# Update the RDP active - improove work of the RDP cmd sent + feedback

Ivan Maslov 4 years ago
parent 4dde6d1501
commit f4ed1ff981

@ -15,10 +15,10 @@ gRecoveryWindowRDPRetryCountInt = 3 # Retry iteration count is RDP window is not
gRecoveryWindowRDPRetryIntervalSecInt = 3 # Retry interval for reconnect
gRecoveryWindowRUNRetryCountInt = 3 # Retry iteration count is RUN window is not responsible
gRecoveryWindowRUNRetryIntervalSecInt = 3 # Retry interval for reconnect
gRecoveryWindowRUNRetryIntervalSecInt = 3 # Retry interval for retry
gRecoveryCMDResponsibleRetryCountInt = 3 # Retry iteration count is CMD is not responsible
gRecoveryCMDResponsibleRetryIntervalSecInt = 3 # Retry interval for reconnect
gRecoveryCMDResponsibleRetryIntervalSecInt = 3 # Retry interval for retry
#Connect to RDP session
@ -159,23 +159,26 @@ def SessionScreenFull(inSessionHex, inGSettings = None):
lRDPConfigurationItem = None
lL = None
if inGSettings: # Get the values from gSettings
lRDPConfigurationItem = inGSettings["RobotRDPActive"]["RDPList"][inRDPSessionKeyStr] # Get the RDP configuration item
lRDPConfigurationItem = inGSettings["RobotRDPActive"]["RDPList"][inSessionHex] # Get the RDP configuration item
lL = inGSettings["Logger"] # Get the logger instance
while lWindowRDPRetryIterator<gRecoveryWindowRDPRetryCountInt: # Loop iteration to connect to RDP
try: # Try to get RDP window
lRDPWindow = UIDesktop.UIOSelector_Get_UIO([{"title_re": f"{inSessionHex}.*", "backend": "win32"}])
lWindowRDPRetryIterator = gRecoveryWindowRDPRetryCountInt # Set last iterator to turn off the loop
except Exception as e: # RDP window is not exist - try to reconnect
if inLogger: inLogger.warning(f"RDP::SessionScreenFull: RDP window is not exist - try sleep {gRecoveryWindowRDPRetryIntervalSecInt}[s.] and then to reconnect. SessionHex: {inSessionHex}")
time.sleep(gRecoveryWindowRDPRetryIntervalSecInt) # Before try to reconnect sleep
if lL: lL.warning(f"RDP::SessionScreenFull: RDP window is not exist - try sleep {gRecoveryWindowRDPRetryIntervalSecInt}[s.] and then to reconnect. SessionHex: {inSessionHex}. Current retry iterator is {lWindowRDPRetryIterator}")
if lRDPConfigurationItem:
time.sleep(gRecoveryWindowRDPRetryIntervalSecInt) # Before try to reconnect sleep
# Try to reconnect the RDP
Connector.SessionClose(inSessionHexStr=lSessionHex) # Close the
Connector.Session(lRDPConfigurationItem) # Create RDP session
SessionClose(inSessionHexStr=inSessionHex) # Close the
Session(lRDPConfigurationItem) # Create RDP session
lWindowRDPRetryIterator = lWindowRDPRetryIterator + 1 # increase the iterator
if lWindowRDPRetryIterator >= gRecoveryWindowRDPRetryCountInt: # Raise the error if retry count is over
if lL: lL.warning(f"RDP::SessionScreenFull: Retry count is over. Raise the error. SessionHex: {inSessionHex}.") # Log the info
raise ConnectorExceptions.SessionWindowNotExistError() # raise the error
if inLogger: inLogger.warning(f"RDP::SessionScreenFull: Has no RDP configuration item - don't reconnect. Raise the error. SessionHex: {inSessionHex}") # Log the info
raise ConnectorExceptions.SessionWindowNotExistError() # raise the errors
if lL: lL.warning(f"RDP::SessionScreenFull: Has no RDP configuration item - don't reconnect. Raise the error. SessionHex: {inSessionHex}") # Log the info
raise ConnectorExceptions.SessionWindowNotExistError() # raise the error
# RDP window has been detected - go to set focus and maximize
@ -231,13 +234,15 @@ def SessionClose(inSessionHexStr):
# }
# example Connector.SessionCMDRun("4d1e48f3ff6c45cc810ea25d8adbeb50","start notepad", "RUN")
def SessionCMDRun(inSessionHex,inCMDCommandStr = "echo 1", inModeStr="CROSSCHECK", inClipboardTimeoutSec = 5, inGSettings = None):
lL = None # Init the logger
if inGSettings: # If gSettings is exist
lL = inGSettings["Logger"] # get the logger
# Init the result dict
lResult = {"OutStr": None,"IsResponsibleBool":True}
# Enter full screen mode
SessionScreenFull(inSessionHex, inGSettings = inGSettings)
SessionScreenFull(inSessionHex, inGSettings = inGSettings) # Enter full screen mode with recovery scenario
# Run CMD operations
lResult = SystemCMDRun(inCMDCommandStr = inCMDCommandStr, inModeStr = inModeStr, inClipboardTimeoutSec = inClipboardTimeoutSec)
lResult = SystemCMDRun(inCMDCommandStr = inCMDCommandStr, inModeStr = inModeStr, inClipboardTimeoutSec = inClipboardTimeoutSec, inLogger=lL)
# Exit fullscreen mode
SessionScreenSize_X_Y_W_H(inSessionHex=inSessionHex, inXInt=10, inYInt=10, inWInt=550,
inHInt=350) # Prepare little window
@ -289,43 +294,81 @@ def SessionIsMinimizedScreen(inSessionHexStr):
# "IsResponsibleBool": True|False # Flag is RDP is responsible - works only when inModeStr = CROSSCHECK
# }
# example Connector.SessionCMDRun("4d1e48f3ff6c45cc810ea25d8adbeb50","start notepad", "RUN")
def SystemCMDRun(inCMDCommandStr = "echo 1", inModeStr="CROSSCHECK", inClipboardTimeoutSec = 5):
# Set random text to clipboard (for check purposes that clipboard text has been changed)
lClipboardTextOld = str(random.randrange(999,9999999))
def SystemCMDRun(inCMDCommandStr = "echo 1", inModeStr="CROSSCHECK", inClipboardTimeoutSec = 5, inLogger = None):
lL = inLogger # Alias for logger
lResult = {"OutStr": None,"IsResponsibleBool":True} # Init the result dict
lClipboardTextOld = str(random.randrange(999,9999999)) # Set random text to clipboard (for check purposes that clipboard text has been changed)
# Init the result dict
lResult = {"OutStr": None,"IsResponsibleBool":True}
lCrosscheckKeyStr = str(random.randrange(999,9999999))
lCMDPostFixStr = "" # Case default "RUN"
if inModeStr == "CROSSCHECK":
lCMDPostFixStr = f"| echo {lCrosscheckKeyStr} | clip"
elif inModeStr == "LISTEN":
lCMDPostFixStr = f"| clip"
# Remove old text
# Write new text
keyboard.write(f"cmd /c {inCMDCommandStr} {lCMDPostFixStr}")
# TODo cross check from clipboard
# Get OutStr (Case CROSSCHECK and LISTEN)
if inModeStr == "CROSSCHECK" or inModeStr == "LISTEN":
lClipboardWaitTimeStartSec = time.time()
lResult["OutStr"] = Clipboard.TextGet() # Get text from clipboard
while lResult["OutStr"] == lClipboardTextOld and (time.time() - lClipboardWaitTimeStartSec) <= inClipboardTimeoutSec:
lRecoveryCMDResponsibleRetryIteratorInt = 0 # Init the retry iterator
while lRecoveryCMDResponsibleRetryIteratorInt<gRecoveryCMDResponsibleRetryCountInt: # loop for retry
# # # # # # # # # # # # # OPEN WINDOW RUN # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
lRecoveryWindowRUNRetryIteratorInt = 0 # Init the retry iterator
while lRecoveryWindowRUNRetryIteratorInt<gRecoveryWindowRUNRetryCountInt: # loop for retry
lCMDPostFixStr = "" # Case default "RUN"
if inModeStr == "CROSSCHECK":
lCMDPostFixStr = f"| echo {lCrosscheckKeyStr} | clip"
elif inModeStr == "LISTEN":
lCMDPostFixStr = f"| clip"
time.sleep(1) # Wait for RUN window will appear
keyboard.press_and_release("ctrl+a") # Select all
keyboard.press_and_release("backspace") # Delete selected all
lInputStr = f"cmd /c {inCMDCommandStr} {lCMDPostFixStr}" # Generate the output string for RUN window
keyboard.write(lInputStr) # Write new text
keyboard.press_and_release("ctrl+a") # Select all
keyboard.press_and_release("ctrl+c") # COPY in clipboard to check
#time.sleep(2 + 2 * lRecoveryWindowRUNRetryIteratorInt) # Wait when data will be copied UPD - no need - wait is below
# Check the clipboard
lClipboardWaitTimeStartSec = time.time()
lClipboardStr = Clipboard.TextGet() # Get text from clipboard
while lClipboardStr != lInputStr and (time.time() - lClipboardWaitTimeStartSec) <= inClipboardTimeoutSec:
lClipboardStr = Clipboard.TextGet() # Get text from clipboard
time.sleep(0.5) # wait some time for the next operation
if lClipboardStr == lInputStr: # Cross check the clipboard data and input string
lRecoveryWindowRUNRetryIteratorInt = gRecoveryWindowRUNRetryCountInt # Set final count to block the loop
else: # Failed - wait and retry
if lL: lL.warning(f"RDP::SystemCMDRun: Window run doesn't appear. Wait for {gRecoveryWindowRUNRetryIntervalSecInt}[s.] and retry. Current retry iterator is {lRecoveryWindowRUNRetryIteratorInt}. CMD Str: {lInputStr}") # Log the error
lRecoveryWindowRUNRetryIteratorInt = lRecoveryWindowRUNRetryIteratorInt + 1 # Increment the iterator
if lRecoveryWindowRUNRetryIteratorInt == gRecoveryWindowRUNRetryCountInt:
if lL: lL.warning(f"RDP::SystemCMDRun: Retry count is over. Raise the error. CMD Str: {lInputStr}") # Log the error
raise ConnectorExceptions.RUNExistError() # Raise the error
time.sleep(gRecoveryWindowRUNRetryIntervalSecInt) # wait for some seconds before new iteration
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # RUN CMD # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
keyboard.press_and_release('enter') # Execute CMD
if inModeStr == "CROSSCHECK" or inModeStr == "LISTEN": # Get OutStr (Case CROSSCHECK and LISTEN)
lClipboardWaitTimeStartSec = time.time()
lResult["OutStr"] = Clipboard.TextGet() # Get text from clipboard
time.sleep(0.5) # wait some time for the next operation
# Do crosscheck
if inModeStr == "CROSSCHECK":
if lResult["OutStr"] == f"{lCrosscheckKeyStr} \r\n\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00":
lResult["IsResponsibleBool"] = True
lResult["IsResponsibleBool"] = False
# return the result
return lResult
while lResult["OutStr"] == lClipboardTextOld and (time.time() - lClipboardWaitTimeStartSec) <= inClipboardTimeoutSec:
lResult["OutStr"] = Clipboard.TextGet() # Get text from clipboard
time.sleep(0.5) # wait some time for the next operation
if lResult["OutStr"] == lClipboardTextOld: # If value hasn't been changed - retry send
lRecoveryCMDResponsibleRetryIteratorInt = lRecoveryCMDResponsibleRetryIteratorInt + 1 # increment the iterator
if lL: lL.warning(f"RDP::SystemCMDRun: CMD command doesn't been executed (no changes in clipboard data). Wait for {gRecoveryCMDResponsibleRetryIntervalSecInt}[s.] and retry from start window RUN. Current retry iterator is {lRecoveryCMDResponsibleRetryIteratorInt}. CMD Str: {lInputStr}, Clipboard data: {lResult['OutStr']}") # Log the error
if lRecoveryCMDResponsibleRetryIteratorInt >= gRecoveryCMDResponsibleRetryCountInt: # raise the error if retry count is exceeded
if lL: lL.warning(f"RDP::SystemCMDRun: Retry count is over. Raise the error.") # Log the error
raise ConnectorExceptions.CMDResponsibleError() # Raise the error
time.sleep(gRecoveryCMDResponsibleRetryIntervalSecInt) # wait for some seconds before new iteration
else: # Data was recieved - do crosscheck
if inModeStr == "CROSSCHECK":
if lResult["OutStr"] == f"{lCrosscheckKeyStr} \r\n\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00": # it is ok - do futher check
lResult["IsResponsibleBool"] = True
lRecoveryCMDResponsibleRetryIteratorInt = gRecoveryCMDResponsibleRetryCountInt # turn off the iterator
lResult["IsResponsibleBool"] = False
lRecoveryCMDResponsibleRetryIteratorInt = lRecoveryCMDResponsibleRetryIteratorInt + 1 # increment the iterator
if lL: lL.warning(f"RDP::SystemCMDRun: CMD command doesn't been executed (wrong clipboard data). Wait for {gRecoveryCMDResponsibleRetryIntervalSecInt}[s.] and retry from start window RUN. Current retry iterator is {lRecoveryCMDResponsibleRetryIteratorInt}. CMD Str: {lInputStr}, Clipboard data: {lResult['OutStr']}") # Log the error
if lRecoveryCMDResponsibleRetryIteratorInt >= gRecoveryCMDResponsibleRetryCountInt: # raise the error if retry count is exceeded
if lL: lL.warning(f"RDP::SystemCMDRun: Retry count is over. Raise the error.") # Log the error
raise ConnectorExceptions.CMDResponsibleError() # Raise the error
time.sleep(gRecoveryCMDResponsibleRetryIntervalSecInt) # wait for some seconds before new iteration
else: # clipboard data has been changed but mode is not crosscheck - return success from function
lRecoveryCMDResponsibleRetryIteratorInt = gRecoveryCMDResponsibleRetryCountInt # turn off the iterator
else: # Success - no cross validation is aaplicable
lRecoveryCMDResponsibleRetryIteratorInt = gRecoveryCMDResponsibleRetryCountInt # turn off the iterator
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
return lResult # return the result
# Check if current RDP is responsible
def SystemRDPIsResponsible():
return SystemCMDRun(inCMDCommandStr = "echo 1", inModeStr="CROSSCHECK")["IsResponsibleBool"]

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ def RobotRDPActive(inGSettings):
# inGSettings = {
# ... "RobotRDPActive": {} ...
# }
lL = gSettingsDict["Logger"] #Logger alias
lL = inGSettings["Logger"] #Logger alias
Processor.gSettings = inGSettings # Set gSettings in processor module
mGSettingsRDPActiveDict = inGSettings["RobotRDPActive"] # Get configuration from global dict settings
# Global error handler
@ -95,8 +95,7 @@ def RobotRDPActive(inGSettings):
# Check all RDP window and minimize it
for lRDPSessionKeyStrItem in inGlobalDict["RDPList"]:
lRDPConfigurationDictItem = inGlobalDict["RDPList"][lRDPSessionKeyStrItem]
if Connector.SessionIsFullScreen(inSessionHexStr=lRDPConfigurationDictItem["SessionHex"]) or # if window in full screen - resize
Connector.SessionIsMinimizedScreen(inSessionHexStr=lRDPConfigurationDictItem["SessionHex"]): # If window is minimized - restore
if Connector.SessionIsFullScreen(inSessionHexStr=lRDPConfigurationDictItem["SessionHex"]) or Connector.SessionIsMinimizedScreen(inSessionHexStr=lRDPConfigurationDictItem["SessionHex"]): # If window is minimized - restore # if window in full screen - resize
inXInt=10, inYInt=10,
