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# ATTENTION! HERE IS NO Relative import because it will be imported dynamically
from pyOpenRPA.Tools.RobotRDPActive import CMDStr # Create CMD Strings
from pyOpenRPA.Tools.RobotRDPActive import Connector # RDP API
def ProcessStartIfNotRunning(inGlobalDict, inSessionIndex, inProcessName, inFilePath, inFlagGetAbsPath=True):
lCMDStr = CMDStr.ProcessStartIfNotRunning(inProcessName,inFilePath, inFlagGetAbsPath= inFlagGetAbsPath)
# Calculate the session Hex
lSessionHex = inGlobalDict["RDPList"][inSessionIndex]["SessionHex"]
# Run CMD
Connector.SessionCMDRun(inSessionHex=lSessionHex, inCMDCommandStr=lCMDStr, inModeStr="RUN")
# Create CMD str to stop process
def ProcessStop(inGlobalDict, inSessionIndex, inProcessName, inFlagForceClose):
lCMDStr = f'taskkill /im "{inProcessName}" /fi "username eq %USERNAME%"'
if inFlagForceClose:
lCMDStr+= " /F"
# Calculate the session Hex
lSessionHex = inGlobalDict["RDPList"][inSessionIndex]["SessionHex"]
# Run CMD
Connector.SessionCMDRun(inSessionHex=lSessionHex, inCMDCommandStr=lCMDStr, inModeStr="RUN")