186 lines
6.1 KiB

6 years ago
from __future__ import absolute_import
from functools import partial
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pandas.core.internals import create_block_manager_from_blocks, make_block
from . import numpy as pnp
from .core import Interface
from .compatibility import pickle
from .encode import Encode
from .utils import extend, framesplit, frame
dumps = partial(pickle.dumps, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
class PandasColumns(Interface):
def __init__(self, partd=None):
self.partd = pnp.Numpy(partd)
def append(self, data, **kwargs):
for k, df in data.items():
self.iset(extend(k, '.columns'), dumps(list(df.columns)))
self.iset(extend(k, '.index-name'), dumps(df.index.name))
# TODO: don't use values, it does some work. Look at _blocks instead
# pframe/cframe do this well
arrays = dict((extend(k, col), df[col].values)
for k, df in data.items()
for col in df.columns)
arrays.update(dict((extend(k, '.index'), df.index.values)
for k, df in data.items()))
# TODO: handle categoricals
self.partd.append(arrays, **kwargs)
def _get(self, keys, columns=None, **kwargs):
if columns is None:
columns = self.partd.partd.get([extend(k, '.columns') for k in keys],
columns = list(map(pickle.loads, columns))
columns = [columns] * len(keys)
index_names = self.partd.partd.get([extend(k, '.index-name')
for k in keys], **kwargs)
index_names = map(pickle.loads, index_names)
keys = [[extend(k, '.index'), [extend(k, col) for col in cols]]
for k, cols in zip(keys, columns)]
arrays = self.partd.get(keys, **kwargs)
return [pd.DataFrame(dict(zip(cols, arrs)), columns=cols,
index=pd.Index(index, name=iname))
for iname, (index, arrs), cols in zip(index_names, arrays, columns)]
def __getstate__(self):
return {'partd': self.partd}
def _iset(self, key, value):
return self.partd._iset(key, value)
def drop(self):
return self.partd.drop()
def lock(self):
return self.partd.partd.lock
def __exit__(self, *args):
self.partd.__exit__(self, *args)
def __del__(self):
def index_to_header_bytes(ind):
# These have special `__reduce__` methods, just use pickle
if isinstance(ind, (pd.DatetimeIndex,
return None, dumps(ind)
if isinstance(ind, pd.CategoricalIndex):
cat = (ind.ordered, ind.categories)
values = ind.codes
cat = None
values = ind.values
header = (type(ind), ind._get_attributes_dict(), values.dtype, cat)
bytes = pnp.compress(pnp.serialize(values), values.dtype)
return header, bytes
def index_from_header_bytes(header, bytes):
if header is None:
return pickle.loads(bytes)
typ, attr, dtype, cat = header
data = pnp.deserialize(pnp.decompress(bytes, dtype), dtype, copy=True)
if cat:
data = pd.Categorical.from_codes(data, cat[1], ordered=cat[0])
return typ.__new__(typ, data=data, **attr)
def block_to_header_bytes(block):
values = block.values
# pandas >= 0.19
from pandas.api.types import is_datetime64tz_dtype
except ImportError:
from pandas.core.common import is_datetime64tz_dtype
if isinstance(values, pd.Categorical):
extension = ('categorical_type', (values.ordered, values.categories))
values = values.codes
elif is_datetime64tz_dtype(block):
# TODO: compat with older pandas?
extension = ('datetime64_tz_type', (block.values.tzinfo,))
values = np.asarray(values)
extension = ('numpy_type', ())
header = (block.mgr_locs.as_array, values.dtype, values.shape, extension)
bytes = pnp.compress(pnp.serialize(values), values.dtype)
return header, bytes
def block_from_header_bytes(header, bytes):
placement, dtype, shape, (extension_type, extension_values) = header
values = pnp.deserialize(pnp.decompress(bytes, dtype), dtype,
if extension_type == 'categorical_type':
values = pd.Categorical.from_codes(values,
elif extension_type == 'datetime64_tz_type':
tz_info = extension_values[0]
values = pd.DatetimeIndex(values).tz_localize('utc').tz_convert(
return make_block(values, placement=placement)
def serialize(df):
""" Serialize and compress a Pandas DataFrame
Uses Pandas blocks, snappy, and blosc to deconstruct an array into bytes
col_header, col_bytes = index_to_header_bytes(df.columns)
ind_header, ind_bytes = index_to_header_bytes(df.index)
headers = [col_header, ind_header]
bytes = [col_bytes, ind_bytes]
for block in df._data.blocks:
h, b = block_to_header_bytes(block)
frames = [dumps(headers)] + bytes
return b''.join(map(frame, frames))
def deserialize(bytes):
""" Deserialize and decompress bytes back to a pandas DataFrame """
frames = list(framesplit(bytes))
headers = pickle.loads(frames[0])
bytes = frames[1:]
axes = [index_from_header_bytes(headers[0], bytes[0]),
index_from_header_bytes(headers[1], bytes[1])]
blocks = [block_from_header_bytes(h, b)
for (h, b) in zip(headers[2:], bytes[2:])]
return pd.DataFrame(create_block_manager_from_blocks(blocks, axes))
def join(dfs):
if not dfs:
return pd.DataFrame()
return pd.concat(dfs)
PandasBlocks = partial(Encode, serialize, deserialize, join)