Change log message about sesitive params - dont show it in logs... Security reasons, because logs can be shown on the web.

Ivan Maslov 4 years ago
parent d980f0f5d3
commit fa67b83b77

@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ def ActivityListExecute(inGSettings, inActivityList):
lResultList = [] # init the result list
for lActivityItem in inActivityList: # Iterate throught the activity list
if lL:'Processor.ActivityListExecute:: Def:{str(lActivityItem["Def"])}. Parameters are not available to see.')
lDef = None # Def variable
if callable(lActivityItem["Def"]): # CHeck if def is callable
lDef = lActivityItem["Def"] # Get the def

@ -435,8 +435,7 @@ class testHTTPServer_RequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
if gSettingsDict.get("ServerDict", {}).get("AccessUsers", {}).get("FlagCredentialsAsk", False):
lAuthenticateDict = AuthenticateVerify(self)
# Get Flag is supertoken (True|False)
lIsSuperToken = gSettingsDict.get("ServerDict", {}).get("AccessUsers", {}).get("AuthTokensDict", {}).get(
self.OpenRPA["AuthToken"], {}).get("FlagDoNotExpire", False)
lIsSuperToken = gSettingsDict.get("ServerDict", {}).get("AccessUsers", {}).get("AuthTokensDict", {}).get(self.OpenRPA["AuthToken"], {}).get("FlagDoNotExpire", False)
if not lAuthenticateDict["User"]:
if lFlagAccessUserBlock:
@ -478,7 +477,16 @@ class testHTTPServer_RequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
# Logging info about processor activity if not SuperToken ()
if not lIsSuperToken:
if lL:"Server:: User activity from web. Domain: {self.OpenRPA['Domain']}, Username: {self.OpenRPA['User']}, Activity: {lInputObject}")
lActivityTypeListStr = ""
if type(lInputObject) is list:
for lActivityItem in lInputObject:
lActivityTypeListStr+=f"{lActivityItem['Type']}; "
lActivityTypeListStr += f"{lInputObject['Type']}"
except Exception as e:
lActivityTypeListStr = "Has some error with Activity Type read"
if lL:"Server:: !ATTENTION! /Utils/Processor will be deprecated in future. Use /pyOpenRPA/Processor or /pyOpenRPA/ActivityListExecute. User activity from web. Domain: {self.OpenRPA['Domain']}, Username: {self.OpenRPA['User']}, ActivityType: {lActivityTypeListStr}")
# Send message back to client
message = json.dumps(ProcessorOld.ActivityListOrDict(lInputObject))
# Write content as utf-8 data

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import json, os
import copy
from inspect import signature # For detect count of def args
from . import __Orchestrator__
from desktopmagic.screengrab_win32 import (
getDisplayRects, saveScreenToBmp, saveRectToBmp, getScreenAsImage,
@ -257,6 +258,7 @@ def pyOpenRPA_Screenshot(inRequest,inGlobalDict):
# Add activity item or activity list to the processor queue
# Body is Activity item or Activity List
def pyOpenRPA_Processor(inRequest, inGSettings):
lL = inGSettings["Logger"]
# Recieve the data
lValueStr = None
if inRequest.headers.get('Content-Length') is not None:
@ -266,12 +268,32 @@ def pyOpenRPA_Processor(inRequest, inGSettings):
lInput = json.loads(lInputByteArray.decode('utf8'))
# If list - operator plus
if type(lInput) is list:
# Logging info about processor activity if not SuperToken ()
if not __Orchestrator__.WebUserIsSuperToken(inRequest=inRequest, inGSettings=inGSettings):
lActivityTypeListStr = ""
for lActivityItem in lInput:
lActivityTypeListStr += f"{lActivityItem['Def']}; "
except Exception as e:
lActivityTypeListStr = "Has some error with Activity Type read"
if lL:"ServerSettings.pyOpenRPA_Processor. User activity from web. Domain: {inRequest.OpenRPA['Domain']}, Username: {inRequest.OpenRPA['User']}, ActivityType: {lActivityTypeListStr}")
# Append in list
# Logging info about processor activity if not SuperToken ()
if not __Orchestrator__.WebUserIsSuperToken(inRequest=inRequest, inGSettings=inGSettings):
lActivityTypeListStr = ""
lActivityTypeListStr = lInput['Def']
except Exception as e:
lActivityTypeListStr = "Has some error with Activity Type read"
if lL:"ServerSettings.pyOpenRPA_Processor. User activity from web. Domain: {inRequest.OpenRPA['Domain']}, Username: {inRequest.OpenRPA['User']}, ActivityType: {lActivityTypeListStr}")
# Append in list
# Execute activity list
def pyOpenRPA_ActivityListExecute(inRequest, inGSettings):
# Recieve the data
lL = inGSettings["Logger"]
lValueStr = None
if inRequest.headers.get('Content-Length') is not None:
lInputByteArrayLength = int(inRequest.headers.get('Content-Length'))
@ -280,9 +302,28 @@ def pyOpenRPA_ActivityListExecute(inRequest, inGSettings):
lInput = json.loads(lInputByteArray.decode('utf8'))
# If list - operator plus
if type(lInput) is list:
# Logging info about processor activity if not SuperToken ()
if not __Orchestrator__.WebUserIsSuperToken(inRequest=inRequest, inGSettings=inGSettings):
lActivityTypeListStr = ""
for lActivityItem in lInput:
lActivityTypeListStr += f"{lActivityItem['Def']}; "
except Exception as e:
lActivityTypeListStr = "Has some error with Activity Type read"
if lL:"ServerSettings.pyOpenRPA_ActivityListExecute. User activity from web. Domain: {inRequest.OpenRPA['Domain']}, Username: {inRequest.OpenRPA['User']}, ActivityType: {lActivityTypeListStr}")
# Execution
lResultList = Processor.ActivityListExecute(inGSettings = inGSettings, inActivityList = lInput)
inRequest.OpenRPAResponseDict["Body"] = bytes(json.dumps(lResultList), "utf8")
# Logging info about processor activity if not SuperToken ()
if not __Orchestrator__.WebUserIsSuperToken(inRequest=inRequest, inGSettings=inGSettings):
lActivityTypeListStr = ""
lActivityTypeListStr = lInput['Def']
except Exception as e:
lActivityTypeListStr = "Has some error with Activity Type read"
if lL:"ServerSettings.pyOpenRPA_ActivityListExecute. User activity from web. Domain: {inRequest.OpenRPA['Domain']}, Username: {inRequest.OpenRPA['User']}, ActivityType: {lActivityTypeListStr}")
# Execution
lResultList = Processor.ActivityListExecute(inGSettings = inGSettings, inActivityList = [lInput])
inRequest.OpenRPAResponseDict["Body"] = bytes(json.dumps(lResultList[0]), "utf8")

@ -285,6 +285,13 @@ def WebUserInfoGet(inRequest):
lUserUpperStr = inRequest.OpenRPA["User"].upper()
return {"DomainUpperStr": lDomainUpperStr, "UserNameUpperStr": lUserUpperStr}
# Return bool if request is authentificated with supetoken (token which is never expires)
def WebUserIsSuperToken(inRequest, inGSettings):
lIsSuperTokenBool = False
# Get Flag is supertoken (True|False)
lIsSuperTokenBool = inGSettings.get("ServerDict", {}).get("AccessUsers", {}).get("AuthTokensDict", {}).get(inRequest.OpenRPA["AuthToken"], {}).get("FlagDoNotExpire", False)
return lIsSuperTokenBool
# Return User UAC Hierarchy DICT Return {...}
def WebUserUACHierarchyGet(inRequest):
return inRequest.UserRoleHierarchyGet()

@ -103,6 +103,10 @@
- Update def RDPSessionReconnect(inGSettings, inRDPSessionKeyStr, inRDPTemplateDict=None): # RDP Session reconnect
- Add alg which find dublicates in RDPList if connection lost was appeared - important to catch 2+ RDP to one RDP configs
- def WebUserIsSuperToken(inRequest, inGSettings): # Return bool if request is authentificated with supetoken (token which is never expires)
After 2 month test prefinal with new improovements (+RobotRDPActive in Orchestrator + Easy ControlPanelTemplate)
Beta before 1.1.0 (new way of OpenRPA with improvements. Sorry, but no backward compatibility)/ Backward compatibility will start from 1.0.1
