RobotRDPActive: # Minor fixes/ ActivityListFromOrchestrator/ StartFullscreen fix/ AddFunctions without GDict send
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# ATTENTION! HERE IS NO Relative import because it will be imported dynamically
# All function check the flag SessionIsWindowResponsibleBool == True else no cammand is processed
# All functions can return None, Bool or Dict { "IsSuccessful": True }
from pyOpenRPA.Tools.RobotRDPActive import CMDStr # Create CMD Strings
from pyOpenRPA.Tools.RobotRDPActive import Connector # RDP API
gSettings = None # Gsettings will be initialized after the import module
def ProcessStartIfNotRunning(inSessionIndex, inProcessName, inFilePath, inFlagGetAbsPath=True):
global gSettings
inGlobalDict = gSettings
lResult = True
lCMDStr = CMDStr.ProcessStartIfNotRunning(inProcessName,inFilePath, inFlagGetAbsPath= inFlagGetAbsPath)
# Calculate the session Hex
lSessionHex = inGlobalDict["RDPList"][inSessionIndex]["SessionHex"]
# Check is Session is responsible
if inGlobalDict["RDPList"][inSessionIndex]["SessionIsWindowResponsibleBool"]:
# Run CMD
Connector.SessionCMDRun(inSessionHex=lSessionHex, inCMDCommandStr=lCMDStr, inModeStr="RUN")
# Write in logger - warning
inGlobalDict["Logger"].warning(f"Defs_SessionIndex.ProcessStartIfNotRunning: SessionIndex: {str(inSessionIndex)}, ProcessName: {inProcessName}:: Session is not responsible!")
lResult = False # Set false result - function has not been done
return lResult
# Create CMD str to stop process
def ProcessStop(inSessionIndex, inProcessName, inFlagForceClose):
global gSettings
inGlobalDict = gSettings
lResult = True
lCMDStr = f'taskkill /im "{inProcessName}" /fi "username eq %USERNAME%"'
if inFlagForceClose:
lCMDStr+= " /F"
# Calculate the session Hex
lSessionHex = inGlobalDict["RDPList"][inSessionIndex]["SessionHex"]
# Check is Session is responsible
if inGlobalDict["RDPList"][inSessionIndex]["SessionIsWindowResponsibleBool"]:
# Run CMD
Connector.SessionCMDRun(inSessionHex=lSessionHex, inCMDCommandStr=lCMDStr, inModeStr="RUN")
# TODO Write in logger - warning
inGlobalDict["Logger"].warning(f"Defs_SessionIndex.ProcessStop: SessionIndex: {str(inSessionIndex)}, ProcessName: {inProcessName}:: Session is not responsible!")
lResult = False # Set false result - function has not been done
return lResult
# Send file from Host to Session RDP using shared drive in RDP
def FileStoredSend(inSessionIndex, inHostFilePath, inRDPFilePath):
global gSettings
inGlobalDict = gSettings
lResult = True
lCMDStr = CMDStr.FileStoredSend(inHostFilePath = inHostFilePath, inRDPFilePath = inRDPFilePath)
# Calculate the session Hex
lSessionHex = inGlobalDict["RDPList"][inSessionIndex]["SessionHex"]
# Check is Session is responsible
if inGlobalDict["RDPList"][inSessionIndex]["SessionIsWindowResponsibleBool"]:
# Run CMD
Connector.SessionCMDRun(inSessionHex=lSessionHex, inCMDCommandStr=lCMDStr, inModeStr="LISTEN", inClipboardTimeoutSec = 120)
# Write in logger - warning
inGlobalDict["Logger"].warning(f"Defs_SessionIndex.FileStoredSend: SessionIndex: {str(inSessionIndex)}, HostFilePath: {inHostFilePath}:: Session is not responsible!")
lResult = False # Set false result - function has not been done
return lResult
# Recieve file from Session RDP to Host using shared drive in RDP
def FileStoredRecieve(inSessionIndex, inRDPFilePath, inHostFilePath):
global gSettings
inGlobalDict = gSettings
lResult = True
lCMDStr = CMDStr.FileStoredRecieve(inRDPFilePath = inRDPFilePath, inHostFilePath = inHostFilePath)
# Calculate the session Hex
lSessionHex = inGlobalDict["RDPList"][inSessionIndex]["SessionHex"]
# Check is Session is responsible
if inGlobalDict["RDPList"][inSessionIndex]["SessionIsWindowResponsibleBool"]:
# Run CMD
Connector.SessionCMDRun(inSessionHex=lSessionHex, inCMDCommandStr=lCMDStr, inModeStr="LISTEN", inClipboardTimeoutSec = 120)
# Write in logger - warning
inGlobalDict["Logger"].warning(f"Defs_SessionIndex.FileStoredRecieve: SessionIndex: {str(inSessionIndex)}, HostFilePath: {inHostFilePath}:: Session is not responsible!")
lResult = False # Set false result - function has not been done
return lResult
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