#RobotDB (Web <SQLIte>) Insert + XLS export (XLSName, SheetName, FlagExportHeader)

Ivan Maslov 5 years ago
parent 74c355f679
commit 029a5ce67d

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
<title>Try jQuery Online</title>
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
$(document).ready(function() {
type: "POST",
url: "http://localhost:81/",
data: '{"data":1}',
success: null,
dataType: "html"
data: [{"TableName":"",RowDict:{"Key1":Value1, "Key2":Value2}}]
$(document).ready(function() {
type: "POST",
url: "http://localhost:81/",
data: '[{"TableName":"Test", "RowDict":{"Name":"Name1","Description":"DescTest", "Money":100, "Date":"01.01.2020"}}]',
success: null,
dataType: "html"

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
import subprocess
import json
import datetime
import time
import codecs
import os
import signal
import sys #Get input argument
import pdb
from . import Server
import logging
import copy
#from .Settings import Settings
import importlib
from importlib import util
#Единый глобальный словарь (За основу взять из Settings.py)
global mGlobalDict
#Call Settings function from argv[1] file
lSubmoduleFunctionName = "Settings"
lFileFullPath = sys.argv[1]
lModuleName = (lFileFullPath.split("\\")[-1])[0:-3]
lTechSpecification = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(lModuleName, lFileFullPath)
lTechModuleFromSpec = importlib.util.module_from_spec(lTechSpecification)
lTechSpecificationModuleLoader = lTechSpecification.loader.exec_module(lTechModuleFromSpec)
mGlobalDict = None
if lSubmoduleFunctionName in dir(lTechModuleFromSpec):
# Run SettingUpdate function in submodule
mGlobalDict = getattr(lTechModuleFromSpec, lSubmoduleFunctionName)()
#mGlobalDict = Settings.Settings(sys.argv[1])
Server.mGlobalDict = mGlobalDict
#Инициализация настроечных параметров
lDaemonActivityLogDict={} #Словарь отработанных активностей, ключ - кортеж (<activityType>, <datetime>, <processPath || processName>, <processArgs>)
#Инициализация сервера
lThreadServer = Server.RobotDaemonServer("ServerThread", mGlobalDict)

@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer
from socketserver import ThreadingMixIn
import threading
import json
from threading import Thread
import importlib
import pdb
import base64
import uuid
import datetime
import os #for path operations
from http import cookies
global mGlobalDict
from . import ServerSettings
#Authenticate function ()
# return dict
# {
# "Domain": "", #Empty if Auth is not success
# "User": "" #Empty if Auth is not success
# }
def AuthenticateVerify(inRequest):
lResult={"Domain": "", "User": ""}
#Way 1 - try to find AuthToken
lCookies = cookies.SimpleCookie(inRequest.headers.get("Cookie", ""))
inRequest.OpenRPA = {}
inRequest.OpenRPA["AuthToken"] = None
if "AuthToken" in lCookies:
lCookieAuthToken = lCookies.get("AuthToken", "").value
if lCookieAuthToken:
#Find AuthToken in GlobalDict
if lCookieAuthToken in mGlobalDict.get("Server", {}).get("AccessUsers", {}).get("AuthTokensDict", {}):
#Auth Token Has Been Founded
lResult["Domain"] = mGlobalDict["Server"]["AccessUsers"]["AuthTokensDict"][lCookieAuthToken]["Domain"]
lResult["User"] = mGlobalDict["Server"]["AccessUsers"]["AuthTokensDict"][lCookieAuthToken]["User"]
#Set auth token
inRequest.OpenRPA["AuthToken"] = lCookieAuthToken
#Exit earlier
return lResult
#Way 2 - try to logon
lHeaderAuthorization = inRequest.headers.get("Authorization", "").split(" ")
if len(lHeaderAuthorization) == 2:
llHeaderAuthorizationDecodedUserPasswordList = base64.b64decode(lHeaderAuthorization[1]).decode("utf-8").split(
lUser = llHeaderAuthorizationDecodedUserPasswordList[0]
lPassword = llHeaderAuthorizationDecodedUserPasswordList[1]
lDomain = ""
if "\\" in lUser:
lDomain = lUser.split("\\")[0]
lUser = lUser.split("\\")[1]
#Try to logon - use processor
lLogonResult = Processor.Activity(
"Type": "WindowsLogon",
"Domain": lDomain,
"User": lUser,
"Password": lPassword
#Check result
if lLogonResult["Result"]:
lResult["Domain"] = lLogonResult["Domain"]
lResult["User"] = lLogonResult["User"]
#Create token
mGlobalDict["Server"]["AccessUsers"]["AuthTokensDict"][lAuthToken] = {}
mGlobalDict["Server"]["AccessUsers"]["AuthTokensDict"][lAuthToken]["Domain"] = lResult["Domain"]
mGlobalDict["Server"]["AccessUsers"]["AuthTokensDict"][lAuthToken]["User"] = lResult["User"]
mGlobalDict["Server"]["AccessUsers"]["AuthTokensDict"][lAuthToken]["FlagDoNotExpire"] = False
mGlobalDict["Server"]["AccessUsers"]["AuthTokensDict"][lAuthToken]["TokenDatetime"] = datetime.datetime.now()
inRequest.OpenRPA["AuthToken"] = lAuthToken
inRequest.OpenRPASetCookie = {}
#New engine of server
inRequest.OpenRPAResponseDict["SetCookies"]["AuthToken"] = lAuthToken
#inRequest.OpenRPAResponse["Set-Cookie"]=[]lResult["Set-Cookie"] = lAuthToken
#inRequest.send_header("Set-Cookie:", f"AuthToken={lAuthToken}")
return lResult
def AuthenticateBlock(inRequest):
# Send response status code
# Send headers
inRequest.send_header('Content-type', 'text/html')
inRequest.send_header('WWW-Authenticate', 'Basic') # Always ask login pass
# Write content as utf-8 data
inRequest.wfile.write(bytes("", "utf8"))
#Check access before execute the action
#return bool True - go execute, False - dont execute
def UserAccessCheckBefore(inMethod, inRequest):
# Help def - Get access flag from dict
def HelpGetFlag(inAccessRuleItem, inRequest, inGlobalDict, inAuthenticateDict):
if "FlagAccess" in inAccessRuleItem:
return inAccessRuleItem["FlagAccess"]
elif "FlagAccessDefRequestGlobalAuthenticate" in inAccessRuleItem:
return inAccessRuleItem["FlagAccessDefRequestGlobalAuthenticate"](inRequest, inGlobalDict,
#Prepare result false
lResult = False
lAuthToken = inRequest.OpenRPA["AuthToken"]
#go next if user is identified
lUserDict = None
if lAuthToken:
lUserDict = mGlobalDict["Server"]["AccessUsers"]["AuthTokensDict"][lAuthToken]
#Check general before rule (without User domain)
#Check rules
for lAccessRuleItem in mGlobalDict.get("Server", {}).get("AccessUsers", {}).get("RuleMethodMatchURLBeforeList", []):
#Go next execution if flag is false
if not lResult:
#Check if Method is identical
if lAccessRuleItem["Method"].upper() == inMethod:
#check Match type variant: BeginWith
if lAccessRuleItem["MatchType"].upper() == "BEGINWITH":
lURLPath = inRequest.path
lURLPath = lURLPath.upper()
if lURLPath.startswith(lAccessRuleItem["URL"].upper()):
lResult = HelpGetFlag(lAccessRuleItem, inRequest, mGlobalDict, lUserDict)
# check Match type variant: Contains
elif lAccessRuleItem["MatchType"].upper() == "CONTAINS":
lURLPath = inRequest.path
lURLPath = lURLPath.upper()
if lURLPath.contains(lAccessRuleItem["URL"].upper()):
lResult = HelpGetFlag(lAccessRuleItem, inRequest, mGlobalDict, lUserDict)
# check Match type variant: Equal
elif lAccessRuleItem["MatchType"].upper() == "EQUAL":
if lAccessRuleItem["URL"].upper() == inRequest.path.upper():
lResult = HelpGetFlag(lAccessRuleItem, inRequest, mGlobalDict, lUserDict)
# check Match type variant: EqualCase
elif lAccessRuleItem["MatchType"].upper() == "EQUALCASE":
if lAccessRuleItem["URL"] == inRequest.path:
lResult = HelpGetFlag(lAccessRuleItem, inRequest, mGlobalDict, lUserDict)
#Do check if lResult is false
if not lResult:
#Check access by User Domain
#Check rules to find first appicable
#Check rules
for lAccessRuleItem in mGlobalDict.get("Server", {}).get("AccessUsers", {}).get("RuleDomainUserDict", {}).get((lUserDict["Domain"].upper(), lUserDict["User"].upper()), {}).get("MethodMatchURLBeforeList", []):
#Go next execution if flag is false
if not lResult:
#Check if Method is identical
if lAccessRuleItem["Method"].upper() == inMethod:
#check Match type variant: BeginWith
if lAccessRuleItem["MatchType"].upper() == "BEGINWITH":
lURLPath = inRequest.path
lURLPath = lURLPath.upper()
if lURLPath.startswith(lAccessRuleItem["URL"].upper()):
lResult = HelpGetFlag(lAccessRuleItem, inRequest, mGlobalDict, lUserDict)
#check Match type variant: Contains
elif lAccessRuleItem["MatchType"].upper() == "CONTAINS":
lURLPath = inRequest.path
lURLPath = lURLPath.upper()
if lURLPath.contains(lAccessRuleItem["URL"].upper()):
lResult = HelpGetFlag(lAccessRuleItem, inRequest, mGlobalDict, lUserDict)
# check Match type variant: Equal
elif lAccessRuleItem["MatchType"].upper() == "EQUAL":
if lAccessRuleItem["URL"].upper() == inRequest.path.upper():
lResult = HelpGetFlag(lAccessRuleItem, inRequest, mGlobalDict, lUserDict)
# check Match type variant: EqualCase
elif lAccessRuleItem["MatchType"].upper() == "EQUALCASE":
if lAccessRuleItem["URL"] == inRequest.path:
lResult = HelpGetFlag(lAccessRuleItem, inRequest, mGlobalDict, lUserDict)
#Return lResult
return lResult
# HTTPRequestHandler class
class testHTTPServer_RequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
#Tech def
#return {"headers":[],"body":"","statuscode":111}
def URLItemCheckDo(self, inURLItem, inMethod):
#Tech sub def - do item
def URLItemDo(inURLItem,inRequest,inGlobalDict):
inResponseDict = inRequest.OpenRPAResponseDict
#Set status code 200
inResponseDict["StatusCode"] = 200
if "ResponseContentType" in inURLItem:
inResponseDict["Headers"]["Content-type"] = inURLItem["ResponseContentType"]
#If file path is set
if "ResponseFilePath" in inURLItem:
lFileObject = open(inURLItem["ResponseFilePath"], "rb")
# Write content as utf-8 data
inResponseDict["Body"] = lFileObject.read()
# Закрыть файловый объект
#If function is set
if "ResponseDefRequestGlobal" in inURLItem:
inURLItem["ResponseDefRequestGlobal"](inRequest, inGlobalDict)
if "ResponseFolderPath" in inURLItem:
lRequestPath = inRequest.path
lFilePathSecondPart = lRequestPath.replace(inURLItem["URL"],"")
lFilePath = os.path.join(inURLItem["ResponseFolderPath"],lFilePathSecondPart)
#print(f"File full path {lFilePath}")
#Check if file exist
if os.path.exists(lFilePath) and os.path.isfile(lFilePath):
lFileObject = open(lFilePath, "rb")
# Write content as utf-8 data
inResponseDict["Body"] = lFileObject.read()
inResponseDict["ContentType"]= "application/octet-stream"
# Закрыть файловый объект
if inURLItem["Method"].upper() == inMethod.upper():
# check Match type variant: BeginWith
if inURLItem["MatchType"].upper() == "BEGINWITH":
lURLPath = self.path
lURLPath = lURLPath.upper()
if lURLPath.startswith(inURLItem["URL"].upper()):
URLItemDo(inURLItem, self, mGlobalDict)
return True
# check Match type variant: Contains
elif inURLItem["MatchType"].upper() == "CONTAINS":
lURLPath = self.path
lURLPath = lURLPath.upper()
if lURLPath.contains(inURLItem["URL"].upper()):
URLItemDo(inURLItem, self, mGlobalDict)
return True
# check Match type variant: Equal
elif inURLItem["MatchType"].upper() == "EQUAL":
if inURLItem["URL"].upper() == self.path.upper():
URLItemDo(inURLItem, self, mGlobalDict)
return True
# check Match type variant: EqualCase
elif inURLItem["MatchType"].upper() == "EQUALCASE":
if inURLItem["URL"] == self.path:
URLItemDo(inURLItem, self, mGlobalDict)
return True
return False
def SendResponseContentTypeFile(self, inContentType, inFilePath):
# Send response status code
# Send headers
self.send_header('Content-type', inContentType)
#Check if var exist
if hasattr(self, "OpenRPASetCookie"):
self.send_header("Set-Cookie", f"AuthToken={self.OpenRPA['AuthToken']}")
lFileObject = open(inFilePath, "rb")
# Write content as utf-8 data
#Закрыть файловый объект
# ResponseContentTypeFile
def ResponseDictSend(self):
inResponseDict = self.OpenRPAResponseDict
# Send response status code
# Send headers
for lItemKey, lItemValue in inResponseDict["Headers"].items():
self.send_header(lItemKey, lItemValue)
# Send headers: Set-Cookie
for lItemKey, lItemValue in inResponseDict["SetCookies"].items():
self.send_header("Set-Cookie", f"{lItemKey}={lItemValue}")
#Close headers section in response
# Write content as utf-8 data
def do_GET(self):
# Prepare result dict
lResponseDict = {"Headers": {}, "SetCookies": {}, "Body": b"", "StatusCode": None}
self.OpenRPAResponseDict = lResponseDict
#Do authentication
#Check if authentication is turned on
lAuthenticateDict = {"Domain": "", "User": ""}
if mGlobalDict.get("Server", {}).get("AccessUsers", {}).get("FlagCredentialsAsk", False):
lAuthenticateDict = AuthenticateVerify(self)
if not lAuthenticateDict["User"]:
# Logging
mGlobalDict["Logger"].info(f"HTTP request /. Domain: {lAuthenticateDict['Domain']}, User: {lAuthenticateDict['User']}")
if lFlagAccessUserBlock:
#Check the user access (if flag)
lFlagUserAccess = True
#If need user authentication
if mGlobalDict.get("Server", {}).get("AccessUsers", {}).get("FlagCredentialsAsk", False):
lFlagUserAccess = UserAccessCheckBefore("GET", self)
if lFlagUserAccess:
lOrchestratorFolder = "\\".join(__file__.split("\\")[:-1])
#New server engine (url from global dict (URLList))
for lURLItem in mGlobalDict["Server"]["URLList"]:
#Check if all condition are applied
lFlagURLIsApplied=self.URLItemCheckDo(lURLItem, "GET")
if lFlagURLIsApplied:
#Set access denied code
# Send response status code
# Send headers
def do_POST(self):
# Prepare result dict
lResponseDict = {"Headers": {}, "SetCookies":{}, "Body": b"", "StatusCode": None}
self.OpenRPAResponseDict = lResponseDict
#Do authentication
#Check if authentication is turned on
lAuthenticateDict = {"Domain": "", "User": ""}
if mGlobalDict.get("Server", {}).get("AccessUsers", {}).get("FlagCredentialsAsk", False):
lAuthenticateDict = AuthenticateVerify(self)
if not lAuthenticateDict["User"]:
if lFlagAccessUserBlock:
#Check the user access (if flag)
lFlagUserAccess = True
#If need user authentication
if mGlobalDict.get("Server", {}).get("AccessUsers", {}).get("FlagCredentialsAsk", False):
lFlagUserAccess = UserAccessCheckBefore("POST", self)
if lFlagUserAccess:
lOrchestratorFolder = "\\".join(__file__.split("\\")[:-1])
#New server engine (url from global dict (URLList))
for lURLItem in mGlobalDict["Server"]["URLList"]:
#Check if all condition are applied
lFlagURLIsApplied=self.URLItemCheckDo(lURLItem, "POST")
if lFlagURLIsApplied:
#Set access denied code
# Send response status code
# Send headers
#!Turn it on to stop print in console
#def log_message(self, format, *args):
# return
class ThreadedHTTPServer(ThreadingMixIn, HTTPServer):
"""Handle requests in a separate thread."""
def finish_request(self, request, client_address):
# "super" can not be used because BaseServer is not created from object
HTTPServer.finish_request(self, request, client_address)
# "JSONConfigurationDict":<JSON>
class RobotDaemonServer(Thread):
def __init__(self,name,inGlobalDict):
self.name = name
# Update the global dict
def run(self):
inPort = mGlobalDict["Server"]["ListenPort"];
# Server settings
# Choose port 8080, for port 80, which is normally used for a http server, you need root access
server_address = (inServerAddress, inPort)
#httpd = HTTPServer(server_address, testHTTPServer_RequestHandler)
# Logging
mGlobalDict["Logger"].info(f"Server init. Listen URL: {inServerAddress}, Listen port: {inPort}")
httpd = ThreadedHTTPServer(server_address, testHTTPServer_RequestHandler)
#print('Starting server, use <Ctrl-C> to stop')

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
import json
#Insert in DB
def SQLInsert(inRequest,inGlobalDict):
inResponseDict = inRequest.OpenRPAResponseDict
# Create result JSON
lResultJSON = {"FlagSQLInsert": False}
#Read the body
if inRequest.headers.get('Content-Length') is not None:
lInputByteArrayLength = int(inRequest.headers.get('Content-Length'))
#Превращение массива байт в объект
import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect(inGlobalDict["SQLite"]["DBPath"])
c = conn.cursor()
# Loop for rows
for lRowItem in lInputJSON:
my_dict = lRowItem["RowDict"]
# Insert a row of data
columns = ', '.join(my_dict.keys())
placeholders = ':'+', :'.join(my_dict.keys())
query = f'INSERT INTO {lRowItem["TableName"]} (%s) VALUES (%s)' % (columns, placeholders)
c.execute(query, my_dict)
# Save (commit) the changes
# We can also close the connection if we are done with it.
# Just be sure any changes have been committed or they will be lost.
# Send message back to client
message = json.dumps(lResultJSON)
# Write content as utf-8 data
inResponseDict["Body"] = bytes(message, "utf8")
def GetScreenshot(inRequest,inGlobalDict):
# Get Screenshot
def SaveScreenshot(inFilePath):
# grab fullscreen
# Save the entire virtual screen as a PNG
lScreenshot = getScreenAsImage()
lScreenshot.save('screenshot.png', format='png')
# lScreenshot = ScreenshotSecondScreen.grab_screen()
# save image file
# lScreenshot.save('screenshot.png')
# Сохранить файл на диск
lFileObject = open("Screenshot.png", "rb")
# Write content as utf-8 data
inRequest.OpenRPAResponseDict["Body"] = lFileObject.read()
# Закрыть файловый объект
def SettingsUpdate(inGlobalConfiguration):
import os
import pyOpenRPA.Orchestrator
lOrchestratorFolder = "\\".join(pyOpenRPA.Orchestrator.__file__.split("\\")[:-1])
lURLList = \
[ #List of available URLs with the orchestrator server
# "Method":"GET|POST",
# "URL": "/index", #URL of the request
# "MatchType": "", #"BeginWith|Contains|Equal|EqualCase",
# "ResponseFilePath": "", #Absolute or relative path
# "ResponseFolderPath": "", #Absolute or relative path
# "ResponseContentType": "", #HTTP Content-type
# "ResponseDefRequestGlobal": None #Function with str result
#Orchestrator basic dependencies
{"Method":"POST", "URL": "/", "MatchType": "EqualCase", "ResponseDefRequestGlobal": SQLInsert, "ResponseContentType": "text/html"},
{"Method":"GET", "URL": "/3rdParty/Semantic-UI-CSS-master/semantic.min.css", "MatchType": "EqualCase", "ResponseFilePath": os.path.join(lOrchestratorFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\Semantic-UI-CSS-master\\semantic.min.css"), "ResponseContentType": "text/css"}
return inGlobalConfiguration

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
The OpenRPA package (from UnicodeLabs)
__all__ = []
__author__ = 'Ivan Maslov <ivan.maslov@unicodelabs.ru>'

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
import sys
lFolderPath = "\\".join(__file__.split("\\")[:-3])
sys.path.insert(0, lFolderPath)
from pyOpenRPA.Tools.RobotDB import RobotDB

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
def SettingsUpdate(inDict):
#""/"ND" MethodMatchURLList
("","ND"): {
"MethodMatchURLBeforeList": [
#"FlagAccessDefRequestGlobalAuthenticate": TestDef
"FlagAccess": True
#"FlagAccessDefRequestGlobalAuthenticate": TestDef
"FlagAccess": True
#Append to global list
#Return current dict
return inDict

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
import datetime
def SettingsUpdate(inDict):
#""/"SuperToken" MethodMatchURLList
("","SUPERTOKEN"): { #!!!!!only in upper case!!!!
"MethodMatchURLBeforeList": [
#"FlagAccessDefRequestGlobalAuthenticate": TestDef
"FlagAccess": True
#"FlagAccessDefRequestGlobalAuthenticate": TestDef
"FlagAccess": True
#Append to global list
#"<AuthToken>":{"User":"", "Domain":"", "TokenDatetime":<Datetime>}
#Attention: default supertoken is 1992-04-03-0643-ru-b4ff-openrpa52zzz - please change it when you will customize OpenRPA in your company
{"1992-04-03-0643-ru-b4ff-openrpa52zzz":{"User":"SuperToken", "Domain":"", "TokenDatetime": datetime.datetime.now(), "FlagDoNotExpire":True}}
#Return current dict
return inDict

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
import psutil
import datetime
import logging
import os
#RobotDB settings
def Settings():
import os
import pyOpenRPA.Orchestrator
lOrchestratorFolder = "\\".join(pyOpenRPA.Orchestrator.__file__.split("\\")[:-1])
mDict = {
"Server": {
"ListenPort_": "Порт, по которому можно подключиться к демону",
"ListenPort": 81,
"ListenURLList": [
"Description": "Local machine test",
"URL_": "Сетевое расположение сервера демона",
"URL": ""
"AccessUsers": { #Default - all URL is blocked
"FlagCredentialsAsk": True, #Turn on Authentication
"RuleDomainUserDict": {
#("DOMAIN", "USER"): { !!!!!only in upper case!!!!
# "MethodMatchURLBeforeList": [
# {
# "Method":"GET|POST",
# "MatchType":"BeginWith|Contains|Equal|EqualCase",
# "URL":"",
# "FlagAccessDefRequestGlobalAuthenticate": None, #Return bool
# "FlagAccess": True
# }
# ]
"RuleMethodMatchURLBeforeList": [ #General MethodMatchURL list (no domain/user)
# {
# "Method":"GET|POST",
# "MatchType":"BeginWith|Contains|Equal|EqualCase",
# "URL":"",
# "FlagAccessDefRequestGlobalAuthenticate": None, #Return bool
# "FlagAccess": True
# }
"AuthTokensDict": {
#"<AuthToken>":{"User":"", "Domain":"", "TokenDatetime":<Datetime>, "FlagDoNotExpire":True}
"URLList":[ #List of available URLs with the orchestrator server
# "Method":"GET|POST",
# "URL": "/index", #URL of the request
# "MatchType": "", #"BeginWith|Contains|Equal|EqualCase",
# "ResponseFilePath": "", #Absolute or relative path
# "ResponseFolderPath": "", #Absolute or relative path
# "ResponseContentType": "", #HTTP Content-type
# "ResponseDefRequestGlobal": None #Function with str result
"Logger": logging.getLogger("RobotDB"),
"Storage": {} #Orchestrator storage - not used
#Создать файл логирования
# add filemode="w" to overwrite
if not os.path.exists("Reports"):
#Подготовка логгера Robot
# create the logging file handler
mRobotLoggerFH = logging.FileHandler("Reports\ReportRobotDB_"+datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y_%m_%d")+".log")
mRobotLoggerFormatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
# add handler to logger object
#Init .py files from Settings folder
#Get file list from Settings folder
import os
import pdb
#lFunction to call in subfiles
lSubmoduleFunctionName = "SettingsUpdate"
#lSettingsPath = os.path.join(inSettingsFolderPath, "Settings")
lSettingsPath = "\\".join(__file__.split("\\")[:-1])
#lSettingsPath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "Settings")
#Lambda function to get files .py from settings folder except Settings.py
lFileList = [f for f in os.listdir(lSettingsPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(lSettingsPath, f)) and f.split(".")[-1] == "py" and os.path.join(lSettingsPath, f) != __file__]
import importlib.util
for lModuleFilePathItem in lFileList:
lModuleName = lModuleFilePathItem[0:-3]
lFileFullPath = os.path.join(lSettingsPath, lModuleFilePathItem)
lTechSpecification = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(lModuleName, lFileFullPath)
lTechModuleFromSpec = importlib.util.module_from_spec(lTechSpecification)
lTechSpecificationModuleLoader = lTechSpecification.loader.exec_module(lTechModuleFromSpec)
if lSubmoduleFunctionName in dir(lTechModuleFromSpec):
#Run SettingUpdate function in submodule
getattr(lTechModuleFromSpec, lSubmoduleFunctionName)(mDict)
return mDict

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
cd %~dp0..\..\Sources
copy /Y ..\Resources\WPy64-3720\python-3.7.2.amd64\python.exe ..\Resources\WPy64-3720\python-3.7.2.amd64\OpenRPA_RobotDB.exe
..\Resources\WPy64-3720\python-3.7.2.amd64\OpenRPA_RobotDB.exe -m pyOpenRPA.Tools.RobotDB "..\Utils\RobotDB\SettingsExample.py"
pause >nul