381 lines
22 KiB
381 lines
22 KiB
5 years ago
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# decrypto
# Copyright 2015 Christopher Simpkins
# MIT license
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Application start
def main():
import os
import sys
from time import sleep
import getpass
import tarfile
from Naked.commandline import Command
from Naked.toolshed.shell import execute, muterun
from Naked.toolshed.system import dir_exists, file_exists, list_all_files, make_path, stdout, stderr, is_dir
from shellescape import quote
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# [ Instantiate command line object ]
# used for all subsequent conditional logic in the CLI application
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
c = Command(sys.argv[0], sys.argv[1:])
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# [ VALIDATION LOGIC ] - early validation of appropriate command syntax
# Test that user entered at least one argument to the executable, print usage if not
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if not c.command_suite_validates():
from crypto.settings import usage as crypto_usage
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Naked framework provides default help, usage, and version commands for all applications
# --> settings for user messages are assigned in the lib/crypto/settings.py file
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if c.help(): # User requested crypto help information
from crypto.settings import help as crypto_help
elif c.usage(): # User requested crypto usage information
from crypto.settings import usage as crypto_usage
elif c.version(): # User requested crypto version information
from crypto.settings import app_name, major_version, minor_version, patch_version
version_display_string = app_name + ' ' + major_version + '.' + minor_version + '.' + patch_version
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
elif c.argc > 1:
# code for multi-file processing and commands that include options
use_standard_output = False # print to stdout flag
use_file_overwrite = False # overwrite existing file
untar_archives = True # untar decrypted tar archives, true by default
# set user option flags
if c.option('--stdout') or c.option('-s'):
use_standard_output = True
if c.option('--overwrite') or c.option('-o'):
use_file_overwrite = True
if c.option('--nountar'):
untar_archives = False
directory_list = [] # directory paths included in the user entered paths from the command line
file_list = [] # file paths included in the user entered paths from the command line (and inside directories entered)
for argument in c.argv:
if file_exists(argument): # user included a file, add it to the file_list for decryption
if argument.endswith('.crypt'):
file_list.append(argument) # add .crypt files to the list of files for decryption
elif argument.endswith('.gpg'):
elif argument.endswith('.asc'):
elif argument.endswith('.pgp'):
# cannot identify as an encrypted file, give it a shot anyways but warn user
stdout("Could not confirm that '" + argument + "' is encrypted based upon the file type. Attempting decryption. Keep your fingers crossed...")
elif dir_exists(argument): # user included a directory, add it to the directory_list
if argument[0] == "-":
pass # if it is an option, do nothing
stderr("'" + argument + "' does not appear to be an existing file or directory. Aborting decryption attempt for this request.")
# unroll the contained directory files into the file_list IF they are encrypted file types
if len(directory_list) > 0:
for directory in directory_list:
directory_file_list = list_all_files(directory)
for contained_file in directory_file_list:
if contained_file.endswith('.crypt'):
file_list.append(make_path(directory, contained_file)) # include the file with a filepath 'directory path/contained_file path'
elif contained_file.endswith('.gpg'):
file_list.append(make_path(directory, contained_file))
elif contained_file.endswith('asc'):
file_list.append(make_path(directory, contained_file))
elif contained_file.endswith('.pgp'):
file_list.append(make_path(directory, contained_file))
# confirm that there are files for decryption, if not abort
if len(file_list) == 0:
stderr("Could not identify files for decryption")
# get passphrase used to symmetrically decrypt the file
passphrase = getpass.getpass("Please enter your passphrase: ")
if len(passphrase) == 0: # confirm that user entered a passphrase
stderr("You did not enter a passphrase. Please repeat your command and try again.")
passphrase_confirm = getpass.getpass("Please enter your passphrase again: ")
if passphrase == passphrase_confirm:
# begin decryption of each requested file. the directory path was already added to the file path above
for encrypted_file in file_list:
# create the decrypted file name
decrypted_filename = ""
if encrypted_file.endswith('.crypt'):
decrypted_filename = encrypted_file[0:-6]
elif encrypted_file.endswith('.gpg') or encrypted_file.endswith('.asc') or encrypted_file.endswith('.pgp'):
decrypted_filename = encrypted_file[0:-4]
decrypted_filename = encrypted_file + '.decrypt' # if it was a file without a known encrypted file type, add the .decrypt suffix
# determine whether file overwrite will take place with the decrypted file
skip_file = False # flag that indicates this file should not be encrypted
created_tmp_files = False
if not use_standard_output: # if not writing a file, no need to check for overwrite
if file_exists(decrypted_filename):
if use_file_overwrite: # rename the existing file to temp file which will be erased or replaced (on decryption failures) below
tmp_filename = decrypted_filename + '.tmp'
os.rename(decrypted_filename, tmp_filename)
created_tmp_files = True
stdout("The file path '" + decrypted_filename + "' already exists. This file was not decrypted.")
skip_file = True
# begin decryption
if not skip_file:
if use_standard_output: # using --quiet flag to suppress stdout messages from gpg, just want the file data in stdout stream
system_command = "gpg --batch --quiet --passphrase " + quote(passphrase) + " -d " + quote(encrypted_file)
successful_execution = execute(system_command) # use naked execute function to directly push to stdout, rather than return stdout
if not successful_execution:
stderr("Unable to decrypt file '" + encrypted_file + "'", 0)
if created_tmp_files: # restore the moved tmp file to original if decrypt failed
tmp_filename = decrypted_filename + '.tmp'
if file_exists(tmp_filename):
os.rename(tmp_filename, decrypted_filename)
else: # decryption successful but we are in stdout flag so do not include any other output from decrypto
system_command = "gpg --batch -o " + quote(decrypted_filename) + " --passphrase " + quote(passphrase) + " -d " + quote(encrypted_file)
response = muterun(system_command)
if response.exitcode == 0:
stdout("'" + encrypted_file + "' decrypted to '" + decrypted_filename + "'")
else: # failed decryption
if created_tmp_files: # restore the moved tmp file to original if decrypt failed
tmp_filename = decrypted_filename + '.tmp'
if file_exists(tmp_filename):
os.rename(tmp_filename, decrypted_filename)
# report the error
stderr("Decryption failed for " + encrypted_file)
# cleanup: remove the tmp file
if created_tmp_files:
tmp_filename = decrypted_filename + '.tmp'
if file_exists(tmp_filename):
# untar/extract any detected archive file(s)
if untar_archives is True:
if decrypted_filename.endswith('.tar') and tarfile.is_tarfile(decrypted_filename):
untar_path_tuple = os.path.split(decrypted_filename)
untar_path = untar_path_tuple[0]
if use_file_overwrite:
with tarfile.open(decrypted_filename) as tar:
if len(untar_path) > 0:
tar.extractall(path=untar_path) # use dir path from the decrypted_filename if not CWD
stdout("'" + decrypted_filename + "' unpacked in the directory path '" + untar_path + "'")
tar.extractall() # else use CWD
stdout("'" + decrypted_filename + "' unpacked in the current working directory")
with tarfile.TarFile(decrypted_filename, 'r', errorlevel=1) as tar:
for tarinfo in tar:
t_file = tarinfo.name
if len(untar_path) > 0:
t_file_path = os.path.join(untar_path, t_file)
t_file_path = t_file
if not os.path.exists(t_file_path):
if len(untar_path) > 0:
tar.extract(t_file, path=untar_path) # write to the appropriate dir
tar.extract(t_file) # write to CWD
except IOError as e:
"Failed to unpack the file '" + t_file_path + "' [" + str(
e) + "]")
elif is_dir(t_file_path):
pass # do nothing if it exists and is a directory, no need to warn
else: # it is a file and it already exists, provide user error message
"Failed to unpack the file '" + t_file_path + "'. File already exists. Use the --overwrite flag to replace existing files.")
# remove the decrypted tar archive file
# overwrite the entered passphrases after file decryption is complete for all files
passphrase = ""
passphrase_confirm = ""
# add a short pause to hinder brute force pexpect style password attacks with decrypto
sleep(0.2) # 200ms pause
else: # passphrases did not match
passphrase = ""
passphrase_confirm = ""
stderr("The passphrases did not match. Please enter your command again.")
elif c.argc == 1:
# simple single file or directory processing with default settings
path = c.arg0
if file_exists(path): # SINGLE FILE
check_existing_file = False # check for a file with the name of new decrypted filename in the directory
if path.endswith('.crypt'):
decrypted_filename = path[0:-6] # remove the .crypt suffix
check_existing_file = True
elif path.endswith('.gpg') or path.endswith('.pgp') or path.endswith('.asc'):
decrypted_filename = path[0:-4]
check_existing_file = True
decrypted_filename = path + ".decrypt" # if there is not a standard file type, then add a .decrypt suffix to the decrypted file name
stdout("Could not confirm that the requested file is encrypted based upon the file type. Attempting decryption. Keep your fingers crossed...")
# confirm that the decrypted path does not already exist, if so abort with warning message to user
if check_existing_file is True:
if file_exists(decrypted_filename):
stderr("Your file will be decrypted to '" + decrypted_filename + "' and this file path already exists. Please move the file or use the --overwrite option with your command if you intend to replace the current file.")
# get passphrase used to symmetrically decrypt the file
passphrase = getpass.getpass("Please enter your passphrase: ")
if len(passphrase) == 0: # confirm that user entered a passphrase
stderr("You did not enter a passphrase. Please repeat your command and try again.")
passphrase_confirm = getpass.getpass("Please enter your passphrase again: ")
# confirm that the passphrases match
if passphrase == passphrase_confirm:
system_command = "gpg --batch -o " + quote(decrypted_filename) + " --passphrase " + quote(passphrase) + " -d " + quote(path)
response = muterun(system_command)
if response.exitcode == 0:
# unpack tar archive generated from the decryption, if present
if decrypted_filename.endswith('.tar') and tarfile.is_tarfile(decrypted_filename):
untar_path_tuple = os.path.split(decrypted_filename)
untar_path = untar_path_tuple[0]
with tarfile.TarFile(decrypted_filename, 'r', errorlevel=1) as tar:
for tarinfo in tar:
t_file = tarinfo.name
if len(untar_path) > 0:
t_file_path = os.path.join(untar_path, t_file)
t_file_path = t_file
if not os.path.exists(t_file_path):
if len(untar_path) > 0:
tar.extract(t_file, path=untar_path) # write to the appropriate dir
tar.extract(t_file) # write to CWD
except IOError as e:
stderr("Failed to unpack the file '" + t_file_path + "' [" + str(e) + "]")
elif is_dir(t_file_path):
pass # do nothing if it exists and is a directory, no need to warn
else: # it is a file and it already exists, provide user error message
stderr("Failed to unpack the file '" + t_file_path + "'. File already exists. Use the --overwrite flag to replace existing files.")
# remove the decrypted tar archive
stdout("Decryption complete")
# overwrite user entered passphrases
passphrase = ""
passphrase_confirm = ""
stderr("Decryption failed")
# overwrite user entered passphrases
passphrase = ""
passphrase_confirm = ""
# add a short pause to hinder brute force pexpect style password attacks with decrypto
sleep(0.2) # 200ms pause
stderr("The passphrases did not match. Please enter your command again.")
elif dir_exists(path): # SINGLE DIRECTORY
dirty_directory_file_list = list_all_files(path)
directory_file_list = [x for x in dirty_directory_file_list if (x.endswith('.crypt') or x.endswith('.gpg') or x.endswith('.pgp') or x.endswith('.asc'))]
# if there are no encrypted files found, warn and abort
if len(directory_file_list) == 0:
stderr("There are no encrypted files in the directory")
# prompt for the passphrase
passphrase = getpass.getpass("Please enter your passphrase: ")
if len(passphrase) == 0: # confirm that user entered a passphrase
stderr("You did not enter a passphrase. Please repeat your command and try again.")
passphrase_confirm = getpass.getpass("Please enter your passphrase again: ")
if passphrase == passphrase_confirm:
# decrypt all of the encypted files in the directory
for filepath in directory_file_list:
absolute_filepath = make_path(path, filepath) # combine the directory path and file name into absolute path
# remove file suffix from the decrypted file path that writes to disk
if absolute_filepath.endswith('.crypt'):
decrypted_filepath = absolute_filepath[0:-6] # remove the .crypt suffix
elif absolute_filepath.endswith('.gpg') or absolute_filepath.endswith('.pgp') or absolute_filepath.endswith('.asc'):
decrypted_filepath = absolute_filepath[0:-4]
# confirm that the file does not already exist
if file_exists(decrypted_filepath):
stdout("The file path '" + decrypted_filepath + "' already exists. This file was not decrypted.")
system_command = "gpg --batch -o " + quote(decrypted_filepath) + " --passphrase " + quote(passphrase) + " -d " + quote(absolute_filepath)
response = muterun(system_command)
if response.exitcode == 0:
stdout("'" + absolute_filepath + "' decrypted to '" + decrypted_filepath + "'")
stderr("Decryption failed for " + absolute_filepath)
# overwrite user entered passphrases
passphrase = ""
passphrase_confirm = ""
# add a short pause to hinder brute force pexpect style password attacks with decrypto
sleep(0.2) # 200ms pause
# overwrite user entered passphrases
passphrase = ""
passphrase_confirm = ""
stderr("The passphrases did not match. Please enter your command again.")
# error message, not a file or directory. user entry error
stderr("The path that you entered does not appear to be an existing file or directory. Please try again.")
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Message to provide to the user when all above conditional logic fails to meet a true condition
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
print("Could not complete your request. Please try again.")
if __name__ == '__main__':