- Orc - add log about send activity to agent

Ivan Maslov 4 years ago
parent 2fc1553c9f
commit 2e73292fc6

@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ def AgentOSFileBinaryDataBytesCreate(inGSettings, inHostNameStr, inUserStr, inFi
# Send binary file to Agent (base64 string)
def AgentOSFileBinaryDataBase64StrCreate(inGSettings, inHostNameStr, inUserStr, inFilePathStr, inFileDataBase64Str):
# pyOpenRPA.Agent: Create binary file by the base64 string (safe for JSON transmition)
# pyOpenRPA.Agent: Create binary file by the base64 string (safe for JSON transmission)
# def OSFileBinaryDataBase64StrCreate(inFilePathStr, inFileDataBase64Str,inGSettings = None):
# Create Activity Item for the agent
lActivityItemDict = {

@ -243,17 +243,17 @@ def pyOpenRPA_Agent_O2A(inRequest, inGSettings):
if lL: lL.debug(f'O2A BEFORE: ConnectionCountInt: {lThisAgentDict["ConnectionCountInt"]};ConnectionFirstQueueItemCountInt {lThisAgentDict["ConnectionFirstQueueItemCountInt"]}')
if lThisAgentDict["ConnectionCountInt"] == lThisAgentDict["ConnectionFirstQueueItemCountInt"] + 1:
# POP QUEUE ITEM CONDITION ConnectionCountInt == ConnectionFirstQueueItemCountInt + 1
lQueueItem = lThisAgentDict["ActivityList"].pop(0)
lActivityItem = lThisAgentDict["ActivityList"].pop(0)
lThisAgentDict["ConnectionFirstQueueItemCountInt"] = 0
if lL: lL.debug(f"Activity was deleted from the list: {lThisAgentDict['ActivityList']}")
lQueueItem = lThisAgentDict["ActivityList"][0]
lActivityItem = lThisAgentDict["ActivityList"][0]
lThisAgentDict["ConnectionFirstQueueItemCountInt"] += 1
if lL: lL.debug(f"Activity was !not! deleted from the list: {lThisAgentDict['ActivityList']}")
if lL: lL.debug(f'O2A AFTER: ConnectionCountInt: {lThisAgentDict["ConnectionCountInt"]};ConnectionFirstQueueItemCountInt {lThisAgentDict["ConnectionFirstQueueItemCountInt"]}')
if lL: lL.debug(f"Activity item to agent: {lQueueItem}")
inRequest.OpenRPAResponseDict["Body"] = bytes(json.dumps(lQueueItem), "utf8")
if lL: lL.info(f"Activity item to agent Hostname {lInput['HostNameUpperStr']}, User {lInput['UserUpperStr']}. Activity item: {lActivityItem}")
inRequest.OpenRPAResponseDict["Body"] = bytes(json.dumps(lActivityItem), "utf8")
lDoLoopBool = False # CLose the connection
else: # no queue item - sleep for the next iteration

@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
- - def AgentOSFileBinaryDataBase64StrCreate(inGSettings, inHostNameStr, inUserStr, inFilePathStr, inFileDataBase64Str): # Send binary file to Agent (base64 string)
- - def AgentOSFileTextDataStrCreate(inGSettings, inHostNameStr, inUserStr, inFilePathStr, inFileDataStr, inEncodingStr = "utf-8"): # Send text file to Agent (string)
- Orc WEB: Create mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ActivityListExecute({}) to test some activities from the front
- Orc - add log about send activity to agent
After 2 month test prefinal with new improovements (+RobotRDPActive in Orchestrator + Easy ControlPanelTemplate)
Beta before 1.1.0 (new way of OpenRPA with improvements. Sorry, but no backward compatibility)/ Backward compatibility will start from 1.0.1
