Minimize the CPU time in orchestrator

Ivan Maslov 4 years ago
parent ed4909bd1d
commit 600db3b9c7

@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ def Update(inGSettings):
"Session":{ # Settings about web session. Session algorythms works only for special requests (URL in ServerSettings)
"LifetimeSecFloat": 600.0, # Client Session lifetime in seconds. after this time server will forget about this client session
"LifetimeRequestSecFloat": 120.0, # 1 client request lifetime in server in seconds
"ControlPanelRefreshIntervalSecFloat": 1.5, # Interval to refresh control panels for session,
"ControlPanelRefreshIntervalSecFloat": 3.0, # Interval to refresh control panels for session,
"TechnicalSessionGUIDCache": { # TEchnical cache. Fills when web browser is requesting
#"SessionGUIDStr":{ # Session with some GUID str. On client session guid stored in cookie "SessionGUIDStr"
# "InitDatetime": None, # Datetime when session GUID was created
@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ def Update(inGSettings):
# },
"AliasDefDict": {} , # Storage for def with Str alias. To use it see pyOpenRPA.Orchestrator.ControlPanel
"CheckIntervalSecFloat": 1.0, # Interval for check gSettings in ProcessorDict > ActivityList
"CheckIntervalSecFloat": 2.0, # Interval for check gSettings in ProcessorDict > ActivityList
"ExecuteBool": True, # Flag to execute thread processor
"ThreadIdInt": None # Fill thread id when processor will be inited
@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ def Update(inGSettings):
if lL: lL.warning(f"Backward compatibility (v1.1.20 to v1.2.0): Create new attribute 'VersionStr'") # Log about compatibility
if "DumpLogListRefreshIntervalSecFloat" not in inGSettings["Client"]: # Create new ProcessorDict structure
"DumpLogListRefreshIntervalSecFloat": 3.0, # Duration between updates for the Client
"DumpLogListRefreshIntervalSecFloat": 4.0, # Duration between updates for the Client
"DumpLogListCountInt": 100, # Set the max row for the dump
"DumpLogList": [], # Will be filled automatically
"DumpLogListHashStr": None, # Will be filled automatically
