import psutil
import datetime
import logging
import os
import json
lProcessName = " OpenRPA_RobotRDPActive.exe "
lStartFilePath = os . path . join ( os . getcwd ( ) , " .. \\ Utils \\ RobotRDPActive \\ pyOpenRPA.Tools.RobotRDPActive_x64.cmd " )
def RenderRobotRDPActive ( inGlobalConfiguration ) :
#Subheader Variants
lSubheaderRunTrueText = " State: <span style= \" color:green \" >Turned on</span> "
lSubheaderRunFalseText = " State: <span style= \" color:red \" >Turned off</span> "
#Run button
#Такое большое количество слэшей связано с тем, что этот текст отправляется сначала в браузер, рендерится там, а потом отправляется на процессор оркестратора
lRobotRDPActivePath = f " start cmd /K { lStartFilePath } "
lOnClickRunButton = f " mGlobal.Controller.CMDRunText( ' { lRobotRDPActivePath } ' ); "
#Safe turn off
lOnClickSafeTurnOff = " mGlobal.Processor.ServerValueSet([ ' Storage ' , ' RobotRDPActive ' , ' OrchestratorToRobotResetStorage ' , ' SafeTurnOff ' ],true); "
#Force close button
lOnClickForceCloseButton = f " mGlobal.Controller.CMDRunText( ' taskkill /F /im { lProcessName } ' ); "
# # # # # Add recieve file activity
lTestRecieveActivityList = [
" ModulePath " : f " { os . path . join ( lRobotRDPActiveFolderPath , ' ' ) } " , # "Session\\"
" DefName " : " FileStoredRecieve " , # Function name
" ArgList " : [ ] , # Args list
" ArgDict " : { " inSessionIndex " : 0 , " inHostFilePath " : " testRecieve.txt " , " inRDPFilePath " : " C: \\ Temp \\ testRecieve.txt " } # Args dictionary
lOnClickTestSendBaumanStr = f " mGlobal.Processor.ServerValueSet([ ' Storage ' , ' RobotRDPActive ' , ' OrchestratorToRobotResetStorage ' , ' ActivityList ' ], { json . dumps ( lTestRecieveActivityList ) } ); "
#Result template
lResultDict = {
" HeaderLeftText " : " Keep active RDP sessions " ,
" HeaderRightText " : " Tech " ,
" DataStorageKey " : " RobotRDPActive " , #Use key for set current dict in mGlobal.DataStorage["DataStorageKey"] on client side
" SubheaderText " : lSubheaderRunFalseText ,
" BodyKeyValueList " : [
{ " Key " : " Session list " , " Value " : " " }
] ,
" FooterText " : " Last update: 9:38:00 09.10.2019 " ,
" FooterButtonX2List " : [
{ " Text " : " Turn on " , " Color " : " green " , " Link " : " " , " OnClick " : lOnClickRunButton . replace ( " \\ " , " \\ \\ " ) } ,
{ " Text " : " Safe turn off " , " Color " : " orange " , " Link " : " " , " OnClick " : lOnClickSafeTurnOff . replace ( " \\ " , " \\ \\ " ) }
] ,
" FooterButtonX1List " : [
{ " Text " : " Kill " , " Color " : " red " , " Link " : " " , " OnClick " : lOnClickForceCloseButton . replace ( " \\ " , " \\ \\ " ) }
] #,
#"GlobalStorage": inGlobalConfiguration.get("Storage",{})
#Read RDPList
lRDPList = inGlobalConfiguration . get ( " Storage " , { } ) . get ( " RobotRDPActive " , { } ) . get ( " RobotToOrchestratorStorage " , { } ) . get ( " RDPList " , [ ] )
lFullScreenSessionIndex = inGlobalConfiguration . get ( " Storage " , { } ) . get ( " RobotRDPActive " , { } ) . get ( " RobotToOrchestratorStorage " , { } ) . get ( " FullScreenSessionIndex " , None )
lRDPListIndex = 0
for lItem in lRDPList :
#Lable that session has fullscreen
lLabelSessionFullScreen = " "
lLabelIsIgnored = " "
#Link set full screen
lOnClickSetFullScreen = f " mGlobal.Processor.ServerValueSet([ ' Storage ' , ' RobotRDPActive ' , ' OrchestratorToRobotStorage ' , ' FullScreenSessionIndex ' ], { lRDPListIndex } ); "
lSetFullScreenA = f ' <a onclick= " { lOnClickSetFullScreen } " style= \" color:blue \" >Set fullscreen</a> '
if lRDPListIndex == lFullScreenSessionIndex :
lLabelSessionFullScreen = ' <span style= \" color:blue \" >[Fullscreen]</span> '
lOnClickSetFullScreen = f " mGlobal.Processor.ServerValueSet([ ' Storage ' , ' RobotRDPActive ' , ' OrchestratorToRobotStorage ' , ' FullScreenSessionIndex ' ],null); "
lSetFullScreenA = f ' <a onclick= " { lOnClickSetFullScreen } " style= \" color:blue \" >Set minimized</a> '
lIgnoreIndexListOnClick = " $.ajax( { type: ' POST ' , url: ' RobotRDPActive/IgnoreIndexListAppend ' , data: ' " + str ( lRDPListIndex ) + " ' , success: function(lData,l2,l3) {} , dataType: ' text ' }); "
lIgnoreIndexListLink = f ' <a onclick= " { lIgnoreIndexListOnClick } " style= \" color:red \" >Ignore</a> '
#Check if in ignore
if lRDPListIndex in inGlobalConfiguration . get ( " Storage " , { } ) . get ( " RobotRDPActive " , { } ) . get ( " OrchestratorToRobotStorage " , { } ) . get ( " IgnoreIndexList " , [ ] ) :
lLabelIsIgnored = ' <span style= \" color:red \" >[Ignored]</span> '
lIgnoreIndexListOnClick = " $.ajax( { type: ' POST ' , url: ' RobotRDPActive/IgnoreIndexListRemove ' , data: ' " + str ( lRDPListIndex ) + " ' , success: function(lData,l2,l3) {} , dataType: ' text ' }); "
lIgnoreIndexListLink = f ' <a onclick= " { lIgnoreIndexListOnClick } " style= \" color:red \" >Unignore</a> '
#Session state
lItemSessionState = ' <span style= \" color:red \" >Disconnected</span> '
if lItem . get ( " SessionIsWindowResponsibleBool " , False ) :
lItemSessionState = ' <span style= \" color:green \" >Connected</span> '
lResultDict [ " BodyKeyValueList " ] . append ( { " Key " : f " [ { str ( lRDPListIndex ) } ] { lLabelSessionFullScreen } { lLabelIsIgnored } { lItem . get ( ' Host ' , ' localhost ' ) } : { lItem . get ( ' Port ' , ' -- ' ) } " , " Value " : f " { lItem . get ( ' Login ' , ' -- ' ) } , { lItem . get ( ' SessionHex ' , ' -- ' ) } , State { lItemSessionState } , { lSetFullScreenA } , { lIgnoreIndexListLink } " } )
lRDPListIndex = lRDPListIndex + 1
#Check if process running
if CheckIfProcessRunning ( " OpenRPA_RobotRDPActive " ) :
lResultDict [ " SubheaderText " ] = lSubheaderRunTrueText
#Process not running
lResultDict [ " FooterText " ] = f ' Last update: { datetime . datetime . now ( ) . strftime ( " % H: % M: % S %d . % m. % Y " ) } '
return lResultDict
#Add to ignore list
def IgnoreIndexListAppend ( inRequest , inConfiguration ) :
lIgnoreList = inConfiguration [ " Storage " ] [ " RobotRDPActive " ] [ " OrchestratorToRobotStorage " ] [ " IgnoreIndexList " ]
lIgnoreIndex = { }
if inRequest . headers . get ( ' Content-Length ' ) is not None :
lInputByteArrayLength = int ( inRequest . headers . get ( ' Content-Length ' ) )
lInputByteArray = inRequest . rfile . read ( lInputByteArrayLength )
#Превращение массива байт в объект
lIgnoreIndex = int ( lInputByteArray . decode ( ' utf8 ' ) )
#check if index not in list
if lIgnoreIndex not in lIgnoreList :
#append to list
lIgnoreList . append ( lIgnoreIndex )
#remove from Ignore list
def IgnoreIndexListRemove ( inRequest , inConfiguration ) :
lIgnoreList = inConfiguration [ " Storage " ] [ " RobotRDPActive " ] [ " OrchestratorToRobotStorage " ] [ " IgnoreIndexList " ]
lIgnoreIndex = { }
if inRequest . headers . get ( ' Content-Length ' ) is not None :
lInputByteArrayLength = int ( inRequest . headers . get ( ' Content-Length ' ) )
lInputByteArray = inRequest . rfile . read ( lInputByteArrayLength )
#Превращение массива байт в объект
lIgnoreIndex = int ( lInputByteArray . decode ( ' utf8 ' ) )
#check if index not in list
if lIgnoreIndex in lIgnoreList :
#append to list
lIgnoreList . remove ( lIgnoreIndex ) #Remove delete the element lIgnoreIndex
def CheckIfProcessRunning ( processName ) :
Check if there is any running process that contains the given name processName .
#Iterate over the all the running process
for proc in psutil . process_iter ( ) :
try :
# Check if process name contains the given name string.
if processName . lower ( ) in proc . name ( ) . lower ( ) :
return True
except ( psutil . NoSuchProcess , psutil . AccessDenied , psutil . ZombieProcess ) :
return False ;
#Orchestrator settings
def SettingsUpdate ( inDict ) :
#Add RobotRDPActive in control panel
inDict [ " ControlPanelDict " ] [ " RobotList " ] . append ( { " RenderFunction " : RenderRobotRDPActive } )
#Default structure
inDict [ " Storage " ] [ " RobotRDPActive " ] = {
" OrchestratorToRobotResetStorage " : { " SafeTurnOff " : False } ,
" OrchestratorToRobotStorage " : {
" FullScreenSessionIndex " : None ,
" IgnoreIndexList " : [ ]
#Add methods
inDict [ " Server " ] [ " URLList " ] . append (
" Method " : " POST " ,
" URL " : " /RobotRDPActive/IgnoreIndexListAppend " , #URL of the request
" MatchType " : " Equal " , #"BeginWith|Contains|Equal|EqualCase",
" ResponseDefRequestGlobal " : IgnoreIndexListAppend #Function with str result
inDict [ " Server " ] [ " URLList " ] . append (
" Method " : " POST " ,
" URL " : " /RobotRDPActive/IgnoreIndexListRemove " , #URL of the request
" MatchType " : " Equal " , #"BeginWith|Contains|Equal|EqualCase",
" ResponseDefRequestGlobal " : IgnoreIndexListRemove #Function with str result
return inDict