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6 years ago
# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
# PyWin32 Internet Explorer Button
# written by Leonard Ritter (
# and Robert F<>rtsch (
This sample implements a simple IE Button COM server
with access to the IWebBrowser2 interface.
To demonstrate:
* Execute this script to register the server.
* Open Pythonwin's Tools -> Trace Collector Debugging Tool, so you can
see the output of 'print' statements in this demo.
* Open a new IE instance. The toolbar should have a new "scissors" icon,
with tooltip text "IE Button" - this is our new button - click it.
* Switch back to the Pythonwin window - you should see:
IOleCommandTarget::Exec called.
This is the button being clicked. Extending this to do something more
useful is left as an exercise.
Contribtions to this sample to make it a little "friendlier" welcome!
# imports section
import sys, os
from win32com import universal
from win32com.client import gencache, DispatchWithEvents, Dispatch
from win32com.client import constants, getevents
import win32com.server.register
import win32com
import pythoncom
import win32api
# This demo uses 'print' - use win32traceutil to see it if we have no
# console.
except win32api.error:
import win32traceutil
from win32com.axcontrol import axcontrol
import array, struct
# ensure we know the ms internet controls typelib so we have access to IWebBrowser2 later on
IObjectWithSite_methods = ['SetSite','GetSite']
IOleCommandTarget_methods = ['Exec','QueryStatus']
_iebutton_methods_ = IOleCommandTarget_methods + IObjectWithSite_methods
_iebutton_com_interfaces_ = [
axcontrol.IID_IObjectWithSite, # IObjectWithSite
class Stub:
this class serves as a method stub,
outputting debug info whenever the object
is being called.
def __init__(self,name): = name
def __call__(self,*args):
print('STUB: ',,args)
class IEButton:
The actual COM server class
_com_interfaces_ = _iebutton_com_interfaces_
_public_methods_ = _iebutton_methods_
_reg_clsctx_ = pythoncom.CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER
_button_text_ = 'IE Button'
_tool_tip_ = 'An example implementation for an IE Button.'
_icon_ = ''
_hot_icon_ = ''
def __init__( self ):
# put stubs for non-implemented methods
for method in self._public_methods_:
if not hasattr(self,method):
print('providing default stub for %s' % method)
def QueryStatus (self, pguidCmdGroup, prgCmds, cmdtextf):
# 'cmdtextf' is the 'cmdtextf' element from the OLECMDTEXT structure,
# or None if a NULL pointer was passed.
result = []
for id, flags in prgCmds:
flags |= axcontrol.OLECMDF_SUPPORTED | axcontrol.OLECMDF_ENABLED
result.append((id, flags))
if cmdtextf is None:
cmdtext = None # must return None if nothing requested.
# IE never seems to want any text - this code is here for
# demo purposes only
elif cmdtextf == axcontrol.OLECMDTEXTF_NAME:
cmdtext = "IEButton Name"
cmdtext = "IEButton State"
return result, cmdtext
def Exec(self, pguidCmdGroup, nCmdID, nCmdExecOpt, pvaIn):
print(pguidCmdGroup, nCmdID, nCmdExecOpt, pvaIn)
print("IOleCommandTarget::Exec called.")
#self.webbrowser.ShowBrowserBar(GUID_IETOOLBAR, not is_ietoolbar_visible())
def SetSite(self,unknown):
if unknown:
# first get a command target
cmdtarget = unknown.QueryInterface(axcontrol.IID_IOleCommandTarget)
# then travel over to a service provider
serviceprovider = cmdtarget.QueryInterface(pythoncom.IID_IServiceProvider)
# finally ask for the internet explorer application, returned as a dispatch object
self.webbrowser = win32com.client.Dispatch(serviceprovider.QueryService('{0002DF05-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}',pythoncom.IID_IDispatch))
# lose all references
self.webbrowser = None
def GetClassID(self):
return self._reg_clsid_
def register(classobj):
import winreg
subKeyCLSID = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\Extensions\\%38s" % classobj._reg_clsid_
hKey = winreg.CreateKey( winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, subKeyCLSID )
subKey = winreg.SetValueEx( hKey, "ButtonText", 0, winreg.REG_SZ, classobj._button_text_ )
winreg.SetValueEx( hKey, "ClsidExtension", 0, winreg.REG_SZ, classobj._reg_clsid_ ) # reg value for calling COM object
winreg.SetValueEx( hKey, "CLSID", 0, winreg.REG_SZ, "{1FBA04EE-3024-11D2-8F1F-0000F87ABD16}" ) # CLSID for button that sends command to COM object
winreg.SetValueEx( hKey, "Default Visible", 0, winreg.REG_SZ, "Yes" )
winreg.SetValueEx( hKey, "ToolTip", 0, winreg.REG_SZ, classobj._tool_tip_ )
winreg.SetValueEx( hKey, "Icon", 0, winreg.REG_SZ, classobj._icon_)
winreg.SetValueEx( hKey, "HotIcon", 0, winreg.REG_SZ, classobj._hot_icon_)
except WindowsError:
print("Couldn't set standard toolbar reg keys.")
print("Set standard toolbar reg keys.")
def unregister(classobj):
import winreg
subKeyCLSID = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\Extensions\\%38s" % classobj._reg_clsid_
hKey = winreg.CreateKey( winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, subKeyCLSID )
subKey = winreg.DeleteValue( hKey, "ButtonText" )
winreg.DeleteValue( hKey, "ClsidExtension" ) # for calling COM object
winreg.DeleteValue( hKey, "CLSID" )
winreg.DeleteValue( hKey, "Default Visible" )
winreg.DeleteValue( hKey, "ToolTip" )
winreg.DeleteValue( hKey, "Icon" )
winreg.DeleteValue( hKey, "HotIcon" )
winreg.DeleteKey( winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, subKeyCLSID )
except WindowsError:
print("Couldn't delete Standard toolbar regkey.")
print("Deleted Standard toolbar regkey.")
# test implementation
class PyWin32InternetExplorerButton(IEButton):
_reg_clsid_ = "{104B66A9-9E68-49D1-A3F5-94754BE9E0E6}"
_reg_progid_ = "PyWin32.IEButton"
_reg_desc_ = 'Test Button'
_button_text_ = 'IE Button'
_tool_tip_ = 'An example implementation for an IE Button.'
_icon_ = ''
_hot_icon_ = _icon_
def DllRegisterServer():
def DllUnregisterServer():
if __name__ == '__main__':
finalize_register = DllRegisterServer,
finalize_unregister = DllUnregisterServer)