947 lines
33 KiB
947 lines
33 KiB
6 years ago
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import math
import re
from operator import getitem
from . import config, core
from .compatibility import unicode
from .core import (istask, get_dependencies, subs, toposort,
flatten, reverse_dict, ishashable)
from .utils_test import add, inc # noqa: F401
def cull(dsk, keys):
""" Return new dask with only the tasks required to calculate keys.
In other words, remove unnecessary tasks from dask.
``keys`` may be a single key or list of keys.
>>> d = {'x': 1, 'y': (inc, 'x'), 'out': (add, 'x', 10)}
>>> dsk, dependencies = cull(d, 'out') # doctest: +SKIP
>>> dsk # doctest: +SKIP
{'x': 1, 'out': (add, 'x', 10)}
>>> dependencies # doctest: +SKIP
{'x': set(), 'out': set(['x'])}
dsk: culled dask graph
dependencies: Dict mapping {key: [deps]}. Useful side effect to accelerate
other optimizations, notably fuse.
if not isinstance(keys, (list, set)):
keys = [keys]
out_keys = []
seen = set()
dependencies = dict()
work = list(set(flatten(keys)))
while work:
new_work = []
out_keys += work
deps = [(k, get_dependencies(dsk, k, as_list=True)) # fuse needs lists
for k in work]
for _, deplist in deps:
for d in deplist:
if d not in seen:
work = new_work
out = {k: dsk[k] for k in out_keys}
return out, dependencies
def default_fused_linear_keys_renamer(keys):
"""Create new keys for fused tasks"""
typ = type(keys[0])
if typ is str or typ is unicode:
names = [key_split(x) for x in keys[:0:-1]]
return '-'.join(names)
elif (typ is tuple and len(keys[0]) > 0 and
isinstance(keys[0][0], (str, unicode))):
names = [key_split(x) for x in keys[:0:-1]]
return ('-'.join(names),) + keys[0][1:]
return None
def fuse_linear(dsk, keys=None, dependencies=None, rename_keys=True):
""" Return new dask graph with linear sequence of tasks fused together.
If specified, the keys in ``keys`` keyword argument are *not* fused.
Supply ``dependencies`` from output of ``cull`` if available to avoid
recomputing dependencies.
**This function is mostly superseded by ``fuse``**
dsk: dict
keys: list
dependencies: dict, optional
{key: [list-of-keys]}. Must be a list to provide count of each key
This optional input often comes from ``cull``
rename_keys: bool or func, optional
Whether to rename fused keys with ``default_fused_linear_keys_renamer``
or not. Renaming fused keys can keep the graph more understandable
and comprehensive, but it comes at the cost of additional processing.
If False, then the top-most key will be used. For advanced usage, a
func is also accepted, ``new_key = rename_keys(fused_key_list)``.
>>> d = {'a': 1, 'b': (inc, 'a'), 'c': (inc, 'b')}
>>> dsk, dependencies = fuse(d)
>>> dsk # doctest: +SKIP
{'a-b-c': (inc, (inc, 1)), 'c': 'a-b-c'}
>>> dsk, dependencies = fuse(d, rename_keys=False)
>>> dsk # doctest: +SKIP
{'c': (inc, (inc, 1))}
>>> dsk, dependencies = fuse(d, keys=['b'], rename_keys=False)
>>> dsk # doctest: +SKIP
{'b': (inc, 1), 'c': (inc, 'b')}
dsk: output graph with keys fused
dependencies: dict mapping dependencies after fusion. Useful side effect
to accelerate other downstream optimizations.
if keys is not None and not isinstance(keys, set):
if not isinstance(keys, list):
keys = [keys]
keys = set(flatten(keys))
if dependencies is None:
dependencies = {k: get_dependencies(dsk, k, as_list=True)
for k in dsk}
# locate all members of linear chains
child2parent = {}
unfusible = set()
for parent in dsk:
deps = dependencies[parent]
has_many_children = len(deps) > 1
for child in deps:
if keys is not None and child in keys:
elif child in child2parent:
del child2parent[child]
elif has_many_children:
elif child not in unfusible:
child2parent[child] = parent
# construct the chains from ancestor to descendant
chains = []
parent2child = dict(map(reversed, child2parent.items()))
while child2parent:
child, parent = child2parent.popitem()
chain = [child, parent]
while parent in child2parent:
parent = child2parent.pop(parent)
del parent2child[parent]
while child in parent2child:
child = parent2child.pop(child)
del child2parent[child]
dependencies = {k: set(v) for k, v in dependencies.items()}
if rename_keys is True:
key_renamer = default_fused_linear_keys_renamer
elif rename_keys is False:
key_renamer = None
key_renamer = rename_keys
# create a new dask with fused chains
rv = {}
fused = set()
aliases = set()
is_renamed = False
for chain in chains:
if key_renamer is not None:
new_key = key_renamer(chain)
is_renamed = (new_key is not None and new_key not in dsk and
new_key not in rv)
child = chain.pop()
val = dsk[child]
while chain:
parent = chain.pop()
val = subs(dsk[parent], child, val)
child = parent
if is_renamed:
rv[new_key] = val
rv[child] = new_key
dependencies[new_key] = dependencies[child]
dependencies[child] = {new_key}
rv[child] = val
for key, val in dsk.items():
if key not in fused:
rv[key] = val
if aliases:
for key, deps in dependencies.items():
for old_key in deps & aliases:
new_key = rv[old_key]
rv[key] = subs(rv[key], old_key, new_key)
if keys is not None:
for key in aliases - keys:
del rv[key]
del dependencies[key]
return rv, dependencies
def _flat_set(x):
if x is None:
return set()
elif isinstance(x, set):
return x
elif not isinstance(x, (list, set)):
x = [x]
return set(x)
def inline(dsk, keys=None, inline_constants=True, dependencies=None):
""" Return new dask with the given keys inlined with their values.
Inlines all constants if ``inline_constants`` keyword is True. Note that
the constant keys will remain in the graph, to remove them follow
``inline`` with ``cull``.
>>> d = {'x': 1, 'y': (inc, 'x'), 'z': (add, 'x', 'y')}
>>> inline(d) # doctest: +SKIP
{'x': 1, 'y': (inc, 1), 'z': (add, 1, 'y')}
>>> inline(d, keys='y') # doctest: +SKIP
{'x': 1, 'y': (inc, 1), 'z': (add, 1, (inc, 1))}
>>> inline(d, keys='y', inline_constants=False) # doctest: +SKIP
{'x': 1, 'y': (inc, 1), 'z': (add, 'x', (inc, 'x'))}
if dependencies and isinstance(next(iter(dependencies.values())), list):
dependencies = {k: set(v) for k, v in dependencies.items()}
keys = _flat_set(keys)
if dependencies is None:
dependencies = {k: get_dependencies(dsk, k)
for k in dsk}
if inline_constants:
keys.update(k for k, v in dsk.items() if
(ishashable(v) and v in dsk) or
(not dependencies[k] and not istask(v)))
# Keys may depend on other keys, so determine replace order with toposort.
# The values stored in `keysubs` do not include other keys.
replaceorder = toposort(dict((k, dsk[k]) for k in keys if k in dsk),
keysubs = {}
for key in replaceorder:
val = dsk[key]
for dep in keys & dependencies[key]:
if dep in keysubs:
replace = keysubs[dep]
replace = dsk[dep]
val = subs(val, dep, replace)
keysubs[key] = val
# Make new dask with substitutions
dsk2 = keysubs.copy()
for key, val in dsk.items():
if key not in dsk2:
for item in keys & dependencies[key]:
val = subs(val, item, keysubs[item])
dsk2[key] = val
return dsk2
def inline_functions(dsk, output, fast_functions=None, inline_constants=False,
""" Inline cheap functions into larger operations
>>> dsk = {'out': (add, 'i', 'd'), # doctest: +SKIP
... 'i': (inc, 'x'),
... 'd': (double, 'y'),
... 'x': 1, 'y': 1}
>>> inline_functions(dsk, [], [inc]) # doctest: +SKIP
{'out': (add, (inc, 'x'), 'd'),
'd': (double, 'y'),
'x': 1, 'y': 1}
Protect output keys. In the example below ``i`` is not inlined because it
is marked as an output key.
>>> inline_functions(dsk, ['i', 'out'], [inc, double]) # doctest: +SKIP
{'out': (add, 'i', (double, 'y')),
'i': (inc, 'x'),
'x': 1, 'y': 1}
if not fast_functions:
return dsk
output = set(output)
fast_functions = set(fast_functions)
if dependencies is None:
dependencies = {k: get_dependencies(dsk, k)
for k in dsk}
dependents = reverse_dict(dependencies)
def inlinable(v):
return functions_of(v).issubset(fast_functions)
except TypeError:
return False
keys = [k for k, v in dsk.items()
if istask(v) and dependents[k] and k not in output and inlinable(v)]
if keys:
dsk = inline(dsk, keys, inline_constants=inline_constants,
for k in keys:
del dsk[k]
return dsk
def unwrap_partial(func):
while hasattr(func, 'func'):
func = func.func
return func
def functions_of(task):
""" Set of functions contained within nested task
>>> task = (add, (mul, 1, 2), (inc, 3)) # doctest: +SKIP
>>> functions_of(task) # doctest: +SKIP
set([add, mul, inc])
funcs = set()
work = [task]
sequence_types = {list, tuple}
while work:
new_work = []
for task in work:
if type(task) in sequence_types:
if istask(task):
new_work += task[1:]
new_work += task
work = new_work
return funcs
def fuse_selections(dsk, head1, head2, merge):
"""Fuse selections with lower operation.
Handles graphs of the form:
``{key1: (head1, key2, ...), key2: (head2, ...)}``
dsk : dict
dask graph
head1 : function
The first element of task1
head2 : function
The first element of task2
merge : function
Takes ``task1`` and ``task2`` and returns a merged task to
replace ``task1``.
>>> def load(store, partition, columns):
... pass
>>> dsk = {'x': (load, 'store', 'part', ['a', 'b']),
... 'y': (getitem, 'x', 'a')}
>>> merge = lambda t1, t2: (load, t2[1], t2[2], t1[2])
>>> dsk2 = fuse_selections(dsk, getitem, load, merge)
>>> cull(dsk2, 'y')[0]
{'y': (<function load at ...>, 'store', 'part', 'a')}
dsk2 = dict()
for k, v in dsk.items():
if (istask(v) and v[0] == head1 and v[1] in dsk and
istask(dsk[v[1]]) and dsk[v[1]][0] == head2):
dsk2[k] = merge(v, dsk[v[1]])
dsk2[k] = v
except TypeError:
dsk2[k] = v
return dsk2
def fuse_getitem(dsk, func, place):
""" Fuse getitem with lower operation
dsk: dict
dask graph
func: function
A function in a task to merge
place: int
Location in task to insert the getitem key
>>> def load(store, partition, columns):
... pass
>>> dsk = {'x': (load, 'store', 'part', ['a', 'b']),
... 'y': (getitem, 'x', 'a')}
>>> dsk2 = fuse_getitem(dsk, load, 3) # columns in arg place 3
>>> cull(dsk2, 'y')[0]
{'y': (<function load at ...>, 'store', 'part', 'a')}
return fuse_selections(dsk, getitem, func,
lambda a, b: tuple(b[:place]) + (a[2], ) + tuple(b[place + 1:]))
def default_fused_keys_renamer(keys):
"""Create new keys for ``fuse`` tasks"""
it = reversed(keys)
first_key = next(it)
typ = type(first_key)
if typ is str or typ is unicode:
first_name = key_split(first_key)
names = {key_split(k) for k in it}
names = sorted(names)
return '-'.join(names)
elif (typ is tuple and len(first_key) > 0 and
isinstance(first_key[0], (str, unicode))):
first_name = key_split(first_key)
names = {key_split(k) for k in it}
names = sorted(names)
return ('-'.join(names),) + first_key[1:]
def fuse(dsk, keys=None, dependencies=None, ave_width=None, max_width=None,
max_height=None, max_depth_new_edges=None, rename_keys=None,
""" Fuse tasks that form reductions; more advanced than ``fuse_linear``
This trades parallelism opportunities for faster scheduling by making tasks
less granular. It can replace ``fuse_linear`` in optimization passes.
This optimization applies to all reductions--tasks that have at most one
dependent--so it may be viewed as fusing "multiple input, single output"
groups of tasks into a single task. There are many parameters to fine
tune the behavior, which are described below. ``ave_width`` is the
natural parameter with which to compare parallelism to granularity, so
it should always be specified. Reasonable values for other parameters
with be determined using ``ave_width`` if necessary.
dsk: dict
dask graph
keys: list or set, optional
Keys that must remain in the returned dask graph
dependencies: dict, optional
{key: [list-of-keys]}. Must be a list to provide count of each key
This optional input often comes from ``cull``
ave_width: float (default 2)
Upper limit for ``width = num_nodes / height``, a good measure of
max_width: int
Don't fuse if total width is greater than this
max_height: int
Don't fuse more than this many levels
max_depth_new_edges: int
Don't fuse if new dependencies are added after this many levels
rename_keys: bool or func, optional
Whether to rename the fused keys with ``default_fused_keys_renamer``
or not. Renaming fused keys can keep the graph more understandable
and comprehensive, but it comes at the cost of additional processing.
If False, then the top-most key will be used. For advanced usage, a
function to create the new name is also accepted.
fuse_subgraphs : bool, optional
Whether to fuse multiple tasks into ``SubgraphCallable`` objects.
dsk: output graph with keys fused
dependencies: dict mapping dependencies after fusion. Useful side effect
to accelerate other downstream optimizations.
if keys is not None and not isinstance(keys, set):
if not isinstance(keys, list):
keys = [keys]
keys = set(flatten(keys))
# Assign reasonable, not too restrictive defaults
if ave_width is None:
if config.get('fuse_ave_width', None) is None:
ave_width = 1
ave_width = config.get('fuse_ave_width', None)
if max_height is None:
if config.get('fuse_max_height', None) is None:
max_height = len(dsk)
max_height = config.get('fuse_max_height', None)
max_depth_new_edges = (
max_depth_new_edges or
config.get('fuse_max_depth_new_edges', None) or
ave_width + 1.5
max_width = (
max_width or
config.get('fuse_max_width', None) or
1.5 + ave_width * math.log(ave_width + 1)
if fuse_subgraphs is None:
fuse_subgraphs = config.get('fuse_subgraphs', False)
if not ave_width or not max_height:
return dsk, dependencies
if rename_keys is None:
rename_keys = config.get('fuse_rename_keys', True)
if rename_keys is True:
key_renamer = default_fused_keys_renamer
elif rename_keys is False:
key_renamer = None
key_renamer = rename_keys
rename_keys = key_renamer is not None
if dependencies is None:
deps = {k: get_dependencies(dsk, k, as_list=True) for k in dsk}
deps = dict(dependencies)
rdeps = {}
for k, vals in deps.items():
for v in vals:
if v not in rdeps:
rdeps[v] = [k]
deps[k] = set(vals)
reducible = {k for k, vals in rdeps.items() if len(vals) == 1}
if keys:
reducible -= keys
if (not reducible and
(not fuse_subgraphs or all(len(set(v)) != 1 for v in rdeps.values()))):
# Quick return if there's nothing to do. Only progress if there's tasks
# fusible by the main `fuse`, or by `fuse_subgraphs` if enabled.
return dsk, deps
rv = dsk.copy()
fused_trees = {}
# These are the stacks we use to store data as we traverse the graph
info_stack = []
children_stack = []
# For speed
deps_pop = deps.pop
reducible_add = reducible.add
reducible_pop = reducible.pop
reducible_remove = reducible.remove
fused_trees_pop = fused_trees.pop
info_stack_append = info_stack.append
info_stack_pop = info_stack.pop
children_stack_append = children_stack.append
children_stack_extend = children_stack.extend
children_stack_pop = children_stack.pop
while reducible:
parent = reducible_pop()
while parent in reducible:
# Go to the top
parent = rdeps[parent][0]
children_stack_extend(reducible & deps[parent])
while True:
child = children_stack[-1]
if child != parent:
children = reducible & deps[child]
while children:
# Depth-first search
parent = child
child = children_stack[-1]
children = reducible & deps[child]
# This is a leaf node in the reduction region
# key, task, fused_keys, height, width, number of nodes, fudge, set of edges
info_stack_append((child, rv[child], [child] if rename_keys else None,
1, 1, 1, 0, deps[child] - reducible))
# Calculate metrics and fuse as appropriate
deps_parent = deps[parent]
edges = deps_parent - reducible
children = deps_parent - edges
num_children = len(children)
if num_children == 1:
(child_key, child_task, child_keys, height, width, num_nodes, fudge,
children_edges) = info_stack_pop()
num_children_edges = len(children_edges)
if fudge > num_children_edges - 1 >= 0:
fudge = num_children_edges - 1
edges |= children_edges
no_new_edges = len(edges) == num_children_edges
if not no_new_edges:
fudge += 1
if (
(num_nodes + fudge) / height <= ave_width and
# Sanity check; don't go too deep if new levels introduce new edge dependencies
(no_new_edges or height < max_depth_new_edges)
# Perform substitutions as we go
val = subs(dsk[parent], child_key, child_task)
deps_parent |= deps_pop(child_key)
del rv[child_key]
if rename_keys:
fused_trees[parent] = child_keys
fused_trees_pop(child_key, None)
if children_stack:
if no_new_edges:
# Linear fuse
info_stack_append((parent, val, child_keys, height, width, num_nodes, fudge, edges))
info_stack_append((parent, val, child_keys, height + 1, width, num_nodes + 1, fudge,
rv[parent] = val
rv[child_key] = child_task
if children_stack:
# Allow the parent to be fused, but only under strict circumstances.
# Ensure that linear chains may still be fused.
if fudge > int(ave_width - 1):
fudge = int(ave_width - 1)
# This task *implicitly* depends on `edges`
info_stack_append((parent, rv[parent], [parent] if rename_keys else None,
1, width, 1, fudge, edges))
child_keys = []
height = 1
width = 0
num_single_nodes = 0
num_nodes = 0
fudge = 0
children_edges = set()
max_num_edges = 0
children_info = info_stack[-num_children:]
del info_stack[-num_children:]
for cur_key, cur_task, cur_keys, cur_height, cur_width, cur_num_nodes, cur_fudge, \
cur_edges in children_info:
if cur_height == 1:
num_single_nodes += 1
elif cur_height > height:
height = cur_height
width += cur_width
num_nodes += cur_num_nodes
fudge += cur_fudge
if len(cur_edges) > max_num_edges:
max_num_edges = len(cur_edges)
children_edges |= cur_edges
# Fudge factor to account for possible parallelism with the boundaries
num_children_edges = len(children_edges)
fudge += min(num_children - 1, max(0, num_children_edges - max_num_edges))
if fudge > num_children_edges - 1 >= 0:
fudge = num_children_edges - 1
edges |= children_edges
no_new_edges = len(edges) == num_children_edges
if not no_new_edges:
fudge += 1
if (
(num_nodes + fudge) / height <= ave_width and
num_single_nodes <= ave_width and
width <= max_width and
height <= max_height and
# Sanity check; don't go too deep if new levels introduce new edge dependencies
(no_new_edges or height < max_depth_new_edges)
# Perform substitutions as we go
val = dsk[parent]
children_deps = set()
for child_info in children_info:
cur_child = child_info[0]
val = subs(val, cur_child, child_info[1])
del rv[cur_child]
children_deps |= deps_pop(cur_child)
if rename_keys:
fused_trees_pop(cur_child, None)
deps_parent -= children
deps_parent |= children_deps
if rename_keys:
fused_trees[parent] = child_keys
if children_stack:
info_stack_append((parent, val, child_keys, height + 1, width, num_nodes + 1, fudge, edges))
rv[parent] = val
for child_info in children_info:
rv[child_info[0]] = child_info[1]
if children_stack:
# Allow the parent to be fused, but only under strict circumstances.
# Ensure that linear chains may still be fused.
if width > max_width:
width = max_width
if fudge > int(ave_width - 1):
fudge = int(ave_width - 1)
# key, task, height, width, number of nodes, fudge, set of edges
# This task *implicitly* depends on `edges`
info_stack_append((parent, rv[parent], [parent] if rename_keys else None,
1, width, 1, fudge, edges))
# Traverse upwards
parent = rdeps[parent][0]
if fuse_subgraphs:
_inplace_fuse_subgraphs(rv, keys, deps, fused_trees, rename_keys)
if rename_keys:
for root_key, fused_keys in fused_trees.items():
alias = key_renamer(fused_keys)
if alias is not None and alias not in rv:
rv[alias] = rv[root_key]
rv[root_key] = alias
deps[alias] = deps[root_key]
deps[root_key] = {alias}
return rv, deps
def _inplace_fuse_subgraphs(dsk, keys, dependencies, fused_trees, rename_keys):
"""Subroutine of fuse.
Mutates dsk, depenencies, and fused_trees inplace"""
# locate all members of linear chains
child2parent = {}
unfusible = set()
for parent in dsk:
deps = dependencies[parent]
has_many_children = len(deps) > 1
for child in deps:
if keys is not None and child in keys:
elif child in child2parent:
del child2parent[child]
elif has_many_children:
elif child not in unfusible:
child2parent[child] = parent
# construct the chains from ancestor to descendant
chains = []
parent2child = {v: k for k, v in child2parent.items()}
while child2parent:
child, parent = child2parent.popitem()
chain = [child, parent]
while parent in child2parent:
parent = child2parent.pop(parent)
del parent2child[parent]
while child in parent2child:
child = parent2child.pop(child)
del child2parent[child]
# Skip chains with < 2 executable tasks
ntasks = 0
for key in chain:
ntasks += istask(dsk[key])
if ntasks > 1:
# Mutate dsk fusing chains into subgraphs
for chain in chains:
subgraph = {k: dsk[k] for k in chain}
outkey = chain[0]
# Update dependencies and graph
inkeys_set = dependencies[outkey] = dependencies[chain[-1]]
for k in chain[1:]:
del dependencies[k]
del dsk[k]
# Create new task
inkeys = tuple(inkeys_set)
dsk[outkey] = (SubgraphCallable(subgraph, outkey, inkeys),) + inkeys
# Mutate `fused_trees` if key renaming is needed (renaming done in fuse)
if rename_keys:
chain2 = []
for k in chain:
subchain = fused_trees.pop(k, False)
if subchain:
fused_trees[outkey] = chain2
# Defining `key_split` (used by key renamers in `fuse`) in utils.py
# results in messy circular imports, so define it here instead.
hex_pattern = re.compile('[a-f]+')
def key_split(s):
>>> key_split('x')
>>> key_split('x-1')
>>> key_split('x-1-2-3')
>>> key_split(('x-2', 1))
>>> key_split("('x-2', 1)")
>>> key_split('hello-world-1')
>>> key_split(b'hello-world-1')
>>> key_split('ae05086432ca935f6eba409a8ecd4896')
>>> key_split('<module.submodule.myclass object at 0xdaf372')
>>> key_split(None)
>>> key_split('x-abcdefab') # ignores hex
>>> key_split('_(x)') # strips unpleasant characters
if type(s) is bytes:
s = s.decode()
if type(s) is tuple:
s = s[0]
words = s.split('-')
if not words[0][0].isalpha():
result = words[0].strip("_'()\"")
result = words[0]
for word in words[1:]:
if word.isalpha() and not (len(word) == 8 and
hex_pattern.match(word) is not None):
result += '-' + word
if len(result) == 32 and re.match(r'[a-f0-9]{32}', result):
return 'data'
if result[0] == '<':
result = result.strip('<>').split()[0].split('.')[-1]
return result
except Exception:
return 'Other'
class SubgraphCallable(object):
"""Create a callable object from a dask graph.
dsk : dict
A dask graph
outkey : hashable
The output key from the graph
inkeys : list
A list of keys to be used as arguments to the callable.
name : str, optional
The name to use for the function.
__slots__ = ('dsk', 'outkey', 'inkeys', 'name')
def __init__(self, dsk, outkey, inkeys, name='subgraph_callable'):
self.dsk = dsk
self.outkey = outkey
self.inkeys = inkeys
self.name = name
def __repr__(self):
return self.name
def __eq__(self, other):
return (type(self) is type(other) and
self.dsk == other.dsk and
self.outkey == other.outkey and
set(self.inkeys) == set(other.inkeys) and
self.name == other.name)
def __ne__(self, other):
return not (self == other)
def __call__(self, *args):
if not len(args) == len(self.inkeys):
raise ValueError("Expected %d args, got %d"
% (len(self.inkeys), len(args)))
return core.get(self.dsk, self.outkey,
dict(zip(self.inkeys, args)))
def __reduce__(self):
return (SubgraphCallable,
(self.dsk, self.outkey, self.inkeys, self.name))