You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

57 lines
1.9 KiB

6 years ago
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from prompt_toolkit.contrib.regular_languages.completion import GrammarCompleter
from prompt_toolkit.contrib.regular_languages.compiler import compile
from prompt_toolkit.completion.filesystem import PathCompleter, ExecutableCompleter
__all__ = [
class SystemCompleter(GrammarCompleter):
Completer for system commands.
def __init__(self):
# Compile grammar.
g = compile(
# First we have an executable.
# Ignore literals in between.
("[^"]*" | '[^']*' | [^'"]+ )
# Filename as parameters.
(?P<filename>[^\s]+) |
"(?P<double_quoted_filename>[^\s]+)" |
'double_quoted_filename': (lambda string: string.replace('"', '\\"')),
'single_quoted_filename': (lambda string: string.replace("'", "\\'")),
'double_quoted_filename': (lambda string: string.replace('\\"', '"')), # XXX: not entirely correct.
'single_quoted_filename': (lambda string: string.replace("\\'", "'")),
# Create GrammarCompleter
super(SystemCompleter, self).__init__(
'executable': ExecutableCompleter(),
'filename': PathCompleter(only_directories=False, expanduser=True),
'double_quoted_filename': PathCompleter(only_directories=False, expanduser=True),
'single_quoted_filename': PathCompleter(only_directories=False, expanduser=True),