import re # Use Unicode characters instead of their ascii pseudo-replacements UNICODE_SNOB = False # Marker to use for marking tables for padding post processing TABLE_MARKER_FOR_PAD = "special_marker_for_table_padding" # Escape all special characters. Output is less readable, but avoids # corner case formatting issues. ESCAPE_SNOB = False # Put the links after each paragraph instead of at the end. LINKS_EACH_PARAGRAPH = False # Wrap long lines at position. 0 for no wrapping. BODY_WIDTH = 78 # Don't show internal links (href="#local-anchor") -- corresponding link # targets won't be visible in the plain text file anyway. SKIP_INTERNAL_LINKS = True # Use inline, rather than reference, formatting for images and links INLINE_LINKS = True # Protect links from line breaks surrounding them with angle brackets (in # addition to their square brackets) PROTECT_LINKS = False # WRAP_LINKS = True WRAP_LINKS = True # Wrap list items. WRAP_LIST_ITEMS = False # Number of pixels Google indents nested lists GOOGLE_LIST_INDENT = 36 # Values Google and others may use to indicate bold text BOLD_TEXT_STYLE_VALUES = ("bold", "700", "800", "900") IGNORE_ANCHORS = False IGNORE_IMAGES = False IMAGES_AS_HTML = False IMAGES_TO_ALT = False IMAGES_WITH_SIZE = False IGNORE_EMPHASIS = False MARK_CODE = False DECODE_ERRORS = "strict" DEFAULT_IMAGE_ALT = "" PAD_TABLES = False # Convert links with same href and text to <href> format # if they are absolute links USE_AUTOMATIC_LINKS = True # For checking space-only lines on line 771 RE_SPACE = re.compile(r"\s\+") RE_ORDERED_LIST_MATCHER = re.compile(r"\d+\.\s") RE_UNORDERED_LIST_MATCHER = re.compile(r"[-\*\+]\s") RE_MD_CHARS_MATCHER = re.compile(r"([\\\[\]\(\)])") RE_MD_CHARS_MATCHER_ALL = re.compile(r"([`\*_{}\[\]\(\)#!])") # to find links in the text RE_LINK = re.compile(r"(\[.*?\] ?\(.*?\))|(\[.*?\]:.*?)") RE_MD_DOT_MATCHER = re.compile( r""" ^ # start of line (\s*\d+) # optional whitespace and a number (\.) # dot (?=\s) # lookahead assert whitespace """, re.MULTILINE | re.VERBOSE, ) RE_MD_PLUS_MATCHER = re.compile( r""" ^ (\s*) (\+) (?=\s) """, flags=re.MULTILINE | re.VERBOSE, ) RE_MD_DASH_MATCHER = re.compile( r""" ^ (\s*) (-) (?=\s|\-) # followed by whitespace (bullet list, or spaced out hr) # or another dash (header or hr) """, flags=re.MULTILINE | re.VERBOSE, ) RE_SLASH_CHARS = r"\`*_{}[]()#+-.!" RE_MD_BACKSLASH_MATCHER = re.compile( r""" (\\) # match one slash (?=[%s]) # followed by a char that requires escaping """ % re.escape(RE_SLASH_CHARS), flags=re.VERBOSE, ) UNIFIABLE = { "rsquo": "'", "lsquo": "'", "rdquo": '"', "ldquo": '"', "copy": "(C)", "mdash": "--", "nbsp": " ", "rarr": "->", "larr": "<-", "middot": "*", "ndash": "-", "oelig": "oe", "aelig": "ae", "agrave": "a", "aacute": "a", "acirc": "a", "atilde": "a", "auml": "a", "aring": "a", "egrave": "e", "eacute": "e", "ecirc": "e", "euml": "e", "igrave": "i", "iacute": "i", "icirc": "i", "iuml": "i", "ograve": "o", "oacute": "o", "ocirc": "o", "otilde": "o", "ouml": "o", "ugrave": "u", "uacute": "u", "ucirc": "u", "uuml": "u", "lrm": "", "rlm": "", } # Format tables in HTML rather than Markdown syntax BYPASS_TABLES = False # Ignore table-related tags (table, th, td, tr) while keeping rows IGNORE_TABLES = False # Use a single line break after a block element rather than two line breaks. # NOTE: Requires body width setting to be 0. SINGLE_LINE_BREAK = False # Use double quotation marks when converting the <q> tag. OPEN_QUOTE = '"' CLOSE_QUOTE = '"'