Ivan Maslov
- Create new pyOpenRPA UAC Client hierarchy SettingsTemplate.__UACClientAdminCreate__ - need to update functionallity
- Orchestrator WEB: Update WEB to the new UACClient
4 years ago
Ivan Maslov
- Create /pyOpenRPA/ActivityListExecute
- Create /pyOpenRPA/Processor
- Orchestrator.OSCMD Listen output and send to logger
- Orchestrator.OSCMD Add 2 input args inLogger + inRunAsyncBool
- WEB Update CMD Input line (tranfer to Log view). Change /Utils/Processor to /pyOpenRPA/ActivityListExecute
- Defs has been added in ProcessorAliasDict as Alias with own def name
- WEB Remove client freeze when back is dead
4 years ago
Ivan Maslov
# Add new Handler for the log dump - need to refactoring...!!!!
4 years ago
Ivan Maslov
- Test URL "/pyOpenRPA/ServerData"
- Create new support - CP def can return {"CPKeyStr":{"HTMLStr":"", DataDict:{}}}
- Create CP 2 HTML generator for the backward compatibility
4 years ago
Ivan Maslov
# Add "/pyOpenRPA/ServerData" - in progress
4 years ago
Ivan Maslov
# Add version check + autorefresh if version was changed (with backward compatibility)
4 years ago
Ivan Maslov
# minor fixes in basic UAC (because of add 2 buttons in front)
4 years ago
Ivan Maslov
# Minor fixes in render RDPList 2
4 years ago
Ivan Maslov
# Test + Add web button + add model in front + Backward compatibility from v1.1.13 + try..except when load CP
4 years ago
Ivan Maslov
# Orch ajax optimized # Remove refresh button # remove RDPListControlPanelGet # AddAutocleaner #Add exception if ControlPanel with error # Restart Orch with old RDP List!!! (need test)
4 years ago
Ivan Maslov
# Lite style update in orchestrator
5 years ago