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6 years ago
# cython: auto_pickle=False,embedsignature=True,always_allow_keywords=False
Greenlet-local objects.
This module is based on ``__ from the standard
library of Python 3.4.
Greenlet-local objects support the management of greenlet-local data.
If you have data that you want to be local to a greenlet, simply create
a greenlet-local object and use its attributes:
>>> mydata = local()
>>> mydata.number = 42
>>> mydata.number
You can also access the local-object's dictionary:
>>> mydata.__dict__
{'number': 42}
>>> mydata.__dict__.setdefault('widgets', [])
>>> mydata.widgets
What's important about greenlet-local objects is that their data are
local to a greenlet. If we access the data in a different greenlet:
>>> log = []
>>> def f():
... items = list(mydata.__dict__.items())
... items.sort()
... log.append(items)
... mydata.number = 11
... log.append(mydata.number)
>>> greenlet = gevent.spawn(f)
>>> greenlet.join()
>>> log
[[], 11]
we get different data. Furthermore, changes made in the other greenlet
don't affect data seen in this greenlet:
>>> mydata.number
Of course, values you get from a local object, including a __dict__
attribute, are for whatever greenlet was current at the time the
attribute was read. For that reason, you generally don't want to save
these values across greenlets, as they apply only to the greenlet they
came from.
You can create custom local objects by subclassing the local class:
>>> class MyLocal(local):
... number = 2
... initialized = False
... def __init__(self, **kw):
... if self.initialized:
... raise SystemError('__init__ called too many times')
... self.initialized = True
... self.__dict__.update(kw)
... def squared(self):
... return self.number ** 2
This can be useful to support default values, methods and
initialization. Note that if you define an __init__ method, it will be
called each time the local object is used in a separate greenlet. This
is necessary to initialize each greenlet's dictionary.
Now if we create a local object:
>>> mydata = MyLocal(color='red')
Now we have a default number:
>>> mydata.number
an initial color:
>>> mydata.color
>>> del mydata.color
And a method that operates on the data:
>>> mydata.squared()
As before, we can access the data in a separate greenlet:
>>> log = []
>>> greenlet = gevent.spawn(f)
>>> greenlet.join()
>>> log
[[('color', 'red'), ('initialized', True)], 11]
without affecting this greenlet's data:
>>> mydata.number
>>> mydata.color
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: 'MyLocal' object has no attribute 'color'
Note that subclasses can define slots, but they are not greenlet
local. They are shared across greenlets::
>>> class MyLocal(local):
... __slots__ = 'number'
>>> mydata = MyLocal()
>>> mydata.number = 42
>>> mydata.color = 'red'
So, the separate greenlet:
>>> greenlet = gevent.spawn(f)
>>> greenlet.join()
affects what we see:
>>> mydata.number
>>> del mydata
.. versionchanged:: 1.1a2
Update the implementation to match Python 3.4 instead of Python 2.5.
This results in locals being eligible for garbage collection as soon
as their greenlet exits.
.. versionchanged:: 1.2.3
Use a weak-reference to clear the greenlet link we establish in case
the local object dies before the greenlet does.
.. versionchanged:: 1.3a1
Implement the methods for attribute access directly, handling
descriptors directly here. This allows removing the use of a lock
and facilitates greatly improved performance.
.. versionchanged:: 1.3a1
The ``__init__`` method of subclasses of ``local`` is no longer
called with a lock held. CPython does not use such a lock in its
native implementation. This could potentially show as a difference
if code that uses multiple dependent attributes in ``__slots__``
(which are shared across all greenlets) switches during ``__init__``.
from __future__ import print_function
from copy import copy
from weakref import ref
locals()['getcurrent'] = __import__('greenlet').getcurrent
locals()['greenlet_init'] = lambda: None
__all__ = [
# The key used in the Thread objects' attribute dicts.
# We keep it a string for speed but make it unlikely to clash with
# a "real" attribute.
key_prefix = '_gevent_local_localimpl_'
# The overall structure is as follows:
# For each local() object:
# greenlet.__dict__[key_prefix + str(id(local))]
# => _localimpl.dicts[id(greenlet)] => (ref(greenlet), {})
# That final tuple is actually a localimpl_dict_entry object.
def all_local_dicts_for_greenlet(greenlet):
Internal debug helper for getting the local values associated
with a greenlet. This is subject to change or removal at any time.
:return: A list of ((type, id), {}) pairs, where the first element
is the type and id of the local object and the second object is its
instance dictionary, as seen from this greenlet.
.. versionadded:: 1.3a2
result = []
id_greenlet = id(greenlet)
greenlet_dict = greenlet.__dict__
for k, v in greenlet_dict.items():
if not k.startswith(key_prefix):
local_impl = v()
if local_impl is None:
entry = local_impl.dicts.get(id_greenlet)
if entry is None:
# Not yet used in this greenlet.
assert entry.wrgreenlet() is greenlet
result.append((local_impl.localtypeid, entry.localdict))
return result
class _wrefdict(dict):
"""A dict that can be weak referenced"""
class _greenlet_deleted(object):
A weakref callback for when the greenlet
is deleted.
If the greenlet is a `gevent.greenlet.Greenlet` and
supplies ``rawlink``, that will be used instead of a
__slots__ = ('idt', 'wrdicts')
def __init__(self, idt, wrdicts):
self.idt = idt
self.wrdicts = wrdicts
def __call__(self, _unused):
dicts = self.wrdicts()
if dicts:
dicts.pop(self.idt, None)
class _local_deleted(object):
__slots__ = ('key', 'wrthread', 'greenlet_deleted')
def __init__(self, key, wrthread, greenlet_deleted):
self.key = key
self.wrthread = wrthread
self.greenlet_deleted = greenlet_deleted
def __call__(self, _unused):
thread = self.wrthread()
if thread is not None:
unlink = thread.unlink
except AttributeError:
del thread.__dict__[self.key]
class _localimpl(object):
"""A class managing thread-local dicts"""
__slots__ = ('key', 'dicts',
'localargs', 'localkwargs',
def __init__(self, args, kwargs, local_type, id_local):
self.key = key_prefix + str(id(self))
# { id(greenlet) -> _localimpl_dict_entry(ref(greenlet), greenlet-local dict) }
self.dicts = _wrefdict()
self.localargs = args
self.localkwargs = kwargs
self.localtypeid = local_type, id_local
# We need to create the thread dict in anticipation of
# __init__ being called, to make sure we don't call it
# again ourselves. MUST do this before setting any attributes.
greenlet = getcurrent() # pylint:disable=undefined-variable
_localimpl_create_dict(self, greenlet, id(greenlet))
class _localimpl_dict_entry(object):
The object that goes in the ``dicts`` of ``_localimpl``
object for each thread.
# This is a class, not just a tuple, so that cython can optimize
# attribute access
__slots__ = ('wrgreenlet', 'localdict')
def __init__(self, wrgreenlet, localdict):
self.wrgreenlet = wrgreenlet
self.localdict = localdict
# We use functions instead of methods so that they can be cdef'd in
# local.pxd; if they were cdef'd as methods, they would cause
# the creation of a pointer and a vtable. This happens
# even if we declare the class functions thus save memory overhead
# (but not pointer chasing overhead; the vtable isn't used when we declare
# the class final).
def _localimpl_create_dict(self, greenlet, id_greenlet):
"""Create a new dict for the current thread, and return it."""
localdict = {}
key = self.key
wrdicts = ref(self.dicts)
# When the greenlet is deleted, remove the local dict.
# Note that this is suboptimal if the greenlet object gets
# caught in a reference loop. We would like to be called
# as soon as the OS-level greenlet ends instead.
# If we are working with a gevent.greenlet.Greenlet, we
# can pro-actively clear out with a link, avoiding the
# issue described above. Use rawlink to avoid spawning any
# more greenlets.
greenlet_deleted = _greenlet_deleted(id_greenlet, wrdicts)
rawlink = getattr(greenlet, 'rawlink', None)
if rawlink is not None:
wrthread = ref(greenlet)
wrthread = ref(greenlet, greenlet_deleted)
# When the localimpl is deleted, remove the thread attribute.
local_deleted = _local_deleted(key, wrthread, greenlet_deleted)
wrlocal = ref(self, local_deleted)
greenlet.__dict__[key] = wrlocal
self.dicts[id_greenlet] = _localimpl_dict_entry(wrthread, localdict)
return localdict
_marker = object()
def _local_get_dict(self):
impl = self._local__impl
# Cython can optimize dict[], but not dict.get()
greenlet = getcurrent() # pylint:disable=undefined-variable
idg = id(greenlet)
entry = impl.dicts[idg]
dct = entry.localdict
except KeyError:
dct = _localimpl_create_dict(impl, greenlet, idg)
self.__init__(*impl.localargs, **impl.localkwargs)
return dct
def _init():
greenlet_init() # pylint:disable=undefined-variable
_local_attrs = {
class local(object):
An object whose attributes are greenlet-local.
__slots__ = tuple(_local_attrs - {'__class__', '__cinit__'})
def __cinit__(self, *args, **kw):
if args or kw:
if type(self).__init__ == object.__init__:
raise TypeError("Initialization arguments are not supported", args, kw)
impl = _localimpl(args, kw, type(self), id(self))
# pylint:disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
self._local__impl = impl
get, dels, sets_or_dels, sets = _local_find_descriptors(self)
self._local_type_get_descriptors = get
self._local_type_set_or_del_descriptors = sets_or_dels
self._local_type_del_descriptors = dels
self._local_type_set_descriptors = sets
self._local_type = type(self)
self._local_type_vars = set(dir(self._local_type))
def __getattribute__(self, name): # pylint:disable=too-many-return-statements
if name in _local_attrs:
# The _local__impl, __cinit__, etc, won't be hit by the
# Cython version, if we've done things right. If we haven't,
# they will be, and this will produce an error.
return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
dct = _local_get_dict(self)
if name == '__dict__':
return dct
# If there's no possible way we can switch, because this
# attribute is *not* found in the class where it might be a
# data descriptor (property), and it *is* in the dict
# then we don't need to swizzle the dict and take the lock.
# We don't have to worry about people overriding __getattribute__
# because if they did, the dict-swizzling would only last as
# long as we were in here anyway.
# Similarly, a __getattr__ will still be called by _oga() if needed
# if it's not in the dict.
# Optimization: If we're not subclassed, then
# there can be no descriptors except for methods, which will
# never need to use __dict__.
if self._local_type is local:
return dct[name] if name in dct else object.__getattribute__(self, name)
# NOTE: If this is a descriptor, this will invoke its __get__.
# A broken descriptor that doesn't return itself when called with
# a None for the instance argument could mess us up here.
# But this is faster than a loop over mro() checking each class __dict__
# manually.
if name in dct:
if name not in self._local_type_vars:
# If there is a dict value, and nothing in the type,
# it can't possibly be a descriptor, so it is just returned.
return dct[name]
# It's in the type *and* in the dict. If the type value is
# a data descriptor (defines __get__ *and* either __set__ or
# __delete__), then the type wins. If it's a non-data descriptor
# (defines just __get__), then the instance wins. If it's not a
# descriptor at all (doesn't have __get__), the instance wins.
# NOTE that the docs for descriptors say that these methods must be
# defined on the *class* of the object in the type.
if name not in self._local_type_get_descriptors:
# Entirely not a descriptor. Instance wins.
return dct[name]
if name in self._local_type_set_or_del_descriptors:
# A data descriptor.
# arbitrary code execution while these run. If they touch self again,
# they'll call back into us and we'll repeat the dance.
type_attr = getattr(self._local_type, name)
return type(type_attr).__get__(type_attr, self, self._local_type)
# Last case is a non-data descriptor. Instance wins.
return dct[name]
if name in self._local_type_vars:
# Not in the dictionary, but is found in the type. It could be
# a non-data descriptor still. Some descriptors, like @staticmethod,
# return objects (functions, in this case), that are *themselves*
# descriptors, which when invoked, again, would do the wrong thing.
# So we can't rely on getattr() on the type for them, we have to
# look through the MRO dicts ourself.
if name not in self._local_type_get_descriptors:
# Not a descriptor, can't execute code. So all we need is
# the return value of getattr() on our type.
return getattr(self._local_type, name)
for base in self._local_type.mro():
bd = base.__dict__
if name in bd:
attr_on_type = bd[name]
result = type(attr_on_type).__get__(attr_on_type, self, self._local_type)
return result
# It wasn't in the dict and it wasn't in the type.
# So the next step is to invoke type(self)__getattr__, if it
# exists, otherwise raise an AttributeError.
# we will invoke type(self).__getattr__ or raise an attribute error.
if hasattr(self._local_type, '__getattr__'):
return self._local_type.__getattr__(self, name)
raise AttributeError("%r object has no attribute '%s'"
% (self._local_type.__name__, name))
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if name == '__dict__':
raise AttributeError(
"%r object attribute '__dict__' is read-only"
% type(self))
if name in _local_attrs:
object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
dct = _local_get_dict(self)
if self._local_type is local:
# Optimization: If we're not subclassed, we can't
# have data descriptors, so this goes right in the dict.
dct[name] = value
if name in self._local_type_vars:
if name in self._local_type_set_descriptors:
type_attr = getattr(self._local_type, name, _marker)
# A data descriptor, like a property or a slot.
type(type_attr).__set__(type_attr, self, value)
# Otherwise it goes directly in the dict
dct[name] = value
def __delattr__(self, name):
if name == '__dict__':
raise AttributeError(
"%r object attribute '__dict__' is read-only"
% self.__class__.__name__)
if name in self._local_type_vars:
if name in self._local_type_del_descriptors:
# A data descriptor, like a property or a slot.
type_attr = getattr(self._local_type, name, _marker)
type(type_attr).__delete__(type_attr, self)
# Otherwise it goes directly in the dict
# Begin inlined function _get_dict()
dct = _local_get_dict(self)
del dct[name]
except KeyError:
raise AttributeError(name)
def __copy__(self):
impl = self._local__impl
entry = impl.dicts[id(getcurrent())] # pylint:disable=undefined-variable
dct = entry.localdict
duplicate = copy(dct)
cls = type(self)
instance = cls(*impl.localargs, **impl.localkwargs)
_local__copy_dict_from(instance, impl, duplicate)
return instance
def _local__copy_dict_from(self, impl, duplicate):
current = getcurrent() # pylint:disable=undefined-variable
currentId = id(current)
new_impl = self._local__impl
assert new_impl is not impl
entry = new_impl.dicts[currentId]
new_impl.dicts[currentId] = _localimpl_dict_entry(entry.wrgreenlet, duplicate)
def _local_find_descriptors(self):
type_self = type(self)
gets = set()
dels = set()
set_or_del = set()
sets = set()
mro = list(type_self.mro())
for attr_name in dir(type_self):
# Conventionally, descriptors when called on a class
# return themself, but not all do. Notable exceptions are
# in the zope.interface package, where things like __provides__
# return other class attributes. So we can't use getattr, and instead
# walk up the dicts
for base in mro:
bd = base.__dict__
if attr_name in bd:
attr = bd[attr_name]
raise AttributeError(attr_name)
type_attr = type(attr)
if hasattr(type_attr, '__get__'):
if hasattr(type_attr, '__delete__'):
if hasattr(type_attr, '__set__'):
return (gets, dels, set_or_del, sets)
# Cython doesn't let us use __new__, it requires
# __cinit__. But we need __new__ if we're not compiled
# (e.g., on PyPy). So we set it at runtime. Cython
# will raise an error if we're compiled.
def __new__(cls, *args, **kw):
self = super(local, cls).__new__(cls)
# We get the cls in *args for some reason
# too when we do it this way....except on PyPy3, which does
# not *unless* it's wrapped in a classmethod (which it is)
self.__cinit__(*args[1:], **kw)
return self
# PyPy2/3 and CPython handle adding a __new__ to the class
# in different ways. In CPython and PyPy3, it must be wrapped with classmethod;
# in PyPy2, it must not. In either case, the args that get passed to
# it are stil wrong.
local.__new__ = 'None'
except TypeError: # pragma: no cover
# Must be compiled
from gevent._compat import PYPY
from gevent._compat import PY2
if PYPY and PY2:
local.__new__ = __new__
local.__new__ = classmethod(__new__)
del PYPY
del PY2
from gevent._util import import_c_accel
import_c_accel(globals(), 'gevent._local')