Ivan Maslov
Init dropdown in index js with orchestrator
4 years ago
Ivan Maslov
# ORC WEB - Add freeze logs textarea button - tested!
4 years ago
Ivan Maslov
# Add Processot ActivityListVerification to check structure
4 years ago
Ivan Maslov
# Now Activity Item Support "" value for ArgGSettings and ArgLogger
# Basic.JSProcessorActivityListAdd - raise exception if Def is not string
# Orchestrator.ProcessorAliasDefUpdate fix if inDef is not a function - raise Exception
# Scheduler major bugfix! It works now!
4 years ago
Ivan Maslov
Web.Basic> HTMLLink fixes
4 years ago
Ivan Maslov
def ProcessorActivityItemCreate(inDef, inArgList=None, inArgDict=None, inArgGSettingsStr=None, inArgLoggerStr=None): # Create ActivityItem # return dict
def ProcessorAliasDefUpdate(inGSettings=inGSettings, inDef=inDef, inAliasStr=lDefAliasStr)
# Create HTMLLink by the def, argdict, arglist, gsettingsStr, logger Str titleStr, color, (execute permanently)
def HTMLLinkDefExecute(inGSettings, inDef, inArgDict=None, inArgList=None, inArgGSettingsStr="", inArgLoggerStr="", inLinkTitleStr=None, inLinkColorStr=""):
# Create HTMLLink by the def, argdict, arglist, gsettingsStr, logger Str titleStr, color, (add in processor queue)
def HTMLLinkDefProcessor(inGSettings, inDef, inArgDict=None, inArgList=None, inArgGSettingsStr="", inArgLoggerStr="", inLinkTitleStr=None, inLinkColorStr=""):
4 years ago
Ivan Maslov
- def ProcessorAliasDefCreate(inGSettings, inDef, inAliasStr=None): # Create alias for def (can be used in ActivityItem in field Def)
/// Add ActivityList in processor queue
mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ProcessorQueueAdd=function(inActivityList) {
/// Execute ActivityList
mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ActivityListExecute=function(inActivityList) {
- ORC Defs
def JSActivityListExecute(inActivityList): # Create JS for execute activity list/ activity permanent # USAGE: Orchestrator.Web.Basic.JSActivityListExecute(inActivityList)
def JSProcessorActivityListAdd(inActivityList): # Create JS for send activity list/ activity to the processor # USAGE: Orchestrator.Web.Basic.JSProcessorActivityListAdd(inActivityList)
4 years ago
Ivan Maslov
interval from Web front 600ms + OSCredentialsVerify on the back with no logs
4 years ago
Ivan Maslov
Fix ESCAPE in Basic Web CP
4 years ago
Ivan Maslov
- Add Working Dir (CWD) + Orchestrator Version Str in ServerData > UserDict
- Orc Web JS - lite refactoring
4 years ago
Ivan Maslov
- Orc new structure for CP: "CPDict": { # "CPKey": {"HTMLRenderDef":None, "JSONGeneratorDef":None, "JSInitGeneratorDef":None}},
- - Back: inGSettings["CPDict"][RobotKeyStr]["HTMLRenderDef"] > Front: mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerDataDict.CPDict.RobotKeyStr.HTMLStr
- - Back: inGSettings["CPDict"][RobotKeyStr]["JSONGeneratorDef"] > Front: mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerDataDict.CPDict.RobotKeyStr.JSONDict
- - CPDict > HTMLRenderDef > def (inGSettings); def (inRequest, inGSettings); def ()
- - CPDict > JSONGeneratorDef > def (inGSettings); def (inRequest, inGSettings); def ()
- - CPDict > JSInitGeneratorDef > def (inGSettings); def (inRequest, inGSettings); def ()
Orc connect JSONGenerators to WEB Front (mGlobal.)
- Orc back: add new block: OrchestratorWeb
- - def OrchestratorWebCPUpdate(inGSettings, inCPKeyStr, inHTMLRenderDef=None, inJSONGeneratorDef=None, inJSInitGeneratorDef=None): # Add control panel HTML, JSON generator or JS when page init
4 years ago
Ivan Maslov
- - def AgentOSFileDataBytesCreate(inGSettings, inHostNameStr, inUserStr, inFilePathStr, inFileDataBytes): # Send to agent activity item to OSCMD
- - def AgentOSFileDataStrCreate(inGSettings, inHostNameStr, inUserStr, inFilePathStr, inFileDataStr, inEncodingStr="utf-8"): # Send to agent activity item to OSCMD
Need to test Agent.FileCreate - has ploblem with transmit bytes on JSON - json dont support bytes string... Need safe encode/decode
4 years ago
Ivan Maslov
- Agent: Add Agent defs as Alias in ProcessorDict
- Agent Add 2 defs:
- - def OSFileBytesCreate(inFilePathStr, inFileBytes,inGSettings = None): # Send CMD to OS. Result return to log + Orchestrator by the A2O connection
- - def OSCMD(inCMDStr, inRunAsyncBool=True, inGSettings = None): # Send CMD to OS. Result return to log + Orchestrator by the A2O connection
- Orc: Add Agent Defs
- - def AgentActivityItemAdd(inGSettings, inHostNameStr, inUserStr, inActivityItemDict): # Add activity in AgentDict
- - def AgentOSCMD(inGSettings, inHostNameStr, inUserStr, inCMDStr): # Send to agent activity item to OSCMD
- - def AgentOSFileBytesCreate(inGSettings, inHostNameStr, inUserStr, inFilePathStr, inFileBytes): # Send to agent activity item to OSCMD
- Orc WEB: Create mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ActivityListExecute({}) to test some activities from the front
4 years ago
Ivan Maslov
- Orch web: Fix eror in serverDataRender when error render
- Agent: Add CMD to kill agent because it is in background mode
- Orch: Add handler to set connection when Agent listen orch (/pyOpenRPA/Agent/O2A)
- Orch start processor Dict in own thread (Processor.ProcessorRunSync(inGSettings))
- Agent: Create Processor in Agent similarly to Orchestrator (pyOpenRPA.Agent.Processor == pyOpenRPA.Orchestrator.Processor)
4 years ago
Ivan Maslov
- Orch: /pyOpenRPA/ServerData - add sub dict "AgentDict"
- Orch WEB: Create Agent render
4 years ago
Ivan Maslov
- Create new pyOpenRPA UAC Client hierarchy SettingsTemplate.__UACClientAdminCreate__ - need to update functionallity
- Orchestrator WEB: Update WEB to the new UACClient
4 years ago
Ivan Maslov
- Create /pyOpenRPA/ActivityListExecute
- Create /pyOpenRPA/Processor
- Orchestrator.OSCMD Listen output and send to logger
- Orchestrator.OSCMD Add 2 input args inLogger + inRunAsyncBool
- WEB Update CMD Input line (tranfer to Log view). Change /Utils/Processor to /pyOpenRPA/ActivityListExecute
- Defs has been added in ProcessorAliasDict as Alias with own def name
- WEB Remove client freeze when back is dead
4 years ago
Ivan Maslov
# Add new Handler for the log dump - need to refactoring...!!!!
4 years ago
Ivan Maslov
- Orchestrator WEB GUI update - Administrator mode - add log view - in progress
4 years ago
Ivan Maslov
- Test URL "/pyOpenRPA/ServerData"
- Create new support - CP def can return {"CPKeyStr":{"HTMLStr":"", DataDict:{}}}
- Create CP 2 HTML generator for the backward compatibility
4 years ago
Ivan Maslov
# Add "/pyOpenRPA/ServerData" - in progress
4 years ago
Ivan Maslov
+- Create Web HTML / JS generators [pyOpenRPA.Orchestrator.Web.Basic]
+- - def JSEscapeForHTMLInline(inJSStr): # Escape JS to the safe JS for the inline JS in HTML tags ATTENTION! Use it only if want to paste JS into HTML tag - not in <script>
+- - def HTMLLinkURL(inURLStr, inTitleStr=None, inColorStr=None): # Generate HTML code of the simple URL link by the URL
+- - def HTMLLinkJSOnClick(inJSOnClickStr, inTitleStr, inColorStr=None): # Generate HTML code of the simple URL link by the JS when onclick
4 years ago
Ivan Maslov
# Add version check + autorefresh if version was changed (with backward compatibility)
4 years ago
Ivan Maslov
# minor fixes in basic UAC (because of add 2 buttons in front)
4 years ago
Ivan Maslov
# Minor fixes in render RDPList 3
4 years ago
Ivan Maslov
# Minor fixes in render RDPList 2
4 years ago
Ivan Maslov
# Minor fixes in render RDPList
4 years ago
Ivan Maslov
# Test + Add web button + add model in front + Backward compatibility from v1.1.13 + try..except when load CP
4 years ago
Ivan Maslov
# Orch ajax optimized # Remove refresh button # remove RDPListControlPanelGet # AddAutocleaner #Add exception if ControlPanel with error # Restart Orch with old RDP List!!! (need test)
4 years ago
Ivan Maslov
# Add Index.js
5 years ago
Ivan Maslov
# Lite style update in orchestrator
5 years ago
Ivan Maslov
# Lite rebranding - add new logo in web + favico.ico
5 years ago
Ivan Maslov
# Minor fixes in UAC User-Role models (back + front tested)
5 years ago
Ivan Maslov
v1.1.8 UIDesktop minor bugfix from pywinauto with ctype.ArgumentError
Add Orchestrator UserRole model, Add Web render with user roles
5 years ago
Ivan Maslov
# Add Orchestrator:WebFront - mGlobal.Processor.Send(inDataList)
5 years ago
Ivan Maslov
# Add GIT CMD, Add OnClick escape in HTML render control panel
5 years ago
Ivan Maslov
# Orchestrator RDPActive fixes : add Command ActivityType GlobalDictKeyListValueOperator+ (to merge 2 lists into 1)
Signed-off-by: Ivan Maslov <i.maslov@mail.ru>
5 years ago
Ivan Maslov
# Prefinal Orchestrator update (RobotRDPActive in Orchestrator)
5 years ago
Ivan Maslov
- Orchestrator.Client: Minor fix in rendering table of the modal window
5 years ago
Ivan Maslov
- Orchestrator.Server: Add new engine for POST
- Orchestrator.Server: Minor Fix to support web view
Signed-off-by: Ivan Maslov <Ivan.Maslov@UnicodeLabs.ru>
5 years ago
Ivan Maslov
some fixes
5 years ago
Ivan Maslov
#Minor fix in setup #OrchestratorClient add feature DataStorage DataStorageKey
5 years ago
Ivan Maslov
#Refactor part 2
5 years ago