iflL:lL.warning(f"Backward compatibility (v1.1.20 to v1.2.0): Create new structure 'ProcessorDict'")# Log about compatibility
if"VersionStr"notininGSettings:# Create new ProcessorDict structure
iflL:lL.warning(f"Backward compatibility (v1.1.20 to v1.2.0): Create new attribute 'VersionStr'")# Log about compatibility
iflL:lL.warning(f"Backward compatibility (v1.1.20 to v1.2.0): Create new attribute 'VersionStr'")# Log about compatibility
if"DumpLogListRefreshIntervalSecFloat"notininGSettings["Client"]:# Create new ProcessorDict structure
"DumpLogListRefreshIntervalSecFloat":5.0,# Duration between updates for the Client
"DumpLogListCountInt":100,# Set the max row for the dump
"DumpLogList":[],# Will be filled automatically
"DumpLogListHashStr":None,# Will be filled automatically
iflL:lL.warning(f"Backward compatibility (v1.1.20 to v1.2.0): Create new attribute 'Client > DumpLog... with default parameters'")# Log about compatibility
iflValueStr!=lServerLogListHashStrandlServerLogListHashStr!=""andlServerLogListHashStr!=None:# Case if Hash is not equal Fix because None can be obtained without JSON decode