# inRequest.OpenRPA = {}
# inRequest.OpenRPA["AuthToken"] = None
# inRequest.OpenRPA["Domain"] = None
# inRequest.OpenRPA["User"] = None
# lResponseDict = {"Headers": {}, "SetCookies": {}, "Body": b"", "StatusCode": None}
# self.OpenRPAResponseDict = lResponseDict
#from http.client import HTTPException
import threading
import typing
from pyOpenRPA . Tools import CrossOS
from http import cookies
from . import ServerBC
# объявление import
from fastapi import FastAPI , Form , Request , HTTPException , Depends , Header , Response , Body
from fastapi . responses import PlainTextResponse , HTMLResponse , FileResponse
from fastapi . staticfiles import StaticFiles
from fastapi . templating import Jinja2Templates
from pydantic import BaseModel
import uvicorn
import io
from starlette . responses import StreamingResponse
from typing import Union
from pyOpenRPA import __version__
import base64
import uuid
import datetime
app = FastAPI (
title = " pyOpenRPA (ORPA) Orchestrator " ,
description = " Сервер оркестратора pyOpenRPA Orchestrator " ,
version = __version__ ,
openapi_url = " /orpa/fastapi/openapi.json " ,
docs_url = " /orpa/fastapi/docs " ,
redoc_url = " /orpa/fastapi/redoc " ,
swagger_ui_oauth2_redirect_url = " /orpa/fastapi/docs/oauth2-redirect " ,
def IdentifyAuthorize ( inRequest : Request , inResponse : Response ,
inCookiesStr : Union [ str , None ] = Header ( default = None , alias = " Cookie " ) ,
inAuthorizationStr : Union [ str , None ] = Header ( default = " " , alias = " Authorization " ) ) :
if __Orchestrator__ . GSettingsGet ( ) . get ( " ServerDict " , { } ) . get ( " AccessUsers " , { } ) . get ( " FlagCredentialsAsk " , False ) == True :
lResult = { " Domain " : " " , " User " : " " }
#Way 1 - try to find AuthToken
lCookies = cookies . SimpleCookie ( inCookiesStr ) # inRequest.headers.get("Cookie", "")
__Orchestrator__ . GSettingsGet ( )
lHeaderAuthorization = inAuthorizationStr . split ( " " )
if " AuthToken " in lCookies :
lCookieAuthToken = lCookies . get ( " AuthToken " , " " ) . value
if lCookieAuthToken :
#Find AuthToken in GlobalDict
if lCookieAuthToken in __Orchestrator__ . GSettingsGet ( ) . get ( " ServerDict " , { } ) . get ( " AccessUsers " , { } ) . get ( " AuthTokensDict " , { } ) :
#Auth Token Has Been Founded
lResult [ " Domain " ] = __Orchestrator__ . GSettingsGet ( ) [ " ServerDict " ] [ " AccessUsers " ] [ " AuthTokensDict " ] [ lCookieAuthToken ] [ " Domain " ]
lResult [ " User " ] = __Orchestrator__ . GSettingsGet ( ) [ " ServerDict " ] [ " AccessUsers " ] [ " AuthTokensDict " ] [ lCookieAuthToken ] [ " User " ]
#Set auth token
mOpenRPA = { }
mOpenRPA [ " AuthToken " ] = lCookieAuthToken
mOpenRPA [ " Domain " ] = lResult [ " Domain " ]
mOpenRPA [ " User " ] = lResult [ " User " ]
mOpenRPA [ " IsSuperToken " ] = __Orchestrator__ . GSettingsGet ( ) . get ( " ServerDict " , { } ) . get ( " AccessUsers " , { } ) . get ( " AuthTokensDict " , { } ) . get ( mOpenRPA [ " AuthToken " ] , { } ) . get ( " FlagDoNotExpire " , False )
return lCookieAuthToken
#Way 2 - try to logon
if len ( lHeaderAuthorization ) == 2 :
llHeaderAuthorizationDecodedUserPasswordList = base64 . b64decode ( lHeaderAuthorization [ 1 ] ) . decode ( " utf-8 " ) . split (
" : " )
lUser = llHeaderAuthorizationDecodedUserPasswordList [ 0 ]
lPassword = llHeaderAuthorizationDecodedUserPasswordList [ 1 ]
lDomain = " "
if " \\ " in lUser :
lDomain = lUser . split ( " \\ " ) [ 0 ]
lUser = lUser . split ( " \\ " ) [ 1 ]
elif " @ " in lUser :
lDomain = lUser . split ( " @ " ) [ 1 ]
lUser = lUser . split ( " @ " ) [ 0 ]
lLogonBool = __Orchestrator__ . OSCredentialsVerify ( inUserStr = lUser , inPasswordStr = lPassword , inDomainStr = lDomain )
#Check result
if lLogonBool : # check user in gsettings rules
lLogonBool = False
gSettings = __Orchestrator__ . GSettingsGet ( ) # Set the global settings
lUserTurple = ( lDomain . upper ( ) , lUser . upper ( ) ) # Create turple key for inGSettings["ServerDict"]["AccessUsers"]["RuleDomainUserDict"]
lUserTurple2 = ( " " , lUser . upper ( ) ) # Create turple key for inGSettings["ServerDict"]["AccessUsers"]["RuleDomainUserDict"]
if lUserTurple in gSettings . get ( " ServerDict " , { } ) . get ( " AccessUsers " , { } ) . get ( " RuleDomainUserDict " , { } ) : lLogonBool = True
elif lUserTurple2 in gSettings . get ( " ServerDict " , { } ) . get ( " AccessUsers " , { } ) . get ( " RuleDomainUserDict " , { } ) : lLogonBool = True
if lLogonBool : # If user exists in UAC Dict
lResult [ " Domain " ] = lDomain
lResult [ " User " ] = lUser
#Create token
lAuthToken = str ( uuid . uuid1 ( ) )
__Orchestrator__ . GSettingsGet ( ) [ " ServerDict " ] [ " AccessUsers " ] [ " AuthTokensDict " ] [ lAuthToken ] = { }
__Orchestrator__ . GSettingsGet ( ) [ " ServerDict " ] [ " AccessUsers " ] [ " AuthTokensDict " ] [ lAuthToken ] [ " Domain " ] = lResult [ " Domain " ]
__Orchestrator__ . GSettingsGet ( ) [ " ServerDict " ] [ " AccessUsers " ] [ " AuthTokensDict " ] [ lAuthToken ] [ " User " ] = lResult [ " User " ]
__Orchestrator__ . GSettingsGet ( ) [ " ServerDict " ] [ " AccessUsers " ] [ " AuthTokensDict " ] [ lAuthToken ] [ " FlagDoNotExpire " ] = False
__Orchestrator__ . GSettingsGet ( ) [ " ServerDict " ] [ " AccessUsers " ] [ " AuthTokensDict " ] [ lAuthToken ] [ " TokenDatetime " ] = datetime . datetime . now ( )
inResponse . set_cookie ( key = " AuthToken " , value = lAuthToken )
mOpenRPA = { }
mOpenRPA [ " AuthToken " ] = lAuthToken
mOpenRPA [ " Domain " ] = lResult [ " Domain " ]
mOpenRPA [ " User " ] = lResult [ " User " ]
mOpenRPA [ " IsSuperToken " ] = __Orchestrator__ . GSettingsGet ( ) . get ( " ServerDict " , { } ) . get ( " AccessUsers " , { } ) . get ( " AuthTokensDict " , { } ) . get ( mOpenRPA [ " AuthToken " ] , { } ) . get ( " FlagDoNotExpire " , False )
return lAuthToken
#inRequest.OpenRPASetCookie = {}
#New engine of server
#inRequest.OpenRPAResponseDict["SetCookies"]["AuthToken"] = lAuthToken
else :
raise HTTPException ( status_code = 401 , detail = " Попытка авторизации не прошла успешно (для пользователя не заявлен доступ к оркестратору pyOpenRPA. Обратитесь в техническую поддержку) " , headers = { } )
else :
raise HTTPException ( status_code = 401 , detail = " Попытка авторизации не прошла успешно (неверная пара логин / пароль) " , headers = { } )
else :
raise HTTPException ( status_code = 401 , detail = " Попытка авторизации не прошла успешно (неполная пара логин / пароль) " , headers = { ' WWW-Authenticate ' : ' Basic ' } )
else : return None # Credentials are not required - return none
lRouteList = [ ]
for lItem in app . router . routes :
lRouteList . append ( lItem )
app . router . routes = [ ]
for lItem in lRouteList :
app . add_api_route (
path = lItem . path ,
endpoint = lItem . endpoint ,
methods = [ " GET " ] ,
dependencies = [ Depends ( IdentifyAuthorize ) ] ,
tags = [ " FastAPI " ]
from . import ServerSettings
async def BackwardCompatibility ( inRequest : Request , inResponse : Response , inAuthTokenStr = None ) :
lHTTPRequest = ServerBC . HTTPRequestOld ( inRequest = inRequest , inResponse = inResponse , inAuthTokenStr = inAuthTokenStr )
lHTTPRequest . path = inRequest . url . path
#print(f"WEB START: {lHTTPRequest.path}")
inBodyStr = await inRequest . body ( )
if inBodyStr == None : inBodyStr = " "
else : inBodyStr = inBodyStr . decode ( " utf8 " )
lHTTPRequest . body = inBodyStr
lHTTPRequest . client_address = [ inRequest . client . host ]
threading . current_thread ( ) . request = lHTTPRequest
if inRequest . method == " GET " :
lResult = lHTTPRequest . do_GET ( inBodyStr = inBodyStr )
elif inRequest . method == " POST " :
lResult = lHTTPRequest . do_POST ( inBodyStr = inBodyStr )
#print(f"WEB STOP: {lHTTPRequest.path}")
if lHTTPRequest . OpenRPAResponseDict [ " Headers " ] [ " Content-type " ] != None :
return StreamingResponse ( io . BytesIO ( lResult ) , media_type = lHTTPRequest . OpenRPAResponseDict [ " Headers " ] [ " Content-type " ] )
async def BackwardCompatibityWrapperAuth ( inRequest : Request , inResponse : Response ,
inAuthTokenStr : str = Depends ( ServerSettings . IdentifyAuthorize ) ) : # Old from v1.3.1 (updated to FastAPI)
return await BackwardCompatibility ( inRequest = inRequest , inResponse = inResponse , inAuthTokenStr = inAuthTokenStr )
async def BackwardCompatibityWrapperNoAuth ( inRequest : Request , inResponse : Response ) : # Old from v1.3.1 (updated to FastAPI)
return await BackwardCompatibility ( inRequest = inRequest , inResponse = inResponse , inAuthTokenStr = None )
async def BackwardCompatibityBeginWrapperAuth ( inBeginTokenStr , inRequest : Request , inResponse : Response ,
inAuthTokenStr : str = Depends ( ServerSettings . IdentifyAuthorize ) ) : # Old from v1.3.1 (updated to FastAPI)
return await BackwardCompatibility ( inRequest = inRequest , inResponse = inResponse , inAuthTokenStr = inAuthTokenStr )
async def BackwardCompatibityBeginWrapperNoAuth ( inBeginTokenStr , inRequest : Request , inResponse : Response ) : # Old from v1.3.1 (updated to FastAPI)
return await BackwardCompatibility ( inRequest = inRequest , inResponse = inResponse , inAuthTokenStr = None )
from . import __Orchestrator__
import mimetypes
mimetypes . add_type ( " font/woff2 " , " .woff2 " )
mimetypes . add_type ( " text/javascript " , " .js " )
from typing import Union
def InitFastAPI ( ) :
global app
lL = __Orchestrator__ . OrchestratorLoggerGet ( )
__Orchestrator__ . GSettingsGet ( ) [ " ServerDict " ] [ " ServerThread " ] = app
ServerSettings . SettingsUpdate ( )
BCURLUpdate ( )
def BCURLUpdate ( ) :
for lConnectItemDict in __Orchestrator__ . GSettingsGet ( ) [ " ServerDict " ] [ " URLList " ] :
if " BCBool " not in lConnectItemDict :
if " ResponseFolderPath " in lConnectItemDict :
app . mount ( lConnectItemDict [ " URL " ] ,
StaticFiles ( directory = CrossOS . PathStr ( lConnectItemDict [ " ResponseFolderPath " ] ) ) ,
name = lConnectItemDict [ " URL " ] . replace ( ' / ' , " _ " ) )
else :
if lConnectItemDict . get ( " MatchType " ) in [ " BeginWith " , " EqualCase " , " Equal " , " EqualNoParam " ] :
if lConnectItemDict . get ( " UACBool " , True ) :
app . add_api_route (
path = lConnectItemDict [ " URL " ] ,
endpoint = BackwardCompatibityWrapperAuth ,
response_class = PlainTextResponse ,
methods = [ lConnectItemDict [ " Method " ] ] ,
tags = [ " BackwardCompatibility " ]
else :
app . add_api_route (
path = lConnectItemDict [ " URL " ] ,
endpoint = BackwardCompatibityWrapperNoAuth ,
response_class = PlainTextResponse ,
methods = [ lConnectItemDict [ " Method " ] ] ,
tags = [ " BackwardCompatibility " ]
elif lConnectItemDict . get ( " MatchType " ) in [ " BeginWith " , " Contains " ] :
lURLStr = lConnectItemDict [ " URL " ]
if lURLStr [ - 1 ] != " / " : lURLStr + = " / "
lURLStr + = " {inBeginTokenStr} "
if lConnectItemDict . get ( " UACBool " , True ) :
app . add_api_route (
path = lURLStr ,
endpoint = BackwardCompatibityBeginWrapperAuth ,
response_class = PlainTextResponse ,
methods = [ lConnectItemDict [ " Method " ] ] ,
tags = [ " BackwardCompatibility " ]
else :
app . add_api_route (
path = lURLStr ,
endpoint = BackwardCompatibityBeginWrapperNoAuth ,
response_class = PlainTextResponse ,
methods = [ lConnectItemDict [ " Method " ] ] ,
tags = [ " BackwardCompatibility " ]
lConnectItemDict [ " BCBool " ] = True
def InitUvicorn ( inHostStr = None , inPortInt = None , inSSLCertPathStr = None , inSSLKeyPathStr = None , inSSLPasswordStr = None ) :
if inHostStr is None : inHostStr = " "
if inPortInt is None : inPortInt = 1024
if inSSLCertPathStr != None : inSSLCertPathStr = CrossOS . PathStr ( inSSLCertPathStr )
if inSSLKeyPathStr != None : inSSLKeyPathStr = CrossOS . PathStr ( inSSLKeyPathStr )
global app
lL = __Orchestrator__ . OrchestratorLoggerGet ( )
#uvicorn.run('pyOpenRPA.Orchestrator.Server:app', host='', port=1024)
uvicorn . run ( app , host = inHostStr , port = inPortInt , ssl_keyfile = inSSLKeyPathStr , ssl_certfile = inSSLCertPathStr , ssl_keyfile_password = inSSLPasswordStr )
if lL and inSSLKeyPathStr != None : lL . info ( f " Сервер инициализирован успешно (с поддержкой SSL):: Слушает URL: { inHostStr } , Слушает порт: { inPortInt } , Путь к файлу сертификата (.pem, base64): { inSSLCertPathStr } " )
if lL and inSSLKeyPathStr == None : lL . info ( f " Сервер инициализирован успешно (без поддержки SSL):: Слушает URL: { inHostStr } , Слушает порт: { inPortInt } " )