bindings)
def _key_bindings(self):
current_window =
other_controls = list(
key = current_window, frozenset(other_controls)
return self._cache.get(
key, lambda: self._create_key_bindings(current_window, other_controls))
def get_bindings_for_keys(self, keys):
return self._key_bindings.get_bindings_for_keys(keys)
def get_bindings_starting_with_keys(self, keys):
return self._key_bindings.get_bindings_starting_with_keys(keys)
def _do_wait_for_enter(wait_text):
Create a sub application to wait for the enter key press.
This has two advantages over using 'input'/'raw_input':
- This will share the same input/output I/O.
- This doesn't block the event loop.
from prompt_toolkit.shortcuts import PromptSession
key_bindings = KeyBindings()
def _(event):
def _(event):
" Disallow typing. "
session = PromptSession(
yield From(