import json #Insert in DB def SQLInsert(inRequest,inGlobalDict): inResponseDict = inRequest.OpenRPAResponseDict # Create result JSON lResultJSON = {"FlagSQLInsert": False} #Read the body #ReadRequest lInputJSON={} if inRequest.headers.get('Content-Length') is not None: lInputByteArrayLength = int(inRequest.headers.get('Content-Length')) print(lInputByteArray.decode('utf8')) #Превращение массива байт в объект lInputJSON=json.loads(lInputByteArray.decode('utf8')) ######################################## print(lInputJSON) import sqlite3 conn = sqlite3.connect(inGlobalDict["SQLite"]["DBPath"]) c = conn.cursor() # Loop for rows for lRowItem in lInputJSON: my_dict = lRowItem["RowDict"] # Insert a row of data columns = ', '.join(my_dict.keys()) placeholders = ':'+', :'.join(my_dict.keys()) query = f'INSERT INTO {lRowItem["TableName"]} (%s) VALUES (%s)' % (columns, placeholders) c.execute(query, my_dict) # Save (commit) the changes conn.commit() # We can also close the connection if we are done with it. # Just be sure any changes have been committed or they will be lost. conn.close() ######################################## # Send message back to client message = json.dumps(lResultJSON) # Write content as utf-8 data inResponseDict["Body"] = bytes(message, "utf8") def GetScreenshot(inRequest,inGlobalDict): # Get Screenshot def SaveScreenshot(inFilePath): # grab fullscreen # Save the entire virtual screen as a PNG lScreenshot = getScreenAsImage()'screenshot.png', format='png') # lScreenshot = ScreenshotSecondScreen.grab_screen() # save image file #'screenshot.png') # Сохранить файл на диск SaveScreenshot("Screenshot.png") lFileObject = open("Screenshot.png", "rb") # Write content as utf-8 data inRequest.OpenRPAResponseDict["Body"] = # Закрыть файловый объект lFileObject.close() def SettingsUpdate(inGlobalConfiguration): import os import pyOpenRPA.Orchestrator lOrchestratorFolder = "\\".join(pyOpenRPA.Orchestrator.__file__.split("\\")[:-1]) lURLList = \ [ #List of available URLs with the orchestrator server #{ # "Method":"GET|POST", # "URL": "/index", #URL of the request # "MatchType": "", #"BeginWith|Contains|Equal|EqualCase", # "ResponseFilePath": "", #Absolute or relative path # "ResponseFolderPath": "", #Absolute or relative path # "ResponseContentType": "", #HTTP Content-type # "ResponseDefRequestGlobal": None #Function with str result #} #Orchestrator basic dependencies {"Method":"POST", "URL": "/", "MatchType": "EqualCase", "ResponseDefRequestGlobal": SQLInsert, "ResponseContentType": "text/html"}, {"Method":"GET", "URL": "/3rdParty/Semantic-UI-CSS-master/semantic.min.css", "MatchType": "EqualCase", "ResponseFilePath": os.path.join(lOrchestratorFolder, "..\\Resources\\Web\\Semantic-UI-CSS-master\\semantic.min.css"), "ResponseContentType": "text/css"} ] inGlobalConfiguration["Server"]["URLList"]=inGlobalConfiguration["Server"]["URLList"]+lURLList return inGlobalConfiguration