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Provides functions for iterating and finding windows/elements

-exception pywinauto.findwindows.ElementAmbiguousError

There was more then one element that matched

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-exception pywinauto.findwindows.ElementNotFoundError

No element could be found

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-exception pywinauto.findwindows.WindowAmbiguousError

There was more then one window that matched

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-exception pywinauto.findwindows.WindowNotFoundError

No window could be found

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Return a list of handles of all the top level windows

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Call find_elements and ensure that only one element is returned


Calls find_elements with exactly the same arguments as it is called with -so please see find_elements() for the full parameters description.

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-pywinauto.findwindows.find_elements(class_name=None, class_name_re=None, parent=None, process=None, title=None, title_re=None, top_level_only=True, visible_only=True, enabled_only=False, best_match=None, handle=None, ctrl_index=None, found_index=None, predicate_func=None, active_only=False, control_id=None, control_type=None, auto_id=None, framework_id=None, backend=None, depth=None)

Find elements based on criteria passed in


WARNING! Direct usage of this function is not recommended! It’s a very low level API. -Better use Application and WindowSpecification objects described in the -Getting Started Guide.


Possible values are:

  • class_name Elements with this window class
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  • class_name_re Elements whose class matches this regular expression
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  • parent Elements that are children of this
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  • process Elements running in this process
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  • title Elements with this text
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  • title_re Elements whose text matches this regular expression
  • -
  • top_level_only Top level elements only (default=**True**)
  • -
  • visible_only Visible elements only (default=**True**)
  • -
  • enabled_only Enabled elements only (default=False)
  • -
  • best_match Elements with a title similar to this
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  • handle The handle of the element to return
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  • ctrl_index The index of the child element to return
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  • found_index The index of the filtered out child element to return
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  • predicate_func A user provided hook for a custom element validation
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  • active_only Active elements only (default=False)
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  • control_id Elements with this control id
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  • control_type Elements with this control type (string; for UIAutomation elements)
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  • auto_id Elements with this automation id (for UIAutomation elements)
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  • framework_id Elements with this framework id (for UIAutomation elements)
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  • backend Back-end name to use while searching (default=None means current active backend)
  • -
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Call find_elements and ensure that only handle of one element is returned


Calls find_elements with exactly the same arguments as it is called with -so please see find_elements() for the full parameters description.

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Find elements based on criteria passed in and return list of their handles


Calls find_elements with exactly the same arguments as it is called with -so please see find_elements() for the full parameters description.

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