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# Init Chrome web driver with extensions (if applicable)
# Import section
from selenium import webdriver
# Init the Chrome web driver
gChromeExeFullPath = r'..\Resources\GoogleChromePortable\GoogleChromePortable.exe'
gExtensionFullPathList = []
gWebDriverFullPath = r'..\Resources\SeleniumWebDrivers\Chrome\chromedriver_win32 v84.0.4147.30\chromedriver.exe'
def WebDriverInit(inWebDriverFullPath, inChromeExeFullPath, inExtensionFullPathList):
# Set full path to exe of the chrome
lWebDriverChromeOptionsInstance = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
lWebDriverChromeOptionsInstance.binary_location = inChromeExeFullPath
# Add extensions
for lExtensionItemFullPath in inExtensionFullPathList:
lWebDriverChromeOptionsInstance.add_extension (lExtensionItemFullPath)
# Run chrome instance
lWebDriverInstance = None
if inWebDriverFullPath:
# Run with specified web driver path
lWebDriverInstance = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path = inWebDriverFullPath, chrome_options=lWebDriverChromeOptionsInstance)
lWebDriverInstance = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options = lWebDriverChromeOptionsInstance)
# Return the result
return lWebDriverInstance
# Инициализировать Google Chrome with selenium web driver
lWebDriver = WebDriverInit(inWebDriverFullPath = gWebDriverFullPath, inChromeExeFullPath = gChromeExeFullPath, inExtensionFullPathList = gExtensionFullPathList)