лин, добавили недостающие библиотеки для орка, прототип запустили
3 years ago
Ivan Maslov
Try to returnn list to Agent (no one item) need test
3 years ago
Ivan Maslov
Managers. Git is ready - try to test
3 years ago
Ivan Maslov
# Add jupyter sandbox in orchestrator
Managers Git in progress
3 years ago
Ivan Maslov
draft 1.2.7 (need test)
# Add "ThreadBool" flag in ActivityItem - run in async mode some activity
3 years ago
Ivan Maslov
draft 1.2.7 (need test)
# Orchestrator.OrchestratorPySearchInit - auto init .py modules in orchestrator
# No more double logger handlers initialization
# No more double pyOpenRPA.Orchestrator and pyOpenRPA.Orchestrator.__Orchestrator__ initialization - realy singleton
# When init gSettings - default logger level is INFO
3 years ago
Ivan Maslov
Add Server SSL keyfile option + Def to listen interface
4 years ago
Ivan Maslov
Add WebAuditLog + SSL support
4 years ago
Ivan Maslov
Remove 2-nd process orchestrator add Admin rights def to run Orc before it will be called (because of the CP init before)
4 years ago
Ivan Maslov
Basic JS remove GUIDStr from Activity Items
Create def to restore Orchestrator session - you can setup this when you want to restore
4 years ago
Ivan Maslov
GUIDE ENG prefinal
4 years ago
Ivan Maslov
Add safe init CP when starts
4 years ago
Ivan Maslov
- def UACKeyListCheck(inRequest, inRoleKeyList): #Check is client is has access for the key list
- def WebUserInfoGet(inRequest): # Return User info about request Return {"DomainUpperStr":"", "UserNameUpperStr": ""}
- def WebUserUACHierarchyGet(inRequest): # Return User UAC Hierarchy DICT Return {...}
- Scheduler
- Refactoring in gSettings (Scheduler > SchedulerDict)
- def SchedulerActivityTimeAddWeekly(inGSettings, inTimeHHMMStr="23:55:", inWeekdayList=[], inActivityList=[]): # Add activity in time weekly
- Scheduler now listen SchedulerDict
- def ProcessorActivityItemAppend(inGSettings, inDef, inArgList=[], inArgDict={}, inArgGSettingsStr=None, inArgLoggerStr=None): # Add Activity item in Processor list
4 years ago
Ivan Maslov
- Orc new structure for CP: "CPDict": { # "CPKey": {"HTMLRenderDef":None, "JSONGeneratorDef":None, "JSInitGeneratorDef":None}},
- - Back: inGSettings["CPDict"][RobotKeyStr]["HTMLRenderDef"] > Front: mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerDataDict.CPDict.RobotKeyStr.HTMLStr
- - Back: inGSettings["CPDict"][RobotKeyStr]["JSONGeneratorDef"] > Front: mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerDataDict.CPDict.RobotKeyStr.JSONDict
- - CPDict > HTMLRenderDef > def (inGSettings); def (inRequest, inGSettings); def ()
- - CPDict > JSONGeneratorDef > def (inGSettings); def (inRequest, inGSettings); def ()
- - CPDict > JSInitGeneratorDef > def (inGSettings); def (inRequest, inGSettings); def ()
Orc connect JSONGenerators to WEB Front (mGlobal.)
- Orc back: add new block: OrchestratorWeb
- - def OrchestratorWebCPUpdate(inGSettings, inCPKeyStr, inHTMLRenderDef=None, inJSONGeneratorDef=None, inJSInitGeneratorDef=None): # Add control panel HTML, JSON generator or JS when page init
4 years ago
Ivan Maslov
- Orc RoleHierarchy - support RDP, Support Agent + buttons
4 years ago
Ivan Maslov
- Create new pyOpenRPA UAC Client hierarchy SettingsTemplate.__UACClientAdminCreate__ - need to update functionallity
- Orchestrator WEB: Update WEB to the new UACClient
4 years ago
Ivan Maslov
+- Create Web HTML / JS generators [pyOpenRPA.Orchestrator.Web.Basic]
+- - def JSEscapeForHTMLInline(inJSStr): # Escape JS to the safe JS for the inline JS in HTML tags ATTENTION! Use it only if want to paste JS into HTML tag - not in <script>
+- - def HTMLLinkURL(inURLStr, inTitleStr=None, inColorStr=None): # Generate HTML code of the simple URL link by the URL
+- - def HTMLLinkJSOnClick(inJSOnClickStr, inTitleStr, inColorStr=None): # Generate HTML code of the simple URL link by the JS when onclick
4 years ago
Ivan Maslov
dev in progress - need update for GUID -do not create it
+- Add absolute/relative import for the control panels
+- Add new Orchestrator defs:
+- - def OrchestratorAccessUserUpdate(inGSettings, inADLoginStr, inADStr="", inADIsDefaultBool=True, inURLList=[], inCPAllowKeyList=[]): - Update user access
+- - def OrchestratorAccessSuperTokenAdd(inGSettings, inSuperTokenStr): # Add supertoken for the all access (it is need for the robot communication without human)
4 years ago