@ -1,9 +1,72 @@
import threading, socket, getpass
import threading, socket, getpass, sys, uuid, subprocess
from . import O2A, A2O # Data flow Orchestrator To Agent
from . import Processor # Processor Queue
# Send CMD to OS. Result return to log + Orchestrator by the A2O connection
def OSFileBytesCreate(inFilePathStr, inFileBytes,inGSettings = None):
lFile = open(inFilePathStr, "wb")
lL = inGSettings.get("Logger", None) if type(inGSettings) is dict else None
lMessageStr = f"File {inFilePathStr} has been created."
if lL: lL.info(lMessageStr)
A2O.LogListSend(inGSettings=inGSettings, inLogList=[lMessageStr])
# Send CMD to OS. Result return to log + Orchestrator by the A2O connection
def OSCMD(inCMDStr, inRunAsyncBool=True, inGSettings = None):
lResultStr = ""
# Subdef to listen OS result
def _CMDRunAndListenLogs(inCMDStr, inGSettings = None):
lL = inGSettings.get("Logger",None) if type(inGSettings) is dict else None
lResultStr = ""
lOSCMDKeyStr = str(uuid.uuid4())[0:4].upper()
lCMDProcess = subprocess.Popen(f'cmd /c {inCMDStr}', stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
lListenBool = True
lMessageStr = f"{lOSCMDKeyStr}: # # # # CMD Process has been STARTED # # # # "
if lL: lL.info(lMessageStr)
lMessageStr = f"{lOSCMDKeyStr}: {inCMDStr}"
if lL: lL.info(lMessageStr)
A2O.LogListSend(inGSettings=inGSettings, inLogList=[lMessageStr])
while lListenBool:
lOutputLineBytes = lCMDProcess.stdout.readline()
if lOutputLineBytes == b"":
lListenBool = False
lStr = lOutputLineBytes.decode('cp866')
if lStr.endswith("\n"): lStr = lStr[:-1]
lMessageStr = f"{lOSCMDKeyStr}: {lStr}"
if lL: lL.info(lMessageStr)
A2O.LogListSend(inGSettings=inGSettings, inLogList=[lMessageStr])
lMessageStr = f"{lOSCMDKeyStr}: # # # # CMD Process has been FINISHED # # # # "
if lL: lL.info(lMessageStr)
A2O.LogListSend(inGSettings=inGSettings, inLogList=[lMessageStr])
return lResultStr
# New call
if inRunAsyncBool:
lThread = threading.Thread(target=_CMDRunAndListenLogs, kwargs={"inCMDStr":inCMDStr, "inGSettings":inGSettings})
lResultStr="ActivityList has been started in async mode - no output is available here."
lResultStr = _CMDRunAndListenLogs(inCMDStr=inCMDStr, inGSettings=inGSettings)
#lCMDCode = "cmd /c " + inCMDStr
#lResultCMDRun = 1 # os.system(lCMDCode)
return lResultStr
# Main def
def Agent(inGSettings):
lL = inGSettings["Logger"]
# Append Orchestrator def to ProcessorDictAlias
lModule = sys.modules[__name__]
lModuleDefList = dir(lModule)
for lItemDefNameStr in lModuleDefList:
# Dont append alias for defs Agent
if lItemDefNameStr not in ["Agent"]:
lItemDef = getattr(lModule,lItemDefNameStr)
if callable(lItemDef): inGSettings["ProcessorDict"]["AliasDefDict"][lItemDefNameStr]=lItemDef
# Detect Machine host name and username
inGSettings["AgentDict"]["HostNameUpperStr"] = socket.gethostname().upper()
inGSettings["AgentDict"]["UserUpperStr"] = getpass.getuser().upper()