# pyOpenRPA Powerfull OpenSource RPA tool for business (based on python 3). Best perfomance and absolutely free! # Donate pyOpenRPA is absolutely non-commercial project. [Please donate some money if this project is important for you. Link to online donations.](https://money.yandex.ru/to/4100115560661986) ## Wiki In wiki you can find: - [About OpenRPA, library dependencies and licensing](Wiki/01.-About-OpenRPA,-library-dependencies-and-licensing.md) - [Architecture (Studio, Robot, Orchestrator)](Wiki/02.-Architecture-(Studio,-Robot,-Orchestrator).md) - [How to install (system requirements)](Wiki/03.-How-to-install-(system-requirements).md) - [Tool Studio: How to use](Wiki/04.1.-Tool-Studio.-How-to-use.md) - [Tool Robot: How to use](Wiki/04.2.-Tool-Robot.-How-to-use.md) - Tool Orchestrator: How to use - [Theory & practice: Web app access (Chrome, Firefox, Opera)](Wiki/05.1.-Theory-&-practice.-Web-app-access-(Chrome,-Firefox,-Opera).md) - [Theory & practice: Desktop app UI access (win32 and UI automation dlls)](Wiki/05.2.-Theory-&-practice.-Desktop-app-UI-access-(win32-and-UI-automation-dlls).md) - Theory & practice: Keyboard & mouse manipulation - Theory & practice: Screen capture & image recognition ## Tutorials [ENG] Content in progress
[RUS] [Перейти в раздел туториалов](Wiki/RUS_Tutorial/README.md) # Copyrights & Contacts pyOpenRPA is created by Ivan Maslov (Russia). Use it for free!
*My purpose is to create [#IT4Business](https://www.facebook.com/RU.IT4Business) models.*
If you need IT help feel free to contact me.
##My contacts:
E-mail: Ivan.Maslov@UnicodeLabs.ru
Skype: MegaFinder
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RU.Ivan.Maslov
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/RU-IvanMaslov/ # Dependencies * Python 3 x32 [psutil, pywinauto, wmi, PIL, keyboard, pyautogui, win32api (pywin32), selenium, openCV, tesseract, requests, lxml, PyMuPDF] * Python 3 x64 [psutil, pywinauto, wmi, PIL, keyboard, pyautogui, win32api (pywin32), selenium, openCV, tesseract, requests, lxml, PyMuPDF] * pywinauto (Windows GUI automation) * Semantic UI CSS framework * JsRender by https://www.jsviews.com (switch to Handlebars) * Handlebars