@ -31,192 +31,678 @@
""" Defines Windows(tm) functions """
import ctypes
from ctypes import LibraryLoader
from ctypes import WinDLL
from ctypes import wintypes
from . import win32defines , win32structures
from . actionlogger import ActionLogger
from ctypes import c_uint , c_short , c_long
from ctypes import c_short
from ctypes import WINFUNCTYPE
from ctypes import c_void_p
from ctypes import c_int
from ctypes import byref
from ctypes import POINTER
from ctypes import c_ubyte
from ctypes import c_size_t
# Quote: "If you want cached libs without polluting ctypes.cdll or
# ctypes.windll, just create your own instance such as
# windll = ctypes.LibraryLoader(ctypes.WinDLL)."
# see https://bugs.python.org/issue22552
windll = LibraryLoader ( WinDLL )
import sys
if sys . platform == " cygwin " :
windll = ctypes . cdll
HRESULT = c_long
UINT = c_uint
SHORT = c_short
CreateBrushIndirect = ctypes . windll . gdi32 . CreateBrushIndirect
CreateDC = ctypes . windll . gdi32 . CreateDCW
CreateFontIndirect = ctypes . windll . gdi32 . CreateFontIndirectW
CreatePen = ctypes . windll . gdi32 . CreatePen
DeleteDC = ctypes . windll . gdi32 . DeleteDC
GetObject = ctypes . windll . gdi32 . GetObjectW
DeleteObject = ctypes . windll . gdi32 . DeleteObject
DrawText = ctypes . windll . user32 . DrawTextW
TextOut = ctypes . windll . gdi32 . TextOutW
Rectangle = ctypes . windll . gdi32 . Rectangle
SelectObject = ctypes . windll . gdi32 . SelectObject
GetStockObject = ctypes . windll . gdi32 . GetStockObject
GetSystemMetrics = ctypes . windll . user32 . GetSystemMetrics
GetSystemMetrics . restype = ctypes . c_int
GetSystemMetrics . argtypes = ( ctypes . c_int , )
GetTextMetrics = ctypes . windll . gdi32 . GetTextMetricsW
EnumChildWindows = ctypes . windll . user32 . EnumChildWindows
EnumDesktopWindows = ctypes . windll . user32 . EnumDesktopWindows
EnumWindows = ctypes . windll . user32 . EnumWindows
GetDC = ctypes . windll . user32 . GetDC
GetDesktopWindow = ctypes . windll . user32 . GetDesktopWindow
SendInput = ctypes . windll . user32 . SendInput
SetCursorPos = ctypes . windll . user32 . SetCursorPos
GetCursorPos = ctypes . windll . user32 . GetCursorPos
GetCaretPos = ctypes . windll . user32 . GetCaretPos
CreateBrushIndirect = windll . gdi32 . CreateBrushIndirect
CreateBrushIndirect . restype = wintypes . HBRUSH
CreateBrushIndirect . argtypes = [
c_void_p ,
CreateDC = windll . gdi32 . CreateDCW
CreateDC . restype = wintypes . HDC
CreateDC . argtypes = [
wintypes . LPCWSTR ,
wintypes . LPCWSTR ,
wintypes . LPCWSTR ,
c_void_p ,
CreateFontIndirect = windll . gdi32 . CreateFontIndirectW
CreateFontIndirect . restype = wintypes . HFONT
CreateFontIndirect . argtypes = [
POINTER ( win32structures . LOGFONTW ) ,
CreatePen = windll . gdi32 . CreatePen
CreatePen . restype = wintypes . HPEN
CreatePen . argtypes = [
c_int ,
c_int ,
wintypes . COLORREF ,
DeleteDC = windll . gdi32 . DeleteDC
DeleteDC . restype = wintypes . BOOL
DeleteDC . argtypes = [
wintypes . HDC ,
GetObject = windll . gdi32 . GetObjectW
GetObject . restype = c_int
GetObject . argtypes = [
wintypes . HANDLE ,
c_int ,
wintypes . LPVOID ,
DeleteObject = windll . gdi32 . DeleteObject
DeleteObject . restype = wintypes . BOOL
DeleteObject . argtypes = [
wintypes . HGDIOBJ ,
DrawText = windll . user32 . DrawTextW
DrawText . restype = c_int
DrawText . argtypes = [
wintypes . HDC ,
wintypes . LPCWSTR ,
c_int ,
POINTER ( wintypes . RECT ) ,
wintypes . UINT ,
TextOut = windll . gdi32 . TextOutW
TextOut . restype = wintypes . BOOL
TextOut . argtypes = [
wintypes . HDC ,
c_int ,
c_int ,
wintypes . LPCWSTR ,
c_int ,
Rectangle = windll . gdi32 . Rectangle
Rectangle . restype = wintypes . BOOL
Rectangle . argtypes = [
wintypes . HDC ,
c_int ,
c_int ,
c_int ,
c_int ,
SelectObject = windll . gdi32 . SelectObject
SelectObject . restype = wintypes . HGDIOBJ
SelectObject . argtypes = [
wintypes . HDC ,
wintypes . HGDIOBJ ,
GetStockObject = windll . gdi32 . GetStockObject
GetStockObject . restype = wintypes . HGDIOBJ
GetStockObject . argtypes = [
c_int ,
GetSystemMetrics = windll . user32 . GetSystemMetrics
GetSystemMetrics . restype = c_int
GetSystemMetrics . argtypes = [
c_int ,
GetTextMetrics = windll . gdi32 . GetTextMetricsW
GetTextMetrics . restype = wintypes . BOOL
GetTextMetrics . argtypes = [
wintypes . HDC ,
POINTER ( win32structures . TEXTMETRICW ) ,
EnumChildWindows = windll . user32 . EnumChildWindows
EnumChildWindows . restype = wintypes . BOOL
EnumChildWindows . argtypes = [
wintypes . HWND ,
WINFUNCTYPE ( wintypes . BOOL , wintypes . HWND , wintypes . LPARAM ) ,
wintypes . LPARAM ,
EnumDesktopWindows = windll . user32 . EnumDesktopWindows
EnumDesktopWindows . restype = wintypes . BOOL
EnumDesktopWindows . argtypes = [
wintypes . LPVOID ,
WINFUNCTYPE ( wintypes . BOOL , wintypes . HWND , wintypes . LPARAM ) ,
wintypes . LPARAM ,
EnumWindows = windll . user32 . EnumWindows
EnumWindows . restype = wintypes . BOOL
EnumWindows . argtypes = [
WINFUNCTYPE ( wintypes . BOOL , wintypes . HWND , wintypes . LPARAM ) ,
wintypes . LPARAM ,
GetDC = windll . user32 . GetDC
GetDC . restype = wintypes . LPVOID
GetDC . argtypes = [
wintypes . HWND ,
GetDesktopWindow = windll . user32 . GetDesktopWindow
GetDesktopWindow . restype = wintypes . HWND
GetDesktopWindow . argtypes = [
SendInput = windll . user32 . SendInput
SendInput . restype = wintypes . UINT
SendInput . argtypes = [
wintypes . UINT ,
c_void_p , # using POINTER(win32structures.INPUT) needs rework in keyboard.py
c_int ,
SetCursorPos = windll . user32 . SetCursorPos
SetCursorPos . restype = wintypes . BOOL
SetCursorPos . argtypes = [
c_int ,
c_int ,
GetCursorPos = windll . user32 . GetCursorPos
GetCursorPos . restype = wintypes . BOOL
GetCursorPos . argtypes = [
POINTER ( wintypes . POINT ) ,
GetCaretPos = windll . user32 . GetCaretPos
GetCaretPos . restype = wintypes . BOOL
GetCaretPos . argtypes = [
POINTER ( wintypes . POINT ) ,
GetKeyboardState = windll . user32 . GetKeyboardState
GetKeyboardState . restype = wintypes . BOOL
GetKeyboardState . argtypes = [
POINTER ( c_ubyte ) ,
SetKeyboardState = windll . user32 . SetKeyboardState
SetKeyboardState . restype = wintypes . BOOL
SetKeyboardState . argtypes = [
POINTER ( c_ubyte ) ,
GetKeyboardLayout = windll . user32 . GetKeyboardLayout
GetKeyboardLayout . restype = wintypes . HKL
GetKeyboardLayout . argtypes = [
wintypes . DWORD ,
VkKeyScanW = windll . user32 . VkKeyScanW
VkKeyScanW . restype = SHORT
VkKeyScanW . argtypes = [
wintypes . WCHAR ,
VkKeyScanExW = windll . user32 . VkKeyScanExW
VkKeyScanExW . restype = SHORT
VkKeyScanExW . argtypes = [
wintypes . WCHAR ,
wintypes . HKL ,
GetMessageExtraInfo = windll . user32 . GetMessageExtraInfo
MapVirtualKeyW = windll . user32 . MapVirtualKeyW
# menu functions
DrawMenuBar = ctypes . windll . user32 . DrawMenuBar
GetMenu = ctypes . windll . user32 . GetMenu
GetMenuBarInfo = ctypes . windll . user32 . GetMenuBarInfo
GetMenuInfo = ctypes . windll . user32 . GetMenuInfo
GetMenuItemCount = ctypes . windll . user32 . GetMenuItemCount
GetMenuItemInfo = ctypes . windll . user32 . GetMenuItemInfoW
SetMenuItemInfo = ctypes . windll . user32 . SetMenuItemInfoW
GetMenuItemRect = ctypes . windll . user32 . GetMenuItemRect
CheckMenuItem = ctypes . windll . user32 . CheckMenuItem
GetMenuState = ctypes . windll . user32 . GetMenuState
GetSubMenu = ctypes . windll . user32 . GetSubMenu
GetSystemMenu = ctypes . windll . user32 . GetSystemMenu
HiliteMenuItem = ctypes . windll . user32 . HiliteMenuItem
IsMenu = ctypes . windll . user32 . IsMenu
MenuItemFromPoint = ctypes . windll . user32 . MenuItemFromPoint
BringWindowToTop = ctypes . windll . user32 . BringWindowToTop
GetVersion = ctypes . windll . kernel32 . GetVersion
GetParent = ctypes . windll . user32 . GetParent
GetWindow = ctypes . windll . user32 . GetWindow
ShowWindow = ctypes . windll . user32 . ShowWindow
GetWindowContextHelpId = ctypes . windll . user32 . GetWindowContextHelpId
GetWindowLong = ctypes . windll . user32 . GetWindowLongW
GetWindowPlacement = ctypes . windll . user32 . GetWindowPlacement
GetWindowRect = ctypes . windll . user32 . GetWindowRect
GetWindowText = ctypes . windll . user32 . GetWindowTextW
GetWindowTextLength = ctypes . windll . user32 . GetWindowTextLengthW
GetClassName = ctypes . windll . user32 . GetClassNameW
GetClassName . argtypes = [ win32structures . HWND , wintypes . LPWSTR , ctypes . c_int ]
GetClassName . restrype = ctypes . c_int
GetClientRect = ctypes . windll . user32 . GetClientRect
IsChild = ctypes . windll . user32 . IsChild
IsWindow = ctypes . windll . user32 . IsWindow
IsWindow . argtypes = [ win32structures . HWND ]
IsWindow . restype = win32structures . BOOL
IsWindowUnicode = ctypes . windll . user32 . IsWindowUnicode
IsWindowUnicode . argtypes = [ win32structures . HWND ]
IsWindowUnicode . restype = win32structures . BOOL
IsWindowVisible = ctypes . windll . user32 . IsWindowVisible
IsWindowVisible . argtypes = [ win32structures . HWND ]
IsWindowVisible . restype = win32structures . BOOL
IsWindowEnabled = ctypes . windll . user32 . IsWindowEnabled
IsWindowEnabled . argtypes = [ win32structures . HWND ]
IsWindowEnabled . restype = win32structures . BOOL
ClientToScreen = ctypes . windll . user32 . ClientToScreen
ScreenToClient = ctypes . windll . user32 . ScreenToClient
GetCurrentThreadId = ctypes . windll . Kernel32 . GetCurrentThreadId
GetWindowThreadProcessId = ctypes . windll . user32 . GetWindowThreadProcessId
GetGUIThreadInfo = ctypes . windll . user32 . GetGUIThreadInfo
AttachThreadInput = ctypes . windll . user32 . AttachThreadInput
AttachThreadInput . restype = win32structures . BOOL
AttachThreadInput . argtypes = [ win32structures . DWORD , win32structures . DWORD , win32structures . BOOL ]
#GetWindowThreadProcessId = ctypes.windll.user32.GetWindowThreadProcessId
GetLastError = ctypes . windll . kernel32 . GetLastError
OpenProcess = ctypes . windll . kernel32 . OpenProcess
CloseHandle = ctypes . windll . kernel32 . CloseHandle
CreateProcess = ctypes . windll . kernel32 . CreateProcessW
TerminateProcess = ctypes . windll . kernel32 . TerminateProcess
ExitProcess = ctypes . windll . kernel32 . ExitProcess
ReadProcessMemory = ctypes . windll . kernel32 . ReadProcessMemory
GlobalAlloc = ctypes . windll . kernel32 . GlobalAlloc
GlobalLock = ctypes . windll . kernel32 . GlobalLock
GlobalUnlock = ctypes . windll . kernel32 . GlobalUnlock
SendMessage = ctypes . windll . user32 . SendMessageW
SendMessageTimeout = ctypes . windll . user32 . SendMessageTimeoutW
SendMessageTimeout . argtypes = [ win32structures . HWND , win32structures . UINT , win32structures . WPARAM ,
win32structures . LPARAM , win32structures . UINT , win32structures . UINT ,
win32structures . PDWORD_PTR ]
SendMessageTimeout . restype = win32structures . LRESULT
SendMessageA = ctypes . windll . user32 . SendMessageA
PostMessage = ctypes . windll . user32 . PostMessageW
GetMessage = ctypes . windll . user32 . GetMessageW
RegisterWindowMessage = ctypes . windll . user32 . RegisterWindowMessageW
RegisterWindowMessage . restype = UINT
MoveWindow = ctypes . windll . user32 . MoveWindow
EnableWindow = ctypes . windll . user32 . EnableWindow
SetActiveWindow = ctypes . windll . user32 . SetActiveWindow
GetFocus = ctypes . windll . user32 . GetFocus
SetFocus = ctypes . windll . user32 . SetFocus
SetForegroundWindow = ctypes . windll . user32 . SetForegroundWindow
GetForegroundWindow = ctypes . windll . user32 . GetForegroundWindow
SetWindowLong = ctypes . windll . user32 . SetWindowLongW
DrawMenuBar = windll . user32 . DrawMenuBar
DrawMenuBar . restype = wintypes . BOOL
DrawMenuBar . argstype = [
wintypes . HWND ,
GetMenu = windll . user32 . GetMenu
GetMenu . restype = wintypes . HMENU
GetMenu . argtypes = [
wintypes . HWND ,
GetMenuBarInfo = windll . user32 . GetMenuBarInfo
GetMenuBarInfo . restype = wintypes . BOOL
GetMenuBarInfo . argtypes = [
wintypes . HWND ,
wintypes . LONG ,
wintypes . LONG ,
POINTER ( win32structures . MENUBARINFO ) ,
GetMenuInfo = windll . user32 . GetMenuInfo
GetMenuInfo . restype = wintypes . BOOL
GetMenuInfo . argtypes = [
wintypes . HWND ,
POINTER ( win32structures . MENUINFO ) ,
GetMenuItemCount = windll . user32 . GetMenuItemCount
GetMenuItemCount . restype = c_int
GetMenuItemCount . argtypes = [
wintypes . HMENU ,
GetMenuItemInfo = windll . user32 . GetMenuItemInfoW
GetMenuItemInfo . restype = wintypes . BOOL
GetMenuItemInfo . argtypes = [
wintypes . HMENU ,
wintypes . UINT ,
wintypes . BOOL ,
POINTER ( win32structures . MENUITEMINFOW ) ,
SetMenuItemInfo = windll . user32 . SetMenuItemInfoW
SetMenuItemInfo . restype = wintypes . BOOL
SetMenuItemInfo . argtypes = [
wintypes . HMENU ,
wintypes . UINT ,
wintypes . BOOL ,
POINTER ( win32structures . MENUITEMINFOW ) ,
GetMenuItemRect = windll . user32 . GetMenuItemRect
GetMenuItemRect . restype = wintypes . BOOL
GetMenuItemRect . argtypes = [
wintypes . HWND ,
wintypes . HMENU ,
wintypes . UINT ,
POINTER ( wintypes . RECT ) ,
CheckMenuItem = windll . user32 . CheckMenuItem
CheckMenuItem . restype = wintypes . DWORD
CheckMenuItem . argtypes = [
wintypes . HMENU ,
wintypes . UINT ,
wintypes . UINT ,
GetMenuState = windll . user32 . GetMenuState
GetMenuState . restype = wintypes . UINT
GetMenuState . argtypes = [
wintypes . HMENU ,
wintypes . UINT ,
wintypes . UINT ,
GetSubMenu = windll . user32 . GetSubMenu
GetSubMenu . restype = wintypes . HMENU
GetSubMenu . argtypes = [
wintypes . HMENU ,
c_int ,
GetSystemMenu = windll . user32 . GetSystemMenu
GetSystemMenu . restype = wintypes . HMENU
GetSystemMenu . argtypes = [
wintypes . HWND ,
wintypes . BOOL ,
HiliteMenuItem = windll . user32 . HiliteMenuItem
HiliteMenuItem . restype = wintypes . BOOL
HiliteMenuItem . argtypes = [
wintypes . HWND ,
wintypes . HMENU ,
wintypes . UINT ,
wintypes . UINT ,
IsMenu = windll . user32 . IsMenu
IsMenu . restype = wintypes . BOOL
IsMenu . argtypes = [
wintypes . HMENU ,
MenuItemFromPoint = windll . user32 . MenuItemFromPoint
MenuItemFromPoint . restype = c_int
MenuItemFromPoint . argtypes = [
wintypes . HWND ,
wintypes . HMENU ,
POINTER ( wintypes . POINT ) ,
BringWindowToTop = windll . user32 . BringWindowToTop
BringWindowToTop . restype = wintypes . BOOL
BringWindowToTop . argtypes = [
wintypes . HWND ,
GetParent = windll . user32 . GetParent
GetParent . restype = wintypes . HWND
GetParent . argtypes = [
wintypes . HWND ,
GetWindow = windll . user32 . GetWindow
GetWindow . restype = wintypes . HWND
GetWindow . argtypes = [
wintypes . HWND ,
wintypes . UINT ,
ShowWindow = windll . user32 . ShowWindow
ShowWindow . restype = wintypes . BOOL
ShowWindow . argtypes = [
wintypes . HWND ,
c_int ,
GetWindowContextHelpId = windll . user32 . GetWindowContextHelpId
GetWindowContextHelpId . restype = wintypes . DWORD
GetWindowContextHelpId . argtypes = [
wintypes . HWND ,
GetWindowLong = windll . user32 . GetWindowLongW
GetWindowLong . restype = wintypes . LONG
GetWindowLong . argtypes = [
wintypes . HWND ,
c_int ,
GetWindowPlacement = windll . user32 . GetWindowPlacement
GetWindowPlacement . restype = wintypes . BOOL
GetWindowPlacement . argtypes = [
wintypes . HWND ,
POINTER ( win32structures . WINDOWPLACEMENT ) ,
GetWindowRect = windll . user32 . GetWindowRect
GetWindowRect . restype = wintypes . BOOL
GetWindowRect . argtypes = [
wintypes . HWND ,
POINTER ( wintypes . RECT ) ,
GetWindowText = windll . user32 . GetWindowTextW
GetWindowText . restype = c_int
GetWindowText . argtypes = [
wintypes . HWND ,
wintypes . LPWSTR ,
c_int ,
GetWindowTextLength = windll . user32 . GetWindowTextLengthW
GetWindowTextLength . restype = c_int
GetWindowTextLength . argtypes = [
wintypes . HWND ,
GetClassName = windll . user32 . GetClassNameW
GetClassName . restype = c_int
GetClassName . argtypes = [
wintypes . HWND ,
wintypes . LPWSTR ,
c_int ,
GetClientRect = windll . user32 . GetClientRect
GetClientRect . restype = wintypes . BOOL
GetClientRect . argtypes = [
wintypes . HWND ,
POINTER ( wintypes . RECT ) ,
IsChild = windll . user32 . IsChild
IsChild . restype = wintypes . BOOL
IsChild . argtypes = [
wintypes . HWND ,
wintypes . HWND ,
IsWindow = windll . user32 . IsWindow
IsWindow . restype = wintypes . BOOL
IsWindow . argtypes = [
wintypes . HWND ,
IsWindowUnicode = windll . user32 . IsWindowUnicode
IsWindowUnicode . restype = wintypes . BOOL
IsWindowUnicode . argtypes = [
wintypes . HWND ,
IsWindowVisible = windll . user32 . IsWindowVisible
IsWindowVisible . restype = wintypes . BOOL
IsWindowVisible . argtypes = [
wintypes . HWND ,
IsWindowEnabled = windll . user32 . IsWindowEnabled
IsWindowEnabled . restype = wintypes . BOOL
IsWindowEnabled . argtypes = [
wintypes . HWND ,
ClientToScreen = windll . user32 . ClientToScreen
ClientToScreen . restype = wintypes . BOOL
ClientToScreen . argtypes = [
wintypes . HWND ,
POINTER ( wintypes . POINT ) ,
ScreenToClient = windll . user32 . ScreenToClient
ScreenToClient . restype = wintypes . BOOL
ScreenToClient . argtypes = [
wintypes . HWND ,
POINTER ( wintypes . POINT ) ,
GetCurrentThreadId = windll . kernel32 . GetCurrentThreadId
GetCurrentThreadId . restype = wintypes . DWORD
GetCurrentThreadId . argtypes = [
GetWindowThreadProcessId = windll . user32 . GetWindowThreadProcessId
GetWindowThreadProcessId . restype = wintypes . DWORD
GetWindowThreadProcessId . argtypes = [
wintypes . HWND ,
POINTER ( wintypes . DWORD ) ,
GetGUIThreadInfo = windll . user32 . GetGUIThreadInfo
GetGUIThreadInfo . restype = wintypes . BOOL
GetGUIThreadInfo . argtypes = [
wintypes . DWORD ,
POINTER ( win32structures . GUITHREADINFO ) ,
AttachThreadInput = windll . user32 . AttachThreadInput
AttachThreadInput . restype = wintypes . BOOL
AttachThreadInput . argtypes = [
wintypes . DWORD ,
wintypes . DWORD ,
wintypes . BOOL
OpenProcess = windll . kernel32 . OpenProcess
OpenProcess . restype = wintypes . HANDLE
OpenProcess . argtypes = [
wintypes . DWORD ,
wintypes . BOOL ,
wintypes . DWORD ,
CloseHandle = windll . kernel32 . CloseHandle
CloseHandle . restype = wintypes . BOOL
CloseHandle . argtypes = [
wintypes . HANDLE ,
CreateProcess = windll . kernel32 . CreateProcessW
CreateProcess . restype = wintypes . BOOL
CreateProcess . argtypes = [
wintypes . LPCWSTR ,
wintypes . LPWSTR ,
POINTER ( win32structures . SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES ) ,
POINTER ( win32structures . SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES ) ,
wintypes . BOOL ,
wintypes . DWORD ,
wintypes . LPVOID ,
wintypes . LPCWSTR ,
POINTER ( win32structures . STARTUPINFOW ) ,
POINTER ( win32structures . PROCESS_INFORMATION ) ,
TerminateProcess = windll . kernel32 . TerminateProcess
TerminateProcess . restype = wintypes . BOOL
TerminateProcess . argtypes = [
wintypes . HANDLE ,
wintypes . UINT ,
ExitProcess = windll . kernel32 . ExitProcess
ExitProcess . restype = None
ExitProcess . argtypes = [
wintypes . UINT ,
ReadProcessMemory = windll . kernel32 . ReadProcessMemory
ReadProcessMemory . restype = wintypes . BOOL
ReadProcessMemory . argtypes = [
wintypes . HANDLE ,
wintypes . LPVOID ,
wintypes . LPVOID ,
c_size_t ,
POINTER ( c_size_t ) ,
GlobalAlloc = windll . kernel32 . GlobalAlloc
GlobalLock = windll . kernel32 . GlobalLock
GlobalUnlock = windll . kernel32 . GlobalUnlock
SendMessage = windll . user32 . SendMessageW
SendMessage . restype = wintypes . LPARAM
SendMessage . argtypes = [
wintypes . HWND ,
wintypes . UINT ,
wintypes . WPARAM ,
wintypes . LPVOID ,
SendMessageTimeout = windll . user32 . SendMessageTimeoutW
SendMessageTimeout . restype = wintypes . LPARAM
SendMessageTimeout . argtypes = [
wintypes . HWND ,
wintypes . UINT ,
wintypes . WPARAM ,
wintypes . LPARAM ,
wintypes . UINT ,
wintypes . UINT ,
win32structures . PDWORD_PTR ,
PostMessage = windll . user32 . PostMessageW
PostMessage . restype = wintypes . BOOL
PostMessage . argtypes = [
wintypes . HWND ,
wintypes . UINT ,
wintypes . WPARAM ,
wintypes . LPARAM ,
GetMessage = windll . user32 . GetMessageW
GetMessage . restype = wintypes . BOOL
GetMessage . argtypes = [
POINTER ( wintypes . MSG ) ,
wintypes . HWND ,
wintypes . UINT ,
wintypes . UINT ,
RegisterWindowMessage = windll . user32 . RegisterWindowMessageW
RegisterWindowMessage . restype = wintypes . UINT
RegisterWindowMessage . argtypes = [
wintypes . LPCWSTR ,
MoveWindow = windll . user32 . MoveWindow
MoveWindow . restype = wintypes . BOOL
MoveWindow . argtypes = [
wintypes . HWND ,
c_int ,
c_int ,
c_int ,
c_int ,
wintypes . BOOL ,
EnableWindow = windll . user32 . EnableWindow
EnableWindow . restype = wintypes . BOOL
EnableWindow . argtypes = [
wintypes . HWND ,
wintypes . BOOL ,
SetFocus = windll . user32 . SetFocus
SetFocus . restype = wintypes . HWND
SetFocus . argtypes = [
wintypes . HWND ,
SetWindowLong = windll . user32 . SetWindowLongW
SetWindowLong . restype = wintypes . LONG
SetWindowLong . argtypes = [
wintypes . HWND ,
c_int ,
wintypes . LONG ,
try :
SetWindowLongPtr = ctypes . windll . user32 . SetWindowLongPtrW
SetWindowLongPtr . argtypes = [ win32structures . HWND , ctypes . c_int , win32structures . LONG_PTR ]
SetWindowLongPtr . restype = win32structures . LONG_PTR
SetWindowLongPtr = windll . user32 . SetWindowLongPtrW
SetWindowLongPtr . argtypes = [ win types. HWND , c_int , wintyp es. LONG_PTR ]
SetWindowLongPtr . restype = win typ es. LONG_PTR
except AttributeError :
SetWindowLongPtr = SetWindowLong
SystemParametersInfo = ctypes . windll . user32 . SystemParametersInfoW
VirtualAllocEx = ctypes . windll . kernel32 . VirtualAllocEx
VirtualAllocEx . restype = ctypes . c_void_p
VirtualFreeEx = ctypes . windll . kernel32 . VirtualFreeEx
DebugBreakProcess = ctypes . windll . kernel32 . DebugBreakProcess
VirtualAlloc = ctypes . windll . kernel32 . VirtualAlloc
VirtualFree = ctypes . windll . kernel32 . VirtualFree
WriteProcessMemory = ctypes . windll . kernel32 . WriteProcessMemory
GetActiveWindow = ctypes . windll . user32 . GetActiveWindow
GetLastActivePopup = ctypes . windll . user32 . GetLastActivePopup
FindWindow = ctypes . windll . user32 . FindWindowW
GetTopWindow = ctypes . windll . user32 . GetTopWindow
SetCapture = ctypes . windll . user32 . SetCapture
ReleaseCapture = ctypes . windll . user32 . ReleaseCapture
ShowOwnedPopups = ctypes . windll . user32 . ShowOwnedPopups
WindowFromPoint = ctypes . windll . user32 . WindowFromPoint
WideCharToMultiByte = ctypes . windll . kernel32 . WideCharToMultiByte
GetACP = ctypes . windll . kernel32 . GetACP
WaitForSingleObject = ctypes . windll . kernel32 . WaitForSingleObject
WaitForInputIdle = ctypes . windll . user32 . WaitForInputIdle
IsHungAppWindow = ctypes . windll . user32 . IsHungAppWindow
IsHungAppWindow . restype = win32structures . BOOL
IsHungAppWindow . argtypes = [ win32structures . HWND ]
GetModuleFileNameEx = ctypes . windll . psapi . GetModuleFileNameExW
GetClipboardData = ctypes . windll . user32 . GetClipboardData
OpenClipboard = ctypes . windll . user32 . OpenClipboard
EmptyClipboard = ctypes . windll . user32 . EmptyClipboard
CloseClipboard = ctypes . windll . user32 . CloseClipboard
CountClipboardFormats = ctypes . windll . user32 . CountClipboardFormats
EnumClipboardFormats = ctypes . windll . user32 . EnumClipboardFormats
GetClipboardFormatName = ctypes . windll . user32 . GetClipboardFormatNameW
SystemParametersInfo = windll . user32 . SystemParametersInfoW
SystemParametersInfo . restype = wintypes . UINT
SystemParametersInfo . argtypes = [
wintypes . UINT ,
wintypes . UINT ,
wintypes . LPVOID , # should map well to PVOID
wintypes . UINT ,
VirtualAllocEx = windll . kernel32 . VirtualAllocEx
VirtualAllocEx . restype = wintypes . LPVOID
VirtualAllocEx . argtypes = [
wintypes . HANDLE ,
wintypes . LPVOID ,
c_size_t ,
wintypes . DWORD ,
wintypes . DWORD ,
VirtualFreeEx = windll . kernel32 . VirtualFreeEx
VirtualFreeEx . restype = wintypes . BOOL
VirtualFreeEx . argtypes = [
wintypes . HANDLE ,
wintypes . LPVOID ,
c_size_t ,
wintypes . DWORD ,
VirtualAlloc = windll . kernel32 . VirtualAlloc
VirtualAlloc . restype = wintypes . LPVOID
VirtualAlloc . argtypes = [
wintypes . LPVOID ,
c_size_t ,
wintypes . DWORD ,
wintypes . DWORD ,
VirtualFree = windll . kernel32 . VirtualFree
VirtualFree . retype = wintypes . BOOL
VirtualFree . argtypes = [
wintypes . LPVOID ,
c_size_t ,
wintypes . DWORD ,
WriteProcessMemory = windll . kernel32 . WriteProcessMemory
WriteProcessMemory . restype = wintypes . BOOL
WriteProcessMemory . argtypes = [
wintypes . HANDLE ,
wintypes . LPVOID ,
wintypes . LPVOID ,
c_size_t ,
POINTER ( c_size_t ) ,
ReleaseCapture = windll . user32 . ReleaseCapture
ReleaseCapture . restype = wintypes . BOOL
ReleaseCapture . argtypes = [
WindowFromPoint = windll . user32 . WindowFromPoint
WindowFromPoint . restype = wintypes . HWND
WindowFromPoint . argtypes = [
wintypes . POINT ,
WaitForSingleObject = windll . kernel32 . WaitForSingleObject
WaitForSingleObject . restype = wintypes . DWORD
WaitForSingleObject . argtypes = [
wintypes . HANDLE ,
wintypes . DWORD ,
WaitForInputIdle = windll . user32 . WaitForInputIdle
WaitForInputIdle . restype = wintypes . DWORD
WaitForInputIdle . argtypes = [
wintypes . HANDLE ,
wintypes . DWORD ,
IsHungAppWindow = windll . user32 . IsHungAppWindow
IsHungAppWindow . restype = wintypes . BOOL
IsHungAppWindow . argtypes = [
wintypes . HWND ,
GetModuleFileNameEx = windll . psapi . GetModuleFileNameExW
GetModuleFileNameEx . restype = wintypes . DWORD
GetModuleFileNameEx . argtypes = [
wintypes . HANDLE ,
wintypes . HMODULE ,
wintypes . LPWSTR ,
wintypes . DWORD ,
GetClipboardData = windll . user32 . GetClipboardData
GetClipboardData . restype = wintypes . HANDLE
GetClipboardData . argtypes = [
wintypes . UINT ,
OpenClipboard = windll . user32 . OpenClipboard
OpenClipboard . restype = wintypes . BOOL
OpenClipboard . argtypes = [
wintypes . HWND ,
EmptyClipboard = windll . user32 . EmptyClipboard
EmptyClipboard . restype = wintypes . BOOL
EmptyClipboard . argtypes = [
CloseClipboard = windll . user32 . CloseClipboard
CloseClipboard . restype = wintypes . BOOL
CloseClipboard . argtypes = [
CountClipboardFormats = windll . user32 . CountClipboardFormats
CountClipboardFormats . restype = c_int
CountClipboardFormats . argtypes = [
EnumClipboardFormats = windll . user32 . EnumClipboardFormats
EnumClipboardFormats . restype = wintypes . UINT
EnumClipboardFormats . argtypes = [
wintypes . UINT ,
GetClipboardFormatName = windll . user32 . GetClipboardFormatNameW
GetClipboardFormatName . restype = c_int
GetClipboardFormatName . argtypes = [
wintypes . UINT ,
wintypes . LPWSTR ,
c_int ,
# DPIAware API funcs are not available on WinXP
try :
IsProcessDPIAware = ctypes . windll . user32 . IsProcessDPIAware
SetProcessDPIAware = ctypes . windll . user32 . SetProcessDPIAware
IsProcessDPIAware = windll. user32 . IsProcessDPIAware
SetProcessDPIAware = windll. user32 . SetProcessDPIAware
except AttributeError :
IsProcessDPIAware = None
SetProcessDPIAware = None
@ -230,7 +716,7 @@ except AttributeError:
# Process_Per_Monitor_DPI_Aware = 2
# } Process_DPI_Awareness;
try :
shcore = ctypes. windll. LoadLibrary ( " Shcore.dll " )
shcore = windll. LoadLibrary ( " Shcore.dll " )
SetProcessDpiAwareness = shcore . SetProcessDpiAwareness
GetProcessDpiAwareness = shcore . GetProcessDpiAwareness
Process_DPI_Awareness = {
@ -252,26 +738,17 @@ elif SetProcessDPIAware:
ActionLogger ( ) . log ( " Call SetProcessDPIAware " )
SetProcessDPIAware ( )
GetQueueStatus = ctypes. windll. user32 . GetQueueStatus
GetQueueStatus = windll. user32 . GetQueueStatus
LoadString = ctypes. windll. user32 . LoadStringW
LoadString = windll. user32 . LoadStringW
#def VkKeyScanW(p1):
# # C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~4/VC98/Include/winuser.h 4225
# return VkKeyScanW._api_(p1)
#VkKeyScan = stdcall(SHORT, 'user32', [c_wchar]) (VkKeyScanW)
#def MapVirtualKeyExW(p1, p2, p3):
# # C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~4/VC98/Include/winuser.h 4376
# return MapVirtualKeyExW._api_(p1, p2, p3)
#MapVirtualKeyEx = stdcall(
# UINT, 'user32', [c_uint, c_uint, c_long]) (MapVirtualKeyExW)
#def MapVirtualKeyW(p1, p2):
# # C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~4/VC98/Include/winuser.h 4355
# return MapVirtualKeyW._api_(p1, p2)
#MapVirtualKey = stdcall(UINT, 'user32', [c_uint, c_uint]) (MapVirtualKeyW)
@ -297,7 +774,7 @@ def LoWord(value):
def WaitGuiThreadIdle ( handle ) :
""" Wait until the thread of the specified handle is ready """
process_id = wintypes . DWORD ( 0 )
GetWindowThreadProcessId ( handle , ctypes. POINTER ( wintypes . DWORD ) ( process_id ) )
GetWindowThreadProcessId ( handle , byref ( process_id ) )
# ask the control if it has finished processing the message
hprocess = OpenProcess (
@ -327,10 +804,10 @@ def GetDpiAwarenessByPid(pid):
return dpi_awareness
try :
dpi_awareness = c types. c _int( )
dpi_awareness = c _int( )
hRes = GetProcessDpiAwareness (
hProcess ,
ctypes. byref( dpi_awareness ) )
byref( dpi_awareness ) )
CloseHandle ( hProcess )
if hRes == 0 :
return dpi_awareness . value