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"locale": "eu",
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", in ": "",
"About these documents": "Dokumentu hauen inguruan",
"Automatically generated list of changes in version %(version)s": "Automatikoki sortutako %(version)s bertsioaren aldaketen zerrenda",
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"Changes in Version %(version)s &#8212; %(docstitle)s": "",
"Collapse sidebar": "Alboko barra tolestu",
"Complete Table of Contents": "Eduki taula osoa",
"Contents": "Edukiak",
"Copyright": "Copyright",
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"Library changes": "Liburutegi aldaketak",
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"Permalink to this definition": "Definizio honetarako esteka iraunkorra",
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"all functions, classes, terms": "funtzio, klase, termino guztiak",
"can be huge": "handia izan daiteke",
"last updated": "",
"lists all sections and subsections": "atal eta azpiatal guztiak zerrendatu",
"next chapter": "hurrengo kapitulua",
"previous chapter": "aurreko kapitulua",
"quick access to all modules": "modulu guztietara atzipen azkarra",
"search": "bilatu",
"search this documentation": "dokumentazio honetan bilatu",
"the documentation for": ""
"plural_expr": "(n != 1)"