import json , os
import copy
from . import __Orchestrator__
from pyOpenRPA . Tools import CrossOS
if CrossOS . IS_WINDOWS_BOOL : #CrossOS
from desktopmagic . screengrab_win32 import (
getDisplayRects , saveScreenToBmp , saveRectToBmp , getScreenAsImage ,
getRectAsImage , getDisplaysAsImages )
if CrossOS . IS_LINUX_BOOL : import pyscreeze
from http import cookies
import uuid # generate UUID4
import time # sleep functions
import datetime # datetime functions
import threading # Multi-threading
from . Web import Basic
from . . Tools import Usage
from . import BackwardCompatibility # Support old up to 1.2.0 defs
from . import Processor
from . import SettingsTemplate
def ActivityItemCreate(inDef, inArgList=None, inArgDict=None, inArgGSettingsStr=None, inArgLoggerStr=None, inGUIDStr = None, inThreadBool = False):
def ActivityItemDefAliasCreate(inDef, inAliasStr=None, inGSettings = None):
def ActivityItemDefAliasUpdate(inDef, inAliasStr, inGSettings = None):
def ActivityItemHelperDefAutofill(inDef):
def ActivityItemHelperDefList(inDefQueryStr=None):
3 years ago
# # # # # # # # # # # #
# v 1.2.0 Functionallity
# # # # # # # # # # # #
- Orc new structure for CP: "CPDict": { # "CPKey": {"HTMLRenderDef":None, "JSONGeneratorDef":None, "JSInitGeneratorDef":None}},
- - Back: inGSettings["CPDict"][RobotKeyStr]["HTMLRenderDef"] > Front: mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerDataDict.CPDict.RobotKeyStr.HTMLStr
- - Back: inGSettings["CPDict"][RobotKeyStr]["JSONGeneratorDef"] > Front: mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerDataDict.CPDict.RobotKeyStr.JSONDict
- - CPDict > HTMLRenderDef > def (inGSettings); def (inRequest, inGSettings); def ()
- - CPDict > JSONGeneratorDef > def (inGSettings); def (inRequest, inGSettings); def ()
- - CPDict > JSInitGeneratorDef > def (inGSettings); def (inRequest, inGSettings); def ()
Orc connect JSONGenerators to WEB Front (mGlobal.)
- Orc back: add new block: OrchestratorWeb
- - def OrchestratorWebCPUpdate(inGSettings, inCPKeyStr, inHTMLRenderDef=None, inJSONGeneratorDef=None, inJSInitGeneratorDef=None): # Add control panel HTML, JSON generator or JS when page init
4 years ago
# Generate JS when page init
def HiddenJSInitGenerate ( inRequest , inGSettings ) :
dUAC = inRequest . UACClientCheck # Alias.
lUACCPTemplateKeyList = [ " pyOpenRPADict " , " CPKeyDict " ]
lL = inGSettings [ " Logger " ] # Alias for logger
lJSInitResultStr = " "
lRenderFunctionsRobotDict = inGSettings [ " ServerDict " ] [ " ControlPanelDict " ]
- Orc new structure for CP: "CPDict": { # "CPKey": {"HTMLRenderDef":None, "JSONGeneratorDef":None, "JSInitGeneratorDef":None}},
- - Back: inGSettings["CPDict"][RobotKeyStr]["HTMLRenderDef"] > Front: mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerDataDict.CPDict.RobotKeyStr.HTMLStr
- - Back: inGSettings["CPDict"][RobotKeyStr]["JSONGeneratorDef"] > Front: mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerDataDict.CPDict.RobotKeyStr.JSONDict
- - CPDict > HTMLRenderDef > def (inGSettings); def (inRequest, inGSettings); def ()
- - CPDict > JSONGeneratorDef > def (inGSettings); def (inRequest, inGSettings); def ()
- - CPDict > JSInitGeneratorDef > def (inGSettings); def (inRequest, inGSettings); def ()
Orc connect JSONGenerators to WEB Front (mGlobal.)
- Orc back: add new block: OrchestratorWeb
- - def OrchestratorWebCPUpdate(inGSettings, inCPKeyStr, inHTMLRenderDef=None, inJSONGeneratorDef=None, inJSInitGeneratorDef=None): # Add control panel HTML, JSON generator or JS when page init
4 years ago
for lItemKeyStr in lRenderFunctionsRobotDict :
lItemDict = lRenderFunctionsRobotDict [ lItemKeyStr ]
lUACBool = dUAC ( inRoleKeyList = lUACCPTemplateKeyList + [ lItemKeyStr ] ) # Check if render function is applicable User Access Rights (UAC)
if lItemKeyStr == " VersionCheck " : lUACBool = True # For backward compatibility for the old fron version which not reload page when new orch version is comming
if lUACBool : # Run function if UAC is TRUE
# JSONGeneratorDef
lJSInitResultStr = lJSInitResultStr + " ; " + lItemDict . OnInitJSStr ( inRequest = inRequest )
- Orc new structure for CP: "CPDict": { # "CPKey": {"HTMLRenderDef":None, "JSONGeneratorDef":None, "JSInitGeneratorDef":None}},
- - Back: inGSettings["CPDict"][RobotKeyStr]["HTMLRenderDef"] > Front: mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerDataDict.CPDict.RobotKeyStr.HTMLStr
- - Back: inGSettings["CPDict"][RobotKeyStr]["JSONGeneratorDef"] > Front: mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerDataDict.CPDict.RobotKeyStr.JSONDict
- - CPDict > HTMLRenderDef > def (inGSettings); def (inRequest, inGSettings); def ()
- - CPDict > JSONGeneratorDef > def (inGSettings); def (inRequest, inGSettings); def ()
- - CPDict > JSInitGeneratorDef > def (inGSettings); def (inRequest, inGSettings); def ()
Orc connect JSONGenerators to WEB Front (mGlobal.)
- Orc back: add new block: OrchestratorWeb
- - def OrchestratorWebCPUpdate(inGSettings, inCPKeyStr, inHTMLRenderDef=None, inJSONGeneratorDef=None, inJSInitGeneratorDef=None): # Add control panel HTML, JSON generator or JS when page init
4 years ago
return lJSInitResultStr
# Generate CP HTML + JSON
# Return {"Key":{"",""}}
def HiddenCPDictGenerate ( inRequest , inGSettings ) :
dUAC = inRequest . UACClientCheck # Alias.
lUACCPTemplateKeyList = [ " pyOpenRPADict " , " CPKeyDict " ]
lL = inGSettings [ " Logger " ] # Alias for logger
# Create result JSON
lCPDict = { }
lRenderFunctionsRobotDict = inGSettings [ " ServerDict " ] [ " ControlPanelDict " ]
- Orc new structure for CP: "CPDict": { # "CPKey": {"HTMLRenderDef":None, "JSONGeneratorDef":None, "JSInitGeneratorDef":None}},
- - Back: inGSettings["CPDict"][RobotKeyStr]["HTMLRenderDef"] > Front: mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerDataDict.CPDict.RobotKeyStr.HTMLStr
- - Back: inGSettings["CPDict"][RobotKeyStr]["JSONGeneratorDef"] > Front: mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerDataDict.CPDict.RobotKeyStr.JSONDict
- - CPDict > HTMLRenderDef > def (inGSettings); def (inRequest, inGSettings); def ()
- - CPDict > JSONGeneratorDef > def (inGSettings); def (inRequest, inGSettings); def ()
- - CPDict > JSInitGeneratorDef > def (inGSettings); def (inRequest, inGSettings); def ()
Orc connect JSONGenerators to WEB Front (mGlobal.)
- Orc back: add new block: OrchestratorWeb
- - def OrchestratorWebCPUpdate(inGSettings, inCPKeyStr, inHTMLRenderDef=None, inJSONGeneratorDef=None, inJSInitGeneratorDef=None): # Add control panel HTML, JSON generator or JS when page init
4 years ago
for lItemKeyStr in lRenderFunctionsRobotDict :
lItemDict = lRenderFunctionsRobotDict [ lItemKeyStr ]
lUACBool = dUAC ( inRoleKeyList = lUACCPTemplateKeyList + [ lItemKeyStr ] ) # Check if render function is applicable User Access Rights (UAC)
if lItemKeyStr == " VersionCheck " : lUACBool = True # For backward compatibility for the old fron version which not reload page when new orch version is comming
if lUACBool : # Run function if UAC is TRUE
- Orc new structure for CP: "CPDict": { # "CPKey": {"HTMLRenderDef":None, "JSONGeneratorDef":None, "JSInitGeneratorDef":None}},
- - Back: inGSettings["CPDict"][RobotKeyStr]["HTMLRenderDef"] > Front: mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerDataDict.CPDict.RobotKeyStr.HTMLStr
- - Back: inGSettings["CPDict"][RobotKeyStr]["JSONGeneratorDef"] > Front: mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerDataDict.CPDict.RobotKeyStr.JSONDict
- - CPDict > HTMLRenderDef > def (inGSettings); def (inRequest, inGSettings); def ()
- - CPDict > JSONGeneratorDef > def (inGSettings); def (inRequest, inGSettings); def ()
- - CPDict > JSInitGeneratorDef > def (inGSettings); def (inRequest, inGSettings); def ()
Orc connect JSONGenerators to WEB Front (mGlobal.)
- Orc back: add new block: OrchestratorWeb
- - def OrchestratorWebCPUpdate(inGSettings, inCPKeyStr, inHTMLRenderDef=None, inJSONGeneratorDef=None, inJSInitGeneratorDef=None): # Add control panel HTML, JSON generator or JS when page init
4 years ago
lCPItemDict = { " HTMLStr " : None , " JSONDict " : None }
try :
# HTML Render
lCPItemDict [ " HTMLStr " ] = lItemDict . OnRefreshHTMLStr ( inRequest = inRequest )
# JSONGeneratorDef
lCPItemDict [ " JSONDict " ] = lItemDict . OnRefreshJSONDict ( inRequest = inRequest )
except Exception as e :
lL . exception ( f " EXCEPTION WHEN HTML/ JSON RENDER " )
- Orc new structure for CP: "CPDict": { # "CPKey": {"HTMLRenderDef":None, "JSONGeneratorDef":None, "JSInitGeneratorDef":None}},
- - Back: inGSettings["CPDict"][RobotKeyStr]["HTMLRenderDef"] > Front: mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerDataDict.CPDict.RobotKeyStr.HTMLStr
- - Back: inGSettings["CPDict"][RobotKeyStr]["JSONGeneratorDef"] > Front: mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerDataDict.CPDict.RobotKeyStr.JSONDict
- - CPDict > HTMLRenderDef > def (inGSettings); def (inRequest, inGSettings); def ()
- - CPDict > JSONGeneratorDef > def (inGSettings); def (inRequest, inGSettings); def ()
- - CPDict > JSInitGeneratorDef > def (inGSettings); def (inRequest, inGSettings); def ()
Orc connect JSONGenerators to WEB Front (mGlobal.)
- Orc back: add new block: OrchestratorWeb
- - def OrchestratorWebCPUpdate(inGSettings, inCPKeyStr, inHTMLRenderDef=None, inJSONGeneratorDef=None, inJSInitGeneratorDef=None): # Add control panel HTML, JSON generator or JS when page init
4 years ago
# Insert CPItemDict in result CPDict
lCPDict [ lItemKeyStr ] = lCPItemDict
return lCPDict
# Return {"Key":{"",""}}
def HiddenRDPDictGenerate ( inRequest , inGSettings ) :
dUAC = inRequest . UACClientCheck # Alias.
lUACRDPTemplateKeyList = [ " pyOpenRPADict " , " RDPKeyDict " ]
lRDPDict = { " HandlebarsList " : [ ] }
# Iterate throught the RDP list
for lRDPSessionKeyStrItem in inGSettings [ " RobotRDPActive " ] [ " RDPList " ] :
# Check UAC
if dUAC ( inRoleKeyList = lUACRDPTemplateKeyList + [ lRDPSessionKeyStrItem ] ) :
lRDPConfiguration = inGSettings [ " RobotRDPActive " ] [ " RDPList " ] [
lRDPSessionKeyStrItem ] # Get the configuration dict
lDataItemDict = { " SessionKeyStr " : " " , " SessionHexStr " : " " , " IsFullScreenBool " : False ,
" IsIgnoredBool " : False } # Template
lDataItemDict [ " SessionKeyStr " ] = lRDPSessionKeyStrItem # Session key str
lDataItemDict [ " SessionHexStr " ] = lRDPConfiguration [ " SessionHex " ] # Session Hex
lDataItemDict [ " IsFullScreenBool " ] = True if lRDPSessionKeyStrItem == inGSettings [ " RobotRDPActive " ] [
" FullScreenRDPSessionKeyStr " ] else False # Check the full screen for rdp window
lDataItemDict [ " IsIgnoredBool " ] = lRDPConfiguration [ " SessionIsIgnoredBool " ] # Is ignored
lRDPDict [ lDataItemDict [ " SessionKeyStr " ] ] = lDataItemDict
lHandlebarsDataItemDict = copy . deepcopy ( lDataItemDict )
lHandlebarsDataItemDict [ " SessionKeyStr " ] = lDataItemDict [ " SessionKeyStr " ]
lRDPDict [ " HandlebarsList " ] . append ( lHandlebarsDataItemDict )
return lRDPDict
# Return {"HostNameUpperStr;UserUpperStr":{"IsListenBool":True}, "HandlebarsList":[{"HostnameUpperStr":"","UserUpperStr":"","IsListenBool":True}]}
def HiddenAgentDictGenerate ( inRequest , inGSettings ) :
dUAC = inRequest . UACClientCheck # Alias.
lUACAgentTemplateKeyList = [ " pyOpenRPADict " , " AgentKeyDict " ]
lAgentDict = { " HandlebarsList " : [ ] }
# Iterate throught the RDP list
for lAgentItemKeyStrItem in inGSettings [ " AgentDict " ] :
# Check UAC
lKeyStr = f " { lAgentItemKeyStrItem [ 0 ] } ; { lAgentItemKeyStrItem [ 1 ] } " # turple ("HostNameUpperStr","UserUpperStr") > Str "HostNameUpperStr;UserUpperStr"
if dUAC ( inRoleKeyList = lUACAgentTemplateKeyList + [ lKeyStr ] ) :
lDataItemDict = inGSettings [ " AgentDict " ] [ lAgentItemKeyStrItem ]
lDataItemAgentDict = copy . deepcopy ( lDataItemDict )
lDataItemAgentDict [ " ActivityList " ] = [ ]
lAgentDict [ lKeyStr ] = lDataItemAgentDict
lHandlebarsDataItemDict = copy . deepcopy ( lDataItemDict )
lHandlebarsDataItemDict [ " HostnameUpperStr " ] = lAgentItemKeyStrItem [ 0 ]
lHandlebarsDataItemDict [ " UserUpperStr " ] = lAgentItemKeyStrItem [ 1 ]
lHandlebarsDataItemDict [ " ActivityList " ] = [ ]
lAgentDict [ " HandlebarsList " ] . append ( lHandlebarsDataItemDict )
return lAgentDict
#v1.2.0 Send data container to the client from the server
# /pyOpenRPA/ServerData return {"HashStr" , "ServerDataDict": {"CPKeyStr":{"HTMLStr":"", DataDict:{}}}}
# Client: mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerDataHashStr
# Client: mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerDataDict
def pyOpenRPA_ServerData ( inRequest , inGSettings ) :
# Extract the hash value from request
lValueStr = None
if inRequest . headers . get ( ' Content-Length ' ) is not None :
lInputByteArrayLength = int ( inRequest . headers . get ( ' Content-Length ' ) )
lInputByteArray = inRequest . rfile . read ( lInputByteArrayLength )
# Превращение массива байт в объект
lValueStr = ( lInputByteArray . decode ( ' utf8 ' ) )
# Generate ServerDataDict
lFlagDoGenerateBool = True
while lFlagDoGenerateBool :
lServerDataDict = {
" CPDict " : HiddenCPDictGenerate ( inRequest = inRequest , inGSettings = inGSettings ) ,
" RDPDict " : HiddenRDPDictGenerate ( inRequest = inRequest , inGSettings = inGSettings ) ,
" AgentDict " : HiddenAgentDictGenerate ( inRequest = inRequest , inGSettings = inGSettings ) ,
" UserDict " : { " UACClientDict " : inRequest . OpenRPA [ " DefUserRoleHierarchyGet " ] ( ) , " CWDPathStr " : os . getcwd ( ) , " VersionStr " : inGSettings [ " VersionStr " ] } ,
# Create JSON
lServerDataDictJSONStr = json . dumps ( lServerDataDict )
# Generate hash
lServerDataHashStr = str ( hash ( lServerDataDictJSONStr ) )
if lValueStr != lServerDataHashStr and lServerDataHashStr != " " and lServerDataHashStr != None : # Case if Hash is not equal
lFlagDoGenerateBool = False
else : # Case Hashes are equal
time . sleep ( inGSettings [ " Client " ] [ " Session " ] [ " ControlPanelRefreshIntervalSecFloat " ] )
# Return the result if Hash is changed
lResult = { " HashStr " : lServerDataHashStr , " ServerDataDict " : lServerDataDict }
inResponseDict = inRequest . OpenRPAResponseDict
# Send message back to client
message = json . dumps ( lResult )
# Write content as utf-8 data
inResponseDict [ " Body " ] = bytes ( message , " utf8 " )
return lResult
- Orc new structure for CP: "CPDict": { # "CPKey": {"HTMLRenderDef":None, "JSONGeneratorDef":None, "JSInitGeneratorDef":None}},
- - Back: inGSettings["CPDict"][RobotKeyStr]["HTMLRenderDef"] > Front: mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerDataDict.CPDict.RobotKeyStr.HTMLStr
- - Back: inGSettings["CPDict"][RobotKeyStr]["JSONGeneratorDef"] > Front: mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerDataDict.CPDict.RobotKeyStr.JSONDict
- - CPDict > HTMLRenderDef > def (inGSettings); def (inRequest, inGSettings); def ()
- - CPDict > JSONGeneratorDef > def (inGSettings); def (inRequest, inGSettings); def ()
- - CPDict > JSInitGeneratorDef > def (inGSettings); def (inRequest, inGSettings); def ()
Orc connect JSONGenerators to WEB Front (mGlobal.)
- Orc back: add new block: OrchestratorWeb
- - def OrchestratorWebCPUpdate(inGSettings, inCPKeyStr, inHTMLRenderDef=None, inJSONGeneratorDef=None, inJSInitGeneratorDef=None): # Add control panel HTML, JSON generator or JS when page init
4 years ago
# /pyOpenRPA/ServerJSInit return JavaScript to init on page
def pyOpenRPA_ServerJSInit ( inRequest , inGSettings ) :
lResultStr = HiddenJSInitGenerate ( inRequest = inRequest , inGSettings = inGSettings )
inResponseDict = inRequest . OpenRPAResponseDict
if lResultStr is None :
lResultStr = " "
- Orc new structure for CP: "CPDict": { # "CPKey": {"HTMLRenderDef":None, "JSONGeneratorDef":None, "JSInitGeneratorDef":None}},
- - Back: inGSettings["CPDict"][RobotKeyStr]["HTMLRenderDef"] > Front: mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerDataDict.CPDict.RobotKeyStr.HTMLStr
- - Back: inGSettings["CPDict"][RobotKeyStr]["JSONGeneratorDef"] > Front: mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerDataDict.CPDict.RobotKeyStr.JSONDict
- - CPDict > HTMLRenderDef > def (inGSettings); def (inRequest, inGSettings); def ()
- - CPDict > JSONGeneratorDef > def (inGSettings); def (inRequest, inGSettings); def ()
- - CPDict > JSInitGeneratorDef > def (inGSettings); def (inRequest, inGSettings); def ()
Orc connect JSONGenerators to WEB Front (mGlobal.)
- Orc back: add new block: OrchestratorWeb
- - def OrchestratorWebCPUpdate(inGSettings, inCPKeyStr, inHTMLRenderDef=None, inJSONGeneratorDef=None, inJSInitGeneratorDef=None): # Add control panel HTML, JSON generator or JS when page init
4 years ago
# Write content as utf-8 data
inResponseDict [ " Body " ] = bytes ( lResultStr , " utf8 " )
#v1.2.0 Send data container to the client from the server
# /pyOpenRPA/ServerLog return {"HashStr" , "ServerLogList": ["row 1", "row 2"]}
# Client: mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerLogListHashStr
# Client: mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerLogList
def pyOpenRPA_ServerLog ( inRequest , inGSDict ) :
# Extract the hash value from request
lValueStr = None
if inRequest . headers . get ( ' Content-Length ' ) is not None :
lInputByteArrayLength = int ( inRequest . headers . get ( ' Content-Length ' ) )
lInputByteArray = inRequest . rfile . read ( lInputByteArrayLength )
# Превращение массива байт в объект
lValueStr = ( lInputByteArray . decode ( ' utf8 ' ) )
# Generate ServerDataDict
lFlagDoGenerateBool = True
while lFlagDoGenerateBool :
lServerLogList = inGSDict [ " Client " ] [ " DumpLogList " ]
# Get hash
lServerLogListHashStr = inGSDict [ " Client " ] [ " DumpLogListHashStr " ]
if lValueStr != lServerLogListHashStr and lServerLogListHashStr != " " and lServerLogListHashStr != None : # Case if Hash is not equal Fix because None can be obtained without JSON decode
lFlagDoGenerateBool = False
else : # Case Hashes are equal
time . sleep ( inGSDict [ " Client " ] [ " DumpLogListRefreshIntervalSecFloat " ] )
# Return the result if Hash is changed
lResult = { " HashStr " : lServerLogListHashStr , " ServerLogList " : lServerLogList }
inResponseDict = inRequest . OpenRPAResponseDict
# Send message back to client
message = json . dumps ( lResult )
# Write content as utf-8 data
inResponseDict [ " Body " ] = bytes ( message , " utf8 " )
return lResult
def pyOpenRPA_Screenshot ( inRequest , inGlobalDict ) :
# Get Screenshot
def SaveScreenshot ( inFilePath ) :
# grab fullscreen
# Save the entire virtual screen as a PNsG
lScreenshot = getScreenAsImage ( )
lScreenshot . save ( ' Screenshot.png ' , format = ' png ' )
# lScreenshot = ScreenshotSecondScreen.grab_screen()
# save image file
# Сохранить файл на диск
SaveScreenshot ( " Screenshot.png " )
lFileObject = open ( " Screenshot.png " , " rb " )
# Write content as utf-8 data
inRequest . OpenRPAResponseDict [ " Body " ] = lFileObject . read ( )
# Закрыть файловый объект
lFileObject . close ( )
else :
pyscreeze . _screenshot_linux ( imageFilename = ' Screenshot.png ' )
lFileObject = open ( " Screenshot.png " , " rb " )
# Write content as utf-8 data
inRequest . OpenRPAResponseDict [ " Body " ] = lFileObject . read ( )
# Закрыть файловый объект
lFileObject . close ( )
# Add activity item or activity list to the processor queue
# Body is Activity item or Activity List
def pyOpenRPA_Processor ( inRequest , inGSettings ) :
lL = inGSettings [ " Logger " ]
# Recieve the data
lValueStr = None
if inRequest . headers . get ( ' Content-Length ' ) is not None :
lInputByteArrayLength = int ( inRequest . headers . get ( ' Content-Length ' ) )
lInputByteArray = inRequest . rfile . read ( lInputByteArrayLength )
# Превращение массива байт в объект
lInput = json . loads ( lInputByteArray . decode ( ' utf8 ' ) )
# If list - operator plus
if type ( lInput ) is list :
# Logging info about processor activity if not SuperToken ()
if not __Orchestrator__ . WebUserIsSuperToken ( inRequest = inRequest , inGSettings = inGSettings ) :
lActivityTypeListStr = " "
try :
for lActivityItem in lInput :
lActivityTypeListStr + = f " { lActivityItem [ ' Def ' ] } ; "
except Exception as e :
lActivityTypeListStr = " Has some error with Activity Type read "
lWebAuditMessageStr = __Orchestrator__ . WebAuditMessageCreate ( inRequest = inRequest , inOperationCodeStr = lActivityTypeListStr , inMessageStr = " pyOpenRPA_Processor " )
if lL : lL . info ( lWebAuditMessageStr )
# Separate into 2 lists - sync and async
lSyncActvityList = [ ]
lAsyncActivityList = [ ]
for lActivityItem in lInput :
if lInput . get ( " ThreadBool " , False ) == False :
lSyncActvityList . append ( lActivityItem )
else :
lAsyncActivityList . append ( lActivityItem )
# Sync: Append in list
inGSettings [ " ProcessorDict " ] [ " ActivityList " ] + = lSyncActvityList
# Async: go to run
if len ( lAsyncActivityList ) > 0 :
for lActivityItem in lAsyncActivityList :
lActivityItemArgsDict = { " inGSettings " : inGSettings , " inActivityList " : [ lActivityItem ] }
lThread = threading . Thread ( target = Processor . ActivityListExecute , kwargs = lActivityItemArgsDict )
lThread . start ( )
else :
# Logging info about processor activity if not SuperToken ()
if not __Orchestrator__ . WebUserIsSuperToken ( inRequest = inRequest , inGSettings = inGSettings ) :
lActivityTypeListStr = " "
try :
lActivityTypeListStr = lInput [ ' Def ' ]
except Exception as e :
lActivityTypeListStr = " Has some error with Activity Type read "
lWebAuditMessageStr = __Orchestrator__ . WebAuditMessageCreate ( inRequest = inRequest , inOperationCodeStr = lActivityTypeListStr , inMessageStr = " pyOpenRPA_Processor " )
if lL : lL . info ( lWebAuditMessageStr )
if lInput . get ( " ThreadBool " , False ) == False :
# Append in list
inGSettings [ " ProcessorDict " ] [ " ActivityList " ] . append ( lInput )
else :
lActivityItemArgsDict = { " inGSettings " : inGSettings , " inActivityList " : [ lInput ] }
lThread = threading . Thread ( target = Processor . ActivityListExecute , kwargs = lActivityItemArgsDict )
lThread . start ( )
# Execute activity list
def pyOpenRPA_ActivityListExecute ( inRequest , inGSettings ) :
# Recieve the data
lL = inGSettings [ " Logger " ]
lValueStr = None
if inRequest . headers . get ( ' Content-Length ' ) is not None :
lInputByteArrayLength = int ( inRequest . headers . get ( ' Content-Length ' ) )
lInputByteArray = inRequest . rfile . read ( lInputByteArrayLength )
# Превращение массива байт в объект
lInput = json . loads ( lInputByteArray . decode ( ' utf8 ' ) )
# If list - operator plus
if type ( lInput ) is list :
# Logging info about processor activity if not SuperToken ()
if not __Orchestrator__ . WebUserIsSuperToken ( inRequest = inRequest , inGSettings = inGSettings ) :
lActivityTypeListStr = " "
try :
for lActivityItem in lInput :
lActivityTypeListStr + = f " { lActivityItem [ ' Def ' ] } ; "
except Exception as e :
lActivityTypeListStr = " Has some error with Activity Type read "
lWebAuditMessageStr = __Orchestrator__ . WebAuditMessageCreate ( inRequest = inRequest , inOperationCodeStr = lActivityTypeListStr , inMessageStr = " pyOpenRPA_ActivityListExecute " )
if lL : lL . info ( lWebAuditMessageStr )
# Execution
lResultList = Processor . ActivityListExecute ( inGSettings = inGSettings , inActivityList = lInput )
inRequest . OpenRPAResponseDict [ " Body " ] = bytes ( json . dumps ( lResultList ) , " utf8 " )
else :
# Logging info about processor activity if not SuperToken ()
if not __Orchestrator__ . WebUserIsSuperToken ( inRequest = inRequest , inGSettings = inGSettings ) :
lActivityTypeListStr = " "
try :
lActivityTypeListStr = lInput [ ' Def ' ]
except Exception as e :
lActivityTypeListStr = " Has some error with Activity Type read "
lWebAuditMessageStr = __Orchestrator__ . WebAuditMessageCreate ( inRequest = inRequest ,
inOperationCodeStr = lActivityTypeListStr ,
inMessageStr = " pyOpenRPA_ActivityListExecute " )
if lL : lL . info ( lWebAuditMessageStr )
# Execution
lResultList = Processor . ActivityListExecute ( inGSettings = inGSettings , inActivityList = [ lInput ] )
inRequest . OpenRPAResponseDict [ " Body " ] = bytes ( json . dumps ( lResultList [ 0 ] ) , " utf8 " )
# See docs in Agent (pyOpenRPA.Agent.O2A)
def pyOpenRPA_Agent_O2A ( inRequest , inGSettings ) :
lL = inGSettings [ " Logger " ] # Alias
lConnectionLifetimeSecFloat = inGSettings [ " ServerDict " ] [ " AgentConnectionLifetimeSecFloat " ] # 300.0 # 5 min * 60 sec 300.0
lActivityItemLifetimeLimitSecFloat = inGSettings [ " ServerDict " ] [ " AgentActivityLifetimeSecFloat " ]
lAgentLoopSleepSecFloat = inGSettings [ " ServerDict " ] [ " AgentLoopSleepSecFloat " ]
lTimeStartFloat = time . time ( )
# Recieve the data
lValueStr = None
if inRequest . headers . get ( ' Content-Length ' ) is not None :
lInputByteArrayLength = int ( inRequest . headers . get ( ' Content-Length ' ) )
lInputByteArray = inRequest . rfile . read ( lInputByteArrayLength )
# Превращение массива байт в объект
lInput = json . loads ( lInputByteArray . decode ( ' utf8 ' ) )
# Check if item is created
lAgentDictItemKeyTurple = ( lInput [ " HostNameUpperStr " ] , lInput [ " UserUpperStr " ] )
if lAgentDictItemKeyTurple not in inGSettings [ " AgentDict " ] :
inGSettings [ " AgentDict " ] [ lAgentDictItemKeyTurple ] = SettingsTemplate . __AgentDictItemCreate__ ( )
lThisAgentDict = inGSettings [ " AgentDict " ] [ lAgentDictItemKeyTurple ]
lThisAgentDict [ " IsListenBool " ] = True # Set is online
lThisAgentDict [ " ConnectionCountInt " ] + = 1 # increment connection count
# Test solution
lDoLoopBool = True
try :
while lDoLoopBool :
# Check if lifetime is over
if time . time ( ) - lTimeStartFloat > lConnectionLifetimeSecFloat : # Lifetime is over
lThisAgentDict [ " IsListenBool " ] = False # Set is offline
lDoLoopBool = False
else : # Lifetime is good - do alg
lThisAgentDict [ " IsListenBool " ] = True # Set is online
lQueueList = lThisAgentDict [ " ActivityList " ]
if len ( lQueueList ) > 0 : # Do some operations if has queue items
# check if delta datetime is < than ActivityLifeTimeSecFloat
lActivityItem = lThisAgentDict [ " ActivityList " ] [ 0 ]
lActivityLifetimeSecFloat = ( datetime . datetime . now ( ) - lActivityItem [ " CreatedByDatetime " ] ) . total_seconds ( )
# Check case if limit is expired - remove item
if lActivityLifetimeSecFloat > lActivityItemLifetimeLimitSecFloat :
lActivityItem = lThisAgentDict [ " ActivityList " ] . pop ( 0 )
else :
lReturnActivityItemList = [ ]
lReturnActivityItemDict = None
# If lInput['ActivityLastGUIDStr'] is '' > return 0 element for send in Agent
if lInput [ ' ActivityLastGUIDStr ' ] == " " :
lReturnActivityItemList = lQueueList # 2022 02 21 - Maslov Return list - not one item
else :
# go from the end - search element with GUIDStr
lForTriggerGetNextItem = False
for lForActivityItemDict in lQueueList :
if lForTriggerGetNextItem == True :
lReturnActivityItemDict = lForActivityItemDict
lReturnActivityItemList . append ( lReturnActivityItemDict ) # 2022 02 21 - Maslov Return list - not one item
if lForActivityItemDict [ ' GUIDStr ' ] == lInput [ ' ActivityLastGUIDStr ' ] : lForTriggerGetNextItem = True
# CASE if GUID is not detected - return 0 element
if ( len ( lQueueList ) == 1 and lQueueList [ 0 ] [ ' GUIDStr ' ] != lInput [ ' ActivityLastGUIDStr ' ] ) :
#lReturnActivityItemDict = lThisAgentDict["ActivityList"][0]
lReturnActivityItemList = lQueueList # 2022 02 21 - Maslov Return list - not one item
if len ( lReturnActivityItemList ) > 0 :
lReturnActivityItemList = copy . deepcopy ( lReturnActivityItemList )
for lItemDict in lReturnActivityItemList :
if " CreatedByDatetime " in lItemDict :
del lItemDict [ " CreatedByDatetime " ]
inRequest . OpenRPAResponseDict [ " Body " ] = bytes ( json . dumps ( lReturnActivityItemList ) , " utf8 " )
# Log full version if bytes size is less than limit . else short
lBodyLenInt = len ( inRequest . OpenRPAResponseDict [ " Body " ] )
lAgentLimitLogSizeBytesInt = inGSettings [ " ServerDict " ] [ " AgentLimitLogSizeBytesInt " ]
if lL : lL . debug ( f " ActivityItem to Agent ( { lInput [ ' HostNameUpperStr ' ] } , { lInput [ ' UserUpperStr ' ] } ): Item count: { len ( lReturnActivityItemList ) } , bytes size: { lBodyLenInt } " )
lDoLoopBool = False # CLose the connection
else : # Nothing to send - sleep for the next iteration
time . sleep ( lAgentLoopSleepSecFloat )
else : # no queue item - sleep for the next iteration
time . sleep ( lAgentLoopSleepSecFloat )
except Exception as e :
if lL : lL . exception ( " pyOpenRPA_Agent_O2A Exception! " )
lThisAgentDict [ " ConnectionCountInt " ] - = 1 # Connection go to be closed - decrement the connection count
def ActivityItemCreate(inDef, inArgList=None, inArgDict=None, inArgGSettingsStr=None, inArgLoggerStr=None, inGUIDStr = None, inThreadBool = False):
def ActivityItemDefAliasCreate(inDef, inAliasStr=None, inGSettings = None):
def ActivityItemDefAliasUpdate(inDef, inAliasStr, inGSettings = None):
def ActivityItemHelperDefAutofill(inDef):
def ActivityItemHelperDefList(inDefQueryStr=None):
3 years ago
def pyOpenRPA_Debugging_HelperDefList ( inRequest , inGSettings ) :
# Parse query
lResultDict = {
" success " : True ,
" results " : [ ]
# Get the path
lPathSplitList = __Orchestrator__ . WebRequestParsePath ( inRequest = inRequest ) . split ( ' / ' )
lQueryStr = None
if " HelperDefList " != lPathSplitList [ - 1 ] and " " != lPathSplitList [ - 1 ] : lQueryStr = lPathSplitList [ - 1 ]
if lQueryStr != " " and lQueryStr is not None :
lDefList = __Orchestrator__ . ActivityItemHelperDefList ( inDefQueryStr = lQueryStr )
for lDefStr in lDefList :
lResultDict [ " results " ] . append ( { " name " : lDefStr , " value " : lDefStr , " text " : lDefStr } )
def ActivityItemCreate(inDef, inArgList=None, inArgDict=None, inArgGSettingsStr=None, inArgLoggerStr=None, inGUIDStr = None, inThreadBool = False):
def ActivityItemDefAliasCreate(inDef, inAliasStr=None, inGSettings = None):
def ActivityItemDefAliasUpdate(inDef, inAliasStr, inGSettings = None):
def ActivityItemHelperDefAutofill(inDef):
def ActivityItemHelperDefList(inDefQueryStr=None):
3 years ago
__Orchestrator__ . WebRequestResponseSend ( inRequest = inRequest , inResponeStr = json . dumps ( lResultDict ) )
def pyOpenRPA_Debugging_HelperDefAutofill ( inRequest , inGSettings ) :
# Parse query
# Get the path
lPathSplitList = __Orchestrator__ . WebRequestParsePath ( inRequest = inRequest ) . split ( ' / ' )
lQueryStr = None
if " HelperDefAutofill " != lPathSplitList [ - 1 ] and " " != lPathSplitList [ - 1 ] : lQueryStr = lPathSplitList [ - 1 ]
lResultDict = __Orchestrator__ . ActivityItemHelperDefAutofill ( inDef = lQueryStr )
__Orchestrator__ . WebRequestResponseSend ( inRequest = inRequest , inResponeStr = json . dumps ( lResultDict ) )
# See docs in Agent (pyOpenRPA.Agent.A2O)
def pyOpenRPA_Agent_A2O ( inRequest , inGSettings ) :
lL = inGSettings [ " Logger " ]
# Recieve the data
lValueStr = None
if inRequest . headers . get ( ' Content-Length ' ) is not None :
lInputByteArrayLength = int ( inRequest . headers . get ( ' Content-Length ' ) )
lInputByteArray = inRequest . rfile . read ( lInputByteArrayLength )
# Превращение массива байт в объект
lInput = json . loads ( lInputByteArray . decode ( ' utf8 ' ) )
lAgentDictItemKeyTurple = ( lInput [ " HostNameUpperStr " ] , lInput [ " UserUpperStr " ] )
if " LogList " in lInput :
for lLogItemStr in lInput [ " LogList " ] :
inGSettings [ " Logger " ] . info ( lLogItemStr )
if " ActivityReturnDict " in lInput :
for lActivityReturnItemKeyStr in lInput [ " ActivityReturnDict " ] :
lActivityReturnItemValue = lInput [ " ActivityReturnDict " ] [ lActivityReturnItemKeyStr ]
# Create item in gSettings
inGSettings [ " AgentActivityReturnDict " ] [ lActivityReturnItemKeyStr ] = SettingsTemplate . __AgentActivityReturnDictItemCreate__ ( inReturn = lActivityReturnItemValue )
lLogStr = " x bytes "
try :
if lActivityReturnItemValue is not None :
lLogStr = f " { len ( lActivityReturnItemValue ) } bytes "
except Exception as e :
if lL : lL . debug ( f " SERVER: pyOpenRPA_Agent_A2O:: Has recieved result of the activity items from agent! ActivityItem GUID Str: { lActivityReturnItemKeyStr } ; Return value len: { lLogStr } " )
# Delete the source activity item from AgentDict
if lAgentDictItemKeyTurple in inGSettings [ " AgentDict " ] :
lAgentDictActivityListNew = [ ]
lAgentDict = inGSettings [ " AgentDict " ] [ lAgentDictItemKeyTurple ]
for lActivityItem in lAgentDict [ " ActivityList " ] :
if lActivityReturnItemKeyStr != lActivityItem . get ( " GUIDStr " , None ) :
lAgentDictActivityListNew . append ( lActivityItem )
else :
del lActivityItem
if lL : lL . debug ( f " SERVER: pyOpenRPA_Agent_A2O:: Source activity item request was deleted from the orchestrator. ActivityItem GUID Str: { lActivityReturnItemKeyStr } " )
inGSettings [ " AgentDict " ] [ lAgentDictItemKeyTurple ] [ " ActivityList " ] = lAgentDictActivityListNew
def SettingsUpdate ( inGlobalConfiguration ) :
import os
import pyOpenRPA . Orchestrator
if CrossOS . IS_WINDOWS_BOOL : lOrchestratorFolder = " \\ " . join ( pyOpenRPA . Orchestrator . __file__ . split ( " \\ " ) [ : - 1 ] )
if CrossOS . IS_LINUX_BOOL : lOrchestratorFolder = " / " . join ( pyOpenRPA . Orchestrator . __file__ . split ( " / " ) [ : - 1 ] )
lURLList = \
[ #List of available URLs with the orchestrator server
# "Method":"GET|POST",
# "URL": "/index", #URL of the request
# "MatchType": "", #"BeginWith|Contains|Equal|EqualCase",
# "ResponseFilePath": "", #Absolute or relative path
# "ResponseFolderPath": "", #Absolute or relative path
# "ResponseContentType": "", #HTTP Content-type
# "ResponseDefRequestGlobal": None #Function with str result
#Orchestrator basic dependencies # Index page in because of special settings
{ " Method " : " GET " , " URL " : " /Index.js " , " MatchType " : " EqualCase " , " ResponseFilePath " : os . path . join ( lOrchestratorFolder , " Web \\ Index.js " ) , " ResponseContentType " : " text/javascript " } ,
{ " Method " : " GET " , " URL " : " /3rdParty/Semantic-UI-CSS-master/semantic.min.css " , " MatchType " : " EqualCase " , " ResponseFilePath " : os . path . join ( lOrchestratorFolder , " .. \\ Resources \\ Web \\ Semantic-UI-CSS-master \\ semantic.min.css " ) , " ResponseContentType " : " text/css " , " UACBool " : False , " UseCacheBool " : True } ,
{ " Method " : " GET " , " URL " : " /3rdParty/Semantic-UI-CSS-master/semantic.min.js " , " MatchType " : " EqualCase " , " ResponseFilePath " : os . path . join ( lOrchestratorFolder , " .. \\ Resources \\ Web \\ Semantic-UI-CSS-master \\ semantic.min.js " ) , " ResponseContentType " : " application/javascript " , " UACBool " : False , " UseCacheBool " : True } ,
{ " Method " : " GET " , " URL " : " /3rdParty/jQuery/jquery-3.1.1.min.js " , " MatchType " : " EqualCase " , " ResponseFilePath " : os . path . join ( lOrchestratorFolder , " .. \\ Resources \\ Web \\ jQuery \\ jquery-3.1.1.min.js " ) , " ResponseContentType " : " application/javascript " , " UACBool " : False , " UseCacheBool " : True } ,
{ " Method " : " GET " , " URL " : " /3rdParty/Google/LatoItalic.css " , " MatchType " : " EqualCase " , " ResponseFilePath " : os . path . join ( lOrchestratorFolder , " .. \\ Resources \\ Web \\ Google \\ LatoItalic.css " ) , " ResponseContentType " : " font/css " , " UACBool " : False , " UseCacheBool " : True } ,
{ " Method " : " GET " , " URL " : " /3rdParty/Semantic-UI-CSS-master/themes/default/assets/fonts/icons.woff2 " , " MatchType " : " EqualCase " , " ResponseFilePath " : os . path . join ( lOrchestratorFolder , " .. \\ Resources \\ Web \\ Semantic-UI-CSS-master \\ themes \\ default \\ assets \\ fonts \\ icons.woff2 " ) , " ResponseContentType " : " font/woff2 " , " UACBool " : False , " UseCacheBool " : True } ,
{ " Method " : " GET " , " URL " : " /themes/default/ " , " MatchType " : " BeginWith " , " ResponseFolderPath " : os . path . join ( lOrchestratorFolder , " .. \\ Resources \\ Web \\ Semantic-UI-CSS-master \\ themes \\ default " ) , " UACBool " : False , " UseCacheBool " : True } ,
{ " Method " : " GET " , " URL " : " /favicon.ico " , " MatchType " : " EqualCase " , " ResponseFilePath " : os . path . join ( lOrchestratorFolder , " Web \\ favicon.ico " ) , " ResponseContentType " : " image/x-icon " , " UACBool " : False , " UseCacheBool " : True } ,
{ " Method " : " GET " , " URL " : " /3rdParty/Handlebars/handlebars-v4.1.2.js " , " MatchType " : " EqualCase " , " ResponseFilePath " : os . path . join ( lOrchestratorFolder , " .. \\ Resources \\ Web \\ Handlebars \\ handlebars-v4.1.2.js " ) , " ResponseContentType " : " application/javascript " , " UACBool " : False , " UseCacheBool " : True } ,
{ " Method " : " GET " , " URL " : " /Monitor/ControlPanelDictGet " , " MatchType " : " Equal " , " ResponseDefRequestGlobal " : BackwardCompatibility . v1_2_0_Monitor_ControlPanelDictGet_SessionCheckInit , " ResponseContentType " : " application/json " } ,
{ " Method " : " GET " , " URL " : " /GetScreenshot " , " MatchType " : " BeginWith " , " ResponseDefRequestGlobal " : pyOpenRPA_Screenshot , " ResponseContentType " : " image/png " } ,
{ " Method " : " GET " , " URL " : " /pyOpenRPA_logo.png " , " MatchType " : " Equal " , " ResponseFilePath " : os . path . join ( lOrchestratorFolder , " .. \\ Resources \\ Web \\ pyOpenRPA_logo.png " ) , " ResponseContentType " : " image/png " , " UACBool " : False , " UseCacheBool " : True } ,
{ " Method " : " POST " , " URL " : " /Orchestrator/UserRoleHierarchyGet " , " MatchType " : " Equal " , " ResponseDefRequestGlobal " : BackwardCompatibility . v1_2_0_UserRoleHierarchyGet , " ResponseContentType " : " application/json " } ,
# New way of the v.1.2.0 functionallity (all defs by the URL from /pyOpenRPA/...)
{ " Method " : " POST " , " URL " : " /pyOpenRPA/ServerData " , " MatchType " : " Equal " , " ResponseDefRequestGlobal " : pyOpenRPA_ServerData , " ResponseContentType " : " application/json " } ,
- Orc new structure for CP: "CPDict": { # "CPKey": {"HTMLRenderDef":None, "JSONGeneratorDef":None, "JSInitGeneratorDef":None}},
- - Back: inGSettings["CPDict"][RobotKeyStr]["HTMLRenderDef"] > Front: mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerDataDict.CPDict.RobotKeyStr.HTMLStr
- - Back: inGSettings["CPDict"][RobotKeyStr]["JSONGeneratorDef"] > Front: mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerDataDict.CPDict.RobotKeyStr.JSONDict
- - CPDict > HTMLRenderDef > def (inGSettings); def (inRequest, inGSettings); def ()
- - CPDict > JSONGeneratorDef > def (inGSettings); def (inRequest, inGSettings); def ()
- - CPDict > JSInitGeneratorDef > def (inGSettings); def (inRequest, inGSettings); def ()
Orc connect JSONGenerators to WEB Front (mGlobal.)
- Orc back: add new block: OrchestratorWeb
- - def OrchestratorWebCPUpdate(inGSettings, inCPKeyStr, inHTMLRenderDef=None, inJSONGeneratorDef=None, inJSInitGeneratorDef=None): # Add control panel HTML, JSON generator or JS when page init
4 years ago
{ " Method " : " GET " , " URL " : " /pyOpenRPA/ServerJSInit " , " MatchType " : " Equal " , " ResponseDefRequestGlobal " : pyOpenRPA_ServerJSInit , " ResponseContentType " : " application/javascript " } ,
{ " Method " : " POST " , " URL " : " /pyOpenRPA/ServerLog " , " MatchType " : " Equal " , " ResponseDefRequestGlobal " : pyOpenRPA_ServerLog , " ResponseContentType " : " application/json " } ,
{ " Method " : " GET " , " URL " : " /pyOpenRPA/Screenshot " , " MatchType " : " BeginWith " , " ResponseDefRequestGlobal " : pyOpenRPA_Screenshot , " ResponseContentType " : " image/png " } ,
{ " Method " : " POST " , " URL " : " /pyOpenRPA/ProcessorQueueAdd " , " MatchType " : " Equal " , " ResponseDefRequestGlobal " : pyOpenRPA_Processor , " ResponseContentType " : " application/json " } ,
{ " Method " : " POST " , " URL " : " /pyOpenRPA/ActivityListExecute " , " MatchType " : " Equal " , " ResponseDefRequestGlobal " : pyOpenRPA_ActivityListExecute , " ResponseContentType " : " application/json " } ,
{ " Method " : " POST " , " URL " : " /pyOpenRPA/Agent/O2A " , " MatchType " : " Equal " , " ResponseDefRequestGlobal " : pyOpenRPA_Agent_O2A , " ResponseContentType " : " application/json " } ,
{ " Method " : " POST " , " URL " : " /pyOpenRPA/Agent/A2O " , " MatchType " : " Equal " , " ResponseDefRequestGlobal " : pyOpenRPA_Agent_A2O , " ResponseContentType " : " application/json " } ,
def ActivityItemCreate(inDef, inArgList=None, inArgDict=None, inArgGSettingsStr=None, inArgLoggerStr=None, inGUIDStr = None, inThreadBool = False):
def ActivityItemDefAliasCreate(inDef, inAliasStr=None, inGSettings = None):
def ActivityItemDefAliasUpdate(inDef, inAliasStr, inGSettings = None):
def ActivityItemHelperDefAutofill(inDef):
def ActivityItemHelperDefList(inDefQueryStr=None):
3 years ago
{ " Method " : " GET " , " URL " : " /pyOpenRPA/Debugging/HelperDefList/ " , " MatchType " : " BeginWith " , " ResponseDefRequestGlobal " : pyOpenRPA_Debugging_HelperDefList , " ResponseContentType " : " application/json " } ,
{ " Method " : " GET " , " URL " : " /pyOpenRPA/Debugging/HelperDefAutofill/ " , " MatchType " : " BeginWith " , " ResponseDefRequestGlobal " : pyOpenRPA_Debugging_HelperDefAutofill , " ResponseContentType " : " application/json " } ,
Usage . Process ( inComponentStr = " Orchestrator " )
! Scheduler period activity was suppressed ("TimeHH:MMStart" in lItem and "TimeHH:MMStop")
- WEB Connect defs
- def WebURLConnectDef(inGSettings, inMethodStr, inURLStr, inMatchTypeStr, inDef, inContentTypeStr="application/octet-stream"): # Connect URL to DEF
- def WebURLConnectFolder(inGSettings, inMethodStr, inURLStr, inMatchTypeStr, inFolderPathStr): # Connect URL to Folder
- def WebURLConnectFile(inGSettings, inMethodStr, inURLStr, inMatchTypeStr, inFilePathStr, inContentTypeStr="application/octet-stream"): # Connect URL to File
- def RDPTemplateCreate(inLoginStr, inPasswordStr, inHostStr="", inPortInt = 3389, inWidthPXInt = 1680, inHeightPXInt = 1050, inUseBothMonitorBool = False, inDepthBitInt = 32, inSharedDriveList=["c"]): # Create some RDP template dict to use it when connect/reconnect
- Update def RDPSessionConnect(inGSettings, inRDPSessionKeyStr, inRDPTemplateDict=None, inHostStr=None, inPortStr=None, inLoginStr=None, inPasswordStr=None): # Create new RDPSession in RobotRDPActive. Attention - activity will be ignored if key is exists
- Update def RDPSessionReconnect(inGSettings, inRDPSessionKeyStr, inRDPTemplateDict=None): # RDP Session reconnect
4 years ago
inGlobalConfiguration [ " ServerDict " ] [ " URLList " ] = inGlobalConfiguration [ " ServerDict " ] [ " URLList " ] + lURLList
return inGlobalConfiguration