# RobotRDPActive refactoring - create ControlPanel template

Ivan Maslov 5 years ago
parent c4f835b3cf
commit f93028125c

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
import psutil, datetime, logging, os, json
# # # # # # # ORCHESTRATOR CONTROL PANEL <Robot name> # # # # # # #
# Init parameters
gProcessNameWOEXE = "OpenRPA_RobotRDPActive"
gRDPStartFilePath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "..\\Utils\\RobotRDPActive\\pyOpenRPA.Tools.RobotRDPActive_x64.cmd")) # cwd is orchestrator working directory
gOrchestratorToRobotKeyList = ["Storage","RobotRDPActive","OrchestratorToRobotStorage"]
gRobotToOrchestratorKeyList = ["Storage","RobotRDPActive","RobotToOrchestratorStorage"]
gRobotRDPActiveDefsFolderPath = ""
# Function, which is generate Dict for front-endswith
def ControlPanelRenderDict(inGSettings):
"HeaderLeftText":"<Robot name>",
"DataStorageKey":"RobotRDPActive", #Use key for set current dict in mGlobal.DataStorage["DataStorageKey"] on client side
"SubheaderText": "State: <span style=\"color:green\">Turned on</span>",
{"Key":"Session list","Value":""},
{"Key":"Session list","Value":""}
"FooterText":"Last update: 9:38:00 09.10.2019",
{"Text":"Turn on", "Color":"green", "Link":"", "OnClick": lOnClickRunButton.replace("\\","\\\\")},
{"Text":"Kill", "Color":"red", "Link":"", "OnClick": lOnClickForceCloseButton.replace("\\","\\\\")}
# START :: Create activities :: START #
## RDP Start
lActivityRDPStartEscaped = (f"mGlobal.Controller.CMDRunText('start cmd /K {gRDPStartFilePath}');").replace("\\","\\\\") # Need escape because this is render on client side and after that it goes to server side :(
## RDP Safe turn off
lActivityRDPSafeOffEscaped = (f"mGlobal.Processor.ServerValueSet({json.dumps(gOrchestratorToRobotKeyList+['SafeTurnOff'])},true);").replace("\\","\\\\")
## RDP Kill
lActivityRDPKillEscaped = (f"mGlobal.Controller.CMDRunText('taskkill /F /im {gProcessNameWOEXE}.exe');").replace("\\","\\\\")
## Recieve file from RDP session to Orchestrator session
lActivityFileRDP2OrchestratorDict = [
"ModulePath": f"{os.path.join(gRobotRDPActiveDefsFolderPath,'Defs_SessionIndex.py')}", # "Session\\SessionDefs.py"
"DefName":"FileStoredRecieve", # Function name
"ArgList":[], # Args list
"ArgDict":{"inSessionIndex": 0, "inHostFilePath": "testRecieve.txt","inRDPFilePath": "C:\\Temp\\testRecieve.txt"} # Args dictionary
lActivityFileRDP2Orchestrator = f"mGlobal.Processor.ServerValueSet(['Storage','RobotRDPActive','OrchestratorToRobotResetStorage','ActivityList'],{json.dumps(lActivityFileRDP2OrchestratorDict)});"
# END :: Create activities :: END #
# START :: Init result dict template :: START #
"HeaderLeftText":"Keep active RDP sessions",
"DataStorageKey":"RobotRDPActive", #Use key for set current dict in mGlobal.DataStorage["DataStorageKey"] on client side
"SubheaderText":"<Subheader text>",
{"Key":"Session list","Value":""}
"FooterText":"Last update: 9:38:00 09.10.2019",
{"Text":"Turn on", "Color":"green", "Link":"", "OnClick": lActivityRDPStartEscaped},
{"Text":"Safe turn off", "Color":"orange", "Link":"", "OnClick": lActivityRDPSafeOffEscaped}
{"Text":"Kill", "Color":"red", "Link":"", "OnClick": lActivityRDPKillEscaped}
#"GlobalStorage": inGSettings.get("Storage",{}) # UNCOMMENT FOR DEBUG PURPOSE TO WATCH inGSettings on client side
# END :: Init result dict template :: END #
# START :: Fill BodyKeyValueList :: START #
## Read RDPList
lRDPList = TechDictKeyList_ItemGet(inDict=inGSettings, inKeyList=gRobotToOrchestratorKeyList+["RDPList"], inDefault=[]):
lFullScreenSessionIndex = TechDictKeyList_ItemGet(inDict=inGSettings, inKeyList=gRobotToOrchestratorKeyList+["FullScreenSessionIndex"], inDefault=None):
lRDPListIndex = 0
for lItem in lRDPList:
### Lable that session has fullscreen
lLabelSessionFullScreen = ""
lLabelIsIgnored = ""
### Link set full screen
lOnClickSetFullScreen = f"mGlobal.Processor.ServerValueSet(['Storage','RobotRDPActive','OrchestratorToRobotStorage','FullScreenSessionIndex'],{lRDPListIndex});"
lSetFullScreenA = f'<a onclick="{lOnClickSetFullScreen}" style=\"color:blue\">Set fullscreen</a>'
if lRDPListIndex == lFullScreenSessionIndex:
lLabelSessionFullScreen = '<span style=\"color:blue\">[Fullscreen]</span>'
lOnClickSetFullScreen = f"mGlobal.Processor.ServerValueSet(['Storage','RobotRDPActive','OrchestratorToRobotStorage','FullScreenSessionIndex'],null);"
lSetFullScreenA = f'<a onclick="{lOnClickSetFullScreen}" style=\"color:blue\">Set minimized</a>'
lIgnoreIndexListOnClick = "$.ajax({type: 'POST', url: 'RobotRDPActive/IgnoreIndexListAppend', data: '"+str(lRDPListIndex)+"', success: function(lData,l2,l3){}, dataType: 'text'});"
lIgnoreIndexListLink = f'<a onclick="{lIgnoreIndexListOnClick}" style=\"color:red\">Ignore</a>'
### Check if in ignore
if lRDPListIndex in inGSettings.get("Storage",{}).get("RobotRDPActive",{}).get("OrchestratorToRobotStorage",{}).get("IgnoreIndexList",[]):
lLabelIsIgnored = '<span style=\"color:red\">[Ignored]</span>'
lIgnoreIndexListOnClick = "$.ajax({type: 'POST', url: 'RobotRDPActive/IgnoreIndexListRemove', data: '"+str(lRDPListIndex)+"', success: function(lData,l2,l3){}, dataType: 'text'});"
lIgnoreIndexListLink = f'<a onclick="{lIgnoreIndexListOnClick}" style=\"color:red\">Unignore</a>'
### Session state
lItemSessionState='<span style=\"color:red\">Disconnected</span>'
if lItem.get("SessionIsWindowResponsibleBool",False):
lItemSessionState='<span style=\"color:green\">Connected</span>'
lResultDict["BodyKeyValueList"].append({"Key":f"[{str(lRDPListIndex)}]{lLabelSessionFullScreen}{lLabelIsIgnored}{lItem.get('Host','localhost')}:{lItem.get('Port','--')}","Value":f"{lItem.get('Login','--')}, {lItem.get('SessionHex','--')}, State {lItemSessionState}, {lSetFullScreenA}, {lIgnoreIndexListLink}"})
lRDPListIndex = lRDPListIndex + 1
# END :: Fill BodyKeyValueList :: END #
# START :: Fill SubheaderText :: START #
## Variants
lSubheaderRunTrueText="State: <span style=\"color:green\">Turned on</span>"
lSubheaderRunFalseText="State: <span style=\"color:red\">Turned off</span>"
if CheckIfProcessRunning(gProcessNameWOEXE):
# END :: Fill SubheaderText :: END #
# Fill FooterText
lResultDict["FooterText"]=f'Last update: {datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M:%S %d.%m.%Y")}'
return lResultDict
# Check in control panel, that process is runnning
def CheckIfProcessRunning(processName):
'''Check if there is any running process that contains the given name processName.'''
#Iterate over the all the running process
for proc in psutil.process_iter():
# Check if process name contains the given name string.
if processName.lower() in proc.name().lower():
return True
except (psutil.NoSuchProcess, psutil.AccessDenied, psutil.ZombieProcess):
return False
#Add to ignore list - AJAX request from client side
def IgnoreIndexListAppend(inRequest,inConfiguration):
lIgnoreList = TechDictKeyList_ItemGet(inDict=inConfiguration, inKeyList=gOrchestratorToRobotKeyList+["IgnoreIndexList"], inDefault=[]):
if inRequest.headers.get('Content-Length') is not None:
lInputByteArrayLength = int(inRequest.headers.get('Content-Length'))
#Превращение массива байт в объект
#check if index not in list
if lIgnoreIndex not in lIgnoreList:
#append to list
#remove from Ignore list - AJAX request from client side
def IgnoreIndexListRemove(inRequest,inConfiguration):
lIgnoreList = TechDictKeyList_ItemGet(inDict=inConfiguration, inKeyList=gOrchestratorToRobotKeyList+["IgnoreIndexList"], inDefault=[]):
if inRequest.headers.get('Content-Length') is not None:
lInputByteArrayLength = int(inRequest.headers.get('Content-Length'))
#Превращение массива байт в объект
#check if index not in list
if lIgnoreIndex in lIgnoreList:
#append to list
lIgnoreList.remove(lIgnoreIndex) #Remove delete the element lIgnoreIndex
# Technical def - Get item by the list of keys
def TechDictKeyList_ItemGet(inDict, inKeyList, inDefault={}):
for lItem in inKeyList:
if lResult:
lResult = lResult.get(lItem,None)
if not lResult:
return lResult
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
#Orchestrator settings
def SettingsUpdate(inGSettings):
#Add RobotRDPActive in control panel
inGSettings["ControlPanelDict"]["RobotList"].append({"RenderFunction": ControlPanelRenderDict})
#Default structure
"IgnoreIndexList": []
#Add methods
"URL": "/RobotRDPActive/IgnoreIndexListAppend", #URL of the request
"MatchType": "Equal", #"BeginWith|Contains|Equal|EqualCase",
"ResponseDefRequestGlobal": IgnoreIndexListAppend #Function with str result
"URL": "/RobotRDPActive/IgnoreIndexListRemove", #URL of the request
"MatchType": "Equal", #"BeginWith|Contains|Equal|EqualCase",
"ResponseDefRequestGlobal": IgnoreIndexListRemove #Function with str result
return inGSettings

@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
1. Create user for Orchestrator console session (pay attention for administrator rights - is needed for RobotRDPActive) - how to create user look windows instructions 1. Create user for Orchestrator console session (pay attention for administrator rights - is needed for RobotRDPActive) - how to create user look windows instructions
2. Create AutoAdminLogon in windows for Orchestrator user - go in console session when restart (Utils/AutoLogon(ProtectedPassword).zip) - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/autologon 2. Create AutoAdminLogon in windows for Orchestrator user - go in console session when restart (Utils/AutoLogon(ProtectedPassword).zip) - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/autologon
3. Add Orchestrator in startup - win+r > shell:startup > add shortcut of orchestrator 3. Add Orchestrator in startup - win+r > shell:startup > add shortcut of orchestrator. Add shortcut to pyOpenRPA.Orchestrator_x64_administrator_startup.cmd if you want to auto start orchestrator as administrator
Screen active is require administrator rights because of tscon cmd usage (to switch to console desktop session after the RDP).
! ATTENTION ! Screen active can be used only with local administrator rights on the machine
OpenRPA suggest 2 ways to automate run
Way 1 (create task in windows task scheduler to run with extended rights ScreenActive or Orchestrator)
Way 2 (use shortcut ScreenActive| Orchestrator to run with administrator rights in shortcut options)
To turn off UAC window got to Menu > Change User Account Control Settings > Select Never notify

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
cd %~dp0
start pyOpenRPA.Orchestrator_x64_shortcut_admin.lnk