You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

54 lines
1.6 KiB

Binary TOC=No
Binary Index=No
Compiled file={{ outname }}.chm
Contents file={{ outname }}.hhc
Default Window={{ outname }}
Default topic={{ master_doc }}
Display compile progress=No
Full text search stop list file={{ outname }}.stp
Full-text search=Yes
Index file={{ outname }}.hhk
Language={{ "%#x"|format(lcid) }}
Title={{ title }}
# The magical numbers in the long line under [WINDOWS] set most of the
# user-visible features (visible buttons, tabs, etc).
# About 0x10384e: This defines the buttons in the help viewer. The
# following defns are taken from htmlhelp.h. Not all possibilities
# actually work, and not all those that work are available from the Help
# Workshop GUI. In particular, the Zoom/Font button works and is not
# available from the GUI. The ones we're using are marked with 'x':
# 0x000002 Hide/Show x
# 0x000004 Back x
# 0x000008 Forward x
# 0x000010 Stop
# 0x000020 Refresh
# 0x000040 Home x
# 0x000080 Forward
# 0x000100 Back
# 0x000200 Notes
# 0x000400 Contents
# 0x000800 Locate x
# 0x001000 Options x
# 0x002000 Print x
# 0x004000 Index
# 0x008000 Search
# 0x010000 History
# 0x020000 Favorites
# 0x040000 Jump 1
# 0x080000 Jump 2
# 0x100000 Zoom/Font x
# 0x200000 TOC Next
# 0x400000 TOC Prev
{{ outname }}="{{ title }}","{{ outname }}.hhc","{{ outname }}.hhk","{{ master_doc }}","{{ master_doc }}",,,,,0x63520,220,0x10384e,[0,0,1024,768],,,,,,,0
{%- for filename in files %}
{{ filename }}
{%- endfor %}