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import psutil
import datetime
import logging
def RenderRobotR01(inGlobalConfiguration):
#Subheader Variants
lSubheaderRunTrueText="Состояние: <span style=\"color:green\">Работает</span>"
lSubheaderRunFalseText="Состояние: <span style=\"color:red\">Не работает</span>"
#Run button
#Такое большое количество слэшей связано с тем, что этот текст отправляется сначала в браузер, рендерится там, а потом отправляется на процессор оркестратора
#Force close button
lOnClickForceCloseButton="""mGlobal.Controller.CMDRunText('taskkill /F /im Robot_R01.exe');"""
#Result template
"HeaderLeftText":"Автозагрузка заявок на расход",
"DataStorageKey":"R01_Data", #Use key for set current dict in mGlobal.DataStorage["DtaaStorageKey"] on client side
#Дата запуска: 10:00:09 01.09.2019
{"Key":"Дата запуска","Value":"Не запущен"},
{"Key":"Текущий шаг","Value":"Не запущен"},
{"Key":"Время выполнения шага","Value":"--с."},
{"Key":"Отчет робота","Value":"<a href=\"filemanager/r01/report.xlsx\">Скачать</a>"}
"FooterText":"Дата изменения: 9:38:00 09.10.2019",
{"Text":"Ручной запуск", "Color":"green", "Link":"", "OnClick": lOnClickRunButton.replace("\\","\\\\")},
{"Text":"Безопасная остановка", "Color disabled":"orange", "Link":""}
{"Text":"Принудительная остановка", "Color":"red", "Link":"", "OnClick": lOnClickForceCloseButton.replace("\\","\\\\")}
#Check if process running
if CheckIfProcessRunning("Robot_R01"):
#Fill robot info from Storage - R01
if "Robot_R01" in inGlobalConfiguration.get("Storage",{}):
lResultDict["BodyKeyValueList"][0]["Value"]=lItemDict.get("RunDateTimeString","Не запущен")
lResultDict["BodyKeyValueList"][1]["Value"]=lItemDict.get("StepCurrentName","Не запущен")
#Process not running
lResultDict["FooterText"]=f'Дата изменения: {"%H:%M:%S %d.%m.%Y")}'
#Process not running
lResultDict["FooterText"]=f'Дата изменения: {"%H:%M:%S %d.%m.%Y")}'
return lResultDict
def CheckIfProcessRunning(processName):
Check if there is any running process that contains the given name processName.
#Iterate over the all the running process
for proc in psutil.process_iter():
# Check if process name contains the given name string.
if processName.lower() in
return True
except (psutil.NoSuchProcess, psutil.AccessDenied, psutil.ZombieProcess):
return False;
#Orchestrator settings
def Settings():
import os
import pyOpenRPA.Orchestrator
lOrchestratorFolder = "\\".join(pyOpenRPA.Orchestrator.__file__.split("\\")[:-1])
mDict = {
"Server": {
"ListenPort_": "Порт, по которому можно подключиться к демону",
"ListenPort": 8081,
"ListenURLList": [
"Description": "Local machine test",
"URL_": "Сетевое расположение сервера демона",
"URL": ""
"AccessUsers": { #Default - all URL is blocked
"FlagCredentialsAsk": True, #Turn on Authentication
"RuleDomainUserDict": {
#("DOMAIN", "USER"): { #upper case
# "MethodMatchURLBeforeList": [
# {
# "Method":"GET|POST",
# "MatchType":"BeginWith|Contains|Equal|EqualCase",
# "URL":"",
# "FlagAccessDefRequestGlobalAuthenticate": None, #Return bool
# "FlagAccess": True
# }
# ]
"RuleMethodMatchURLBeforeList": [ #General MethodMatchURL list (no domain/user)
# {
# "Method":"GET|POST",
# "MatchType":"BeginWith|Contains|Equal|EqualCase",
# "URL":"",
# "FlagAccessDefRequestGlobalAuthenticate": None, #Return bool
# "FlagAccess": True
# }
"AuthTokensDict": {
#"<AuthToken>":{"User":"", "Domain":"", "TokenDatetime":<Datetime>}
"URLList":[ #List of available URLs with the orchestrator server
# "Method":"GET|POST",
# "URL": "/index", #URL of the request
# "MatchType": "", #"BeginWith|Contains|Equal|EqualCase",
# "ResponseFilePath": "", #Absolute or relative path
# "ResponseFolderPath": "", #Absolute or relative path
# "ResponseContentType": "", #HTTP Content-type
# "ResponseDefRequestGlobal": None #Function with str result
"URL": "/test/", #URL of the request
"MatchType": "BeginWith", #"BeginWith|Contains|Equal|EqualCase",
#"ResponseFilePath": "", #Absolute or relative path
"ResponseFolderPath": "C:\Abs\Archive\scopeSrcUL\OpenRPA\Orchestrator\Settings", #Absolute or relative path
#"ResponseContentType": "", #HTTP Content-type
#"ResponseDefRequestGlobal": None #Function with str result
"Scheduler": {
"ActivityTimeCheckLoopSeconds":5, #Количество секунд, между циклами проверки действий
"ActivityTimeList": [
"TimeHH:MM": "19:25", #Time [HH:MM] to trigger activity
"WeekdayList": [1,2,3], #List of the weekday index when activity is applicable, Default [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
"Type": "ProcessStart", #Activity type
"Path": "Notepad", #Executable file path
"ArgList": [] #List of the arguments
"TimeHH:MM": "19:20", #Time [HH:MM] to trigger activity
"WeekdayList": [1, 2, 3], #List of the weekday index when activity is applicable, Default [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
"Type": "ProcessStop", #Activity type
"Name": "OpenRPARobotDaemon.exe", #Process name
"FlagForce": True, #Force process close
"User": "%username%" #Empty, user or %username%
"TimeHH:MMStart": "19:20", #Time [HH:MM] to trigger activity
"TimeHH:MMStop": "19:20",
"ActivityIntervalSeconds": 5,
"WeekdayList": [1, 2, 3], #List of the weekday index when activity is applicable, Default [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
"Type": "PythonStart", #Activity type
"ModuleName": "CheckActivity", #Python function module name
"FunctionName": "test_activity", #Python function name
"ArgList": ["TestArg1", "TestArg2"] #Input python function args
"LogList": []
"Processor": {
"LogType_CMDStart": True, #LogType_<Type>: <bool> if Trace for command is selected for False, the tracing will be off for such activity type. Default True
"LogList": [] #List of processor activity, which was executed. Fill list when orchestrator is running
"ControlPanelDict": {
"RefreshSeconds": 5,
"RobotList": [
"RenderFunction": RenderRobotR01
"FileManager": {
"FileURLFilePathDict_help": "https://localhost:8081/filemanager/<file URL>. All FileURL s must be set in lowercase",
"FileURLFilePathDict": {
"r01/report.xlsx": "C:\\RPA\\R01_IntegrationOrderOut\\Data\\Reestr_otgruzok.xlsx"
"Logger": logging.getLogger("Orchestrator"),
"Storage": {
"Robot_R01_help": "Robot data storage in orchestrator env",
"Robot_R01": {}
#Создать файл логирования
# add filemode="w" to overwrite
if not os.path.exists("Reports"):
#Подготовка логгера Robot
# create the logging file handler
mRobotLoggerFH = logging.FileHandler("Reports\ReportOrchestrator_""%Y_%m_%d")+".log")
mRobotLoggerFormatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
# add handler to logger object
#Init .py files from Settings folder
#Get file list from Settings folder
import os
import pdb
#lFunction to call in subfiles
lSubmoduleFunctionName = "SettingsUpdate"
#lSettingsPath = os.path.join(inSettingsFolderPath, "Settings")
lSettingsPath = "\\".join(__file__.split("\\")[:-1])
#lSettingsPath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "Settings")
#Lambda function to get files .py from settings folder except
lFileList = [f for f in os.listdir(lSettingsPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(lSettingsPath, f)) and f.split(".")[-1] == "py" and os.path.join(lSettingsPath, f) != __file__]
import importlib.util
for lModuleFilePathItem in lFileList:
lModuleName = lModuleFilePathItem[0:-3]
lFileFullPath = os.path.join(lSettingsPath, lModuleFilePathItem)
lTechSpecification = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(lModuleName, lFileFullPath)
lTechModuleFromSpec = importlib.util.module_from_spec(lTechSpecification)
lTechSpecificationModuleLoader = lTechSpecification.loader.exec_module(lTechModuleFromSpec)
if lSubmoduleFunctionName in dir(lTechModuleFromSpec):
#Run SettingUpdate function in submodule
getattr(lTechModuleFromSpec, lSubmoduleFunctionName)(mDict)
return mDict