1. Create user for Orchestrator console session (pay attention for administrator rights - is needed for RobotRDPActive) - how to create user look windows instructions 2. Create AutoAdminLogon in windows for Orchestrator user - go in console session when restart (Utils/AutoLogon(ProtectedPassword).zip) - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/autologon 3. Add Orchestrator in startup - win+r > shell:startup > add shortcut of orchestrator. Add shortcut to pyOpenRPA.Orchestrator_x64_administrator_startup.cmd if you want to auto start orchestrator as administrator Screen active is require administrator rights because of tscon cmd usage (to switch to console desktop session after the RDP). ! ATTENTION ! Screen active can be used only with local administrator rights on the machine OpenRPA suggest 2 ways to automate run Way 1 (create task in windows task scheduler to run with extended rights ScreenActive or Orchestrator) Way 2 (use shortcut ScreenActive| Orchestrator to run with administrator rights in shortcut options) To turn off UAC window got to Menu > Change User Account Control Settings > Select Never notify