Compare commits


No commits in common. 'prd' and 'dev' have entirely different histories.
prd ... dev

.gitignore vendored

@ -17,9 +17,6 @@
/**/OpenRPA_Orchestrator.exe /**/OpenRPA_Orchestrator.exe
/**/OpenRPAOrchestrator.exe /**/OpenRPAOrchestrator.exe
/**/OpenRPARobotGUIx32.exe /**/OpenRPARobotGUIx32.exe
/**/orpa-orc.exe /**/orpa-orc.exe
/**/orpa-agent.exe /**/orpa-agent.exe
/**/OpenRPARobotGUIx64.exe /**/OpenRPARobotGUIx64.exe

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
chcp 65001 cd %~dp0
cd /d "%~dp0"
taskkill /im "orpa-agent.exe" /F /fi "username eq %username%" taskkill /im "orpa-agent.exe" /F /fi "username eq %username%"
copy /Y ..\Resources\WPy64-3720\python-3.7.2.amd64\pythonw.exe ..\Resources\WPy64-3720\python-3.7.2.amd64\orpa-agent.exe copy /Y ..\Resources\WPy64-3720\python-3.7.2.amd64\pythonw.exe ..\Resources\WPy64-3720\python-3.7.2.amd64\orpa-agent.exe
.\..\Resources\WPy64-3720\python-3.7.2.amd64\orpa-agent.exe "" .\..\Resources\WPy64-3720\python-3.7.2.amd64\orpa-agent.exe ""

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
chcp 65001 cd %~dp0
cd /d "%~dp0"
taskkill /im "orpa-agent.exe" /F /fi "username eq %username%" taskkill /im "orpa-agent.exe" /F /fi "username eq %username%"
copy /Y ..\Resources\WPy64-3720\python-3.7.2.amd64\python.exe ..\Resources\WPy64-3720\python-3.7.2.amd64\orpa-agent.exe copy /Y ..\Resources\WPy64-3720\python-3.7.2.amd64\python.exe ..\Resources\WPy64-3720\python-3.7.2.amd64\orpa-agent.exe
.\..\Resources\WPy64-3720\python-3.7.2.amd64\orpa-agent.exe "" .\..\Resources\WPy64-3720\python-3.7.2.amd64\orpa-agent.exe ""

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
git pull

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
git pull

@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
Copyright (c) 2019 Ivan Maslov, 2022 LLC pyOpenRPA pyOpenRPA open license
Правообладатель: 2019 Маслов Иван Дмитриевич, 2022 ООО ОПЕН РПА pyOpenRPA открытая лицензия
Copyright (c) 2019 Ivan Maslov
Правообладатель: 2019 Маслов Иван Дмитриевич
Текст лицензии см. в файле: LICENSE.PDF (в корне репозитория) или по адресу: Текст лицензии см. в файле: LICENSE.PDF (в корне репозитория) или по адресу:

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
# !ATTENTION - Current Control panel works only from pyOpenRPA v1.2.0!
from pyOpenRPA import Orchestrator
def CPRender(inGSettings):
lT = 9;
if (lT==9) {
"DataStorageKey":"", #Use key for set current dict in mGlobal.DataStorage["DataStorageKey"] on client side
{"Key": "HTMLLinkURL", "Value": Orchestrator.Web.Basic.HTMLLinkURL(inURLStr="test",inColorStr="orange")},
{"Key": "HTMLLinkJSOnClick", "Value": Orchestrator.Web.Basic.HTMLLinkJSOnClick(inJSOnClickStr=lJSCheckVersion, inTitleStr="!Click me!",inColorStr="green")},
"GlobalStorage": "" # UNCOMMENT FOR DEBUG PURPOSE TO WATCH inGSettings on client side
return lResultDict
# Check in control panel, that process is runnning
# Test JSON generator when page init
def JSONGenerator():
return lJSONDict
# Test JS when page init
def JSInitGenerator():
lT = 9;
if (lT==9) {
return lJSCheckVersion
def test():
Orchestrator.WebRequestResponseSend("Hello my friend!")
#Orchestrator settings
def SettingsUpdate(inGSettings):
# New way to add CP defs in orchestrator - no gSettings..
Orchestrator.WebCPUpdate(inGSettings=inGSettings, inCPKeyStr="TEST", inHTMLRenderDef=CPRender, inJSONGeneratorDef=JSONGenerator, inJSInitGeneratorDef=JSInitGenerator)
Orchestrator.WebURLConnectDef(inMethodStr="GET", inURLStr="/test", inMatchTypeStr="Equal", inDef=test, inUACBool=False)
return inGSettings

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
# !ATTENTION - Current Control panel works only from pyOpenRPA v1.2.0!
from pyOpenRPA import Orchestrator
from pyOpenRPA.Orchestrator import Managers
def ControlPanelRenderDict(inGSettings):
# Example of the JS code in Python code
lJSCheckVersion = f"""
if (!('VersionStr' in mGlobal)) {{
}} else {{
if (mGlobal.VersionStr != "{inGSettings["VersionStr"]}") {{
}} else {{
"HeaderLeftText":"Version check",
"DataStorageKey":"", #Use key for set current dict in mGlobal.DataStorage["DataStorageKey"] on client side
{"Key": "Client", "Value": '<div class="orchestrator-version" style="display:inline;"></div>'},
{"Key": "Server", "Value": inGSettings["VersionStr"]},
"GlobalStorage": "" # UNCOMMENT FOR DEBUG PURPOSE TO WATCH inGSettings on client side
return lResultDict
# Check in control panel, that process is runnning
#Orchestrator settings
def SettingsUpdate(inGSettings):
#Add RobotRDPActive in control panel
Orchestrator.WebCPUpdate(inCPKeyStr="VersionCheck", inHTMLRenderDef=ControlPanelRenderDict)
#Orchestrator.Managers.ControlPanel(inControlPanelNameStr="TestTTT",inRefreshHTMLJinja2TemplatePathStr="ControlPanel\\test.html", inJinja2TemplateRefreshBool = True)
lProcess = Orchestrator.Managers.ProcessInitSafe(inAgentHostNameStr="IVANMASLOV-DESKTOP",inAgentUserNameStr="ND",
# Some test
# lProcess.StartCheck)
lGit = Orchestrator.Managers.Git(inAgentHostNameStr="IVANMASLOV-DESKTOP",inAgentUserNameStr="ND",inGitPathStr="C:\Abs\Archive\scopeSrcUL\pyStore")
lGit.BranchRevLastGetInterval(inBranchLocalStr="prd", inBranchRemoteStr="origin/prd", inPreviousBranchRestoreBool=False,inIntervalSecFloat=10.0)
return inGSettings

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
from pyOpenRPA import Orchestrator
from pyOpenRPA.Orchestrator.Managers import ControlPanel
from pyOpenRPA.Orchestrator.Managers import Process
from pyOpenRPA.Tools import CrossOS
import os
import sys
import socket
import datetime
import urllib.parse
import time
g_cp_name_str = "HELLO"
g_repo_name_str = os.path.abspath(__file__).split("\\")[-5]
g_repo_package_path_str = os.path.abspath("\\".join(os.path.abspath(__file__).split("\\")[:-1]))
# User settings
g_host_str = socket.gethostname().upper() # Identify PC
g_control_panel = ControlPanel(inControlPanelNameStr=g_cp_name_str,
inRefreshHTMLJinja2TemplatePathStr=os.path.join(g_repo_package_path_str, "html_jinja2.xhtml"),
g_jinja_context_dict = {"settings": sys.modules[__name__],
"urllib_parse_quote_plus": urllib.parse.quote_plus, "g_host_str": g_host_str, "g_repo_name_str": g_repo_name_str}
g_control_panel.InitJSJinja2TemplatePathSet(inJinja2TemplatePathStr=os.path.join(g_repo_package_path_str, "js.js"))

@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
<div class="card" style="width:100%">
<div class="content">
<div class="right floated mini ui ">
<h1>Добро пожаловать <span>
{% if UserInfoDict["UserNameUpperStr"] %}
{% endif %}
<div class="ui divider"></div>
<div class="description cp-hello-description">
<h5>Предлагаем ознакомиться с демонстрационным стэндом оркестратора pyOpenRPA.</h5>
pyOpenRPA это прогрессивная RPA платформа, которая позволяет сочетать в рамках одного проекта все перспективные технологии, такие как:
<li>OCR / NLP / NER: Распознавание изображений и текста</li>
<li>CV: Компьютерное зрение</li>
<li>AI: Искусственный интеллект</li>
<li>ML: Машинное обучение</li>
<li>BIGDATA: Большие данные</li>
<li>VOICE & CHAT: Голосовые и чат-боты</li>
Роботов pyOpenRPA невозможно отключить принудительно - управлять ими будете только вы!
Здесь представлены примеры роботов для таких специалистов как:
<li>ИТ специалистов</li>
<h5>pyOpenRPA - роботы помогут!</h5>
<button class="ui primary basic button cp-hello-button-1">Свернуть</button>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
cp_hello_expand=function() {
$("button.cp-hello-button-1")[0].innerHTML="СВЕРНУТЬ ПРИВЕТСТВИЕ"
cp_hello_collapse=function() {
$("button.cp-hello-button-1")[0].innerHTML="РАЗВЕРНУТЬ ПРИВЕТСТВИЕ"

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
$(document).ready(function() {

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
Ник;Полное имя;Логика;Язык;Время(мин);Решение
@floidd;Влад Клычков;5;9;0;Отказ
@floidd;Влад Клычков;8;8;0;Отказ
1 Ник Полное имя Логика Язык Время(мин) Решение
2 @floidd Влад Клычков 5 9 0 Отказ
3 @floidd Влад Клычков 8 8 0 Отказ

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
Button {
color: white;
background: rgb(82, 105, 95);
border-radius: 5px;
border-color: #FFFFFF #FFFFFF #FFFFFF;
border-width: 2px 2px;
padding: .5em 2em;
cursor: pointer;
Button:hover { background: rgb(53, 167, 110); }
i#first {
position: absolute;
top: 280px;
left: 135px;
i#second {
position: absolute;
top: 340px;
left: 135px;
h4 {
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
border-bottom: 5px solid teal;
line-height: 0.1em;
margin: 10px 0 20px;
h4 span {
padding:0 7px;

@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
var switchFlag = "1,";
document.getElementById("Vacancy1Status").innerHTML = "Робот на вакансию 1 оффлайн"
document.getElementById("Vacancy2Status").innerHTML = "Робот на вакансию 2 оффлайн"
var btn1 = document.createElement("Button")
btn1.innerHTML = "Старт"
btn1.onclick = function() {
if (switchFlag == "1,"){
document.getElementById("Vacancy1Status").innerHTML = "Робот на вакансию 1 онлайн"
else {
document.getElementById("Vacancy2Status").innerHTML = "Робот на вакансию 2 онлайн"
var btn2 = document.createElement("Button")
btn2.innerHTML = "Стоп"
btn2.onclick = function() {
if (switchFlag == "1,"){
document.getElementById("Vacancy1Status").innerHTML = "Робот на вакансию 1 оффлайн"
else {
document.getElementById("Vacancy2Status").innerHTML = "Робот на вакансию 2 оффлайн"
function get_data(i)
var link = document.createElement('a');
if (i == 'question') {
link.setAttribute('href', '/HR_officer01/questions');
link.setAttribute('download', 'Questions.csv');;
} else if (i == "results") {
link.setAttribute('href', '/HR_officer01/results');
link.setAttribute('download', 'All_results.csv');;
} else if (i == "logs"){
link.setAttribute('href', '/HR_officer01/logs');
link.setAttribute('download', 'log.txt');;
return false;
function bot_change() {
switchFlag = $('.ui.selection.dropdown').dropdown("get value")
if ($('.ui.selection.dropdown').dropdown("get value") == "1,") {
else if ($('.ui.selection.dropdown').dropdown("get value") == "0,"){

@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
Вопрос;Ответ1 ;Ответ2;Ответ3;Ответ4;Правильный ответ
Шмурдик боится как мышей, так и тараканов;Шмурдик не боится тараканов;Шмурдик боится мышей;Шмурдик боится мышей больше, чем тараканов, но и тараканов боится тоже;;2
Известно, что грымзик обязательно или полосат, или рогат, или то и другое вместе;Грымзик не может быть однотонным и безрогим одновременно;Грымзик не может быть безрогим;Грымзик не может быть полосатым и безрогим одновременно;;1
Если запырку отравить, то она сразу начнет пускать пузыри;Если запырка пускает пузыри, то она была отравлена;Если запырку не отравить, то она не будет пускать пузыри;Если запырка не пускает пузыри, то она не отравлена;;3
Все охлотушки умеют играть в шашки;Не бывает охлотушек, которые не умеют играть в шашки;Все, кто умеет играть в шашки, являются охлотушками;Не бывает охлотушек, которые умеют играть в шашки;;1
Дубараторы бывают либо хорошими, либо плохими\. Неправда, что этот дубаратор не плохой;Этот дубаратор хороший;Этот дубаратор средненький;Этот дубаратор плохой;;3
В природе обнаружено более десятка тиалей\. Все обнаруженные тиали сплошь красного цвета;По крайней мере некоторые из тиалей красного цвета;По крайней мере некоторые из тиалей зеленые;Некоторые тиали \(из тех, что уже обнаружены\) могут оказаться не красными;;1
Существуют шакалы с больной мухропендией\. Мухропендия может быть, или больной, или здоровой;Не всякий шакал может похвастаться здоровой мухропендией;У некоторых шакалов мухропендия нездоровая;Существуют шакалы со здоровой мухропендией;;2
Неправда, что наша тумельница большая и круглая;Наша тумельница маленькая и некруглая;Наша тумельница маленькая, или некруглая, или то и другое вместе;Наша тумельница маленькая, или некруглая, но не то и другое вместе;;2
Джон всегда либо урдит, либо мурлит;Джон иногда урдит и мурлит;Джон иногда урдит, иногда мурлит, а иногда не мурлит;Джон никогда не занимается одновременно и урдением, и мурлением;;3
Журналисты наврали, что бздыш болотный безграмотен и нахален;На самом деле бздыш болотный образован и тактичен;На самом деле бздыш болотный безграмотен, но не нахален;Те журналисты солгали;;3
Если тряхнуть перпелькой, то немедленно начнется стрельба\. За последний час стрельбы не было;В течении последнего часа перпелькой не трясли;В течении последнего часа перпелькой трясли;А нечего было трясти чем попало;;1
Огромный бутряк напугал деревенского старосту;Старосте приснился ночной кошмар;Староста попробовал некачественной выпивки;Староста был напуган;;3
Если почесать угубку за ухом, он начнет довольно шипеть\. Если угубок довольно зашипит, то молоко поблизости скиснет;Если не чесать угубка за ухом, то молоко поблизости не скиснет;Если почесать угубка за ухом, молоко поблизости скиснет;Молоко вдалеке никогда не скисает от чесания угубков;;2
Всех, кто громко обуривает, обязательно съедают\. Все ухмырки постоянно громко обуривают;Все, кто громко обуривает \- ухмырки;Всех ухмырков обязательно съедают;Некоторых ухмырков не съедают;;2
В реках близ Тимуграда обитает и вобла, и щука;В реках близ Тимуграда не бывает воблы;В реках близ Тимуграда обитает щука;В реках близ Тимуграда обитает только вобла и щука;;2
Выберите верное утверждение;Бизнес\-процесс ничем не отличается от алгоритма;Бизнес\-процесс является агрегацией алгоритмов;Алгоритм является агерацией бизнес\-процессов;;2
Выберите верное утверждение;Задача и цель \- это синонимы;"Задача, чтобы задавать\; Цель, чтобы целиться";Цель \- это итоговая метрика, задача \- это действие, которое направлено на достижение цели;;3
Как правильно произносится\?;пАйтон;пайтОн;питОн;пифОн;1
Что является операндом в выражении\: x \= 6 \* 8 \/ y;x,y,6,8;\=,\*,\/;6,8,\*;6,8,y,\=;1
Как определяется working directory при запуске процесса\?;По расположению запускаемого файла;По местонахождению папки с исходными кодами;По текущему установленному пути оболочки Shell\/cmd, из под которой происходит запуск;;3
Список является массивом\?;Да;Нет;;;2
Какое отличие между str и bytes\?;Отличий нет \- типы являются синонимами;Str является декодированным представлением bytes;Str является енкодированным представлением bytes;;2
Какая операция в GIT отвечает за скачивание перечня ревизий с сервера\?;git push;git pull;git fetch;;3
Какое отличие между многопроцессными и многопроцессорными вычислениями\?;Отличий нет;В многопроцессных вычислениях может использоваться только 1 процессор, а в многопроцессорных вычислениях всегда может использоваться от 2\-х и более процессоров;В многопроцессорных вычислениях может использоваться только 1 процессор, а в многопроцессных вычислениях может использоваться от 2\-х и более процессоров;;2
Что является эквивалентом выражения\: \(X and Y\) or \(Z and Y\);not X and not Y and not Z;\(not X or not Y\) and \(not Z or not Y\);\(X and Y\) or \(X and Y\);not \(not X or not Y\) or not \(not Z or not Y\);4
Какое число в десятичной системе счисления является образом числа 11 в пятиричной системе счисления\?;3;11;6;7;3
Укажите корректное определение для SQL иснтрукции: SELECT \* FROM T1 INNER JOIN T2 ON T1\.ID \=\= T2\.T1\_ID;Выбрать все строки из таблицы T1;Выбрать все строки из таблицы T1, по связке с которыми имеется строка в T2;Выбрать все строки из таблицы T1 и показать строки из таблицы T2, если по ним имеется связь с T1;Выбрать все строки из таблицы T2 и показать строки из таблицы T1, если по ним имеется связь с T2;2
Что делает команда SQL\: DELETE\?;Удаляет таблицу из БД;Чистит строки внутри таблицы;;;2
Чем отличается относительный путь от абсолютного\?;Нет разницы \- оба пути указывают на один и тот же файл;Абсолютный путь в любом окружении будет указывать на один и тот же файл\. Относительный \- нет;Относительный путь в любом окружении будет указывать на один и тот же файл\. Абсолютный \- нет;;2
Можно ли из ветки except повторно сгенерировать то же самое исключение exception \(тот же самый экземпляр\)\?;Нет \- исключение уже было сформировано, повторно его вызвать будет невозможно;Да \- исключение уже было сформировано, но его можно будет вызвать повторно;Наверное \- не понимаю как работает try \.\. Except;;2
1 Вопрос Ответ1 Ответ2 Ответ3 Ответ4 Правильный ответ
2 Шмурдик боится как мышей, так и тараканов Шмурдик не боится тараканов Шмурдик боится мышей Шмурдик боится мышей больше, чем тараканов, но и тараканов боится тоже 2
3 Известно, что грымзик обязательно или полосат, или рогат, или то и другое вместе Грымзик не может быть однотонным и безрогим одновременно Грымзик не может быть безрогим Грымзик не может быть полосатым и безрогим одновременно 1
4 Если запырку отравить, то она сразу начнет пускать пузыри Если запырка пускает пузыри, то она была отравлена Если запырку не отравить, то она не будет пускать пузыри Если запырка не пускает пузыри, то она не отравлена 3
5 Все охлотушки умеют играть в шашки Не бывает охлотушек, которые не умеют играть в шашки Все, кто умеет играть в шашки, являются охлотушками Не бывает охлотушек, которые умеют играть в шашки 1
6 Дубараторы бывают либо хорошими, либо плохими\. Неправда, что этот дубаратор не плохой Этот дубаратор хороший Этот дубаратор средненький Этот дубаратор плохой 3
7 В природе обнаружено более десятка тиалей\. Все обнаруженные тиали сплошь красного цвета По крайней мере некоторые из тиалей красного цвета По крайней мере некоторые из тиалей зеленые Некоторые тиали \(из тех, что уже обнаружены\) могут оказаться не красными 1
8 Существуют шакалы с больной мухропендией\. Мухропендия может быть, или больной, или здоровой Не всякий шакал может похвастаться здоровой мухропендией У некоторых шакалов мухропендия нездоровая Существуют шакалы со здоровой мухропендией 2
9 Неправда, что наша тумельница большая и круглая Наша тумельница маленькая и некруглая Наша тумельница маленькая, или некруглая, или то и другое вместе Наша тумельница маленькая, или некруглая, но не то и другое вместе 2
10 Джон всегда либо урдит, либо мурлит Джон иногда урдит и мурлит Джон иногда урдит, иногда мурлит, а иногда не мурлит Джон никогда не занимается одновременно и урдением, и мурлением 3
11 Журналисты наврали, что бздыш болотный безграмотен и нахален На самом деле бздыш болотный образован и тактичен На самом деле бздыш болотный безграмотен, но не нахален Те журналисты солгали 3
12 Если тряхнуть перпелькой, то немедленно начнется стрельба\. За последний час стрельбы не было В течении последнего часа перпелькой не трясли В течении последнего часа перпелькой трясли А нечего было трясти чем попало 1
13 Огромный бутряк напугал деревенского старосту Старосте приснился ночной кошмар Староста попробовал некачественной выпивки Староста был напуган 3
14 Если почесать угубку за ухом, он начнет довольно шипеть\. Если угубок довольно зашипит, то молоко поблизости скиснет Если не чесать угубка за ухом, то молоко поблизости не скиснет Если почесать угубка за ухом, молоко поблизости скиснет Молоко вдалеке никогда не скисает от чесания угубков 2
15 Всех, кто громко обуривает, обязательно съедают\. Все ухмырки постоянно громко обуривают Все, кто громко обуривает \- ухмырки Всех ухмырков обязательно съедают Некоторых ухмырков не съедают 2
16 В реках близ Тимуграда обитает и вобла, и щука В реках близ Тимуграда не бывает воблы В реках близ Тимуграда обитает щука В реках близ Тимуграда обитает только вобла и щука 2
17 Выберите верное утверждение Бизнес\-процесс ничем не отличается от алгоритма Бизнес\-процесс является агрегацией алгоритмов Алгоритм является агерацией бизнес\-процессов 2
18 Выберите верное утверждение Задача и цель \- это синонимы Задача, чтобы задавать\; Цель, чтобы целиться Цель \- это итоговая метрика, задача \- это действие, которое направлено на достижение цели 3
19 Как правильно произносится\? пАйтон пайтОн питОн пифОн 1
20 Что является операндом в выражении\: x \= 6 \* 8 \/ y x,y,6,8 \=,\*,\/ 6,8,\* 6,8,y,\= 1
21 Как определяется working directory при запуске процесса\? По расположению запускаемого файла По местонахождению папки с исходными кодами По текущему установленному пути оболочки Shell\/cmd, из под которой происходит запуск 3
22 Список является массивом\? Да Нет 2
23 Какое отличие между str и bytes\? Отличий нет \- типы являются синонимами Str является декодированным представлением bytes Str является енкодированным представлением bytes 2
24 Какая операция в GIT отвечает за скачивание перечня ревизий с сервера\? git push git pull git fetch 3
25 Какое отличие между многопроцессными и многопроцессорными вычислениями\? Отличий нет В многопроцессных вычислениях может использоваться только 1 процессор, а в многопроцессорных вычислениях всегда может использоваться от 2\-х и более процессоров В многопроцессорных вычислениях может использоваться только 1 процессор, а в многопроцессных вычислениях может использоваться от 2\-х и более процессоров 2
26 Что является эквивалентом выражения\: \(X and Y\) or \(Z and Y\) not X and not Y and not Z \(not X or not Y\) and \(not Z or not Y\) \(X and Y\) or \(X and Y\) not \(not X or not Y\) or not \(not Z or not Y\) 4
27 Какое число в десятичной системе счисления является образом числа 11 в пятиричной системе счисления\? 3 11 6 7 3
28 Укажите корректное определение для SQL иснтрукции: SELECT \* FROM T1 INNER JOIN T2 ON T1\.ID \=\= T2\.T1\_ID Выбрать все строки из таблицы T1 Выбрать все строки из таблицы T1, по связке с которыми имеется строка в T2 Выбрать все строки из таблицы T1 и показать строки из таблицы T2, если по ним имеется связь с T1 Выбрать все строки из таблицы T2 и показать строки из таблицы T1, если по ним имеется связь с T2 2
29 Что делает команда SQL\: DELETE\? Удаляет таблицу из БД Чистит строки внутри таблицы 2
30 Чем отличается относительный путь от абсолютного\? Нет разницы \- оба пути указывают на один и тот же файл Абсолютный путь в любом окружении будет указывать на один и тот же файл\. Относительный \- нет Относительный путь в любом окружении будет указывать на один и тот же файл\. Абсолютный \- нет 2
31 Можно ли из ветки except повторно сгенерировать то же самое исключение exception \(тот же самый экземпляр\)\? Нет \- исключение уже было сформировано, повторно его вызвать будет невозможно Да \- исключение уже было сформировано, но его можно будет вызвать повторно Наверное \- не понимаю как работает try \.\. Except 2

@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
import time
splitter1 = 'Рабочий процесс'
splitter2 = 'Пример доступных данных'
splitter3 = 'Пример запуска роботов'
title = 'КАДРОВИК'
introHeader = 'Применение:'
introText = 'Робот-кадровик помогает проводить отбор кандидатов'
workflowHeader1 = 'Шаг 1: Размещение вакансии'
workflowDescription1 = 'Выполняет человек'
workflowHint1 = 'Размещение вакансии в telegram/'
workflowHeader2 = 'Шаг 2: Тестирование'
workflowDescription2 = 'Выполняет робот'
workflowHint2 = 'Автоматическое тестирования кандидатов'
workflowHeader3 = 'Шаг 3: Подведение итогов'
workflowDescription3 = 'Выполняет робот'
workflowHint3 = 'Автоматическое подведение итогов тестирования'
workflowHeader4 = 'Шаг 4: Личное собеседование'
workflowDescription4 = 'Выполняет человек'
workflowHint4 = 'Собеседование с лучшими кандидатами'
workflowHeader5 = 'Шаг 5: Оформление будущего сотрудника'
workflowDescription5 = 'Выполняет человек'
workflowHint5 = 'Подписание трудового договора'
questionHeaderMsg = 'Вопросы'
questionDescriptionMsg = 'Список вопросов для первого этапа'
resultHeaderMsg = 'Результаты'
resultDescriptionMsg = 'Сводка по всем рекрутам'
logHeaderMsg = 'Лог'
logDescriptionMsg = 'Лог за текущие сутки'
dropdownInit = 'Выберите робота...'
dropdownRobot1 = 'Робот на вакансию 1'
dropdownRobot2 = 'Робот на вакансию 2'
html = f'''<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<title> Test </title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/HR_01/styles">
<div class="card" style="width:450px;" id="card1">
<div class="content">
<div class="ui message">
<div class="header">{introHeader}</div>
<div class="ui relaxed divided list">
<div class="item">
<i class="user icon"></i>
<div class="content">
<div class="header" data-tooltip="{workflowHint1}">{workflowHeader1}</div>
<div class="description">{workflowDescription1}</div>
<div class="item">
<i class="reddit alien icon"></i>
<div class="content">
<div class="header" data-tooltip="{workflowHint2}">{workflowHeader2}</div>
<div class="description">{workflowDescription2}</div>
<div class="item">
<i class="reddit alien icon"></i>
<div class="content">
<div class="header" data-tooltip="{workflowHint3}">{workflowHeader3}</div>
<div class="description">{workflowDescription3}</div>
<div class="item">
<i class="user icon"></i>
<div class="content">
<div class="header" data-tooltip="{workflowHint4}">{workflowHeader4}</div>
<div class="description">{workflowDescription4}</div>
<div class="item">
<i class="user icon"></i>
<div class="content">
<div class="header" data-tooltip="{workflowHint5}">{workflowHeader5}</div>
<div class="description">{workflowDescription5}</div>
<div class="ui list">
<div class="item">
<i class="file icon"></i>
<div class="content">
<a class="header" onclick="get_data('question')">{questionHeaderMsg}</a>
<div class="description">{questionDescriptionMsg}</div>
<div class="item">
<i class="adress book icon"></i>
<div class="content">
<a class="header" onclick="get_data('results')">{resultHeaderMsg}</a>
<div class="description">{resultDescriptionMsg}</div>
<div class="item">
<i class="file alternate icon"></i>
<div class="content">
<a class="header" onclick="get_data('logs')">{logHeaderMsg}</a>
<div class="description">{logDescriptionMsg}</div>
<div class="ui list">
<div class="item">
<i class="telegram icon"></i>
<div id="Vacancy1Status" class="content"></div>
<div class="item">
<i class="telegram icon"></i>
<div id="Vacancy2Status" class="content"></div>
<div class="ui selection dropdown" onchange="bot_change()">
<input type="hidden" name="bot">
<i class="dropdown icon"></i>
<div class="default text">{dropdownInit}</div>
<div class="menu">
<div class="item" data-value="1">{dropdownRobot1}</div>
<div class="item" data-value="0">{dropdownRobot2}</div>
<p><div id="conteiner"></div></p>
<script src="/HR_01/scripts"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
from pyOpenRPA.Tools import CrossOS
from pyOpenRPA import Orchestrator # Import orchestrator main
from pyOpenRPA.Orchestrator.Server import app
import threading
from fastapi import Depends
from fastapi.responses import PlainTextResponse
from fastapi.responses import FileResponse
# Подключени файлов связанных с роботом-кадровиком01
def get_file():
return FileResponse(CrossOS.PathStr("Demo\\HR_01\\Questions.csv"))
def get_file():
return FileResponse(CrossOS.PathStr("Demo\\HR_01\\All_results.csv"))
def get_file():
return FileResponse(CrossOS.PathStr("Demo\\HR_01\\log.txt"))
def get_file():
return FileResponse(CrossOS.PathStr("Demo\\HR_01\\HR_officer01.js"))
def get_file():
return FileResponse(CrossOS.PathStr("Demo\\HR_01\\HR_officer01.css"))
lCPManager = Orchestrator.Managers.ControlPanel(inControlPanelNameStr="HR_officer01ControlPanel",
inRefreshHTMLJinja2TemplatePathStr=CrossOS.PathStr("Demo\\HR_01\\index.html"), inJinja2TemplateRefreshBool = True)
with open(CrossOS.PathStr("Demo\\HR_01\\index.html"), 'w', encoding='UTF-8') as file:

@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<title> Test </title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/HR_01/styles">
<div class="card" style="width:450px;" id="card1">
<div class="content">
<div class="ui message">
<div class="header">Применение:</div>
<p>Робот-кадровик помогает проводить отбор кандидатов</p>
<h4><span>Рабочий процесс</span></h4>
<div class="ui relaxed divided list">
<div class="item">
<i class="user icon"></i>
<div class="content">
<div class="header" data-tooltip="Размещение вакансии в telegram/">Шаг 1: Размещение вакансии</div>
<div class="description">Выполняет человек</div>
<div class="item">
<i class="reddit alien icon"></i>
<div class="content">
<div class="header" data-tooltip="Автоматическое тестирования кандидатов">Шаг 2: Тестирование</div>
<div class="description">Выполняет робот</div>
<div class="item">
<i class="reddit alien icon"></i>
<div class="content">
<div class="header" data-tooltip="Автоматическое подведение итогов тестирования">Шаг 3: Подведение итогов</div>
<div class="description">Выполняет робот</div>
<div class="item">
<i class="user icon"></i>
<div class="content">
<div class="header" data-tooltip="Собеседование с лучшими кандидатами">Шаг 4: Личное собеседование</div>
<div class="description">Выполняет человек</div>
<div class="item">
<i class="user icon"></i>
<div class="content">
<div class="header" data-tooltip="Подписание трудового договора">Шаг 5: Оформление будущего сотрудника</div>
<div class="description">Выполняет человек</div>
<h4><span>Пример доступных данных</span></h4>
<div class="ui list">
<div class="item">
<i class="file icon"></i>
<div class="content">
<a class="header" onclick="get_data('question')">Вопросы</a>
<div class="description">Список вопросов для первого этапа</div>
<div class="item">
<i class="adress book icon"></i>
<div class="content">
<a class="header" onclick="get_data('results')">Результаты</a>
<div class="description">Сводка по всем рекрутам</div>
<div class="item">
<i class="file alternate icon"></i>
<div class="content">
<a class="header" onclick="get_data('logs')">Лог</a>
<div class="description">Лог за текущие сутки</div>
<h4><span>Пример запуска роботов</span></h4>
<div class="ui list">
<div class="item">
<i class="telegram icon"></i>
<div id="Vacancy1Status" class="content"></div>
<div class="item">
<i class="telegram icon"></i>
<div id="Vacancy2Status" class="content"></div>
<div class="ui selection dropdown" onchange="bot_change()">
<input type="hidden" name="bot">
<i class="dropdown icon"></i>
<div class="default text">Выберите робота...</div>
<div class="menu">
<div class="item" data-value="1">Робот на вакансию 1</div>
<div class="item" data-value="0">Робот на вакансию 2</div>
<p><div id="conteiner"></div></p>
<script src="/HR_01/scripts"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
from pyOpenRPA import Orchestrator
from pyOpenRPA.Orchestrator.Managers import ControlPanel
from pyOpenRPA.Orchestrator.Managers import Process
from pyOpenRPA.Tools import CrossOS
import os
import sys
import socket
import datetime
import urllib.parse
import time
g_cp_name_str = "CP_JUPYTER"
g_repo_name_str = os.path.abspath(__file__).split("\\")[-5]
g_repo_package_path_str = os.path.abspath("\\".join(os.path.abspath(__file__).split("\\")[:-1]))
#g_repo_package_path_str = os.path.join(g_repo_path_str, "Orchestrator","Demo","JUPITER_01")
#g_repo_package_path_str = os.path.join(g_repo_package_path_str, g_cp_name_str)
# User settings
g_host_str = socket.gethostname().upper() # Identify PC
g_control_panel = ControlPanel(inControlPanelNameStr=g_cp_name_str,
inRefreshHTMLJinja2TemplatePathStr=os.path.join(g_repo_package_path_str, "html_jinja2.xhtml"),
g_jinja_context_dict = {"settings": sys.modules[__name__],
"urllib_parse_quote_plus": urllib.parse.quote_plus, "g_host_str": g_host_str, "g_repo_name_str": g_repo_name_str}
g_control_panel.InitJSJinja2TemplatePathSet(inJinja2TemplatePathStr=os.path.join(g_repo_package_path_str, "js.js"))

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
<div class="card" style=""">
<div class="content">
<div class="right floated mini ui ">
<div class="header">
<div class="ui divider"></div>
<div class="meta">
<div>Рабочая область PYTHON JUPYTER. <br> Сотрудник: {{UserInfoDict["UserNameUpperStr"]}}</div>
<div class="ui divider"></div>
<div class="description">
<button class="massive ui button" >
Открыть в новой вкладке
<div class="extra content">
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
$(document).ready(function() {

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
from pyOpenRPA import Orchestrator
from pyOpenRPA.Orchestrator.Managers import ControlPanel
import time
import os
import sys
import socket
import datetime
import urllib.parse
g_cp_name_str = "OPER_00"
g_repo_name_str = os.path.abspath(__file__).split("\\")[-5]
g_repo_package_cp_path_str = os.path.abspath("\\".join(os.path.abspath(__file__).split("\\")[:-1]))
# User settings
g_host_str = socket.gethostname().upper() # Identify PC
g_control_panel = ControlPanel(inControlPanelNameStr=g_cp_name_str,
inRefreshHTMLJinja2TemplatePathStr=os.path.join(g_repo_package_cp_path_str, "html_jinja2.xhtml"),
g_jinja_context_dict = {"settings": sys.modules[__name__],
"urllib_parse_quote_plus": urllib.parse.quote_plus, "g_host_str": g_host_str, "g_repo_name_str": g_repo_name_str}

@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
<div class="card" style="width: 450px;"">
<div class="content">
<div class="right floated mini ui ">
<div class="header">
<div class="meta">
<div>Робот бухгалтер.</div>
Сотрудник: {{UserInfoDict["UserNameUpperStr"]}}
<div class="ui divider"></div>
<div class="description">
<span style="font-weight: bold;">Статус за 05.04.2022:</span>
<div class="ui vertical fluid steps">
<div class="completed step">
<i class="arrow circle right card icon"></i>
<div class="content">
<div class="title">Шаг 1: Выгрузка</div>
<div class="description">Ежедневно в 08:22 (STARTED)</div>
<div class="active step">
<i class="arrow circle right card icon"></i>
<div class="content">
<div class="title">Шаг 2: Опрос</div>
<div class="description">Производить до 12:00</div>
<div class="step">
<i class="hourglass half card icon"></i>
<div class="content">
<div class="title">Шаг 3: Отчет</div>
<div class="description">Отправка вручную в период с 12:00 до 12:30</div>
<div class="ui divider"></div>
<div class="ui placeholder">
<div class="image header">
<div class="line"></div>
<div class="line"></div>
<div class="paragraph">
<div class="line"></div>
<div class="line"></div>
<div class="line"></div>
<div class="line"></div>
<div class="line"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
per_log_download = function () {
var l_now = new Date();
l_month_str = String(l_now.getMonth()+1)
if (l_month_str.length == 1){ l_month_str = "0"+l_month_str }
l_day_str = String(l_now.getDate())
if (l_day_str.length == 1){ l_day_str = "0"+l_day_str }
l_log_date_str = String(l_now.getFullYear())+"_"+l_month_str+"_"+l_day_str
l_log_date_str = window.prompt("Укажите дату лог файла для скачивания (формат: гггг_мм_дд)", l_log_date_str);
if (l_log_date_str != null) {
l_url_str = "/logs/"+l_log_date_str+".log", '_blank');

@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
import time
splitter1 = 'Рабочий процесс'
splitter2 = 'Окно настройки робота'
title = 'КАЗНАЧЕЙ'
introHeader = 'Применение:'
introText = 'Робот-казначей выполняет выгрузку банковских выписок'
workflowHeader1 = 'Шаг 1: Авторизация в клиент-банке'
workflowDescription1 = 'Выполняет робот'
workflowHint1 = 'Авторизация на сайте банка'
workflowHeader2 = 'Шаг 2: Выгрузка выписок'
workflowDescription2 = 'Выполняет робот'
workflowHint2 = 'Скачивание выписок с сайта банка'
workflowHeader3 = 'Шаг 3: Перенаправление выписок'
workflowDescription3 = 'Выполняет робот'
workflowHint3 = 'Например, размещение в сетевой папке'
dropBankTitle = 'Выберите банк...'
dropBank1 = 'Сбербанк'
dropBank2 = 'ВТБ'
dropBank3 = 'Альфа'
dropBankAccountTitle = 'Выберите счет'
dropBankAccount1 = 'Счет 1'
dropBankAccount2 = 'Счет 2'
dropBankAccount3 = 'Счет 3'
dropBankAccountAll = 'Счет XY'
checkboxPerTitle = 'Период:'
checkboxPer1 = 'За день'
checkboxPer2 = 'За месяц'
checkboxFormTitle = ''
checkboxForm1 = 'PDF'
checkboxForm2 = '1C'
checkboxForm3 = 'WORD'
checkboxForm4 = 'EXCEL'
emailTitle = 'Укажите почту (необязательно):'
emailWindow = ''
btnDownload = 'Скачать'
btnEmail = 'Отправить'
html = f'''<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<title> Treasurer </title>
<div class="card" style="width:450px;" id="card1">
<div class="content">
<div class="ui message">
<div class="header">{introHeader}</div>
<div class="ui relaxed divided list">
<div class="item">
<i class="reddit alien icon"></i>
<div class="content">
<div class="header" data-tooltip="{workflowHint1}">{workflowHeader1}</div>
<div class="description">{workflowDescription1}</div>
<div class="item">
<i class="reddit alien icon"></i>
<div class="content">
<div class="header" data-tooltip="{workflowHint2}">{workflowHeader2}</div>
<div class="description">{workflowDescription2}</div>
<div class="item">
<i class="reddit alien icon"></i>
<div class="content">
<div class="header" data-tooltip="{workflowHint3}">{workflowHeader3}</div>
<div class="description">{workflowDescription3}</div>
<div class="ui selection dropdown">
<input type="hidden" name="bank">
<i class="dropdown icon"></i>
<div class="default text">{dropBankTitle}</div>
<div class="menu">
<div class="item" data-value="2">{dropBank1}</div>
<div class="item" data-value="1">{dropBank2}</div>
<div class="item" data-value="0">{dropBank3}</div>
<select class="ui fluid search dropdown" style="font-family: 'Lato', 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" multiple="">
<option value="">{dropBankAccountTitle}</option>
<option value="All">{dropBankAccountAll}</option>
<option value="Ch1">{dropBankAccount1}</option>
<option value="Ch2">{dropBankAccount2}</option>
<option value="Ch3">{dropBankAccount3}</option>
<div class="ui form">
<div class="inline fields">
<div class="field">
<div class="ui radio checkbox">
<input type="radio" name="time">
<div class="field">
<div class="ui radio checkbox">
<input type="radio" name="time">
<div class="ui form">
<div class="inline fields">
<div class="field">
<div class="ui radio checkbox">
<input type="radio" name="format">
<div class="field">
<div class="ui radio checkbox">
<input type="radio" name="format">
<div class="field">
<div class="ui radio checkbox">
<input type="radio" name="format">
<div class="field">
<div class="ui radio checkbox">
<input type="radio" name="format">
<p><div class="ui input focus">
<input type="text" placeholder="{emailWindow}">
<button class="ui right labeled icon button"><i class="download icon"></i> {btnDownload} </button>
<button class="ui right labeled icon button"><i class="envelope icon"></i> {btnEmail} </button>
<script src="/TREASURER_01/scripts"></script>
from pyOpenRPA.Tools import CrossOS
from pyOpenRPA import Orchestrator # Import orchestrator main
from pyOpenRPA.Orchestrator.Server import app
import threading
from fastapi import Depends
from fastapi.responses import PlainTextResponse
from fastapi.responses import FileResponse
# Подключени файлов связанных с роботом-казначеем01
def get_file():
return FileResponse("Demo\\TREASURER_01\\Treasurer01.js")
lCPManager = Orchestrator.Managers.ControlPanel(inControlPanelNameStr="Treasurer01ControlPanel",
inRefreshHTMLJinja2TemplatePathStr=CrossOS.PathStr("Demo\\TREASURER_01\\index.html"), inJinja2TemplateRefreshBool = True)
with open("Demo\\TREASURER_01\\index.html", 'w', encoding='UTF-8') as file:

@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<title> Treasurer </title>
<div class="card" style="width:450px;" id="card1">
<div class="content">
<div class="ui message">
<div class="header">Применение:</div>
<p>Робот-казначей выполняет выгрузку банковских выписок</p>
<h4><span>Рабочий процесс</span></h4>
<div class="ui relaxed divided list">
<div class="item">
<i class="reddit alien icon"></i>
<div class="content">
<div class="header" data-tooltip="Авторизация на сайте банка">Шаг 1: Авторизация в клиент-банке</div>
<div class="description">Выполняет робот</div>
<div class="item">
<i class="reddit alien icon"></i>
<div class="content">
<div class="header" data-tooltip="Скачивание выписок с сайта банка">Шаг 2: Выгрузка выписок</div>
<div class="description">Выполняет робот</div>
<div class="item">
<i class="reddit alien icon"></i>
<div class="content">
<div class="header" data-tooltip="Например, размещение в сетевой папке">Шаг 3: Перенаправление выписок</div>
<div class="description">Выполняет робот</div>
<h4><span>Окно настройки робота</span></h4>
<div class="ui selection dropdown">
<input type="hidden" name="bank">
<i class="dropdown icon"></i>
<div class="default text">Выберите банк...</div>
<div class="menu">
<div class="item" data-value="2">Сбербанк</div>
<div class="item" data-value="1">ВТБ</div>
<div class="item" data-value="0">Альфа</div>
<select class="ui fluid search dropdown" style="font-family: 'Lato', 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" multiple="">
<option value="">Выберите счет</option>
<option value="All">Счет XY</option>
<option value="Ch1">Счет 1</option>
<option value="Ch2">Счет 2</option>
<option value="Ch3">Счет 3</option>
<div class="ui form">
<div class="inline fields">
<div class="field">
<div class="ui radio checkbox">
<input type="radio" name="time">
<label>За день</label>
<div class="field">
<div class="ui radio checkbox">
<input type="radio" name="time">
<label>За месяц</label>
<div class="ui form">
<div class="inline fields">
<div class="field">
<div class="ui radio checkbox">
<input type="radio" name="format">
<div class="field">
<div class="ui radio checkbox">
<input type="radio" name="format">
<div class="field">
<div class="ui radio checkbox">
<input type="radio" name="format">
<div class="field">
<div class="ui radio checkbox">
<input type="radio" name="format">
<div><b>Укажите почту (необязательно):</b></div>
<p><div class="ui input focus">
<input type="text" placeholder="">
<button class="ui right labeled icon button"><i class="download icon"></i> Скачать </button>
<button class="ui right labeled icon button"><i class="envelope icon"></i> Отправить </button>
<script src="/TREASURER_01/scripts"></script>

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@

@ -12,28 +12,6 @@ if lPyOpenRPASourceFolderPathStr != "": sys.path.insert(0,os.path.abspath(os.pat
from pyOpenRPA.Orchestrator import SettingsTemplate # Import functionallity from pyOpenRPA.Orchestrator import SettingsTemplate # Import functionallity
from pyOpenRPA.Tools import CrossOS from pyOpenRPA.Tools import CrossOS
from pyOpenRPA import Orchestrator # Import orchestrator main from pyOpenRPA import Orchestrator # Import orchestrator main
from pyOpenRPA.Orchestrator.Server import app
import threading
from fastapi import Depends
from fastapi.responses import PlainTextResponse
from fastapi.responses import FileResponse
# Пример создания функции на сервере (FASTAPI) /test/threads
def Threads():# inAuthDict:dict=Depends(IdentifyAuthorize)
#def Threads(inAuthDict:dict=Depends(IdentifyAuthorize)):# Используй, если требуется авторизация
lThreadStr = ""
for thread in threading.enumerate():
lThreadStr+=f"ПОТОК: {}\n"
return lThreadStr
#Run as administrator (ONLY FOR WINDOWS) #Run as administrator (ONLY FOR WINDOWS)
if not Orchestrator.OrchestratorIsAdmin() and CrossOS.IS_WINDOWS_BOOL: if not Orchestrator.OrchestratorIsAdmin() and CrossOS.IS_WINDOWS_BOOL:
Orchestrator.OrchestratorRerunAsAdmin() Orchestrator.OrchestratorRerunAsAdmin()
@ -44,11 +22,10 @@ else:
Orchestrator.OrchestratorLoggerGet().setLevel(logging.INFO) Orchestrator.OrchestratorLoggerGet().setLevel(logging.INFO)
# TEST Add User ND - Add Login ND to superuser of the Orchestrator # TEST Add User ND - Add Login ND to superuser of the Orchestrator
lUACClientDict = SettingsTemplate.__UACClientAdminCreate__() lUACClientDict = SettingsTemplate.__UACClientAdminCreate__()
Orchestrator.UACUpdate(inGSettings=gSettings, inADLoginStr="ND", inADStr="", inADIsDefaultBool=True, inURLList=[], inRoleHierarchyAllowedDict=lUACClientDict) Orchestrator.UACUpdate(inGSettings=gSettings, inADLoginStr="ND", inADStr="", inADIsDefaultBool=True, inURLList=[], inRoleHierarchyAllowedDict=lUACClientDict)
Orchestrator.UACUpdate(inGSettings=gSettings, inADLoginStr="rpa00", inADStr="", inADIsDefaultBool=True, inURLList=[], inRoleHierarchyAllowedDict=lUACClientDict) Orchestrator.UACUpdate(inGSettings=gSettings, inADLoginStr="rpa00", inADStr="", inADIsDefaultBool=True, inURLList=[], inRoleHierarchyAllowedDict=lUACClientDict)
# TEST Add User IMaslov - Add Login IMaslov to superuser of the Orchestrator # TEST Add User IMaslov - Add Login IMaslov to superuser of the Orchestrator
Orchestrator.UACUpdate(inGSettings=gSettings, inADLoginStr="VLADICK", inADStr="", inADIsDefaultBool=True, inURLList=[]) Orchestrator.UACUpdate(inGSettings=gSettings, inADLoginStr="IMaslov", inADStr="", inADIsDefaultBool=True, inURLList=[])
# TEST Add Supertoken for the all access between robots # TEST Add Supertoken for the all access between robots
Orchestrator.UACSuperTokenUpdate(inGSettings=gSettings, inSuperTokenStr="1992-04-03-0643-ru-b4ff-openrpa52zzz") Orchestrator.UACSuperTokenUpdate(inGSettings=gSettings, inSuperTokenStr="1992-04-03-0643-ru-b4ff-openrpa52zzz")
# Add first interface! # Add first interface!
@ -59,7 +36,7 @@ else:
# Restore DUMP # Restore DUMP
Orchestrator.OrchestratorSessionRestore(inGSettings=gSettings) Orchestrator.OrchestratorSessionRestore(inGSettings=gSettings)
# Autoinit control panels starts with CP_ # Autoinit control panels starts with CP_
lPyModules = Orchestrator.OrchestratorPySearchInit(inGlobPatternStr="Demo\\*\\", inAsyncInitBool=True) lPyModules = Orchestrator.OrchestratorPySearchInit(inGlobPatternStr="ControlPanel\\CP_*.py", inDefStr="SettingsUpdate", inDefArgNameGSettingsStr="inGSettings", inAsyncInitBool=True)
# Call the orchestrator def # Call the orchestrator def
Orchestrator.Orchestrator(inGSettings=gSettings, inDumpRestoreBool=False) Orchestrator.Orchestrator(inGSettings=gSettings, inDumpRestoreBool=False)

@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
chcp 65001
@echo off
echo Формат использования init-python-env.cmd [имя запускаемого процесса.exe] [имя убиваемого процесса.exe]
echo Пример использования init-python-env.cmd orpa-rbt.exe orpa-rbt.exe
if [%1]==[] goto :python-env
goto create-exe
copy /Y "%~dp0..\Resources\WPy64-3720\python-3.7.2.amd64\python.exe" "%~dp0..\Resources\WPy64-3720\python-3.7.2.amd64\%1"
if [%2]==[] goto :python-env
goto taskkill
taskkill /im "%2" /F /fi "username eq %username%"
goto :python-env
set CD_PREV=%cd%
cd /d "%~dp0..\Resources\WPy64-3720\python-3.7.2.amd64"
set PATH=%cd%;%cd%\Scripts;%PATH%
cd /d "%~dp0..\Sources"
cd %CD_PREV%
echo Инициализация Python окружения прошла успешно!
@echo on

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
chcp 65001
cd /d "%~dp0"
call init-python-env.cmd orpa-rbt.exe orpa-rbt.exe

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
chcp 65001 cd %~dp0
cd /d "%~dp0" taskkill /im "orpa-orc.exe" /F /fi "username eq %username%"
call init-python-env.cmd orpa-orc.exe orpa-orc.exe copy /Y ..\Resources\WPy64-3720\python-3.7.2.amd64\python.exe ..\Resources\WPy64-3720\python-3.7.2.amd64\orpa-orc.exe
orpa-orc.exe "" .\..\Resources\WPy64-3720\python-3.7.2.amd64\orpa-orc.exe ""
pause>nul pause>nul

@ -1 +0,0 @@

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

Binary file not shown.

@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
#pyaudio loopback
import pyaudio
import wave
import os
defaultframes = 512
class textcolors:
if not == 'nt':
blue = '\033[94m'
green = '\033[92m'
warning = '\033[93m'
fail = '\033[91m'
end = '\033[0m'
blue = ''
green = ''
warning = ''
fail = ''
end = ''
recorded_frames = []
device_info = {}
useloopback = False
recordtime = 5
#Use module
p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
#Set default to first in list or ask Windows
default_device_index = p.get_default_input_device_info()
except IOError:
default_device_index = -1
#Select Device
print ( + "Available devices:\n" + textcolors.end)
for i in range(0, p.get_device_count()):
info = p.get_device_info_by_index(i)
print ( + str(info["index"]) + textcolors.end + ": \t %s \n \t %s \n" % (info["name"], p.get_host_api_info_by_index(info["hostApi"])["name"]))
if default_device_index == -1:
default_device_index = info["index"]
#Handle no devices available
if default_device_index == -1:
print ( + "No device available. Quitting." + textcolors.end)
#Get input or default
device_id = int(input("Choose device [" + + str(default_device_index) + textcolors.end + "]: ") or default_device_index)
print ("")
#Get device info
device_info = p.get_device_info_by_index(device_id)
except IOError:
device_info = p.get_device_info_by_index(default_device_index)
print (textcolors.warning + "Selection not available, using default." + textcolors.end)
#Choose between loopback or standard mode
is_input = device_info["maxInputChannels"] > 0
is_wasapi = (p.get_host_api_info_by_index(device_info["hostApi"])["name"]).find("WASAPI") != -1
if is_input:
print ( + "Selection is input using standard mode.\n" + textcolors.end)
if is_wasapi:
useloopback = True;
print ( + "Selection is output. Using loopback mode.\n" + textcolors.end)
print ( + "Selection is input and does not support loopback mode. Quitting.\n" + textcolors.end)
recordtime = int(input("Record time in seconds [" + + str(recordtime) + textcolors.end + "]: ") or recordtime)
#Open stream
channelcount = device_info["maxInputChannels"] if (device_info["maxOutputChannels"] < device_info["maxInputChannels"]) else device_info["maxOutputChannels"]
stream = = pyaudio.paInt16,
channels = channelcount,
rate = int(device_info["defaultSampleRate"]),
input = True,
frames_per_buffer = defaultframes,
input_device_index = device_info["index"],
as_loopback = useloopback)
#Start Recording
print ( + "Starting..." + textcolors.end)
for i in range(0, int(int(device_info["defaultSampleRate"]) / defaultframes * recordtime)):
print (".")
print ( + "End." + textcolors.end)
#Stop Recording
#Close module
filename = input("Save as [" + + "out.wav" + textcolors.end + "]: ") or "out.wav"
from pydub import AudioSegment
# Advanced usage, if you have raw audio data:
sound = AudioSegment(
# raw audio data (bytes)
# 2 byte (16 bit) samples
# 44.1 kHz frame rate
# stereo
sound.export("out.mp3", format="mp3")
#waveFile =, 'wb')
#pyaudio classic
from sys import byteorder
from array import array
from struct import pack
import pyaudio
import wave
FORMAT = pyaudio.paInt16
RATE = 44100
import time
TIME_LAST = time.time()
def is_silent(snd_data):
"Returns 'True' if below the 'silent' threshold"
return max(snd_data) < THRESHOLD
def normalize(snd_data):
"Average the volume out"
MAXIMUM = 16384
times = float(MAXIMUM)/max(abs(i) for i in snd_data)
r = array('h')
for i in snd_data:
return r
def trim(snd_data):
"Trim the blank spots at the start and end"
def _trim(snd_data):
snd_started = False
r = array('h')
for i in snd_data:
if not snd_started and abs(i)>THRESHOLD:
snd_started = True
elif snd_started:
return r
# Trim to the left
snd_data = _trim(snd_data)
# Trim to the right
snd_data = _trim(snd_data)
return snd_data

@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
Metadata-Version: 2.1 Metadata-Version: 2.1
Name: pyOpenRPA Name: pyOpenRPA
Version: 1.3.1 Version: 1.3.0
Summary: The powerful open source RPA platform for business Summary: The powerful open source RPA platform for business
Home-page: Home-page:
Author: Ivan Maslov Author: Ivan Maslov
Author-email: Author-email:
License: Текст лицензии см. в файле: LICENSE.PDF (в корне) или по адресу: License: Текст лицензии см. в файле: LICENSE.PDF (в корне) или по адресу:
Keywords: pyOpenRPA OpenRPA RPA Robot Automation Robotization OpenSource IT4Business Keywords: pyOpenRPA OpenRPA RPA Robot Automation Robotization OpenSource IT4Business
Platform: UNKNOWN
Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
Classifier: License :: Free For Educational Use Classifier: License :: Free For Educational Use
Classifier: License :: Free For Home Use Classifier: License :: Free For Home Use
@ -91,3 +92,4 @@ Ivan Maslov contacts (CEO & FOUNDER):
- Web: - Web:
- Telegram: - Telegram:
- WhatsApp | Telegram: +7 906 722 39 25 | @IvanMaslov - WhatsApp | Telegram: +7 906 722 39 25 | @IvanMaslov

@ -1,17 +1,11 @@
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pyOpenRPA/Agent/,sha256=47DEQpj8HBSa-_TImW-5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU,0 pyOpenRPA/Agent/,sha256=47DEQpj8HBSa-_TImW-5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU,0
@ -23,12 +17,12 @@ pyOpenRPA/Agent/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-37.pyc,,
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pyOpenRPA/Orchestrator/,sha256=OzS8HjG__8OZgqhajr8L8owyugXPuSLWHLtXuKdEP78,103 pyOpenRPA/Orchestrator/,sha256=OzS8HjG__8OZgqhajr8L8owyugXPuSLWHLtXuKdEP78,103
pyOpenRPA/Orchestrator/,sha256=OHa3mSC3_wRAizqrWBVjlR6ln4-xVVvBpOSnWl6qVvY,529 pyOpenRPA/Orchestrator/,sha256=OHa3mSC3_wRAizqrWBVjlR6ln4-xVVvBpOSnWl6qVvY,529
pyOpenRPA/Orchestrator/Managers/,sha256=VJoWVZoGE0dOQ-_jeezG8NNsk0mETUrJQztE8AfqxBY,17531 pyOpenRPA/Orchestrator/Managers/,sha256=PZzh_RUke8bIMGghCXTnEuTYICCwW71r2xXk7iTdUnU,17345
pyOpenRPA/Orchestrator/Managers/,sha256=VCXXc-enJhvrAJvYc8jHK9GcGe02meMdszU0tlJDHiQ,12879 pyOpenRPA/Orchestrator/Managers/,sha256=VCXXc-enJhvrAJvYc8jHK9GcGe02meMdszU0tlJDHiQ,12879
pyOpenRPA/Orchestrator/Managers/,sha256=JW6cMsgAKmTtSkNMlW7zHhLh3N8lBdZI95wDadxCgtw,42537 pyOpenRPA/Orchestrator/Managers/,sha256=4LJNMrt61AJKI3p7SeXnUSEpA61BtqWVxaVYxYS_BaI,42221
pyOpenRPA/Orchestrator/Managers/,sha256=4my0XiwmI_QLRQVhOzNvWTggCosF3tb2yRxGkehOCq0,71 pyOpenRPA/Orchestrator/Managers/,sha256=4my0XiwmI_QLRQVhOzNvWTggCosF3tb2yRxGkehOCq0,71
pyOpenRPA/Orchestrator/Managers/__pycache__/ControlPanel.cpython-37.pyc,, pyOpenRPA/Orchestrator/Managers/__pycache__/ControlPanel.cpython-37.pyc,,
pyOpenRPA/Orchestrator/Managers/__pycache__/Git.cpython-37.pyc,, pyOpenRPA/Orchestrator/Managers/__pycache__/Git.cpython-37.pyc,,
@ -68,9 +62,8 @@ pyOpenRPA/Orchestrator/RobotScreenActive/__pycache__/Monitor.cpython-37.pyc,,
pyOpenRPA/Orchestrator/RobotScreenActive/__pycache__/Screen.cpython-37.pyc,, pyOpenRPA/Orchestrator/RobotScreenActive/__pycache__/Screen.cpython-37.pyc,,
pyOpenRPA/Orchestrator/RobotScreenActive/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-37.pyc,, pyOpenRPA/Orchestrator/RobotScreenActive/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-37.pyc,,
pyOpenRPA/Orchestrator/RobotScreenActive/__pycache__/__main__.cpython-37.pyc,, pyOpenRPA/Orchestrator/RobotScreenActive/__pycache__/__main__.cpython-37.pyc,,
pyOpenRPA/Orchestrator/,sha256=kejcfciuREYHc8Wl0ZgO6_1Kim0QtgfugPWYQq3VD54,12723 pyOpenRPA/Orchestrator/,sha256=eYiXKvWsiBG_kfHtzdNX4Zu2xL2DjkJZXqBfqOgHAk4,38600
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pyOpenRPA/Orchestrator/__pycache__/Timer.cpython-37.pyc,, pyOpenRPA/Orchestrator/__pycache__/Timer.cpython-37.pyc,,
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pyOpenRPA/Robot/,sha256=QXClSH1ccCl8KfKbMY1Wk_SynEgfDZqZ_0h-OZYn4kA,1962 pyOpenRPA/Robot/,sha256=QXClSH1ccCl8KfKbMY1Wk_SynEgfDZqZ_0h-OZYn4kA,1962
pyOpenRPA/Robot/,sha256=0pe4C5vqYD9LRBm61dZmJ39lyNoI0BXMLCA0bWjvm8I,26589 pyOpenRPA/Robot/,sha256=3RCogucSWPCtq7YbFKIUvJOSBvFE04P6Lo3hjCGUHi8,26071
pyOpenRPA/Robot/,sha256=R-2q5Q-nDhvvQjcQxFz8FRM9tHjhPUKdnK3KuPc_OZw,16361 pyOpenRPA/Robot/,sha256=R-2q5Q-nDhvvQjcQxFz8FRM9tHjhPUKdnK3KuPc_OZw,16361
pyOpenRPA/Robot/,sha256=JUtdiUXCruqUqBD19gJBl9jk_b-tpWWx_v3MfBoKzoQ,20445 pyOpenRPA/Robot/,sha256=JUtdiUXCruqUqBD19gJBl9jk_b-tpWWx_v3MfBoKzoQ,20445
pyOpenRPA/Robot/,sha256=bwiTAygxuMZzBlwpsndw2QgxA2smIjUyOPZnsnR341k,1623 pyOpenRPA/Robot/,sha256=bwiTAygxuMZzBlwpsndw2QgxA2smIjUyOPZnsnR341k,1623
@ -319,7 +312,7 @@ pyOpenRPA/Robot/,sha256=nH80ghKw7OseNF_fVwfUrih0y9o1Ul2VPEl_WT5b598,454
pyOpenRPA/Robot/,sha256=Rp5XPeV2I4tCS2uf4Zkqm_ERJ6pZMg4-e5_lMqGJYLk,1453 pyOpenRPA/Robot/,sha256=Rp5XPeV2I4tCS2uf4Zkqm_ERJ6pZMg4-e5_lMqGJYLk,1453
pyOpenRPA/Robot/,sha256=qXr990nXiFZX5SNv6QN9GLb_U4HZRmJnbZR2qSnwilY,2878 pyOpenRPA/Robot/,sha256=qXr990nXiFZX5SNv6QN9GLb_U4HZRmJnbZR2qSnwilY,2878
pyOpenRPA/Robot/,sha256=WLy8wUVDFSUN5S7hXUjijQIH0B71c5tj-pBCVex7uFc,125314 pyOpenRPA/Robot/,sha256=WLy8wUVDFSUN5S7hXUjijQIH0B71c5tj-pBCVex7uFc,125314
pyOpenRPA/Robot/,sha256=DLr6cPvFdUmGMTKGLVrksaVKHqBmbxzFkkT4qT0WLfo,32589 pyOpenRPA/Robot/,sha256=c3VA8IG2ELuGaWskyFFCbJalBKdDON2sjWhvHjR-2Dk,32353
pyOpenRPA/Robot/Utils/,sha256=aIuVzuZDazhxkCOzoOjfhHVz66mp2FWdfPv5E7KWF5Y,3890 pyOpenRPA/Robot/Utils/,sha256=aIuVzuZDazhxkCOzoOjfhHVz66mp2FWdfPv5E7KWF5Y,3890
pyOpenRPA/Robot/Utils/,sha256=NvzuTxNWL_EMmdU1Isu0bUck1Iud0Kkzn8GsVCzIAAM,4591 pyOpenRPA/Robot/Utils/,sha256=NvzuTxNWL_EMmdU1Isu0bUck1Iud0Kkzn8GsVCzIAAM,4591
pyOpenRPA/Robot/Utils/,sha256=8GfmLnOvAdosmt7YNT86uEV9cjhKippssCX62wOMJwM,8039 pyOpenRPA/Robot/Utils/,sha256=8GfmLnOvAdosmt7YNT86uEV9cjhKippssCX62wOMJwM,8039
@ -335,7 +328,6 @@ pyOpenRPA/Robot/Utils/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-37.pyc,,
pyOpenRPA/Robot/,sha256=UJl-sg4RvvJ35aG9jZOzqGVwE15XK7qPHqoOBD13xFk,431 pyOpenRPA/Robot/,sha256=UJl-sg4RvvJ35aG9jZOzqGVwE15XK7qPHqoOBD13xFk,431
pyOpenRPA/Robot/,sha256=eYyMsU33rGlEZcsO-MH9UtXs47UcTCtg4Uc4lxKmmQo,255 pyOpenRPA/Robot/,sha256=eYyMsU33rGlEZcsO-MH9UtXs47UcTCtg4Uc4lxKmmQo,255
pyOpenRPA/Robot/,sha256=xtzw5siZZJV2Nmn-zXPZY5u3Tk0wxe-l8lxq3VPEEiI,2029 pyOpenRPA/Robot/,sha256=xtzw5siZZJV2Nmn-zXPZY5u3Tk0wxe-l8lxq3VPEEiI,2029
pyOpenRPA/Robot/__pycache__/Clipboard.cpython-37.pyc,, pyOpenRPA/Robot/__pycache__/Clipboard.cpython-37.pyc,,
pyOpenRPA/Robot/__pycache__/Keyboard.cpython-37.pyc,, pyOpenRPA/Robot/__pycache__/Keyboard.cpython-37.pyc,,
pyOpenRPA/Robot/__pycache__/Mouse.cpython-37.pyc,, pyOpenRPA/Robot/__pycache__/Mouse.cpython-37.pyc,,
@ -351,8 +343,10 @@ pyOpenRPA/Robot/__pycache__/__main__.cpython-37.pyc,,
pyOpenRPA/Studio/,sha256=g0Z8G2wojCgTAdZtyRiCfe0_FHSeAi72Va7R7mk27gg,3347 pyOpenRPA/Studio/,sha256=g0Z8G2wojCgTAdZtyRiCfe0_FHSeAi72Va7R7mk27gg,3347
pyOpenRPA/Studio/,sha256=HD3XASJae31_HV3OznFe8E2MgZFXnwt7YveVN82M8nU,7912 pyOpenRPA/Studio/,sha256=HD3XASJae31_HV3OznFe8E2MgZFXnwt7YveVN82M8nU,7912
pyOpenRPA/Studio/,sha256=CYO0dQoqfs44SYD_VZ_TJh3WFu_DXigHBLHj4GJ2Icc,5038 pyOpenRPA/Studio/,sha256=CYO0dQoqfs44SYD_VZ_TJh3WFu_DXigHBLHj4GJ2Icc,5038
pyOpenRPA/Studio/,sha256=pf9feDUyvKRJfhREkxK9uN49dWawYdn3ImkdxuH5mM0,18518 pyOpenRPA/Studio/,sha256=6He68tum4IyMSOv9VXsH2hmvMDnnCf4CDI66L7Wpl_Q,8739
pyOpenRPA/Studio/,sha256=ObskxU4fOMoCGw74_nzYt6-a5jjrAckb3sdBLYyhYxY,777 pyOpenRPA/Studio/,sha256=ObskxU4fOMoCGw74_nzYt6-a5jjrAckb3sdBLYyhYxY,777
pyOpenRPA/Studio/,sha256=47DEQpj8HBSa-_TImW-5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU,0 pyOpenRPA/Studio/,sha256=47DEQpj8HBSa-_TImW-5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU,0
pyOpenRPA/Studio/,sha256=_57Rnq9DKbmmlpGFqIwVrWn_LRcU8jjmMTOny4_zlP8,308 pyOpenRPA/Studio/,sha256=_57Rnq9DKbmmlpGFqIwVrWn_LRcU8jjmMTOny4_zlP8,308
pyOpenRPA/Studio/__pycache__/JSONNormalize.cpython-37.pyc,, pyOpenRPA/Studio/__pycache__/JSONNormalize.cpython-37.pyc,,
@ -363,7 +357,7 @@ pyOpenRPA/Studio/__pycache__/ValueVerify.cpython-37.pyc,,
pyOpenRPA/Studio/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-37.pyc,, pyOpenRPA/Studio/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-37.pyc,,
pyOpenRPA/Studio/__pycache__/__main__.cpython-37.pyc,, pyOpenRPA/Studio/__pycache__/__main__.cpython-37.pyc,,
pyOpenRPA/Tools/,sha256=6yq7cit6dgs0KCk6zknoy699r7a3gC0UrnYYe-ZrobM,3539 pyOpenRPA/Tools/,sha256=6yq7cit6dgs0KCk6zknoy699r7a3gC0UrnYYe-ZrobM,3539
pyOpenRPA/Tools/,sha256=nLDzlghYnRghULjGze6_yVg5Du25I8K5s3uhFw1hh3w,570 pyOpenRPA/Tools/,sha256=2slOSaPnUAwfDlyjhaqqhhchXUBgEKQImTzXagJt4Jw,535
pyOpenRPA/Tools/,sha256=r4z9HExUzpk2Q_6WhzgUnHlOPPHK1MLevtdlLwtZ7Hk,10378 pyOpenRPA/Tools/,sha256=r4z9HExUzpk2Q_6WhzgUnHlOPPHK1MLevtdlLwtZ7Hk,10378
pyOpenRPA/Tools/RobotDB/,sha256=hp0dvXOEC7Au00ueh7pqxkdixV-PC-km7tCt-wRunYs,343 pyOpenRPA/Tools/RobotDB/,sha256=hp0dvXOEC7Au00ueh7pqxkdixV-PC-km7tCt-wRunYs,343
pyOpenRPA/Tools/RobotDB/HowToUse,sha256=TUXPZAFcse-PSlKFM6jcaYuuZZEmXOSSvgeqrbmIDoc,1473 pyOpenRPA/Tools/RobotDB/HowToUse,sha256=TUXPZAFcse-PSlKFM6jcaYuuZZEmXOSSvgeqrbmIDoc,1473
@ -407,14 +401,7 @@ pyOpenRPA/Tools/__pycache__/StopSafe.cpython-37.pyc,,
pyOpenRPA/Tools/__pycache__/Template.cpython-37.pyc,, pyOpenRPA/Tools/__pycache__/Template.cpython-37.pyc,,
pyOpenRPA/Tools/__pycache__/Usage.cpython-37.pyc,, pyOpenRPA/Tools/__pycache__/Usage.cpython-37.pyc,,
pyOpenRPA/Tools/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-37.pyc,, pyOpenRPA/Tools/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-37.pyc,,
pyOpenRPA/Utils/,sha256=VCU5cCCwyCFvMmRQwq7MGllgqzeDAp_s8om3UChIoPk,6703 pyOpenRPA/Utils/,sha256=VCU5cCCwyCFvMmRQwq7MGllgqzeDAp_s8om3UChIoPk,6703
pyOpenRPA/Utils/__pycache__/Render.cpython-37.pyc,, pyOpenRPA/Utils/__pycache__/Render.cpython-37.pyc,,
pyOpenRPA/Utils/__pycache__/Text.cpython-37.pyc,, pyOpenRPA/,sha256=adiLDsNcgYHaK1h_sStFVU0UEQpYGgFRvPiLmmrtvnU,155
pyOpenRPA/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-37.pyc,, pyOpenRPA/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-37.pyc,,

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ def _A2ODataSend(inGSettings, inDataDict):
lProtocolStr= "https" if inGSettings["OrchestratorDict"]["IsHTTPSBool"] else "http" lProtocolStr= "https" if inGSettings["OrchestratorDict"]["IsHTTPSBool"] else "http"
lHostStr = inGSettings["OrchestratorDict"]["HostStr"] lHostStr = inGSettings["OrchestratorDict"]["HostStr"]
lPortInt = inGSettings["OrchestratorDict"]["PortInt"] lPortInt = inGSettings["OrchestratorDict"]["PortInt"]
lURLStr=f"{lProtocolStr}://{lHostStr}:{lPortInt}/orpa/agent/a2o" lURLStr=f"{lProtocolStr}://{lHostStr}:{lPortInt}/pyOpenRPA/Agent/A2O"
lResponse = lURLStr, cookies = {"AuthToken":inGSettings["OrchestratorDict"]["SuperTokenStr"]}, json=inDataDict, timeout=inGSettings["A2ODict"]["ConnectionTimeoutSecFloat"]) lResponse = lURLStr, cookies = {"AuthToken":inGSettings["OrchestratorDict"]["SuperTokenStr"]}, json=inDataDict, timeout=inGSettings["A2ODict"]["ConnectionTimeoutSecFloat"])
except Exception as e: except Exception as e:
if lL: lL.exception(f"A2O Error handler.") if lL: lL.exception(f"A2O Error handler.")

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ def O2A_Loop(inGSettings):
lProtocolStr= "https" if inGSettings["OrchestratorDict"]["IsHTTPSBool"] else "http" lProtocolStr= "https" if inGSettings["OrchestratorDict"]["IsHTTPSBool"] else "http"
lHostStr = inGSettings["OrchestratorDict"]["HostStr"] lHostStr = inGSettings["OrchestratorDict"]["HostStr"]
lPortInt = inGSettings["OrchestratorDict"]["PortInt"] lPortInt = inGSettings["OrchestratorDict"]["PortInt"]
lURLStr=f"{lProtocolStr}://{lHostStr}:{lPortInt}/orpa/agent/o2a" lURLStr=f"{lProtocolStr}://{lHostStr}:{lPortInt}/pyOpenRPA/Agent/O2A"
lDataDict = { "HostNameUpperStr": inGSettings["AgentDict"]["HostNameUpperStr"], "UserUpperStr": inGSettings["AgentDict"]["UserUpperStr"], "ActivityLastGUIDStr": lActivityLastGUIDStr} lDataDict = { "HostNameUpperStr": inGSettings["AgentDict"]["HostNameUpperStr"], "UserUpperStr": inGSettings["AgentDict"]["UserUpperStr"], "ActivityLastGUIDStr": lActivityLastGUIDStr}
lResponse = lURLStr, cookies = {"AuthToken":inGSettings["OrchestratorDict"]["SuperTokenStr"]}, json=lDataDict, timeout=inGSettings["O2ADict"]["ConnectionTimeoutSecFloat"]) lResponse = lURLStr, cookies = {"AuthToken":inGSettings["OrchestratorDict"]["SuperTokenStr"]}, json=lDataDict, timeout=inGSettings["O2ADict"]["ConnectionTimeoutSecFloat"])
lCEPhaseFastTimeLastGoodFloat = time.time() lCEPhaseFastTimeLastGoodFloat = time.time()

@ -86,9 +86,9 @@ class ControlPanel():
if inControlPanelNameStr in Orchestrator.GSettingsGet()["ServerDict"]["ControlPanelDict"]: if inControlPanelNameStr in Orchestrator.GSettingsGet()["ServerDict"]["ControlPanelDict"]:
raise Exception(f"Ошибка: Ранее уже была инициализирована панель управления с идентификатором: {inControlPanelNameStr}. Устраните ошибку и перезапустите оркестратор") raise Exception(f"Ошибка: Ранее уже была инициализирована панель управления с идентификатором: {inControlPanelNameStr}. Устраните ошибку и перезапустите оркестратор")
Orchestrator.GSettingsGet()["ServerDict"]["ControlPanelDict"][inControlPanelNameStr] = self Orchestrator.GSettingsGet()["ServerDict"]["ControlPanelDict"][inControlPanelNameStr] = self
self.mControlPanelNameStr = inControlPanelNameStr # Set the name of the control panel
self.RefreshHTMLJinja2TemplatePathSet(inJinja2TemplatePathStr = inRefreshHTMLJinja2TemplatePathStr) self.RefreshHTMLJinja2TemplatePathSet(inJinja2TemplatePathStr = inRefreshHTMLJinja2TemplatePathStr)
self.mJinja2TemplateRefreshBool = inJinja2TemplateRefreshBool self.mJinja2TemplateRefreshBool = inJinja2TemplateRefreshBool
self.mControlPanelNameStr = inControlPanelNameStr # Set the name of the control panel
self.mRobotNameStr = inRobotNameStr # Set the robot name for robot it execute self.mRobotNameStr = inRobotNameStr # Set the robot name for robot it execute
def Jinja2DataUpdateDictSet(self, inJinja2DataUpdateDict): def Jinja2DataUpdateDictSet(self, inJinja2DataUpdateDict):
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ class ControlPanel():
self.mRefreshHTMLJinja2Env = jinja2.Environment(loader=self.mRefreshHTMLJinja2Loader, trim_blocks=True) self.mRefreshHTMLJinja2Env = jinja2.Environment(loader=self.mRefreshHTMLJinja2Loader, trim_blocks=True)
self.mRefreshHTMLJinja2Template = self.mRefreshHTMLJinja2Env.get_template(lTemplateFileNameStr) self.mRefreshHTMLJinja2Template = self.mRefreshHTMLJinja2Env.get_template(lTemplateFileNameStr)
except Exception as e: except Exception as e:
Orchestrator.OrchestratorLoggerGet().exception(f"Ошибка при инициализации Jinja2 ({inJinja2TemplatePathStr}). Панель управления: {self.mControlPanelNameStr}") Orchestrator.OrchestratorLoggerGet().exception("Ошибка при инициализации Jinja2")
def RefreshHTMLJinja2StrGenerate(self, inDataDict): def RefreshHTMLJinja2StrGenerate(self, inDataDict):
""" """
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ class ControlPanel():
self.mInitJSJinja2Env = jinja2.Environment(loader=self.mInitJSJinja2Loader, trim_blocks=True) self.mInitJSJinja2Env = jinja2.Environment(loader=self.mInitJSJinja2Loader, trim_blocks=True)
self.mInitJSJinja2Template = self.mInitJSJinja2Env.get_template(lTemplateFileNameStr) self.mInitJSJinja2Template = self.mInitJSJinja2Env.get_template(lTemplateFileNameStr)
except Exception as e: except Exception as e:
Orchestrator.OrchestratorLoggerGet().exception(f"Ошибка при инициализации Jinja2 ({inJinja2TemplatePathStr}). Панель управления: {self.mControlPanelNameStr}") Orchestrator.OrchestratorLoggerGet().exception("Ошибка при инициализации Jinja2")
def InitJSJinja2StrGenerate(self, inDataDict): def InitJSJinja2StrGenerate(self, inDataDict):
""" """

@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ class Process():"Модуль Managers.Process ({self.mAgentHostNameStr}, {self.mAgentUserNameStr}, {self.mProcessNameWOExeStr}): Состояние процесса изменилось на {self.mStatusStr})")"Модуль Managers.Process ({self.mAgentHostNameStr}, {self.mAgentUserNameStr}, {self.mProcessNameWOExeStr}): Состояние процесса изменилось на {self.mStatusStr})")
def StatusCheck(self, inTimeoutSecFloat=9.0, inRaiseExceptionBool=False): def StatusCheck(self):
""" """
Check if process is alive. The def will save the manual flag is exists. Don't wait mute but set mute if it is not set. Check if process is alive. The def will save the manual flag is exists. Don't wait mute but set mute if it is not set.
@ -405,8 +405,7 @@ class Process():
#self.MuteWait() #self.MuteWait()
self.mAgentMuteBool=True self.mAgentMuteBool=True
lGUIDStr = __Orchestrator__.AgentActivityItemAdd(inHostNameStr=self.mAgentHostNameStr,inUserStr=self.mAgentUserNameStr,inActivityItemDict=lActivityItemUserProcessList) lGUIDStr = __Orchestrator__.AgentActivityItemAdd(inHostNameStr=self.mAgentHostNameStr,inUserStr=self.mAgentUserNameStr,inActivityItemDict=lActivityItemUserProcessList)
try: lUserProcessList = __Orchestrator__.AgentActivityItemReturnGet(inGUIDStr=lGUIDStr)
lUserProcessList = __Orchestrator__.AgentActivityItemReturnGet(inGUIDStr=lGUIDStr,inTimeoutSecFloat=inTimeoutSecFloat)
if self.mProcessNameWOExeStr.upper() in lUserProcessList: if self.mProcessNameWOExeStr.upper() in lUserProcessList:
if self.mStatusStr == "1_STOPPED_MANUAL": self.mStatusStr = "5_STARTED_MANUAL"; lLogBool=True if self.mStatusStr == "1_STOPPED_MANUAL": self.mStatusStr = "5_STARTED_MANUAL"; lLogBool=True
if self.mStatusStr == "0_STOPPED": self.mStatusStr = "4_STARTED"; lLogBool=True if self.mStatusStr == "0_STOPPED": self.mStatusStr = "4_STARTED"; lLogBool=True
@ -421,11 +420,6 @@ class Process():
if lLogBool == True: self.StatusChangeLog() if lLogBool == True: self.StatusChangeLog()
self.mAgentMuteBool = False self.mAgentMuteBool = False
return self.mStatusStr return self.mStatusStr
except Exception as e:
if inRaiseExceptionBool: raise e
else: return "TIMEOUT"
def StatusCheckStart(self): def StatusCheckStart(self):
""" """
Check process status and run it if auto stopped self.mStatusStr is "0_STOPPED" Check process status and run it if auto stopped self.mStatusStr is "0_STOPPED"

@ -6,69 +6,102 @@
# lResponseDict = {"Headers": {}, "SetCookies": {}, "Body": b"", "StatusCode": None} # lResponseDict = {"Headers": {}, "SetCookies": {}, "Body": b"", "StatusCode": None}
# self.OpenRPAResponseDict = lResponseDict # self.OpenRPAResponseDict = lResponseDict
#from http.client import HTTPException from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer
from socketserver import ThreadingMixIn
import threading import threading
import json
from threading import Thread
import inspect
from pyOpenRPA.Tools import CrossOS from pyOpenRPA.Tools import CrossOS
from . import Processor # Add new processor
from . import ProcessorOld # Support old processor - deprecated defs only for backward compatibility
from http import cookies import urllib.parse # decode URL in string
from . import ServerBC import importlib
import pdb
# объявление import
from fastapi import FastAPI, Form, Request, HTTPException, Depends, Header, Response, Body
from fastapi.responses import PlainTextResponse, HTMLResponse, FileResponse
from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles
from fastapi.templating import Jinja2Templates
from pydantic import BaseModel
import uvicorn
import io
from starlette.responses import StreamingResponse
from typing import Union
from pyOpenRPA import __version__
import base64 import base64
import uuid import uuid
import datetime import datetime
import os #for path operations
from http import cookies
gSettingsDict = {}
from . import ServerSettings
from . import __Orchestrator__
import copy
import mimetypes
gCacheDict = {}
app = FastAPI( # Tool to merge complex dictionaries
title = "pyOpenRPA (ORPA) Orchestrator", def __ComplexDictMerge2to1__(in1Dict, in2Dict):
description = "Сервер оркестратора pyOpenRPA Orchestrator", lPathList=None
version = __version__, if lPathList is None: lPathList = []
openapi_url="/orpa/fastapi/openapi.json", for lKeyStr in in2Dict:
docs_url = "/orpa/fastapi/docs", if lKeyStr in in1Dict:
redoc_url = "/orpa/fastapi/redoc", if isinstance(in1Dict[lKeyStr], dict) and isinstance(in2Dict[lKeyStr], dict):
swagger_ui_oauth2_redirect_url = "/orpa/fastapi/docs/oauth2-redirect", __ComplexDictMerge2to1__(in1Dict[lKeyStr], in2Dict[lKeyStr])
) elif in1Dict[lKeyStr] == in2Dict[lKeyStr]:
pass # same leaf value
def IdentifyAuthorize(inRequest:Request, inResponse:Response, else:
inCookiesStr: Union[str, None] = Header(default=None,alias="Cookie"), raise Exception('Conflict at %s' % '.'.join(lPathList + [str(lKeyStr)]))
inAuthorizationStr: Union[str, None] = Header(default="",alias="Authorization")): else:
if __Orchestrator__.GSettingsGet().get("ServerDict", {}).get("AccessUsers", {}).get("FlagCredentialsAsk", False)==True: in1Dict[lKeyStr] = in2Dict[lKeyStr]
return in1Dict
# Tool to merge complex dictionaries - no exceptions, just overwrite dict 2 in dict 1
def __ComplexDictMerge2to1Overwrite__(in1Dict, in2Dict):
Merge in2Dict in in1Dict. In conflict override and get value from dict 2
:param in1Dict: Source dict. Save the link (structure)
:param in2Dict: New data dict
:return: Merged dict 1
if lPathList is None: lPathList = []
for lKeyStr in in2Dict:
if lKeyStr in in1Dict:
if isinstance(in1Dict[lKeyStr], dict) and isinstance(in2Dict[lKeyStr], dict):
__ComplexDictMerge2to1Overwrite__(in1Dict[lKeyStr], in2Dict[lKeyStr])
in1Dict[lKeyStr] = in2Dict[lKeyStr]
in1Dict[lKeyStr] = in2Dict[lKeyStr]
return in1Dict
#Authenticate function ()
# return dict
# {
# "Domain": "", #Empty if Auth is not success
# "User": "" #Empty if Auth is not success
# }
def AuthenticateVerify(inRequest):
lResult={"Domain": "", "User": ""} lResult={"Domain": "", "User": ""}
###################################### ######################################
#Way 1 - try to find AuthToken #Way 1 - try to find AuthToken
lCookies = cookies.SimpleCookie(inCookiesStr) # inRequest.headers.get("Cookie", "") lCookies = cookies.SimpleCookie(inRequest.headers.get("Cookie", ""))
__Orchestrator__.GSettingsGet() global gSettingsDict
lHeaderAuthorization = inAuthorizationStr.split(" ") #pdb.set_trace()
if "AuthToken" in lCookies: if "AuthToken" in lCookies:
lCookieAuthToken = lCookies.get("AuthToken", "").value lCookieAuthToken = lCookies.get("AuthToken", "").value
if lCookieAuthToken: if lCookieAuthToken:
#Find AuthToken in GlobalDict #Find AuthToken in GlobalDict
if lCookieAuthToken in __Orchestrator__.GSettingsGet().get("ServerDict", {}).get("AccessUsers", {}).get("AuthTokensDict", {}): if lCookieAuthToken in gSettingsDict.get("ServerDict", {}).get("AccessUsers", {}).get("AuthTokensDict", {}):
#Auth Token Has Been Founded #Auth Token Has Been Founded
lResult["Domain"] = __Orchestrator__.GSettingsGet()["ServerDict"]["AccessUsers"]["AuthTokensDict"][lCookieAuthToken]["Domain"] lResult["Domain"] = gSettingsDict["ServerDict"]["AccessUsers"]["AuthTokensDict"][lCookieAuthToken]["Domain"]
lResult["User"] = __Orchestrator__.GSettingsGet()["ServerDict"]["AccessUsers"]["AuthTokensDict"][lCookieAuthToken]["User"] lResult["User"] = gSettingsDict["ServerDict"]["AccessUsers"]["AuthTokensDict"][lCookieAuthToken]["User"]
#Set auth token #Set auth token
mOpenRPA={} inRequest.OpenRPA["AuthToken"] = lCookieAuthToken
mOpenRPA["AuthToken"] = lCookieAuthToken inRequest.OpenRPA["Domain"] = lResult["Domain"]
mOpenRPA["Domain"] = lResult["Domain"] inRequest.OpenRPA["User"] = lResult["User"]
mOpenRPA["User"] = lResult["User"] #Exit earlier
mOpenRPA["IsSuperToken"] = __Orchestrator__.GSettingsGet().get("ServerDict", {}).get("AccessUsers", {}).get("AuthTokensDict", {}).get(mOpenRPA["AuthToken"], {}).get("FlagDoNotExpire", False) return lResult
return lCookieAuthToken
###################################### ######################################
#Way 2 - try to logon #Way 2 - try to logon
lHeaderAuthorization = inRequest.headers.get("Authorization", "").split(" ")
if len(lHeaderAuthorization) == 2: if len(lHeaderAuthorization) == 2:
llHeaderAuthorizationDecodedUserPasswordList = base64.b64decode(lHeaderAuthorization[1]).decode("utf-8").split( llHeaderAuthorizationDecodedUserPasswordList = base64.b64decode(lHeaderAuthorization[1]).decode("utf-8").split(
":") ":")
@ -85,142 +118,573 @@ def IdentifyAuthorize(inRequest:Request, inResponse:Response,
lResult["User"] = lUser lResult["User"] = lUser
#Create token #Create token
lAuthToken=str(uuid.uuid1()) lAuthToken=str(uuid.uuid1())
__Orchestrator__.GSettingsGet()["ServerDict"]["AccessUsers"]["AuthTokensDict"][lAuthToken] = {} gSettingsDict["ServerDict"]["AccessUsers"]["AuthTokensDict"][lAuthToken] = {}
__Orchestrator__.GSettingsGet()["ServerDict"]["AccessUsers"]["AuthTokensDict"][lAuthToken]["Domain"] = lResult["Domain"] gSettingsDict["ServerDict"]["AccessUsers"]["AuthTokensDict"][lAuthToken]["Domain"] = lResult["Domain"]
__Orchestrator__.GSettingsGet()["ServerDict"]["AccessUsers"]["AuthTokensDict"][lAuthToken]["User"] = lResult["User"] gSettingsDict["ServerDict"]["AccessUsers"]["AuthTokensDict"][lAuthToken]["User"] = lResult["User"]
__Orchestrator__.GSettingsGet()["ServerDict"]["AccessUsers"]["AuthTokensDict"][lAuthToken]["FlagDoNotExpire"] = False gSettingsDict["ServerDict"]["AccessUsers"]["AuthTokensDict"][lAuthToken]["FlagDoNotExpire"] = False
__Orchestrator__.GSettingsGet()["ServerDict"]["AccessUsers"]["AuthTokensDict"][lAuthToken]["TokenDatetime"] = gSettingsDict["ServerDict"]["AccessUsers"]["AuthTokensDict"][lAuthToken]["TokenDatetime"] =
#Set-cookie #Set-cookie
inResponse.set_cookie(key="AuthToken",value=lAuthToken) inRequest.OpenRPA["AuthToken"] = lAuthToken
mOpenRPA={} inRequest.OpenRPA["Domain"] = lResult["Domain"]
mOpenRPA["AuthToken"] = lAuthToken inRequest.OpenRPA["User"] = lResult["User"]
mOpenRPA["Domain"] = lResult["Domain"] inRequest.OpenRPASetCookie = {}
mOpenRPA["User"] = lResult["User"]
mOpenRPA["IsSuperToken"] = __Orchestrator__.GSettingsGet().get("ServerDict", {}).get("AccessUsers", {}).get("AuthTokensDict", {}).get(mOpenRPA["AuthToken"], {}).get("FlagDoNotExpire", False)
return lAuthToken
#inRequest.OpenRPASetCookie = {}
#New engine of server #New engine of server
#inRequest.OpenRPAResponseDict["SetCookies"]["AuthToken"] = lAuthToken inRequest.OpenRPAResponseDict["SetCookies"]["AuthToken"] = lAuthToken
else: #inRequest.OpenRPAResponse["Set-Cookie"]=[]lResult["Set-Cookie"] = lAuthToken
raise HTTPException(status_code=401, detail="Попытка авторизации не прошла успешно (неверная пара логин / пароль)", headers={}) #pdb.set_trace()
#inRequest.send_header("Set-Cookie:", f"AuthToken={lAuthToken}")
###################################### ######################################
return lResult
def AuthenticateBlock(inRequest):
# Send response status code
# Send headers
inRequest.send_header('Content-type', 'text/html')
inRequest.send_header('WWW-Authenticate', 'Basic') # Always ask login pass
# Write content as utf-8 data
inRequest.wfile.write(bytes("", "utf8"))
#Check access before execute the action
#return bool True - go execute, False - dont execute
def UserAccessCheckBefore(inMethod, inRequest):
# Help def - Get access flag from dict
global gSettingsDict
def HelpGetFlag(inAccessRuleItem, inRequest, inGlobalDict, inAuthenticateDict):
if "FlagAccess" in inAccessRuleItem:
return inAccessRuleItem["FlagAccess"]
elif "FlagAccessDefRequestGlobalAuthenticate" in inAccessRuleItem:
return inAccessRuleItem["FlagAccessDefRequestGlobalAuthenticate"](inRequest, inGlobalDict,
#Prepare result false
lResult = False
lAuthToken = inRequest.OpenRPA["AuthToken"]
#go next if user is identified
lUserDict = None
if lAuthToken:
lUserDict = gSettingsDict["ServerDict"]["AccessUsers"]["AuthTokensDict"][lAuthToken]
#Check general before rule (without User domain)
#Check rules
inRuleMatchURLList = gSettingsDict.get("ServerDict", {}).get("AccessUsers", {}).get("RuleMethodMatchURLBeforeList", [])
for lAccessRuleItem in inRuleMatchURLList:
#Go next execution if flag is false
if not lResult:
#Check if Method is identical
if lAccessRuleItem["Method"].upper() == inMethod:
#check Match type variant: BeginWith
if lAccessRuleItem["MatchType"].upper() == "BEGINWITH":
lURLPath = inRequest.path
lURLPath = lURLPath.upper()
if lURLPath.startswith(lAccessRuleItem["URL"].upper()):
lResult = HelpGetFlag(lAccessRuleItem, inRequest, gSettingsDict, lUserDict)
# check Match type variant: Contains
elif lAccessRuleItem["MatchType"].upper() == "CONTAINS":
lURLPath = inRequest.path
lURLPath = lURLPath.upper()
if lURLPath.contains(lAccessRuleItem["URL"].upper()):
lResult = HelpGetFlag(lAccessRuleItem, inRequest, gSettingsDict, lUserDict)
# check Match type variant: Equal
elif lAccessRuleItem["MatchType"].upper() == "EQUAL":
if lAccessRuleItem["URL"].upper() == inRequest.path.upper():
lResult = HelpGetFlag(lAccessRuleItem, inRequest, gSettingsDict, lUserDict)
# check Match type variant: EqualCase
elif lAccessRuleItem["MatchType"].upper() == "EQUALCASE":
if lAccessRuleItem["URL"] == inRequest.path:
lResult = HelpGetFlag(lAccessRuleItem, inRequest, gSettingsDict, lUserDict)
#Do check if lResult is false
if not lResult:
#Check access by User Domain
#Check rules to find first appicable
#Check rules
lMethodMatchURLList = gSettingsDict.get("ServerDict", {}).get("AccessUsers", {}).get("RuleDomainUserDict", {}).get((lUserDict["Domain"].upper(), lUserDict["User"].upper()), {}).get("MethodMatchURLBeforeList", [])
if len(lMethodMatchURLList) > 0:
for lAccessRuleItem in lMethodMatchURLList:
#Go next execution if flag is false
if not lResult:
#Check if Method is identical
if lAccessRuleItem["Method"].upper() == inMethod:
#check Match type variant: BeginWith
if lAccessRuleItem["MatchType"].upper() == "BEGINWITH":
lURLPath = inRequest.path
lURLPath = lURLPath.upper()
if lURLPath.startswith(lAccessRuleItem["URL"].upper()):
lResult = HelpGetFlag(lAccessRuleItem, inRequest, gSettingsDict, lUserDict)
#check Match type variant: Contains
elif lAccessRuleItem["MatchType"].upper() == "CONTAINS":
lURLPath = inRequest.path
lURLPath = lURLPath.upper()
if lURLPath.contains(lAccessRuleItem["URL"].upper()):
lResult = HelpGetFlag(lAccessRuleItem, inRequest, gSettingsDict, lUserDict)
# check Match type variant: Equal
elif lAccessRuleItem["MatchType"].upper() == "EQUAL":
if lAccessRuleItem["URL"].upper() == inRequest.path.upper():
lResult = HelpGetFlag(lAccessRuleItem, inRequest, gSettingsDict, lUserDict)
# check Match type variant: EqualCase
elif lAccessRuleItem["MatchType"].upper() == "EQUALCASE":
if lAccessRuleItem["URL"] == inRequest.path:
lResult = HelpGetFlag(lAccessRuleItem, inRequest, gSettingsDict, lUserDict)
else: else:
raise HTTPException(status_code=401, detail="Попытка авторизации не прошла успешно (неполная пара логин / пароль)", headers={'Content-type':'text/html', 'WWW-Authenticate':'Basic'}) return True
else: return None # Credentials are not required - return none #####################################
#Return lResult
return lResult
# HTTPRequestHandler class
class testHTTPServer_RequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
# Def to check User Role access grants
def UACClientCheck(self, inRoleKeyList): # Alias
return self.UserRoleAccessAsk(inRoleKeyList=inRoleKeyList)
def UserRoleAccessAsk(self, inRoleKeyList):
lResult = True # Init flag
lRoleHierarchyDict = self.UserRoleHierarchyGet() # get the Hierarchy
# Try to get value from key list
lKeyValue = lRoleHierarchyDict # Init the base
for lItem in inRoleKeyList:
if type(lKeyValue) is dict:
if lItem in lKeyValue: # Has key
lKeyValue = lKeyValue[lItem] # Get the value and go to the next loop iteration
else: # Else branch - true or false
if len(lKeyValue)>0: # False - if Dict has some elements
lResult = False # Set the False Flag
lResult = True # Set the True flag
break # Stop the loop
else: # Has element with no detalization - return True
lResult = True # Set the flag
break # Close the loop
return lResult # Return the result
lRouteList =[] # Def to get hierarchy of the current user roles
for lItem in app.router.routes: # if return {} - all is available
lRouteList.append(lItem) def UserRoleHierarchyGet(self):
app.router.routes=[] #global gSettingsDict
for lItem in lRouteList: lDomainUpperStr = self.OpenRPA["Domain"].upper()
app.add_api_route( lUserUpperStr = self.OpenRPA["User"].upper()
path=lItem.path, return gSettingsDict.get("ServerDict", {}).get("AccessUsers", {}).get("RuleDomainUserDict", {}).get((lDomainUpperStr, lUserUpperStr), {}).get("RoleHierarchyAllowedDict", {})
#Tech def
#return {"headers":[],"body":"","statuscode":111}
def URLItemCheckDo(self, inURLItem, inMethod, inOnlyFlagUACBool = False):
global gSettingsDict
#Tech sub def - do item
def URLItemDo(inURLItem,inRequest,inGlobalDict):
global gCacheDict
inResponseDict = inRequest.OpenRPAResponseDict
inResponseDict["Headers"]["Content-type"]= None
#Set status code 200
inResponseDict["StatusCode"] = 200
if "ResponseContentType" in inURLItem:
inResponseDict["Headers"]["Content-type"] = inURLItem["ResponseContentType"]
#If file path is set
if "ResponseFilePath" in inURLItem:
# Check cache
if inURLItem.get("UseCacheBool",False) == True:
if inURLItem["ResponseFilePath"] in gCacheDict:
# Write content as utf-8 data
inResponseDict["Body"] = gCacheDict[inURLItem["ResponseFilePath"]]
if os.path.exists(inURLItem["ResponseFilePath"]) and os.path.isfile(inURLItem["ResponseFilePath"]):
lFileObject = open(CrossOS.PathStr(inURLItem["ResponseFilePath"]), "rb")
# Write content as utf-8 data
gCacheDict[inURLItem["ResponseFilePath"]] =
inResponseDict["Body"] = gCacheDict[inURLItem["ResponseFilePath"]]
# Закрыть файловый объект
else: inResponseDict["Headers"]["Content-type"]= "application/x-empty"; inResponseDict["StatusCode"] = 204 # NOCONTENT
if os.path.exists(inURLItem["ResponseFilePath"]) and os.path.isfile(inURLItem["ResponseFilePath"]):
lFileObject = open(CrossOS.PathStr(inURLItem["ResponseFilePath"]), "rb")
# Write content as utf-8 data
inResponseDict["Body"] =
# Закрыть файловый объект
else: inResponseDict["Headers"]["Content-type"]= "application/x-empty"; inResponseDict["StatusCode"] = 204 # NOCONTENT
# detect MIME type if none
if inResponseDict["Headers"]["Content-type"] is None:
inResponseDict["Headers"]["Content-type"]= mimetypes.guess_type(inURLItem["ResponseFilePath"])[0]
#If function is set
if "ResponseDefRequestGlobal" in inURLItem:
lDef = inURLItem["ResponseDefRequestGlobal"]
lDefSignature = inspect.signature(lDef)
if len(lDefSignature.parameters) == 2:
inURLItem["ResponseDefRequestGlobal"](inRequest, inGlobalDict)
elif len(lDefSignature.parameters) == 1:
if "ResponseFolderPath" in inURLItem:
from . import ServerSettings #lRequestPath = inRequest.path
lRequestPath = urllib.parse.unquote(inRequest.path)
if inURLItem["URL"][-1]!="/": inURLItem["URL"]+= "/" # Fix for settings
lFilePathSecondPart = lRequestPath.replace(inURLItem["URL"],"")
lFilePathSecondPart = lFilePathSecondPart.split("?")[0]
lFilePath = CrossOS.PathStr(os.path.join(inURLItem["ResponseFolderPath"],lFilePathSecondPart))
#print(f"File full path {lFilePath}")
#Check if file exist
if os.path.exists(lFilePath) and os.path.isfile(lFilePath):
# Check cache
if inURLItem.get("UseCacheBool",False) == True:
if lFilePath in gCacheDict:
# Write content as utf-8 data
inResponseDict["Body"] = gCacheDict[lFilePath]
lFileObject = open(lFilePath, "rb")
# Write content as utf-8 data
gCacheDict[lFilePath] =
inResponseDict["Body"] = gCacheDict[lFilePath]
# Закрыть файловый объект
lFileObject = open(lFilePath, "rb")
# Write content as utf-8 data
inResponseDict["Body"] =
# Закрыть файловый объект
# detect MIME type if none
if inResponseDict["Headers"]["Content-type"] is None:
inResponseDict["Headers"]["Content-type"]= mimetypes.guess_type(lFilePath)[0]
inResponseDict["Headers"]["Content-type"]= "application/x-empty"; inResponseDict["StatusCode"] = 204 # NOCONTENT
# If No content-type
if inResponseDict["Headers"]["Content-type"] is None:
inResponseDict["Headers"]["Content-type"]= "application/octet-stream"
# UAC Check
if inOnlyFlagUACBool == True and inURLItem.get("UACBool",None) in [None, True]:
return False
if inURLItem["Method"].upper() == inMethod.upper():
# check Match type variant: BeginWith
if inURLItem["MatchType"].upper() == "BEGINWITH":
lURLPath = urllib.parse.unquote(self.path)
lURLPath = lURLPath.upper()
if lURLPath.startswith(inURLItem["URL"].upper()):
URLItemDo(inURLItem, self, gSettingsDict)
return True
# check Match type variant: Contains
elif inURLItem["MatchType"].upper() == "CONTAINS":
lURLPath = urllib.parse.unquote(self.path)
lURLPath = lURLPath.upper()
if lURLPath.contains(inURLItem["URL"].upper()):
URLItemDo(inURLItem, self, gSettingsDict)
return True
# check Match type variant: Equal
elif inURLItem["MatchType"].upper() == "EQUAL":
if inURLItem["URL"].upper() == urllib.parse.unquote(self.path).upper():
URLItemDo(inURLItem, self, gSettingsDict)
return True
# check Match type variant: EqualNoParam
elif inURLItem["MatchType"].upper() == "EQUALNOPARAM":
if inURLItem["URL"].upper() == urllib.parse.unquote(self.path).upper().split("?")[0]:
URLItemDo(inURLItem, self, gSettingsDict)
return True
# check Match type variant: EqualCase
elif inURLItem["MatchType"].upper() == "EQUALCASE":
if inURLItem["URL"] == urllib.parse.unquote(self.path):
URLItemDo(inURLItem, self, gSettingsDict)
return True
return False
def SendResponseContentTypeFile(self, inContentType, inFilePath):
# Send response status code
# Send headers
self.send_header('Content-type', inContentType)
#Check if var exist
if hasattr(self, "OpenRPASetCookie"):
self.send_header("Set-Cookie", f"AuthToken={self.OpenRPA['AuthToken']}")
lFileObject = open(inFilePath, "rb")
# Write content as utf-8 data
#Закрыть файловый объект
# ResponseContentTypeFile
def ResponseDictSend(self):
lL = gSettingsDict["Logger"]
inResponseDict = self.OpenRPAResponseDict
# Send response status code
# Send headers
for lItemKey, lItemValue in inResponseDict["Headers"].items():
self.send_header(lItemKey, lItemValue)
# Send headers: Set-Cookie
for lItemKey, lItemValue in inResponseDict["SetCookies"].items():
self.send_header("Set-Cookie", f"{lItemKey}={lItemValue}")
#Close headers section in response
# Write content as utf-8 data
except (ConnectionResetError, ConnectionAbortedError) as e:
if lL: lL.warning(f"SERVER: Connection was forcibly closed by the client side - OK for the network interactions (ConnectionResetError: [WinError 10054] or ConnectionAbortedError: [WinError 10053])")
def BackwardCompatibility(inRequest:Request, inResponse:Response, inBodyStr:str = Body(""), inAuthTokenStr = None): def do_GET(self):
lHTTPRequest = ServerBC.HTTPRequestOld(inRequest=inRequest, inResponse=inResponse, inAuthTokenStr=inAuthTokenStr) try:
lHTTPRequest.path = inRequest.url.path global gSettingsDict
lHTTPRequest.body = inBodyStr #self.timeout=gSettingsDict["ServerDict"]["RequestTimeoutSecFloat"]
lHTTPRequest.client_address = [] self.request.settimeout(gSettingsDict["ServerDict"]["RequestTimeoutSecFloat"])
threading.current_thread().request = lHTTPRequest threading.current_thread().request = self
lResult = lHTTPRequest.do_GET(inBodyStr=inBodyStr) self.OpenRPA = {}
if lResult is None: self.OpenRPA["AuthToken"] = None
lResult = lHTTPRequest.do_POST(inBodyStr=inBodyStr) self.OpenRPA["Domain"] = None
if lHTTPRequest.OpenRPAResponseDict["Headers"]["Content-type"] != None: self.OpenRPA["User"] = None
return StreamingResponse(io.BytesIO(lResult), media_type=lHTTPRequest.OpenRPAResponseDict["Headers"]["Content-type"]) self.OpenRPA["DefUserRoleAccessAsk"]=self.UserRoleAccessAsk # Alias for def
self.OpenRPA["DefUserRoleHierarchyGet"]=self.UserRoleHierarchyGet # Alias for def
#WRAPPERS! # Prepare result dict
def BackwardCompatibityWrapperAuth(inRequest:Request, inResponse:Response, inBodyStr:str = Body(""), lResponseDict = {"Headers": {}, "SetCookies": {}, "Body": b"", "StatusCode": None}
inAuthTokenStr:str=Depends(ServerSettings.IdentifyAuthorize)): # Old from v1.3.1 (updated to FastAPI) self.OpenRPAResponseDict = lResponseDict
return BackwardCompatibility(inRequest = inRequest, inResponse = inResponse, inBodyStr = inBodyStr, inAuthTokenStr=inAuthTokenStr) ############################
def BackwardCompatibityWrapperNoAuth(inRequest:Request, inResponse:Response, inBodyStr:str = Body("")): # Old from v1.3.1 (updated to FastAPI) #First - all with Flag UACBool
return BackwardCompatibility(inRequest = inRequest, inResponse = inResponse, inBodyStr = inBodyStr, inAuthTokenStr=None) ############################
def BackwardCompatibityBeginWrapperAuth(inBeginTokenStr, inRequest:Request, inResponse:Response, inBodyStr:str = Body(""), for lURLItem in gSettingsDict["ServerDict"]["URLList"]:
inAuthTokenStr:str=Depends(ServerSettings.IdentifyAuthorize)): # Old from v1.3.1 (updated to FastAPI) #Check if all condition are applied
return BackwardCompatibility(inRequest = inRequest, inResponse = inResponse, inBodyStr = inBodyStr, inAuthTokenStr=inAuthTokenStr) lFlagURLIsApplied=False
def BackwardCompatibityBeginWrapperNoAuth(inBeginTokenStr, inRequest:Request, inResponse:Response, inBodyStr:str = Body("")): # Old from v1.3.1 (updated to FastAPI) lFlagURLIsApplied=self.URLItemCheckDo(inURLItem=lURLItem, inMethod="GET", inOnlyFlagUACBool=True)
return BackwardCompatibility(inRequest = inRequest, inResponse = inResponse, inBodyStr = inBodyStr, inAuthTokenStr=None) if lFlagURLIsApplied:
#Do authentication
#Check if authentication is turned on
lAuthenticateDict = {"Domain": "", "User": ""}
if gSettingsDict.get("ServerDict", {}).get("AccessUsers", {}).get("FlagCredentialsAsk", False):
lAuthenticateDict = AuthenticateVerify(self)
if not lAuthenticateDict["User"]:
# Logging
# gSettingsDict["Logger"].info(f"HTTP request /. Domain: {lAuthenticateDict['Domain']}, User: {lAuthenticateDict['User']}")
if lFlagAccessUserBlock:
#Check the user access (if flag)
lFlagUserAccess = True
#If need user authentication
if gSettingsDict.get("ServerDict", {}).get("AccessUsers", {}).get("FlagCredentialsAsk", False):
lFlagUserAccess = UserAccessCheckBefore("GET", self)
if lFlagUserAccess:
if CrossOS.IS_WINDOWS_BOOL: lOrchestratorFolder = "\\".join(__file__.split("\\")[:-1])
if CrossOS.IS_LINUX_BOOL: lOrchestratorFolder = "/".join(__file__.split("/")[:-1])
#New server engine (url from global dict (URLList))
for lURLItem in gSettingsDict["ServerDict"]["URLList"]:
#Check if all condition are applied
lFlagURLIsApplied=self.URLItemCheckDo(lURLItem, "GET")
if lFlagURLIsApplied:
if self.path == '/Monitor/JSONDaemonListGet':
# Send response status code
# Send headers
# Send message back to client
message = json.dumps(gSettingsDict)
# Write content as utf-8 data
self.wfile.write(bytes(message, "utf8"))
#Filemanager function
if self.path.lower().startswith('/filemanager/'):
# check if file in FileURL - File Path Mapping Dict
if lFileURL.lower() in gSettingsDict["FileManager"]["FileURLFilePathDict"]:
self.SendResponseContentTypeFile('application/octet-stream', gSettingsDict["FileManager"]["FileURLFilePathDict"][lFileURL])
#Set access denied code
# Send response status code
# Send headers
except BrokenPipeError as e:
lL = gSettingsDict["Logger"]
if lL: lL.warning(f"Сервер (do_GET): Возникла ошибка сети - BrokenPipeError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe. Сервер продолжает работу")
except Exception as e:
lL = gSettingsDict["Logger"]
if lL: lL.exception(f"Сервер (do_GET): Неопознанная ошибка сети - см. текст ошибки. Сервер продолжает работу")
def do_POST(self):
global gSettingsDict
threading.current_thread().request = self
lL = gSettingsDict["Logger"]
self.OpenRPA = {}
self.OpenRPA["AuthToken"] = None
self.OpenRPA["Domain"] = None
self.OpenRPA["User"] = None
self.OpenRPA["DefUserRoleAccessAsk"]=self.UserRoleAccessAsk # Alias for def
self.OpenRPA["DefUserRoleHierarchyGet"]=self.UserRoleHierarchyGet # Alias for def
# Prepare result dict
lResponseDict = {"Headers": {}, "SetCookies":{}, "Body": b"", "StatusCode": None}
self.OpenRPAResponseDict = lResponseDict
#First - all with Flag UACBool
for lURLItem in gSettingsDict["ServerDict"]["URLList"]:
#Check if all condition are applied
lFlagURLIsApplied=self.URLItemCheckDo(inURLItem=lURLItem, inMethod="POST", inOnlyFlagUACBool=True)
if lFlagURLIsApplied:
#Do authentication
#Check if authentication is turned on
lAuthenticateDict = {"Domain": "", "User": ""}
lIsSuperToken = False # Is supertoken
if gSettingsDict.get("ServerDict", {}).get("AccessUsers", {}).get("FlagCredentialsAsk", False):
lAuthenticateDict = AuthenticateVerify(self)
# Get Flag is supertoken (True|False)
lIsSuperToken = gSettingsDict.get("ServerDict", {}).get("AccessUsers", {}).get("AuthTokensDict", {}).get(self.OpenRPA["AuthToken"], {}).get("FlagDoNotExpire", False)
if not lAuthenticateDict["User"]:
if lFlagAccessUserBlock:
#Check the user access (if flag)
lFlagUserAccess = True
#If need user authentication
if gSettingsDict.get("ServerDict", {}).get("AccessUsers", {}).get("FlagCredentialsAsk", False):
lFlagUserAccess = UserAccessCheckBefore("POST", self)
if lFlagUserAccess:
lOrchestratorFolder = "\\".join(__file__.split("\\")[:-1])
#New server engine (url from global dict (URLList))
for lURLItem in gSettingsDict["ServerDict"]["URLList"]:
#Check if all condition are applied
lFlagURLIsApplied=self.URLItemCheckDo(lURLItem, "POST")
if lFlagURLIsApplied:
#Централизованная функция получения запросов/отправки
if self.path == '/Utils/Processor':
if self.headers.get('Content-Length') is not None:
lInputByteArrayLength = int(self.headers.get('Content-Length'))
#Превращение массива байт в объект
# Send response status code
# Send headers
# Logging info about processor activity if not SuperToken ()
if not lIsSuperToken:
lActivityTypeListStr = ""
if type(lInputObject) is list:
for lActivityItem in lInputObject:
lActivityTypeListStr+=f"{lActivityItem['Type']}; "
lActivityTypeListStr += f"{lInputObject['Type']}"
except Exception as e:
lActivityTypeListStr = "Has some error with Activity Type read"
if lL:"Сервер:: !ВНИМАНИЕ! /Utils/Processor через некоторое время перестанет поддерживаться. Используйте /pyOpenRPA/Processor или /pyOpenRPA/ActivityListExecute. Активность поступила от пользователя. Домен: {self.OpenRPA['Domain']}, Логин: {self.OpenRPA['User']}, Тип активности: {lActivityTypeListStr}")
# Send message back to client
message = json.dumps(ProcessorOld.ActivityListOrDict(lInputObject))
# Write content as utf-8 data
self.wfile.write(bytes(message, "utf8"))
#Set access denied code
# Send response status code
# Send headers
except BrokenPipeError as e:
lL = gSettingsDict["Logger"]
if lL: lL.warning(f"Сервер (do_POST): Возникла ошибка сети - BrokenPipeError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe. Сервер продолжает работу")
except Exception as e:
lL = gSettingsDict["Logger"]
if lL: lL.exception(f"Сервер (do_POST): Неопознанная ошибка сети - см. текст ошибки. Сервер продолжает работу")
#!Turn it on to stop print in console
#def log_message(self, format, *args):
# return
from . import __Orchestrator__ class ThreadedHTTPServer(ThreadingMixIn, HTTPServer):
import mimetypes daemon_threads = True
mimetypes.add_type("font/woff2",".woff2") """Handle requests in a separate thread."""
mimetypes.add_type("text/javascript",".js") def finish_request(self, request, client_address):
from typing import Union try:
global gSettingsDict
def InitFastAPI(): request.settimeout(gSettingsDict["ServerDict"]["RequestTimeoutSecFloat"])
global app # "super" can not be used because BaseServer is not created from object
lL = __Orchestrator__.OrchestratorLoggerGet() HTTPServer.finish_request(self, request, client_address)
__Orchestrator__.GSettingsGet()["ServerDict"]["ServerThread"] = app except ConnectionResetError as e:
ServerSettings.SettingsUpdate() lL = gSettingsDict["Logger"]
BCURLUpdate() if lL: lL.warning(f"Сервер (finish_request): Возникла ошибка сети - ConnectionResetError: [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer. Сервер продолжает работу")
except Exception as e:
def BCURLUpdate(): lL = gSettingsDict["Logger"]
for lConnectItemDict in __Orchestrator__.GSettingsGet()["ServerDict"]["URLList"]: if lL: lL.exception(f"Сервер (finish_request): Неопознанная ошибка сети - см. текст ошибки. Сервер продолжает работу")
if "BCBool" not in lConnectItemDict:
if "ResponseFolderPath" in lConnectItemDict:
if lConnectItemDict.get("MatchType") in ["EqualCase", "Equal","EqualNoParam"]:
if lConnectItemDict.get("UACBool",True):
elif lConnectItemDict.get("MatchType") in ["BeginWith", "Contains"]:
lURLStr = lConnectItemDict["URL"]
if lURLStr[-1]!="/": lURLStr+="/"
if lConnectItemDict.get("UACBool",True):
def InitUvicorn(inHostStr=None, inPortInt=None, inSSLCertPathStr=None, inSSLKeyPathStr=None, inSSLPasswordStr=None):
if inHostStr is None: inHostStr=""
if inPortInt is None: inPortInt=1024
if inSSLCertPathStr != None: inSSLCertPathStr=CrossOS.PathStr(inSSLCertPathStr)
if inSSLKeyPathStr != None: inSSLKeyPathStr=CrossOS.PathStr(inSSLKeyPathStr)
global app
lL = __Orchestrator__.OrchestratorLoggerGet()'pyOpenRPA.Orchestrator.Server:app', host='', port=1024), host=inHostStr, port=inPortInt,ssl_keyfile=inSSLKeyPathStr,ssl_certfile=inSSLCertPathStr,ssl_keyfile_password=inSSLPasswordStr)
if lL and inSSLKeyPathStr != None:"Сервер инициализирован успешно (с поддержкой SSL):: Слушает URL: {inHostStr}, Слушает порт: {inPortInt}, Путь к файлу сертификата (.pem, base64): {inSSLCertPathStr}")
if lL and inSSLKeyPathStr == None:"Сервер инициализирован успешно (без поддержки SSL):: Слушает URL: {inHostStr}, Слушает порт: {inPortInt}")
# "JSONConfigurationDict":<JSON>
import ssl
class RobotDaemonServer(Thread):
def __init__(self,name,inGlobalDict):
Thread.__init__(self) = name
# Update the global dict
def run(self):
global gSettingsDict
lL = gSettingsDict.get("Logger",None)
lServerDict = gSettingsDict["ServerDict"]["ListenDict"][]
lCertFilePathStr = lServerDict["CertFilePEMPathStr"]
lKeyFilePathStr = lServerDict["KeyFilePathStr"]
if lCertFilePathStr == "": lCertFilePathStr = None
if lKeyFilePathStr == "": lKeyFilePathStr = None
# Server settings
# Choose port 8080, for port 80, which is normally used for a http server, you need root access
server_address = (lAddressStr, lPortInt)
#httpd = HTTPServer(server_address, testHTTPServer_RequestHandler)
httpd = ThreadedHTTPServer(server_address, testHTTPServer_RequestHandler)
if lCertFilePathStr is not None:
if lKeyFilePathStr is not None:
httpd.socket = ssl.wrap_socket(httpd.socket, server_side=True, certfile=lCertFilePathStr, keyfile=lKeyFilePathStr)
httpd.socket = ssl.wrap_socket(httpd.socket, server_side=True, certfile=lCertFilePathStr)
if lL:"Сервер инициализирован успешно (с поддержкой SSL):: Наименование: {}, Слушает URL: {lAddressStr}, Слушает порт: {lPortInt}, Путь к файлу сертификата (.pem): {lCertFilePathStr}")
if lL:"Сервер инициализирован успешно (без поддержки SSL):: Наименование: {}, Слушает URL: {lAddressStr}, Слушает порт: {lPortInt}")
#print('Starting server, use <Ctrl-C> to stop')
except Exception as e:
if lL: lL.exception(f"Сервер:: Ошибка при инициализации - обратитесь в тех. поддержку pyOpenRPA")

@ -1,424 +0,0 @@
import inspect
from pyOpenRPA.Tools import CrossOS
import urllib.parse # decode URL in string
import os #for path operations
from . import __Orchestrator__
import mimetypes
# объявление import
from fastapi import FastAPI, Form, Request, HTTPException, Depends, Header, Response, Body
gCacheDict = {}
# Tool to merge complex dictionaries
def __ComplexDictMerge2to1__(in1Dict, in2Dict):
if lPathList is None: lPathList = []
for lKeyStr in in2Dict:
if lKeyStr in in1Dict:
if isinstance(in1Dict[lKeyStr], dict) and isinstance(in2Dict[lKeyStr], dict):
__ComplexDictMerge2to1__(in1Dict[lKeyStr], in2Dict[lKeyStr])
elif in1Dict[lKeyStr] == in2Dict[lKeyStr]:
pass # same leaf value
raise Exception('Conflict at %s' % '.'.join(lPathList + [str(lKeyStr)]))
in1Dict[lKeyStr] = in2Dict[lKeyStr]
return in1Dict
# Tool to merge complex dictionaries - no exceptions, just overwrite dict 2 in dict 1
def __ComplexDictMerge2to1Overwrite__(in1Dict, in2Dict):
Merge in2Dict in in1Dict. In conflict override and get value from dict 2
:param in1Dict: Source dict. Save the link (structure)
:param in2Dict: New data dict
:return: Merged dict 1
if lPathList is None: lPathList = []
for lKeyStr in in2Dict:
if lKeyStr in in1Dict:
if isinstance(in1Dict[lKeyStr], dict) and isinstance(in2Dict[lKeyStr], dict):
__ComplexDictMerge2to1Overwrite__(in1Dict[lKeyStr], in2Dict[lKeyStr])
in1Dict[lKeyStr] = in2Dict[lKeyStr]
in1Dict[lKeyStr] = in2Dict[lKeyStr]
return in1Dict
def AuthenticateBlock(inRequest):
raise HTTPException(status_code=401, detail="here is the details", headers={'Content-type':'text/html', 'WWW-Authenticate':'Basic'})
#Check access before execute the action
#return bool True - go execute, False - dont execute
def UserAccessCheckBefore(inMethod, inRequest):
# Help def - Get access flag from dict
def HelpGetFlag(inAccessRuleItem, inRequest, inGlobalDict, inAuthenticateDict):
if "FlagAccess" in inAccessRuleItem:
return inAccessRuleItem["FlagAccess"]
elif "FlagAccessDefRequestGlobalAuthenticate" in inAccessRuleItem:
return inAccessRuleItem["FlagAccessDefRequestGlobalAuthenticate"](inRequest, inGlobalDict,
#Prepare result false
lResult = False
lAuthToken = inRequest.OpenRPA["AuthToken"]
#go next if user is identified
lUserDict = None
#print(f"lAuthToken: {lAuthToken}")
if lAuthToken:
lUserDict = __Orchestrator__.GSettingsGet()["ServerDict"]["AccessUsers"]["AuthTokensDict"][lAuthToken]
#print(f"lUserDict: {lUserDict}")
#Check general before rule (without User domain)
#Check rules
inRuleMatchURLList = __Orchestrator__.GSettingsGet().get("ServerDict", {}).get("AccessUsers", {}).get("RuleMethodMatchURLBeforeList", [])
for lAccessRuleItem in inRuleMatchURLList:
#Go next execution if flag is false
if not lResult:
#Check if Method is identical
if lAccessRuleItem["Method"].upper() == inMethod:
#check Match type variant: BeginWith
if lAccessRuleItem["MatchType"].upper() == "BEGINWITH":
lURLPath = inRequest.path
lURLPath = lURLPath.upper()
if lURLPath.startswith(lAccessRuleItem["URL"].upper()):
lResult = HelpGetFlag(lAccessRuleItem, inRequest, __Orchestrator__.GSettingsGet(), lUserDict)
# check Match type variant: Contains
elif lAccessRuleItem["MatchType"].upper() == "CONTAINS":
lURLPath = inRequest.path
lURLPath = lURLPath.upper()
if lURLPath.contains(lAccessRuleItem["URL"].upper()):
lResult = HelpGetFlag(lAccessRuleItem, inRequest, __Orchestrator__.GSettingsGet(), lUserDict)
# check Match type variant: Equal
elif lAccessRuleItem["MatchType"].upper() == "EQUAL":
if lAccessRuleItem["URL"].upper() == inRequest.path.upper():
lResult = HelpGetFlag(lAccessRuleItem, inRequest, __Orchestrator__.GSettingsGet(), lUserDict)
# check Match type variant: EqualCase
elif lAccessRuleItem["MatchType"].upper() == "EQUALCASE":
if lAccessRuleItem["URL"] == inRequest.path:
lResult = HelpGetFlag(lAccessRuleItem, inRequest, __Orchestrator__.GSettingsGet(), lUserDict)
#Do check if lResult is false
if not lResult:
#Check access by User Domain
#Check rules to find first appicable
#Check rules
lMethodMatchURLList = __Orchestrator__.GSettingsGet().get("ServerDict", {}).get("AccessUsers", {}).get("RuleDomainUserDict", {}).get((lUserDict["Domain"].upper(), lUserDict["User"].upper()), {}).get("MethodMatchURLBeforeList", [])
if len(lMethodMatchURLList) > 0:
for lAccessRuleItem in lMethodMatchURLList:
#Go next execution if flag is false
if not lResult:
#Check if Method is identical
if lAccessRuleItem["Method"].upper() == inMethod:
#check Match type variant: BeginWith
if lAccessRuleItem["MatchType"].upper() == "BEGINWITH":
lURLPath = inRequest.path
lURLPath = lURLPath.upper()
if lURLPath.startswith(lAccessRuleItem["URL"].upper()):
lResult = HelpGetFlag(lAccessRuleItem, inRequest, __Orchestrator__.GSettingsGet(), lUserDict)
#check Match type variant: Contains
elif lAccessRuleItem["MatchType"].upper() == "CONTAINS":
lURLPath = inRequest.path
lURLPath = lURLPath.upper()
if lURLPath.contains(lAccessRuleItem["URL"].upper()):
lResult = HelpGetFlag(lAccessRuleItem, inRequest, __Orchestrator__.GSettingsGet(), lUserDict)
# check Match type variant: Equal
elif lAccessRuleItem["MatchType"].upper() == "EQUAL":
if lAccessRuleItem["URL"].upper() == inRequest.path.upper():
lResult = HelpGetFlag(lAccessRuleItem, inRequest, __Orchestrator__.GSettingsGet(), lUserDict)
# check Match type variant: EqualCase
elif lAccessRuleItem["MatchType"].upper() == "EQUALCASE":
if lAccessRuleItem["URL"] == inRequest.path:
lResult = HelpGetFlag(lAccessRuleItem, inRequest, __Orchestrator__.GSettingsGet(), lUserDict)
return True
#Return lResult
return lResult
class HTTPRequestOld():
mRequest:Request = None
mResponse:Response = None
OpenRPA: dict = {}
def __init__(self,inRequest,inResponse,inAuthTokenStr):
self.mRequest = inRequest
self.mResponse = inResponse
if inAuthTokenStr != None:
self.OpenRPA = {}
self.OpenRPA["IsSuperToken"] = __Orchestrator__.WebUserIsSuperToken(inAuthTokenStr=inAuthTokenStr)
self.OpenRPA["AuthToken"] = inAuthTokenStr
self.OpenRPA["Domain"] = __Orchestrator__.WebUserDomainGet(inAuthTokenStr=inAuthTokenStr)
self.OpenRPA["User"] = __Orchestrator__.WebUserLoginGet(inAuthTokenStr=inAuthTokenStr)
else: self.OpenRPA = {"IsSuperToken":False, "AuthToken":None, "Domain":None, "User":None}
# Def to check User Role access grants
def UACClientCheck(self, inRoleKeyList): # Alias
return self.UserRoleAccessAsk(inRoleKeyList=inRoleKeyList)
def UserRoleAccessAsk(self, inRoleKeyList):
lResult = True # Init flag
lRoleHierarchyDict = self.UserRoleHierarchyGet() # get the Hierarchy
# Try to get value from key list
lKeyValue = lRoleHierarchyDict # Init the base
for lItem in inRoleKeyList:
if type(lKeyValue) is dict:
if lItem in lKeyValue: # Has key
lKeyValue = lKeyValue[lItem] # Get the value and go to the next loop iteration
else: # Else branch - true or false
if len(lKeyValue)>0: # False - if Dict has some elements
lResult = False # Set the False Flag
lResult = True # Set the True flag
break # Stop the loop
else: # Has element with no detalization - return True
lResult = True # Set the flag
break # Close the loop
return lResult # Return the result
# Def to get hierarchy of the current user roles
# if return {} - all is available
def UserRoleHierarchyGet(self):
lDomainUpperStr = self.OpenRPA["Domain"].upper()
lUserUpperStr = self.OpenRPA["User"].upper()
return __Orchestrator__.GSettingsGet().get("ServerDict", {}).get("AccessUsers", {}).get("RuleDomainUserDict", {}).get((lDomainUpperStr, lUserUpperStr), {}).get("RoleHierarchyAllowedDict", {})
except Exception as e:
return {}
#Tech def
#return {"headers":[],"body":"","statuscode":111}
def URLItemCheckDo(self, inURLItem, inMethod, inOnlyFlagUACBool = False):
#Tech sub def - do item
def URLItemDo(inURLItem,inRequest,inGlobalDict):
global gCacheDict
inResponseDict = inRequest.OpenRPAResponseDict
inResponseDict["Headers"]["Content-type"]= None
#Set status code 200
inResponseDict["StatusCode"] = 200
if "ResponseContentType" in inURLItem:
inResponseDict["Headers"]["Content-type"] = inURLItem["ResponseContentType"]
#If file path is set
if "ResponseFilePath" in inURLItem:
# Check cache
if inURLItem.get("UseCacheBool",False) == True:
if inURLItem["ResponseFilePath"] in gCacheDict:
# Write content as utf-8 data
inResponseDict["Body"] = gCacheDict[inURLItem["ResponseFilePath"]]
if os.path.exists(inURLItem["ResponseFilePath"]) and os.path.isfile(inURLItem["ResponseFilePath"]):
lFileObject = open(CrossOS.PathStr(inURLItem["ResponseFilePath"]), "rb")
# Write content as utf-8 data
gCacheDict[inURLItem["ResponseFilePath"]] =
inResponseDict["Body"] = gCacheDict[inURLItem["ResponseFilePath"]]
# Закрыть файловый объект
else: inResponseDict["Headers"]["Content-type"]= "application/x-empty"; inResponseDict["StatusCode"] = 204 # NOCONTENT
if os.path.exists(inURLItem["ResponseFilePath"]) and os.path.isfile(inURLItem["ResponseFilePath"]):
lFileObject = open(CrossOS.PathStr(inURLItem["ResponseFilePath"]), "rb")
# Write content as utf-8 data
inResponseDict["Body"] =
# Закрыть файловый объект
else: inResponseDict["Headers"]["Content-type"]= "application/x-empty"; inResponseDict["StatusCode"] = 204 # NOCONTENT
# detect MIME type if none
if inResponseDict["Headers"]["Content-type"] is None:
inResponseDict["Headers"]["Content-type"]= mimetypes.guess_type(inURLItem["ResponseFilePath"])[0]
#If function is set
if "ResponseDefRequestGlobal" in inURLItem:
lDef = inURLItem["ResponseDefRequestGlobal"]
lDefSignature = inspect.signature(lDef)
if len(lDefSignature.parameters) == 2:
inURLItem["ResponseDefRequestGlobal"](inRequest, inGlobalDict)
elif len(lDefSignature.parameters) == 1:
if "ResponseFolderPath" in inURLItem:
#lRequestPath = inRequest.path
lRequestPath = urllib.parse.unquote(inRequest.path)
if inURLItem["URL"][-1]!="/": inURLItem["URL"]+= "/" # Fix for settings
lFilePathSecondPart = lRequestPath.replace(inURLItem["URL"],"")
lFilePathSecondPart = lFilePathSecondPart.split("?")[0]
lFilePath = CrossOS.PathStr(os.path.join(inURLItem["ResponseFolderPath"],lFilePathSecondPart))
#print(f"File full path {lFilePath}")
#Check if file exist
if os.path.exists(lFilePath) and os.path.isfile(lFilePath):
# Check cache
if inURLItem.get("UseCacheBool",False) == True:
if lFilePath in gCacheDict:
# Write content as utf-8 data
inResponseDict["Body"] = gCacheDict[lFilePath]
lFileObject = open(lFilePath, "rb")
# Write content as utf-8 data
gCacheDict[lFilePath] =
inResponseDict["Body"] = gCacheDict[lFilePath]
# Закрыть файловый объект
lFileObject = open(lFilePath, "rb")
# Write content as utf-8 data
inResponseDict["Body"] =
# Закрыть файловый объект
# detect MIME type if none
if inResponseDict["Headers"]["Content-type"] is None:
inResponseDict["Headers"]["Content-type"]= mimetypes.guess_type(lFilePath)[0]
inResponseDict["Headers"]["Content-type"]= "application/x-empty"; inResponseDict["StatusCode"] = 204 # NOCONTENT
# If No content-type
if inResponseDict["Headers"]["Content-type"] is None:
inResponseDict["Headers"]["Content-type"]= "application/octet-stream"
# UAC Check
if inOnlyFlagUACBool == True and inURLItem.get("UACBool",None) in [None, True]:
return False
if inURLItem["Method"].upper() == inMethod.upper():
# check Match type variant: BeginWith
if inURLItem["MatchType"].upper() == "BEGINWITH":
lURLPath = urllib.parse.unquote(self.path)
lURLPath = lURLPath.upper()
if lURLPath.startswith(inURLItem["URL"].upper()):
URLItemDo(inURLItem, self, __Orchestrator__.GSettingsGet())
return True
# check Match type variant: Contains
elif inURLItem["MatchType"].upper() == "CONTAINS":
lURLPath = urllib.parse.unquote(self.path)
lURLPath = lURLPath.upper()
if lURLPath.contains(inURLItem["URL"].upper()):
URLItemDo(inURLItem, self, __Orchestrator__.GSettingsGet())
return True
# check Match type variant: Equal
elif inURLItem["MatchType"].upper() == "EQUAL":
if inURLItem["URL"].upper() == urllib.parse.unquote(self.path).upper():
URLItemDo(inURLItem, self, __Orchestrator__.GSettingsGet())
return True
# check Match type variant: EqualNoParam
elif inURLItem["MatchType"].upper() == "EQUALNOPARAM":
if inURLItem["URL"].upper() == urllib.parse.unquote(self.path).upper().split("?")[0]:
URLItemDo(inURLItem, self, __Orchestrator__.GSettingsGet())
return True
# check Match type variant: EqualCase
elif inURLItem["MatchType"].upper() == "EQUALCASE":
if inURLItem["URL"] == urllib.parse.unquote(self.path):
URLItemDo(inURLItem, self, __Orchestrator__.GSettingsGet())
return True
return False
def SendResponseContentTypeFile(self, inContentType, inFilePath):
inResponseDict = self.OpenRPAResponseDict
self.mResponse.status_code = 200
# Send headers
#Check if var exist
if hasattr(self, "OpenRPASetCookie"):
lFileObject = open(inFilePath, "rb")
# Write content as utf-8 data
lFileBytes =
#Закрыть файловый объект
return lFileBytes
# ResponseContentTypeFile
def ResponseDictSend(self):
inResponseDict = self.OpenRPAResponseDict
self.mResponse.status_code = inResponseDict["StatusCode"]
# Send headers
for lItemKey, lItemValue in inResponseDict["Headers"].items():
# Send headers: Set-Cookie
for lItemKey, lItemValue in inResponseDict["SetCookies"].items():
self.send_header("Set-Cookie", f"{lItemKey}={lItemValue}")
return inResponseDict["Body"]
def do_GET(self, inBodyStr):
self.OpenRPA["DefUserRoleAccessAsk"]=self.UserRoleAccessAsk # Alias for def
self.OpenRPA["DefUserRoleHierarchyGet"]=self.UserRoleHierarchyGet # Alias for def
except Exception as e:
# Prepare result dict
lResponseDict = {"Headers": {}, "SetCookies": {}, "Body": b"", "StatusCode": None, "BodyIsText":True}
self.OpenRPAResponseDict = lResponseDict
#Check the user access (if flag, UAC)
lFlagUserAccess = True
#If need user authentication
if __Orchestrator__.GSettingsGet().get("ServerDict", {}).get("AccessUsers", {}).get("FlagCredentialsAsk", False):
if self.OpenRPA["AuthToken"] != None:
lFlagUserAccess = UserAccessCheckBefore("GET", self)
if lFlagUserAccess:
if CrossOS.IS_WINDOWS_BOOL: lOrchestratorFolder = "\\".join(__file__.split("\\")[:-1])
if CrossOS.IS_LINUX_BOOL: lOrchestratorFolder = "/".join(__file__.split("/")[:-1])
#New server engine (url from global dict (URLList))
for lURLItem in __Orchestrator__.GSettingsGet()["ServerDict"]["URLList"]:
#Check if all condition are applied
lFlagURLIsApplied=self.URLItemCheckDo(lURLItem, "GET")
if lFlagURLIsApplied:
return self.ResponseDictSend()
raise HTTPException(status_code=403, detail="here is the details", headers={})
except Exception as e:
lL = __Orchestrator__.OrchestratorLoggerGet()
if lL: lL.exception(f"Сервер (do_GET): Неопознанная ошибка сети - см. текст ошибки. Сервер продолжает работу")
def do_POST(self, inBodyStr):
lL = __Orchestrator__.OrchestratorLoggerGet()
self.OpenRPA["DefUserRoleAccessAsk"]=self.UserRoleAccessAsk # Alias for def
self.OpenRPA["DefUserRoleHierarchyGet"]=self.UserRoleHierarchyGet # Alias for def
except Exception as e:
# Prepare result dict
lResponseDict = {"Headers": {}, "SetCookies": {}, "Body": b"", "StatusCode": None, "BodyIsText":True}
self.OpenRPAResponseDict = lResponseDict
#Check the user access (if flag)
lFlagUserAccess = True
#If need user authentication
if __Orchestrator__.GSettingsGet().get("ServerDict", {}).get("AccessUsers", {}).get("FlagCredentialsAsk", False):
if self.OpenRPA["AuthToken"] != None:
lFlagUserAccess = UserAccessCheckBefore("POST", self)
if lFlagUserAccess:
lOrchestratorFolder = "\\".join(__file__.split("\\")[:-1])
#New server engine (url from global dict (URLList))
for lURLItem in __Orchestrator__.GSettingsGet()["ServerDict"]["URLList"]:
#Check if all condition are applied
lFlagURLIsApplied=self.URLItemCheckDo(lURLItem, "POST")
if lFlagURLIsApplied:
return self.ResponseDictSend()
raise HTTPException(status_code=403, detail="here is the details", headers={})
except Exception as e:
lL = __Orchestrator__.OrchestratorLoggerGet()
if lL: lL.exception(f"Сервер, обратная совместимость (do_POST): Неопознанная ошибка сети - см. текст ошибки. Сервер продолжает работу")

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
import json, os import json, os
import copy import copy
from . import __Orchestrator__ from . import __Orchestrator__
from .Server import app,IdentifyAuthorize # FAST API SERVER
#ControlPanelDict #ControlPanelDict
from pyOpenRPA.Tools import CrossOS from pyOpenRPA.Tools import CrossOS
@ -21,16 +20,6 @@ from ..Tools import Usage
from . import BackwardCompatibility # Support old up to 1.2.0 defs from . import BackwardCompatibility # Support old up to 1.2.0 defs
from . import Processor from . import Processor
from . import SettingsTemplate from . import SettingsTemplate
from fastapi import FastAPI, Form, Request, HTTPException, Depends, Header, Response, Body
from fastapi.responses import PlainTextResponse, HTMLResponse, FileResponse
from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles
from fastapi.templating import Jinja2Templates
from pydantic import BaseModel
import io
from starlette.responses import StreamingResponse
from typing import Union
from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# v 1.2.0 Functionallity # v 1.2.0 Functionallity
@ -129,8 +118,14 @@ def HiddenAgentDictGenerate(inRequest, inGSettings):
# Client: mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerDataHashStr # Client: mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerDataHashStr
# Client: mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerDataDict # Client: mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerDataDict
def pyOpenRPA_ServerData(inRequest,inGSettings): def pyOpenRPA_ServerData(inRequest,inGSettings):
# Extract the hash value from request # Extract the hash value from request
lValueStr = inRequest.body lValueStr = None
if inRequest.headers.get('Content-Length') is not None:
lInputByteArrayLength = int(inRequest.headers.get('Content-Length'))
lInputByteArray =
# Превращение массива байт в объект
lValueStr = (lInputByteArray.decode('utf8'))
# Generate ServerDataDict # Generate ServerDataDict
lFlagDoGenerateBool = True lFlagDoGenerateBool = True
while lFlagDoGenerateBool: while lFlagDoGenerateBool:
@ -173,7 +168,12 @@ def pyOpenRPA_ServerJSInit(inRequest,inGSettings):
# Client: mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerLogList # Client: mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerLogList
def pyOpenRPA_ServerLog(inRequest,inGSDict): def pyOpenRPA_ServerLog(inRequest,inGSDict):
# Extract the hash value from request # Extract the hash value from request
lValueStr = inRequest.body lValueStr = None
if inRequest.headers.get('Content-Length') is not None:
lInputByteArrayLength = int(inRequest.headers.get('Content-Length'))
lInputByteArray =
# Превращение массива байт в объект
lValueStr = (lInputByteArray.decode('utf8'))
# Generate ServerDataDict # Generate ServerDataDict
lFlagDoGenerateBool = True lFlagDoGenerateBool = True
while lFlagDoGenerateBool: while lFlagDoGenerateBool:
@ -193,60 +193,59 @@ def pyOpenRPA_ServerLog(inRequest,inGSDict):
inResponseDict["Body"] = bytes(message, "utf8") inResponseDict["Body"] = bytes(message, "utf8")
return lResult return lResult
# Get thread list /orpa/threads def pyOpenRPA_Screenshot(inRequest,inGlobalDict):
def pyOpenRPA_Screenshot():
# Get Screenshot # Get Screenshot
def SaveScreenshot(inFilePath): def SaveScreenshot(inFilePath):
# grab fullscreen
# Save the entire virtual screen as a PNsG
lScreenshot = getScreenAsImage() lScreenshot = getScreenAsImage()'screenshot.png', format='png')'Screenshot.png', format='png')
# lScreenshot = ScreenshotSecondScreen.grab_screen()
# save image file
# Сохранить файл на диск # Сохранить файл на диск
SaveScreenshot("screenshot.png") SaveScreenshot("Screenshot.png")
lFileObject = open("screenshot.png", "rb") lFileObject = open("Screenshot.png", "rb")
# Write content as utf-8 data # Write content as utf-8 data
lImage = inRequest.OpenRPAResponseDict["Body"] =
# Закрыть файловый объект # Закрыть файловый объект
lFileObject.close() lFileObject.close()
else: else:
pyscreeze._screenshot_linux(imageFilename='screenshot.png') pyscreeze._screenshot_linux(imageFilename='Screenshot.png')
lFileObject = open("screenshot.png", "rb") lFileObject = open("Screenshot.png", "rb")
# Write content as utf-8 data # Write content as utf-8 data
lImage = inRequest.OpenRPAResponseDict["Body"] =
# Закрыть файловый объект # Закрыть файловый объект
lFileObject.close() lFileObject.close()
return StreamingResponse(io.BytesIO(lImage), media_type="image/png")
# Add activity item or activity list to the processor queue # Add activity item or activity list to the processor queue
# Body is Activity item or Activity List # Body is Activity item or Activity List
# body inauthtoken JSON def pyOpenRPA_Processor(inRequest, inGSettings):"/orpa/api/processor-queue-add",response_class=JSONResponse,tags=["API"]) lL = inGSettings["Logger"]
def pyOpenRPA_Processor(inRequest:Request, inAuthTokenStr:str = Depends(IdentifyAuthorize), inBodyStr:str = Body("")):
inGSettings = __Orchestrator__.GSettingsGet()
lL = __Orchestrator__.OrchestratorLoggerGet()
# Recieve the data # Recieve the data
lValueStr = inBodyStr lValueStr = None
if inRequest.headers.get('Content-Length') is not None:
lInputByteArrayLength = int(inRequest.headers.get('Content-Length'))
lInputByteArray =
# Превращение массива байт в объект # Превращение массива байт в объект
lInput = json.loads(lValueStr) lInput = json.loads(lInputByteArray.decode('utf8'))
# If list - operator plus # If list - operator plus
if type(lInput) is list: if type(lInput) is list:
# Logging info about processor activity if not SuperToken () # Logging info about processor activity if not SuperToken ()
if not __Orchestrator__.WebUserIsSuperToken(inAuthTokenStr=inAuthTokenStr): if not __Orchestrator__.WebUserIsSuperToken(inRequest=inRequest, inGSettings=inGSettings):
lActivityTypeListStr = "" lActivityTypeListStr = ""
try: try:
for lActivityItem in lInput: for lActivityItem in lInput:
lActivityTypeListStr += f"{lActivityItem['Def']}; " lActivityTypeListStr += f"{lActivityItem['Def']}; "
except Exception as e: except Exception as e:
lActivityTypeListStr = "Ошибка чтения типа активности" lActivityTypeListStr = "Ошибка чтения типа активности"
lHostStr = __Orchestrator__.WebRequestHostGet(inRequest=inRequest) lWebAuditMessageStr = __Orchestrator__.WebAuditMessageCreate(inRequest=inRequest,inOperationCodeStr=lActivityTypeListStr, inMessageStr="pyOpenRPA_Processor")
lWebAuditMessageStr = __Orchestrator__.WebAuditMessageCreate(inAuthTokenStr=inAuthTokenStr, inHostStr = lHostStr,inOperationCodeStr=lActivityTypeListStr, inMessageStr="pyOpenRPA_Processor")
if lL: if lL:
# Separate into 2 lists - sync and async # Separate into 2 lists - sync and async
lSyncActvityList = [] lSyncActvityList = []
lAsyncActivityList = [] lAsyncActivityList = []
for lActivityItem in lInput: for lActivityItem in lInput:
if lInput.get("ThreadBool", False) == False: if lInput.get("ThreadBool", False) == False:
lSyncActvityList.append(lActivityItem) lSyncActvityList.append(lActivityItem)
else: else:
@ -260,16 +259,14 @@ def pyOpenRPA_Processor(inRequest:Request, inAuthTokenStr:str = Depends(Identify
lThread = threading.Thread(target=Processor.ActivityListExecute, kwargs=lActivityItemArgsDict) lThread = threading.Thread(target=Processor.ActivityListExecute, kwargs=lActivityItemArgsDict)
lThread.start() lThread.start()
else: else:
# Logging info about processor activity if not SuperToken () # Logging info about processor activity if not SuperToken ()
if not __Orchestrator__.WebUserIsSuperToken(inAuthTokenStr=inAuthTokenStr): if not __Orchestrator__.WebUserIsSuperToken(inRequest=inRequest, inGSettings=inGSettings):
lActivityTypeListStr = "" lActivityTypeListStr = ""
try: try:
lActivityTypeListStr = lInput['Def'] lActivityTypeListStr = lInput['Def']
except Exception as e: except Exception as e:
lActivityTypeListStr = "Ошибка чтения типа активности" lActivityTypeListStr = "Ошибка чтения типа активности"
lHostStr = __Orchestrator__.WebRequestHostGet(inRequest=inRequest) lWebAuditMessageStr = __Orchestrator__.WebAuditMessageCreate(inRequest=inRequest,inOperationCodeStr=lActivityTypeListStr, inMessageStr="pyOpenRPA_Processor")
lWebAuditMessageStr = __Orchestrator__.WebAuditMessageCreate(inAuthTokenStr=inAuthTokenStr, inHostStr = lHostStr, inOperationCodeStr=lActivityTypeListStr, inMessageStr="pyOpenRPA_Processor")
if lL: if lL:
if lInput.get("ThreadBool",False) == False: if lInput.get("ThreadBool",False) == False:
# Append in list # Append in list
@ -278,65 +275,61 @@ def pyOpenRPA_Processor(inRequest:Request, inAuthTokenStr:str = Depends(Identify
lActivityItemArgsDict = {"inGSettings": inGSettings, "inActivityList": [lInput]} lActivityItemArgsDict = {"inGSettings": inGSettings, "inActivityList": [lInput]}
lThread = threading.Thread(target=Processor.ActivityListExecute, kwargs=lActivityItemArgsDict) lThread = threading.Thread(target=Processor.ActivityListExecute, kwargs=lActivityItemArgsDict)
lThread.start() lThread.start()
return lResult
# Execute activity list # Execute activity list"/orpa/api/activity-list-execute",response_class=JSONResponse,tags=["API"]) def pyOpenRPA_ActivityListExecute(inRequest, inGSettings):
def pyOpenRPA_ActivityListExecute(inRequest:Request, inAuthTokenStr:str = Depends(IdentifyAuthorize), inBodyStr:str = Body("")):
# Recieve the data # Recieve the data
inGSettings = __Orchestrator__.GSettingsGet() lL = inGSettings["Logger"]
lL = __Orchestrator__.OrchestratorLoggerGet() lValueStr = None
lValueStr = inBodyStr if inRequest.headers.get('Content-Length') is not None:
lInputByteArrayLength = int(inRequest.headers.get('Content-Length'))
lInputByteArray =
# Превращение массива байт в объект # Превращение массива байт в объект
lInput = json.loads(lValueStr) lInput = json.loads(lInputByteArray.decode('utf8'))
# If list - operator plus # If list - operator plus
if type(lInput) is list: if type(lInput) is list:
# Logging info about processor activity if not SuperToken () # Logging info about processor activity if not SuperToken ()
if not __Orchestrator__.WebUserIsSuperToken(inAuthTokenStr=inAuthTokenStr): if not __Orchestrator__.WebUserIsSuperToken(inRequest=inRequest, inGSettings=inGSettings):
lActivityTypeListStr = "" lActivityTypeListStr = ""
try: try:
for lActivityItem in lInput: for lActivityItem in lInput:
lActivityTypeListStr += f"{lActivityItem['Def']}; " lActivityTypeListStr += f"{lActivityItem['Def']}; "
except Exception as e: except Exception as e:
lActivityTypeListStr = "Ошибка чтения типа активности" lActivityTypeListStr = "Ошибка чтения типа активности"
lHostStr = __Orchestrator__.WebRequestHostGet(inRequest=inRequest) lWebAuditMessageStr = __Orchestrator__.WebAuditMessageCreate(inRequest=inRequest,inOperationCodeStr=lActivityTypeListStr, inMessageStr="pyOpenRPA_ActivityListExecute")
lWebAuditMessageStr = __Orchestrator__.WebAuditMessageCreate(inAuthTokenStr=inAuthTokenStr, inHostStr = lHostStr,inOperationCodeStr=lActivityTypeListStr, inMessageStr="pyOpenRPA_ActivityListExecute")
if lL: if lL:
# Execution # Execution
lResultList = Processor.ActivityListExecute(inGSettings = inGSettings, inActivityList = lInput) lResultList = Processor.ActivityListExecute(inGSettings = inGSettings, inActivityList = lInput)
return lResultList inRequest.OpenRPAResponseDict["Body"] = bytes(json.dumps(lResultList), "utf8")
#inRequest.OpenRPAResponseDict["Body"] = bytes(json.dumps(lResultList), "utf8")
else: else:
# Logging info about processor activity if not SuperToken () # Logging info about processor activity if not SuperToken ()
if not __Orchestrator__.WebUserIsSuperToken(inAuthTokenStr=inAuthTokenStr): if not __Orchestrator__.WebUserIsSuperToken(inRequest=inRequest, inGSettings=inGSettings):
lActivityTypeListStr = "" lActivityTypeListStr = ""
try: try:
lActivityTypeListStr = lInput['Def'] lActivityTypeListStr = lInput['Def']
except Exception as e: except Exception as e:
lActivityTypeListStr = "Ошибка чтения типа активности" lActivityTypeListStr = "Ошибка чтения типа активности"
lHostStr = __Orchestrator__.WebRequestHostGet(inRequest=inRequest) lWebAuditMessageStr = __Orchestrator__.WebAuditMessageCreate(inRequest=inRequest,
lWebAuditMessageStr = __Orchestrator__.WebAuditMessageCreate(inAuthTokenStr=inAuthTokenStr, inHostStr = lHostStr,
inOperationCodeStr=lActivityTypeListStr, inOperationCodeStr=lActivityTypeListStr,
inMessageStr="pyOpenRPA_ActivityListExecute") inMessageStr="pyOpenRPA_ActivityListExecute")
if lL: if lL:
# Execution # Execution
lResultList = Processor.ActivityListExecute(inGSettings = inGSettings, inActivityList = [lInput]) lResultList = Processor.ActivityListExecute(inGSettings = inGSettings, inActivityList = [lInput])
return lResultList inRequest.OpenRPAResponseDict["Body"] = bytes(json.dumps(lResultList[0]), "utf8")
#inRequest.OpenRPAResponseDict["Body"] = bytes(json.dumps(lResultList[0]), "utf8")
# See docs in Agent (pyOpenRPA.Agent.O2A) # See docs in Agent (pyOpenRPA.Agent.O2A)"/orpa/agent/o2a",response_class=JSONResponse,tags=["Agent"]) def pyOpenRPA_Agent_O2A(inRequest, inGSettings):
def pyOpenRPA_Agent_O2A(inRequest:Request, inAuthTokenStr:str = Depends(IdentifyAuthorize), inBodyDict = Body({})): lL = inGSettings["Logger"] # Alias
inGSettings = __Orchestrator__.GSettingsGet()
lL = __Orchestrator__.OrchestratorLoggerGet()
lConnectionLifetimeSecFloat = inGSettings["ServerDict"]["AgentConnectionLifetimeSecFloat"] # 300.0 # 5 min * 60 sec 300.0 lConnectionLifetimeSecFloat = inGSettings["ServerDict"]["AgentConnectionLifetimeSecFloat"] # 300.0 # 5 min * 60 sec 300.0
lActivityItemLifetimeLimitSecFloat = inGSettings["ServerDict"]["AgentActivityLifetimeSecFloat"] lActivityItemLifetimeLimitSecFloat = inGSettings["ServerDict"]["AgentActivityLifetimeSecFloat"]
lAgentLoopSleepSecFloat = inGSettings["ServerDict"]["AgentLoopSleepSecFloat"] lAgentLoopSleepSecFloat = inGSettings["ServerDict"]["AgentLoopSleepSecFloat"]
lTimeStartFloat = time.time() lTimeStartFloat = time.time()
# Recieve the data # Recieve the data
#lValueStr = inBodyDict lValueStr = None
if inRequest.headers.get('Content-Length') is not None:
lInputByteArrayLength = int(inRequest.headers.get('Content-Length'))
lInputByteArray =
# Превращение массива байт в объект # Превращение массива байт в объект
lInput = inBodyDict#json.loads(lValueStr) lInput = json.loads(lInputByteArray.decode('utf8'))
# Check if item is created # Check if item is created
lAgentDictItemKeyTurple = (lInput["HostNameUpperStr"],lInput["UserUpperStr"]) lAgentDictItemKeyTurple = (lInput["HostNameUpperStr"],lInput["UserUpperStr"])
if lAgentDictItemKeyTurple not in inGSettings["AgentDict"]: if lAgentDictItemKeyTurple not in inGSettings["AgentDict"]:
@ -387,12 +380,12 @@ def pyOpenRPA_Agent_O2A(inRequest:Request, inAuthTokenStr:str = Depends(Identify
for lItemDict in lReturnActivityItemList: for lItemDict in lReturnActivityItemList:
if "CreatedByDatetime" in lItemDict: if "CreatedByDatetime" in lItemDict:
del lItemDict["CreatedByDatetime"] del lItemDict["CreatedByDatetime"]
inRequest.OpenRPAResponseDict["Body"] = bytes(json.dumps(lReturnActivityItemList), "utf8")
# Log full version if bytes size is less than limit . else short # Log full version if bytes size is less than limit . else short
lBodyLenInt = len(lReturnActivityItemList) lBodyLenInt = len(inRequest.OpenRPAResponseDict["Body"])
lAgentLimitLogSizeBytesInt = inGSettings["ServerDict"]["AgentLimitLogSizeBytesInt"] lAgentLimitLogSizeBytesInt = inGSettings["ServerDict"]["AgentLimitLogSizeBytesInt"]
if lL: lL.debug(f"ActivityItem to Agent ({lInput['HostNameUpperStr']}, {lInput['UserUpperStr']}): Item count: {len(lReturnActivityItemList)}, bytes size: {lBodyLenInt}") if lL: lL.debug(f"ActivityItem to Agent ({lInput['HostNameUpperStr']}, {lInput['UserUpperStr']}): Item count: {len(lReturnActivityItemList)}, bytes size: {lBodyLenInt}")
lThisAgentDict["ConnectionCountInt"] -= 1 # Connection go to be closed - decrement the connection count lDoLoopBool = False # CLose the connection
return lReturnActivityItemList
else: # Nothing to send - sleep for the next iteration else: # Nothing to send - sleep for the next iteration
time.sleep(lAgentLoopSleepSecFloat) time.sleep(lAgentLoopSleepSecFloat)
else: # no queue item - sleep for the next iteration else: # no queue item - sleep for the next iteration
@ -401,42 +394,41 @@ def pyOpenRPA_Agent_O2A(inRequest:Request, inAuthTokenStr:str = Depends(Identify
if lL: lL.exception("pyOpenRPA_Agent_O2A Exception!") if lL: lL.exception("pyOpenRPA_Agent_O2A Exception!")
lThisAgentDict["ConnectionCountInt"] -= 1 # Connection go to be closed - decrement the connection count lThisAgentDict["ConnectionCountInt"] -= 1 # Connection go to be closed - decrement the connection count
@app.get(path="/orpa/api/helper-def-list/{inTokenStr}",response_class=JSONResponse,tags=["API"]) def pyOpenRPA_Debugging_HelperDefList(inRequest, inGSettings):
def pyOpenRPA_Debugging_HelperDefList(inRequest:Request, inAuthTokenStr:str = Depends(IdentifyAuthorize), inBodyStr:str = Body("")):
# Parse query # Parse query
lResultDict = { lResultDict = {
"success": True, "success": True,
"results": [] "results": []
} }
# Get the path # Get the path
lPathSplitList = inRequest.url.path.split('/') lPathSplitList = __Orchestrator__.WebRequestParsePath(inRequest=inRequest).split('/')
lQueryStr = None lQueryStr = None
if "HelperDefList" != lPathSplitList[-1] and "" != lPathSplitList[-1]: lQueryStr = lPathSplitList[-1] if "HelperDefList" != lPathSplitList[-1] and "" != lPathSplitList[-1]: lQueryStr = lPathSplitList[-1]
if lQueryStr != "" and lQueryStr is not None: if lQueryStr != "" and lQueryStr is not None:
lDefList = __Orchestrator__.ActivityItemHelperDefList(inDefQueryStr=lQueryStr) lDefList = __Orchestrator__.ActivityItemHelperDefList(inDefQueryStr=lQueryStr)
for lDefStr in lDefList: for lDefStr in lDefList:
lResultDict["results"].append({"name": lDefStr, "value": lDefStr, "text": lDefStr}) lResultDict["results"].append({"name": lDefStr, "value": lDefStr, "text": lDefStr})
return lResultDict __Orchestrator__.WebRequestResponseSend(inRequest=inRequest, inResponeStr=json.dumps(lResultDict))
@app.get(path="/orpa/api/helper-def-autofill/{inTokenStr}",response_class=JSONResponse,tags=["API"]) def pyOpenRPA_Debugging_HelperDefAutofill(inRequest, inGSettings):
def pyOpenRPA_Debugging_HelperDefAutofill(inRequest:Request, inAuthTokenStr:str = Depends(IdentifyAuthorize), inBodyStr:str = Body("")):
# Parse query # Parse query
# Get the path # Get the path
lPathSplitList = inRequest.url.path.split('/') lPathSplitList = __Orchestrator__.WebRequestParsePath(inRequest=inRequest).split('/')
lQueryStr = None lQueryStr = None
if "HelperDefAutofill" != lPathSplitList[-1] and "" != lPathSplitList[-1]: lQueryStr = lPathSplitList[-1] if "HelperDefAutofill" != lPathSplitList[-1] and "" != lPathSplitList[-1]: lQueryStr = lPathSplitList[-1]
lResultDict = __Orchestrator__.ActivityItemHelperDefAutofill(inDef = lQueryStr) lResultDict = __Orchestrator__.ActivityItemHelperDefAutofill(inDef = lQueryStr)
return lResultDict __Orchestrator__.WebRequestResponseSend(inRequest=inRequest, inResponeStr=json.dumps(lResultDict))
# See docs in Agent (pyOpenRPA.Agent.A2O) # See docs in Agent (pyOpenRPA.Agent.A2O)"/orpa/agent/a2o",response_class=JSONResponse,tags=["Agent"]) def pyOpenRPA_Agent_A2O(inRequest, inGSettings):
def pyOpenRPA_Agent_A2O(inRequest:Request, inAuthTokenStr:str = Depends(IdentifyAuthorize), inBodyDict = Body({})): lL = inGSettings["Logger"]
inGSettings = __Orchestrator__.GSettingsGet()
lL = __Orchestrator__.OrchestratorLoggerGet()
# Recieve the data # Recieve the data
#lValueStr = inBodyStr lValueStr = None
if inRequest.headers.get('Content-Length') is not None:
lInputByteArrayLength = int(inRequest.headers.get('Content-Length'))
lInputByteArray =
# Превращение массива байт в объект # Превращение массива байт в объект
lInput = inBodyDict#json.loads(lValueStr) lInput = json.loads(lInputByteArray.decode('utf8'))
lAgentDictItemKeyTurple = (lInput["HostNameUpperStr"], lInput["UserUpperStr"]) lAgentDictItemKeyTurple = (lInput["HostNameUpperStr"], lInput["UserUpperStr"])
if "LogList" in lInput: if "LogList" in lInput:
for lLogItemStr in lInput["LogList"]: for lLogItemStr in lInput["LogList"]:
@ -468,14 +460,14 @@ def pyOpenRPA_Agent_A2O(inRequest:Request, inAuthTokenStr:str = Depends(Identify
from pyOpenRPA.Utils.Render import Render from pyOpenRPA.Utils.Render import Render
lFileStr = CrossOS.PathJoinList(CrossOS.PathSplitList(__file__)[:-2] + ["Resources","Web","orpa","orc.xhtml"]) lFileStr = CrossOS.PathJoinList(CrossOS.PathSplitList(__file__)[:-2] + ["Resources","Web","orpa","orc.xhtml"])
gRender = Render(inTemplatePathStr=lFileStr,inTemplateRefreshBool=True) gRender = Render(inTemplatePathStr=lFileStr,inTemplateRefreshBool=True)
from pyOpenRPA import __version__
def pyOpenRPA_Index(): def pyOpenRPA_Index():
# Пример использования # Пример использования
global gRender global gRender
lStr = gRender.Generate(inDataDict={"title":"ОРКЕСТРАТОР PYOPENRPA", "subtitle":"ПАНЕЛЬ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ", "version":__version__}) lStr = gRender.Generate(inDataDict={"title":"ОРКЕСТРАТОР PYOPENRPA", "subtitle":"ПАНЕЛЬ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ"})
__Orchestrator__.WebRequestResponseSend(inResponeStr=lStr,inContentTypeStr="text/html") __Orchestrator__.WebRequestResponseSend(inResponeStr=lStr,inContentTypeStr="text/html")
def SettingsUpdate(): def SettingsUpdate(inGlobalConfiguration):
import os import os
import pyOpenRPA.Orchestrator import pyOpenRPA.Orchestrator
gSettingsDict = __Orchestrator__.GSettingsGet() gSettingsDict = __Orchestrator__.GSettingsGet()
@ -495,36 +487,32 @@ def SettingsUpdate():
#Orchestrator basic dependencies # Index page in because of special settings #Orchestrator basic dependencies # Index page in because of special settings
{"Method":"GET", "URL": gSettingsDict["ServerDict"]["URLIndexStr"],"MatchType": "EqualNoParam", "ResponseDefRequestGlobal": pyOpenRPA_Index}, {"Method":"GET", "URL": gSettingsDict["ServerDict"]["URLIndexStr"],"MatchType": "EqualNoParam", "ResponseDefRequestGlobal": pyOpenRPA_Index},
{"Method":"GET", "URL": "/metadata.json", "MatchType": "EqualCase", "ResponseFilePath": os.path.join(lOrchestratorFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\orpa\\metadata.json"), "ResponseContentType": "application/json"}, {"Method":"GET", "URL": "/metadata.json", "MatchType": "EqualCase", "ResponseFilePath": os.path.join(lOrchestratorFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\orpa\\metadata.json"), "ResponseContentType": "application/json"},
#{"Method":"GET", "URL": "/Index.js", "MatchType": "EqualCase", "ResponseFilePath": os.path.join(lOrchestratorFolder, "Web\\Index.js"), "ResponseContentType": "text/javascript"}, {"Method":"GET", "URL": "/Index.js", "MatchType": "EqualCase", "ResponseFilePath": os.path.join(lOrchestratorFolder, "Web\\Index.js"), "ResponseContentType": "text/javascript"},
{"Method":"GET", "URL": "/orpa/resources/", "MatchType": "BeginWith", "ResponseFolderPath": os.path.join(lOrchestratorFolder, "..\\Resources"),"UACBool":False, "UseCacheBool": True}, {"Method":"GET", "URL": "/orpa/Resources/", "MatchType": "BeginWith", "ResponseFolderPath": os.path.join(lOrchestratorFolder, "..\\Resources"),"UACBool":False, "UseCacheBool": True},
{"Method":"GET", "URL": "/orpa/client/resources/", "MatchType": "BeginWith", "ResponseFolderPath": os.path.join(lOrchestratorFolder, "Web"),"UACBool":False, "UseCacheBool": True}, {"Method":"GET", "URL": "/3rdParty/Semantic-UI-CSS-master/semantic.min.css", "MatchType": "EqualCase", "ResponseFilePath": os.path.join(lOrchestratorFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\Semantic-UI-CSS-master\\semantic.min.css"), "ResponseContentType": "text/css", "UACBool":False, "UseCacheBool": True},
{"Method":"GET", "URL": "/3rdParty/Semantic-UI-CSS-master/semantic.min.js", "MatchType": "EqualCase", "ResponseFilePath": os.path.join(lOrchestratorFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\Semantic-UI-CSS-master\\semantic.min.js"), "ResponseContentType": "application/javascript", "UACBool":False, "UseCacheBool": True},
#{"Method":"GET", "URL": "/3rdParty/Semantic-UI-CSS-master/semantic.min.css", "MatchType": "EqualCase", "ResponseFilePath": os.path.join(lOrchestratorFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\Semantic-UI-CSS-master\\semantic.min.css"), "ResponseContentType": "text/css", "UACBool":False, "UseCacheBool": True}, {"Method":"GET", "URL": "/3rdParty/jQuery/jquery-3.1.1.min.js", "MatchType": "EqualCase", "ResponseFilePath": os.path.join(lOrchestratorFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\jQuery\\jquery-3.1.1.min.js"), "ResponseContentType": "application/javascript", "UACBool":False, "UseCacheBool": True},
#{"Method":"GET", "URL": "/3rdParty/Semantic-UI-CSS-master/semantic.min.js", "MatchType": "EqualCase", "ResponseFilePath": os.path.join(lOrchestratorFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\Semantic-UI-CSS-master\\semantic.min.js"), "ResponseContentType": "application/javascript", "UACBool":False, "UseCacheBool": True}, {"Method":"GET", "URL": "/3rdParty/Google/LatoItalic.css", "MatchType": "EqualCase", "ResponseFilePath": os.path.join(lOrchestratorFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\Google\\LatoItalic.css"), "ResponseContentType": "font/css", "UACBool":False, "UseCacheBool": True},
#{"Method":"GET", "URL": "/3rdParty/jQuery/jquery-3.1.1.min.js", "MatchType": "EqualCase", "ResponseFilePath": os.path.join(lOrchestratorFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\jQuery\\jquery-3.1.1.min.js"), "ResponseContentType": "application/javascript", "UACBool":False, "UseCacheBool": True}, {"Method":"GET", "URL": "/3rdParty/Semantic-UI-CSS-master/themes/default/assets/fonts/icons.woff2", "MatchType": "EqualCase", "ResponseFilePath": os.path.join(lOrchestratorFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\Semantic-UI-CSS-master\\themes\\default\\assets\\fonts\\icons.woff2"), "ResponseContentType": "font/woff2", "UACBool":False, "UseCacheBool": True},
#{"Method":"GET", "URL": "/3rdParty/Google/LatoItalic.css", "MatchType": "EqualCase", "ResponseFilePath": os.path.join(lOrchestratorFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\Google\\LatoItalic.css"), "ResponseContentType": "font/css", "UACBool":False, "UseCacheBool": True}, {"Method":"GET", "URL": "/themes/default/", "MatchType": "BeginWith", "ResponseFolderPath": os.path.join(lOrchestratorFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\Semantic-UI-CSS-master\\themes\\default"),"UACBool":False, "UseCacheBool": True},
#{"Method":"GET", "URL": "/3rdParty/Semantic-UI-CSS-master/themes/default/assets/fonts/icons.woff2", "MatchType": "EqualCase", "ResponseFilePath": os.path.join(lOrchestratorFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\Semantic-UI-CSS-master\\themes\\default\\assets\\fonts\\icons.woff2"), "ResponseContentType": "font/woff2", "UACBool":False, "UseCacheBool": True}, {"Method":"GET", "URL": "/favicon.ico", "MatchType": "EqualCase", "ResponseFilePath": os.path.join(lOrchestratorFolder, "Web\\favicon.ico"), "ResponseContentType": "image/x-icon", "UACBool":False, "UseCacheBool": True},
#{"Method":"GET", "URL": "/themes/default/", "MatchType": "BeginWith", "ResponseFolderPath": os.path.join(lOrchestratorFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\Semantic-UI-CSS-master\\themes\\default"),"UACBool":False, "UseCacheBool": True}, {"Method":"GET", "URL": "/3rdParty/Handlebars/handlebars-v4.1.2.js", "MatchType": "EqualCase", "ResponseFilePath": os.path.join(lOrchestratorFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\Handlebars\\handlebars-v4.1.2.js"), "ResponseContentType": "application/javascript", "UACBool":False, "UseCacheBool": True},
{"Method":"GET", "URL": "/favicon.ico", "MatchType": "EqualCase", "ResponseFilePath": os.path.join(lOrchestratorFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\orpa\\favicon.ico"), "ResponseContentType": "image/x-icon", "UACBool":False, "UseCacheBool": True}, {"Method": "GET", "URL": "/Monitor/ControlPanelDictGet", "MatchType": "Equal", "ResponseDefRequestGlobal": BackwardCompatibility.v1_2_0_Monitor_ControlPanelDictGet_SessionCheckInit, "ResponseContentType": "application/json"},
#{"Method":"GET", "URL": "/3rdParty/Handlebars/handlebars-v4.1.2.js", "MatchType": "EqualCase", "ResponseFilePath": os.path.join(lOrchestratorFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\Handlebars\\handlebars-v4.1.2.js"), "ResponseContentType": "application/javascript", "UACBool":False, "UseCacheBool": True}, {"Method": "GET", "URL": "/GetScreenshot", "MatchType": "BeginWith", "ResponseDefRequestGlobal": pyOpenRPA_Screenshot, "ResponseContentType": "image/png"},
#{"Method": "GET", "URL": "/Monitor/ControlPanelDictGet", "MatchType": "Equal", "ResponseDefRequestGlobal": BackwardCompatibility.v1_2_0_Monitor_ControlPanelDictGet_SessionCheckInit, "ResponseContentType": "application/json"}, {"Method": "GET", "URL": "/pyOpenRPA_logo.png", "MatchType": "Equal", "ResponseFilePath": os.path.join(lOrchestratorFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\pyOpenRPA_logo.png"), "ResponseContentType": "image/png", "UACBool":False, "UseCacheBool": True},
#{"Method": "GET", "URL": "/GetScreenshot", "MatchType": "BeginWith", "ResponseDefRequestGlobal": pyOpenRPA_Screenshot, "ResponseContentType": "image/png"}, {"Method": "POST", "URL": "/Orchestrator/UserRoleHierarchyGet", "MatchType": "Equal","ResponseDefRequestGlobal": BackwardCompatibility.v1_2_0_UserRoleHierarchyGet, "ResponseContentType": "application/json"},
#{"Method": "GET", "URL": "/pyOpenRPA_logo.png", "MatchType": "Equal", "ResponseFilePath": os.path.join(lOrchestratorFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\pyOpenRPA_logo.png"), "ResponseContentType": "image/png", "UACBool":False, "UseCacheBool": True},
{"Method": "POST", "URL": "/orpa/client/user-role-hierarchy-get", "MatchType": "Equal","ResponseDefRequestGlobal": BackwardCompatibility.v1_2_0_UserRoleHierarchyGet, "ResponseContentType": "application/json"},
# New way of the v.1.2.0 functionallity (all defs by the URL from /pyOpenRPA/...) # New way of the v.1.2.0 functionallity (all defs by the URL from /pyOpenRPA/...)
{"Method": "POST", "URL": "/orpa/client/server-data", "MatchType": "Equal","ResponseDefRequestGlobal": pyOpenRPA_ServerData, "ResponseContentType": "application/json"}, {"Method": "POST", "URL": "/pyOpenRPA/ServerData", "MatchType": "Equal","ResponseDefRequestGlobal": pyOpenRPA_ServerData, "ResponseContentType": "application/json"},
{"Method": "GET", "URL": "/orpa/client/server-js-init", "MatchType": "Equal","ResponseDefRequestGlobal": pyOpenRPA_ServerJSInit, "ResponseContentType": "application/javascript"}, {"Method": "GET", "URL": "/pyOpenRPA/ServerJSInit", "MatchType": "Equal","ResponseDefRequestGlobal": pyOpenRPA_ServerJSInit, "ResponseContentType": "application/javascript"},
{"Method": "POST", "URL": "/orpa/client/server-log", "MatchType": "Equal","ResponseDefRequestGlobal": pyOpenRPA_ServerLog, "ResponseContentType": "application/json"}, {"Method": "POST", "URL": "/pyOpenRPA/ServerLog", "MatchType": "Equal","ResponseDefRequestGlobal": pyOpenRPA_ServerLog, "ResponseContentType": "application/json"},
#{"Method": "GET", "URL": "/orpa/client/screenshot-get", "MatchType": "Equal", "ResponseDefRequestGlobal": pyOpenRPA_Screenshot, "ResponseContentType": "image/png"}, {"Method": "GET", "URL": "/pyOpenRPA/Screenshot", "MatchType": "BeginWith", "ResponseDefRequestGlobal": pyOpenRPA_Screenshot, "ResponseContentType": "image/png"},
# API {"Method": "POST", "URL": "/pyOpenRPA/ProcessorQueueAdd", "MatchType": "Equal","ResponseDefRequestGlobal": pyOpenRPA_Processor, "ResponseContentType": "application/json"},
#{"Method": "POST", "URL": "/orpa/api/processor-queue-add", "MatchType": "Equal","ResponseDefRequestGlobal": pyOpenRPA_Processor, "ResponseContentType": "application/json"}, {"Method": "POST", "URL": "/pyOpenRPA/ActivityListExecute", "MatchType": "Equal","ResponseDefRequestGlobal": pyOpenRPA_ActivityListExecute, "ResponseContentType": "application/json"},
#{"Method": "POST", "URL": "/orpa/api/activity-list-execute", "MatchType": "Equal","ResponseDefRequestGlobal": pyOpenRPA_ActivityListExecute, "ResponseContentType": "application/json"}, {"Method": "POST", "URL": "/pyOpenRPA/Agent/O2A", "MatchType": "Equal","ResponseDefRequestGlobal": pyOpenRPA_Agent_O2A, "ResponseContentType": "application/json"},
#{"Method": "GET", "URL": "/orpa/api/helper-def-list/", "MatchType": "BeginWith","ResponseDefRequestGlobal": pyOpenRPA_Debugging_HelperDefList, "ResponseContentType": "application/json"}, {"Method": "POST", "URL": "/pyOpenRPA/Agent/A2O", "MatchType": "Equal","ResponseDefRequestGlobal": pyOpenRPA_Agent_A2O, "ResponseContentType": "application/json"},
#{"Method": "GET", "URL": "/orpa/api/helper-def-autofill/", "MatchType": "BeginWith","ResponseDefRequestGlobal": pyOpenRPA_Debugging_HelperDefAutofill, "ResponseContentType": "application/json"}, {"Method": "GET", "URL": "/pyOpenRPA/Debugging/HelperDefList/", "MatchType": "BeginWith","ResponseDefRequestGlobal": pyOpenRPA_Debugging_HelperDefList, "ResponseContentType": "application/json"},
# AGENT {"Method": "GET", "URL": "/pyOpenRPA/Debugging/HelperDefAutofill/", "MatchType": "BeginWith","ResponseDefRequestGlobal": pyOpenRPA_Debugging_HelperDefAutofill, "ResponseContentType": "application/json"},
#{"Method": "POST", "URL": "/orpa/agent/o2a", "MatchType": "Equal","ResponseDefRequestGlobal": pyOpenRPA_Agent_O2A, "ResponseContentType": "application/json"},
#{"Method": "POST", "URL": "/orpa/agent/a2o", "MatchType": "Equal","ResponseDefRequestGlobal": pyOpenRPA_Agent_A2O, "ResponseContentType": "application/json"}
] ]
Usage.Process(inComponentStr="Orchestrator") Usage.Process(inComponentStr="Orchestrator")
gSettingsDict["ServerDict"]["URLList"]=gSettingsDict["ServerDict"]["URLList"]+lURLList inGlobalConfiguration["ServerDict"]["URLList"]=inGlobalConfiguration["ServerDict"]["URLList"]+lURLList
return gSettingsDict return inGlobalConfiguration

@ -0,0 +1,992 @@
var mGlobal={}
mGlobal.pyOpenRPA = {}
window.onload=function() {
//document.cookie = "SessionGUIDStr=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC; path=/;";
//Render existing data
$(document).ready(function() {
document.cookie = "SessionGUIDStr=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC; path=/;";
console.log("Cookie is deleted")
// fix main menu to page on passing
type: 'fixed'
type: 'fixed',
offset: 80
// lazy load images
type: 'image',
transition: 'vertical flip in',
duration: 500
// show dropdown on hover
$(' .ui.dropdown').dropdown({
on: 'hover'
function clone(obj) {
var copy;
// Handle the 3 simple types, and null or undefined
if (null == obj || "object" != typeof obj) return obj;
// Handle Date
if (obj instanceof Date) {
copy = new Date();
return copy;
// Handle Array
if (obj instanceof Array) {
copy = [];
for (var i = 0, len = obj.length; i < len; i++) {
copy[i] = clone(obj[i]);
return copy;
// Handle Object
if (obj instanceof Object) {
copy = {};
for (var attr in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(attr)) copy[attr] = clone(obj[attr]);
return copy;
throw new Error("Unable to copy obj! Its type isn't supported.");
//For data storage key
mGlobal["DataStorage"] = {}
// Clear the session cookie
String.prototype.replaceAll = function(search, replace){
return this.split(search).join(replace);
mGlobal.GeneralGenerateHTMLCodeHandlebars=function(inInnerTemplateSelector,inData) {
var template = Handlebars.compile(lHTMLTemplate);
//Вставка данных
var lHTMLResult = template(inData);
return lHTMLResult
mGlobal.GeneralGenerateHTMLCode=function(inTemplateHTMLSelector,inItemDictionary,inKeywordPrefix="::",inKeywordPostfix="::") {
///Получить заготовку
///Определить ключь экранирования специальных ключевых слов
///Выполнить циклические замены, если там есть пожходящие ключи
for(var lKey in inItemDictionary) {
///Вернуть результат
return lResultHTMLCode
/////Info JS module
mGlobal.Info.TableActivityLogScheduleListRefresh=function() {
/////Controller JS module
mGlobal.Controller.CMDRunText=function(inCMDText) {
///Подготовить конфигурацию
lData = [
{"Type":"CMDStart", "Command": inCMDText}
///Обнулить таблицу
type: "POST",
url: 'Utils/Processor',
data: JSON.stringify(lData),
dataType: "text"
mGlobal.Controller.CMDRun=function() {
///Обнулить таблицу
///Подготовить конфигурацию
lData = [
"Def":"OSCMD", // def link or def alias (look gSettings["Processor"]["AliasDefDict"])
"ArgList":[], // Args list
"ArgDict":{"inCMDStr":lCMDCode,"inRunAsyncBool":false}, // Args dictionary
"ArgGSettings": null, // Name of GSettings attribute: str (ArgDict) or index (for ArgList)
"ArgLogger": "inLogger" // Name of GSettings attribute: str (ArgDict) or index (for ArgList)
type: "POST",
url: '/pyOpenRPA/ActivityListExecute',
data: JSON.stringify(lData),
var lResponseJSON=JSON.parse(lData)
///Отправить запрос на формирование таблицы
//lHTMLCode=console.log("CMDRun result: "+lResponseJSON[0].result)
dataType: "text"
mGlobal.Controller.CMDRunGUILogout=function() {
///Обнулить таблицу
lCMDCode="for /f \"skip=1 tokens=2\" %s in ('query user %USERNAME%') do (tscon \\dest:console)"
//lCMDCode = lCMDCode.replace(/\\n/g, "\\n")
// .replace(/\\'/g, "\\'")
// .replace(/\\"/g, '\\"')
// .replace(/\\&/g, "\\&")
// .replace(/\\r/g, "\\r")
// .replace(/\\t/g, "\\t")
// .replace(/\\b/g, "\\b")
// .replace(/\\f/g, "\\f")
// .replace('"', "\\\"");
///Подготовить конфигурацию
lData = [
{"Type":"CMDStart", "Command": lCMDCode }
type: "POST",
url: 'Utils/Processor',
data: JSON.stringify(lData),
var lResponseJSON=JSON.parse(lData)
///Отправить запрос на формирование таблицы
//lHTMLCode=console.log("CMDRun result: "+lResponseJSON[0].result)
dataType: "text"
///Restart PC
mGlobal.Controller.PCRestart = function () {
mGlobal.Controller.CMDRunText("shutdown -r")
///Orchestrator save session
mGlobal.Controller.OrchestratorSessionSave=function() {
///Подготовить конфигурацию
lData = [
type: "POST",
url: 'Utils/Processor',
data: JSON.stringify(lData),
var lResponseJSON=JSON.parse(lData)
dataType: "text"
///Перезагрузить Orchestrator
mGlobal.Controller.OrchestratorRestart=function() {
///Подготовить конфигурацию
lData = [
type: "POST",
url: 'Utils/Processor',
data: JSON.stringify(lData),
var lResponseJSON=JSON.parse(lData)
dataType: "text"
mGlobal.Controller.OrchestratorGITPullRestart = function() {
mGlobal.Controller.OrchestratorSessionSave() //Save current RDP list session
mGlobal.Controller.CMDRunText("timeout 3 & taskkill /f /im OpenRPA_Orchestrator.exe & timeout 2 & cd "+mGlobal.WorkingDirectoryPathStr+" & git reset --hard & git pull & pyOpenRPA.Orchestrator_x64_administrator_startup.cmd");
/////Monitor JS module
mGlobal.Monitor.GenerateUniqueID=function(inPrefix="tempUID=") {
return inPrefix+Math.round(Math.random()*1000)+"-"+Math.round(Math.random()*10000)+"-"+Math.round(Math.random()*1000)
//inHostURI: http://localhost:8081
mGlobal.Monitor.ScreenshotModal.Show=function(inHostURI=" ") {
$('.ui.modal.daemon-screenshot').modal({'onHide':function (inElement) {mGlobal.Monitor.ScreenshotModal.Close();} }).modal('show');
//Функция обновления картинки
lScreenshotUpdate=function() {
$(".daemon-screenshot img").attr('src', lScreenshotSrc);
mGlobal.Monitor.ScreenshotModal.Close=function() {
mGlobal.Monitor.DaemonList.fRefreshTable=function() {
///Загрузка данных
type: "GET",
url: 'Monitor/JSONDaemonListGet',
data: '',
var lResponseJSON=JSON.parse(lData)
///Сформировать HTML код новой таблицы
///Очистить дерево
///Прогрузить новую таблицу
dataType: "text"
///////Control panel
///Refresh control panel
function sleep(ms) {
ms += new Date().getTime();
while (new Date() < ms){}
function uuidv4() {
return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) {
var r = Math.random() * 16 | 0, v = c == 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3 | 0x8);
return v.toString(16);
mGlobal.SessionGUIDStr = uuidv4() // Generate uuid4 of the session
mGlobal.RobotRDPActive = {}
mGlobal.Monitor.fControlPanelRefresh_TechnicalRender = function()
lResponseJSON = mGlobal.Monitor.mDatasetLast
if (lResponseJSON!= null) {
/// New version of control panels
for (var lKeyStr in lResponseJSON){
if (lKeyStr != "RenderRobotList") { /// Check if not "RenderRobotList"
lCPDict = lResponseJSON[lKeyStr]
/// Render HTML
if ("HTMLStr" in lCPDict) {
/// v1.2.0 Backward compatibility - support old control panels
if ("RenderRobotList" in lResponseJSON) {
///Escape onclick
/// RenderRobotList
if ('FooterButtonX2List' in lItem) {
/// FooterButtonX2List
if ('OnClick' in lItem) {
lOnClickEscaped = lItem["OnClick"];
lOnClickEscaped = lOnClickEscaped.replace(/&/g, "&amp;").replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;").replace(/"/g, "&quot;").replace(/'/g, "&#039;");
lItem["OnClick"] = lOnClickEscaped;
/// FooterButtonX1List
if ('OnClick' in lItem) {
lOnClickEscaped = lItem["OnClick"];
lOnClickEscaped = lOnClickEscaped.replace(/&/g, "&amp;").replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;").replace(/"/g, "&quot;").replace(/'/g, "&#039;");
lItem["OnClick"] = lOnClickEscaped;
///Сформировать HTML код новой таблицы - контрольная панель
//Присвоить ответ в mGlobal.Monitor.mResponseList
mGlobal.Monitor.mResponseList = lResponseJSON
///Set result in mGlobal.DataStorage
if ('DataStorageKey' in lItem) {
///Прогрузить новую таблицу
/// !RDP List ! Сформировать HTML код новой таблицы - список RDP
//Присвоить ответ в mGlobal.RobotRDPActive.mResponseList
mGlobal.RobotRDPActive.mResponseList = lResponseJSON
///Прогрузить новую таблицу
///Очистить дерево
/// !UserAgent List ! Сформировать HTML код новой таблицы - список RDP
//Присвоить ответ в mGlobal.RobotRDPActive.mResponseList
mGlobal.RobotRDPActive.mResponseList = lResponseJSON
///Прогрузить новую таблицу
///Очистить дерево
///v 1.2.0 pyOpenRPA
/// Execute ActivityItem
mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ActivityItemExecute=function(inActivityItem) {
// {
// "Def":"OSCMD", // def link or def alias (look gSettings["Processor"]["AliasDefDict"])
// "ArgList":[], // Args list
// "ArgDict":{"inCMDStr":lCMDCode,"inRunAsyncBool":false}, // Args dictionary
// "ArgGSettings": null, // Name of GSettings attribute: str (ArgDict) or index (for ArgList)
// "ArgLogger": "inLogger" // Name of GSettings attribute: str (ArgDict) or index (for ArgList)
// }
///Подготовить конфигурацию
lData = [inActivityItem]
type: "POST",
url: '/pyOpenRPA/ActivityListExecute',
data: JSON.stringify(lData),
var lResponseJSON=JSON.parse(lData)
dataType: "text"
/// Execute ActivityList
mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ActivityListExecute=function(inActivityList) {
// [{
// "Def":"OSCMD", // def link or def alias (look gSettings["Processor"]["AliasDefDict"])
// "ArgList":[], // Args list
// "ArgDict":{"inCMDStr":lCMDCode,"inRunAsyncBool":false}, // Args dictionary
// "ArgGSettings": null, // Name of GSettings attribute: str (ArgDict) or index (for ArgList)
// "ArgLogger": "inLogger" // Name of GSettings attribute: str (ArgDict) or index (for ArgList)
// }]
///Подготовить конфигурацию
lData = inActivityList
type: "POST",
url: '/pyOpenRPA/ActivityListExecute',
data: JSON.stringify(lData),
var lResponseJSON=JSON.parse(lData)
dataType: "text"
/// Add ActivityList in processor queue
mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ProcessorQueueAdd=function(inActivityList) {
// [{
// "Def":"OSCMD", // def link or def alias (look gSettings["Processor"]["AliasDefDict"])
// "ArgList":[], // Args list
// "ArgDict":{"inCMDStr":lCMDCode,"inRunAsyncBool":false}, // Args dictionary
// "ArgGSettings": null, // Name of GSettings attribute: str (ArgDict) or index (for ArgList)
// "ArgLogger": "inLogger" // Name of GSettings attribute: str (ArgDict) or index (for ArgList)
// }]
///Подготовить конфигурацию
lData = inActivityList
type: "POST",
url: '/pyOpenRPA/ProcessorQueueAdd',
data: JSON.stringify(lData),
var lResponseJSON=JSON.parse(lData)
dataType: "text"
/// v1.2.0 pyOpenRPA ServerJSInit
mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerJSInitDef=function() {
try {
type: "GET",
headers: {},
url: 'pyOpenRPA/ServerJSInit',
data: mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerDataHashStr,
async: false,
success: function(lJSText) {
try {
catch(error) {
dataType: "text",
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown ) {
catch(error) {
/// v1.2.0 pyOpenRPA ServerData
mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerDataDict = null
mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerDataHashStr = ""
mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerDataRefreshDef_TechnicalRender = function()
lResponseJSON = mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerDataDict
if (lResponseJSON!= null) {
/// New version of control panels
lHTMLCode = '<div class="ui cards">'
for (var lKeyStr in lResponseJSON["CPDict"]){
lCPDict = lResponseJSON["CPDict"][lKeyStr]
/// Render HTML
if ("HTMLStr" in lCPDict) {
lHTMLCode += '</div>'
///Прогрузить новую таблицу
/// !RDP List ! Сформировать HTML код новой таблицы - список RDP
//Присвоить ответ в mGlobal.RobotRDPActive.mResponseList
mGlobal.RobotRDPActive.mResponseList = lResponseJSON["RDPDict"]
///Прогрузить новую таблицу
///Очистить дерево
/// !UserAgent List ! Сформировать HTML код новой таблицы - список RDP
///Прогрузить новую таблицу
///Очистить дерево
mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerDataRefreshDef=function() {
try {
type: "POST",
headers: {},
url: 'pyOpenRPA/ServerData',
data: mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerDataHashStr,
success: function(lData,l2,l3) {
try {
var lResponseJSON=JSON.parse(lData)
mGlobal.VersionStr = lResponseJSON["ServerDataDict"]["UserDict"]["VersionStr"]
mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerDataDict = lResponseJSON["ServerDataDict"]
mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerDataHashStr = lResponseJSON["HashStr"]
setTimeout(mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerDataRefreshDef,600) // If LOGS are update every ms - set some limit in ms on the client side
//mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerDataRefreshDef() // Go to the next call
catch(error) {
//mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerDataRefreshDef() // recursive
dataType: "text",
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown ) {
//mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerDataRefreshDef() // recursive
catch(error) {
//mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerDataRefreshDef() // recursive
/// v1.2.0 pyOpenRPA ServerLogs
mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerLogList = null
mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerLogListHashStr = ""
mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerLogListDoRenderBool = true
///Turn OFF rendering
mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerLogListDoRenderFalse = function() {
///Set unfreeze button
$("a.mGlobal-pyOpenRPA-ServerLogListDoRender").html("Unfreeze textarea")
mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerLogListDoRenderBool = false
///Turn ON rendering
mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerLogListDoRenderTrue = function() {
mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerLogListDoRenderBool = true
///Render last data
///Set unfreeze button
$("a.mGlobal-pyOpenRPA-ServerLogListDoRender").html("Freeze textarea")
mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerLogListScrollBottomDef = function() {
var lTA = $("textarea.mGlobal-pyOpenRPA-ServerLogList")[0];
lTA.scrollTop = lTA.scrollHeight;
mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerLogListRefreshDef_TechnicalRender = function()
lResponseJSON = mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerLogList
if (lResponseJSON!= null && mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerLogListDoRenderBool==true) {
lText = lResponseJSON.join("\n") /// Code for the processing the text
$("textarea.mGlobal-pyOpenRPA-ServerLogList")[0].value= lText ///Прогрузить новую таблицу
mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerLogListScrollBottomDef() //Scroll to the bottom
mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerLogListRefreshDef=function() {
try {
type: "POST",
headers: {},
url: 'pyOpenRPA/ServerLog',
data: mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerLogListHashStr,
success: function(lData,l2,l3) {
try {
var lResponseJSON=JSON.parse(lData)
mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerLogList = lResponseJSON["ServerLogList"]
mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerLogListHashStr = lResponseJSON["HashStr"]
catch(error) {
setTimeout(mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerLogListRefreshDef,600) // If LOGS are update every ms - set some limit in ms on the client side
//mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerLogListRefreshDef() // recursive
dataType: "text",
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown ) {
//mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerLogListRefreshDef() // recursive
catch(error) {
//mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerLogListRefreshDef() // recursive
mGlobal.Monitor.mDatasetLast = null
///Processor functions
mGlobal.Processor = {}
mGlobal.Processor.ServerValueAppend = function(inKeyList,inValue) {
lData = [
"KeyList": inKeyList,
"Value": inValue
///Обнулить таблицу
$('.ui.modal.basic .content').html("");
type: "POST",
url: 'Utils/Processor',
data: JSON.stringify(lData),
var lResponseJSON=JSON.parse(lData)
///TODO Show error if exist error
dataType: "text"
mGlobal.Processor.ServerValueSet = function(inKeyList,inValue) {
lData = [
"KeyList": inKeyList,
"Value": inValue
///Обнулить таблицу
$('.ui.modal.basic .content').html("");
type: "POST",
url: 'Utils/Processor',
data: JSON.stringify(lData),
var lResponseJSON=JSON.parse(lData)
///TODO Show error if exist error
dataType: "text"
mGlobal.Processor.ServerValueOperatorPlus = function(inKeyList,inValue) {
lData = [
"KeyList": inKeyList,
"Value": inValue
///Обнулить таблицу
$('.ui.modal.basic .content').html("");
type: "POST",
url: 'Utils/Processor',
data: JSON.stringify(lData),
var lResponseJSON=JSON.parse(lData)
///TODO Show error if exist error
dataType: "text"
mGlobal.Processor.Send = function(inData) {
lData = inData
type: "POST",
url: 'Utils/Processor',
data: JSON.stringify(lData),
var lResponseJSON=JSON.parse(lData)
///TODO Show error if exist error
dataType: "text"
mGlobal.Server= {}
mGlobal.Server.JSONGet=function(inMethod, inURL, inDataJSON, inCallback)
type: inMethod,
url: inURL,
data: JSON.stringify(inDataJSON),
var lResponseJSON=JSON.parse(lData)
dataType: "text"
mGlobal.Modal.TableFilter.Show=function(inJSON) {
// "Title":"",
// "Headers":["Header1","Header2"],
// "Rows": [["Cell1","Cell2"],["Cell2-1","Cell2-2"]],
// "FilterOnKeyUp": "<JS Code>" //Fill here in function
//Set js handler to Search field
///Set value
mGlobal.Modal.TableFilter.mDataJSON = inJSON
//Render HTML
///Установить HTML код
$('.ui.modal.basic .content').html(lHTMLCode);
//DO widest modal for table with scroll x
//Service function
mGlobal.Modal.TableFilter.FilterUpdate=function(inFilterValue) {
//Get JSON, apply filter, clone data
lDataJSON = clone(mGlobal.Modal.TableFilter.mDataJSON)
delete lDataJSON["Rows"]
//Filter code [any occurence in the row is ok for push! ]
function(inElement) {
lFlagElementAppend = false
function(inElement2) {
if (String(inElement2).includes(inFilterValue)) {
lFlagElementAppend = true
if (lFlagElementAppend) {
//Clear Filter Title property (fixed in html)
delete lDataJSON["FilterOnKeyUp"]
delete lDataJSON["Title"]
//Search the table element [replace only table html]
lElement = $(' .content table.table')[0]
lElementParentElement = lElement.parentNode
//Render HTML
///Установить HTML код
mGlobal.Modal.ListFilter.Show=function(inJSON) {
// "Title":"",
// "List":[{"Header":"","Description":""}],
// "FilterOnKeyUp": "<JS Code>" //Fill here in function
//Set js handler to Search field
///Set value
mGlobal.Modal.ListFilter.mDataJSON = inJSON
//Render HTML
///Установить HTML код
$('.ui.modal.basic .content').html(lHTMLCode);
//Service function
mGlobal.Modal.ListFilter.FilterUpdate=function(inFilterValue) {
//Get JSON, apply filter, clone data
lDataJSON = clone(mGlobal.Modal.ListFilter.mDataJSON)
delete lDataJSON["List"]
//Filter code [any occurence in the row is ok for push! ]
function(inElement) {
lFlagElementAppend = false
if (String(inElement["Header"]).includes(inFilterValue)) {
lFlagElementAppend = true
if (String(inElement["Description"]).includes(inFilterValue)) {
lFlagElementAppend = true
if (lFlagElementAppend) {
//Clear Filter Title property (fixed in html)
delete lDataJSON["FilterOnKeyUp"]
delete lDataJSON["Title"]
//Search the table element [replace only table html]
lElement = $(' .content div.ui.inverted.segment')[0]
lElementParentElement = lElement.parentNode
//Render HTML
///Установить HTML код
mGlobal.UserRoleHierarchyDict = null // Put here the user role hierarchy
// UAC Ask
mGlobal.UserRoleAsk=function(inList) {
var lResult = true; // Init flag
var lRoleHierarchyDict = mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerDataDict.UserDict.UACClientDict; // get the Hierarchy
// Try to get value from key list
var lKeyValue = lRoleHierarchyDict; // Init the base
var lListLength = inList.length;
for (var i = 0; i<lListLength; i++) {
var lItem = inList[i]; // get the item
if (typeof lKeyValue == "object") {
if (lItem in lKeyValue) { // Has key
lKeyValue = lKeyValue[lItem]; // Get the value and go to the next loop iteration
} else { // Else branch - true or false
if (Object.keys(lKeyValue).length > 0) { // false - if Dict has some elements
lResult = false; // Set the False Flag
} else {
lResult = true; // Set the true flag
break; // Stop the loop
} else { // Has element with no detalization - return true
lResult = true; // Set the flag
break; // Close the loop
return lResult; // Return the result
// Check user roles and update the Orchestrator UI
mGlobal.UserRoleUpdate=function() {
var lUACAsk = mGlobal.UserRoleAsk // Alias
if (lUACAsk(["pyOpenRPADict","CPKeyDict"])) { $(".UACClient-pyOpenRPADict-CPKeyDict").show(); }
if (lUACAsk(["pyOpenRPADict","RDPKeyDict"])) { $(".UACClient-pyOpenRPADict-RDPKeyDict").show(); }
if (lUACAsk(["pyOpenRPADict","AgentKeyDict"])) { $(".UACClient-pyOpenRPADict-AgentKeyDict").show(); }
// AdminDict
if (lUACAsk(["pyOpenRPADict","AdminDict","LogViewerBool"])) { $(".UACClient-pyOpenRPADict-AdminDict-LogViewerBool").show(); }
if (lUACAsk(["pyOpenRPADict","AdminDict","CMDInputBool"])) { $(".UACClient-pyOpenRPADict-AdminDict-CMDInputBool").show(); }
if (lUACAsk(["pyOpenRPADict","AdminDict","ScreenshotViewerBool"])) { $(".UACClient-pyOpenRPADict-AdminDict-ScreenshotViewerBool").show(); }
if (lUACAsk(["pyOpenRPADict","AdminDict","RestartOrchestratorBool"])) { $(".UACClient-pyOpenRPADict-AdminDict-RestartOrchestratorBool").show(); }
if (lUACAsk(["pyOpenRPADict","AdminDict","RestartOrchestratorGITPullBool"])) { $(".UACClient-pyOpenRPADict-AdminDict-RestartOrchestratorGITPullBool").show(); }
if (lUACAsk(["pyOpenRPADict","AdminDict","RestartPCBool"])) { $(".UACClient-pyOpenRPADict-AdminDict-RestartPCBool").show(); }
if (lUACAsk(["pyOpenRPADict","AdminDict","Debugging"])) { $(".UACClient-pyOpenRPADict-AdminDict-Debugging").show(); }
/// v1.2.0 pyOpenRPA Init defs
mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerDataRefreshDef(); // Init the refresh data def from server side
mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerLogListRefreshDef(); // Init the refresh data def from the log window
mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerLogListDoRenderTrue(); // Init button to freeze/unfreeze textare with logs
mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerJSInitDef(); // Recieve JS from server (if exist) and then call anothe url ServerData
// 1.2.7 Debugging
/// Execute ActivityItem
// Debugging onchange def autofill init
var lDropdownOnChange = function(inEvent){
//lValueStr =
lValueStr = inEvent
type: "GET",
url: '/pyOpenRPA/Debugging/HelperDefAutofill/'+lValueStr,
data: null,
var lResponseJSON=JSON.parse(lData)
//ArgDict merge
var lArgDictTargetDict = lResponseJSON["ArgDict"]
var lArgDictStr = $(".mGlobal-pyOpenRPA-Debugging-ArgDict")[0].value
if (lArgDictStr !="" && lArgDictStr !=null) {
lArgDictLastDict = JSON.parse(lArgDictStr)
lArgDictTargetDict = mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.DebuggingAutofillMerge(lArgDictTargetDict, lArgDictLastDict)
$(".mGlobal-pyOpenRPA-Debugging-ArgList")[0].value = JSON.stringify(lResponseJSON["ArgList"])
$(".mGlobal-pyOpenRPA-Debugging-ArgDict")[0].value = JSON.stringify(lArgDictTargetDict)
$(".mGlobal-pyOpenRPA-Debugging-ArgGSettingsStr")[0].value = JSON.stringify(lResponseJSON["ArgGSettingsStr"])
$(".mGlobal-pyOpenRPA-Debugging-ArgLoggerStr")[0].value = JSON.stringify(lResponseJSON["ArgLoggerStr"])
dataType: "text"
mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.DebuggingExecute=function() {
// {
// "Def":"OSCMD", // def link or def alias (look gSettings["Processor"]["AliasDefDict"])
// "ArgList":[], // Args list
// "ArgDict":{"inCMDStr":lCMDCode,"inRunAsyncBool":false}, // Args dictionary
// "ArgGSettings": null, // Name of GSettings attribute: str (ArgDict) or index (for ArgList)
// "ArgLogger": "inLogger" // Name of GSettings attribute: str (ArgDict) or index (for ArgList)
// }
///Подготовить конфигурацию
lArgListStr = $(".mGlobal-pyOpenRPA-Debugging-ArgList")[0].value
lArgDictStr = $(".mGlobal-pyOpenRPA-Debugging-ArgDict")[0].value
lArgGSettingsStr = $(".mGlobal-pyOpenRPA-Debugging-ArgGSettingsStr")[0].value
lArgLoggerStr = $(".mGlobal-pyOpenRPA-Debugging-ArgLoggerStr")[0].value
lActivityItem = {
"Def":$(".mGlobal-pyOpenRPA-Debugging-Def")[0].value, // def link or def alias (look gSettings["Processor"]["AliasDefDict"])
"ArgList":(lArgListStr == "" ? [] : JSON.parse(lArgListStr)), // Args list
"ArgDict":(lArgDictStr == "" ? {} : JSON.parse(lArgDictStr)), // Args dictionary
"ArgGSettingsStr": (lArgGSettingsStr == "" ? null : lArgGSettingsStr), // Name of GSettings attribute: str (ArgDict) or index (for ArgList)
"ArgLoggerStr": (lArgLoggerStr == "" ? null : lArgLoggerStr) // Name of GSettings attribute: str (ArgDict) or index (for ArgList)
lData = [lActivityItem]
type: "POST",
url: '/pyOpenRPA/ActivityListExecute',
data: JSON.stringify(lData),
var lResponseJSON=JSON.parse(lData)
$(".mGlobal-pyOpenRPA-Debugging-Output")[0].value = JSON.stringify(lResponseJSON[0])
dataType: "text"
mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.DebuggingAutofillMerge=function(inTargetDict, inLastDict) {
// Merge 2 dict (get values from Last dict if key exists in new dict
for (const [lKeyStr, lValue] of Object.entries(inTargetDict)) {
//Check if key exists in LastDict
if (lKeyStr in inLastDict) {
inTargetDict[lKeyStr] = inLastDict[lKeyStr]
return inTargetDict
// 1.2.7 Debugging toolbox init
apiSettings: {
// this url parses query server side and returns filtered results
url: '/pyOpenRPA/Debugging/HelperDefList/{query}'
onChange: lDropdownOnChange

@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
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<h1 class="ui header inverted" style="cursor: pointer" onclick="'','_blank');">pyOpenRPA</h1>
<h5 style="cursor: pointer" onclick="'','_blank');">by Ivan Maslov</h5>
<h1 class="ui header inverted">ORCHESTRATOR WEB GUI</h1>
<div class="row">
<div class="sixteen wide column openrpa-control-panel-general UACClient-pyOpenRPADict-CPKeyDict" style="display:none;" >
<h4 class="ui horizontal divider header">
<i class="clipboard list icon"></i>
Dashboard (Robot control panel)
<div class="openrpa-control-panel"></div>
<script class="openrpa-hidden-control-panel" style="display:none" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
<div class="ui cards">
<div class="card">
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<div class="right floated mini ui ">
<div class="header">
<div class="meta">
<div class="description">
<ul style="padding-inline-start:16px;margin:0px">
<li>{{{Key}}}: {{{Value}}}</li>
<div class="extra content">
<div class="extra content">
<div class="ui two buttons">
<div class="ui basic {{Color}} button" onclick="{{OnClick}}">{{{Text}}}</div>
<div class="ui horizontal divider">Add. controls</div>
<div class="ui one buttons">
<div class="ui basic {{Color}} button" onclick="{{OnClick}}">{{{Text}}}</div>
<div class="row">
<script class="openrpa-hidden-monitor-table-general" style="display:none" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
<table class="ui celled table">
<th>Machine name</th>
<th>Machihe host</th>
<th>Actions,length: {{childs.length}}</th>
<tr><td>{{Description}}</td><td>{{URL}}</td><td class="negative">None</td></tr>
<script class="openrpa-handlebar-template-table-filter" style="display:none" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
{{#if Title}}
{{#if FilterOnKeyUp}}
<div class="ui icon input search" style="width:500px;">
<input type="text" onkeyup="{{#if FilterOnKeyUp}}{{{FilterOnKeyUp}}}{{/if}}" placeholder="Search...">
<i class="inverted circular search link icon"></i>
<table class="ui celled table selectable inverted">
<script class="openrpa-handlebar-template-list-filter" style="display:none" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
{{#if Title}}
{{#if FilterOnKeyUp}}
<div class="ui icon input search" style="width:500px;">
<input type="text" onkeyup="{{#if FilterOnKeyUp}}{{{FilterOnKeyUp}}}{{/if}}" placeholder="Search...">
<i class="inverted circular search link icon"></i>
<div class="ui inverted segment">
<div class="ui inverted relaxed divided list">
<div class="item">
<i class="map marker icon"></i>
<div class="content">
<a class="header">{{{Header}}}</a>
<div class="description">{{{Description}}}</div>
<div class="eight wide column openrpa-robotrdpactive-control-panel-general UACClient-pyOpenRPADict-RDPKeyDict" style="display:none;">
<h2 class="ui header openrpa-rdpactive-title">
<i class="desktop icon"></i>
<div class="content">
RDP active list
<div class="openrpa-robotrdpactive-control-panel"></div>
<script class="openrpa-hidden-robotrdpactive-control-panel" style="display:none" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
<div class="ui inverted segment" style="background: #368279">
<div class="ui inverted relaxed divided list">
<div class="item">
<div class="right floated content">
<div class="ui button" onclick="mGlobal.Processor.ServerValueAppend(['RobotRDPActive','ActivityList'],{'DefNameStr': 'RDPSessionReconnect', 'ArgList': [], 'ArgDict': {'inRDPSessionKeyStr': '{{{SessionKeyStr}}}'} })" >Reconnect</div>
<div class="right floated content">
{{#if IsIgnoredBool}}
<div class="ui button red" onclick="mGlobal.Processor.ServerValueSet(['RobotRDPActive','RDPList','{{{SessionKeyStr}}}','SessionIsIgnoredBool'],false);">Ignore</div>
<div class="ui button" onclick="mGlobal.Processor.ServerValueSet(['RobotRDPActive','RDPList','{{{SessionKeyStr}}}','SessionIsIgnoredBool'],true);">Ignore</div>
<div class="right floated content">
{{#if IsFullScreenBool}}
<div class="ui button green" onclick="mGlobal.Processor.ServerValueSet(['RobotRDPActive','FullScreenRDPSessionKeyStr'],null);">Full screen</div>
<div class="ui button" onclick="mGlobal.Processor.ServerValueSet(['RobotRDPActive','FullScreenRDPSessionKeyStr'],'{{{SessionKeyStr}}}');">Full screen</div>
<div class="content">
<div class="header">Session key: {{{SessionKeyStr}}}</div>
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@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ from . import BackwardCompatibility # Backward compatibility from v1.1.13
from . import Core from . import Core
from . import Managers from . import Managers
from ..Tools import License from ..Tools import License
from ..Utils import Dictionary
if CrossOS.IS_WINDOWS_BOOL: from subprocess import CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE if CrossOS.IS_WINDOWS_BOOL: from subprocess import CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE
@ -42,8 +41,6 @@ import math
import glob # search the files import glob # search the files
import urllib import urllib
#Единый глобальный словарь (За основу взять из #Единый глобальный словарь (За основу взять из
gSettingsDict = None gSettingsDict = None
@ -111,7 +108,7 @@ def AgentActivityItemReturnExists(inGUIDStr, inGSettings = None):
return inGUIDStr in inGSettings["AgentActivityReturnDict"] return inGUIDStr in inGSettings["AgentActivityReturnDict"]
def AgentActivityItemReturnGet(inGUIDStr, inCheckIntervalSecFloat = 0.5, inGSettings=None, inTimeoutSecFloat=None): def AgentActivityItemReturnGet(inGUIDStr, inCheckIntervalSecFloat = 0.5, inGSettings=None):
"""L+,W+: Ожидает появления результата по активности (ActivityItem). Возвращает результат выполнения активности. """L+,W+: Ожидает появления результата по активности (ActivityItem). Возвращает результат выполнения активности.
!ВНИМАНИЕ! Замораживает поток, пока не будет получен результат. !ВНИМАНИЕ! Замораживает поток, пока не будет получен результат.
@ -123,21 +120,15 @@ def AgentActivityItemReturnGet(inGUIDStr, inCheckIntervalSecFloat = 0.5, inGSett
:return: Результат выполнения активности. !ВНИМАНИЕ! Возвращаются только то результаты, которые могут быть интерпретированы в JSON формате. :return: Результат выполнения активности. !ВНИМАНИЕ! Возвращаются только то результаты, которые могут быть интерпретированы в JSON формате.
""" """
inGSettings = GSettingsGet(inGSettings=inGSettings) # Set the global settings inGSettings = GSettingsGet(inGSettings=inGSettings) # Set the global settings
lTimeStampSecFloat = time.time()
#Check if Orchestrator has been initialized - else raise exception #Check if Orchestrator has been initialized - else raise exception
if Core.IsOrchestratorInitialized(inGSettings=inGSettings) == True: if Core.IsOrchestratorInitialized(inGSettings=inGSettings) == True:
# Wait while result will not come here # Wait while result will not come here
lLoopBool = True while not AgentActivityItemReturnExists(inGSettings=inGSettings, inGUIDStr=inGUIDStr):
while lLoopBool:
if not AgentActivityItemReturnExists(inGSettings=inGSettings, inGUIDStr=inGUIDStr):
time.sleep(inCheckIntervalSecFloat) time.sleep(inCheckIntervalSecFloat)
else: lLoopBool=False
if (inTimeoutSecFloat is not None) and (time.time() - lTimeStampSecFloat) >= inTimeoutSecFloat:
raise Exception(f"Orchestrator.AgentActivityItemReturnGet !ВНИМАНИЕ! ПРЕВЫШЕНО ВРЕМЯ ОЖИДАНИЯ ОТВЕТА")
# Return the result # Return the result
return inGSettings["AgentActivityReturnDict"][inGUIDStr]["Return"] return inGSettings["AgentActivityReturnDict"][inGUIDStr]["Return"]
else: else:
raise Exception(f"Orchestrator.AgentActivityItemReturnGet !ВНИМАНИЕ! ФУНКЦИЯ МОЖЕТ БЫТЬ ЗАПУЩЕНА ТОЛЬКО ПОСЛЕ ИНИЦИАЛИЗАЦИИ!") raise Exception(f"__Orchestrator__.AgentActivityItemReturnGet !ATTENTION! Use this function only after Orchestrator initialization! Before orchestrator init exception will be raised.")
def AgentOSCMD(inHostNameStr, inUserStr, inCMDStr, inRunAsyncBool=True, inSendOutputToOrchestratorLogsBool=True, inCMDEncodingStr="cp1251", inGSettings=None, inCaptureBool=True): def AgentOSCMD(inHostNameStr, inUserStr, inCMDStr, inRunAsyncBool=True, inSendOutputToOrchestratorLogsBool=True, inCMDEncodingStr="cp1251", inGSettings=None, inCaptureBool=True):
"""L+,W+: Отправка команды командной строки на сессию, где работает pyOpenRPA.Agent. Результат выполнения команды можно выводить в лог оркестратора. """L+,W+: Отправка команды командной строки на сессию, где работает pyOpenRPA.Agent. Результат выполнения команды можно выводить в лог оркестратора.
@ -542,7 +533,6 @@ def OSCMD(inCMDStr, inRunAsyncBool=True, inLogger = None):
# New call # New call
if inRunAsyncBool: if inRunAsyncBool:
lThread = threading.Thread(target=_CMDRunAndListenLogs, kwargs={"inCMDStr":inCMDStr, "inLogger":inLogger}) lThread = threading.Thread(target=_CMDRunAndListenLogs, kwargs={"inCMDStr":inCMDStr, "inLogger":inLogger})
lThread.start() lThread.start()
lResultStr="Список ActivityList был запущен в асинхронном режиме - захватить содержимое невозможно" lResultStr="Список ActivityList был запущен в асинхронном режиме - захватить содержимое невозможно"
else: else:
@ -602,7 +592,6 @@ def OrchestratorThreadStart(inDef, *inArgList, **inArgDict):
:return: threading.Thread экземпляр :return: threading.Thread экземпляр
""" """
lDefThread = threading.Thread(target=inDef,args=inArgList,kwargs=inArgDict) lDefThread = threading.Thread(target=inDef,args=inArgList,kwargs=inArgDict)
lDefThread.start() lDefThread.start()
return lDefThread return lDefThread
@ -649,7 +638,7 @@ def OrchestratorRerunAsAdmin():
else: else:
print(f"Уже запущено с правами администратора!") print(f"Уже запущено с правами администратора!")
def OrchestratorPySearchInit(inGlobPatternStr, inDefStr = None, inDefArgNameGSettingsStr = None, inAsyncInitBool = False, inPackageLevelInt = 0): def OrchestratorPySearchInit(inGlobPatternStr, inDefStr = None, inDefArgNameGSettingsStr = None, inAsyncInitBool = False):
"""L+,W+: Выполнить поиск и инициализацию пользовательских .py файлов в Оркестраторе (например панелей управления роботов) """L+,W+: Выполнить поиск и инициализацию пользовательских .py файлов в Оркестраторе (например панелей управления роботов)
Добавляет инициализированный модуль в пространство sys.modules как imported (имя модуля = имя файла без расширения). Добавляет инициализированный модуль в пространство sys.modules как imported (имя модуля = имя файла без расширения).
@ -679,32 +668,20 @@ def OrchestratorPySearchInit(inGlobPatternStr, inDefStr = None, inDefArgNameGSet
:param inDefStr: ОПЦИОНАЛЬНО Строковое наименование функции. Преимущественно для обратной совместимости :param inDefStr: ОПЦИОНАЛЬНО Строковое наименование функции. Преимущественно для обратной совместимости
:param inDefArgNameGSettingsStr: ОПЦИОНАЛЬНО Наименование аргумента, в который требуется передать GSettings (если необходимо) :param inDefArgNameGSettingsStr: ОПЦИОНАЛЬНО Наименование аргумента, в который требуется передать GSettings (если необходимо)
:param inAsyncInitBool: ОПЦИОНАЛЬНО True - Инициализация py модулей в отдельных параллельных потоках - псевдопараллельное выполнение. False - последовательная инициализация :param inAsyncInitBool: ОПЦИОНАЛЬНО True - Инициализация py модулей в отдельных параллельных потоках - псевдопараллельное выполнение. False - последовательная инициализация
:param inPackageLevelInt: ОПЦИОНАЛЬНО Уровень вложенности модуля в пакет. По умолчанию 0 (не является модулем пакета)
:return: Сведения об инициализированных модулях в структуре: { "ModuleNameStr":{"PyPathStr": "", "Module": ...}, ...} :return: Сведения об инициализированных модулях в структуре: { "ModuleNameStr":{"PyPathStr": "", "Module": ...}, ...}
""" """
inGlobPatternStr = CrossOS.PathStr(inGlobPatternStr) inGlobPatternStr = CrossOS.PathStr(inGlobPatternStr)
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
def __execute__(inResultDict, inPyPathItemStr, inDefStr = None, inDefArgNameGSettingsStr = None, inPackageLevelInt=0): def __execute__(inResultDict, inPyPathItemStr, inDefStr = None, inDefArgNameGSettingsStr = None):
try: try:
lPyPathItemStr = inPyPathItemStr lPyPathItemStr = inPyPathItemStr
lModuleNameStr = os.path.basename(lPyPathItemStr)[0:-3] lModuleNameStr = os.path.basename(lPyPathItemStr)[0:-3]
if inPackageLevelInt==0:
lTechSpecification = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(lModuleNameStr, lPyPathItemStr) lTechSpecification = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(lModuleNameStr, lPyPathItemStr)
lTechModuleFromSpec = importlib.util.module_from_spec(lTechSpecification) lTechModuleFromSpec = importlib.util.module_from_spec(lTechSpecification)
sys.modules[lModuleNameStr] = lTechModuleFromSpec # Add initialized module in sys - python will not init this module enought sys.modules[lModuleNameStr] = lTechModuleFromSpec # Add initialized module in sys - python will not init this module enought
lTechSpecificationModuleLoader = lTechSpecification.loader.exec_module(lTechModuleFromSpec) lTechSpecificationModuleLoader = lTechSpecification.loader.exec_module(lTechModuleFromSpec)
lTechSpecification = importlib.import_module(f".{lModuleNameStr}", lPackageNameStr)
lModuleNameStr= f"{lPackageNameStr}.{lModuleNameStr}"
lItemDict = {"ModuleNameStr": lModuleNameStr, "PyPathStr": lPyPathItemStr, "Module": lTechModuleFromSpec} lItemDict = {"ModuleNameStr": lModuleNameStr, "PyPathStr": lPyPathItemStr, "Module": lTechModuleFromSpec}
if lL:"Модуль .py {lModuleNameStr} был успешно инициализирован. Путь к файлу: {lPyPathItemStr}") if lL:"Модуль .py {lModuleNameStr} был успешно инициализирован")
inResultDict[lModuleNameStr]=lItemDict inResultDict[lModuleNameStr]=lItemDict
# Backward compatibility to call def with gsettings when init # Backward compatibility to call def with gsettings when init
if inDefStr is not None and inDefStr != "": if inDefStr is not None and inDefStr != "":
@ -714,7 +691,7 @@ def OrchestratorPySearchInit(inGlobPatternStr, inDefStr = None, inDefArgNameGSet
lArgDict = {inDefArgNameGSettingsStr:GSettingsGet()} lArgDict = {inDefArgNameGSettingsStr:GSettingsGet()}
lDef(**lArgDict) lDef(**lArgDict)
except Exception as e: except Exception as e:
if lL: lL.exception(f"Ошибка при инициализации .py файла: {os.path.abspath(lPyPathItemStr)}") if lL: lL.exception(f"Exception when init the .py file {os.path.abspath(lPyPathItemStr)}")
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
lResultDict = {} lResultDict = {}
@ -726,12 +703,11 @@ def OrchestratorPySearchInit(inGlobPatternStr, inDefStr = None, inDefArgNameGSet
lThreadInit = threading.Thread(target=__execute__,kwargs={ lThreadInit = threading.Thread(target=__execute__,kwargs={
"inResultDict":lResultDict, "inPyPathItemStr": lPyPathItemStr, "inResultDict":lResultDict, "inPyPathItemStr": lPyPathItemStr,
"inDefStr": inDefStr, "inDefArgNameGSettingsStr": inDefArgNameGSettingsStr, "inPackageLevelInt":inPackageLevelInt}, daemon=True) "inDefStr": inDefStr, "inDefArgNameGSettingsStr": inDefArgNameGSettingsStr}, daemon=True)
lThreadInit.start() lThreadInit.start()
else: else:
__execute__(inResultDict=lResultDict, inPyPathItemStr=lPyPathItemStr, inDefStr = inDefStr, inDefArgNameGSettingsStr = inDefArgNameGSettingsStr, inPackageLevelInt=inPackageLevelInt) __execute__(inResultDict=lResultDict, inPyPathItemStr=lPyPathItemStr, inDefStr = inDefStr, inDefArgNameGSettingsStr = inDefArgNameGSettingsStr)
return lResultDict return lResultDict
def OrchestratorSessionSave(inGSettings=None): def OrchestratorSessionSave(inGSettings=None):
@ -809,7 +785,7 @@ def OrchestratorSessionRestore(inGSettings=None):
inGSettings["StorageDict"] = {} inGSettings["StorageDict"] = {}
with open('_SessionLast_StorageDict.pickle', 'rb') as lFile: with open('_SessionLast_StorageDict.pickle', 'rb') as lFile:
lStorageDictDumpDict = pickle.load(lFile) lStorageDictDumpDict = pickle.load(lFile)
Dictionary.MergeNoException(in1Dict=inGSettings["StorageDict"], Server.__ComplexDictMerge2to1Overwrite__(in1Dict=inGSettings["StorageDict"],
in2Dict=lStorageDictDumpDict) # Merge dict 2 into dict 1 in2Dict=lStorageDictDumpDict) # Merge dict 2 into dict 1
if lL: lL.warning(f"Словарь StorageDict был восстановлен из прошлой сессии оркестратора") if lL: lL.warning(f"Словарь StorageDict был восстановлен из прошлой сессии оркестратора")
os.remove("_SessionLast_StorageDict.pickle") # remove the temp file os.remove("_SessionLast_StorageDict.pickle") # remove the temp file
@ -821,13 +797,13 @@ def OrchestratorSessionRestore(inGSettings=None):
inGSettings["ManagersProcessDict"] = {} inGSettings["ManagersProcessDict"] = {}
with open('_SessionLast_GSettings.pickle', 'rb') as lFile: with open('_SessionLast_GSettings.pickle', 'rb') as lFile:
lStorageDictDumpDict = pickle.load(lFile) lStorageDictDumpDict = pickle.load(lFile)
Dictionary.MergeNoException(in1Dict=inGSettings, Server.__ComplexDictMerge2to1Overwrite__(in1Dict=inGSettings,
in2Dict=lStorageDictDumpDict) # Merge dict 2 into dict 1 in2Dict=lStorageDictDumpDict) # Merge dict 2 into dict 1
if lL: lL.warning(f"Словарь GSettings был восстановлен из прошлой сессии оркестратора") if lL: lL.warning(f"Словарь GSettings был восстановлен из прошлой сессии оркестратора")
os.remove("_SessionLast_GSettings.pickle") # remove the temp file os.remove("_SessionLast_GSettings.pickle") # remove the temp file
def UACKeyListCheck(inRequest, inRoleKeyList) -> bool: def UACKeyListCheck(inRequest, inRoleKeyList) -> bool:
"""L+,W+: [ПРЕКРАЩЕНИЕ ПОДДЕРЖКИ В 1.3.2, см. WebUserUACCheck] Проверить права доступа для пользователя запроса по списку ключей до права. """L+,W+: Проверить права доступа для пользователя запроса по списку ключей до права.
.. code-block:: python .. code-block:: python
@ -842,7 +818,7 @@ def UACKeyListCheck(inRequest, inRoleKeyList) -> bool:
return inRequest.UACClientCheck(inRoleKeyList=inRoleKeyList) return inRequest.UACClientCheck(inRoleKeyList=inRoleKeyList)
def UACUserDictGet(inRequest) -> dict: def UACUserDictGet(inRequest) -> dict:
"""L+,W+: [ПРЕКРАЩЕНИЕ ПОДДЕРЖКИ В 1.3.2, см. WebUserUACHierarchyGet] Вернуть UAC (User Access Control) словарь доступов для пользователя, который отправил запрос. Пустой словарь - супердоступ (доступ ко всему) """L+,W+: Вернуть UAC (User Access Control) словарь доступов для пользователя, который отправил запрос. Пустой словарь - супердоступ (доступ ко всему)
:param inRequest: Экземпляр request (from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler) :param inRequest: Экземпляр request (from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler)
:return: Словарь доступов пользователя. Пустой словарь - супердоступ (доступ ко всему) :return: Словарь доступов пользователя. Пустой словарь - супердоступ (доступ ко всему)
@ -879,7 +855,7 @@ def UACUpdate(inADLoginStr, inADStr="", inADIsDefaultBool=True, inURLList=None,
# Check RoleHierarchyAllowedDict in gSettings for the old role hierarchy - include in result. # Check RoleHierarchyAllowedDict in gSettings for the old role hierarchy - include in result.
if lUserTurple in inGSettings["ServerDict"]["AccessUsers"]["RuleDomainUserDict"] and "RoleHierarchyAllowedDict" in inGSettings["ServerDict"]["AccessUsers"]["RuleDomainUserDict"][lUserTurple]: if lUserTurple in inGSettings["ServerDict"]["AccessUsers"]["RuleDomainUserDict"] and "RoleHierarchyAllowedDict" in inGSettings["ServerDict"]["AccessUsers"]["RuleDomainUserDict"][lUserTurple]:
lRoleHierarchyAllowedOLDDict = inGSettings["ServerDict"]["AccessUsers"]["RuleDomainUserDict"][lUserTurple]["RoleHierarchyAllowedDict"] lRoleHierarchyAllowedOLDDict = inGSettings["ServerDict"]["AccessUsers"]["RuleDomainUserDict"][lUserTurple]["RoleHierarchyAllowedDict"]
Dictionary.Merge(in1Dict=inRoleHierarchyAllowedDict, in2Dict=lRoleHierarchyAllowedOLDDict) # Merge dict 2 into dict 1 Server.__ComplexDictMerge2to1__(in1Dict=inRoleHierarchyAllowedDict, in2Dict=lRoleHierarchyAllowedOLDDict) # Merge dict 2 into dict 1
# Create Access item # Create Access item
lRuleDomainUserDict = { lRuleDomainUserDict = {
@ -940,7 +916,6 @@ def WebURLConnectDef(inMethodStr, inURLStr, inMatchTypeStr, inDef, inContentType
"UACBool": inUACBool "UACBool": inUACBool
} }
inGSettings["ServerDict"]["URLList"].append(lURLItemDict) inGSettings["ServerDict"]["URLList"].append(lURLItemDict)
def WebURLConnectFolder(inMethodStr, inURLStr, inMatchTypeStr, inFolderPathStr, inGSettings = None, inUACBool = None, inUseCacheBool= False): def WebURLConnectFolder(inMethodStr, inURLStr, inMatchTypeStr, inFolderPathStr, inGSettings = None, inUACBool = None, inUseCacheBool= False):
@ -971,7 +946,6 @@ def WebURLConnectFolder(inMethodStr, inURLStr, inMatchTypeStr, inFolderPathStr,
"UseCacheBool": inUseCacheBool "UseCacheBool": inUseCacheBool
} }
inGSettings["ServerDict"]["URLList"].append(lURLItemDict) inGSettings["ServerDict"]["URLList"].append(lURLItemDict)
def WebURLConnectFile(inMethodStr, inURLStr, inMatchTypeStr, inFilePathStr, inContentTypeStr=None, inGSettings = None, inUACBool = None, inUseCacheBool = False): def WebURLConnectFile(inMethodStr, inURLStr, inMatchTypeStr, inFilePathStr, inContentTypeStr=None, inGSettings = None, inUACBool = None, inUseCacheBool = False):
@ -1000,13 +974,12 @@ def WebURLConnectFile(inMethodStr, inURLStr, inMatchTypeStr, inFilePathStr, inCo
"UseCacheBool": inUseCacheBool "UseCacheBool": inUseCacheBool
} }
inGSettings["ServerDict"]["URLList"].append(lURLItemDict) inGSettings["ServerDict"]["URLList"].append(lURLItemDict)
def WebListenCreate(inServerKeyStr="Default", inAddressStr="", inPortInt=1024, inCertFilePEMPathStr=None, inKeyFilePathStr=None, inGSettings = None): def WebListenCreate(inServerKeyStr="Default", inAddressStr="", inPortInt=80, inCertFilePEMPathStr=None, inKeyFilePathStr=None, inGSettings = None):
"""L+,W+: Настроить веб-сервер Оркестратора. """L+,W+: Настроить веб-сервер Оркестратора.
:param inAddressStr: IP адрес для прослушивания. Если "", то прослушивать запросы со всех сетевых карт. Если "", то слушать запросы только с той ОС, на которой работает Оркестратор :param inAddressStr: IP адрес для прослушивания. Если "", то прослушивать запросы со всех сетевых карт. Если "", то слушать запросы только с той ОС, на которой работает Оркестратор
:param inPortInt: Номер порта для прослушивания. Если HTTP - 80; Если HTTPS - 443. По умолчанию 1024 (Связано с тем, что в линукс можно устанавливать порты выше 1000). Допускается установка других портов :param inPortInt: Номер порта для прослушивания. Если HTTP - 80; Если HTTPS - 443. По умолчанию 80. Допускается установка других портов
:param inCertFilePEMPathStr: Путь файлу сертификата, сгенерированного в .pem (base64) формате. Обязателен при использовании защищенного HTTPS/SSL соединения. :param inCertFilePEMPathStr: Путь файлу сертификата, сгенерированного в .pem (base64) формате. Обязателен при использовании защищенного HTTPS/SSL соединения.
:param inKeyFilePathStr: Путь к файлу закрытого ключа в base64 формате :param inKeyFilePathStr: Путь к файлу закрытого ключа в base64 формате
:param inGSettings: Глобальный словарь настроек Оркестратора (синглтон) :param inGSettings: Глобальный словарь настроек Оркестратора (синглтон)
@ -1042,18 +1015,8 @@ def WebCPUpdate(inCPKeyStr, inHTMLRenderDef=None, inJSONGeneratorDef=None, inJSI
if inJSInitGeneratorDef is not None: lCPManager.mBackwardCompatibilityJSDef = inJSInitGeneratorDef if inJSInitGeneratorDef is not None: lCPManager.mBackwardCompatibilityJSDef = inJSInitGeneratorDef
def WebRequestHostGet(inRequest) -> str: def WebAuditMessageCreate(inRequest=None, inOperationCodeStr="-", inMessageStr="-"):
"""L+,W+: Получить наименование хоста, с которого поступил запрос """L+,W+: Создание сообщения ИТ аудита с такими сведениями как (Домен, IP, логин и тд.). Данная функция особенно актуальна в том случае, если требуется реализовать дополнительные меры контроля ИТ системы.
:param inRequest: Экземпляр fastapi.Request, по умолчанию None
:type inRequest: fastapi.Request, опционально
:return: Наименование хоста
:rtype: str
def WebAuditMessageCreate(inAuthTokenStr:str = None, inHostStr:str=None, inOperationCodeStr:str="-", inMessageStr:str="-"):
"""L+,W+: [ИЗМЕНЕНИЕ В 1.3.1] Создание сообщения ИТ аудита с такими сведениями как (Домен, IP, логин и тд.). Данная функция особенно актуальна в том случае, если требуется реализовать дополнительные меры контроля ИТ системы.
.. code-block:: python .. code-block:: python
@ -1068,44 +1031,47 @@ def WebAuditMessageCreate(inAuthTokenStr:str = None, inHostStr:str=None, inOpera
# Логгирование сообщения # Логгирование сообщения
:param inAuthTokenStr: Токен авторизации пользователя / бота, по умолчанию None (не установлен) :param inRequest: Экземпляр HTTP request. Опционален, если сообщение фиксируется из под потока, который был инициирован запросом пользователя
:type inAuthTokenStr: str, опционально
:param inHostStr: IP адрес хоста пользователя / бота, по умолчанию None (не установлен)
:type inHostStr: str, опционально
:param inOperationCodeStr: Код операции, который принят в компании в соответствии с регламентными процедурами :param inOperationCodeStr: Код операции, который принят в компании в соответствии с регламентными процедурами
:param inMessageStr: Дополнительное сообщение, которое необходимо отправить в сообщение об ИТ аудите :param inMessageStr: Дополнительное сообщение, которое необходимо отправить в сообщение об ИТ аудите
:return: Формат сообщения: "WebAudit :: DOMAIN\\USER@ :: operation code :: message" :return: Формат сообщения: "WebAudit :: DOMAIN\\USER@ :: operation code :: message"
""" """
try: try:
lDomainUpperStr = WebUserDomainGet(inAuthTokenStr=inAuthTokenStr).upper() if inRequest is None: inRequest = WebRequestGet()
lUserLoginStr = WebUserLoginGet(inAuthTokenStr=inAuthTokenStr).upper() lClientIPStr = inRequest.client_address[0]
lResultStr = f"ВебАудит :: {lDomainUpperStr}\\\\{lUserLoginStr}@{inHostStr} :: {inOperationCodeStr} :: {inMessageStr}" lUserDict = WebUserInfoGet(inRequest=inRequest)
lDomainUpperStr = lUserDict["DomainUpperStr"]
lUserLoginStr = lUserDict["UserNameUpperStr"]
lResultStr = f"ВебАудит :: {lDomainUpperStr}\\\\{lUserLoginStr}@{lClientIPStr} :: {inOperationCodeStr} :: {inMessageStr}"
except Exception as e: except Exception as e:
print(str(e)) # Has no logger - must be dead alg branch print(str(e)) # Has no logger - must be dead alg branch
lResultStr = inMessageStr lResultStr = inMessageStr
return lResultStr return lResultStr
def WebRequestParseBodyBytes(inRequest=None): def WebRequestParseBodyBytes(inRequest=None):
"""L+,W+: [ПРЕКРАЩЕНИЕ ПОДДЕРЖКИ В 1.3.1, см. FASTAPI] Извлечь данные в байт виде из тела (body) HTTP запроса. """L+,W+: Извлечь данные в байт виде из тела (body) HTTP запроса.
:param inRequest: Экземпляр HTTP request. Опционален, если сообщение фиксируется из под потока, который был инициирован запросом пользователя :param inRequest: Экземпляр HTTP request. Опционален, если сообщение фиксируется из под потока, который был инициирован запросом пользователя
:return: Строка байт b'' или None (если тело запроса было пустым) :return: Строка байт b'' или None (если тело запроса было пустым)
""" """
if inRequest is None: inRequest = WebRequestGet() if inRequest is None: inRequest = WebRequestGet()
lBodyBytes=None lBodyBytes=None
return inRequest.body.encode("utf8") if inRequest.headers.get('Content-Length') is not None:
lInputByteArrayLength = int(inRequest.headers.get('Content-Length'))
lBodyBytes =
return lBodyBytes
def WebRequestParseBodyStr(inRequest=None): def WebRequestParseBodyStr(inRequest=None):
"""L+,W+: [ПРЕКРАЩЕНИЕ ПОДДЕРЖКИ В 1.3.1, см. FASTAPI] Извлечь данные в виде строки из тела (body) HTTP запроса. """L+,W+: Извлечь данные в виде строки из тела (body) HTTP запроса.
:param inRequest: Экземпляр HTTP request. Опционален, если сообщение фиксируется из под потока, который был инициирован запросом пользователя :param inRequest: Экземпляр HTTP request. Опционален, если сообщение фиксируется из под потока, который был инициирован запросом пользователя
:return: Текстовая строка '' или None (если тело запроса было пустым) :return: Текстовая строка '' или None (если тело запроса было пустым)
""" """
if inRequest is None: inRequest = WebRequestGet() if inRequest is None: inRequest = WebRequestGet()
return inRequest.body return WebRequestParseBodyBytes(inRequest=inRequest).decode('utf-8')
def WebRequestParseBodyJSON(inRequest=None): def WebRequestParseBodyJSON(inRequest=None):
"""L+,W+: [ПРЕКРАЩЕНИЕ ПОДДЕРЖКИ В 1.3.1, см. FASTAPI] Извлечь из тела (body) запроса HTTP JSON данные и преобразовать в Dict / List структуры языка Python. """L+,W+: Извлечь из тела (body) запроса HTTP JSON данные и преобразовать в Dict / List структуры языка Python.
:param inRequest: Экземпляр HTTP request. Опционален, если сообщение фиксируется из под потока, который был инициирован запросом пользователя :param inRequest: Экземпляр HTTP request. Опционален, если сообщение фиксируется из под потока, который был инициирован запросом пользователя
:return: Словарь (dict), список (list) или None (если тело запроса было пустым) :return: Словарь (dict), список (list) или None (если тело запроса было пустым)
@ -1114,7 +1080,7 @@ def WebRequestParseBodyJSON(inRequest=None):
return json.loads(WebRequestParseBodyStr(inRequest=inRequest)) return json.loads(WebRequestParseBodyStr(inRequest=inRequest))
def WebRequestParsePath(inRequest=None): def WebRequestParsePath(inRequest=None):
"""L+,W+: [ПРЕКРАЩЕНИЕ ПОДДЕРЖКИ В 1.3.1, см. FASTAPI] Извлечь декодированный URL путь из HTTP запроса пользователя в формате строки. """L+,W+: Извлечь декодированный URL путь из HTTP запроса пользователя в формате строки.
:param inRequest: Экземпляр HTTP request. Опционален, если сообщение фиксируется из под потока, который был инициирован запросом пользователя :param inRequest: Экземпляр HTTP request. Опционален, если сообщение фиксируется из под потока, который был инициирован запросом пользователя
:return: str, пример: /pyOpenRPA/Debugging/DefHelper :return: str, пример: /pyOpenRPA/Debugging/DefHelper
@ -1123,7 +1089,7 @@ def WebRequestParsePath(inRequest=None):
return urllib.parse.unquote(inRequest.path) return urllib.parse.unquote(inRequest.path)
def WebRequestParseFile(inRequest=None): def WebRequestParseFile(inRequest=None):
"""L+,W+: [ПРЕКРАЩЕНИЕ ПОДДЕРЖКИ В 1.3.1, см. FASTAPI] Извлечь файл (наименование + содержимое в виде строки байт b'') из HTTP запроса пользователя. """L+,W+: Извлечь файл (наименование + содержимое в виде строки байт b'') из HTTP запроса пользователя.
:param inRequest: Экземпляр HTTP request. Опционален, если сообщение фиксируется из под потока, который был инициирован запросом пользователя :param inRequest: Экземпляр HTTP request. Опционален, если сообщение фиксируется из под потока, который был инициирован запросом пользователя
:return: Кортеж формата (FileNameStr, FileBodyBytes) or (None, None), если файл не был обнаружен :return: Кортеж формата (FileNameStr, FileBodyBytes) or (None, None), если файл не был обнаружен
@ -1149,7 +1115,7 @@ def WebRequestParseFile(inRequest=None):
return lResultTurple return lResultTurple
def WebRequestResponseSend(inResponeStr, inRequest=None, inContentTypeStr: str = None, inHeadersDict: dict = None): def WebRequestResponseSend(inResponeStr, inRequest=None, inContentTypeStr: str = None, inHeadersDict: dict = None):
"""L+,W+: [ПРЕКРАЩЕНИЕ ПОДДЕРЖКИ В 1.3.1, см. FASTAPI] Установить ответ на HTTP запрос пользователя. """L+,W+: Установить ответ на HTTP запрос пользователя.
:param inResponeStr: Тело ответа (строка) :param inResponeStr: Тело ответа (строка)
:param inRequest: Экземпляр HTTP request. Опционален, если сообщение фиксируется из под потока, который был инициирован запросом пользователя :param inRequest: Экземпляр HTTP request. Опционален, если сообщение фиксируется из под потока, который был инициирован запросом пользователя
@ -1165,104 +1131,46 @@ def WebRequestResponseSend(inResponeStr, inRequest=None, inContentTypeStr: str =
def WebRequestGet(): def WebRequestGet():
"""L+,W+: [ПРЕКРАЩЕНИЕ ПОДДЕРЖКИ В 1.3.2] Вернуть экземпляр HTTP запроса, если функция вызвана в потоке, который был порожден для отработки HTTP запроса пользователя. """L+,W+: Вернуть экземпляр HTTP запроса, если функция вызвана в потоке, который был порожден для отработки HTTP запроса пользователя.
""" """
lCurrentThread = threading.current_thread() lCurrentThread = threading.current_thread()
if hasattr(lCurrentThread, "request"): if hasattr(lCurrentThread, "request"):
return lCurrentThread.request return lCurrentThread.request
def WebUserLoginGet(inAuthTokenStr: str=None) -> str:
"""L+,W+: Получить логин авторизованного пользователя. Если авторизация не производилась - вернуть None
:param inAuthTokenStr: Токен авторизации пользователя / бота, по умолчанию None (не установлен)
:type inAuthTokenStr: str, опционально
:return: Логин пользователя
:rtype: str
if inAuthTokenStr is None: return None
inGS = GSettingsGet() # Get the global settings
return inGS.get("ServerDict", {}).get("AccessUsers", {}).get("AuthTokensDict", {}).get(inAuthTokenStr, {}).get("User", None)
def WebUserDomainGet(inAuthTokenStr: str=None) -> str:
"""L+,W+: Получить домен авторизованного пользователя. Если авторизация не производилась - вернуть None
:param inAuthTokenStr: Токен авторизации пользователя / бота, по умолчанию None (не установлен)
:type inAuthTokenStr: str, опционально
:return: Домен пользователя
:rtype: str
if inAuthTokenStr is None: return None
inGS = GSettingsGet() # Get the global settings
return inGS.get("ServerDict", {}).get("AccessUsers", {}).get("AuthTokensDict", {}).get(inAuthTokenStr, {}).get("Domain", None)
def WebUserInfoGet(inRequest=None): def WebUserInfoGet(inRequest=None):
"""L+,W+: [ПРЕКРАЩЕНИЕ ПОДДЕРЖКИ В 1.3.2, см. WebUserLoginGet, WebUserDomainGet] Информация о пользователе, который отправил HTTP запрос. """L+,W+: Информация о пользователе, который отправил HTTP запрос.
:param inRequest: Экземпляр HTTP request. Опционален, если сообщение фиксируется из под потока, который был инициирован запросом пользователя :param inRequest: Экземпляр HTTP request. Опционален, если сообщение фиксируется из под потока, который был инициирован запросом пользователя
:return: Сведения в формате {"DomainUpperStr": "PYOPENRPA", "UserNameUpperStr": "IVAN.MASLOV"} :return: Сведения в формате {"DomainUpperStr": "PYOPENRPA", "UserNameUpperStr": "IVAN.MASLOV"}
""" """
if inRequest is None: inRequest = WebRequestGet() if inRequest is None: inRequest = WebRequestGet()
lDomainUpperStr = inRequest.OpenRPA["Domain"].upper() lDomainUpperStr = inRequest.OpenRPA["Domain"].upper()
lUserUpperStr = inRequest.OpenRPA["User"].upper() lUserUpperStr = inRequest.OpenRPA["User"].upper()
return {"DomainUpperStr": lDomainUpperStr, "UserNameUpperStr": lUserUpperStr} return {"DomainUpperStr": lDomainUpperStr, "UserNameUpperStr": lUserUpperStr}
except Exception as e:
return {"DomainUpperStr": None, "UserNameUpperStr": None}
def WebUserIsSuperToken(inAuthTokenStr: str=None): def WebUserIsSuperToken(inRequest = None, inGSettings = None):
"""L+,W+: [ИЗМЕНЕНИЕ В 1.3.1] Проверить, авторизован ли HTTP запрос с помощью супер токена (токен, который не истекает). """L+,W+: Проверить, авторизован ли HTTP запрос с помощью супер токена (токен, который не истекает).
:param inAuthTokenStr: Токен авторизации пользователя / бота, по умолчанию None (не установлен) :param inRequest: Экземпляр HTTP request. Опционален, если сообщение фиксируется из под потока, который был инициирован запросом пользователя
:type inAuthTokenStr: str, опционально :param inGSettings: Глобальный словарь настроек Оркестратора (синглтон)
:return: True - является супертокеном; False - не является супертокеном; None - авторизация не производилась :return: True - является супертокеном; False - не является супертокеном
""" """
if inAuthTokenStr is None: return None if inRequest is None: inRequest = WebRequestGet()
inGSettings = GSettingsGet() # Get the global settings inGSettings = GSettingsGet(inGSettings=inGSettings) # Set the global settings
lIsSuperTokenBool = False lIsSuperTokenBool = False
# Get Flag is supertoken (True|False) # Get Flag is supertoken (True|False)
lIsSuperTokenBool = inGSettings.get("ServerDict", {}).get("AccessUsers", {}).get("AuthTokensDict", {}).get(inAuthTokenStr, {}).get("FlagDoNotExpire", False) lIsSuperTokenBool = inGSettings.get("ServerDict", {}).get("AccessUsers", {}).get("AuthTokensDict", {}).get(inRequest.OpenRPA["AuthToken"], {}).get("FlagDoNotExpire", False)
return lIsSuperTokenBool return lIsSuperTokenBool
def WebUserUACHierarchyGet(inAuthTokenStr: str=None) -> dict: def WebUserUACHierarchyGet(inRequest = None):
"""L+,W+: [ИЗМЕНЕНИЕ В 1.3.1] Вернуть словарь доступа UAC в отношении пользователя, который выполнил HTTP запрос inRequest """L+,W+: Вернуть словарь доступа UAC в отношении пользователя, который выполнил HTTP запрос inRequest
:param inAuthTokenStr: Токен авторизации пользователя / бота, по умолчанию None (не установлен) :param inRequest: Экземпляр HTTP request. Опционален, если сообщение фиксируется из под потока, который был инициирован запросом пользователя
:type inAuthTokenStr: str, опционально
:return: UAC словарь доступа или {}, что означает полный доступ :return: UAC словарь доступа или {}, что означает полный доступ
""" """
lDomainUpperStr = WebUserDomainGet(inAuthTokenStr=inAuthTokenStr).upper() if inRequest is None: inRequest = WebRequestGet()
lUserUpperStr = WebUserLoginGet(inAuthTokenStr=inAuthTokenStr).upper() return inRequest.UserRoleHierarchyGet()
if lUserUpperStr is None: return {}
else: return GSettingsGet().get("ServerDict", {}).get("AccessUsers", {}).get("RuleDomainUserDict", {}).get((lDomainUpperStr, lUserUpperStr), {}).get("RoleHierarchyAllowedDict", {})
def WebUserUACCheck(inAuthTokenStr:str=None, inKeyList:list=None) -> bool:
"""L+,W+: Проверить UAC доступ списка ключей для пользователя
:param inAuthTokenStr: Токен авторизации пользователя / бота, по умолчанию None (не установлен)
:type inAuthTokenStr: str, опционально
:return: True - доступ имеется, False - доступа нет
:rtype: bool
if inAuthTokenStr is None: return True # Если авторизации не происходило - супердоступ
lResult = True # Init flag
lRoleHierarchyDict = WebUserUACHierarchyGet(inAuthTokenStr=inAuthTokenStr) # get the Hierarchy
# Try to get value from key list
lKeyValue = lRoleHierarchyDict # Init the base
for lItem in inKeyList:
if type(lKeyValue) is dict:
if lItem in lKeyValue: # Has key
lKeyValue = lKeyValue[lItem] # Get the value and go to the next loop iteration
else: # Else branch - true or false
if len(lKeyValue)>0: # False - if Dict has some elements
lResult = False # Set the False Flag
lResult = True # Set the True flag
break # Stop the loop
else: # Has element with no detalization - return True
lResult = True # Set the flag
break # Close the loop
return lResult # Return the result
## GSettings defs ## GSettings defs
@ -1285,7 +1193,7 @@ def GSettingsGet(inGSettings=None):
global GSettings # identify the global variable global GSettings # identify the global variable
# Merge dictionaries if some new dictionary has come # Merge dictionaries if some new dictionary has come
if inGSettings is not None and GSettings is not inGSettings: if inGSettings is not None and GSettings is not inGSettings:
GSettings = Dictionary.MergeNoException(in1Dict = inGSettings, in2Dict = GSettings) GSettings = Server.__ComplexDictMerge2to1Overwrite__(in1Dict = inGSettings, in2Dict = GSettings)
return GSettings # Return the result return GSettings # Return the result
def GSettingsKeyListValueSet(inValue, inKeyList=None, inGSettings = None): def GSettingsKeyListValueSet(inValue, inKeyList=None, inGSettings = None):
@ -2054,7 +1962,6 @@ def ProcessDefIntervalCall(inDef, inIntervalSecFloat, inIntervalAsyncBool=False,
lThread2 = threading.Thread(target=inDef, lThread2 = threading.Thread(target=inDef,
args=inDefArgList, args=inDefArgList,
kwargs=inDefArgDict) kwargs=inDefArgDict)
lThread2.start() lThread2.start()
except Exception as e: except Exception as e:
if inLogger: inLogger.exception( if inLogger: inLogger.exception(
@ -2069,7 +1976,6 @@ def ProcessDefIntervalCall(inDef, inIntervalSecFloat, inIntervalAsyncBool=False,
"inIntervalAsyncBool": inIntervalAsyncBool, "inDefArgList": inDefArgList, "inIntervalAsyncBool": inIntervalAsyncBool, "inDefArgList": inDefArgList,
"inDefArgDict": inDefArgDict, "inLogger": inLogger, "inDefArgDict": inDefArgDict, "inLogger": inLogger,
"inDefArgGSettingsNameStr":inDefArgGSettingsNameStr , "inDefArgLoggerNameStr":inDefArgLoggerNameStr}) "inDefArgGSettingsNameStr":inDefArgGSettingsNameStr , "inDefArgLoggerNameStr":inDefArgLoggerNameStr})
lThread.start() lThread.start()
else: else:
__Execute__(inGSettings=inGSettings, inDef=inDef, inIntervalSecFloat=inIntervalSecFloat, inIntervalAsyncBool=inIntervalAsyncBool, __Execute__(inGSettings=inGSettings, inDef=inDef, inIntervalSecFloat=inIntervalSecFloat, inIntervalAsyncBool=inIntervalAsyncBool,
@ -2804,6 +2710,8 @@ def Orchestrator(inGSettings=None, inDumpRestoreBool = True, inRunAsAdministrato
Processor.gSettingsDict = gSettingsDict Processor.gSettingsDict = gSettingsDict
Timer.gSettingsDict = gSettingsDict Timer.gSettingsDict = gSettingsDict
Timer.Processor.gSettingsDict = gSettingsDict Timer.Processor.gSettingsDict = gSettingsDict
Server.gSettingsDict = gSettingsDict
Server.ProcessorOld.gSettingsDict = gSettingsDict # Backward compatibility
#Backward compatibility - restore in Orc def if old def #Backward compatibility - restore in Orc def if old def
if inDumpRestoreBool == True: if inDumpRestoreBool == True:
@ -2824,7 +2732,7 @@ def Orchestrator(inGSettings=None, inDumpRestoreBool = True, inRunAsAdministrato
# Run SettingUpdate function in submodule # Run SettingUpdate function in submodule
getattr(lTechModuleFromSpec, lSubmoduleFunctionName)(gSettingsDict) getattr(lTechModuleFromSpec, lSubmoduleFunctionName)(gSettingsDict)
except Exception as e: except Exception as e:
if lL: lL.exception(f"Ошибка при инициализации .py файлов в оркестраторе '{lModuleFilePathItem}'") if lL: lL.exception(f"Error when init .py file in orchestrator '{lModuleFilePathItem}'. Exception is below:")
# Turn on backward compatibility # Turn on backward compatibility
BackwardCompatibility.Update(inGSettings= gSettingsDict) BackwardCompatibility.Update(inGSettings= gSettingsDict)
@ -2844,10 +2752,18 @@ def Orchestrator(inGSettings=None, inDumpRestoreBool = True, inRunAsAdministrato
#Инициализация настроечных параметров #Инициализация настроечных параметров
gSettingsDict["ServerDict"]["WorkingDirectoryPathStr"] = os.getcwd() # Set working directory in g settings gSettingsDict["ServerDict"]["WorkingDirectoryPathStr"] = os.getcwd() # Set working directory in g settings
#Инициализация сервера (инициализация всех интерфейсов)
lListenDict = gSettingsDict.get("ServerDict",{}).get("ListenDict",{})
for lItemKeyStr in lListenDict:
lItemDict = lListenDict[lItemKeyStr]
lThreadServer = Server.RobotDaemonServer(lItemKeyStr, gSettingsDict)
gSettingsDict["ServerDict"]["ServerThread"] = lThreadServer
lItemDict["ServerInstance"] = lThreadServer
# Init the RobotScreenActive in another thread # Init the RobotScreenActive in another thread
lRobotScreenActiveThread = threading.Thread(target= Monitor.CheckScreen) lRobotScreenActiveThread = threading.Thread(target= Monitor.CheckScreen)
lRobotScreenActiveThread.daemon = True # Run the thread in daemon mode. lRobotScreenActiveThread.daemon = True # Run the thread in daemon mode.
lRobotScreenActiveThread.start() # Start the thread execution. lRobotScreenActiveThread.start() # Start the thread execution.
if lL:"Модуль активного рабочего стола инициализирован") #Logging if lL:"Модуль активного рабочего стола инициализирован") #Logging
@ -2855,14 +2771,12 @@ def Orchestrator(inGSettings=None, inDumpRestoreBool = True, inRunAsAdministrato
lRobotRDPThreadControlDict = {"ThreadExecuteBool":True} # inThreadControlDict = {"ThreadExecuteBool":True} lRobotRDPThreadControlDict = {"ThreadExecuteBool":True} # inThreadControlDict = {"ThreadExecuteBool":True}
lRobotRDPActiveThread = threading.Thread(target= RobotRDPActive.RobotRDPActive, kwargs={"inGSettings":gSettingsDict, "inThreadControlDict":lRobotRDPThreadControlDict}) lRobotRDPActiveThread = threading.Thread(target= RobotRDPActive.RobotRDPActive, kwargs={"inGSettings":gSettingsDict, "inThreadControlDict":lRobotRDPThreadControlDict})
lRobotRDPActiveThread.daemon = True # Run the thread in daemon mode. lRobotRDPActiveThread.daemon = True # Run the thread in daemon mode.
lRobotRDPActiveThread.start() # Start the thread execution. lRobotRDPActiveThread.start() # Start the thread execution.
if lL:"Модуль подключения по РДП инициализированн") #Logging if lL:"Модуль подключения по РДП инициализированн") #Logging
# Init autocleaner in another thread # Init autocleaner in another thread
lAutocleanerThread = threading.Thread(target= GSettingsAutocleaner, kwargs={"inGSettings":gSettingsDict}) lAutocleanerThread = threading.Thread(target= GSettingsAutocleaner, kwargs={"inGSettings":gSettingsDict})
lAutocleanerThread.daemon = True # Run the thread in daemon mode. lAutocleanerThread.daemon = True # Run the thread in daemon mode.
lAutocleanerThread.start() # Start the thread execution. lAutocleanerThread.start() # Start the thread execution.
if lL:"Модуль автоочистки инициализирован") #Logging if lL:"Модуль автоочистки инициализирован") #Logging
@ -2877,28 +2791,24 @@ def Orchestrator(inGSettings=None, inDumpRestoreBool = True, inRunAsAdministrato
# Processor thread # Processor thread
lProcessorThread = threading.Thread(target= Processor.ProcessorRunSync, kwargs={"inGSettings":gSettingsDict, "inRobotRDPThreadControlDict":lRobotRDPThreadControlDict}) lProcessorThread = threading.Thread(target= Processor.ProcessorRunSync, kwargs={"inGSettings":gSettingsDict, "inRobotRDPThreadControlDict":lRobotRDPThreadControlDict})
lProcessorThread.daemon = True # Run the thread in daemon mode. lProcessorThread.daemon = True # Run the thread in daemon mode.
lProcessorThread.start() # Start the thread execution. lProcessorThread.start() # Start the thread execution.
if lL:"Модуль процессора инициализирован") #Logging if lL:"Модуль процессора инициализирован") #Logging
# Processor monitor thread # Processor monitor thread
lProcessorMonitorThread = threading.Thread(target= Processor.ProcessorMonitorRunSync, kwargs={"inGSettings":gSettingsDict}) lProcessorMonitorThread = threading.Thread(target= Processor.ProcessorMonitorRunSync, kwargs={"inGSettings":gSettingsDict})
lProcessorMonitorThread.daemon = True # Run the thread in daemon mode. lProcessorMonitorThread.daemon = True # Run the thread in daemon mode.
lProcessorMonitorThread.start() # Start the thread execution. lProcessorMonitorThread.start() # Start the thread execution.
if lL:"Модуль контроля процессора инициализирован") #Logging if lL:"Модуль контроля процессора инициализирован") #Logging
# Scheduler loop # Scheduler loop
lSchedulerThread = threading.Thread(target= __deprecated_orchestrator_loop__) lSchedulerThread = threading.Thread(target= __deprecated_orchestrator_loop__)
lSchedulerThread.daemon = True # Run the thread in daemon mode. lSchedulerThread.daemon = True # Run the thread in daemon mode.
lSchedulerThread.start() # Start the thread execution. lSchedulerThread.start() # Start the thread execution.
if lL:"Модуль расписания (старая версия) инициализирован") #Logging if lL:"Модуль расписания (старая версия) инициализирован") #Logging
# Schedule (new) loop # Schedule (new) loop
lScheduleThread = threading.Thread(target= __schedule_loop__) lScheduleThread = threading.Thread(target= __schedule_loop__)
lScheduleThread.daemon = True # Run the thread in daemon mode. lScheduleThread.daemon = True # Run the thread in daemon mode.
lScheduleThread.start() # Start the thread execution. lScheduleThread.start() # Start the thread execution.
if lL:"Модуль расписания (новая версия) инициализирован") #Logging if lL:"Модуль расписания (новая версия) инициализирован") #Logging
@ -2907,22 +2817,11 @@ def Orchestrator(inGSettings=None, inDumpRestoreBool = True, inRunAsAdministrato
lProcess = inGSettings["ManagersProcessDict"][lProcessKeyTuple] lProcess = inGSettings["ManagersProcessDict"][lProcessKeyTuple]
lProcess.StatusCheckIntervalRestore() lProcess.StatusCheckIntervalRestore()
lThread = threading.Thread(target= lProcess.StatusRestore) lThread = threading.Thread(target= lProcess.StatusRestore)
lThread.start() lThread.start()
# Init debug thread (run if "init_dubug" file exists) # Init debug thread (run if "init_dubug" file exists)
Debugger.LiveDebugCheckThread(inGSettings=GSettingsGet()) Debugger.LiveDebugCheckThread(inGSettings=GSettingsGet())
#Инициализация сервера (инициализация всех интерфейсов)
lListenDict = gSettingsDict.get("ServerDict",{}).get("ListenDict",{})
for lItemKeyStr in lListenDict:
lItemDict = lListenDict[lItemKeyStr]
Server.InitUvicorn(inHostStr=lItemDict["AddressStr"], inPortInt=lItemDict["PortInt"], inSSLCertPathStr=lItemDict["CertFilePEMPathStr"], inSSLKeyPathStr=lItemDict["KeyFilePathStr"], inSSLPasswordStr=None)
def __schedule_loop__(): def __schedule_loop__():
while True: while True:
schedule.run_pending() schedule.run_pending()
@ -2990,7 +2889,6 @@ def __deprecated_orchestrator_loop__():
lThread = threading.Thread(target=Processor.ActivityListExecute, lThread = threading.Thread(target=Processor.ActivityListExecute,
kwargs={"inGSettings": inGSettings, kwargs={"inGSettings": inGSettings,
"inActivityList": lItem["ActivityList"]}) "inActivityList": lItem["ActivityList"]})
lThread.start() lThread.start()
lIterationLastDateTime = # Set the new datetime for the new processor activity lIterationLastDateTime = # Set the new datetime for the new processor activity
except Exception as e: except Exception as e:

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
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@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
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@ -42,11 +39,11 @@
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@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
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<span class="library" style="text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 5px; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:5px; font-weight: bold;">{{title}}</span> <span class="library" style="text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 5px; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:5px; font-weight: bold;">{{title}}</span>
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{{subtitle}} {{subtitle}}

@ -101,6 +101,22 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
/////Controller JS module /////Controller JS module
////////////////////////// //////////////////////////
mGlobal.Controller={}; mGlobal.Controller={};
mGlobal.Controller.CMDRunText=function(inCMDText) {
///Подготовить конфигурацию
lData = [
{"Type":"CMDStart", "Command": inCMDText}
///Обнулить таблицу
type: "POST",
url: 'Utils/Processor',
data: JSON.stringify(lData),
dataType: "text"
mGlobal.Controller.CMDRun=function() { mGlobal.Controller.CMDRun=function() {
///Обнулить таблицу ///Обнулить таблицу
lCMDCode=$(".openrpa-controller-cmd-run-input")[0].value lCMDCode=$(".openrpa-controller-cmd-run-input")[0].value
@ -116,7 +132,37 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
] ]
$.ajax({ $.ajax({
type: "POST", type: "POST",
url: '/orpa/api/activity-list-execute', url: '/pyOpenRPA/ActivityListExecute',
data: JSON.stringify(lData),
var lResponseJSON=JSON.parse(lData)
///Отправить запрос на формирование таблицы
//lHTMLCode=console.log("CMDRun result: "+lResponseJSON[0].result)
dataType: "text"
mGlobal.Controller.CMDRunGUILogout=function() {
///Обнулить таблицу
lCMDCode="for /f \"skip=1 tokens=2\" %s in ('query user %USERNAME%') do (tscon \\dest:console)"
//lCMDCode = lCMDCode.replace(/\\n/g, "\\n")
// .replace(/\\'/g, "\\'")
// .replace(/\\"/g, '\\"')
// .replace(/\\&/g, "\\&")
// .replace(/\\r/g, "\\r")
// .replace(/\\t/g, "\\t")
// .replace(/\\b/g, "\\b")
// .replace(/\\f/g, "\\f")
// .replace('"', "\\\"");
///Подготовить конфигурацию
lData = [
{"Type":"CMDStart", "Command": lCMDCode }
type: "POST",
url: 'Utils/Processor',
data: JSON.stringify(lData), data: JSON.stringify(lData),
success: success:
function(lData,l2,l3) function(lData,l2,l3)
@ -128,33 +174,51 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
dataType: "text" dataType: "text"
}); });
} }
///Restart PC ///Restart PC
mGlobal.Controller.PCRestart = function () { mGlobal.Controller.PCRestart = function () {
mGlobal.Controller.OrchestratorSessionSave() mGlobal.Controller.OrchestratorSessionSave()
mGlobal.Controller.CMDRunText("shutdown -r") mGlobal.Controller.CMDRunText("shutdown -r")
} }
mGlobal.Controller.OrchestratorGITPullRestart = function() { ///Orchestrator save session
mGlobal.Controller.OrchestratorSessionSave() //Save current RDP list session mGlobal.Controller.OrchestratorSessionSave=function() {
mGlobal.Controller.CMDRunText("timeout 3 & taskkill /f /im OpenRPA_Orchestrator.exe & timeout 2 & cd "+mGlobal.WorkingDirectoryPathStr+" & git reset --hard & git pull & pyOpenRPA.Orchestrator_x64_administrator_startup.cmd");
mGlobal.Controller.OrchestratorRestart=function() {
///Подготовить конфигурацию ///Подготовить конфигурацию
lData = [ lData = [
type: "POST",
url: 'Utils/Processor',
data: JSON.stringify(lData),
{ {
"Def":"OrchestratorRestart", // def link or def alias (look gSettings["Processor"]["AliasDefDict"]) var lResponseJSON=JSON.parse(lData)
"ArgList":[], // Args list },
"ArgDict":{}, // Args dictionary dataType: "text"
"ArgGSettings": null, // Name of GSettings attribute: str (ArgDict) or index (for ArgList) });
"ArgLogger": null // Name of GSettings attribute: str (ArgDict) or index (for ArgList)
} }
///Перезагрузить Orchestrator
mGlobal.Controller.OrchestratorRestart=function() {
///Подготовить конфигурацию
lData = [
] ]
$.ajax({ $.ajax({
type: "POST", type: "POST",
url: '/orpa/api/activity-list-execute', url: 'Utils/Processor',
data: JSON.stringify(lData) data: JSON.stringify(lData),
var lResponseJSON=JSON.parse(lData)
dataType: "text"
}); });
} }
mGlobal.Controller.OrchestratorGITPullRestart = function() {
mGlobal.Controller.OrchestratorSessionSave() //Save current RDP list session
mGlobal.Controller.CMDRunText("timeout 3 & taskkill /f /im OpenRPA_Orchestrator.exe & timeout 2 & cd "+mGlobal.WorkingDirectoryPathStr+" & git reset --hard & git pull & pyOpenRPA.Orchestrator_x64_administrator_startup.cmd");
////////////////////////// //////////////////////////
/////Monitor JS module /////Monitor JS module
////////////////////////// //////////////////////////
@ -169,7 +233,7 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
//Функция обновления картинки //Функция обновления картинки
lScreenshotUpdate=function() { lScreenshotUpdate=function() {
lScreenshotSrc=inHostURI+"/orpa/client/screenshot-get?"+mGlobal.Monitor.GenerateUniqueID() lScreenshotSrc=inHostURI+"/GetScreenshot?"+mGlobal.Monitor.GenerateUniqueID()
$(".daemon-screenshot img").attr('src', lScreenshotSrc); $(".daemon-screenshot img").attr('src', lScreenshotSrc);
} }
@ -180,7 +244,26 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
} }
///Monitor ///Monitor
mGlobal.Monitor.DaemonList={} mGlobal.Monitor.DaemonList={}
mGlobal.Monitor.DaemonList.fRefreshTable=function() {
///Загрузка данных
type: "GET",
url: 'Monitor/JSONDaemonListGet',
data: '',
var lResponseJSON=JSON.parse(lData)
///Сформировать HTML код новой таблицы
///Очистить дерево
///Прогрузить новую таблицу
dataType: "text"
//////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////
///////Control panel ///////Control panel
/////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////
@ -297,7 +380,7 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
lData = [inActivityItem] lData = [inActivityItem]
$.ajax({ $.ajax({
type: "POST", type: "POST",
url: '/orpa/api/activity-list-execute', url: '/pyOpenRPA/ActivityListExecute',
data: JSON.stringify(lData), data: JSON.stringify(lData),
success: success:
function(lData,l2,l3) function(lData,l2,l3)
@ -322,7 +405,7 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
lData = inActivityList lData = inActivityList
$.ajax({ $.ajax({
type: "POST", type: "POST",
url: '/orpa/api/activity-list-execute', url: '/pyOpenRPA/ActivityListExecute',
data: JSON.stringify(lData), data: JSON.stringify(lData),
success: success:
function(lData,l2,l3) function(lData,l2,l3)
@ -347,7 +430,7 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
lData = inActivityList lData = inActivityList
$.ajax({ $.ajax({
type: "POST", type: "POST",
url: '/orpa/api/processor-queue-add', url: '/pyOpenRPA/ProcessorQueueAdd',
data: JSON.stringify(lData), data: JSON.stringify(lData),
success: success:
function(lData,l2,l3) function(lData,l2,l3)
@ -365,7 +448,7 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
$.ajax({ $.ajax({
type: "GET", type: "GET",
headers: {}, headers: {},
url: '/orpa/client/server-js-init', url: 'pyOpenRPA/ServerJSInit',
data: mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerDataHashStr, data: mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerDataHashStr,
async: false, async: false,
success: function(lJSText) { success: function(lJSText) {
@ -429,7 +512,7 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
$.ajax({ $.ajax({
type: "POST", type: "POST",
headers: {}, headers: {},
url: '/orpa/client/server-data', url: 'pyOpenRPA/ServerData',
data: mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerDataHashStr, data: mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerDataHashStr,
success: function(lData,l2,l3) { success: function(lData,l2,l3) {
try { try {
@ -504,7 +587,7 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
$.ajax({ $.ajax({
type: "POST", type: "POST",
headers: {}, headers: {},
url: '/orpa/client/server-log', url: 'pyOpenRPA/ServerLog',
data: mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerLogListHashStr, data: mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ServerLogListHashStr,
success: function(lData,l2,l3) { success: function(lData,l2,l3) {
try { try {
@ -541,7 +624,90 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
///Processor functions ///Processor functions
/////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////
mGlobal.Processor = {} mGlobal.Processor = {}
mGlobal.Processor.ServerValueAppend = function(inKeyList,inValue) {
lData = [
"KeyList": inKeyList,
"Value": inValue
///Обнулить таблицу
$('.ui.modal.basic .content').html("");
type: "POST",
url: 'Utils/Processor',
data: JSON.stringify(lData),
var lResponseJSON=JSON.parse(lData)
///TODO Show error if exist error
dataType: "text"
mGlobal.Processor.ServerValueSet = function(inKeyList,inValue) {
lData = [
"KeyList": inKeyList,
"Value": inValue
///Обнулить таблицу
$('.ui.modal.basic .content').html("");
type: "POST",
url: 'Utils/Processor',
data: JSON.stringify(lData),
var lResponseJSON=JSON.parse(lData)
///TODO Show error if exist error
dataType: "text"
mGlobal.Processor.ServerValueOperatorPlus = function(inKeyList,inValue) {
lData = [
"KeyList": inKeyList,
"Value": inValue
///Обнулить таблицу
$('.ui.modal.basic .content').html("");
type: "POST",
url: 'Utils/Processor',
data: JSON.stringify(lData),
var lResponseJSON=JSON.parse(lData)
///TODO Show error if exist error
dataType: "text"
mGlobal.Processor.Send = function(inData) {
lData = inData
type: "POST",
url: 'Utils/Processor',
data: JSON.stringify(lData),
var lResponseJSON=JSON.parse(lData)
///TODO Show error if exist error
dataType: "text"
mGlobal.Server= {} mGlobal.Server= {}
mGlobal.Server.JSONGet=function(inMethod, inURL, inDataJSON, inCallback) mGlobal.Server.JSONGet=function(inMethod, inURL, inDataJSON, inCallback)
{ {
@ -738,7 +904,7 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
lValueStr = inEvent lValueStr = inEvent
$.ajax({ $.ajax({
type: "GET", type: "GET",
url: '/orpa/api/helper-def-autofill/'+lValueStr, url: '/pyOpenRPA/Debugging/HelperDefAutofill/'+lValueStr,
data: null, data: null,
success: success:
function(lData,l2,l3) function(lData,l2,l3)
@ -791,7 +957,7 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
lData = [lActivityItem] lData = [lActivityItem]
$.ajax({ $.ajax({
type: "POST", type: "POST",
url: '/orpa/api/activity-list-execute', url: '/pyOpenRPA/ActivityListExecute',
data: JSON.stringify(lData), data: JSON.stringify(lData),
success: success:
function(lData,l2,l3) function(lData,l2,l3)
@ -818,15 +984,9 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
.dropdown({ .dropdown({
apiSettings: { apiSettings: {
// this url parses query server side and returns filtered results // this url parses query server side and returns filtered results
url: '/orpa/api/helper-def-list/{query}' url: '/pyOpenRPA/Debugging/HelperDefList/{query}'
}, },
onChange: lDropdownOnChange onChange: lDropdownOnChange
}) })
; ;
mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.RDPListTest= function() {
/// !RDP List ! Сформировать HTML код новой таблицы - список RDP
}); });

@ -22,16 +22,16 @@
<title>Оркестратор pyOpenRPA</title> <title>Оркестратор pyOpenRPA</title>
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@ -69,12 +69,13 @@
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@ -233,28 +234,27 @@
<div class="ui inverted relaxed divided list"> <div class="ui inverted relaxed divided list">
{{#HandlebarsList}} {{#HandlebarsList}}
<div class="item"> <div class="item">
<div class="content">
<div class="header">Session key: {{{SessionKeyStr}}}</div>
<div class="right floated content"> <div class="right floated content">
<div style="margin-top:10px;" class="ui button" onclick="mGlobal.Processor.ServerValueAppend(['RobotRDPActive','ActivityList'],{'DefNameStr': 'RDPSessionReconnect', 'ArgList': [], 'ArgDict': {'inRDPSessionKeyStr': '{{{SessionKeyStr}}}'} })" >Переподключить</div> <div class="ui button" onclick="mGlobal.Processor.ServerValueAppend(['RobotRDPActive','ActivityList'],{'DefNameStr': 'RDPSessionReconnect', 'ArgList': [], 'ArgDict': {'inRDPSessionKeyStr': '{{{SessionKeyStr}}}'} })" >Переподключить</div>
</div> </div>
<div class="right floated content"> <div class="right floated content">
{{#if IsIgnoredBool}} {{#if IsIgnoredBool}}
<div style="margin-top:10px;" class="ui button red" onclick="mGlobal.Processor.ServerValueSet(['RobotRDPActive','RDPList','{{{SessionKeyStr}}}','SessionIsIgnoredBool'],false);">Игнорировать</div> <div class="ui button red" onclick="mGlobal.Processor.ServerValueSet(['RobotRDPActive','RDPList','{{{SessionKeyStr}}}','SessionIsIgnoredBool'],false);">Игнорировать</div>
{{else}} {{else}}
<div style="margin-top:10px;" class="ui button" onclick="mGlobal.Processor.ServerValueSet(['RobotRDPActive','RDPList','{{{SessionKeyStr}}}','SessionIsIgnoredBool'],true);">Игнорировать</div> <div class="ui button" onclick="mGlobal.Processor.ServerValueSet(['RobotRDPActive','RDPList','{{{SessionKeyStr}}}','SessionIsIgnoredBool'],true);">Игнорировать</div>
{{/if}} {{/if}}
</div> </div>
<div class="right floated content"> <div class="right floated content">
{{#if IsFullScreenBool}} {{#if IsFullScreenBool}}
<div style="margin-top:10px;" class="ui button green" onclick="mGlobal.Processor.ServerValueSet(['RobotRDPActive','FullScreenRDPSessionKeyStr'],null);">Полный экран</div> <div class="ui button green" onclick="mGlobal.Processor.ServerValueSet(['RobotRDPActive','FullScreenRDPSessionKeyStr'],null);">Полный экран</div>
{{else}} {{else}}
<div style="margin-top:10px;" class="ui button" onclick="mGlobal.Processor.ServerValueSet(['RobotRDPActive','FullScreenRDPSessionKeyStr'],'{{{SessionKeyStr}}}');">Полный экран</div> <div class="ui button" onclick="mGlobal.Processor.ServerValueSet(['RobotRDPActive','FullScreenRDPSessionKeyStr'],'{{{SessionKeyStr}}}');">Полный экран</div>
{{/if}} {{/if}}
</div> </div>
<div class="content">
<div class="header">Session key: {{{SessionKeyStr}}}</div>
</div> </div>
{{/HandlebarsList}} {{/HandlebarsList}}
</div> </div>
@ -423,13 +423,13 @@
<i class="right arrow icon"></i> <i class="right arrow icon"></i>
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
<div class="ui animated button openrpa-control-gitrestartorchestrator teal UACClient-pyOpenRPADict-AdminDict-RestartOrchestratorGITPullBool disabled" onclick="mGlobal.Controller.OrchestratorGITPullRestart();" style="display: none; margin-top: 5px;"> <div class="ui animated button openrpa-control-gitrestartorchestrator teal UACClient-pyOpenRPADict-AdminDict-RestartOrchestratorGITPullBool" onclick="mGlobal.Controller.OrchestratorGITPullRestart();" style="display: none; margin-top: 5px;">
<div class="visible content">Обновить из GIT</div> <div class="visible content">Обновить из GIT</div>
<div class="hidden content"> <div class="hidden content">
<i class="right arrow icon"></i> <i class="right arrow icon"></i>
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
<div class="ui animated button openrpa-control-restartpc red UACClient-pyOpenRPADict-AdminDict-RestartPCBool disabled" onclick="mGlobal.Controller.PCRestart();" style="display: none; margin-top: 5px;"> <div class="ui animated button openrpa-control-restartpc red UACClient-pyOpenRPADict-AdminDict-RestartPCBool" onclick="mGlobal.Controller.PCRestart();" style="display: none; margin-top: 5px;">
<div class="visible content">Перезагрузить ОС</div> <div class="visible content">Перезагрузить ОС</div>
<div class="hidden content"> <div class="hidden content">
<i class="right arrow icon"></i> <i class="right arrow icon"></i>
@ -462,7 +462,7 @@
<div class="ui icon header"> <div class="ui icon header">
</div> </div>
<div class="content"> <div class="content">
<img src="/orpa/client/screenshot-get" class="ui fluid image"> <img src="GetScreenshot" class="ui fluid image">
</div> </div>
<div class="actions"> <div class="actions">
<div class="ui green ok inverted button" onclick="mGlobal.Monitor.ScreenshotModal.Close()"> <div class="ui green ok inverted button" onclick="mGlobal.Monitor.ScreenshotModal.Close()">

@ -1,407 +0,0 @@
from pyOpenRPA.Tools import CrossOS
if CrossOS.IS_WINDOWS_BOOL: import pyaudio
if CrossOS.IS_WINDOWS_BOOL: from pydub import AudioSegment
import threading
import time
from pyOpenRPA.Utils import Text
import os
def DeviceMicrophoneIndex():
"""L-,W+: Выполнить поиск устройства, с помощью которого можно будет выполнить захват c микрофона.
p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
lDeviceInfoDict = p.get_default_input_device_info()
lDefaultIndexInt = lDeviceInfoDict["index"]
return lDefaultIndexInt
def DeviceSystemSoundIndex():
"""L-,W+: Выполнить поиск устройства, с помощью которого можно будет выполнить захват аудио, которое поступает из приложений. Например: аудиоконференции Zoom, whatsapp, telegram и т.д.
p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
inInputBool = True
inIsLoopbackBool = True
if inInputBool == True:
lDeviceInfoDict = p.get_default_output_device_info()
lDefaultIndexInt = lDeviceInfoDict["index"]
lDefaultNameStr = lDeviceInfoDict["name"]
lCatchIndexInt = None
lCatchDiffRatioFloat = 0.0
for lItemDict in DeviceListGet():
lCompareBool = False
if lItemDict["MaxOutputChannelsInt"]>0:
if inIsLoopbackBool==True and lItemDict["HostApiStr"]=="Windows WASAPI": lCompareBool = True
elif inIsLoopbackBool==False: lCompareBool = True
if lCompareBool == True:
lDiffRationFloat = Text.SimilarityNoCase(in1Str=lDefaultNameStr, in2Str=lItemDict["NameStr"])
if lDiffRationFloat> lCatchDiffRatioFloat:
lCatchDiffRatioFloat = lDiffRationFloat
lDeviceInfoDict = p.get_default_output_device_info()
lDefaultIndexInt = lDeviceInfoDict["index"]
lDefaultNameStr = lDeviceInfoDict["name"]
lCatchIndexInt = None
lCatchDiffRatioFloat = 0.0
for lItemDict in DeviceListGet():
lCompareBool = False
if lItemDict["MaxInputChannelsInt"]>0:
if inIsLoopbackBool==True and lItemDict["HostApiStr"]=="Windows WASAPI": lCompareBool = True
elif inIsLoopbackBool==False: lCompareBool = True
if lCompareBool == True:
lDiffRationFloat = Text.SimilarityNoCase(in1Str=lDefaultNameStr, in2Str=lItemDict["NameStr"])
if lDiffRationFloat> lCatchDiffRatioFloat: lCatchIndexInt=lItemDict["IndexInt"]
return lCatchIndexInt
def DeviceListGet():
"""L-,W+: Вернуть список аудио устройст (входящих и исходящих, микрофонов и динамиков).
from pyOpenRPA.Robot import Audio
:return: [{"IndexInt":1, "NameStr": "",
"HostApiInt": 0, "HostApiStr": "MME"|"Windows WASAPI"|"Windows WDM-KS",
"MaxInputChannelsInt": 0, "MaxOutputChannelsInt": 0,
"DefaultSampleRateFloat": 44100.0
:rtype: list
l_result = []
p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
for i in range(0, p.get_device_count()):
l_info = p.get_device_info_by_index(i)
l_info_dict = {
"NameStr": l_info["name"],
"MaxInputChannelsInt": l_info["maxInputChannels"],
"MaxOutputChannelsInt": l_info["maxOutputChannels"],
"HostApiInt": l_info["hostApi"],
"DefaultSampleRateFloat": l_info["defaultSampleRate"],
"HostApiStr": p.get_host_api_info_by_index(l_info["hostApi"])["name"] #"MME"|"Windows WASAPI"|"Windows WDM-KS"
return l_result
class Recorder:
mStatusStr = "0_READY" # "0_READY", "1_RECORDING"
mAudio = None
mCaptureThread = None
mStream = None
mDeviceInt = None
mChannelCountInt = None
mFramesInt = 512
mRecordedFramesList = []
mSampleRateInt = None
mSampleSizeInt = None
mCaptureBool = True
mFolderPathStr = None
mFileNameStr = None
mFileFormatStr = None
mFileAvailableChunkInt = None
mFileInfoDict=None # {"file.mp3":{StartSecFloat:, EndSecFloat:, Extra:,PathStr, }}
mChunkSecFloat = None
mStartSecFloat = None
mStartChunkSecFloat = None
mDurationSecFloat = None
mThresholdInt = 500
mSilentLastCheckTimeFloat = None
mCallbackChunkDef = None
mCallbackChunkDefThreadList = []
mCallbackStopDef = None
mCallbackStopDefThreadList = []
def __init__(self, inDeviceInt=None):
"""L-,W+: Инициализация экземпляра класса записи звука
.. code-block:: python
from pyOpenRPA.Robot import Audio
lRec = Audio.Recorder()
:param inDeviceInt: , по умолчанию None (использование устройства, полученного от DeviceSystemSoundIndex())
:type inDeviceInt: int, опционально
self.mDeviceInt = inDeviceInt
if inDeviceInt == None: inDeviceInt = DeviceSystemSoundIndex()
self.mDeviceInt = inDeviceInt
if DeviceListGet()[inDeviceInt]["MaxInputChannelsInt"]>0: self.mIsMicrophoneBool = True
else: self.mIsMicrophoneBool = False
def StatusGet(self):
"""L-,W+: Вернуть статус записи звука
.. code-block:: python
from pyOpenRPA.Robot import Audio
lRec = Audio.Recorder()
:return: "0_READY" или "1_RECORDING"
:rtype: str
return self.mStatusStr
def CaptureStart(self, inFolderPathStr="",inFileNameStr = "out", inFileFormatStr = "mp3", inDurationSecFloat = None, inChunkSecFloat = 300.0, inCallbackChunkDef = None, inCallbackStopDef = None):
"""L-,W+: Начать запись звука
.. code-block:: python
def CallbackChunk(lRec, lFilenameStr):
from pyOpenRPA.Robot import Audio
lRec = Audio.Recorder()
lRec.CaptureStart(inFileNameStr = "out", inFileFormatStr = "mp3", inDurationSecFloat = None, inChunkSecFloat = 5.0, inCallbackChunkDef=CallbackChunk)
:param inFolderPathStr: Путь к папке, в которую сохранять аудиофайлы захвата , по умолчанию ""
:type inFolderPathStr: str, опционально
:param inFileNameStr: Наименование файла без расширения, по умолчанию "out"
:type inFileNameStr: str, опционально
:param inFileFormatStr: Наименование формата, в который будет происходить сохранение ("mp3" или "wav" или "raw" или "aif"), по умолчанию "mp3"
:type inFileFormatStr: str, опционально
:param inDurationSecFloat: Длительность захвата аудио, по умолчанию None (пока не поступит команда CaptureStop() )
:type inDurationSecFloat: float, опционально
:param inChunkSecFloat: Максимальная длина части аудиофайла, по умолчанию 300.0
:type inChunkSecFloat: float, опционально
:param inCallbackChunkDef: Функция, которая будет инициирована в случае выполнения Chunk сохранения (сохранение части). Callback функция должна принимать 2 аргумента: экземпляр класса Recorder и наименование сохраненного файла. Внимание! Функция запускается асинхронно!
:type inCallbackChunkDef: def, опционально
:param inCallbackStopDef: Функция, которая будет инициирована в случае окончания записи. Callback функция должна принимать 2 аргумента: экземпляр класса Recorder и наименование сохраненного файла. Внимание! Функция запускается асинхронно!
:type inCallbackStopDef: def, опционально
self.mFileInfoDict = {}
self.mStatusStr = "1_RECORDING"
if inChunkSecFloat != None: self.mFileAvailableChunkInt = 0
self.mDurationSecFloat = inDurationSecFloat
self.mChunkSecFloat = inChunkSecFloat
self.mFolderPathStr = inFolderPathStr
self.mFileNameStr = inFileNameStr
self.mFileFormatStr = inFileFormatStr
self.mAudio = pyaudio.PyAudio()
self.mSampleSizeInt = self.mAudio.get_sample_size(pyaudio.paInt16)
self.mCallbackChunkDef = inCallbackChunkDef
self.mCallbackStopDef = inCallbackStopDef
lDeviceInfoDict = self.mAudio.get_device_info_by_index(self.mDeviceInt)
#Open stream
self.mSampleRateInt = int(lDeviceInfoDict["defaultSampleRate"])
self.mChannelCountInt = lDeviceInfoDict["maxInputChannels"] if (lDeviceInfoDict["maxOutputChannels"] < lDeviceInfoDict["maxInputChannels"]) else lDeviceInfoDict["maxOutputChannels"]
self.mStream = = pyaudio.paInt16,
channels = self.mChannelCountInt,
rate = self.mSampleRateInt,
input = True,
frames_per_buffer = self.mFramesInt,
input_device_index = lDeviceInfoDict["index"],
as_loopback = not self.mIsMicrophoneBool)
self.mCaptureThread = threading.Thread(target=self.__Capture__, daemon = True)
self.mStartSecFloat = time.time()
self.mStartChunkSecFloat = self.mStartSecFloat
def __Capture__(self):
while self.mCaptureBool==True:
def CaptureWait(self, inWaitCallbackChunkBool = True, inWaitCallbackStopBool = True):
"""L-,W+: Ожидать окончания захвата аудио. Дополнительно настраивается ожидание окончания всех callback функций.
.. code-block:: python
from pyOpenRPA.Robot import Audio
lRec = Audio.Recorder()
lRec.CaptureStart(inFileNameStr = "out", inFileFormatStr = "mp3", inDurationSecFloat = 10.0, inChunkSecFloat = 5.0)
:param inWaitCallbackChunkBool: True - ожидать выполнение всех асинхронных callback по сохранению части аудиофайла, по умолчанию True
:type inWaitCallbackChunkBool: bool, опционально
:param inWaitCallbackStopBool: True - ожидать выполнение всех асинхронных callback по завершению записи, по умолчанию True
:type inWaitCallbackStopBool: bool, опционально
if inWaitCallbackChunkBool==True:
for lItemThread in self.mCallbackChunkDefThreadList:
if lItemThread.is_alive(): lItemThread.join()
self.mCallbackChunkDefThreadList = []
if inWaitCallbackStopBool==True:
for lItemThread in self.mCallbackStopDefThreadList:
if lItemThread.is_alive(): lItemThread.join()
self.mCallbackStopDefThreadList = []
def CaptureStop(self, inWaitStream=True, inExtra=None):
"""L-,W+: Остановить захват аудио
.. code-block:: python
from pyOpenRPA.Robot import Audio
lRec = Audio.Recorder()
lRec.CaptureStart(inFileNameStr = "out", inFileFormatStr = "mp3", inDurationSecFloat = None, inChunkSecFloat = 5.0)
:param inWaitStream: True - выполнить ожидание окончания потока захвата перед окончанием, по умолчанию True
:type inWaitStream: bool, опционально
:param inExtra: Дополнительный контент, необходимый для идентификации файла. В дальнейшем получить структуру можно с помощью функции FileInfoGet()['Extra'], по умолчанию None
:type inExtra: any, опционально
if inWaitStream == True: self.mCaptureThread.join()
#Close module
lFileNameStr = self.CaptureChunk(inExtra=inExtra, inForceChunkBool=False)
self.mStatusStr = "0_READY"
if self.mCallbackStopDef != None:
lCallbackThread = threading.Thread(target=self.mCallbackStopDef,args=[self, lFileNameStr], daemon = True)
def CaptureChunk(self, inExtra=None, inForceChunkBool=True, inShiftSecFloat = 0.0):
"""L-,W+: Зафиксировать захват аудио в виде промежуточного файла вида: <имя файла>_00000.mp3
.. code-block:: python
from pyOpenRPA.Robot import Audio
lRec = Audio.Recorder()
lRec.CaptureStart(inFileNameStr = "out", inFileFormatStr = "mp3", inDurationSecFloat = None, inChunkSecFloat = 5.0)
:param inExtra: Дополнительный контент, необходимый для идентификации файла. В дальнейшем получить структуру можно с помощью функции FileInfoGet()['Extra'], по умолчанию None
:type inExtra: any, опционально
:param inForceChunkBool: True - вне зависимости от текущего режима перейти на режим сохранения по частям, по умолчанию True
:type inForceChunkBool: bool, опционально
:param inShiftSecFloat: Последние секунды, которые не записывать в промежуточный аудиофайл. Они будут началом следующего аудио отрывка, по умолчанию 0.0
:type inShiftSecFloat: float
:return: Наименование сохраненного аудиофайла
:rtype: str
if inForceChunkBool==True and self.mFileAvailableChunkInt==None: self.mFileAvailableChunkInt=0
lFileNameStr = self.mFileNameStr
if self.mFileAvailableChunkInt!=None:
self.mFileAvailableChunkInt = self.mFileAvailableChunkInt + 1
lFileNameWExtStr = f"{lFileNameStr}.{self.mFileFormatStr}"
lFilePathStr = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.mFolderPathStr,lFileNameWExtStr))
lDataFrameBytes = b''.join(self.mRecordedFramesList)
if inShiftSecFloat != 0.0:
lFrameLenInt = int(self.mSampleSizeInt*inShiftSecFloat*self.mChannelCountInt*self.mSampleRateInt)
lFrameLenInt = int(lFrameLenInt // (self.mChannelCountInt * self.mSampleSizeInt)) * (self.mChannelCountInt * self.mSampleSizeInt)
if lFrameLenInt<len(lDataFrameBytes):
lDataFrameBytes = lDataFrameBytes[:-lFrameLenInt]
self.mRecordedFramesList = []
# Advanced usage, if you have raw audio data:
sound = AudioSegment(
# raw audio data (bytes)
# 2 byte (16 bit) samples
# 44.1 kHz frame rate
# stereo
lTimeSecFloat = time.time() - inShiftSecFloat
if not os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(self.mFolderPathStr)):
sound.export(lFilePathStr, format=f"{self.mFileFormatStr}")
self.mFileInfoDict[lFileNameWExtStr]= {
"StartSecFloat": self.mStartChunkSecFloat,
"EndSecFloat": lTimeSecFloat,
"Extra": inExtra,
"PathStr": lFilePathStr
if self.mCallbackChunkDef != None and self.mFileAvailableChunkInt!=None:
lCallbackThread = threading.Thread(target=self.mCallbackChunkDef,args=[self, lFileNameWExtStr], daemon = True)
self.mStartChunkSecFloat = lTimeSecFloat
return lFileNameWExtStr
def FileInfoGet(self, inFileNameStr=None):
"""L-,W+: Вернуть информацию по аудиофайлу inFileNameStr. Если inFileNameStr == None -> Функция вернет информацию по последнему записанному файлу
.. code-block:: python
from pyOpenRPA.Robot import Audio
lRec = Audio.Recorder()
lRec.CaptureStart(inFileNameStr = "out", inFileFormatStr = "mp3", inDurationSecFloat = None, inChunkSecFloat = 5.0)
lFileInfoDict = lRec.FileInfoGet()
:param inFileNameStr: Наименование аудиофайла с указанием расширения, по умолчанию None (взять последний записанный файл)
:type inFileNameStr: str, опционально
:return: {StartSecFloat:, EndSecFloat:, Extra:, PathStr:, } или None
:rtype: dict
if inFileNameStr == None: inFileNameStr = self.FileLastGet()
return self.mFileInfoDict.get(inFileNameStr, None)
def FileListGet(self):
"""L-,W+: Вернуть список сохраненных аудиофайлов (наименования)
.. code-block:: python
from pyOpenRPA.Robot import Audio
lRec = Audio.Recorder()
lRec.CaptureStart(inFileNameStr = "out", inFileFormatStr = "mp3", inDurationSecFloat = None, inChunkSecFloat = 5.0)
:return: ["out_00000.mp3", "out_00001.mp3", ...]
:rtype: list
return self.mFileNameList
def FileLastGet(self):
"""L-,W+: Вернуть наименование последнего сохраненного аудиофайла
.. code-block:: python
from pyOpenRPA.Robot import Audio
lRec = Audio.Recorder()
lRec.CaptureStart(inFileNameStr = "out", inFileFormatStr = "mp3", inDurationSecFloat = None, inChunkSecFloat = 5.0)
:return: ["out_00000.mp3", "out_00001.mp3", ...]
:rtype: list
return self.mFileNameList[-1]
#def IsSilent(self, inLastSecFloat=None):
# "Returns 'True' if below the 'silent' threshold"
# self.mSilentLastCheckTimeFloat = time.time()
# if inLastSecFloat == None: inLastSecFloat = self.mChunkSilentSecFloat
# lFrameLenInt = int(self.mSampleSizeInt*inLastSecFloat)
# if lFrameLenInt<len(self.mRecordedFramesList): lData = self.mRecordedFramesList[-lFrameLenInt:]
# else: lData = self.mRecordedFramesList
# return max(lData) < self.mThresholdInt
def __TriggerCheck__(self):
"""Контроль записи / остановки аудио по следующим критериям:
- Общая длительность,
- Максимальная длительность части,
- Максимальная длит тишины (часть),
- Максимальная длительность тишины (остановка),
# Проверка по длине записи (CHUNK)
if self.mChunkSecFloat != None and time.time() - self.mStartChunkSecFloat > self.mChunkSecFloat: self.CaptureChunk()
# Остановка записи по максимальной длине
if self.mDurationSecFloat != None and time.time() - self.mStartSecFloat > self.mDurationSecFloat: self.CaptureStop(inWaitStream=False)
# Проверка тишины
#if self.mChunkSilentSecFloat != None and time.time() - self.mSilentLastCheckTimeFloat and self.IsSilent(): self.mT.append("ТИШИНА!!")

@ -413,8 +413,6 @@ def Up(inKeyInt:int, inWaitAfterSecFloat:float=WAIT_AFTER_SEC_FLOAT) -> None:
.. code-block:: python .. code-block:: python
# Keyboard: Взаимодействие с клавиатурой # Keyboard: Взаимодействие с клавиатурой
@ -434,8 +432,6 @@ def Down(inKeyInt:int, inWaitAfterSecFloat:float=WAIT_AFTER_SEC_FLOAT) -> None:
.. code-block:: python .. code-block:: python
# Keyboard: Взаимодействие с клавиатурой # Keyboard: Взаимодействие с клавиатурой

@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ def BrowserClose():
""" """
global gBrowser global gBrowser
if gBrowser is not None: gBrowser.close() # ранее был gBrowser.close(), но он трактуется браузером как принудительное завершение if gBrowser is not None: gBrowser.quit()
def UIOSelectorList(inUIOSelectorStr, inUIO=None) -> list: def UIOSelectorList(inUIOSelectorStr, inUIO=None) -> list:
"""L+,W+: Получить список UIO объектов по UIO селектору. """L+,W+: Получить список UIO объектов по UIO селектору.
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ def UIOSelectorList(inUIOSelectorStr, inUIO=None) -> list:
UIWeb.BrowserChromeStart() UIWeb.BrowserChromeStart()
UIWeb.PageOpen("") UIWeb.PageOpen("")
lUIOSelectorStr = "//*[@id=\"grid\"]/div[2]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/ul/li[5]/div/a" lUIOSelectorStr = "//*[@id=\"grid\"]/div[2]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/ul/li[5]/div/a"
lUIOList = UIWeb.UIOSelectorList(inUIOSelectorStr = lUIOSelectorStr) lUIOList = UIOSelectorList(inUIOSelectorStr = lUIOSelectorStr)
UIWeb.BrowserClose() UIWeb.BrowserClose()
:param inUIOSelectorStr: XPATH или CSS селектор UI объекта на web странице. Подсказки по CSS: Подсказки по XPath: :param inUIOSelectorStr: XPATH или CSS селектор UI объекта на web странице. Подсказки по CSS: Подсказки по XPath:
@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ def UIOSelectorFirst(inUIOSelectorStr, inUIO=None) -> list:
UIWeb.BrowserChromeStart() UIWeb.BrowserChromeStart()
UIWeb.PageOpen("") UIWeb.PageOpen("")
lUIOSelectorStr = "//*[@id=\"grid\"]/div[2]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/ul/li[5]/div/a" lUIOSelectorStr = "//*[@id=\"grid\"]/div[2]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/ul/li[5]/div/a"
lUIO = UIWeb.UIOSelectorFirst(inUIOSelectorStr = lUIOSelectorStr) lUIO = UIOSelectorFirst(inUIOSelectorStr = lUIOSelectorStr)
UIWeb.BrowserClose() UIWeb.BrowserClose()
:param inUIOSelectorStr: XPATH или CSS селектор UI объекта на web странице. Подсказки по CSS: Подсказки по XPath: :param inUIOSelectorStr: XPATH или CSS селектор UI объекта на web странице. Подсказки по CSS: Подсказки по XPath:
@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ def UIOTextGet(inUIO) -> str:
UIWeb.BrowserChromeStart() UIWeb.BrowserChromeStart()
UIWeb.PageOpen("") UIWeb.PageOpen("")
lUIOSelectorStr = "//*[@id=\"grid\"]/div[2]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/ul/li[5]/div/a" lUIOSelectorStr = "//*[@id=\"grid\"]/div[2]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/ul/li[5]/div/a"
lUIO = UIWeb.UIOSelectorList(inUIOSelectorStr = lUIOSelectorStr)[0] lUIO = UIOSelectorList(inUIOSelectorStr = lUIOSelectorStr)[0]
lTextStr = UIWeb.UIOTextGet(inUIO=lUIO) lTextStr = UIWeb.UIOTextGet(inUIO=lUIO)
UIWeb.BrowserClose() UIWeb.BrowserClose()
@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ def UIOAttributeGet(inUIO, inAttributeStr) -> str:
UIWeb.BrowserChromeStart() UIWeb.BrowserChromeStart()
UIWeb.PageOpen("") UIWeb.PageOpen("")
lUIOSelectorStr = "//*[@id=\"grid\"]/div[2]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/ul/li[5]/div/a" lUIOSelectorStr = "//*[@id=\"grid\"]/div[2]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/ul/li[5]/div/a"
lUIO = UIWeb.UIOSelectorList(inUIOSelectorStr = lUIOSelectorStr)[0] lUIO = UIOSelectorList(inUIOSelectorStr = lUIOSelectorStr)[0]
UIWeb.UIOAttributeGet(inUIO=lUIO, inAttributeStr = "href") UIWeb.UIOAttributeGet(inUIO=lUIO, inAttributeStr = "href")
UIWeb.BrowserClose() UIWeb.BrowserClose()
@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ def UIOAttributeStyleGet(inUIO, inAttributeStr) -> str:
UIWeb.BrowserChromeStart() UIWeb.BrowserChromeStart()
UIWeb.PageOpen("") UIWeb.PageOpen("")
lUIOSelectorStr = "//*[@id=\"grid\"]/div[2]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/ul/li[5]/div/a" lUIOSelectorStr = "//*[@id=\"grid\"]/div[2]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/ul/li[5]/div/a"
lUIO = UIWeb.UIOSelectorList(inUIOSelectorStr = lUIOSelectorStr)[0] lUIO = UIOSelectorList(inUIOSelectorStr = lUIOSelectorStr)[0]
UIWeb.UIOAttributeStyleGet(inUIO=lUIO, inAttributeStr = "href") UIWeb.UIOAttributeStyleGet(inUIO=lUIO, inAttributeStr = "href")
UIWeb.BrowserClose() UIWeb.BrowserClose()
@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ def UIOAttributeSet(inUIO, inAttributeStr, inValue):
UIWeb.BrowserChromeStart() UIWeb.BrowserChromeStart()
UIWeb.PageOpen("") UIWeb.PageOpen("")
lUIOSelectorStr = "//*[@id=\"grid\"]/div[2]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/ul/li[5]/div/a" lUIOSelectorStr = "//*[@id=\"grid\"]/div[2]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/ul/li[5]/div/a"
lUIO = UIWeb.UIOSelectorList(inUIOSelectorStr = lUIOSelectorStr)[0] lUIO = UIOSelectorList(inUIOSelectorStr = lUIOSelectorStr)[0]
UIWeb.UIOAttributeSet(inUIO=lUIO, inAttributeStr = "href", inValue = "") UIWeb.UIOAttributeSet(inUIO=lUIO, inAttributeStr = "href", inValue = "")
UIWeb.BrowserClose() UIWeb.BrowserClose()
@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ def UIOAttributeRemove(inUIO, inAttributeStr):
UIWeb.BrowserChromeStart() UIWeb.BrowserChromeStart()
UIWeb.PageOpen("") UIWeb.PageOpen("")
lUIOSelectorStr = "//*[@id=\"grid\"]/div[2]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/ul/li[5]/div/a" lUIOSelectorStr = "//*[@id=\"grid\"]/div[2]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/ul/li[5]/div/a"
lUIO = UIWeb.UIOSelectorList(inUIOSelectorStr = lUIOSelectorStr)[0] lUIO = UIOSelectorList(inUIOSelectorStr = lUIOSelectorStr)[0]
UIWeb.UIOAttributeRemove(lUIO, "href") UIWeb.UIOAttributeRemove(lUIO, "href")
UIWeb.BrowserClose() UIWeb.BrowserClose()
@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ def UIOAttributeStyleSet(inUIO, inAttributeStr, inValue):
UIWeb.BrowserChromeStart() UIWeb.BrowserChromeStart()
UIWeb.PageOpen("") UIWeb.PageOpen("")
lUIOSelectorStr = "//*[@id=\"grid\"]/div[2]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/ul/li[5]/div/a" lUIOSelectorStr = "//*[@id=\"grid\"]/div[2]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/ul/li[5]/div/a"
lUIO = UIWeb.UIOSelectorList(inUIOSelectorStr = lUIOSelectorStr)[0] lUIO = UIOSelectorList(inUIOSelectorStr = lUIOSelectorStr)[0]
UIWeb.UIOAttributeStyleSet(inUIO=lUIO, inAttributeStr = "color", inValue = "grey") UIWeb.UIOAttributeStyleSet(inUIO=lUIO, inAttributeStr = "color", inValue = "grey")
UIWeb.BrowserClose() UIWeb.BrowserClose()
@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ def UIOAttributeStyleRemove(inUIO, inAttributeStr:str):
UIWeb.BrowserChromeStart() UIWeb.BrowserChromeStart()
UIWeb.PageOpen("") UIWeb.PageOpen("")
lUIOSelectorStr = "//*[@id=\"grid\"]/div[2]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/ul/li[5]/div/a" lUIOSelectorStr = "//*[@id=\"grid\"]/div[2]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/ul/li[5]/div/a"
lUIO = UIWeb.UIOSelectorList(inUIOSelectorStr = lUIOSelectorStr)[0] lUIO = UIOSelectorList(inUIOSelectorStr = lUIOSelectorStr)[0]
UIWeb.UIOAttributeStyleRemove(lUIO, "color") UIWeb.UIOAttributeStyleRemove(lUIO, "color")
UIWeb.BrowserClose() UIWeb.BrowserClose()
@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ def UIOClick(inUIO):
UIWeb.BrowserChromeStart() UIWeb.BrowserChromeStart()
UIWeb.PageOpen("") UIWeb.PageOpen("")
lUIOSelectorStr = "//*[@id=\"grid\"]/div[2]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/ul/li[5]/div/a" lUIOSelectorStr = "//*[@id=\"grid\"]/div[2]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/ul/li[5]/div/a"
lUIO = UIWeb.UIOSelectorList(inUIOSelectorStr = lUIOSelectorStr)[0] lUIO = UIOSelectorList(inUIOSelectorStr = lUIOSelectorStr)[0]
UIOClick(inUIO = lUIO) UIOClick(inUIO = lUIO)
UIWeb.BrowserClose() UIWeb.BrowserClose()
@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ def UIOSelectorHighlight(inUIOSelectorStr: str, inIsFirst:bool=False, inDuration
UIWeb.BrowserChromeStart() UIWeb.BrowserChromeStart()
UIWeb.PageOpen("") UIWeb.PageOpen("")
lUIOSelectorStr = "//*[@id=\"grid\"]/div[2]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/ul/li[5]/div/a" lUIOSelectorStr = "//*[@id=\"grid\"]/div[2]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/ul/li[5]/div/a"
UIWeb.UIOSelectorHighlight(inUIOSelectorStr = lUIOSelectorStr) UIOSelectorHighlight(inUIOSelectorStr = lUIOSelectorStr)
UIWeb.BrowserClose() UIWeb.BrowserClose()
:param inUIOSelectorStr: XPATH или CSS селектор UI элемента на web странице. Подсказки по CSS: Подсказки по XPath: :param inUIOSelectorStr: XPATH или CSS селектор UI элемента на web странице. Подсказки по CSS: Подсказки по XPath:
@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ def UIOSelectorClick(inUIOSelectorStr: str):
UIWeb.BrowserChromeStart() UIWeb.BrowserChromeStart()
UIWeb.PageOpen("") UIWeb.PageOpen("")
lUIOSelectorStr = "//*[@id=\"grid\"]/div[2]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/ul/li[5]/div/a" lUIOSelectorStr = "//*[@id=\"grid\"]/div[2]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/ul/li[5]/div/a"
UIWeb.UIOSelectorClick(inUIOSelectorStr = lUIOSelectorStr) UIOSelectorClick(inUIOSelectorStr = lUIOSelectorStr)
UIWeb.BrowserClose() UIWeb.BrowserClose()
:param inUIOSelectorStr: XPATH или CSS селектор UI элемента на web странице. Подсказки по CSS: Подсказки по XPath: :param inUIOSelectorStr: XPATH или CSS селектор UI элемента на web странице. Подсказки по CSS: Подсказки по XPath:
@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ def UIOSelectorWaitAppear(inUIOSelectorStr:str, inWaitSecFloat:float=UIO_WAIT_SE
UIWeb.BrowserChromeStart() UIWeb.BrowserChromeStart()
UIWeb.PageOpen("") UIWeb.PageOpen("")
lUIOSelectorStr = "//*[@id=\"grid\"]/div[2]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/ul/li[5]/div/a" lUIOSelectorStr = "//*[@id=\"grid\"]/div[2]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/ul/li[5]/div/a"
lAppearUIOList = UIWeb.UIOSelectorWaitAppear(inUIOSelectorStr = lUIOSelectorStr) lAppearUIOList = UIOSelectorWaitAppear(inUIOSelectorStr = lUIOSelectorStr)
UIWeb.BrowserClose() UIWeb.BrowserClose()
:param inUIOSelectorStr: XPATH или CSS селектор UI элемента на web странице. Подсказки по CSS: Подсказки по XPath: :param inUIOSelectorStr: XPATH или CSS селектор UI элемента на web странице. Подсказки по CSS: Подсказки по XPath:
@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ def UIOSelectorWaitDisappear(inUIOSelectorStr:str, inWaitSecFloat:float=UIO_WAIT
UIWeb.BrowserChromeStart() UIWeb.BrowserChromeStart()
UIWeb.PageOpen("") UIWeb.PageOpen("")
lUIOSelectorStr = "//*[@id=\"grid\"]/div[2]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/ul/li[5]/div/a" lUIOSelectorStr = "//*[@id=\"grid\"]/div[2]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/ul/li[5]/div/a"
UIWeb.UIOSelectorWaitDisappear(inUIOSelectorStr = lUIOSelectorStr) UIOSelectorWaitDisappear(inUIOSelectorStr = lUIOSelectorStr)
UIWeb.BrowserClose() UIWeb.BrowserClose()
:param inUIOSelectorStr: XPATH или CSS селектор UI элемента на web странице. Подсказки по CSS: Подсказки по XPath: :param inUIOSelectorStr: XPATH или CSS селектор UI элемента на web странице. Подсказки по CSS: Подсказки по XPath:
@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ def UIOSelectorDetect(inUIOSelectorStr:str) -> str:
from pyOpenRPA.Robot import UIWeb from pyOpenRPA.Robot import UIWeb
lUIOSelectorStr = "#grid > div.grid-middle > div.grid__main-col.svelte-2y66pa > div.grid_newscol.grid_newscol__more-pulse.svelte-1yvqfic > div.grid__ccol.svelte-1yvqfic > ul > li:nth-child(5) > div > a" lUIOSelectorStr = "#grid > div.grid-middle > div.grid__main-col.svelte-2y66pa > div.grid_newscol.grid_newscol__more-pulse.svelte-1yvqfic > div.grid__ccol.svelte-1yvqfic > ul > li:nth-child(5) > div > a"
lUIOSelectorStr = "//*[@id=\"grid\"]/div[2]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/ul/li[5]/div/a" lUIOSelectorStr = "//*[@id=\"grid\"]/div[2]/div[2]/div[3]/div[1]/ul/li[5]/div/a"
lResultStr = UIWeb.UIOSelectorDetect(inUIOSelectorStr = lUIOSelectorStr) lResultStr = UIOSelectorDetect(inUIOSelectorStr = lUIOSelectorStr)
:param inUIOSelectorStr: XPATH или CSS селектор UI объекта на web странице. Подсказки по CSS: Подсказки по XPath: :param inUIOSelectorStr: XPATH или CSS селектор UI объекта на web странице. Подсказки по CSS: Подсказки по XPath:
:type inUIOSelectorStr: str :type inUIOSelectorStr: str

@ -30,13 +30,6 @@ RobotConnector.mGlobalDict = gSettingsDict
#Init the robot #Init the robot
RobotConnector.UIDesktop.Utils.ProcessBitness.SettingsInit(gSettingsDict["ProcessBitness"]) RobotConnector.UIDesktop.Utils.ProcessBitness.SettingsInit(gSettingsDict["ProcessBitness"])
from pyOpenRPA.Utils.Render import Render
from pyOpenRPA.Tools import CrossOS #
lFileStr = CrossOS.PathJoinList(CrossOS.PathSplitList(__file__)[:-2] + ["Resources","Web","orpa","std.xhtml"])
gRender = Render(inTemplatePathStr=lFileStr,inTemplateRefreshBool=True)
from pyOpenRPA import __version__
# HTTP Studio web server class # HTTP Studio web server class
class testHTTPServer_RequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): class testHTTPServer_RequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
#ResponseContentTypeFile #ResponseContentTypeFile
@ -56,16 +49,7 @@ class testHTTPServer_RequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
lStudioFolder = "\\".join(__file__.split("\\")[:-1]) lStudioFolder = "\\".join(__file__.split("\\")[:-1])
#Мост между файлом и http запросом (новый формат) #Мост между файлом и http запросом (новый формат)
if self.path == "/": if self.path == "/":
# Пример использования self.SendResponseContentTypeFile('text/html', os.path.join(lStudioFolder, "Web\\Index.xhtml"))
global gRender
lStr = gRender.Generate(inDataDict={"title":"СТУДИЯ PYOPENRPA", "subtitle":"ПОИСК UIO СЕЛЕКТОРА", "version":__version__})
# Send response status code
# Send headers
# Write content as utf-8 data
self.wfile.write(bytes(lStr, "utf8"))
#Мост между файлом и http запросом (новый формат) #Мост между файлом и http запросом (новый формат)
if self.path == '/3rdParty/Semantic-UI-CSS-master/semantic.min.css': if self.path == '/3rdParty/Semantic-UI-CSS-master/semantic.min.css':
self.SendResponseContentTypeFile('text/css', os.path.join(lStudioFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\Semantic-UI-CSS-master\\semantic.min.css")) self.SendResponseContentTypeFile('text/css', os.path.join(lStudioFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\Semantic-UI-CSS-master\\semantic.min.css"))
@ -83,55 +67,10 @@ class testHTTPServer_RequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
self.SendResponseContentTypeFile('font/woff2', os.path.join(lStudioFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\Semantic-UI-CSS-master\\themes\\default\\assets\\fonts\\icons.woff2")) self.SendResponseContentTypeFile('font/woff2', os.path.join(lStudioFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\Semantic-UI-CSS-master\\themes\\default\\assets\\fonts\\icons.woff2"))
#Мост между файлом и http запросом (новый формат) #Мост между файлом и http запросом (новый формат)
if self.path == '/favicon.ico': if self.path == '/favicon.ico':
self.SendResponseContentTypeFile('image/x-icon', os.path.join(lStudioFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\orpa\\favicon.ico")) self.SendResponseContentTypeFile('image/x-icon', os.path.join(lStudioFolder, "Web\\favicon.ico"))
#Мост между файлом и http запросом (новый формат)
if self.path == '/pyOpenRPA_logo.png' or self.path == '/orpa/resources/Web/orpa/logo.png':
self.SendResponseContentTypeFile('image/png', os.path.join(lStudioFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\orpa\\logo.png"))
#Мост между файлом и http запросом (новый формат) #Мост между файлом и http запросом (новый формат)
if self.path == '/pyOpenRPA_logo.png' or self.path == '/orpa/resources/Web/orpa/logo.png': if self.path == '/pyOpenRPA_logo.png':
self.SendResponseContentTypeFile('image/png', os.path.join(lStudioFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\orpa\\logo.png")) self.SendResponseContentTypeFile('image/png', os.path.join(lStudioFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\pyOpenRPA_logo.png"))
if self.path == '/orpa/resources/Web/orpa/styleset/home.css': self.SendResponseContentTypeFile('text/css', os.path.join(lStudioFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\orpa\\styleset\\home.css"))
if self.path == '/orpa/resources/Web/orpa/styleset/home.js': self.SendResponseContentTypeFile('application/javascript', os.path.join(lStudioFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\orpa\\styleset\\home.js"))
if self.path == '/orpa/resources/Web/orpa/styleset/bg1.jpg': self.SendResponseContentTypeFile('image/png', os.path.join(lStudioFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\orpa\\styleset\\bg1.jpg"))
if self.path == '/orpa/resources/Web/orpa/styleset/bg2.jpg': self.SendResponseContentTypeFile('image/png', os.path.join(lStudioFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\orpa\\styleset\\bg2.jpg"))
if self.path == '/orpa/resources/Web/orpa/styleset/bg3.jpg': self.SendResponseContentTypeFile('image/png', os.path.join(lStudioFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\orpa\\styleset\\bg3.jpg"))
if self.path == '/orpa/resources/Web/orpa/styleset/bg4.jpg': self.SendResponseContentTypeFile('image/png', os.path.join(lStudioFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\orpa\\styleset\\bg4.jpg"))
if self.path == '/orpa/resources/Web/orpa/styleset/bg5.jpg': self.SendResponseContentTypeFile('image/png', os.path.join(lStudioFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\orpa\\styleset\\bg5.jpg"))
if self.path == '/orpa/resources/Web/orpa/styleset/bg6.jpg': self.SendResponseContentTypeFile('image/png', os.path.join(lStudioFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\orpa\\styleset\\bg6.jpg"))
if self.path == '/orpa/resources/Web/orpa/styleset/bg7.jpg': self.SendResponseContentTypeFile('image/png', os.path.join(lStudioFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\orpa\\styleset\\bg7.jpg"))
if self.path == '/orpa/resources/Web/orpa/styleset/bg8.jpg': self.SendResponseContentTypeFile('image/png', os.path.join(lStudioFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\orpa\\styleset\\bg8.jpg"))
if self.path == '/orpa/resources/Web/orpa/styleset/bg9.jpg': self.SendResponseContentTypeFile('image/png', os.path.join(lStudioFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\orpa\\styleset\\bg9.jpg"))
if self.path == '/orpa/resources/Web/orpa/styleset/bg10.jpg': self.SendResponseContentTypeFile('image/png', os.path.join(lStudioFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\orpa\\styleset\\bg10.jpg"))
if self.path == '/orpa/resources/Web/Semantic-UI-CSS-master/components/site.css': self.SendResponseContentTypeFile('text/css', os.path.join(lStudioFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\Semantic-UI-CSS-master\\components\\site.css"))
if self.path == '/orpa/resources/Web/Semantic-UI-CSS-master/components/reset.css': self.SendResponseContentTypeFile('text/css', os.path.join(lStudioFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\Semantic-UI-CSS-master\\components\\reset.css"))
if self.path == '/orpa/resources/Web/Semantic-UI-CSS-master/components/container.css': self.SendResponseContentTypeFile('text/css', os.path.join(lStudioFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\Semantic-UI-CSS-master\\components\\container.css"))
if self.path == '/orpa/resources/Web/Semantic-UI-CSS-master/components/grid.css': self.SendResponseContentTypeFile('text/css', os.path.join(lStudioFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\Semantic-UI-CSS-master\\components\\grid.css"))
if self.path == '/orpa/resources/Web/Semantic-UI-CSS-master/components/header.css': self.SendResponseContentTypeFile('text/css', os.path.join(lStudioFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\Semantic-UI-CSS-master\\components\\header.css"))
if self.path == '/orpa/resources/Web/Semantic-UI-CSS-master/components/image.css': self.SendResponseContentTypeFile('text/css', os.path.join(lStudioFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\Semantic-UI-CSS-master\\components\\image.css"))
if self.path == '/orpa/resources/Web/Semantic-UI-CSS-master/components/divider.css': self.SendResponseContentTypeFile('text/css', os.path.join(lStudioFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\Semantic-UI-CSS-master\\components\\divider.css"))
if self.path == '/orpa/resources/Web/Semantic-UI-CSS-master/components/menu.css': self.SendResponseContentTypeFile('text/css', os.path.join(lStudioFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\Semantic-UI-CSS-master\\components\\menu.css"))
if self.path == '/orpa/resources/Web/Semantic-UI-CSS-master/components/dropdown.css': self.SendResponseContentTypeFile('text/css', os.path.join(lStudioFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\Semantic-UI-CSS-master\\components\\dropdown.css"))
if self.path == '/orpa/resources/Web/Semantic-UI-CSS-master/components/segment.css': self.SendResponseContentTypeFile('text/css', os.path.join(lStudioFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\Semantic-UI-CSS-master\\components\\segment.css"))
if self.path == '/orpa/resources/Web/Semantic-UI-CSS-master/components/button.css': self.SendResponseContentTypeFile('text/css', os.path.join(lStudioFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\Semantic-UI-CSS-master\\components\\button.css"))
if self.path == '/orpa/resources/Web/Semantic-UI-CSS-master/components/list.css': self.SendResponseContentTypeFile('text/css', os.path.join(lStudioFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\Semantic-UI-CSS-master\\components\\list.css"))
if self.path == '/orpa/resources/Web/Semantic-UI-CSS-master/components/sidebar.css': self.SendResponseContentTypeFile('text/css', os.path.join(lStudioFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\Semantic-UI-CSS-master\\components\\sidebar.css"))
if self.path == '/orpa/resources/Web/Semantic-UI-CSS-master/components/icon.css': self.SendResponseContentTypeFile('text/css', os.path.join(lStudioFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\Semantic-UI-CSS-master\\components\\icon.css"))
if self.path == '/orpa/resources/Web/Semantic-UI-CSS-master/components/transition.css': self.SendResponseContentTypeFile('text/css', os.path.join(lStudioFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\Semantic-UI-CSS-master\\components\\transition.css"))
if self.path == '/orpa/resources/Web/orpa/styleset/sidebar.js': self.SendResponseContentTypeFile('application/javascript', os.path.join(lStudioFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\orpa\\styleset\\sidebar.js"))
if self.path == '/orpa/resources/Web/orpa/styleset/transition.js': self.SendResponseContentTypeFile('application/javascript', os.path.join(lStudioFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\orpa\\styleset\\transition.js"))
if self.path == '/orpa/resources/Web/orpa/styleset/docs.js': self.SendResponseContentTypeFile('application/javascript', os.path.join(lStudioFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\orpa\\styleset\\docs.js"))
if self.path == '/orpa/resources/Web/orpa/styleset/visibility.js': self.SendResponseContentTypeFile('application/javascript', os.path.join(lStudioFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\orpa\\styleset\\visibility.js"))
if self.path == '/orpa/resources/Web/orpa/styleset/highlight.min.js': self.SendResponseContentTypeFile('application/javascript', os.path.join(lStudioFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\orpa\\styleset\\highlight.min.js"))
if self.path == '/orpa/resources/Web/orpa/styleset/less.min.js': self.SendResponseContentTypeFile('application/javascript', os.path.join(lStudioFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\orpa\\styleset\\less.min.js"))
if self.path == '/orpa/resources/Web/orpa/styleset/easing.min.js': self.SendResponseContentTypeFile('application/javascript', os.path.join(lStudioFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\orpa\\styleset\\easing.min.js"))
if self.path == '/metadata.json': self.SendResponseContentTypeFile('application/json', os.path.join(lStudioFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\orpa\\\styleset\\metadata.json"))
if self.path == '/orpa/resources/Web/Semantic-UI-CSS-master/themes/default/assets/fonts/icons.woff2': self.SendResponseContentTypeFile('font/woff2', os.path.join(lStudioFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\Semantic-UI-CSS-master\\themes\\default\\assets\\fonts\\icons.woff2"))
if self.path == '/orpa/resources/Web/Semantic-UI-CSS-master/themes/default/assets/fonts/icons.woff': self.SendResponseContentTypeFile('font/woff', os.path.join(lStudioFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\Semantic-UI-CSS-master\\themes\\default\\assets\\fonts\\icons.woff"))
if self.path == '/orpa/resources/Web/Semantic-UI-CSS-master/themes/default/assets/fonts/icons.ttf': self.SendResponseContentTypeFile('font/ttf', os.path.join(lStudioFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\Semantic-UI-CSS-master\\themes\\default\\assets\\fonts\\icons.ttf"))
if self.path == '/orpa/resources/Web/Semantic-UI-CSS-master/semantic.min.css': self.SendResponseContentTypeFile('text/css', os.path.join(lStudioFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\Semantic-UI-CSS-master\\semantic.min.css"))
def do_POST(self): def do_POST(self):
#Restart studio #Restart studio

@ -2,15 +2,12 @@
<html lang="en" > <html lang="en" >
<head> <head>
<meta charset="utf-8"> <meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Студия pyOpenRPA</title> <title>pyOpenRPA - studio</title>
<meta name="description" content="Ведущий RPA разработчик российского программного обеспечения. RPA платформа позволяет решать любые бизнес-задачи. Комплексное решение от компании RPA pyOpenRPA. Первое открытое российское RPA решение для крупного / среднего / малого бизнеса. Доступная автоматизация для каждого."> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="3rdParty/Semantic-UI-CSS-master/semantic.min.css">
<meta name="keywords" content="rpa, программные роботы, автоматизация бизнес-процессов, цифровые сотрудники, виртуальные сотрудники">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/orpa/resources/Web/Semantic-UI-CSS-master/semantic.min.css">
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<script <script
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<script src="/3rdParty/Semantic-UI-CSS-master/semantic.min.js"></script> <script src="3rdParty/Semantic-UI-CSS-master/semantic.min.js"></script>
<script> <script>
// Production steps of ECMA-262, Edition 6, // Production steps of ECMA-262, Edition 6,
if (!Array.from) { if (!Array.from) {
@ -270,7 +267,7 @@
mGlobal.ElementTree.fRender = function(inElementsTreeDataArray,inBackendString) mGlobal.ElementTree.fRender = function(inElementsTreeDataArray,inBackendString)
{ {
var lHTMLList= var lHTMLList=
'<b style="font-size:10px;" >Протокол: '+inBackendString+'</b>\ '<b style="font-size:10px;" >Backend: '+inBackendString+'</b>\
<div class="ui list" style="height:'+mGlobal.Settings.mUIOTreeHeight+'px;overflow:scroll; margin-top:0px;">'; <div class="ui list" style="height:'+mGlobal.Settings.mUIOTreeHeight+'px;overflow:scroll; margin-top:0px;">';
///Циклический обход списка ///Циклический обход списка
for (var i = 0; i< inElementsTreeDataArray.length;i++) { for (var i = 0; i< inElementsTreeDataArray.length;i++) {
@ -330,9 +327,9 @@
<div class="content">\ <div class="content">\
<div class="header" '+lIconSelectOnClick+'>'+inItem.title+'</div>\ <div class="header" '+lIconSelectOnClick+'>'+inItem.title+'</div>\
<div class="description" '+lIconSelectOnClick+'>process_id:'+inItem.process_id+'; handle:'+inItem.handle+'; class_name: '+inItem.class_name+'; RECT:L'+inItem.rectangle.left+' T'' R'+inItem.rectangle.right+' B'+inItem.rectangle.bottom+'</div>\ <div class="description" '+lIconSelectOnClick+'>process_id:'+inItem.process_id+'; handle:'+inItem.handle+'; class_name: '+inItem.class_name+'; RECT:L'+inItem.rectangle.left+' T'' R'+inItem.rectangle.right+' B'+inItem.rectangle.bottom+'</div>\
<a class="ui tag label teal mini" '+lSubItemActionOnRightClick+'>Подсветить UIO</a>\ <a class="ui tag label teal mini" '+lSubItemActionOnRightClick+'>Highlight</a>\
<a class="ui tag label teal mini" '+lSubItemActionOnClick+'>Развернуть</a>\ <a class="ui tag label teal mini" '+lSubItemActionOnClick+'>Expand</a>\
<a class="ui tag label teal mini" '+lIconUpOnClick+'>Поиск мыши</a>\ <a class="ui tag label teal mini" '+lIconUpOnClick+'>Mouse search</a>\
'+lSubListHTML+'\ '+lSubListHTML+'\
</div>\ </div>\
</div>' </div>'
@ -373,9 +370,9 @@
<div class="content">\ <div class="content">\
<div class="header" '+lIconSelectOnClick+'>'+lTitle+'</div>\ <div class="header" '+lIconSelectOnClick+'>'+lTitle+'</div>\
<div class="description" '+lIconSelectOnClick+'>process_id:'+lResponseJSON.Result[i].process_id+'; handle:'+lSubItemHandleId+'; class_name: '+lResponseJSON.Result[i].class_name+'; RECT:L'+lResponseJSON.Result[i].rectangle.left+' T'+lResponseJSON.Result[i]' R'+lResponseJSON.Result[i].rectangle.right+' B'+lResponseJSON.Result[i].rectangle.bottom+'</div>\ <div class="description" '+lIconSelectOnClick+'>process_id:'+lResponseJSON.Result[i].process_id+'; handle:'+lSubItemHandleId+'; class_name: '+lResponseJSON.Result[i].class_name+'; RECT:L'+lResponseJSON.Result[i].rectangle.left+' T'+lResponseJSON.Result[i]' R'+lResponseJSON.Result[i].rectangle.right+' B'+lResponseJSON.Result[i].rectangle.bottom+'</div>\
<a class="ui tag label teal mini" '+lSubItemActionOnRightClick+'>Подсветить UIO</a>\ <a class="ui tag label teal mini" '+lSubItemActionOnRightClick+'>Highlight</a>\
<a class="ui tag label teal mini" '+lSubItemActionOnClick+'>Развернуть</a>\ <a class="ui tag label teal mini" '+lSubItemActionOnClick+'>Expand</a>\
<a class="ui tag label teal mini" '+lIconUpOnClick+'>Поиск мыши</a>\ <a class="ui tag label teal mini" '+lIconUpOnClick+'>Mouse search</a>\
</div>\ </div>\
</div>' </div>'
//Добавить информацию об элементе в словарь JS //Добавить информацию об элементе в словарь JS
@ -398,7 +395,7 @@
mGlobal.TreeObjectInfoLoad =function (inElementId) { mGlobal.TreeObjectInfoLoad =function (inElementId) {
//Подгрузка массива спецификаций //Подгрузка массива спецификаций
lSpecificationArray = mGlobal.GUIElement[inElementId].GUISelectorFull lSpecificationArray = mGlobal.GUIElement[inElementId].GUISelectorFull
var lHTMLList='<div class="ui relaxed divided list" style="height:'+mGlobal.Settings.mUIOTreeHeight+'px;overflow:scroll;margin-top: 22px;">' var lHTMLList='<div class="ui relaxed divided list" style="height:'+mGlobal.Settings.mUIOTreeHeight+'px;overflow:scroll;">'
var lSpecificationArrayNew=[] var lSpecificationArrayNew=[]
for (i=0;i<lSpecificationArray.length;i++) { for (i=0;i<lSpecificationArray.length;i++) {
lSpecificationArrayNew.push(lSpecificationArray[i]) lSpecificationArrayNew.push(lSpecificationArray[i])
@ -451,7 +448,7 @@
success: success:
function(lData,l2,l3) function(lData,l2,l3)
{ {
var lHTMLList='<div class="ui relaxed divided list" style="height:'+mGlobal.Settings.mUIOTreeHeight+'px;overflow:scroll; margin-top: 22px;">' var lHTMLList='<div class="ui relaxed divided list" style="height:'+mGlobal.Settings.mUIOTreeHeight+'px;overflow:scroll;">'
var lResponseJSON = JSON.parse(lData) var lResponseJSON = JSON.parse(lData)
///Ошибка ///Ошибка
if (lResponseJSON["ErrorFlag"]) { if (lResponseJSON["ErrorFlag"]) {
@ -857,91 +854,171 @@
</style> </style>
</head> </head>
<body> <body>
{% include 'header.xhtml' %} <div class="ui internally celled grid">
<div class="row black">
<div class="sixteen wide column" style="display: flex;">
<img src="pyOpenRPA_logo.png" width="70px;" height="70px"></img>
<h1 class="ui header inverted" style="cursor: pointer" onclick="'','_blank');">pyOpenRPA</h1>
<h5 style="cursor: pointer" onclick="'','_blank');">by Ivan Maslov</h5>
<h1 class="ui header inverted">Studio Web GUI</h1>
<div class="ui aligned stackable grid container"> <div class="row">
<h2 class="ui header" style="margin-top: 60px;"> <div class="six wide column" >
<i class="search icon"></i> <div class="ui input">
<div class="content"> <input class="openrpa-value-backend" type="text" placeholder="Backend win32 | uia" value="win32">
Шаг 1. Обнаружить UIO </div>
<button class="ui labeled icon button red" onclick="mGlobal.Actions.fRestartStudioServer();">
<i class="icon redo alternate"></i>
Restart Studio
<b style="font-size:10px;color: #b1b1b1;" >Backend: win32 or uia</b>
</div> </div>
<div class="row"> <div class="row">
<div class="six wide column rpa-object-tree" > <div class="six wide column rpa-object-tree" >
</div> </div>
<div class="six wide column rpa-hierarchy" > <div class="six wide column rpa-hierarchy" >
<p>Выбрать UI элемент слева в дереве </p> <p>Select element in the tree to see hierarchy list</p>
</div> </div>
<div class="four wide column rpa-property-list" > <div class="four wide column rpa-property-list" >
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
<div class="row"> <div class="row black">
<div class="three wide column">
<div class="ui input">
<input class="openrpa-value-backend" type="text" placeholder="Протокол: win32 | uia" value="uia">
<b style="font-size:10px;color: #b1b1b1;" >Протокол: <span onclick="$('.openrpa-value-backend')[0].value='win32'" style="color:blue; cursor: pointer;">win32</span> или <span onclick="$('.openrpa-value-backend')[0].value='uia'" style="color:blue; cursor: pointer;">uia</span></b>
<div class="three wide column"> <div class="three wide column">
<button class="ui button grey labeled icon mini" onclick="mGlobal.GUIRefreshTree()"> <button class="ui button grey labeled icon mini" onclick="mGlobal.GUIRefreshTree()">
<i class="up refresh icon"></i> <i class="up refresh icon"></i>
Обновить дерево Refresh tree
</button> </button>
</div> </div>
<div class="ten wide column"> <div class="three wide column">
</div> </div>
<div class="ten wide column">
</div> </div>
<h2 class="ui header">
<i class="edit icon"></i>
<div class="content">
Шаг 2. Редактировать UIO селектор
</div> </div>
<div class="row"> <div class="row">
<div class="eight wide column"> <div class="eight wide column">
<div class="ui tiny header" style="margin-bottom:0px;">Редактировать UIO селектор</div> <div class="ui tiny header" style="margin-bottom:0px;">Edit GUI selector</div>
<b style="font-size:1em;color: #797979;" >[{"depth_start": 1, "depth_end": 1, "index"|"ctrl_index": 0, "title": "", "title_re": ".*", "rich_text": "", "rich_text_re": ".*", "class_name": "", "class_name_re": ".*", "friendly_class_name": "", "friendly_class_name_re": ".*", "control_type": "", "control_type_re": ".*", "is_enabled": true, "is_visible": true}]</b> <b style="font-size:10px;color: #797979;" >[{"depth_start": &ltint from 1&gt, "depth_end": &ltint from 1+&gt, "index"|"ctrl_index": &ltint from 0&gt, "title": &ltstr&gt, "title_re": &ltstr re pattern&gt, "rich_text": &ltstr&gt, "rich_text_re": &ltstr re pattern&gt, "class_name": &ltstr&gt, "class_name_re": &ltstr re pattern&gt, "friendly_class_name": &ltstr&gt, "f"riendly_class_name_re": &ltstr re pattern&gt, "control_type": &ltstr&gt, "control_type_re": &ltstr re pattern&gt, "is_enabled": &ltbool&gt, "is_visible": &ltbool&gt}]</b>
<textarea style="width:100%; font-size:12pt" class="rpa-gui-selector" rows="6" cols="60"></textarea> <textarea style="width:100%; font-size:12pt" class="rpa-gui-selector" rows="6" cols="60"></textarea>
<button class="large ui blue button rpa-action-highlight" onclick="mGlobal.ElementHighlightNewGUISelectorString($('.rpa-gui-selector')[0].value);">Подсветить UIO</button> <button class="large ui blue button rpa-action-highlight" onclick="mGlobal.ElementHighlightNewGUISelectorString($('.rpa-gui-selector')[0].value);">Highlight element</button>
<button class="large ui grey button rpa-action-validate" onclick="mGlobal.ElementValidateGUISelectorString($('.rpa-gui-selector')[0].value);">Поиск UIO</button> <button class="large ui grey button rpa-action-validate" onclick="mGlobal.ElementValidateGUISelectorString($('.rpa-gui-selector')[0].value);">Validate element</button>
<div class="ui tiny header">Список подходящих UIO</div> <div class="ui tiny header">Validate Result</div>
<div class="content openrpa-validate-result divided list" style="overflow:scroll; height: 100px;"></div> <div class="content openrpa-validate-result divided list" style="overflow:scroll; height: 100px;"></div>
</div> </div>
<div class="eight wide column"> <div class="eight wide column">
<div class="ui tiny header">Выбрать действие</div> <div class="ui tiny header">Select action</div>
<button class="ui button blue labeled icon" onclick="mGlobal.GUIActionLoadList();"> <button class="ui button blue labeled icon" onclick="mGlobal.GUIActionLoadList();">
<i class="right arrow icon"></i> <i class="right arrow icon"></i>
Загрузить Load actions
</button> </button>
<div class="ui search selection dropdown gui-action" style="width:350px;"> <div class="ui search selection dropdown gui-action" style="width:410px;">
<input type="hidden" name="country"> <input type="hidden" name="country">
<i class="dropdown icon"></i> <i class="dropdown icon"></i>
<div class="default text">Выбрать действие</div> <div class="default text">Select action</div>
<div class="menu"> <div class="menu">
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
<div class="ui tiny header">Установить аргументы</div> <div class="ui tiny header">Set arguments</div>
<div class="ui input" style="width:500px;"> <div class="ui input" style="width:500px;">
<input type="text" placeholder="[Аргумент 1, Аргумент 2...]" class="rpa-argument-list"> <input type="text" placeholder="[GUAActionArg1, GUAActionArg2...]" class="rpa-argument-list">
</div> </div>
<p></p> <p></p>
<button class="large ui green button" onclick="mGlobal.GUIActionRun();">Установить фокус и выполнить действие</button> <button class="large ui green button" onclick="mGlobal.GUIActionRun();">Set focus + Run action</button>
<div class="ui tiny header">Результат</div> <button class="large ui grey button" onclick="mGlobal.GUIActionAddToList();">+ Code list</button>
<div class="ui tiny header">Result</div>
<div class="content gui-result"></div> <div class="content gui-result"></div>
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
<div class="row black">
<div class="sixteen wide column">
</div> </div>
{% include 'footer.xhtml' %} </div>
<div class="row">
<div class="eight wide column">
<div class="ui tiny header">Other activity</div>
<a class="ui tag label teal mini" onclick="$('.openrpa-other-activity-module-name-input')[0].value='time'; $('.openrpa-other-activity-activity-name-input')[0].value='sleep'; $('.openrpa-other-activity-argument-list-input')[0].value='[3]'; $('.openrpa-other-activity-argument-dict-input')[0].value=''; $('.gui-code-result').html('');">Sleep 3s</a>
<a class="ui tag label teal mini" onclick="$('.openrpa-other-activity-module-name-input')[0].value='Window'; $('.openrpa-other-activity-activity-name-input')[0].value='DialogYesNo'; $('.openrpa-other-activity-argument-list-input')[0].value='[&quot;Type title here&quot;,&quot;Type body message here&quot;]'; $('.openrpa-other-activity-argument-dict-input')[0].value=''; $('.gui-code-result').html('');">Show dialog YesNo</a>
<div class="ui tiny header">Module name</div>
<div class="ui input" style="width:300px;">
<input type="text" placeholder="time|keyboard|..." class="openrpa-other-activity-module-name-input">
<div class="ui tiny header">Activity name</div>
<div class="ui input" style="width:300px;">
<input type="text" placeholder="sleep|..." class="openrpa-other-activity-activity-name-input">
<div class="ui tiny header">Argument list</div>
<div class="ui input" style="width:300px;">
<input type="text" placeholder="[3]|[...]" class="openrpa-other-activity-argument-list-input">
<div class="ui tiny header">Argument dict</div>
<div class="ui input" style="width:300px;">
<input type="text" placeholder="{&quot;title&quot;:&quot;OpenRPA&quot;}|{...}" class="openrpa-other-activity-argument-dict-input">
<button class="large ui green button" onclick="mGlobal.OtherActivityRun();">Run activity</button>
<button class="large ui grey button" onclick="mGlobal.OtherActivityCodeListAppend();">+ Code list</button>
<div class="content gui-code-list-run-result"></div>
<div class="eight wide column">
<div class="ui tiny header">Code list</div>
<div class="content gui-code-result"></div>
<button class="large ui green button" onclick="mGlobal.GUICodeListRun();">Run code list</button>
<button class="large ui pink button" onclick="$('.ui.modal.openrpa-code-list-gui-import-modal textarea')[0].value=''; $('.ui.modal.openrpa-code-list-gui-import-modal').modal('show');">Import from JSON</button>
<button class="large ui blue button openrpa-save-to-clipboard" onclick="mGlobal.ClipboardSet(JSON.stringify(mGlobal.ActionSpecificationList)); alert('Saved to clipboard!')">Export JSON to clipboard</button>
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<div class="seven wide column">
<h4 class="ui inverted header">pyOpenRPA</h4>
<p>Open source Robotic Process Automation software by the pyOpenRPA LLC (Created by Ivan Maslov in Russia). Licensed under LICENSE.PDF or #IT4Business</p>
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Binary file not shown.


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@ -20,5 +20,4 @@ def LiveDebugCheckThread(**inKWARGS):
global gKWARGS global gKWARGS
lThread = threading.Thread(target=LiveDebugCheckLoop) lThread = threading.Thread(target=LiveDebugCheckLoop)
lThread.start() lThread.start()

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
# Tool to merge complex dictionaries
def Merge(in1Dict, in2Dict):
Сливать словарь in2Dict в in1Dict. В случае конфликта вывести исключение
:param in1Dict: Исходный словарь. В него будет производится запись. Ссылка на него будет активна
:param in2Dict: Изменяющий словарь. Новые данные, которые будут скопированы в in1Dict
:return: Обновленный словарь in1Dict
if lPathList is None: lPathList = []
for lKeyStr in in2Dict:
if lKeyStr in in1Dict:
if isinstance(in1Dict[lKeyStr], dict) and isinstance(in2Dict[lKeyStr], dict):
Merge(in1Dict[lKeyStr], in2Dict[lKeyStr])
elif in1Dict[lKeyStr] == in2Dict[lKeyStr]:
pass # same leaf value
raise Exception('Conflict at %s' % '.'.join(lPathList + [str(lKeyStr)]))
in1Dict[lKeyStr] = in2Dict[lKeyStr]
return in1Dict
# Tool to merge complex dictionaries - no exceptions, just overwrite dict 2 in dict 1
def MergeNoException(in1Dict, in2Dict):
Сливать словарь in2Dict в in1Dict. В случае конфликта перезаписать на значение из in2Dict
:param in1Dict: Исходный словарь. В него будет производится запись. Ссылка на него будет активна
:param in2Dict: Изменяющий словарь. Новые данные, которые будут скопированы в in1Dict
:return: Обновленный словарь in1Dict
if lPathList is None: lPathList = []
for lKeyStr in in2Dict:
if lKeyStr in in1Dict:
if isinstance(in1Dict[lKeyStr], dict) and isinstance(in2Dict[lKeyStr], dict):
MergeNoException(in1Dict[lKeyStr], in2Dict[lKeyStr])
in1Dict[lKeyStr] = in2Dict[lKeyStr]
in1Dict[lKeyStr] = in2Dict[lKeyStr]
return in1Dict

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
import os
import shutil
def CheckFile(inDstPathStr, inTmplPathStr):
if os.path.exists(inDstPathStr) == False:
shutil.copy(inTmplPathStr, inDstPathStr)
def CheckFolder(inDstPathStr):
# проверка наличия всех файлов/каталогов
if not os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(inDstPathStr)):

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
import requests
def RequestPrettyPrint(inRequest):
At this point it is completely built and ready
to be fired; it is "prepared".
However pay attention at the formatting used in
this function because it is programmed to be pretty
printed and may differ from the actual request.
prepared = inRequest.prepare()
prepared.method + ' ' + prepared.url,
'\r\n'.join('{}: {}'.format(k, v) for k, v in prepared.headers.items()),

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
import difflib
def SimilarityNoCase(in1Str, in2Str):
normalized1 = in1Str.lower()
normalized2 = in2Str.lower()
matcher = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, normalized1, normalized2)
return matcher.ratio()

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ r"""
The pyOpenRPA package The pyOpenRPA package
""" """
__version__ = 'v1.3.1' __version__ = 'v1.3.0'
__all__ = [] __all__ = []
__author__ = 'Ivan Maslov <>' __author__ = 'Ivan Maslov <>'
#from .Core import Robot #from .Core import Robot

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2018 Alex Grönholm
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.

@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
Metadata-Version: 2.1
Name: anyio
Version: 3.6.1
Summary: High level compatibility layer for multiple asynchronous event loop implementations
Author: Alex Grönholm
License: MIT
Project-URL: Documentation,
Project-URL: Source code,
Project-URL: Issue tracker,
Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
Classifier: Framework :: AnyIO
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10
Requires-Python: >=3.6.2
License-File: LICENSE
Requires-Dist: idna (>=2.8)
Requires-Dist: sniffio (>=1.1)
Requires-Dist: contextvars ; python_version < "3.7"
Requires-Dist: dataclasses ; python_version < "3.7"
Requires-Dist: typing-extensions ; python_version < "3.8"
Provides-Extra: doc
Requires-Dist: packaging ; extra == 'doc'
Requires-Dist: sphinx-rtd-theme ; extra == 'doc'
Requires-Dist: sphinx-autodoc-typehints (>=1.2.0) ; extra == 'doc'
Provides-Extra: test
Requires-Dist: coverage[toml] (>=4.5) ; extra == 'test'
Requires-Dist: hypothesis (>=4.0) ; extra == 'test'
Requires-Dist: pytest (>=7.0) ; extra == 'test'
Requires-Dist: pytest-mock (>=3.6.1) ; extra == 'test'
Requires-Dist: trustme ; extra == 'test'
Requires-Dist: contextlib2 ; (python_version < "3.7") and extra == 'test'
Requires-Dist: uvloop (<0.15) ; (python_version < "3.7" and (platform_python_implementation == "CPython" and platform_system != "Windows")) and extra == 'test'
Requires-Dist: mock (>=4) ; (python_version < "3.8") and extra == 'test'
Requires-Dist: uvloop (>=0.15) ; (python_version >= "3.7" and (platform_python_implementation == "CPython" and platform_system != "Windows")) and extra == 'test'
Provides-Extra: trio
Requires-Dist: trio (>=0.16) ; extra == 'trio'
.. image::
:alt: Build Status
.. image::
:alt: Code Coverage
.. image::
:alt: Documentation
.. image::
:alt: Gitter chat
AnyIO is an asynchronous networking and concurrency library that works on top of either asyncio_ or
trio_. It implements trio-like `structured concurrency`_ (SC) on top of asyncio, and works in harmony
with the native SC of trio itself.
Applications and libraries written against AnyIO's API will run unmodified on either asyncio_ or
trio_. AnyIO can also be adopted into a library or application incrementally bit by bit, no full
refactoring necessary. It will blend in with native libraries of your chosen backend.
View full documentation at:
AnyIO offers the following functionality:
* Task groups (nurseries_ in trio terminology)
* High level networking (TCP, UDP and UNIX sockets)
* `Happy eyeballs`_ algorithm for TCP connections (more robust than that of asyncio on Python
* async/await style UDP sockets (unlike asyncio where you still have to use Transports and
* A versatile API for byte streams and object streams
* Inter-task synchronization and communication (locks, conditions, events, semaphores, object
* Worker threads
* Subprocesses
* Asynchronous file I/O (using worker threads)
* Signal handling
AnyIO also comes with its own pytest_ plugin which also supports asynchronous fixtures.
It even works with the popular Hypothesis_ library.
.. _asyncio:
.. _trio:
.. _structured concurrency:
.. _nurseries:
.. _Happy eyeballs:
.. _pytest:
.. _Hypothesis:

@ -1,82 +0,0 @@

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
Wheel-Version: 1.0
Generator: bdist_wheel (0.37.1)
Root-Is-Purelib: true
Tag: py3-none-any

@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
__all__ = (
from typing import Any
from ._core._compat import maybe_async, maybe_async_cm
from ._core._eventloop import (
from ._core._exceptions import (
from ._core._fileio import AsyncFile, Path, open_file, wrap_file
from ._core._resources import aclose_forcefully
from ._core._signals import open_signal_receiver
from ._core._sockets import (
from ._core._streams import create_memory_object_stream
from ._core._subprocesses import open_process, run_process
from ._core._synchronization import (
from ._core._tasks import (
from ._core._testing import (
from ._core._typedattr import TypedAttributeProvider, TypedAttributeSet, typed_attribute
# Re-exported here, for backwards compatibility
# isort: off
from .to_thread import current_default_worker_thread_limiter, run_sync_in_worker_thread
from .from_thread import (
# Re-export imports so they look like they live directly in this package
key: str
value: Any
for key, value in list(locals().items()):
if getattr(value, "__module__", "").startswith("anyio."):
value.__module__ = __name__

@ -1,988 +0,0 @@
import array
import math
import socket
from concurrent.futures import Future
from contextvars import copy_context
from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import partial
from io import IOBase
from os import PathLike
from signal import Signals
from types import TracebackType
from typing import (
import sniffio
import trio.from_thread
from outcome import Error, Outcome, Value
from trio.socket import SocketType as TrioSocketType
from trio.to_thread import run_sync
from .. import CapacityLimiterStatistics, EventStatistics, TaskInfo, abc
from .._core._compat import DeprecatedAsyncContextManager, DeprecatedAwaitable, T
from .._core._eventloop import claim_worker_thread
from .._core._exceptions import (
from .._core._exceptions import ExceptionGroup as BaseExceptionGroup
from .._core._sockets import convert_ipv6_sockaddr
from .._core._synchronization import CapacityLimiter as BaseCapacityLimiter
from .._core._synchronization import Event as BaseEvent
from .._core._synchronization import ResourceGuard
from .._core._tasks import CancelScope as BaseCancelScope
from import IPSockAddrType, UDPPacketType
from trio_typing import TaskStatus
from trio import lowlevel as trio_lowlevel
except ImportError:
from trio import hazmat as trio_lowlevel # type: ignore[no-redef]
from trio.hazmat import wait_readable, wait_writable
from trio.lowlevel import wait_readable, wait_writable
trio_open_process = trio_lowlevel.open_process # type: ignore[attr-defined]
except AttributeError:
from trio import open_process as trio_open_process
T_Retval = TypeVar("T_Retval")
T_SockAddr = TypeVar("T_SockAddr", str, IPSockAddrType)
# Event loop
run =
current_token = trio.lowlevel.current_trio_token
RunVar = trio.lowlevel.RunVar
# Miscellaneous
sleep = trio.sleep
# Timeouts and cancellation
class CancelScope(BaseCancelScope):
def __new__(
cls, original: Optional[trio.CancelScope] = None, **kwargs: object
) -> "CancelScope":
return object.__new__(cls)
def __init__(
self, original: Optional[trio.CancelScope] = None, **kwargs: Any
) -> None:
self.__original = original or trio.CancelScope(**kwargs)
def __enter__(self) -> "CancelScope":
return self
def __exit__(
exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]],
exc_val: Optional[BaseException],
exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType],
) -> Optional[bool]:
return self.__original.__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)
def cancel(self) -> DeprecatedAwaitable:
return DeprecatedAwaitable(self.cancel)
def deadline(self) -> float:
return self.__original.deadline
def deadline(self, value: float) -> None:
self.__original.deadline = value
def cancel_called(self) -> bool:
return self.__original.cancel_called
def shield(self) -> bool:
return self.__original.shield
def shield(self, value: bool) -> None:
self.__original.shield = value
CancelledError = trio.Cancelled
checkpoint = trio.lowlevel.checkpoint
checkpoint_if_cancelled = trio.lowlevel.checkpoint_if_cancelled
cancel_shielded_checkpoint = trio.lowlevel.cancel_shielded_checkpoint
current_effective_deadline = trio.current_effective_deadline
current_time = trio.current_time
# Task groups
class ExceptionGroup(BaseExceptionGroup, trio.MultiError):
class TaskGroup(abc.TaskGroup):
def __init__(self) -> None:
self._active = False
self._nursery_manager = trio.open_nursery()
self.cancel_scope = None # type: ignore[assignment]
async def __aenter__(self) -> "TaskGroup":
self._active = True
self._nursery = await self._nursery_manager.__aenter__()
self.cancel_scope = CancelScope(self._nursery.cancel_scope)
return self
async def __aexit__(
exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]],
exc_val: Optional[BaseException],
exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType],
) -> Optional[bool]:
return await self._nursery_manager.__aexit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)
except trio.MultiError as exc:
raise ExceptionGroup(exc.exceptions) from None
self._active = False
def start_soon(self, func: Callable, *args: object, name: object = None) -> None:
if not self._active:
raise RuntimeError(
"This task group is not active; no new tasks can be started."
self._nursery.start_soon(func, *args, name=name)
async def start(
self, func: Callable[..., Coroutine], *args: object, name: object = None
) -> object:
if not self._active:
raise RuntimeError(
"This task group is not active; no new tasks can be started."
return await self._nursery.start(func, *args, name=name)
# Threads
async def run_sync_in_worker_thread(
func: Callable[..., T_Retval],
*args: object,
cancellable: bool = False,
limiter: Optional[trio.CapacityLimiter] = None,
) -> T_Retval:
def wrapper() -> T_Retval:
with claim_worker_thread("trio"):
return func(*args)
# TODO: remove explicit context copying when trio 0.20 is the minimum requirement
context = copy_context(), None)
return await run_sync(, wrapper, cancellable=cancellable, limiter=limiter
# TODO: remove this workaround when trio 0.20 is the minimum requirement
def run_async_from_thread(
fn: Callable[..., Awaitable[T_Retval]], *args: Any
) -> T_Retval:
async def wrapper() -> T_Retval:
retval: T_Retval
async def inner() -> None:
nonlocal retval
__tracebackhide__ = True
retval = await fn(*args)
async with trio.open_nursery() as n:, inner)
__tracebackhide__ = True
return retval
context = copy_context(), "trio")
def run_sync_from_thread(fn: Callable[..., T_Retval], *args: Any) -> T_Retval:
# TODO: remove explicit context copying when trio 0.20 is the minimum requirement
retval = trio.from_thread.run_sync(copy_context().run, fn, *args)
return cast(T_Retval, retval)
class BlockingPortal(abc.BlockingPortal):
def __new__(cls) -> "BlockingPortal":
return object.__new__(cls)
def __init__(self) -> None:
self._token = trio.lowlevel.current_trio_token()
def _spawn_task_from_thread(
func: Callable,
args: tuple,
kwargs: Dict[str, Any],
name: object,
future: Future,
) -> None:
context = copy_context(), "trio")
partial(self._task_group.start_soon, name=name),
# Subprocesses
class ReceiveStreamWrapper(abc.ByteReceiveStream):
async def receive(self, max_bytes: Optional[int] = None) -> bytes:
data = await self._stream.receive_some(max_bytes)
except trio.ClosedResourceError as exc:
raise ClosedResourceError from exc.__cause__
except trio.BrokenResourceError as exc:
raise BrokenResourceError from exc.__cause__
if data:
return data
raise EndOfStream
async def aclose(self) -> None:
await self._stream.aclose()
class SendStreamWrapper(abc.ByteSendStream):
async def send(self, item: bytes) -> None:
await self._stream.send_all(item)
except trio.ClosedResourceError as exc:
raise ClosedResourceError from exc.__cause__
except trio.BrokenResourceError as exc:
raise BrokenResourceError from exc.__cause__
async def aclose(self) -> None:
await self._stream.aclose()
class Process(abc.Process):
_process: trio.Process
_stdin: Optional[abc.ByteSendStream]
_stdout: Optional[abc.ByteReceiveStream]
_stderr: Optional[abc.ByteReceiveStream]
async def aclose(self) -> None:
if self._stdin:
await self._stdin.aclose()
if self._stdout:
await self._stdout.aclose()
if self._stderr:
await self._stderr.aclose()
await self.wait()
async def wait(self) -> int:
return await self._process.wait()
def terminate(self) -> None:
def kill(self) -> None:
def send_signal(self, signal: Signals) -> None:
def pid(self) -> int:
def returncode(self) -> Optional[int]:
return self._process.returncode
def stdin(self) -> Optional[abc.ByteSendStream]:
return self._stdin
def stdout(self) -> Optional[abc.ByteReceiveStream]:
return self._stdout
def stderr(self) -> Optional[abc.ByteReceiveStream]:
return self._stderr
async def open_process(
command: Union[str, bytes, Sequence[Union[str, bytes]]],
shell: bool,
stdin: Union[int, IO[Any], None],
stdout: Union[int, IO[Any], None],
stderr: Union[int, IO[Any], None],
cwd: Union[str, bytes, PathLike, None] = None,
env: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
start_new_session: bool = False,
) -> Process:
process = await trio_open_process(
stdin_stream = SendStreamWrapper(process.stdin) if process.stdin else None
stdout_stream = ReceiveStreamWrapper(process.stdout) if process.stdout else None
stderr_stream = ReceiveStreamWrapper(process.stderr) if process.stderr else None
return Process(process, stdin_stream, stdout_stream, stderr_stream)
class _ProcessPoolShutdownInstrument(
def after_run(self) -> None:
current_default_worker_process_limiter: RunVar = RunVar(
async def _shutdown_process_pool(workers: Set[Process]) -> None:
process: Process
await sleep(math.inf)
except trio.Cancelled:
for process in workers:
if process.returncode is None:
with CancelScope(shield=True):
for process in workers:
await process.aclose()
def setup_process_pool_exit_at_shutdown(workers: Set[Process]) -> None:
trio.lowlevel.spawn_system_task(_shutdown_process_pool, workers)
# Sockets and networking
class _TrioSocketMixin(Generic[T_SockAddr]):
def __init__(self, trio_socket: TrioSocketType) -> None:
self._trio_socket = trio_socket
self._closed = False
def _check_closed(self) -> None:
if self._closed:
raise ClosedResourceError
if self._trio_socket.fileno() < 0:
raise BrokenResourceError
def _raw_socket(self) -> socket.socket:
return self._trio_socket._sock # type: ignore[attr-defined]
async def aclose(self) -> None:
if self._trio_socket.fileno() >= 0:
self._closed = True
def _convert_socket_error(self, exc: BaseException) -> "NoReturn":
if isinstance(exc, trio.ClosedResourceError):
raise ClosedResourceError from exc
elif self._trio_socket.fileno() < 0 and self._closed:
raise ClosedResourceError from None
elif isinstance(exc, OSError):
raise BrokenResourceError from exc
raise exc
class SocketStream(_TrioSocketMixin, abc.SocketStream):
def __init__(self, trio_socket: TrioSocketType) -> None:
self._receive_guard = ResourceGuard("reading from")
self._send_guard = ResourceGuard("writing to")
async def receive(self, max_bytes: int = 65536) -> bytes:
with self._receive_guard:
data = await self._trio_socket.recv(max_bytes)
except BaseException as exc:
if data:
return data
raise EndOfStream
async def send(self, item: bytes) -> None:
with self._send_guard:
view = memoryview(item)
while view:
bytes_sent = await self._trio_socket.send(view)
except BaseException as exc:
view = view[bytes_sent:]
async def send_eof(self) -> None:
class UNIXSocketStream(SocketStream, abc.UNIXSocketStream):
async def receive_fds(self, msglen: int, maxfds: int) -> Tuple[bytes, List[int]]:
if not isinstance(msglen, int) or msglen < 0:
raise ValueError("msglen must be a non-negative integer")
if not isinstance(maxfds, int) or maxfds < 1:
raise ValueError("maxfds must be a positive integer")
fds = array.array("i")
await checkpoint()
with self._receive_guard:
while True:
message, ancdata, flags, addr = await self._trio_socket.recvmsg(
msglen, socket.CMSG_LEN(maxfds * fds.itemsize)
except BaseException as exc:
if not message and not ancdata:
raise EndOfStream
for cmsg_level, cmsg_type, cmsg_data in ancdata:
if cmsg_level != socket.SOL_SOCKET or cmsg_type != socket.SCM_RIGHTS:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Received unexpected ancillary data; message = {message!r}, "
f"cmsg_level = {cmsg_level}, cmsg_type = {cmsg_type}"
fds.frombytes(cmsg_data[: len(cmsg_data) - (len(cmsg_data) % fds.itemsize)])
return message, list(fds)
async def send_fds(
self, message: bytes, fds: Collection[Union[int, IOBase]]
) -> None:
if not message:
raise ValueError("message must not be empty")
if not fds:
raise ValueError("fds must not be empty")
filenos: List[int] = []
for fd in fds:
if isinstance(fd, int):
elif isinstance(fd, IOBase):
fdarray = array.array("i", filenos)
await checkpoint()
with self._send_guard:
while True:
await self._trio_socket.sendmsg(
socket.SCM_RIGHTS, # type: ignore[list-item]
except BaseException as exc:
class TCPSocketListener(_TrioSocketMixin, abc.SocketListener):
def __init__(self, raw_socket: socket.socket):
self._accept_guard = ResourceGuard("accepting connections from")
async def accept(self) -> SocketStream:
with self._accept_guard:
trio_socket, _addr = await self._trio_socket.accept()
except BaseException as exc:
trio_socket.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)
return SocketStream(trio_socket)
class UNIXSocketListener(_TrioSocketMixin, abc.SocketListener):
def __init__(self, raw_socket: socket.socket):
self._accept_guard = ResourceGuard("accepting connections from")
async def accept(self) -> UNIXSocketStream:
with self._accept_guard:
trio_socket, _addr = await self._trio_socket.accept()
except BaseException as exc:
return UNIXSocketStream(trio_socket)
class UDPSocket(_TrioSocketMixin[IPSockAddrType], abc.UDPSocket):
def __init__(self, trio_socket: TrioSocketType) -> None:
self._receive_guard = ResourceGuard("reading from")
self._send_guard = ResourceGuard("writing to")
async def receive(self) -> Tuple[bytes, IPSockAddrType]:
with self._receive_guard:
data, addr = await self._trio_socket.recvfrom(65536)
return data, convert_ipv6_sockaddr(addr)
except BaseException as exc:
async def send(self, item: UDPPacketType) -> None:
with self._send_guard:
await self._trio_socket.sendto(*item)
except BaseException as exc:
class ConnectedUDPSocket(_TrioSocketMixin[IPSockAddrType], abc.ConnectedUDPSocket):
def __init__(self, trio_socket: TrioSocketType) -> None:
self._receive_guard = ResourceGuard("reading from")
self._send_guard = ResourceGuard("writing to")
async def receive(self) -> bytes:
with self._receive_guard:
return await self._trio_socket.recv(65536)
except BaseException as exc:
async def send(self, item: bytes) -> None:
with self._send_guard:
await self._trio_socket.send(item)
except BaseException as exc:
async def connect_tcp(
host: str, port: int, local_address: Optional[IPSockAddrType] = None
) -> SocketStream:
family = socket.AF_INET6 if ":" in host else socket.AF_INET
trio_socket = trio.socket.socket(family)
trio_socket.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)
if local_address:
await trio_socket.bind(local_address)
await trio_socket.connect((host, port))
except BaseException:
return SocketStream(trio_socket)
async def connect_unix(path: str) -> UNIXSocketStream:
trio_socket = trio.socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX)
await trio_socket.connect(path)
except BaseException:
return UNIXSocketStream(trio_socket)
async def create_udp_socket(
family: socket.AddressFamily,
local_address: Optional[IPSockAddrType],
remote_address: Optional[IPSockAddrType],
reuse_port: bool,
) -> Union[UDPSocket, ConnectedUDPSocket]:
trio_socket = trio.socket.socket(family=family, type=socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
if reuse_port:
trio_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEPORT, 1)
if local_address:
await trio_socket.bind(local_address)
if remote_address:
await trio_socket.connect(remote_address)
return ConnectedUDPSocket(trio_socket)
return UDPSocket(trio_socket)
getaddrinfo = trio.socket.getaddrinfo
getnameinfo = trio.socket.getnameinfo
async def wait_socket_readable(sock: socket.socket) -> None:
await wait_readable(sock)
except trio.ClosedResourceError as exc:
raise ClosedResourceError().with_traceback(exc.__traceback__) from None
except trio.BusyResourceError:
raise BusyResourceError("reading from") from None
async def wait_socket_writable(sock: socket.socket) -> None:
await wait_writable(sock)
except trio.ClosedResourceError as exc:
raise ClosedResourceError().with_traceback(exc.__traceback__) from None
except trio.BusyResourceError:
raise BusyResourceError("writing to") from None
# Synchronization
class Event(BaseEvent):
def __new__(cls) -> "Event":
return object.__new__(cls)
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.__original = trio.Event()
def is_set(self) -> bool:
return self.__original.is_set()
async def wait(self) -> None:
return await self.__original.wait()
def statistics(self) -> EventStatistics:
orig_statistics = self.__original.statistics()
return EventStatistics(tasks_waiting=orig_statistics.tasks_waiting)
def set(self) -> DeprecatedAwaitable:
return DeprecatedAwaitable(self.set)
class CapacityLimiter(BaseCapacityLimiter):
def __new__(cls, *args: object, **kwargs: object) -> "CapacityLimiter":
return object.__new__(cls)
def __init__(
self, *args: Any, original: Optional[trio.CapacityLimiter] = None
) -> None:
self.__original = original or trio.CapacityLimiter(*args)
async def __aenter__(self) -> None:
return await self.__original.__aenter__()
async def __aexit__(
exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]],
exc_val: Optional[BaseException],
exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType],
) -> Optional[bool]:
return await self.__original.__aexit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)
def total_tokens(self) -> float:
return self.__original.total_tokens
def total_tokens(self, value: float) -> None:
self.__original.total_tokens = value
def borrowed_tokens(self) -> int:
return self.__original.borrowed_tokens
def available_tokens(self) -> float:
return self.__original.available_tokens
def acquire_nowait(self) -> DeprecatedAwaitable:
return DeprecatedAwaitable(self.acquire_nowait)
def acquire_on_behalf_of_nowait(self, borrower: object) -> DeprecatedAwaitable:
return DeprecatedAwaitable(self.acquire_on_behalf_of_nowait)
async def acquire(self) -> None:
await self.__original.acquire()
async def acquire_on_behalf_of(self, borrower: object) -> None:
await self.__original.acquire_on_behalf_of(borrower)
def release(self) -> None:
return self.__original.release()
def release_on_behalf_of(self, borrower: object) -> None:
return self.__original.release_on_behalf_of(borrower)
def statistics(self) -> CapacityLimiterStatistics:
orig = self.__original.statistics()
return CapacityLimiterStatistics(
_capacity_limiter_wrapper: RunVar = RunVar("_capacity_limiter_wrapper")
def current_default_thread_limiter() -> CapacityLimiter:
return _capacity_limiter_wrapper.get()
except LookupError:
limiter = CapacityLimiter(
return limiter
# Signal handling
class _SignalReceiver(DeprecatedAsyncContextManager[T]):
def __init__(self, cm: ContextManager[T]):
self._cm = cm
def __enter__(self) -> T:
return self._cm.__enter__()
def __exit__(
exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]],
exc_val: Optional[BaseException],
exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType],
) -> Optional[bool]:
return self._cm.__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)
def open_signal_receiver(*signals: Signals) -> _SignalReceiver:
cm = trio.open_signal_receiver(*signals)
return _SignalReceiver(cm)
# Testing and debugging
def get_current_task() -> TaskInfo:
task = trio_lowlevel.current_task()
parent_id = None
if task.parent_nursery and task.parent_nursery.parent_task:
parent_id = id(task.parent_nursery.parent_task)
return TaskInfo(id(task), parent_id,, task.coro)
def get_running_tasks() -> List[TaskInfo]:
root_task = trio_lowlevel.current_root_task()
task_infos = [TaskInfo(id(root_task), None,, root_task.coro)]
nurseries = root_task.child_nurseries
while nurseries:
new_nurseries: List[trio.Nursery] = []
for nursery in nurseries:
for task in nursery.child_tasks:
TaskInfo(id(task), id(nursery.parent_task),, task.coro)
nurseries = new_nurseries
return task_infos
def wait_all_tasks_blocked() -> Awaitable[None]:
import trio.testing
return trio.testing.wait_all_tasks_blocked()
class TestRunner(abc.TestRunner):
def __init__(self, **options: Any) -> None:
from collections import deque
from queue import Queue
self._call_queue: "Queue[Callable[..., object]]" = Queue()
self._result_queue: Deque[Outcome] = deque()
self._stop_event: Optional[trio.Event] = None
self._nursery: Optional[trio.Nursery] = None
self._options = options
async def _trio_main(self) -> None:
self._stop_event = trio.Event()
async with trio.open_nursery() as self._nursery:
await self._stop_event.wait()
async def _call_func(
self, func: Callable[..., Awaitable[object]], args: tuple, kwargs: dict
) -> None:
retval = await func(*args, **kwargs)
except BaseException as exc:
def _main_task_finished(self, outcome: object) -> None:
self._nursery = None
def _get_nursery(self) -> trio.Nursery:
if self._nursery is None:
while self._nursery is None:
return self._nursery
def _call(
self, func: Callable[..., Awaitable[T_Retval]], *args: object, **kwargs: object
) -> T_Retval:
self._get_nursery().start_soon(self._call_func, func, args, kwargs)
while not self._result_queue:
outcome = self._result_queue.pop()
return outcome.unwrap()
def close(self) -> None:
if self._stop_event:
while self._nursery is not None:
def run_asyncgen_fixture(
fixture_func: Callable[..., AsyncGenerator[T_Retval, Any]],
kwargs: Dict[str, Any],
) -> Iterable[T_Retval]:
async def fixture_runner(*, task_status: "TaskStatus") -> None:
agen = fixture_func(**kwargs)
retval = await agen.asend(None)
await teardown_event.wait()
await agen.asend(None)
except StopAsyncIteration:
await agen.aclose()
raise RuntimeError("Async generator fixture did not stop")
teardown_event = trio.Event()
fixture_value = self._call(lambda: self._get_nursery().start(fixture_runner))
yield fixture_value
def run_fixture(
fixture_func: Callable[..., Coroutine[Any, Any, T_Retval]],
kwargs: Dict[str, Any],
) -> T_Retval:
return self._call(fixture_func, **kwargs)
def run_test(
self, test_func: Callable[..., Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]], kwargs: Dict[str, Any]
) -> None:
self._call(test_func, **kwargs)

@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from contextlib import AbstractContextManager
from types import TracebackType
from typing import (
from warnings import warn
from ._testing import TaskInfo
TaskInfo = object
T = TypeVar("T")
AnyDeprecatedAwaitable = Union[
async def maybe_async(__obj: TaskInfo) -> TaskInfo:
async def maybe_async(__obj: "DeprecatedAwaitableFloat") -> float:
async def maybe_async(__obj: "DeprecatedAwaitableList[T]") -> List[T]:
async def maybe_async(__obj: "DeprecatedAwaitable") -> None:
async def maybe_async(
__obj: "AnyDeprecatedAwaitable[T]",
) -> Union[TaskInfo, float, List[T], None]:
Await on the given object if necessary.
This function is intended to bridge the gap between AnyIO 2.x and 3.x where some functions and
methods were converted from coroutine functions into regular functions.
Do **not** try to use this for any other purpose!
:return: the result of awaiting on the object if coroutine, or the object itself otherwise
.. versionadded:: 2.2
return __obj._unwrap()
class _ContextManagerWrapper:
def __init__(self, cm: ContextManager[T]):
self._cm = cm
async def __aenter__(self) -> T:
return self._cm.__enter__()
async def __aexit__(
exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]],
exc_val: Optional[BaseException],
exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType],
) -> Optional[bool]:
return self._cm.__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)
def maybe_async_cm(
cm: Union[ContextManager[T], AsyncContextManager[T]]
) -> AsyncContextManager[T]:
Wrap a regular context manager as an async one if necessary.
This function is intended to bridge the gap between AnyIO 2.x and 3.x where some functions and
methods were changed to return regular context managers instead of async ones.
:param cm: a regular or async context manager
:return: an async context manager
.. versionadded:: 2.2
if not isinstance(cm, AbstractContextManager):
raise TypeError("Given object is not an context manager")
return _ContextManagerWrapper(cm)
def _warn_deprecation(
awaitable: "AnyDeprecatedAwaitable[Any]", stacklevel: int = 1
) -> None:
f'Awaiting on {awaitable._name}() is deprecated. Use "await '
f"anyio.maybe_async({awaitable._name}(...)) if you have to support both AnyIO 2.x "
f'and 3.x, or just remove the "await" if you are completely migrating to AnyIO 3+.',
stacklevel=stacklevel + 1,
class DeprecatedAwaitable:
def __init__(self, func: Callable[..., "DeprecatedAwaitable"]):
self._name = f"{func.__module__}.{func.__qualname__}"
def __await__(self) -> Generator[None, None, None]:
if False:
def __reduce__(self) -> Tuple[Type[None], Tuple[()]]:
return type(None), ()
def _unwrap(self) -> None:
return None
class DeprecatedAwaitableFloat(float):
def __new__(
cls, x: float, func: Callable[..., "DeprecatedAwaitableFloat"]
) -> "DeprecatedAwaitableFloat":
return super().__new__(cls, x)
def __init__(self, x: float, func: Callable[..., "DeprecatedAwaitableFloat"]):
self._name = f"{func.__module__}.{func.__qualname__}"
def __await__(self) -> Generator[None, None, float]:
if False:
return float(self)
def __reduce__(self) -> Tuple[Type[float], Tuple[float]]:
return float, (float(self),)
def _unwrap(self) -> float:
return float(self)
class DeprecatedAwaitableList(List[T]):
def __init__(
iterable: Iterable[T] = (),
func: Callable[..., "DeprecatedAwaitableList[T]"],
self._name = f"{func.__module__}.{func.__qualname__}"
def __await__(self) -> Generator[None, None, List[T]]:
if False:
return list(self)
def __reduce__(self) -> Tuple[Type[List[T]], Tuple[List[T]]]:
return list, (list(self),)
def _unwrap(self) -> List[T]:
return list(self)
class DeprecatedAsyncContextManager(Generic[T], metaclass=ABCMeta):
def __enter__(self) -> T:
def __exit__(
exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]],
exc_val: Optional[BaseException],
exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType],
) -> Optional[bool]:
async def __aenter__(self) -> T:
f"Using {self.__class__.__name__} as an async context manager has been deprecated. "
f'Use "async with anyio.maybe_async_cm(yourcontextmanager) as foo:" if you have to '
f'support both AnyIO 2.x and 3.x, or just remove the "async" from "async with" if '
f"you are completely migrating to AnyIO 3+.",
return self.__enter__()
async def __aexit__(
exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]],
exc_val: Optional[BaseException],
exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType],
) -> Optional[bool]:
return self.__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)

@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
import math
import sys
import threading
from contextlib import contextmanager
from importlib import import_module
from typing import (
import sniffio
# This must be updated when new backends are introduced
from ._compat import DeprecatedAwaitableFloat
BACKENDS = "asyncio", "trio"
T_Retval = TypeVar("T_Retval")
threadlocals = threading.local()
def run(
func: Callable[..., Coroutine[Any, Any, T_Retval]],
*args: object,
backend: str = "asyncio",
backend_options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
) -> T_Retval:
Run the given coroutine function in an asynchronous event loop.
The current thread must not be already running an event loop.
:param func: a coroutine function
:param args: positional arguments to ``func``
:param backend: name of the asynchronous event loop implementation currently either
``asyncio`` or ``trio``
:param backend_options: keyword arguments to call the backend ``run()`` implementation with
(documented :ref:`here <backend options>`)
:return: the return value of the coroutine function
:raises RuntimeError: if an asynchronous event loop is already running in this thread
:raises LookupError: if the named backend is not found
asynclib_name = sniffio.current_async_library()
except sniffio.AsyncLibraryNotFoundError:
raise RuntimeError(f"Already running {asynclib_name} in this thread")
asynclib = import_module(f"..._backends._{backend}", package=__name__)
except ImportError as exc:
raise LookupError(f"No such backend: {backend}") from exc
token = None
if sniffio.current_async_library_cvar.get(None) is None:
# Since we're in control of the event loop, we can cache the name of the async library
token = sniffio.current_async_library_cvar.set(backend)
backend_options = backend_options or {}
return, *args, **backend_options)
if token:
async def sleep(delay: float) -> None:
Pause the current task for the specified duration.
:param delay: the duration, in seconds
return await get_asynclib().sleep(delay)
async def sleep_forever() -> None:
Pause the current task until it's cancelled.
This is a shortcut for ``sleep(math.inf)``.
.. versionadded:: 3.1
await sleep(math.inf)
async def sleep_until(deadline: float) -> None:
Pause the current task until the given time.
:param deadline: the absolute time to wake up at (according to the internal monotonic clock of
the event loop)
.. versionadded:: 3.1
now = current_time()
await sleep(max(deadline - now, 0))
def current_time() -> DeprecatedAwaitableFloat:
Return the current value of the event loop's internal clock.
:return: the clock value (seconds)
return DeprecatedAwaitableFloat(get_asynclib().current_time(), current_time)
def get_all_backends() -> Tuple[str, ...]:
"""Return a tuple of the names of all built-in backends."""
def get_cancelled_exc_class() -> Type[BaseException]:
"""Return the current async library's cancellation exception class."""
return get_asynclib().CancelledError
# Private API
def claim_worker_thread(backend: str) -> Generator[Any, None, None]:
module = sys.modules["anyio._backends._" + backend]
threadlocals.current_async_module = module
del threadlocals.current_async_module
def get_asynclib(asynclib_name: Optional[str] = None) -> Any:
if asynclib_name is None:
asynclib_name = sniffio.current_async_library()
modulename = "anyio._backends._" + asynclib_name
return sys.modules[modulename]
except KeyError:
return import_module(modulename)

@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
from traceback import format_exception
from typing import List
class BrokenResourceError(Exception):
Raised when trying to use a resource that has been rendered unusable due to external causes
(e.g. a send stream whose peer has disconnected).
class BrokenWorkerProcess(Exception):
Raised by :func:`run_sync_in_process` if the worker process terminates abruptly or otherwise
class BusyResourceError(Exception):
"""Raised when two tasks are trying to read from or write to the same resource concurrently."""
def __init__(self, action: str):
super().__init__(f"Another task is already {action} this resource")
class ClosedResourceError(Exception):
"""Raised when trying to use a resource that has been closed."""
class DelimiterNotFound(Exception):
Raised during :meth:`~anyio.streams.buffered.BufferedByteReceiveStream.receive_until` if the
maximum number of bytes has been read without the delimiter being found.
def __init__(self, max_bytes: int) -> None:
f"The delimiter was not found among the first {max_bytes} bytes"
class EndOfStream(Exception):
"""Raised when trying to read from a stream that has been closed from the other end."""
class ExceptionGroup(BaseException):
Raised when multiple exceptions have been raised in a task group.
:var ~typing.Sequence[BaseException] exceptions: the sequence of exceptions raised together
SEPARATOR = "----------------------------\n"
exceptions: List[BaseException]
def __str__(self) -> str:
tracebacks = [
"".join(format_exception(type(exc), exc, exc.__traceback__))
for exc in self.exceptions
return (
f"{len(self.exceptions)} exceptions were raised in the task group:\n"
def __repr__(self) -> str:
exception_reprs = ", ".join(repr(exc) for exc in self.exceptions)
return f"<{self.__class__.__name__}: {exception_reprs}>"
class IncompleteRead(Exception):
Raised during :meth:`~anyio.streams.buffered.BufferedByteReceiveStream.receive_exactly` or
:meth:`~anyio.streams.buffered.BufferedByteReceiveStream.receive_until` if the
connection is closed before the requested amount of bytes has been read.
def __init__(self) -> None:
"The stream was closed before the read operation could be completed"
class TypedAttributeLookupError(LookupError):
Raised by :meth:`~anyio.TypedAttributeProvider.extra` when the given typed attribute is not
found and no default value has been given.
class WouldBlock(Exception):
"""Raised by ``X_nowait`` functions if ``X()`` would block."""

@ -1,607 +0,0 @@
import os
import pathlib
import sys
from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import partial
from os import PathLike
from typing import (
from .. import to_thread
from import AsyncResource
if sys.version_info >= (3, 8):
from typing import Final
from typing_extensions import Final
from _typeshed import OpenBinaryMode, OpenTextMode, ReadableBuffer, WriteableBuffer
ReadableBuffer = OpenBinaryMode = OpenTextMode = WriteableBuffer = object
class AsyncFile(AsyncResource, Generic[AnyStr]):
An asynchronous file object.
This class wraps a standard file object and provides async friendly versions of the following
blocking methods (where available on the original file object):
* read
* read1
* readline
* readlines
* readinto
* readinto1
* write
* writelines
* truncate
* seek
* tell
* flush
All other methods are directly passed through.
This class supports the asynchronous context manager protocol which closes the underlying file
at the end of the context block.
This class also supports asynchronous iteration::
async with await open_file(...) as f:
async for line in f:
def __init__(self, fp: IO[AnyStr]) -> None:
self._fp: Any = fp
def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> object:
return getattr(self._fp, name)
def wrapped(self) -> IO[AnyStr]:
"""The wrapped file object."""
return self._fp
async def __aiter__(self) -> AsyncIterator[AnyStr]:
while True:
line = await self.readline()
if line:
yield line
async def aclose(self) -> None:
return await to_thread.run_sync(self._fp.close)
async def read(self, size: int = -1) -> AnyStr:
return await to_thread.run_sync(, size)
async def read1(self: "AsyncFile[bytes]", size: int = -1) -> bytes:
return await to_thread.run_sync(self._fp.read1, size)
async def readline(self) -> AnyStr:
return await to_thread.run_sync(self._fp.readline)
async def readlines(self) -> List[AnyStr]:
return await to_thread.run_sync(self._fp.readlines)
async def readinto(self: "AsyncFile[bytes]", b: WriteableBuffer) -> bytes:
return await to_thread.run_sync(self._fp.readinto, b)
async def readinto1(self: "AsyncFile[bytes]", b: WriteableBuffer) -> bytes:
return await to_thread.run_sync(self._fp.readinto1, b)
async def write(self: "AsyncFile[bytes]", b: ReadableBuffer) -> int:
async def write(self: "AsyncFile[str]", b: str) -> int:
async def write(self, b: Union[ReadableBuffer, str]) -> int:
return await to_thread.run_sync(self._fp.write, b)
async def writelines(
self: "AsyncFile[bytes]", lines: Iterable[ReadableBuffer]
) -> None:
async def writelines(self: "AsyncFile[str]", lines: Iterable[str]) -> None:
async def writelines(
self, lines: Union[Iterable[ReadableBuffer], Iterable[str]]
) -> None:
return await to_thread.run_sync(self._fp.writelines, lines)
async def truncate(self, size: Optional[int] = None) -> int:
return await to_thread.run_sync(self._fp.truncate, size)
async def seek(self, offset: int, whence: Optional[int] = os.SEEK_SET) -> int:
return await to_thread.run_sync(, offset, whence)
async def tell(self) -> int:
return await to_thread.run_sync(self._fp.tell)
async def flush(self) -> None:
return await to_thread.run_sync(self._fp.flush)
async def open_file(
file: Union[str, "PathLike[str]", int],
mode: OpenBinaryMode,
buffering: int = ...,
encoding: Optional[str] = ...,
errors: Optional[str] = ...,
newline: Optional[str] = ...,
closefd: bool = ...,
opener: Optional[Callable[[str, int], int]] = ...,
) -> AsyncFile[bytes]:
async def open_file(
file: Union[str, "PathLike[str]", int],
mode: OpenTextMode = ...,
buffering: int = ...,
encoding: Optional[str] = ...,
errors: Optional[str] = ...,
newline: Optional[str] = ...,
closefd: bool = ...,
opener: Optional[Callable[[str, int], int]] = ...,
) -> AsyncFile[str]:
async def open_file(
file: Union[str, "PathLike[str]", int],
mode: str = "r",
buffering: int = -1,
encoding: Optional[str] = None,
errors: Optional[str] = None,
newline: Optional[str] = None,
closefd: bool = True,
opener: Optional[Callable[[str, int], int]] = None,
) -> AsyncFile[Any]:
Open a file asynchronously.
The arguments are exactly the same as for the builtin :func:`open`.
:return: an asynchronous file object
fp = await to_thread.run_sync(
open, file, mode, buffering, encoding, errors, newline, closefd, opener
return AsyncFile(fp)
def wrap_file(file: IO[AnyStr]) -> AsyncFile[AnyStr]:
Wrap an existing file as an asynchronous file.
:param file: an existing file-like object
:return: an asynchronous file object
return AsyncFile(file)
class _PathIterator(AsyncIterator["Path"]):
iterator: Iterator["PathLike[str]"]
async def __anext__(self) -> "Path":
nextval = await to_thread.run_sync(next, self.iterator, None, cancellable=True)
if nextval is None:
raise StopAsyncIteration from None
return Path(cast("PathLike[str]", nextval))
class Path:
An asynchronous version of :class:`pathlib.Path`.
This class cannot be substituted for :class:`pathlib.Path` or :class:`pathlib.PurePath`, but
it is compatible with the :class:`os.PathLike` interface.
It implements the Python 3.10 version of :class:`pathlib.Path` interface, except for the
deprecated :meth:`~pathlib.Path.link_to` method.
Any methods that do disk I/O need to be awaited on. These methods are:
* :meth:`~pathlib.Path.absolute`
* :meth:`~pathlib.Path.chmod`
* :meth:`~pathlib.Path.cwd`
* :meth:`~pathlib.Path.exists`
* :meth:`~pathlib.Path.expanduser`
* :meth:``
* :meth:`~pathlib.Path.hardlink_to`
* :meth:`~pathlib.Path.home`
* :meth:`~pathlib.Path.is_block_device`
* :meth:`~pathlib.Path.is_char_device`
* :meth:`~pathlib.Path.is_dir`
* :meth:`~pathlib.Path.is_fifo`
* :meth:`~pathlib.Path.is_file`
* :meth:`~pathlib.Path.is_mount`
* :meth:`~pathlib.Path.lchmod`
* :meth:`~pathlib.Path.lstat`
* :meth:`~pathlib.Path.mkdir`
* :meth:``
* :meth:`~pathlib.Path.owner`
* :meth:`~pathlib.Path.read_bytes`
* :meth:`~pathlib.Path.read_text`
* :meth:`~pathlib.Path.readlink`
* :meth:`~pathlib.Path.rename`
* :meth:`~pathlib.Path.replace`
* :meth:`~pathlib.Path.rmdir`
* :meth:`~pathlib.Path.samefile`
* :meth:`~pathlib.Path.stat`
* :meth:`~pathlib.Path.touch`
* :meth:`~pathlib.Path.unlink`
* :meth:`~pathlib.Path.write_bytes`
* :meth:`~pathlib.Path.write_text`
Additionally, the following methods return an async iterator yielding :class:`~.Path` objects:
* :meth:`~pathlib.Path.glob`
* :meth:`~pathlib.Path.iterdir`
* :meth:`~pathlib.Path.rglob`
__slots__ = "_path", "__weakref__"
__weakref__: Any
def __init__(self, *args: Union[str, "PathLike[str]"]) -> None:
self._path: Final[pathlib.Path] = pathlib.Path(*args)
def __fspath__(self) -> str:
return self._path.__fspath__()
def __str__(self) -> str:
return self._path.__str__()
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.as_posix()!r})"
def __bytes__(self) -> bytes:
return self._path.__bytes__()
def __hash__(self) -> int:
return self._path.__hash__()
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
target = other._path if isinstance(other, Path) else other
return self._path.__eq__(target)
def __lt__(self, other: "Path") -> bool:
target = other._path if isinstance(other, Path) else other
return self._path.__lt__(target)
def __le__(self, other: "Path") -> bool:
target = other._path if isinstance(other, Path) else other
return self._path.__le__(target)
def __gt__(self, other: "Path") -> bool:
target = other._path if isinstance(other, Path) else other
return self._path.__gt__(target)
def __ge__(self, other: "Path") -> bool:
target = other._path if isinstance(other, Path) else other
return self._path.__ge__(target)
def __truediv__(self, other: Any) -> "Path":
return Path(self._path / other)
def __rtruediv__(self, other: Any) -> "Path":
return Path(other) / self
def parts(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
def drive(self) -> str:
def root(self) -> str:
return self._path.root
def anchor(self) -> str:
return self._path.anchor
def parents(self) -> Sequence["Path"]:
return tuple(Path(p) for p in self._path.parents)
def parent(self) -> "Path":
return Path(self._path.parent)
def name(self) -> str:
def suffix(self) -> str:
return self._path.suffix
def suffixes(self) -> List[str]:
return self._path.suffixes
def stem(self) -> str:
return self._path.stem
async def absolute(self) -> "Path":
path = await to_thread.run_sync(self._path.absolute)
return Path(path)
def as_posix(self) -> str:
return self._path.as_posix()
def as_uri(self) -> str:
return self._path.as_uri()
def match(self, path_pattern: str) -> bool:
return self._path.match(path_pattern)
def is_relative_to(self, *other: Union[str, "PathLike[str]"]) -> bool:
return True
except ValueError:
return False
async def chmod(self, mode: int, *, follow_symlinks: bool = True) -> None:
func = partial(os.chmod, follow_symlinks=follow_symlinks)
return await to_thread.run_sync(func, self._path, mode)
async def cwd(cls) -> "Path":
path = await to_thread.run_sync(pathlib.Path.cwd)
return cls(path)
async def exists(self) -> bool:
return await to_thread.run_sync(self._path.exists, cancellable=True)
async def expanduser(self) -> "Path":
return Path(await to_thread.run_sync(self._path.expanduser, cancellable=True))
def glob(self, pattern: str) -> AsyncIterator["Path"]:
gen = self._path.glob(pattern)
return _PathIterator(gen)
async def group(self) -> str:
return await to_thread.run_sync(, cancellable=True)
async def hardlink_to(self, target: Union[str, pathlib.Path, "Path"]) -> None:
if isinstance(target, Path):
target = target._path
await to_thread.run_sync(, target, self)
async def home(cls) -> "Path":
home_path = await to_thread.run_sync(pathlib.Path.home)
return cls(home_path)
def is_absolute(self) -> bool:
return self._path.is_absolute()
async def is_block_device(self) -> bool:
return await to_thread.run_sync(self._path.is_block_device, cancellable=True)
async def is_char_device(self) -> bool:
return await to_thread.run_sync(self._path.is_char_device, cancellable=True)
async def is_dir(self) -> bool:
return await to_thread.run_sync(self._path.is_dir, cancellable=True)
async def is_fifo(self) -> bool:
return await to_thread.run_sync(self._path.is_fifo, cancellable=True)
async def is_file(self) -> bool:
return await to_thread.run_sync(self._path.is_file, cancellable=True)
async def is_mount(self) -> bool:
return await to_thread.run_sync(os.path.ismount, self._path, cancellable=True)
def is_reserved(self) -> bool:
return self._path.is_reserved()
async def is_socket(self) -> bool:
return await to_thread.run_sync(self._path.is_socket, cancellable=True)
async def is_symlink(self) -> bool:
return await to_thread.run_sync(self._path.is_symlink, cancellable=True)
def iterdir(self) -> AsyncIterator["Path"]:
gen = self._path.iterdir()
return _PathIterator(gen)
def joinpath(self, *args: Union[str, "PathLike[str]"]) -> "Path":
return Path(self._path.joinpath(*args))
async def lchmod(self, mode: int) -> None:
await to_thread.run_sync(self._path.lchmod, mode)
async def lstat(self) -> os.stat_result:
return await to_thread.run_sync(self._path.lstat, cancellable=True)
async def mkdir(
self, mode: int = 0o777, parents: bool = False, exist_ok: bool = False
) -> None:
await to_thread.run_sync(self._path.mkdir, mode, parents, exist_ok)
async def open(
mode: OpenBinaryMode,
buffering: int = ...,
encoding: Optional[str] = ...,
errors: Optional[str] = ...,
newline: Optional[str] = ...,
) -> AsyncFile[bytes]:
async def open(
mode: OpenTextMode = ...,
buffering: int = ...,
encoding: Optional[str] = ...,
errors: Optional[str] = ...,
newline: Optional[str] = ...,
) -> AsyncFile[str]:
async def open(
mode: str = "r",
buffering: int = -1,
encoding: Optional[str] = None,
errors: Optional[str] = None,
newline: Optional[str] = None,
) -> AsyncFile[Any]:
fp = await to_thread.run_sync(, mode, buffering, encoding, errors, newline
return AsyncFile(fp)
async def owner(self) -> str:
return await to_thread.run_sync(self._path.owner, cancellable=True)
async def read_bytes(self) -> bytes:
return await to_thread.run_sync(self._path.read_bytes)
async def read_text(
self, encoding: Optional[str] = None, errors: Optional[str] = None
) -> str:
return await to_thread.run_sync(self._path.read_text, encoding, errors)
def relative_to(self, *other: Union[str, "PathLike[str]"]) -> "Path":
return Path(self._path.relative_to(*other))
async def readlink(self) -> "Path":
target = await to_thread.run_sync(os.readlink, self._path)
return Path(cast(str, target))
async def rename(self, target: Union[str, pathlib.PurePath, "Path"]) -> "Path":
if isinstance(target, Path):
target = target._path
await to_thread.run_sync(self._path.rename, target)
return Path(target)
async def replace(self, target: Union[str, pathlib.PurePath, "Path"]) -> "Path":
if isinstance(target, Path):
target = target._path
await to_thread.run_sync(self._path.replace, target)
return Path(target)
async def resolve(self, strict: bool = False) -> "Path":
func = partial(self._path.resolve, strict=strict)
return Path(await to_thread.run_sync(func, cancellable=True))
def rglob(self, pattern: str) -> AsyncIterator["Path"]:
gen = self._path.rglob(pattern)
return _PathIterator(gen)
async def rmdir(self) -> None:
await to_thread.run_sync(self._path.rmdir)
async def samefile(
self, other_path: Union[str, bytes, int, pathlib.Path, "Path"]
) -> bool:
if isinstance(other_path, Path):
other_path = other_path._path
return await to_thread.run_sync(
self._path.samefile, other_path, cancellable=True
async def stat(self, *, follow_symlinks: bool = True) -> os.stat_result:
func = partial(os.stat, follow_symlinks=follow_symlinks)
return await to_thread.run_sync(func, self._path, cancellable=True)
async def symlink_to(
target: Union[str, pathlib.Path, "Path"],
target_is_directory: bool = False,
) -> None:
if isinstance(target, Path):
target = target._path
await to_thread.run_sync(self._path.symlink_to, target, target_is_directory)
async def touch(self, mode: int = 0o666, exist_ok: bool = True) -> None:
await to_thread.run_sync(self._path.touch, mode, exist_ok)
async def unlink(self, missing_ok: bool = False) -> None:
await to_thread.run_sync(self._path.unlink)
except FileNotFoundError:
if not missing_ok:
def with_name(self, name: str) -> "Path":
return Path(self._path.with_name(name))
def with_stem(self, stem: str) -> "Path":
return Path(self._path.with_name(stem + self._path.suffix))
def with_suffix(self, suffix: str) -> "Path":
return Path(self._path.with_suffix(suffix))
async def write_bytes(self, data: bytes) -> int:
return await to_thread.run_sync(self._path.write_bytes, data)
async def write_text(
data: str,
encoding: Optional[str] = None,
errors: Optional[str] = None,
newline: Optional[str] = None,
) -> int:
# Path.write_text() does not support the "newline" parameter before Python 3.10
def sync_write_text() -> int:
"w", encoding=encoding, errors=errors, newline=newline
) as fp:
return fp.write(data)
return await to_thread.run_sync(sync_write_text)

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
from import AsyncResource
from ._tasks import CancelScope
async def aclose_forcefully(resource: AsyncResource) -> None:
Close an asynchronous resource in a cancelled scope.
Doing this closes the resource without waiting on anything.
:param resource: the resource to close
with CancelScope() as scope:
await resource.aclose()

@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
from typing import AsyncIterator
from ._compat import DeprecatedAsyncContextManager
from ._eventloop import get_asynclib
def open_signal_receiver(
*signals: int,
) -> DeprecatedAsyncContextManager[AsyncIterator[int]]:
Start receiving operating system signals.
:param signals: signals to receive (e.g. ``signal.SIGINT``)
:return: an asynchronous context manager for an asynchronous iterator which yields signal
.. warning:: Windows does not support signals natively so it is best to avoid relying on this
in cross-platform applications.
.. warning:: On asyncio, this permanently replaces any previous signal handler for the given
signals, as set via :meth:`~asyncio.loop.add_signal_handler`.
return get_asynclib().open_signal_receiver(*signals)

@ -1,587 +0,0 @@
import socket
import ssl
import sys
from ipaddress import IPv6Address, ip_address
from os import PathLike, chmod
from pathlib import Path
from socket import AddressFamily, SocketKind
from typing import Awaitable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union, cast, overload
from .. import to_thread
from import (
from ..streams.stapled import MultiListener
from ..streams.tls import TLSStream
from ._eventloop import get_asynclib
from ._resources import aclose_forcefully
from ._synchronization import Event
from ._tasks import create_task_group, move_on_after
if sys.version_info >= (3, 8):
from typing import Literal
from typing_extensions import Literal
IPPROTO_IPV6 = getattr(socket, "IPPROTO_IPV6", 41) #
GetAddrInfoReturnType = List[
Tuple[AddressFamily, SocketKind, int, str, Tuple[str, int]]
AnyIPAddressFamily = Literal[
AddressFamily.AF_UNSPEC, AddressFamily.AF_INET, AddressFamily.AF_INET6
IPAddressFamily = Literal[AddressFamily.AF_INET, AddressFamily.AF_INET6]
# tls_hostname given
async def connect_tcp(
remote_host: IPAddressType,
remote_port: int,
local_host: Optional[IPAddressType] = ...,
ssl_context: Optional[ssl.SSLContext] = ...,
tls_standard_compatible: bool = ...,
tls_hostname: str,
happy_eyeballs_delay: float = ...,
) -> TLSStream:
# ssl_context given
async def connect_tcp(
remote_host: IPAddressType,
remote_port: int,
local_host: Optional[IPAddressType] = ...,
ssl_context: ssl.SSLContext,
tls_standard_compatible: bool = ...,
tls_hostname: Optional[str] = ...,
happy_eyeballs_delay: float = ...,
) -> TLSStream:
# tls=True
async def connect_tcp(
remote_host: IPAddressType,
remote_port: int,
local_host: Optional[IPAddressType] = ...,
tls: Literal[True],
ssl_context: Optional[ssl.SSLContext] = ...,
tls_standard_compatible: bool = ...,
tls_hostname: Optional[str] = ...,
happy_eyeballs_delay: float = ...,
) -> TLSStream:
# tls=False
async def connect_tcp(
remote_host: IPAddressType,
remote_port: int,
local_host: Optional[IPAddressType] = ...,
tls: Literal[False],
ssl_context: Optional[ssl.SSLContext] = ...,
tls_standard_compatible: bool = ...,
tls_hostname: Optional[str] = ...,
happy_eyeballs_delay: float = ...,
) -> SocketStream:
# No TLS arguments
async def connect_tcp(
remote_host: IPAddressType,
remote_port: int,
local_host: Optional[IPAddressType] = ...,
happy_eyeballs_delay: float = ...,
) -> SocketStream:
async def connect_tcp(
remote_host: IPAddressType,
remote_port: int,
local_host: Optional[IPAddressType] = None,
tls: bool = False,
ssl_context: Optional[ssl.SSLContext] = None,
tls_standard_compatible: bool = True,
tls_hostname: Optional[str] = None,
happy_eyeballs_delay: float = 0.25,
) -> Union[SocketStream, TLSStream]:
Connect to a host using the TCP protocol.
This function implements the stateless version of the Happy Eyeballs algorithm (RFC 6555).
If ``address`` is a host name that resolves to multiple IP addresses, each one is tried until
one connection attempt succeeds. If the first attempt does not connected within 250
milliseconds, a second attempt is started using the next address in the list, and so on.
On IPv6 enabled systems, an IPv6 address (if available) is tried first.
When the connection has been established, a TLS handshake will be done if either
``ssl_context`` or ``tls_hostname`` is not ``None``, or if ``tls`` is ``True``.
:param remote_host: the IP address or host name to connect to
:param remote_port: port on the target host to connect to
:param local_host: the interface address or name to bind the socket to before connecting
:param tls: ``True`` to do a TLS handshake with the connected stream and return a
:class:`~anyio.streams.tls.TLSStream` instead
:param ssl_context: the SSL context object to use (if omitted, a default context is created)
:param tls_standard_compatible: If ``True``, performs the TLS shutdown handshake before closing
the stream and requires that the server does this as well. Otherwise,
:exc:`~ssl.SSLEOFError` may be raised during reads from the stream.
Some protocols, such as HTTP, require this option to be ``False``.
See :meth:`~ssl.SSLContext.wrap_socket` for details.
:param tls_hostname: host name to check the server certificate against (defaults to the value
of ``remote_host``)
:param happy_eyeballs_delay: delay (in seconds) before starting the next connection attempt
:return: a socket stream object if no TLS handshake was done, otherwise a TLS stream
:raises OSError: if the connection attempt fails
# Placed here due to
connected_stream: Optional[SocketStream] = None
async def try_connect(remote_host: str, event: Event) -> None:
nonlocal connected_stream
stream = await asynclib.connect_tcp(remote_host, remote_port, local_address)
except OSError as exc:
if connected_stream is None:
connected_stream = stream
await stream.aclose()
asynclib = get_asynclib()
local_address: Optional[IPSockAddrType] = None
family = socket.AF_UNSPEC
if local_host:
gai_res = await getaddrinfo(str(local_host), None)
family, *_, local_address = gai_res[0]
target_host = str(remote_host)
addr_obj = ip_address(remote_host)
except ValueError:
# getaddrinfo() will raise an exception if name resolution fails
gai_res = await getaddrinfo(
target_host, remote_port, family=family, type=socket.SOCK_STREAM
# Organize the list so that the first address is an IPv6 address (if available) and the
# second one is an IPv4 addresses. The rest can be in whatever order.
v6_found = v4_found = False
target_addrs: List[Tuple[socket.AddressFamily, str]] = []
for af, *rest, sa in gai_res:
if af == socket.AF_INET6 and not v6_found:
v6_found = True
target_addrs.insert(0, (af, sa[0]))
elif af == socket.AF_INET and not v4_found and v6_found:
v4_found = True
target_addrs.insert(1, (af, sa[0]))
target_addrs.append((af, sa[0]))
if isinstance(addr_obj, IPv6Address):
target_addrs = [(socket.AF_INET6, addr_obj.compressed)]
target_addrs = [(socket.AF_INET, addr_obj.compressed)]
oserrors: List[OSError] = []
async with create_task_group() as tg:
for i, (af, addr) in enumerate(target_addrs):
event = Event()
tg.start_soon(try_connect, addr, event)
with move_on_after(happy_eyeballs_delay):
await event.wait()
if connected_stream is None:
cause = oserrors[0] if len(oserrors) == 1 else asynclib.ExceptionGroup(oserrors)
raise OSError("All connection attempts failed") from cause
if tls or tls_hostname or ssl_context:
return await TLSStream.wrap(
hostname=tls_hostname or str(remote_host),
except BaseException:
await aclose_forcefully(connected_stream)
return connected_stream
async def connect_unix(path: Union[str, "PathLike[str]"]) -> UNIXSocketStream:
Connect to the given UNIX socket.
Not available on Windows.
:param path: path to the socket
:return: a socket stream object
path = str(Path(path))
return await get_asynclib().connect_unix(path)
async def create_tcp_listener(
local_host: Optional[IPAddressType] = None,
local_port: int = 0,
family: AnyIPAddressFamily = socket.AddressFamily.AF_UNSPEC,
backlog: int = 65536,
reuse_port: bool = False,
) -> MultiListener[SocketStream]:
Create a TCP socket listener.
:param local_port: port number to listen on
:param local_host: IP address of the interface to listen on. If omitted, listen on all IPv4
and IPv6 interfaces. To listen on all interfaces on a specific address family, use
```` for IPv4 or ``::`` for IPv6.
:param family: address family (used if ``interface`` was omitted)
:param backlog: maximum number of queued incoming connections (up to a maximum of 2**16, or
:param reuse_port: ``True`` to allow multiple sockets to bind to the same address/port
(not supported on Windows)
:return: a list of listener objects
asynclib = get_asynclib()
backlog = min(backlog, 65536)
local_host = str(local_host) if local_host is not None else None
gai_res = await getaddrinfo(
local_host, # type: ignore[arg-type]
flags=socket.AI_PASSIVE | socket.AI_ADDRCONFIG,
listeners: List[SocketListener] = []
# The set() is here to work around a glibc bug:
for fam, *_, sockaddr in sorted(set(gai_res)):
raw_socket = socket.socket(fam)
# For Windows, enable exclusive address use. For others, enable address reuse.
if sys.platform == "win32":
raw_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE, 1)
raw_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
if reuse_port:
raw_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEPORT, 1)
# If only IPv6 was requested, disable dual stack operation
if fam == socket.AF_INET6:
raw_socket.setsockopt(IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_V6ONLY, 1)
listener = asynclib.TCPSocketListener(raw_socket)
except BaseException:
for listener in listeners:
await listener.aclose()
return MultiListener(listeners)
async def create_unix_listener(
path: Union[str, "PathLike[str]"],
mode: Optional[int] = None,
backlog: int = 65536,
) -> SocketListener:
Create a UNIX socket listener.
Not available on Windows.
:param path: path of the socket
:param mode: permissions to set on the socket
:param backlog: maximum number of queued incoming connections (up to a maximum of 2**16, or
:return: a listener object
.. versionchanged:: 3.0
If a socket already exists on the file system in the given path, it will be removed first.
path_str = str(path)
path = Path(path)
if path.is_socket():
backlog = min(backlog, 65536)
raw_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX)
await to_thread.run_sync(raw_socket.bind, path_str, cancellable=True)
if mode is not None:
await to_thread.run_sync(chmod, path_str, mode, cancellable=True)
return get_asynclib().UNIXSocketListener(raw_socket)
except BaseException:
async def create_udp_socket(
family: AnyIPAddressFamily = AddressFamily.AF_UNSPEC,
local_host: Optional[IPAddressType] = None,
local_port: int = 0,
reuse_port: bool = False,
) -> UDPSocket:
Create a UDP socket.
If ``port`` has been given, the socket will be bound to this port on the local machine,
making this socket suitable for providing UDP based services.
:param family: address family (``AF_INET`` or ``AF_INET6``) automatically determined from
``local_host`` if omitted
:param local_host: IP address or host name of the local interface to bind to
:param local_port: local port to bind to
:param reuse_port: ``True`` to allow multiple sockets to bind to the same address/port
(not supported on Windows)
:return: a UDP socket
if family is AddressFamily.AF_UNSPEC and not local_host:
raise ValueError('Either "family" or "local_host" must be given')
if local_host:
gai_res = await getaddrinfo(
flags=socket.AI_PASSIVE | socket.AI_ADDRCONFIG,
family = cast(AnyIPAddressFamily, gai_res[0][0])
local_address = gai_res[0][-1]
elif family is AddressFamily.AF_INET6:
local_address = ("::", 0)
local_address = ("", 0)
return await get_asynclib().create_udp_socket(
family, local_address, None, reuse_port
async def create_connected_udp_socket(
remote_host: IPAddressType,
remote_port: int,
family: AnyIPAddressFamily = AddressFamily.AF_UNSPEC,
local_host: Optional[IPAddressType] = None,
local_port: int = 0,
reuse_port: bool = False,
) -> ConnectedUDPSocket:
Create a connected UDP socket.
Connected UDP sockets can only communicate with the specified remote host/port, and any packets
sent from other sources are dropped.
:param remote_host: remote host to set as the default target
:param remote_port: port on the remote host to set as the default target
:param family: address family (``AF_INET`` or ``AF_INET6``) automatically determined from
``local_host`` or ``remote_host`` if omitted
:param local_host: IP address or host name of the local interface to bind to
:param local_port: local port to bind to
:param reuse_port: ``True`` to allow multiple sockets to bind to the same address/port
(not supported on Windows)
:return: a connected UDP socket
local_address = None
if local_host:
gai_res = await getaddrinfo(
flags=socket.AI_PASSIVE | socket.AI_ADDRCONFIG,
family = cast(AnyIPAddressFamily, gai_res[0][0])
local_address = gai_res[0][-1]
gai_res = await getaddrinfo(
str(remote_host), remote_port, family=family, type=socket.SOCK_DGRAM
family = cast(AnyIPAddressFamily, gai_res[0][0])
remote_address = gai_res[0][-1]
return await get_asynclib().create_udp_socket(
family, local_address, remote_address, reuse_port
async def getaddrinfo(
host: Union[bytearray, bytes, str],
port: Union[str, int, None],
family: Union[int, AddressFamily] = 0,
type: Union[int, SocketKind] = 0,
proto: int = 0,
flags: int = 0,
) -> GetAddrInfoReturnType:
Look up a numeric IP address given a host name.
Internationalized domain names are translated according to the (non-transitional) IDNA 2008
.. note:: 4-tuple IPv6 socket addresses are automatically converted to 2-tuples of
(host, port), unlike what :func:`socket.getaddrinfo` does.
:param host: host name
:param port: port number
:param family: socket family (`'AF_INET``, ...)
:param type: socket type (``SOCK_STREAM``, ...)
:param proto: protocol number
:param flags: flags to pass to upstream ``getaddrinfo()``
:return: list of tuples containing (family, type, proto, canonname, sockaddr)
.. seealso:: :func:`socket.getaddrinfo`
# Handle unicode hostnames
if isinstance(host, str):
encoded_host = host.encode("ascii")
except UnicodeEncodeError:
import idna
encoded_host = idna.encode(host, uts46=True)
encoded_host = host
gai_res = await get_asynclib().getaddrinfo(
encoded_host, port, family=family, type=type, proto=proto, flags=flags
return [
(family, type, proto, canonname, convert_ipv6_sockaddr(sockaddr))
for family, type, proto, canonname, sockaddr in gai_res
def getnameinfo(sockaddr: IPSockAddrType, flags: int = 0) -> Awaitable[Tuple[str, str]]:
Look up the host name of an IP address.
:param sockaddr: socket address (e.g. (ipaddress, port) for IPv4)
:param flags: flags to pass to upstream ``getnameinfo()``
:return: a tuple of (host name, service name)
.. seealso:: :func:`socket.getnameinfo`
return get_asynclib().getnameinfo(sockaddr, flags)
def wait_socket_readable(sock: socket.socket) -> Awaitable[None]:
Wait until the given socket has data to be read.
This does **NOT** work on Windows when using the asyncio backend with a proactor event loop
(default on py3.8+).
.. warning:: Only use this on raw sockets that have not been wrapped by any higher level
constructs like socket streams!
:param sock: a socket object
:raises ~anyio.ClosedResourceError: if the socket was closed while waiting for the
socket to become readable
:raises ~anyio.BusyResourceError: if another task is already waiting for the socket
to become readable
return get_asynclib().wait_socket_readable(sock)
def wait_socket_writable(sock: socket.socket) -> Awaitable[None]:
Wait until the given socket can be written to.
This does **NOT** work on Windows when using the asyncio backend with a proactor event loop
(default on py3.8+).
.. warning:: Only use this on raw sockets that have not been wrapped by any higher level
constructs like socket streams!
:param sock: a socket object
:raises ~anyio.ClosedResourceError: if the socket was closed while waiting for the
socket to become writable
:raises ~anyio.BusyResourceError: if another task is already waiting for the socket
to become writable
return get_asynclib().wait_socket_writable(sock)
# Private API
def convert_ipv6_sockaddr(
sockaddr: Union[Tuple[str, int, int, int], Tuple[str, int]]
) -> Tuple[str, int]:
Convert a 4-tuple IPv6 socket address to a 2-tuple (address, port) format.
If the scope ID is nonzero, it is added to the address, separated with ``%``.
Otherwise the flow id and scope id are simply cut off from the tuple.
Any other kinds of socket addresses are returned as-is.
:param sockaddr: the result of :meth:`~socket.socket.getsockname`
:return: the converted socket address
# This is more complicated than it should be because of MyPy
if isinstance(sockaddr, tuple) and len(sockaddr) == 4:
host, port, flowinfo, scope_id = cast(Tuple[str, int, int, int], sockaddr)
if scope_id:
# Add scope_id to the address
return f"{host}%{scope_id}", port
return host, port
return cast(Tuple[str, int], sockaddr)

@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
import math
from typing import Any, Optional, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, overload
from ..streams.memory import (
T_Item = TypeVar("T_Item")
def create_memory_object_stream(
max_buffer_size: float, item_type: Type[T_Item]
) -> Tuple[MemoryObjectSendStream[T_Item], MemoryObjectReceiveStream[T_Item]]:
def create_memory_object_stream(
max_buffer_size: float = 0,
) -> Tuple[MemoryObjectSendStream[Any], MemoryObjectReceiveStream[Any]]:
def create_memory_object_stream(
max_buffer_size: float = 0, item_type: Optional[Type[T_Item]] = None
) -> Tuple[MemoryObjectSendStream[Any], MemoryObjectReceiveStream[Any]]:
Create a memory object stream.
:param max_buffer_size: number of items held in the buffer until ``send()`` starts blocking
:param item_type: type of item, for marking the streams with the right generic type for
static typing (not used at run time)
:return: a tuple of (send stream, receive stream)
if max_buffer_size != math.inf and not isinstance(max_buffer_size, int):
raise ValueError("max_buffer_size must be either an integer or math.inf")
if max_buffer_size < 0:
raise ValueError("max_buffer_size cannot be negative")
state: MemoryObjectStreamState = MemoryObjectStreamState(max_buffer_size)
return MemoryObjectSendStream(state), MemoryObjectReceiveStream(state)

@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
from io import BytesIO
from os import PathLike
from subprocess import DEVNULL, PIPE, CalledProcessError, CompletedProcess
from typing import (
from import Process
from ._eventloop import get_asynclib
from ._tasks import create_task_group
async def run_process(
command: Union[str, bytes, Sequence[Union[str, bytes]]],
input: Optional[bytes] = None,
stdout: Union[int, IO[Any], None] = PIPE,
stderr: Union[int, IO[Any], None] = PIPE,
check: bool = True,
cwd: Union[str, bytes, "PathLike[str]", None] = None,
env: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
start_new_session: bool = False,
) -> "CompletedProcess[bytes]":
Run an external command in a subprocess and wait until it completes.
.. seealso:: :func:``
:param command: either a string to pass to the shell, or an iterable of strings containing the
executable name or path and its arguments
:param input: bytes passed to the standard input of the subprocess
:param stdout: either :data:`subprocess.PIPE` or :data:`subprocess.DEVNULL`
:param stderr: one of :data:`subprocess.PIPE`, :data:`subprocess.DEVNULL` or
:param check: if ``True``, raise :exc:`~subprocess.CalledProcessError` if the process
terminates with a return code other than 0
:param cwd: If not ``None``, change the working directory to this before running the command
:param env: if not ``None``, this mapping replaces the inherited environment variables from the
parent process
:param start_new_session: if ``true`` the setsid() system call will be made in the child
process prior to the execution of the subprocess. (POSIX only)
:return: an object representing the completed process
:raises ~subprocess.CalledProcessError: if ``check`` is ``True`` and the process exits with a
nonzero return code
async def drain_stream(stream: AsyncIterable[bytes], index: int) -> None:
buffer = BytesIO()
async for chunk in stream:
stream_contents[index] = buffer.getvalue()
async with await open_process(
stdin=PIPE if input else DEVNULL,
) as process:
stream_contents: List[Optional[bytes]] = [None, None]
async with create_task_group() as tg:
if process.stdout:
tg.start_soon(drain_stream, process.stdout, 0)
if process.stderr:
tg.start_soon(drain_stream, process.stderr, 1)
if process.stdin and input:
await process.stdin.send(input)
await process.stdin.aclose()
await process.wait()
except BaseException:
output, errors = stream_contents
if check and process.returncode != 0:
raise CalledProcessError(cast(int, process.returncode), command, output, errors)
return CompletedProcess(command, cast(int, process.returncode), output, errors)
async def open_process(
command: Union[str, bytes, Sequence[Union[str, bytes]]],
stdin: Union[int, IO[Any], None] = PIPE,
stdout: Union[int, IO[Any], None] = PIPE,
stderr: Union[int, IO[Any], None] = PIPE,
cwd: Union[str, bytes, "PathLike[str]", None] = None,
env: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
start_new_session: bool = False,
) -> Process:
Start an external command in a subprocess.
.. seealso:: :class:`subprocess.Popen`
:param command: either a string to pass to the shell, or an iterable of strings containing the
executable name or path and its arguments
:param stdin: one of :data:`subprocess.PIPE`, :data:`subprocess.DEVNULL`, a
file-like object, or ``None``
:param stdout: one of :data:`subprocess.PIPE`, :data:`subprocess.DEVNULL`,
a file-like object, or ``None``
:param stderr: one of :data:`subprocess.PIPE`, :data:`subprocess.DEVNULL`,
:data:`subprocess.STDOUT`, a file-like object, or ``None``
:param cwd: If not ``None``, the working directory is changed before executing
:param env: If env is not ``None``, it must be a mapping that defines the environment
variables for the new process
:param start_new_session: if ``true`` the setsid() system call will be made in the child
process prior to the execution of the subprocess. (POSIX only)
:return: an asynchronous process object
shell = isinstance(command, str)
return await get_asynclib().open_process(

@ -1,595 +0,0 @@
from collections import deque
from dataclasses import dataclass
from types import TracebackType
from typing import Deque, Optional, Tuple, Type
from warnings import warn
from ..lowlevel import cancel_shielded_checkpoint, checkpoint, checkpoint_if_cancelled
from ._compat import DeprecatedAwaitable
from ._eventloop import get_asynclib
from ._exceptions import BusyResourceError, WouldBlock
from ._tasks import CancelScope
from ._testing import TaskInfo, get_current_task
class EventStatistics:
:ivar int tasks_waiting: number of tasks waiting on :meth:`~.Event.wait`
tasks_waiting: int
class CapacityLimiterStatistics:
:ivar int borrowed_tokens: number of tokens currently borrowed by tasks
:ivar float total_tokens: total number of available tokens
:ivar tuple borrowers: tasks or other objects currently holding tokens borrowed from this
:ivar int tasks_waiting: number of tasks waiting on :meth:`~.CapacityLimiter.acquire` or
borrowed_tokens: int
total_tokens: float
borrowers: Tuple[object, ...]
tasks_waiting: int
class LockStatistics:
:ivar bool locked: flag indicating if this lock is locked or not
:ivar ~anyio.TaskInfo owner: task currently holding the lock (or ``None`` if the lock is not
held by any task)
:ivar int tasks_waiting: number of tasks waiting on :meth:`~.Lock.acquire`
locked: bool
owner: Optional[TaskInfo]
tasks_waiting: int
class ConditionStatistics:
:ivar int tasks_waiting: number of tasks blocked on :meth:`~.Condition.wait`
:ivar ~anyio.LockStatistics lock_statistics: statistics of the underlying :class:`~.Lock`
tasks_waiting: int
lock_statistics: LockStatistics
class SemaphoreStatistics:
:ivar int tasks_waiting: number of tasks waiting on :meth:`~.Semaphore.acquire`
tasks_waiting: int
class Event:
def __new__(cls) -> "Event":
return get_asynclib().Event()
def set(self) -> DeprecatedAwaitable:
"""Set the flag, notifying all listeners."""
raise NotImplementedError
def is_set(self) -> bool:
"""Return ``True`` if the flag is set, ``False`` if not."""
raise NotImplementedError
async def wait(self) -> None:
Wait until the flag has been set.
If the flag has already been set when this method is called, it returns immediately.
raise NotImplementedError
def statistics(self) -> EventStatistics:
"""Return statistics about the current state of this event."""
raise NotImplementedError
class Lock:
_owner_task: Optional[TaskInfo] = None
def __init__(self) -> None:
self._waiters: Deque[Tuple[TaskInfo, Event]] = deque()
async def __aenter__(self) -> None:
await self.acquire()
async def __aexit__(
exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]],
exc_val: Optional[BaseException],
exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType],
) -> None:
async def acquire(self) -> None:
"""Acquire the lock."""
await checkpoint_if_cancelled()
except WouldBlock:
task = get_current_task()
event = Event()
token = task, event
await event.wait()
except BaseException:
if not event.is_set():
elif self._owner_task == task:
assert self._owner_task == task
await cancel_shielded_checkpoint()
except BaseException:
def acquire_nowait(self) -> None:
Acquire the lock, without blocking.
:raises ~WouldBlock: if the operation would block
task = get_current_task()
if self._owner_task == task:
raise RuntimeError("Attempted to acquire an already held Lock")
if self._owner_task is not None:
raise WouldBlock
self._owner_task = task
def release(self) -> DeprecatedAwaitable:
"""Release the lock."""
if self._owner_task != get_current_task():
raise RuntimeError("The current task is not holding this lock")
if self._waiters:
self._owner_task, event = self._waiters.popleft()
del self._owner_task
return DeprecatedAwaitable(self.release)
def locked(self) -> bool:
"""Return True if the lock is currently held."""
return self._owner_task is not None
def statistics(self) -> LockStatistics:
Return statistics about the current state of this lock.
.. versionadded:: 3.0
return LockStatistics(self.locked(), self._owner_task, len(self._waiters))
class Condition:
_owner_task: Optional[TaskInfo] = None
def __init__(self, lock: Optional[Lock] = None):
self._lock = lock or Lock()
self._waiters: Deque[Event] = deque()
async def __aenter__(self) -> None:
await self.acquire()
async def __aexit__(
exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]],
exc_val: Optional[BaseException],
exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType],
) -> None:
def _check_acquired(self) -> None:
if self._owner_task != get_current_task():
raise RuntimeError("The current task is not holding the underlying lock")
async def acquire(self) -> None:
"""Acquire the underlying lock."""
await self._lock.acquire()
self._owner_task = get_current_task()
def acquire_nowait(self) -> None:
Acquire the underlying lock, without blocking.
:raises ~WouldBlock: if the operation would block
self._owner_task = get_current_task()
def release(self) -> DeprecatedAwaitable:
"""Release the underlying lock."""
return DeprecatedAwaitable(self.release)
def locked(self) -> bool:
"""Return True if the lock is set."""
return self._lock.locked()
def notify(self, n: int = 1) -> None:
"""Notify exactly n listeners."""
for _ in range(n):
event = self._waiters.popleft()
except IndexError:
def notify_all(self) -> None:
"""Notify all the listeners."""
for event in self._waiters:
async def wait(self) -> None:
"""Wait for a notification."""
await checkpoint()
event = Event()
await event.wait()
except BaseException:
if not event.is_set():
with CancelScope(shield=True):
await self.acquire()
def statistics(self) -> ConditionStatistics:
Return statistics about the current state of this condition.
.. versionadded:: 3.0
return ConditionStatistics(len(self._waiters), self._lock.statistics())
class Semaphore:
def __init__(self, initial_value: int, *, max_value: Optional[int] = None):
if not isinstance(initial_value, int):
raise TypeError("initial_value must be an integer")
if initial_value < 0:
raise ValueError("initial_value must be >= 0")
if max_value is not None:
if not isinstance(max_value, int):
raise TypeError("max_value must be an integer or None")
if max_value < initial_value:
raise ValueError(
"max_value must be equal to or higher than initial_value"
self._value = initial_value
self._max_value = max_value
self._waiters: Deque[Event] = deque()
async def __aenter__(self) -> "Semaphore":
await self.acquire()
return self
async def __aexit__(
exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]],
exc_val: Optional[BaseException],
exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType],
) -> None:
async def acquire(self) -> None:
"""Decrement the semaphore value, blocking if necessary."""
await checkpoint_if_cancelled()
except WouldBlock:
event = Event()
await event.wait()
except BaseException:
if not event.is_set():
await cancel_shielded_checkpoint()
except BaseException:
def acquire_nowait(self) -> None:
Acquire the underlying lock, without blocking.
:raises ~WouldBlock: if the operation would block
if self._value == 0:
raise WouldBlock
self._value -= 1
def release(self) -> DeprecatedAwaitable:
"""Increment the semaphore value."""
if self._max_value is not None and self._value == self._max_value:
raise ValueError("semaphore released too many times")
if self._waiters:
self._value += 1
return DeprecatedAwaitable(self.release)
def value(self) -> int:
"""The current value of the semaphore."""
return self._value
def max_value(self) -> Optional[int]:
"""The maximum value of the semaphore."""
return self._max_value
def statistics(self) -> SemaphoreStatistics:
Return statistics about the current state of this semaphore.
.. versionadded:: 3.0
return SemaphoreStatistics(len(self._waiters))
class CapacityLimiter:
def __new__(cls, total_tokens: float) -> "CapacityLimiter":
return get_asynclib().CapacityLimiter(total_tokens)
async def __aenter__(self) -> None:
raise NotImplementedError
async def __aexit__(
exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]],
exc_val: Optional[BaseException],
exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType],
) -> Optional[bool]:
raise NotImplementedError
def total_tokens(self) -> float:
The total number of tokens available for borrowing.
This is a read-write property. If the total number of tokens is increased, the
proportionate number of tasks waiting on this limiter will be granted their tokens.
.. versionchanged:: 3.0
The property is now writable.
raise NotImplementedError
def total_tokens(self, value: float) -> None:
raise NotImplementedError
async def set_total_tokens(self, value: float) -> None:
"CapacityLimiter.set_total_tokens has been deprecated. Set the value of the"
'"total_tokens" attribute directly.',
self.total_tokens = value
def borrowed_tokens(self) -> int:
"""The number of tokens that have currently been borrowed."""
raise NotImplementedError
def available_tokens(self) -> float:
"""The number of tokens currently available to be borrowed"""
raise NotImplementedError
def acquire_nowait(self) -> DeprecatedAwaitable:
Acquire a token for the current task without waiting for one to become available.
:raises ~anyio.WouldBlock: if there are no tokens available for borrowing
raise NotImplementedError
def acquire_on_behalf_of_nowait(self, borrower: object) -> DeprecatedAwaitable:
Acquire a token without waiting for one to become available.
:param borrower: the entity borrowing a token
:raises ~anyio.WouldBlock: if there are no tokens available for borrowing
raise NotImplementedError
async def acquire(self) -> None:
Acquire a token for the current task, waiting if necessary for one to become available.
raise NotImplementedError
async def acquire_on_behalf_of(self, borrower: object) -> None:
Acquire a token, waiting if necessary for one to become available.
:param borrower: the entity borrowing a token
raise NotImplementedError
def release(self) -> None:
Release the token held by the current task.
:raises RuntimeError: if the current task has not borrowed a token from this limiter.
raise NotImplementedError
def release_on_behalf_of(self, borrower: object) -> None:
Release the token held by the given borrower.
:raises RuntimeError: if the borrower has not borrowed a token from this limiter.
raise NotImplementedError
def statistics(self) -> CapacityLimiterStatistics:
Return statistics about the current state of this limiter.
.. versionadded:: 3.0
raise NotImplementedError
def create_lock() -> Lock:
Create an asynchronous lock.
:return: a lock object
.. deprecated:: 3.0
Use :class:`~Lock` directly.
warn("create_lock() is deprecated -- use Lock() directly", DeprecationWarning)
return Lock()
def create_condition(lock: Optional[Lock] = None) -> Condition:
Create an asynchronous condition.
:param lock: the lock to base the condition object on
:return: a condition object
.. deprecated:: 3.0
Use :class:`~Condition` directly.
"create_condition() is deprecated -- use Condition() directly",
return Condition(lock=lock)
def create_event() -> Event:
Create an asynchronous event object.
:return: an event object
.. deprecated:: 3.0
Use :class:`~Event` directly.
warn("create_event() is deprecated -- use Event() directly", DeprecationWarning)
return get_asynclib().Event()
def create_semaphore(value: int, *, max_value: Optional[int] = None) -> Semaphore:
Create an asynchronous semaphore.
:param value: the semaphore's initial value
:param max_value: if set, makes this a "bounded" semaphore that raises :exc:`ValueError` if the
semaphore's value would exceed this number
:return: a semaphore object
.. deprecated:: 3.0
Use :class:`~Semaphore` directly.
"create_semaphore() is deprecated -- use Semaphore() directly",
return Semaphore(value, max_value=max_value)
def create_capacity_limiter(total_tokens: float) -> CapacityLimiter:
Create a capacity limiter.
:param total_tokens: the total number of tokens available for borrowing (can be an integer or
:return: a capacity limiter object
.. deprecated:: 3.0
Use :class:`~CapacityLimiter` directly.
"create_capacity_limiter() is deprecated -- use CapacityLimiter() directly",
return get_asynclib().CapacityLimiter(total_tokens)
class ResourceGuard:
__slots__ = "action", "_guarded"
def __init__(self, action: str):
self.action = action
self._guarded = False
def __enter__(self) -> None:
if self._guarded:
raise BusyResourceError(self.action)
self._guarded = True
def __exit__(
exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]],
exc_val: Optional[BaseException],
exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType],
) -> Optional[bool]:
self._guarded = False
return None

@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
import math
from types import TracebackType
from typing import Optional, Type
from warnings import warn
from import TaskGroup, TaskStatus
from ._compat import (
from ._eventloop import get_asynclib
class _IgnoredTaskStatus(TaskStatus):
def started(self, value: object = None) -> None:
TASK_STATUS_IGNORED = _IgnoredTaskStatus()
class CancelScope(DeprecatedAsyncContextManager["CancelScope"]):
Wraps a unit of work that can be made separately cancellable.
:param deadline: The time (clock value) when this scope is cancelled automatically
:param shield: ``True`` to shield the cancel scope from external cancellation
def __new__(
cls, *, deadline: float = math.inf, shield: bool = False
) -> "CancelScope":
return get_asynclib().CancelScope(shield=shield, deadline=deadline)
def cancel(self) -> DeprecatedAwaitable:
"""Cancel this scope immediately."""
raise NotImplementedError
def deadline(self) -> float:
The time (clock value) when this scope is cancelled automatically.
Will be ``float('inf')`` if no timeout has been set.
raise NotImplementedError
def deadline(self, value: float) -> None:
raise NotImplementedError
def cancel_called(self) -> bool:
"""``True`` if :meth:`cancel` has been called."""
raise NotImplementedError
def shield(self) -> bool:
``True`` if this scope is shielded from external cancellation.
While a scope is shielded, it will not receive cancellations from outside.
raise NotImplementedError
def shield(self, value: bool) -> None:
raise NotImplementedError
def __enter__(self) -> "CancelScope":
raise NotImplementedError
def __exit__(
exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]],
exc_val: Optional[BaseException],
exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType],
) -> Optional[bool]:
raise NotImplementedError
def open_cancel_scope(*, shield: bool = False) -> CancelScope:
Open a cancel scope.
:param shield: ``True`` to shield the cancel scope from external cancellation
:return: a cancel scope
.. deprecated:: 3.0
Use :class:`~CancelScope` directly.
"open_cancel_scope() is deprecated -- use CancelScope() directly",
return get_asynclib().CancelScope(shield=shield)
class FailAfterContextManager(DeprecatedAsyncContextManager[CancelScope]):
def __init__(self, cancel_scope: CancelScope):
self._cancel_scope = cancel_scope
def __enter__(self) -> CancelScope:
return self._cancel_scope.__enter__()
def __exit__(
exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]],
exc_val: Optional[BaseException],
exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType],
) -> Optional[bool]:
retval = self._cancel_scope.__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)
if self._cancel_scope.cancel_called:
raise TimeoutError
return retval
def fail_after(delay: Optional[float], shield: bool = False) -> FailAfterContextManager:
Create a context manager which raises a :class:`TimeoutError` if does not finish in time.
:param delay: maximum allowed time (in seconds) before raising the exception, or ``None`` to
disable the timeout
:param shield: ``True`` to shield the cancel scope from external cancellation
:return: a context manager that yields a cancel scope
:rtype: :class:`~typing.ContextManager`\\[:class:``\\]
deadline = (
(get_asynclib().current_time() + delay) if delay is not None else math.inf
cancel_scope = get_asynclib().CancelScope(deadline=deadline, shield=shield)
return FailAfterContextManager(cancel_scope)
def move_on_after(delay: Optional[float], shield: bool = False) -> CancelScope:
Create a cancel scope with a deadline that expires after the given delay.
:param delay: maximum allowed time (in seconds) before exiting the context block, or ``None``
to disable the timeout
:param shield: ``True`` to shield the cancel scope from external cancellation
:return: a cancel scope
deadline = (
(get_asynclib().current_time() + delay) if delay is not None else math.inf
return get_asynclib().CancelScope(deadline=deadline, shield=shield)
def current_effective_deadline() -> DeprecatedAwaitableFloat:
Return the nearest deadline among all the cancel scopes effective for the current task.
:return: a clock value from the event loop's internal clock (``float('inf')`` if there is no
deadline in effect)
:rtype: float
return DeprecatedAwaitableFloat(
get_asynclib().current_effective_deadline(), current_effective_deadline
def create_task_group() -> "TaskGroup":
Create a task group.
:return: a task group
return get_asynclib().TaskGroup()

@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
from typing import Any, Awaitable, Generator, Optional, Union
from ._compat import DeprecatedAwaitableList, _warn_deprecation
from ._eventloop import get_asynclib
class TaskInfo:
Represents an asynchronous task.
:ivar int id: the unique identifier of the task
:ivar parent_id: the identifier of the parent task, if any
:vartype parent_id: Optional[int]
:ivar str name: the description of the task (if any)
:ivar coro: the coroutine object of the task
__slots__ = "_name", "id", "parent_id", "name", "coro"
def __init__(
id: int,
parent_id: Optional[int],
name: Optional[str],
coro: Union[Generator, Awaitable[Any]],
func = get_current_task
self._name = f"{func.__module__}.{func.__qualname__}" int = id
self.parent_id: Optional[int] = parent_id Optional[str] = name
self.coro: Union[Generator, Awaitable[Any]] = coro
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
if isinstance(other, TaskInfo):
return ==
return NotImplemented
def __hash__(self) -> int:
return hash(
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(id={!r}, name={!r})"
def __await__(self) -> Generator[None, None, "TaskInfo"]:
if False:
return self
def _unwrap(self) -> "TaskInfo":
return self
def get_current_task() -> TaskInfo:
Return the current task.
:return: a representation of the current task
return get_asynclib().get_current_task()
def get_running_tasks() -> DeprecatedAwaitableList[TaskInfo]:
Return a list of running tasks in the current event loop.
:return: a list of task info objects
tasks = get_asynclib().get_running_tasks()
return DeprecatedAwaitableList(tasks, func=get_running_tasks)
async def wait_all_tasks_blocked() -> None:
"""Wait until all other tasks are waiting for something."""
await get_asynclib().wait_all_tasks_blocked()

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