import datetime import http.client import json import os import sys import subprocess import importlib import psutil from . import BackwardCompatibility # Use backward compatibility to goes to the new processor from . import Processor # Use new processor import copy #Input arg # [ # { # "Type": , # host: , # port: , # bodyObject: # }, # { # "Type": "CMDStart", # "Command": "" # }, # { # "Type": "OrchestratorRestart" # }, # { # "Type": "OrchestratorSessionSave" # }, # { # "Type": "GlobalDictKeyListValueSet", # "KeyList": ["key1","key2",...], # "Value": # }, # { # "Type": "GlobalDictKeyListValueAppend", # "KeyList": ["key1","key2",...], # "Value": # }, # { # "Type": "GlobalDictKeyListValueOperator+", # "KeyList": ["key1","key2",...], # "Value": # }, # { # "Type": "GlobalDictKeyListValueGet", # "KeyList": ["key1","key2",...] # }, # { # "Type":"ProcessStart", # "Path":"", # "ArgList":[] # }, # { # "Type":"ProcessStartIfTurnedOff", # "CheckTaskName":"", #Check if current task name is not active (then start process), # "Path":"", # "ArgList":[] # }, # { # "Type":"ProcessStop", # "Name":"", # "FlagForce":True, # "User":"" #Empty - all users, user or %username% # }, # { # "Type":"PythonStart", # "ModuleName":"", # "FunctionName":"", # "ArgList":[], # "ArgDict":{} # }, # { # "Type":"WindowsLogon", # "Domain":"", # "User":"", # "Password":"" # # Return "Result": True - user is logged on, False - user is not logged on # } # ] ################################## #Output result # with attributes: # "DateTimeUTCStringStart" # "DateTimeUTCStringStop" # "Result" gSettingsDict = None def Activity(inActivity): lItem = copy.deepcopy(inActivity) global gSettingsDict # Update 2020.10 - go to the new processor lActivityNew = BackwardCompatibility.v1_2_0_ProcessorOld2NewActivityDict(inActivityOld=inActivity) # Append new activity in list lItem["Result"] = Processor.ActivityListExecute(inGSettings = gSettingsDict, inActivityList = [inActivity]) """ #Глобальная переменная - глобальный словарь унаследованный от lL = gSettingsDict["Logger"] # Alias for logger #Alias (compatibility) lItem = inActivity lCurrentDateTime = ########################################################### #Обработка запроса на отправку команды на удаленную машину ########################################################### if lItem["Type"]=="RemoteMachineProcessingRun": lHTTPConnection = http.client.HTTPConnection(lItem["host"], lItem["port"], timeout=5) try: lHTTPConnection.request("POST","/ProcessingRun",json.dumps(lItem["bodyObject"])) except Exception as e: #Объединение словарей lItem["Result"] = {"State":"disconnected","ExceptionString":str(e)} else: lHTTPResponse=lHTTPConnection.getresponse() lItem["Result"] = json.loads(lHTTPResponseByteArray.decode('utf8')) ########################################################### #Обработка команды CMDStart ########################################################### if lItem["Type"]=="CMDStart": lCMDCode="cmd /c "+lItem["Command"] subprocess.Popen(lCMDCode) lResultCMDRun=1#os.system(lCMDCode) lItem["Result"] = str(lResultCMDRun) ########################################################### #Обработка команды OrchestratorRestart ########################################################### if lItem["Type"]=="OrchestratorRestart": # Dump RDP List in file json lFile = open("_SessionLast_RDPList.json", "w", encoding="utf-8") lFile.write(json.dumps(gSettingsDict["RobotRDPActive"]["RDPList"])) # dump json to file lFile.close() # Close the file if lL:"Orchestrator has dump the RDP list before the restart. The RDP List is {gSettingsDict['RobotRDPActive']['RDPList']}. Do restart") # Restart session os.execl(sys.executable, os.path.abspath(__file__), *sys.argv) lItem["Result"] = True sys.exit(0) ########################################################### # Обработка команды OrchestratorSessionSave ########################################################### if lItem["Type"] == "OrchestratorSessionSave": # Dump RDP List in file json lFile = open("_SessionLast_RDPList.json", "w", encoding="utf-8") lFile.write(json.dumps(gSettingsDict["RobotRDPActive"]["RDPList"])) # dump json to file lFile.close() # Close the file if lL: f"Orchestrator has dump the RDP list before the restart. The RDP List is {gSettingsDict['RobotRDPActive']['RDPList']}") lItem["Result"] = True ########################################################### #Обработка команды GlobalDictKeyListValueSet ########################################################### if lItem["Type"]=="GlobalDictKeyListValueSet": lDict = gSettingsDict for lItem2 in lItem["KeyList"][:-1]: #Check if key - value exists if lItem2 in lDict: pass else: lDict[lItem2]={} lDict=lDict[lItem2] #Set value lDict[lItem["KeyList"][-1]]=lItem["Value"] lItem["Result"] = True ########################################################### # Обработка команды GlobalDictKeyListValueAppend ########################################################### if lItem["Type"] == "GlobalDictKeyListValueAppend": lDict = gSettingsDict for lItem2 in lItem["KeyList"][:-1]: # Check if key - value exists if lItem2 in lDict: pass else: lDict[lItem2] = {} lDict = lDict[lItem2] # Set value lDict[lItem["KeyList"][-1]].append(lItem["Value"]) lItem["Result"] = True ########################################################### # Обработка команды GlobalDictKeyListValueOperator+ ########################################################### if lItem["Type"] == "GlobalDictKeyListValueOperator+": lDict = gSettingsDict for lItem2 in lItem["KeyList"][:-1]: # Check if key - value exists if lItem2 in lDict: pass else: lDict[lItem2] = {} lDict = lDict[lItem2] # Set value lDict[lItem["KeyList"][-1]]+=lItem["Value"] lItem["Result"] = True ########################################################### #Обработка команды GlobalDictKeyListValueGet ########################################################### if lItem["Type"]=="GlobalDictKeyListValueGet": lDict = gSettingsDict for lItem2 in lItem["KeyList"][:-1]: #Check if key - value exists if lItem2 in lDict: pass else: lDict[lItem2]={} lDict=lDict[lItem2] #Return value lItem["Result"]=lDict.get(lItem["KeyList"][-1],None) ##################################### #ProcessStart ##################################### if lItem["Type"]=="ProcessStart": #Вид активности - запуск процесса #Запись в массив отработанных активностей #Запустить процесс lItemArgs=[lItem["Path"]] lItemArgs.extend(lItem["ArgList"]) subprocess.Popen(lItemArgs,shell=True) ##################################### #ProcessStartIfTurnedOff ##################################### if lItem["Type"]=="ProcessStartIfTurnedOff": #Check if process running #remove .exe from Taskname if exists lCheckTaskName = lItem["CheckTaskName"] if len(lCheckTaskName)>4: if lCheckTaskName[-4:].upper() != ".EXE": lCheckTaskName = lCheckTaskName+".exe" else: lCheckTaskName = lCheckTaskName+".exe" #Check if process exist if not CheckIfProcessRunning(lCheckTaskName): #Вид активности - запуск процесса #Запись в массив отработанных активностей #Запустить процесс lItemArgs=[lItem["Path"]] lItemArgs.extend(lItem["ArgList"]) subprocess.Popen(lItemArgs,shell=True) ################################# #ProcessStop ################################# if lItem["Type"]=="ProcessStop": #Вид активности - остановка процесса #часовой пояс пока не учитываем #Сформировать команду на завершение lActivityCloseCommand='taskkill /im '+lItem["Name"] #TODO Сделать безопасную обработку,если параметра нет в конфигурации if lItem.get('FlagForce',False): lActivityCloseCommand+=" /F" #Завершить процессы только текущего пользоваиеля if lItem.get('User',"")!="": lActivityCloseCommand+=f' /fi "username eq {lItem["User"]}"' #Завершить процесс os.system(lActivityCloseCommand) ################################# #PythonStart ################################# if lItem["Type"]=="PythonStart": try: #Подключить модуль для вызова lModule=importlib.import_module(lItem["ModuleName"]) #Найти функцию lFunction=getattr(lModule,lItem["FunctionName"]) lItem["Result"]=lFunction(*lItem.get("ArgList",[]),**lItem.get("ArgDict",{})) except Exception as e: if lL: lL.exception("Loop activity error: module/function not founded") ################################# # Windows logon ################################# if lItem["Type"] == "WindowsLogon": import win32security try: hUser = win32security.LogonUser( lItem["User"], lItem["Domain"], lItem["Password"], win32security.LOGON32_LOGON_NETWORK, win32security.LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT ) except win32security.error: lItem["Result"] = False else: lItem["Result"] = True ################################### """ #Вернуть результат return lItem def ActivityListOrDict(inActivityListOrDict): #Check arg type (list or dict) if type(inActivityListOrDict)==list: #List activity lResult=[] for lItem in inActivityListOrDict: lResult.append(Activity(lItem)) return lResult if type(inActivityListOrDict)==dict: #Dict activity return Activity(inActivityListOrDict) def CheckIfProcessRunning(processName): ''' Check if there is any running process that contains the given name processName. ''' #Iterate over the all the running process for proc in psutil.process_iter(): try: # Check if process name contains the given name string. if processName.lower() in return True except (psutil.NoSuchProcess, psutil.AccessDenied, psutil.ZombieProcess): pass return False;